
Koji Kondo - Super Mario 64 Staff Roll

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Sunday, August 27, 2017 at 2:26:45 PM

Artist: Koji Kondo
Title: Super Mario 64 Staff Roll
Source: Super Mario 64
Tags: nintendo ending credits bowser toad peach cake
BPM: 106.25
Filesize: 21215kb
Play Time: 03:20
Difficulties Available:
  1. Eblf2013's Easy (1.41 stars, 132 notes)
  2. Hard (3.1 stars, 333 notes)
  3. Normal (2.07 stars, 228 notes)
Download: Koji Kondo - Super Mario 64 Staff Roll
Download: Koji Kondo - Super Mario 64 Staff Roll (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Ending Credits BGM from Super Mario 64


update history
(08/27/2017): Revived! Reworked both difficulties a lot... still probably needs a lot of modding. I might just try to get this ranked!
(08/04/2015): Apply Lanturn's mod for Normal
(07/02/2015): Finished Normal!
(05/12/2015): Apply jinhang_ang's mod, some progress on Normal
(05/10/2015): Very slow progress on new Normal, and also something changed in Hard but I forgot what
(04/23/2015): Apply El Solarbeam's mod for Normal difficulty, update to eblf2013's Easy, started to map a new Normal
(03/07/2015): Apply nya10's mod for Hard difficulty
(02/02/2015): New video again, smaller size, better quality! Remapped some of Hard, fixed some errors in eblf2013's Easy, and muted some sounds
(01/28/2015): Apply chaee's mod
(01/28/2015): eblf2013's Easy updated
(01/19/2015): eblf's Easy updated! now it's ready for ranking!
(01/12/2015): Lots of changes! First, i finally made a Normal difficulty! It's my second normal difficulty ever, so I am really not confident about it... I also made some changes to Hard, but it's my older mapping style, and I can't change much or I might as well remap. If other people are fine with it I'm fine with it too though. New video, same size, better quality! So this is now my only mapset ready for ranking... though I'm not sure about eblf's Easy :P
(09/15/2013): Realized a small problem with hitsounds and fixed it
(08/28/2013): eblf's Easy added (by eblf2013)... mod that pls :)
(08/26/2013): Added a video... extra 20 MB right there. Mapping a Easy/Normal is so hard... I haven't started yet but I thought about how I should map it. Hopefully soon I'll map it.
(06/28/2013): Sorry, I kinda forgot about the mod... but this song is too good to forget about. I changed some things, but the puush picture links are broken ): I'm planning to make a Easy/Normal for this sometime in the future
Just had a look o this
and it feels better~

Still, some simpe suggestions

00:19:547 (3,4) - Remember that good transition makes maps beautiful. Shpe the slider like this just like its right pointing at the note
00:28:582 (3,6) - better stack at the head or tail. If everyone just stack note under a slider at a really random position, HD players would get crazy
00:29:994 (1,2) - 00:34:512 (1,2) - and some more. When staking a note right after a slider, if there's a 1/2-beat gap in between, then you should stack them accurately. in another case, if there's a 1/4-beat gap in between (there often are two notes stacking which form a tripple), then you should note stack them totally at the same point. This is not a rule, but it's how moooooost player read maps when playing, so you'd better follow.
00:32:253 (3,5) - this ovelap don't looks good, shape them kike this whlie the slider and the note form a blancket it looks neater
00:46:965 (4,5,6,7,1) - This is Ok beacuse this is stacking of notes. But this pattern is better used at some emphasized beats or words, or at some sudden soft parts. this doesn't really fit at this point, it's ok to use though.
01:12:912 - You didn't start the kiai time accurately on the white tick (the green like was not set accurately) and this is certainly unrankable. Always remember that kiai must (Very mostly) start at big white tick (down beats)
01:47:119 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - This increasing-distance pattern is really nice !
01:49:097 (8,1) - the NC on (1) should be moved to (8)
01:50:228 (3,4,1) - transition issue
01:54:749 (3) - really don't look nice imo

that's it
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hi sorry I forgot to read this
thanks! I'll have a look soon :)
In the Hard
00:35:359 (2) - This note, you should align it a bit with end part of slider previous 00:34:512 (1) Like this

Imagen Here.

02:42:776 (7) - In my opinion this slider is too long, it will be better cut it until the blue note previous
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arigatou :)
If you need modding visit this page: 60
also this map need more difficulties
You can add a video of te credits please? :)
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okay :)
I see that making easy and normal diffs are hard to you, but i mapped an easy diff, can i send you as a guest diff? :?: ;)
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of course! ♥♥♥♥♥
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oooh thanks for your good effort :)
sorry this needs a lot of modding
I'll tell you some things in general
this has a lot more notes than sliders... it seems more like a normal/hard. Try to use more sliders, especially where rhythm isn't obvious, like the ending.
some parts are confusing especially for a normal/easy difficulty. For example, 00:47:793 4 is too far, and at 00:49:771 yellow's 1 is too close to red's 4. Same at 01:23:120, and some more parts. Try to use distance snap as much as you can, it'll help the map flow well :)

I got told a lot of this when I started mapping. Hopefully this will help you too.

