
SENTIVE - rain drops

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  1. This folder's size is 16,0 MB, which is greater than the allowed size of 10.0 MB without video. You should consider this.
  2. AIMod says that the SB file rain.png is missing, check that out.
  1. 00:34:334 (1,2) - I'd prefer if you avoid stacking these two circles together and place (2) at the center instead.
  2. 00:37:191 (3,4) - Same as above for the same reason.
  3. 01:04:810 (1,2) - Once again, please don't stack them together.
  4. 01:07:667 (3,4) - Same as above for the same reason.
  5. 02:20:524 (5,6) - Again, this stack might be confusing for beginners.
  1. Increase HP Drain by 1 tick to balance with the difficulty settings.
  1. 01:31:476 (6) - New combo due to the new stanza and music change.
  2. 02:06:715 (4,5) - I don't really like this overlap here, it would look and play better if spaced normally imo.
Nice map :3
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Grazie! \:D/

  1. il bg è cosi piccolo :< *sad* tieni una versione 1024x768 /o3o/
  1. 00:34:334 (1,2) - io eviterei in una diff cosi rilassante di usare stack,cerca di eliminarli stessa cosa con : 00:37:191 (3,4) - idem con 01:04:810 (1,2,3,4) - ; 02:20:524 (5,6) -
  2. 01:50:524 (1) - non mi piace molto il flow di questo slider perché non cerchi di fare in modo che la reversearrow sia rivolta dalla parte opposta? una cosa simile in pratica:
  3. 02:16:238 (2) - io farei in modo che questo slider in un certo senso aderisca al precedente,in una maniera simile:
  1. 00:43:857 (5) - io sposterei questo slider leggermente sulla sinistra per avere un flow poco poco migliore
  2. 01:30:842 (4) - o 01:31:476 - qui ci vorrebbe una new combo secondo me
  3. è una bella diff *3* l'unica cosa che non mi piace diciamo molto e che da 01:42:905 - qui lo spacing sembra molto stretto,secondo me lo dovevi aumentare unpochino dato che una parte che i normali giocatori sigletapperanno lo spacing diciamo sara un po' una cosa che rovina un po' il flow, io ti consiglierei di aumentarlo di 0.10,ma sta a te alla fina è solo una mia opinione di gusto personale o3o

buona fortuna :3
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Grazie per il mod! o3o/
Hi hero o3o/ Nice SENTIVE =w=

  1. [Events]
    //Background and Video events
    Change da 1,1 to 0,0 pls. 1,1 will get some displacement while gameplaying
  2. Tags: Eikyū use simple u instead? Also tag game perhaps (since morenatsu is a game)
  1. FAK U CS6 e_e
  2. 00:37:191 - Since you add some whistles at the third red tick (snap by 1/3, ex: 00:33:381 - ), it would be really weird if you place nothing here. Add a whistle instead nothing may be more consistent and nice imo.
  3. 00:52:429 - Same here too.
  4. 00:53:381 (2,3) - This pattern isn't flow enough. 00:53:381 (2) - 's slider end should toward 00:55:286 (3) - 's sliderbegin. Current pattern is just opposite, which's flow-less. Try to Ctrl+G for 00:55:286 (3) -, don't forget fix the spacing!
  5. 01:07:667 - You know that.
  6. 01:17:191 (2) - If I were you, I'll remove this note. You did leave some 2/1-breaks before, so leave it again won't be weird. Also I can't hear any music in the background, so a note here maybe not following musics.
  7. 01:41:000 - Whistle perhaps? Saw you add a whistle at 01:37:191 - , to be consistent, add it here again.
  8. 02:06:715 (4,5) - I'm nazi, but the placement is just.. you know, not in my taste. Try this perhaps? Don't forget to fix the spacing afterwards.

