
seibin - umbrella

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2016년 2월 28일 일요일 at 오후 9:05:52

Artist: seibin
Title: umbrella
Tags: SEEU
BPM: 224.04
Filesize: 24427kb
Play Time: 01:33
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (1.28 stars, 76 notes)
  2. Hard (2.61 stars, 187 notes)
  3. Insane (3.73 stars, 307 notes)
  4. SWEETNESS (5.85 stars, 433 notes)
Download: seibin - umbrella
Download: seibin - umbrella (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
It's arkemaky's second map!
1-26: ofset- 535 bpm-112
normal: break time is fill with notes
2-02: sb, taiko is added, unrankable's are fixed
2-11: various thing's are fixed.
2-14 various things are fixed
3-2 :remap sweet change hitsound
3-23:bpm 224.04 and all fixed
4-6: unrank able's are changed, offset - 523
5-16: various things are fixed

2015-02-05 Sweetness difficulty is added.
2015-02-09 Taiko difficulty is deleted, fixed Hard difficulty's hit sounds
2015-02-28: NucleaRavec modded this map. I snapped unsnapped notes and changed map settings, and something more changed.
모딩을 많이 안 해봐서 도움이 될지는 모르겠네요 ㅎ 힛사나 뉴콤은 모딩 못해요 >_<


Hard 와 Sweet 난이도의 차이가 너무 큽니다. 새로운 난이도를 하나 더 만드시는게 좋을 듯 싶네요.
미묘하게 비피엠이 틀립니다. 112.02로 해보세요 .
비피엠과 오프셋은 왠만하면 모든 난이도를 일치시키시는게 좋아요.


00:00:535 (1) - 맨처음에 디스턴스 0.8이 보이네요 옮겨주세요. (언랭크 요소입니다 !)
00:26:785 (3,4) - 지우시고 형태를 이렇게 바꿔보심이 어떨까요?
00:34:821 - 서클 추가해주세요.
00:52:232 - 01:03:348 - 브레이크 타임을 걸기에는 구간이 너무 어색합니다. 다른데에 잡아보시거나 빼시는게 낫겠네요
01:04:553 (1,2,3) - 연타 빼세요. 노말에는 연타 왠만하면 안 들어갑니다.
01:34:017 (1,2) - 이 부분은 차라리 슬라이더로 끝내시는게 어떨까요?


00:00:000 - 1/8박자로 짜기 힘드실텐데. 1/4로 짜시는것도 고려해보세요.
00:09:107 (1) - 이 슬라이더를 00:09:642 - 이 쪽까지 늘려보세요.
00:07:968 (11) - 이쪽 슬라이더를 00:08:035 - 이 쪽으로 옮겨보세요.
00:08:571 (12) - 애로우를 두번 더 추가하시고 다음 슬라이더로 넘어가 보는건 어떨까요?
00:15:803 (8,9,10,11) - 디스턴스를 1로 하는게 더 자연스럽습니다.
00:18:750 (3,4,5,6) - 이렇게 한 번 해보심이 어떨까요?
00:25:848 (5) - 길이를 두배로 늘려보시는게.?
00:27:321 (10) - 슬라이더 길이를 00:27:723 이쪽까지 줄여보시고 00:28:526 이 쪽에 서클을 하나 추가해 보시는게.?
00:33:616 (1) - 스핀의 길이를 00:34:821 이쪽까지 늘리세요.
00:52:232 ~ 01:00:267 - 왼쪽이 빕니다. 약간 더 왼쪽으로 노트들을 옮겨보세요.
01:03:883 (4) - 이거는 01:03:750 이 쪽으로 옮기시고 01:04:285에 서클을 하나 찍어보시는게 나을듯.
01:11:383 (5,6,7) - 지우시고,
01:11:250 ~ 01:12:053 - 이렇게 바꾸는 걸 고려해보세요.
01:12:254 (8) - 드럼에 맞춰서 가시는 것이면 01:12:321 로 옮기시고, 보컬에 맞추시는 것이면 01:12:053 로 옮기시고, 01:12:455 이 쪽에 노트를 한 번 찍어보세요.


