
The Touhou Project

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I'm pretty sure Byakuren will be playable in the full release. From the game's opening movie (translation copied from the Touhou Wiki):
But in Gensokyo, there were the religious
whose occupations were to satisfy the hearts that had been lost.

The monk who has built a temple in Gensokyo

The Taoist who abandoned the material world and aims for immortality

And the shrine maiden who seeks reinstatement.

I'm 99.9% certain the monk in question is Byakuren and the Taoist in question is Toyosatomimi no Miko. The shrine maiden in question is, of course, Reimu.
So Hopeless Masquarade full version will be released at Restaisai 10 which is may 26.

Well that was faster than I expected, this either means it will be a smaller IaMP sized game or the reveal was deep into the development.

And apparently Tasofro now says the recommended CPU for the game is an i7......what. The demo runs at a stable 60fps with all the graphical settings turned on on my dual-core 2.8ghz

With the release of the Touhou 14 demo(hopefully Zun will reveal if it's 14 or a decimal game in the radio interview tomorrow) this will be some fine Reitaisai.
Probably around 6-9 characters

Reimu, Marisa
Ichirin, Byakuren
Futo, Miko, Seiga

edit: I really hope 14 will be harder and more... polished.

To me, nothing comes close to IN in replayability and enjoyment, the last spells are a killer, to unlock and to clear. There's just so many things to unlock, i'll never be done with IN. Other games like UFO and SA I feel are too one dimensional. There's the game and stage practice, but that's it.
I honestly think there wasn't anything wrong with 13 it's just with this particular gimmick goes only this far. However it's completely true that somehow it's not as fun as the others.

Scoring could be fun but how you have to kill enemies early to drop grey items AND try to connect with other enemy groups that never come at the right time that would be just to much planning for me. (I still find th12's scoring more annoying especially when a UFO decides to leave a second early ruining your run)

About it's difficulty I still want to say it's harder than 6,7, 8 and maybe 10 but mostly because how annoying and gimmicky the Yoshika (so you have a wall you want to pass, than these lasers to slip through AND collect blue orbs so she won't heal herself) and Seiga (having a Yoshika in my face creeping toward me while I want fight someone else is annoying ) fight is.

Imperishable Night without a question has the most fun scoring gimmick of all, it's just so fun to play recklessly for score and it's actually fun to experiment with which one is better playing unfocused for 3x graze or focused for time. PCB is second best only because I know the cherry border can be timed but it just need so much precision.
Has it actually been confirmed that we'll get a new demo (Touhou 14) at Reitaisai? I really hope so :) a new Phantasmagoria maybe? it's been a while since the last one and there's enough characters for it, I'm still hoping for a traditional one, even though I do love the vs ones.

About TD, if you're new to STGs it would probably be harder than some of the others in the series, because you need to know the game quite well (how to fill trance quicker, best places to use trance for more life/bomb fragments) to get more resources, where as getting a lot of resources in the earlier games comes more naturally, but the bullet patterns in TD aren't as hard (overall that it, there's still some tricky ones) so if you've been playing the other games in the series a lot the lack of resources won't be as much of a problem.

IN is my favorite in the series too. I play as Netherworld team & try to score, but Hard & Lunatic I still need to focus on survival a lot. :lol:
The only thing said by Zun is that the new game's demo at Reitaisai and full version at Comiket. He didn't say the number or type of the game or when he'll actually announce it.
People are hoping to get some info from Zun at the radio interview today (24th).

Back to difficulty:
Why I'm having trouble with doing a hard 1cc with the rest of the characters on TD is a mystery especially since I got the hard 1cc with Reimu on the first time I tried.
looks like there's a silhouette of a new character here
Based on the floating objects behind her the best theory so far is that it's going to be the actual Bishamonten.

It would set up some very interesting interaction with Byakuren's group, especially Shou who's an avatar of Bishamonten
I have no idea if this is real or not.

edit: I think its fake.
Moriya Suwako

Petya wrote:

The only thing said by Zun is that the new game's demo at Reitaisai and full version at Comiket. He didn't say the number or type of the game or when he'll actually announce it.
People are hoping to get some info from Zun at the radio interview today (24th).

Back to difficulty:
Why I'm having trouble with doing a hard 1cc with the rest of the characters on TD is a mystery especially since I got the hard 1cc with Reimu on the first time I tried.
I wanna buy the full version for playing as well as collection ;w;
But I have no idea if I can go to Comiket this year...maybe I can only buy it through amazon. :?

Princess wrote:

I have no idea if this is real or not.

edit: I think its fake.
it's not real, think someone said it was an OC from pixiv
The only speculation fuel we have so far is the outlines of the final boss on the cover as usual:

This art actually looks like a Zun art to me for some reason when I know it's not.
(Credit to the people made this picture from the cover)
Hopeless Masquerade release date confirmed
it will be released at Reitaisai 10
Manpuku jinja is making a new full episode animation for Reitaisai.
The first one was the PCB episode, this time it looks like it will be the EoSD episode.
Fortunately it looks like lot of characters from other games will make an appearance.

epicness will never stop!