    (5) : x:408, y:56.
  9. 02:13:381 - Just suggestion: Increase the volume here by 20%~30% to emphasize the finish sound in the music? (Do this in all diff in you accept)
    I'm not really into the last pattern, which the sliders are just straight. But meh, this is a nice diff. Cool CS6.
  1. 00:21:953 (2) - Whistle pls.
  2. 00:34:334 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - This is kinda tricky with those stacking. Since your AR is pretty low, it's hard to read for beginners. Try to use some polygon notes instead this placements, or just add some NCes.
  3. 00:52:429 (2) - whistle e_e
  4. 02:11:477 - Whistle for emphasizing the music? Listen to the music by 3~4 times here, I'm sure the piano sound here is kinda loud.
  5. 02:19:096 (4) - nazi: This can be more curve for blanketing I think. At least move down the second node 1 gird.
Good luck hero, nice map!
Ciao, m4m dalla tua queue D:

Allora, avevi fatto delle domande:
1) What do you think about the SB? Should I do something else? If yes, what do you suggest?
- Secondo me la SB al momento è molto bella, però proverei a suggerirti una cosa (premetto che non so assolutamente nulla di SB, non so neanche se sia possibile farlo). Comunque io aumenterei in qualche modo l'intensità della pioggia da questo punto della canzone 01:41:953 - E poi ancora di più da questo punto 02:13:381 - Se lo facessi la map diventerebbe ancora più carina secondo me
2) Do you like difficulty names? If no, what do you suggest?
Sì, non vedo nessun problema con questi nomi
3) Do you like the current custom hitsounds? If no, which one should I use?
A me piacciono, però dovresti un po' alzare il volume dei clap, siccome in certi punti anche togliendoli non cambia nulla, e poi 01:42:905 - Da questo punto in poi ti consiglierei di aggiungere dei Normal Clap con 10% di volume sul secondo e sul quarto tick bianco, oppure appunto qualche altro custom clap, secondo me con qualcosa del genere la map risulterebbe più piena, ti consiglio caldamente di farlo, poi però vedi tu!
Un'altra cosa che vale per tutte le diff: Io alzerei un po' il volume di questi finish, per enfetizzare 02:13:381 - 02:28:619 -


Ok, penso che sia una tua scelta, però metterei due spari di kiai qui 02:13:381 - e qui 02:28:619


01:01:953 (4) - Userei ctrl+g così quando poi si cliccano 01:03:857 (5,1) viene da fare un cerchio e secondo me scorre meglio
01:27:667 (1) - Magari trasformalo in due slider, così è un po' noioso da giocare
01:35:286 (1) - ^
02:10:048 (2,3) - Secondo me se li scambiassi di posizione flowwerebbe meglio


01:02:905 (5) - E' una piccolezza ma metterei il secondo sliderpoint in 410|259 e il terzo in 309|266 così lo slider fa un blanket perfetto con quello precedente
01:25:127 (3) - Uhm, questo blanket è un po' bruttino, prova a migliorarlo
02:12:429 (7) - Se non hai seguito il mio suggerimento di prima sui clap, allora dovresti mettere tre whistles su questo slider


Riguardo al piazzamento delle note c'è poco da dire, sono piazzate molto bene, però tieni conto dei suggerimenti sugli hitsounds...
La map mi piace, ti do una stella, buona fortuna :P
hi hero! :D Hoping for a mod from you, and that my mod is helpful >< take these as suggestions! Your map is great already, so I only have a couple things to suggest:


Maybe you can replace some straight sliders with curved sliders near the end? To me, the straight sliders seem harsh and stiff in contrast to the really soft and gentle song.

Such as: 02:26:9523 (5) and 02:27:095 (8) - maybe you can make these curved so that the whole pattern looks like a circle?