죄송한 말입니다만. 플레이 해보니까 노트가 무슨 음에 따라가는지를 모르겠습니다. 보컬이면 보컬. 드럼이면 드럼구간이 확실히 정해져 있어야되는데 섞여있어서 플레이하기가 까다롭습니다. 잘 짜시긴 한 것같구요. 연타를 조금 더 넣어보시고, 새로운 난이도로 하나 더 만들어 보시는게 좋을듯 싶네요.
ps.Sweet하고 Hard 난이도 차이가 너무 심해요. 새로운 난이도를 만드시면, 모딩은 그냥 해드릴께요.
아케마키님 안녕하세요 소미입니다
일단 모딩 늦은점 죄송합니다 ㄷㄷ.. 제가 요세 바빠서요

모딩형식 동영상 사진 모두 첨부 입니다
사진이나 글로 설명하기 어려운 경우 동영상을 첨부하는 형식입니다

그럼 들어갈게요^^


00:10:178 (5) - 박자가 어색한거 같은데? 아래 사진처럼 해보시는건?

00:19:821 (3,4) - 이거 둘다 슬레 3번반복하신건가요? 이렇게 말고 다른식으로 바꿔보세요
00:34:285 - 노트 추가할것
00:48:482 - ^
00:49:821 (7) - 슬라 반복 한번으로 줄이고
00:51:447 - 여기에 노트 추가
01:04:687 (2) - 이건 빼시는게 좋을듯 노멀에서 연타쓰면 안됩니다
01:14:196 - 노트추가
01:18:482 - ^
01:27:053 - ^
01:34:017 (1,2) - 빼시고 슬라 하나로 하시길


00:02:745 (1) - 하얀틱으로 이동 (앞에 있는 하얀틱) 사진 참고할것

00:07:700 (10) - 하얀틱에 맞출 것
00:28:660 (1) - 위로 이동
00:36:160 (3) - 슬라이더 4에 겹칠것
00:36:160 (3) - 노트 추가
00:36:160 (3) - ^
00:36:160 (3) - ^
01:01:741 - ^
01:03:750 - ^
01:06:562 (5) - 박자가 안맞습니다


제가 지적할것 없는거같아요 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ


이걸로 모딩은 끝입니다

아그리고 겟난 해드려야죠 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

겟난은 제 스타일대로 만들겠습니다 그럼^^
즐거운 하루!
K i A i
오프셋 535

00:03:482 (2,3,4) - x:176 y:368
00:07:968 (11) - 슬라이더 시작 부분 00:08:035 로 옮겨주세요~ 끝 부분은 똑같이!
00:09:107 (1) - 슬라이더 끝 부분 00:09:642 까지 늘려주세요~
00:09:776 (2) - x:176 y:304 부근으로 옮겨주세요 ㅋㅋ
00:11:517 (4) - x:440 y:256 부근으로 옮겨주세요 ㅋㅋ
00:13:660 (6,7,8,9,10,11) - 하드에서 이런 디스턴스 변화는 보기에 별로 안좋아요.. 디스턴스를 조금 더 늘려주세요~
01:12:254 (8) - 01:12:187 로 옮겨주세요~
01:22:901 여기에 서클 노트 하나 추가하는건 어떤가요? (x:216 y:88)

00:06:964 (1,2) - 연타는 드럼으로 볼 때 00:06:830 여기부터 시작하는게 맞습니다.
00:07:165 (3) - 00:07:098 로 옮겨주세요
00:07:433 (4,5,6) - 00:07:367 (4,5,6) - 로 옮겨주세요
00:08:906 (5) - 끝 부분을 00:09:107 여기에서 끝나게 해주세요
00:09:241 (6,7,8,9,1) - 아직 1/8 비트스냅에 익숙하지 않으신 것 같아요.. 이 부분은 비트스냅상으로 1스냅 앞으로 당겨주세요
흠.. 일단 비트스냅에 아직 익숙하지 못하신 것 같습니다.. 연타를 제외한 나머지는 전부 다 비트스냅을 파란줄을 제외한 부분에 맞춰주세요
Topic Starter
[quote="scanter"]모딩을 많이 안 해봐서 도움이 될지는 모르겠네요 ㅎ 힛사나 뉴콤은 모딩 못해요 >_<


Hard 와 Sweet 난이도의 차이가 너무 큽니다. 새로운 난이도를 하나 더 만드시는게 좋을 듯 싶네요.
미묘하게 비피엠이 틀립니다. 112.02로 해보세요 .
비피엠과 오프셋은 왠만하면 모든 난이도를 일치시키시는게 좋아요.


00:00:535 (1) - 맨처음에 디스턴스 0.8이 보이네요 옮겨주세요. (언랭크 요소입니다 !)
00:26:785 (3,4) - 지우시고 형태를 이렇게 바꿔보심이 어떨까요?
00:34:821 - 서클 추가해주세요.
00:52:232 - 01:03:348 - 브레이크 타임을 걸기에는 구간이 너무 어색합니다. 다른데에 잡아보시거나 빼시는게 낫겠네요
01:04:553 (1,2,3) - 연타 빼세요. 노말에는 연타 왠만하면 안 들어갑니다.
01:34:017 (1,2) - 이 부분은 차라리 슬라이더로 끝내시는게 어떨까요?