Chupalika wrote:

oooh thanks for your good effort :)
sorry this needs a lot of modding
I'll tell you some things in general
this has a lot more notes than sliders... it seems more like a normal/hard. Try to use more sliders, especially where rhythm isn't obvious, like the ending.
some parts are confusing especially for a normal/easy difficulty. For example, 00:47:793 4 is too far, and at 00:49:771 yellow's 1 is too close to red's 4. Same at 01:23:120, and some more parts. Try to use distance snap as much as you can, it'll help the map flow well :)

I got told a lot of this when I started mapping. Hopefully this will help you too.
Actually i think that is 55% easy and 45% normal so i'm making a little easier!IgE3wRBT!ACjW7R7Gee ... pSMIt1jmSM
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it's better :)
I still have issues with it but whatever I'll upload it and let other people mod it
Right, lets pull this out of the graveyard shall we

Firstly the design looks fine but ai mod raises a few issues. Might wanna check those out. Apart from that easy mode looks fine

This has a few issues that need to be addressed.
Firstly, some of the placements of the hit objects is weird and downright confusing at times. Try playtesting the map and you'll see what I mean.
Secondly, lots of slider stubs are used at times where a hit circle would be more approprate. Again, play test the map yourself and you'll see what I mean.
Thirdly, for a hard mode, its actually pretty tame. The difficulty is a little on the low side.
If you want my advice I suggest that you try remapping hard mode again but this time refrencing other reciently ranked maps and seeing what designs they use and following their lead.

I hope this helps pull your map out of the graveyard and towards it getting ranked!
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I've already playtested the map many times, which is why I wanted to revive this, and I'm not sure which parts you are referencing to when you say confusing
slider stubs I see... I don't know if I want to replace them with a note, but I'll think about that
it is a pretty old map, but I like going with my own style, not with other ranked maps styles
I'm not sure what you mean by tame...

but thanks for mod anyway :)

Chupalika wrote:

I've already playtested the map many times, which is why I wanted to revive this, and I'm not sure which parts you are referencing to when you say confusing
slider stubs I see... I don't know if I want to replace them with a note, but I'll think about that
it is a pretty old map, but I like going with my own style, not with other ranked maps styles
I'm not sure what you mean by tame...

but thanks for mod anyway :)
By tame I mean that it just doesn't have enough going on compared to a normal hard level map.
With the slider stubs you could always replace them with 2 stacked beats and they'll give the same effect but be a lot more practical.
Btw to put this beatmap back in the WIP area you need to click the revive beatmap button next to the beatmaps name on your profile. It should be somewhere here.

Normal Diff

00:06:841 (2) - 00:09:100 (2) - 00:11:359 (2) - 00:13:618 (2) - 03:03:126 (2) - 03:05:398 (2) - 03:07:651 (2) - 03:09:958 (2) - 03:12:396 (2) - 1/4 sliders are not common on a normal diff !!!
00:43:553 (1) - this shape is weird to read, it's overlapping itself !!!
Distance Snap in Normal Difficulties should be stable !!!
AR 6 looks better in this beatmap (at least for me) !
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nah, they are uncommon but in this case I think they're easy enough

I knew it xD I'm going to try to get some testplays first before I change that slider though

distance snaps are stable for most of the map as far as I remember :o
start offset at the first circle
remove all bookmarks
00:00:630 - put video offset here
[Eblf2013's Easy]
kiai is okay I think, but could be deleted
00:09:100 (4) - stay at 1x ds. same to others
00:09:665 (1) - NC
00:14:182 (1) - NC
00:17:571 (1) - NC
00:19:265 (1) - NC
00:23:218 (2) - NC
00:24:347 (3) - let him back to (1)
00:26:041 (5) - it looks bad when sticked. same to others
00:40:727 (1) - make sure you snapped all objects like this
01:15:205 (4) - could be NC cause of 4 beats routine
01:19:725 (3) - use difference sliders for new combos
01:21:985 (2) - NC
01:46:836 (1) - these timmings weren't needed
02:41:080 - here the timmer not snapped
02:56:334 (4) or 02:56:899 (5) - NC
03:05:969 (2) - if you change the timmer, and mostly bpm> NC this
03:08:211 (3) - NC
03:10:541 (1) - NC
03:13:015 (1) - NC
The sliders are pretty differently, but it looks okay!

03:13:015 (1) - thanks Mario!
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hey, thanks for mod!
what's bad about bookmarks?
and why change video offset?
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