Also, I think the song has a 1/6 pattern a couple times, like in 02:18:857 (3,4,5,6) - this pattern seems to flow a bit better for me, and it hits all the piano notes:


lol, all i have to suggest is 00:45:762 (3) - ctrl + G? move the next circles accordingly if you do

Great song, love the SB (especially the sun at the end) and the custom hit sounds :), as well as the diff names. Good luck!
from your queue.. okay try this

00:21:953 (2) - whistle?
00:35:286 (2,3) - make this object with normal spacing 1,00x? also, i think unstack because it's easy diff ><
00:52:429 (2) - whistle?
01:07:667 (3,4) - avoid spacing 0,90? x:112 y:248 maybe
01:34:334 (2) - whistle?
01:54:334 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - - i think newbie kinda hard to read this, how about 01:56:238 (4,5,6) - move in x:172 y:240?
02:01:953 (1,2,3) - change like 01:58:143 (1) - ?
02:20:524 (5,6) - unstack? maybe x:324 y:236

CS-1 or OD-1
00:41:953 - maybe whistle?
01:14:334 - whistle?
01:20:048 (1) - how about ctrl+H and move in x:276 y:192, flow better imo
01:32:746 (7,8) - use normal spacing 1,00x?
01:59:810 (5) - x:264 y:212?

Nice map~ GL :3
as M4M


1. use this as soft-hitclap2 it feels better than whsitles 01:43:857 - like here
2. how about add whsitles on 00:57:191 (2) - such as this part? ( i can cleary hear piano sound there :/
don't know about SB orz but i think it works well


can't catch anything orzz


01:42:905 ~ i'm recommend use 1.2x DS on this part since music feels little bit stronger and 1.0x DS isn't look good imo ( or at least 02:13:381 - from here )
02:12:429 (7) - add whistle on all of this slider, ( you may know why )
02:19:810 (5) - clap on end
02:31:715 (7) - ^ on head
02:35:286 (7) - ^ on repeat
02:36:238 (1) - try whistle here
Topic Starter
Thanks guys! \:D/
Hi :D


Perché BG sun ha una dimensione differente da BG thunderlight? Usa due dimensioni uguali te lo consiglio :)

00:34:334 (1,2,3,4) - Io sconsiglio l'antijump qua, non ce lo vedo bene :/

A livello di pattern è praticamente perfetta, ma un piccolo consiglio: prova ad usare qualche hitsound drum, ci starebbero bene, specialmente da qua 01:42:905 - :)


00:11:476 - Aggiungi whistle
00:15:286 - ^
00:19:096 - ^
00:24:810 (3) - Lo muoverei un po' più in basso e a sinistra
00:26:715 - Aggiungi whistle (ce li vedo bene lol :( )
00:28:619 (4) - Cambiare la forma di questo slider?
00:30:524 - Sempre whistle xD
00:34:334 - ^
00:41:953 - ^
00:45:762 - ^
00:49:572 - ^ (vabbè non li dico tutti, hai capito il pattern...)
01:18:143 (3) - Metterlo così? 01:54:096 (1) - Occhio alla distanza
02:05:524 (1) - Same, magari potrebbe essere oggetto di errore xD
02:16:715 (8) - Metterlo tipo così? 02:24:334 (8) - Curvalo così, ci sta molto bene
Riguardo ai drum-hitsound stanno bene pure in questa diff :)

Tutto qua, ottima map e la sb mi piace, star! :D

AIMod says that you overdo in size of beatmap and your rain pngs is 1mb each, I guess you should encode to jpeg them :)
my bad :D

00:19:096 (1) - whistle on the end will sound nice
00:22:905 (3) - also on repeat
00:41:000 (7) - and here you miss your consistency
01:21:476 (1) - this slider is not follow anything, sounds really out of rhythm, you can follow piano here
01:27:667 (1) - 2x repeat, yes music is calm but such 2x repeats really boring even for such slow song
01:35:286 (1) - ^ and again
02:03:857 (4) - you can improve flow by making something like
02:26:715 (4,5,1) - ok, I'll suggest to swap this pattern on right side because, now on play it seems for me that map is concentrated in top left corner

CS6 oh, that may be interesting :3
00:24:810 (3) - I think you should avoid this ... cs6 you have a lot of space no need to make some parts of gameplay out of screen
01:24:810 (2) - this circle is not follow anything, remove?
02:34:096 (3,4,5,6,7) - for the same reason as on Calm i suggest you to