00:00:000 - 1/8박자로 짜기 힘드실텐데. 1/4로 짜시는것도 고려해보세요.
00:09:107 (1) - 이 슬라이더를 00:09:642 - 이 쪽까지 늘려보세요.
00:07:968 (11) - 이쪽 슬라이더를 00:08:035 - 이 쪽으로 옮겨보세요.
00:08:571 (12) - 애로우를 두번 더 추가하시고 다음 슬라이더로 넘어가 보는건 어떨까요?
00:15:803 (8,9,10,11) - 디스턴스를 1로 하는게 더 자연스럽습니다.
00:18:750 (3,4,5,6) - 이렇게 한 번 해보심이 어떨까요?
00:25:848 (5) - 길이를 두배로 늘려보시는게.?
00:27:321 (10) - 슬라이더 길이를 00:27:723 이쪽까지 줄여보시고 00:28:526 이 쪽에 서클을 하나 추가해 보시는게.?
00:33:616 (1) - 스핀의 길이를 00:34:821 이쪽까지 늘리세요.
00:52:232 ~ 01:00:267 - 왼쪽이 빕니다. 약간 더 왼쪽으로 노트들을 옮겨보세요.
01:03:883 (4) - 이거는 01:03:750 이 쪽으로 옮기시고 01:04:285에 서클을 하나 찍어보시는게 나을듯.
01:11:383 (5,6,7) - 지우시고,
01:11:250 ~ 01:12:053 - 이렇게 바꾸는 걸 고려해보세요.
01:12:254 (8) - 드럼에 맞춰서 가시는 것이면 01:12:321 로 옮기시고, 보컬에 맞추시는 것이면 01:12:053 로 옮기시고, 01:12:455 이 쪽에 노트를 한 번 찍어보세요.


죄송한 말입니다만. 플레이 해보니까 노트가 무슨 음에 따라가는지를 모르겠습니다. 보컬이면 보컬. 드럼이면 드럼구간이 확실히 정해져 있어야되는데 섞여있어서 플레이하기가 까다롭습니다. 잘 짜시긴 한 것같구요. 연타를 조금 더 넣어보시고, 새로운 난이도로 하나 더 만들어 보시는게 좋을듯 싶네요. Sweet하고 Hard 난이도 차이가 너무 심해요.

감사합니다. 스윗박자는 비트스냅오차였습니다.
From M4M request~
간단한거 몇개 집어드릴께요

리드인은 전부 동일 하게 맞춰주세요 sweet 난이도가 리드인이 다르네요
키아이 타임도 sweet 난이도에만 빠져있는데 노말,하드와 같이 추가해주세요
아티스트를 시유가 아닌 노래 원제작자로 넣으시고 시유는 태그로 넣어주세요
난이도 마다 프리뷰 타임도 필수입니다
하드하고 인세인 난이도 격차가 너무 큰거 같아요'

01:06:696 (5) - HP바에 살짞닿네요 좀 내려주세요
01:19:687 (1) - 뉴콤보 삭제

박자 1/4박으로 잡으시고 매핑하시는거 추천

00:10:446 (1) - 뉴콤보 삭제
00:14:732 (2) - 뉴콤보 넣어주세요 ( 슬라이더 속도를 바꾸실땐 뉴콤보 넣어주시는거 추천해요 ) 개인적으론 변속 그냥 뺴시는거 추천
00:41:249 (4) - 다른 위치 추천드려요~
01:34:017 (6) - 뉴콤보

노래 좋네요! 랭크 시키시길!
Akiyama Mizuki
00:09:107 (1) - finish
00:09:107 ~ 00:26:250 - kiai time (모든 난이도 공통)
00:32:678 (6) - end at 33:482
00:47:678 (4) - NC
01:32:678 (5) - NC

00:03:616 (3) - No Hitsound
00:08:035 (4) - End at 08:571
00:09:910 (2) - 적절하게 위치 수정하세요
00:26:250 (6) - NC

맵이 전체적으로 어색해요. 혹시 예전 K i A i님 맵 수정하셨나요?

From modding queue
found some issues. you must fix those.