In which I play the web trial of Hopeless Masquerade. (I recommend watching in YouTube itself, since the commentary might be difficult to read... unless there's a way to make the video player 640x360.)
Moriya Suwako

Petya wrote:

Manpuku jinja is making a new full episode animation for Reitaisai.
The first one was the PCB episode, this time it looks like it will be the EoSD episode.
Fortunately it looks like lot of characters from other games will make an appearance.
I'm looking forward to the animation! :D
Hopeless Masquarade webdemo updated to rev2.
-fixed directx9 support so now the game doesn't have broken graphics on WinXP
-improved netcode
-gameplay balances and tweaks
I'm not sure if there's a way to play online via direct IP. I can play this on LAN, but I wanna try online if possible.

Rouward wrote:

I'm not sure if there's a way to play online via direct IP. I can play this on LAN, but I wanna try online if possible.
latest demo patch has a network/online battle.

i hope it has a rollback feature, preventing frequent lag spikes unlike hisoutensoku, which needed a 3rd party app called "sokuroll"

-Reimu has short hair!
-Marisa is using some type of flamethrower
-No playable Futo (yet)
-Playable Sakuya
So Sakuya is back as playable character? (according to fifth screenshot and google translate). Some people might be happy about this. :3
all of my hypes >w<

MLGnom wrote:

So Sakuya is back as playable character? (according to fifth screenshot and google translate). Some people might be happy about this. :3
i'm not :(
no sanae? D:
From what people translated the story is something like this:

Some unknown power has corrupted and trying take control over Reimu's yin yang orbs, Marisa's hakkero and Sakuya's knives. (and of course the usual high youkai activity in the area)

The shottypes will be the characters abandoning their main weapon or trying to use the corrupted weapons resulting in things like Marisa's bomb will be Dark Spark (as seen on the screenshot)

Zun also said something like the game will be retro mixed with neo and that it's simple danmaku with no scoring gimmicks.

If this means that the game will be EoSD like than I probably won't have that much fun with the game but we'll see.

Oh and Zun apparently doubled the resolution of the game engine to 1280x960 but it still runs in a 640x480 window by default.
No Youmu ;_;
can't wait for the demo

Blog Translation
The game to be released on 5/26 is the following.

Touhou Project 14
The playable demo for "Touhou Kishinjou ~ Double Dealing Character" will be released. As usual, it'll be playable up to stage 3.

The theme I went for this time was "Neither novel or retro, an ageless neo-retro danmaku shooter". So basically it's the usual where I went for a simple to enjoy game, but I tried removing a lot of the complicated game mechanics.

The general synopsis is as follows:

Reimu, Marisa, and Sakuya's individual weapons have suddenly started acting on their own. On top of that, the Youkai who are usually quiet and subdued have suddenly start wreaking havoc. Will the three follow the weapons or abandon them to fight their own battle?

And that's the lowdown of the story. Anyway, the three playable characters will be Reimu, Marisa, and Sakuya.

*Screenshots are a work in progress and are liable to change at any time.

Wow, time flies by! This is the 14 installment in the main line of games, though I guess it's like 21 if we include the side-games as well.

This time, I've doubled the resolution of the game. However, I haven't increased the game window size. That being said, players can continue playing with the familiar window size but with higher game resolution. If you own a respectable computer, you should be able to play at 1280x960.

The disk will cost 300 yen.
If you are attending Reitaisai, please feel free to drop by the "Shanghai Alice Gakuendan" booth.

Oh, and if you're wondering the other title will be available at the Twilight Frontier's booth.
Touhou Project 13.5
"Touhou Shinkirou ~ Hopeless Masquerade"

But of course, do drop by my booth as well!

[end of translation]
I'm also kinda sad that Youmu's not playable, but then again she wasn't really a regular.
Looking forward to Shinkirou full version~
Tasofro tweeted that they'll start revealing the characters starting tomorrow.

Don't know if it was to make people stop asking or was actually serious.
Argh I was just about to post that >:
Shirokami Misato
It feels so bad not to be able to buy both 13.5 and 14
If I had the money I'd buy all of the copies for myself, just to make a pillow with them and hug 'em all at the same time.
The next revealed character:

Futo's stage:
murasa pls make it
Murasa is in the backgrounds in one of the stages so probably not
oh god no
Miko is so badass
That's one evil overlord cape she's got there:
dat cape
so sexy!
the glorious crown prince is here.

EDIT: Nitori confirmed

In other words: I was 100% sure Sanae, Kanako or Suwako is next.

It will be hard to surpass this surprise.
suwako cant fly

sanae and suwako in bg

it's kanako.
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