Good Luck!
M4m~ Scusa ma non ho trovato altro da moddare, se non ti è utile fa niente per il m4m D:

Btw, è difficile mappare roba del genere lo so. Non ti è uscita male dai (non che a me uscirebbe meglio lol)

00:19:096 (1,2) - Più spacing direi, è abbastanza unreadable
00:44:810 (2) - x:256 y:264 flowa meglio
00:52:429 (2) - Idem come prima asd
01:21:000 (1) - boh non mi piace D: Tipo questo?
01:25:762 (4) - ^

Troppo piccoli i cerchi, anche perché diventano ingiocabili in HR e dato che l'ar è 6 credo che in molti la giocheranno tipo dt hr.
00:14:969 (1) - Togli la NC e mettila su 00:15:286 (2)
00:21:953 (1) - Togli la NC e mettila su 00:22:905 (2)
00:26:397 (1,2) - ^. Vabbè, hai capito come intendo, per tutta la durata della map (se vuoi fixare). Se non hai capito chiedi pure in game :V
00:24:810 (3) - Forse è outscreen a una bassa risoluzione ma non sono sicuro lol
Random mod, sorry

* The position of BG Sun is not fit to the BG, use this code for BG Sun

00:38:143 (4) - New combo for new part of music?

00:24:810 (3) - Looks offscreen, move a bit?

This song is perfect for Yoga stuff....
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Fixed a couple of things, thanks! :D
Since you decided my mod as not useful please spend 10 minutes write down answer for mod with reasons why you deny suggestions. This will help me to improve in future. Thanks!
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Basically the things you suggested me to change break spacing consistencies/specific patterns. Also:

Sieg wrote:

01:21:476 (1) - this slider is not follow anything, sounds really out of rhythm, you can follow piano here Listen the music carefully, it is following something.
01:27:667 (1) - 2x repeat, yes music is calm but such 2x repeats really boring even for such slow song 2x repeat fits here since the song repeats itself.
01:35:286 (1) - ^ and again ^

00:24:810 (3) - I think you should avoid this ... cs6 you have a lot of space no need to make some parts of gameplay out of screen It's not offscreen, even with easy mod enabled it's still not offscreen.
01:24:810 (2) - this circle is not follow anything, remove? Same as above, listen the music carefully.
hi what a beautiful song~

- Isn't the Source supposed to be Morenatsu like the rest of your maps? If it is, don't forget to delete from tags

- Not sure if this is an issue but the first note/preview point is 00:11:476 (1) - but the offset is 11477. Something's unsnapped?

00:49:572 (1,2) - maybe you should stick with Distance snap since this is the easiest diff anyway

01:25:762 (4) - maybe a little stiff-looking compared to the rest of the map's sliders, you could add a slider point right in the middle to curve it more
01:41:953 (7) - NC, indicates the special spacing vs. rhythm change
02:27:667 (6) - Use 1/6 rhythm i feel like the piano is dominating over the beats in this case. Wouldn't hurt to get some variety
02:36:238 (1) - Clap, but not that important since it's really soft lol

Wonderful SB , I loved this!! :cry: xD
Good luck.
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LunarSakuya wrote:

hi what a beautiful song~

- Isn't the Source supposed to be Morenatsu like the rest of your maps? If it is, don't forget to delete from tags This song is not in the game but it's almost identical to the one used, listen.

- Not sure if this is an issue but the first note/preview point is 00:11:476 (1) - but the offset is 11477. Something's unsnapped? Afaik no, even If I set offset 11476 the first note will be at 00:11:475 so I guess this is ok.

00:49:572 (1,2) - maybe you should stick with Distance snap since this is the easiest diff anyway Meh, there are almost 2 seconds between the end of the slider and the circle so it's not necessary to use distance snap.