  1. not works video in collab. you must add it.
  2. tag is not same between diffs. you must add "gaten ohzero arkemaky" to other than collab
  3. downbeat does not fit song. you must change offset to 00:00:535 - .
o/ Hi arkemaky ~

  • [General]
  1. 전체적으로 봤을때 난이도 분배에 약간 문제가 있는것같아요. collab이 어떤 난이도인지 감이 잘 안잡히네요 .. 난이도별 설정도 더 손봐야할 필요가 있을거 같아요.
  2. ARKEMA~1.PNG 653016_1354793163.jpg 사용하시지 않으시면 지워주세요.
  3. 파트마다 나오는 글씨가 배경에 너무 묻혀서 잘 안보이는데 다른색으로 바꿔주면 더 좋을듯싶어요.
    :arrow: OD가 너무 높아요. 한단계 또는 두단계 낮춰주세요.
    :arrow: OD -1 , HP drain +2
    :arrow: 슬라이더 속도상 하드또는 인세인이라 짐작할께요. sweet난이도랑 난이도 차이가 너무 심해요. AR을 +2나 +3 해주세요.
    HP drain도 +2 해주시고요.
전체적으로 맵셋팅이 갖춰지고 불러주시면 다시 모딩해드릴께요.
Some suggestions from m4m


SeeU isn't the source of this song, you should put it in the tags


00:52:500 (5) - new combo


00:26:250 (1) - move to x:288 y:48 so it does not stick out
00:28:660 (1) - unlike most of the other notes, this one overlaps slightly, you might want to move it
00:33:616 (1) - add a finish sound
00:38:705 (4) - might be nicer if you made it longer and end it at 00:38:972
00:47:276 (9) - ^
00:46:339 (7) - 00:50:758 - vocals here but nothing here, slider at 00:50:892, feels a little weird
Will support your map \o/
I will plan to map other SeeU songs in the future.
Hi! m4m for your modding queue!


  1. Unused image file: arkema~1.png
  2. Inconsistency in Kiai Times: fix it in sweet difficulty
  3. The difficulty gap between your "normal" (which I would have called Easy) and your hard is too high imo. You are not supposed to "skip" a difficulty if you want to get this ranked. As of now, there is no real normal diff in the mapset, since the one you labelled as normal has 1,84 star rating and plays pretty much like an Easy diff except for the approach rate

  1. 00:30:535 (5) - remove the last repeat and add circle at 00:32:008
  2. 01:09:642 (1) - curve it more to make the combo overall look better
  1. 00:03:615 (3) - remove circle, there is nothing in the music here
  2. 00:16:339 (5,6) - make 00:16:607 (6) blanket around 00:16:339 (5)
  3. 00:14:464 (2) - too close from previous item
  4. 00:13:660 (1) - ^
  5. 00:05:892 (6) - ^ etc. I think you shouldn't use the 0,7 DS at all in the map, it makes it hard to read, which shouldn't be the case in hard diff. Try to be more consistent inspacing overall, this is not insane diff
  6. 00:11:517 (4,5) - why not map the music a little more? these are ones of the "strongest" notes in the song, it's a shame they are not mapped. Remove the sliders and go for a stream or smth. Obviously same comment for rest of the map: placing all your notes on 1/2 beats without mapping the actual music makes the map really boring imo
  7. 00:25:848 (5,1) - stack perfectly if you want to stack this. My suggestion would be to not stack, though. (also, there should be a note at 00:25:311)
  8. 00:27:321 (5,1,2) - this doesn't follow the music either
  9. 00:50:357 (7,8,9) - ^
  10. 00:52:366 (2) - remove circle, there's nothing in the music here
  11. 00:57:455 (3) - remove slider and place circle at 00:57:588
  12. 01:01:740 (9) - no reason for this to start on blue tick
  13. 01:12:723 (1,2) - same again, you could map music much better. Make 01:12:723 (1) end 1/4 beat earlier and 01:13:392 (2) start 1/4 beat earlier too
  14. 01:20:758 - maybe add circle here
  15. 01:26:249 (1) - this should also start 1/4 beat earlier

  1. Unsnapped notes:
    01:04:821 (1) - Unsnapped slider (end).
    01:05:223 (2) - Unsnapped slider (end).
    01:05:892 (1) - Unsnapped slider (end).
    01:06:294 (2) - Unsnapped slider (end).
  2. Unsnapped inherited (green) sections at 00:57:42
  3. 00:21:695 - add circle
  4. 00:44:464 (3,4,5) - could follow music better. Make 00:44:463 (3) end 1/4 beat earlier, place 00:45:267 (4) 1/4 beat earlier, and make 00:45:535 (5) start 1/4 bit earlier as well
  5. 00:46:472 - add circle? (if you do, change the previous slider to something else, otherwise it will be weird)
  6. 00:46:607 (1,2,3,4) - would be better if you mapped voice instead (same general comment as for Hard diff)
  7. 00:57:186 - add circle?
  8. 01:01:607 (1,2,3,4) - again, why do you place all those notes on 1/2 beats when you could map the music and make it ten times more fun to play?


  1. Unsnapped notes:
    01:27:054 (4) - Unsnapped slider (start)
  2. Fix kiai time to make it same as other difficulties
  3. The clap hitsound sounds a bit awkward to me, maybe customize it?
Here you go! I hope it will be helpful!

Here's my map for m4m:
Hi. I'm a member of this queue and here I am to check out your map.

  • General
  1. Why does "[sweet]" have a different kiai time than the other osu!standard difficulties? I recomend you to have the same kiai times between all difficulties, except taiko since taiko specific difficulties can have a different kiai time. The kiai #1 of [sweet] should start at 00:09:107 and end at 00:26:250. Kiai #2 should start at 01:09:107, and end at 01:26:250 like in the other difficulties.
  2. Capitalize [Sweet], [Collab] and [Sweety Taiko]. Looks much better and it's consistent with the other difficulties' names.
  3. The offset sounds too late! try changing it to 523 (-12). However, I modded this map with the old offset so before you change it, apply changes to your difficulties.
  4. The storyboarded images of names for the collab difficulty don't look neat. They look pixelated, see? I highly recommend you to improve the quality of these images. I also recommend you to add to them a black stroke/line around the letters so they don't blend with the background.
  • Normal

    *About this difficulty, I don't agree with SuperMoutarde, to be honest. It DOES play like a Normal, at least that's what I think. What decreases the star rating is the slider velocity. You could have used an higher SV but it's okay like this, I guess. Still, you should map an easy. That's something I agreed with.
    *This difficulty lacks LOTS of hitsounds and NewCombos so this will be a NC and Hitsound mod. I'll put Hitsound stuff and NC stuff apart, inside spoilerboxes. If I don't do this, the mod will look stressingly long.

      1. 00:00:535 (1) - Here's missing a hitfinish at the start of this slider. A strong, loud sound can be heard so why not adding a hitfinish?
      2. 00:02:678 (3) - ^
      3. 00:04:820 (5) - ^
      4. 00:06:964 (6) - ^ At the start and end of this slider.
      5. 00:08:035 (7) - ^ Also, remove that clap at the end! it doesn't fit in anything with the song imo. Sounds odd.
      6. 00:09:107 (1) - ^ At the end.
      7. 00:18:214 (8) - ^ At the start.
      8. 00:30:535 (5) - ^
      9. 00:32:678 (7) - ^ At the start and end of it.
      10. 00:49:821 (3) - ^ At the start. I know I shouldn't mention this here but the hitsound at the end sounds late because this slider shouldn't end here. Shorten it, making it end at 00:50:758. Now the hitfinish at the end will sound good.
      11. 00:51:428 (4) - ^ At the end.
      12. 00:56:250 (4) - At the start and 2nd repeat.
      13. 00:58:392 (5) - ^ At the start.
      14. 00:59:464 (6) - ^ Start and end.
      15. 01:00:535 (7) - ^ Start.
      16. 01:03:750 (10) - At the start and end.
      17. 01:04:821 (2,3) - ^ At start and end of both sliders.
      18. 01:06:963 (4) - I like how it sounds with repeat at start, repeat and end. Try it!
      19. 01:17:142 (1) - Here you can add a whistle at the end of this slider and then you can add hitfinish at the next slider's start. Sounds perfectly with the music imo.
      20. 01:25:177 (7) - Hitfinish at the start to follow the music?
      21. 01:26:250 (1) - ^
      22. 01:30:535 (1) - ^
      23. 01:32:678 (1) - At both end and start.

        Remember! they're all suggestions! I also suggest you to consider adding some whistles like you were doing over 00:52:500 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) that section. Sounds too monotonous since it doesn't have any hitsound.
    New Combos
    1. 00:06:964 (6) - Here, I suggest you to add NC, since the melody changes. This is also to avoid +(5) combo numbers. Long combos in Easier difficulties should be avoided if possible.
    2. 00:13:392 (4) - ^
    3. 00:18:214 (5) - ^ and then you should remove NC of the next slider.
    4. 00:22:500 (4) - ^ then here you can add a nc after doing that ^, again, due to the change of melody.
    5. 00:32:678 (7) - ^
    6. 00:47:678 (1) - The vocals don't change here nor does the music so I suggest you to remove this nc. After this, add nc to the next note. It fits much more imo.
    7. 00:56:250 (4) - And again, due to the change of vocals and melody in general, I suggest you to add nc here.
    8. 01:00:535 (4) - ^
    9. 01:20:892 (4) - To shorten this combo number of 7, I suggest you to add a nc here since the vocal changes here.