01:25:762 (4) - maybe a little stiff-looking compared to the rest of the map's sliders, you could add a slider point right in the middle to curve it more Done.
01:41:953 (7) - NC, indicates the special spacing vs. rhythm change Ok, done.
02:27:667 (6) - Use 1/6 rhythm i feel like the piano is dominating over the beats in this case. Wouldn't hurt to get some variety Alright, done.
02:36:238 (1) - Clap, but not that important since it's really soft lol Done lol

Wonderful SB , I loved this!! :cry: xD
Good luck.

Thanks a lot! :D

LunarSakuya wrote:

- Isn't the Source supposed to be Morenatsu like the rest of your maps? If it is, don't forget to delete from tags This song is not in the game but it's almost identical to the one used, listen.
What about all the Touhou maps lol (assuming this is a remix, a pretty similar one in fact, as well). I don't see how this is different much :?
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You’ve got a point there, fixed! Thanks again. :)

00:41:953 (1) - I find this ctrl+g flow better that it flows along with 00:41:000 (7) - better plus it symmetries with 00:45:762 (3) -

00:24:810 (3) - due to circle size, players who enables key overlay would find strange. It's possible at all to avoid this problem by just moving this slider away from this position a bit left

nothing much to point out because I'm not a nazi modder :P

Good luck !
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Checked your suggestions and decided to not fix anything due to personal preference, thanks anyway! :)
My reaction

When it's raining

  • Is that rain really from the mp3? so cool *-*
  1. Merp!
  2. Wondering maybe you should enable for that "Display epilepsy warning" ?
  1. 00:34:334 (1,2,3,4) - I don't really like the stacking here :/ might make it move somewhere? follow the song ~~ follow the rain drops flow~~~
  2. 01:04:810 (1,2,3,4) - ^
  3. 01:56:238 (4) - why don't you just make it at the middle of the line? so it looks like it's reflect for that circle (1)
  4. 02:05:762 (1) - move it lower a little bit. so it become straight
  • When I see the circle size, it's not that relaxing after all xD
  1. 01:42:429 () - don't want to add a circle here and the next 1/4?
  2. I don't really agree with this spacing
    1. 01:50:286 (1) - are you really going to put this circle so near? o.o it's quite confusing you know because just now got 1/4 with the same spacing as this.
    2. 01:54:096 (1) - ^
    3. 01:57:905 (1) - ^
    4. you can find more because it's nearby lol.
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HeatKai wrote:

My reaction

When it's raining
lol, glad you liked it :)

  • Is that rain really from the mp3? so cool *-* yup, this song is beautiful.
  1. Merp! Merp!
  2. Wondering maybe you should enable for that "Display epilepsy warning" ? There are just 2 sb pulses in this map and these flashes aren't so bright, a warning isn't really necessary imo.
  1. 00:34:334 (1,2,3,4) - I don't really like the stacking here :/ might make it move somewhere? follow the song ~~ follow the rain drops flow~~~
    I want to keep using simmetry here, also a stack emphasize the piano.
  2. 01:04:810 (1,2,3,4) - ^ ^
  3. 01:56:238 (4) - why don't you just make it at the middle of the line? so it looks like it's reflect for that circle (1) Oh god this is hard to explain, I'll just put this.
  4. 02:05:762 (1) - move it lower a little bit. so it become straight Same as above, I'm following a specific geometry here.
  • When I see the circle size, it's not that relaxing after all xD lol maybe you're right but small circles fit such a relaxing song.
  1. 01:42:429 () - don't want to add a circle here and the next 1/4? I prefer following only the piano here, it also build up a bit of... uh, "tension" to the next part of the diff which is harder.
  2. I don't really agree with this spacing
    1. 01:50:286 (1) - are you really going to put this circle so near? o.o it's quite confusing you know because just now got 1/4 with the same spacing as this. I made these spacings on purpose. The first time I listened to this song all these "tunz" sounds reminded me of an heart beating, such a reduced spacing emphasize the feeling that the song gave me. Also I asked for some testplays and nobody missed here.
    2. 01:54:096 (1) - ^
    3. 01:57:905 (1) - ^
    4. you can find more because it's nearby lol.