      As I've stated already, this is to shorten unnecessarily long combos. I hope this helps you!
    • Hard
  1. 00:01:339 (2,3) - This rhythm doesn't feel nor sound good. A slider at a blue tick like this isn't a good idea. Slider mostly play fine on white ticks. Sometimes at red ticks too but those are special cases. Well, to make this pattern sound better and play better, I suggest you to remove a repeat of 00:01:338 (2), add a slider at 00:01:606 (end at 00:02:142) and then a note at 00:02:410. Sounds muuuuch better imo. Try it!
  2. 00:03:749 (3,4) - ^ Same issue here about slider at a blue tick. Try a similar pattern mentioned above here. Would be much better imo.
  3. 00:04:821 (5) - Here I suggest you to add a nc and a hitfinish at the start of this slider since the melody changes here. After this, if you agreed to add the newcombo, remove nc at 00:06:696 (1) and then add nc to 00:06:964 (2).
  4. 00:05:892 (2) - Why does this slider end at that blue tick? there's a important beat at the next white tick, so please consider ending this slider at that white tick (00:06:427). Sounds much better! follows more the music.
  5. 00:06:963 (1) - Since the song gets emphasized here, I suggest you to add hitfinish at both start and end of this slider.
  6. 00:08:035 (3) - ^
  7. 00:09:107 (1) - ^
  8. 00:16:607 (6) - Well this is a kinda.. ugly placement of this slider. You should take advantage of slider shapes to make blankets or other kind of patterns with them. Here, you can move the slider a tad to the left to make a blanket like this. Wait, why does this slider end here at this white tick? there's an important beat at 00:17:276 so it's better if you extend this slider, making it end here. Here's the screenshot of the blanket pattern:

    Well I'll better stop here! these are some suggestions. Try to follow my hitsound mod of Easy and apply it here if you agree with it! I would write for the rest of the difficulty but since you didn't read the rules of our queue, I'll just leave you a couple of advices to improve your beatmap.
  • Collab

    I'll give a general opinion of this difficulty as I'll do as well about [sweet]. Well, this difficulty is very .. messy. The circle size is too much. I suggest you to change it to 4. About the patterns.. well.. at gaten's parts there are a lot of messy patterns such as 00:19:553 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7). Plays bad, and the notes get overlapped by each other. Also.. there are a lot of sliders at blue ticks and that's bad. Sliders should start at white ticks since they emphasize and fit more with the music if they're like that. If they're at blue ticks, they feel awkward to click. Try it by yourself. Try playing this difficulty and clicking slider such as 00:17:008 (7), 00:19:955 (2), 00:23:705 (1). These are very unintuitive and don't sound good with the music. They will most likely mislead the player and confuse him. You should avoid doing this if it isn't necessary! just place sliders at white tick and you'll see how it sounds and feels much comfortable to play. Well there are also various inconsistent placements as at 00:21:562 (1,2,3). (1) and (2) don't have the same distance between them as (2) and (3). You should fix this with distance snap. Other overlaps that I disliked are ones like at 00:22:500 (5,6). Uhmm the rhythm isn't consistent either. You leave empty spaces all of a sudden and then, a lot of consecutive notes with sliders at blue ticks snapped 1/4. It's odd.
    Some sliders should end earlier than how their are.. there are also some missing notes such as at 00:26:249.. a lot of stuff. Ah, also, there are plenty of overmapped streams like 00:51:428 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11). Listen with 25% playback rate and you'll understand. This is very overmapped. The drum sound is more slow than this. This part, is actually 1/6! also, if you fix this i would recommend you to watch out and make the stream with sliders with repeat. The player would get confused if you make it with single notes because he'll most likely think that it's a 1/8 stream. Therefore, he'll fail hard when clicking it. Well resuming everything, this isn't rankable like this. I suggest a remap here, for the sake of the mapset. This difficulty has a lot of issues and fixing them all would be like a remap. :<
  • sweet

    Kinda the same about the Collab difficulty, but this difficulty has a more unrankable issue. First of all, the slider velocity. Why such a fast and aggressive slider velocity for a 112 BPM song? It's a slow song so you shouldn't do this. Only some maps get ranked with such a fast velocity, and its because they're 250+ BPM. This difficulty is overmapped too. For instance, at 00:51:428 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9). Like I mentioned about the Collab, this part is a 1/6 stream, not this. 00:07:433 (4) - overmapped note.. 00:07:566 (5) - slider 1/8 without any reason because there's no sound here. Kinda the same issues as Collab. Here I would suggest a remap too. This isn't rankable. The claps don't fit with the music.. you should have used whistles and finishes like you did with Normal and Hard. I don't know what happened here, your normal and Hard are much better than this! Collab and sweet derailed the overall quality of the mapset.

That's all. I'm sorry about not giving a very good and detailed mod, specially about Normal and Hard. This is a basic mod with general opinions about the mapset. I hope it helps you to improve it and please next time read the rules before posting. The queue clealy says "post only if you think your map is ready to be ranked as it is". This map doesn't even have 2 pages of mods, so next time read the rules carefully and gather more mods before posting in a queue like this one.

Good luck.
hi there from my queue
k : katsu (blue colour)
d : don (red colour)
D : big don
K : big katsu
you must have 2 taiko diffs for rank this beatmap (if you want 1 more tell me via PM forum)
you forget to uncheck Letter box during breaks

sweety taiko
change the name to Sweety Taiko
SV must 1.4
00:08:570 (44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52) - change the pattern to kdddkdddk
00:17:209 - add a note so 00:17:142 - kdddkdddk
00:17:744 - delete
00:25:713 - kdddkdddk / dkkkdkkkd
00:51:628 - k
00:51:829 - d
00:51:963 - k
01:07:097 - too long the pattern and maybe the player so hard to press that
01:08:168 - ^
01:17:276 - dkdkk
01:25:713 - kkddkkkkd

don't forget to follow the rythme

어.. 음... 모딩 열심히 했는데.. 날아갔네요..



오묘하게 BPM이 안맞아요. 224.04 처럼 하시는건 어떨까요?


많은 모딩을 거치고 온것 같습니다. 모딩해드릴 것은 없군요.


00:13:660 (1) - 디스턴스 1.0 으로 맞춰주세요.
00:16:607 (6) - ^
00:18:749 (3,4,5,6) - 이런건 격자 크기를 세밀하게 한다음 슬라이더간 사이를 일정하게 해주면 좋을것 같네요. ( ex:
00:20:892 (7) - 의 시작점을 00:19:821 (5) - 의 시작점과 맞추면 더 좋을것 같습니다.
00:22:232 (8) - 수정하시면 디스턴스가 좀 바뀔텐데 맞춰주세요
00:50:356 (7) - 디스턴스를 맞춰주세요.
00:52:232 (1,2) - 굳이 디스턴스를 줄일 필요는 없다고 봅니다. 맵의 전체적인 패턴으로 봤을때요.
01:02:276 (1) - 디스턴스 맞춰주세요! 매우 헷갈리게 되는 부분!
01:12:588 (1) - 꽤나 뜬금없이 전 노트와 이어지지도 않는 부분입니다. 디스턴스를 맞춰주세요.
01:13:258 (2) - 이 노트도 디스턴스를 맞춰주세요.
01:14:464 (4,5) - 슬라이더의 끝과 시작이 겹칩니다. 언랭요소
01:24:107 (6) - 디스턴스를 맞춰주시면 좋을것 같습니다.
01:31:607 (6) - 디스턴스를 1.0 으로 해주시면 좋을것 같습니다.
01:34:017 (1) - 디스턴스를 1.2로 해주시면 좋을것 같습니다.


OD -1

깨알같지만 Sweet 로 해주시면 좋을것 같네요. (대문자!)

꽤나 빠르고 약간의 스트림, 단타가 보이는데요.. 정말 재밌는 패턴입니다!
하지만, 노트 연결에서 보자면 격자의 사이가 커서 어떤건 노트가 붙어있고 어떤건 떼어져 있습니다.
이럴땐 격자 크기단계를 4로 좁혀서 매핑하시면 될듯 합니다. 이것처럼 같은 디스턴스인데도 불구하고 어떤건 노트가 붙어있고 어떤건 떼어져있어 디스턴스가 불안정해 보입니다.
재밌는 맵입니다. 다듬으면 더욱 깔끔해질것 같네요. :)
Timing & Offset check

BPM: 224
Offset: 523

Looks better for me.


Slider Tick Rate of Hard and Sweet difficulties should be 2.
Consider lowering the volume.