Thanks for your mod! :)
  • [Calm]
  1. 00:19:096 (1) - How about adding a whistle at the end of this slider to follow the piano? sounds too empty now imo.
  2. 00:49:572 (1) - ^
  3. 01:09:572 (5) - ^ This note sounds empty, the piano can be heard perfectly for whistle so consider adding it.
  4. 01:21:000 (1) - ^ At the repeat.
  5. 02:11:476 (4) - ^ At the start. Sounds too empty for being the slider previous to the chorus.
  6. 02:35:286 (5) - And here too (already explained in [Relaxing]):3?

    There's not much to say, only few whistle suggestions!
  • [Relaxing]

    *I agree with HeatKai. Such small hitcircles aren't relaxing to play nor see imo. ;_; Consider using a bigger circle size. Clicking bigger circles is much more relaxing than smaller circles imo.
  1. 00:24:810 (3) - Isn't it an issue to place an slider out of the grid? I've never seen this, so that's why I'm wondering about it. :oops:
  2. 02:10:524 (4,5) - This pattern can flow slightly better if you flip horizontally 02:10:524 (4) and place it more like this. What changes is that (4)'s curve is more over 02:11:238 (5)'s start, that's why it feels a bit more natural imo. Looks different but plays differnt too o3o
  3. 02:12:191 (5) - I suggest you to add a nc here to emphasize the start of the chorus and change of melody. Fits with the piano imo, but it's up to you.
  4. 02:27:667 (6) - How about adding a whistle to follow the piano sound here at the repeat of this slider? (not sure if it's a piano sound but, yeah, you can understand me o3o)
  5. 02:35:286 (8) - Whistle at the start of this slider to follow the piano? this is the last piano sound you mapped so it would be good, I think. :)

    Same with this difficulty. Nice job. I just don't like the small notes. They're too small and I personally find them annoying to play and watch instead of relaxing, but it may be just me..
I think I'll check this after you look at my mod. Really interesting map and song. The SB fits quite a lot and gives the mapset a good atmosphere.. but I repeat myself o3o what it ruins it a bit is the circle size of [Relaxing] (and again, imo).
Topic Starter

Kei wrote:

  • [Calm]
  1. 00:19:096 (1) - How about adding a whistle at the end of this slider to follow the piano? sounds too empty now imo.
  2. 00:49:572 (1) - ^
  3. 01:09:572 (5) - ^ This note sounds empty, the piano can be heard perfectly for whistle so consider adding it.
  4. 01:21:000 (1) - ^ At the repeat.
  5. 02:11:476 (4) - ^ At the start. Sounds too empty for being the slider previous to the chorus.
  6. 02:35:286 (5) - And here too (already explained in [Relaxing]):3?

    There's not much to say, only few whistle suggestions!

    Added more whistles to the whole diff.
  • [Relaxing]

    *I agree with HeatKai. Such small hitcircles aren't relaxing to play nor see imo. ;_; Consider using a bigger circle size. Clicking bigger circles is much more relaxing than smaller circles imo. Circle size was 6 before LunarSakuya's mod, I increased it more because a lot of patterns are much more sexy with small circles, just look at 01:42:905~end with CS 6 and CS 7.
  1. 00:24:810 (3) - Isn't it an issue to place an slider out of the grid? I've never seen this, so that's why I'm wondering about it. :oops: This slider is perfectly visible while playing so yeah, it's fine.
  2. 02:10:524 (4,5) - This pattern can flow slightly better if you flip horizontally 02:10:524 (4) and place it more like this. What changes is that (4)'s curve is more over 02:11:238 (5)'s start, that's why it feels a bit more natural imo. Looks different but plays differnt too o3o
    I prefer keeping my "windmill" pattern, I like it more.
  3. 02:12:191 (5) - I suggest you to add a nc here to emphasize the start of the chorus and change of melody. Fits with the piano imo, but it's up to you. I was undecided here but in the end I decided not to add it, I don't like having a really short combo.
  4. 02:27:667 (6) - How about adding a whistle to follow the piano sound here at the repeat of this slider? (not sure if it's a piano sound but, yeah, you can understand me o3o) A whistle there sounds really weird to me, it's kinda forced imo.
  5. 02:35:286 (8) - Whistle at the start of this slider to follow the piano? this is the last piano sound you mapped so it would be good, I think. :) Added to keep a consistency with 01:33:381 (9).