Red = Unrankable, you should fix.
Black = My suggestion.

00:04:552 (4) - It's out of the playfield.
00:05:892 (2) - ^
00:07:767 (3) - Centralize this circle between the sliders.
00:08:638 (5) - This note was strange, a slider would look better.
00:12:321 (5) - It's out of the playfield.
00:16:607 (6) - ^
00:18:482 (2) - ^
00:20:892 (7) - ^
00:24:910 (3) - ^
00:27:320 (5) - ^
00:31:875 (5) - ^
00:38:303 (3) - ^
00:39:107 (1) - ^
00:43:928 (2) - ^
00:46:875 (8) - ^
00:47:678 (1) - ^
00:53:303 (4) - ^
00:56:250 (1) - ^
00:58:392 (5) - ^
01:01:606 (9) - Approach this slider from the previous slider.
01:19:151 (8) - It's out of the playfield.
01:20:357 (10) - ^
01:24:107 (6) - ^
01:26:785 (2) - ^

Good luck with the beatmap! ~
[ Zzz ]
From OFC 늦어서 죄송합니다!


-Letterbox during break 해제해주세요.(song setup - storyboarding)

-슬라이더틱 커스텀 힛사도 잘 사용해보시면 좋을듯...


-노트 언스냅된거 스냅시켜주세요!

-드레인 -1, OD -1. 2성 노말인데 4는 높은거 같네요...

-01:19:821 (3) - 이거 이전 노트랑 안겹치게 해주세요.


-노트 언스냅된거 스냅시켜주세요!

-00:08:691 (5) - 끝부분 클랩 제거

-00:10:177 (3) - 시작부분 클랩대신 휘슬

-00:16:338 (5,6) - 잘 감싸주세요.

-00:18:750 (3,4,5,6) - 간격 약간만 좀 멀리 벌려놓으면 좋을듯...

-00:40:178 (3) - 가운데 클랩 제거.

-00:42:321 (6,1) - 이 사이에 허전하네요... 노트 채워주세요

-01:25:312 (2) - 휘슬 제거

-01:34:017 (1) - 클랩 추가...? 확실친 않네요...

음... 죄송한데 말입니다...
클랩을 넣으실때 3번째 박보다 2번째박이랑 4번째 박에 클랩 사운드를 넣어보세요.
그렇게만 수정해주시고 다시 불러주시면 더 모딩해드리겠습니다...
Hi from my queue o/

  1. Open AIMod (crll+shift+A) and you will see you have a lot of unsnapped notes and things. Fix them ASAP.
  1. This must be called 'Easy' as it is under 1.5 stars.
nothing else -- your flow could be a tad better at places tho.

  1. AR 6 and HP 5 pls
  2. 00:03:468 (2,3) - this will be hard for to read properly. Maybe move 3 to the slider end of 2 as oppose to the head.
  3. 00:45:774 (1) - NC pls and nerf the jump it feels too big.
nice diff actually.

  1. This diff name is inappropriate - only the highest star rated diff can have a custom name. The rest must have an order to the names. This should therefore be named 'Insane'
  2. I see that you like high ARs. I would say make this AR8 but you wont like that - so instead pls make ar8.5
  3. OD is too big pls make 7
  4. HP is lower then previous diff? Make 6 or 7 ty.
nothing wrong wrong with note placement in my eyes. gw!

  1. no problem actually
All in all nice map
Topic Starter

NucleaRaven wrote:

Hi from my queue o/

  1. Open AIMod (crll+shift+A) and you will see you have a lot of unsnapped notes and things. Fix them ASAP.
  1. This must be called 'Easy' as it is under 1.5 stars.
nothing else -- your flow could be a tad better at places tho.

  1. AR 6 and HP 5 pls
  2. 00:03:468 (2,3) - this will be hard for to read properly. Maybe move 3 to the slider end of 2 as oppose to the head.
  3. 00:45:774 (1) - NC pls and nerf the jump it feels too big.
nice diff actually.

  1. This diff name is inappropriate - only the highest star rated diff can have a custom name. The rest must have an order to the names. This should therefore be named 'Insane'
  2. I see that you like high ARs. I would say make this AR8 but you wont like that - so instead pls make ar8.5
  3. OD is too big pls make 7
  4. HP is lower then previous diff? Make 6 or 7 ty.
nothing wrong wrong with note placement in my eyes. gw!

  1. no problem actually
All in all nice map

Okay. I snapped lots of unsnapped notes, all fixed.

Thanks for advice!:D
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