    Same with this difficulty. Nice job. I just don't like the small notes. They're too small and I personally find them annoying to play and watch instead of relaxing, but it may be just me..
I think I'll check this after you look at my mod. Really interesting map and song. The SB fits quite a lot and gives the mapset a good atmosphere.. but I repeat myself o3o what it ruins it a bit is the circle size of [Relaxing] (and again, imo).

Thanks for the mod! :D
this circle size + hard rock = love

lol confetti yay *O*

good luck ~
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Thanks. :)
Hi :3/

  1. Offset is a bit late imo. I always got 15ms early when testplaying in editor. So i think -15ms is more better.
  2. Wow, what a big rain PNG. 1mb each. Here i have compress all the PNG from 1mb each to 280kb each.
  1. 01:21:000 (1) - How about adding a whistle at this slider repeat? It will be more consistent and this part doesnt feel empty anymore.
  2. 02:11:476 (4) - Forgot a whistle at this slider repeat? You always do clap+whistle at previous rhythm, but not on this one ><
  1. AR +1 for more better readability? I find this diff is more enjoyable with AR 7 too.
  2. 00:24:810 (3) - You may want to move this slider a bit to right since its almost touch the border screen and key overlay in 4:3 ratio. >
That'a all i think ><
Call me back :3
Topic Starter

Miya wrote:

Hi :3/

  1. Offset is a bit late imo. I always got 15ms early when testplaying in editor. So i think -15ms is more better. -15ms is a bit too much imo, I'm going to ask some more timing checks since I'm not 100% sure about it.
  2. Wow, what a big rain PNG. 1mb each. Here i have compress all the PNG from 1mb each to 280kb each. Thanks! :)
  1. 01:21:000 (1) - How about adding a whistle at this slider repeat? It will be more consistent and this part doesnt feel empty anymore. This part is really calm and I don't like a whistle there, I prefer to keep adding a whistle every 4 white ticks.
  2. 02:11:476 (4) - Forgot a whistle at this slider repeat? You always do clap+whistle at previous rhythm, but not on this one >< Made this on purpose, rhythm is different here and I used a different hitsounds pattern.
  1. AR +1 for more better readability? I find this diff is more enjoyable with AR 7 too. With such a low BPM AR 7 doesn't fit at all imo.
  2. 00:24:810 (3) - You may want to move this slider a bit to right since its almost touch the border screen and key overlay in 4:3 ratio. Already suggested but I don't want to break spacing consistencies, even if this slider overlaps key overlay you can still see/play this slider without problems.
That'a all i think ><
Call me back :3
Thaaanks! \:D/
Timing check as requested in-game.

BPM: 63,00 - Offset: 11.485 (+8 from your current one - Remember to resnap all notes, green lines, etc.)

I hope this can help you, good luck!
Topic Starter
Much better, thanks!
I still feel the offset is toooo late. Orz, why +8? It makes the offset much late :(
Urgh idk, this timing is weird. But i feel you need -5 for the best offset.
I am getting offset 11470. Try that one I think it's really good. (tested with OD8 + doubletime, was getting SS almost, OD8+DT is kinda hard haha, but yeah seems about right to me)

Sorry for being so late, I actually forgot about this for a moment. ;_;
Topic Starter
Alright, thanks! :)
Ok, the timing is a lot better now. I told you the offset is too late :P

Good luck~ :3
Talked about the circle size, and it was decided that it'd be kept at CS7.

Top grade storyboard at that. Ranked.
More slow songs!!!
Great job :D
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