
Selena Gomez - Everything Is Not What It Seems

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 28 avril 2013 at 01:13:17

Artist: Selena Gomez
Title: Everything Is Not What It Seems
Source: Wizards of Waverly Place
Tags: Disney Channel Konei theme song ost opening magic
BPM: 125
Filesize: 1528kb
Play Time: 00:48
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (2,04 stars, 49 notes)
  2. Hard (4,79 stars, 106 notes)
  3. Konei's Normal (4,3 stars, 75 notes)
Download: Selena Gomez - Everything Is Not What It Seems
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Everything is not what it seems to be!

Easy: Gabe
Normal: Konei
Hard: Gabe
Katsuri's Insane here!

Thank you to all of these persons, who contributed on the ranking!
  1. AdRon Zh3Ro
  2. Andrea
  3. Arrival
  4. -Bakari-
  5. BeatOfIke
  6. blissfulyoshi
  7. Deni
  8. Irreversible
  9. Katsuri
  10. Kei
  11. Konei
  12. Lally
  13. Leorda
  14. Louis Cyphre
  15. Lissette
  16. mancusojuanmattos
  17. Snepif
  18. Stefan
  19. Tony
Heh XD
D: ninja

edit: just didn't want to double post

  1. How i said in irc i think kiai is a bit overused,i love kiai but this is too much for me too, why don't you try to use it only from 00:32:588 - to 00:46:028 - ?
  2. 00:48:428 - i think here is better to place a circle as to beginn the spinner because i think a cirle + finish would be a perfect end *-*
  1. 00:01:868 (1) - i think you know that is not perfectly symmetric :V
  2. 00:13:868 (1,2) - what about to move this 2 circles down not up from the prev slider because i think the flow is not so good between 00:12:428 (2,1) - if you're not goind to place they down try do do a perfect nazi blanket u.u
  3. 00:17:228 (1) - i think this slider is too soon for a easy diff
  4. 00:20:348 (4,1) - i don't like very much how the (1) - is hidden why don't you try to do something like this:
  5. 00:29:708 (x) - i can hear a bass sound why don't you add a circle here?
  6. 00:37:868 (x) - same about here^
  1. 00:05:708 (1) - why don't you try to use normal sampleset at slider start i think it sounds better for me
  1. 00:40:988 (2,3) - you should relook spacing here since the (2) - is a bit to far from (3) -
  1. 00:22:508 (4,5) - i think you can do this blanket a bit better
  1. 00:05:708 (1) - why don't you try to use normal sampleset at slider start i think it sounds better for me
  2. 00:46:508 (5) - missing clap here?
New Combos:
  1. 00:46:508 (5) - i think a new combo here is not bad since this combo that you started is become to long.
  2. 00:47:948 (1) - this new combo is fitting with anything imo. you should remove it.
  1. 00:17:468 (2) - personaly i find this slider a bit ugly , why don't you try to do it like :
  2. 00:40:748 (2) - why don't you try to improve this blanket in this way:

  1. 00:05:708 (1) - why don't you try to use normal sampleset at slider start i think it sounds better for me
Everything is not what it seems.
  1. 00:17:228 (1) - This slider is way too soon after spinner for the easiest difficulty of the mapset, try to reduce the spinner lenght or to make start the slider a bit later to fix this issue.
  2. 00:19:148 (3,4,1) - I'd try avoid overlapping these together, it doesn't look so good to me.
  3. 00:25:868 (2) - I think this slider would look and flow better if curve instead.
  4. 00:48:428 (1) - I think this spinner would sound better if soft with a whistle in it.
~Konei's Normal~
  1. 00:07:628 - Start this break here, it would fit with the music perfectly.
  2. 00:16:028 (5) - Add a new combo here due to the new stanza and music change.
  3. 00:46:508 (5) - Add a clap here to follow with the music background, it seems like you're missing it. Also, why don't you add a new combo as well? Otherwise it will be a too long imo.
  4. 00:47:948 (1) - Afterwards remove this new combo from here since you won't need it.
  5. 00:48:428 (1) - I think this spinner would sound better if soft with a whistle in it.
  1. 00:28:268 (5) - This slider is kinda touching the HP Bar, try to move it down a bit if possible.
  2. 00:48:428 (1) - I think this spinner would sound better if soft with a whistle in it.
Nice map :3

Andrea wrote:

~Konei's Normal~
  1. 00:07:628 - Start this break here, it would fit with the music perfectly. Added a note.
  2. 00:16:028 (5) - Add a new combo here due to the new stanza and music change. Would break my pattern, so no.
  3. 00:46:508 (5) - Add a clap here to follow with the music background, it seems like you're missing it. Also, why don't you add a new combo as well? Otherwise it will be a too long imo. Added clap and NC
  4. 00:47:948 (1) - Afterwards remove this new combo from here since you won't need it. Sure
  5. 00:48:428 (1) - I think this spinner would sound better if soft with a whistle in it. Yeah.

Thanks :3

Lally wrote:

  1. 00:40:988 (2,3) - you should relook spacing here since the (2) - is a bit to far from (3) - Shouldn't be a problem since it looks neat, isn't read badly and doesn't confuse.
  1. 00:22:508 (4,5) - i think you can do this blanket a bit better In fact, I cannot LOL, looks perfect to me.
  1. 00:05:708 (1) - why don't you try to use normal sampleset at slider start i think it sounds better for me Naah, but I added drum finishes accordingly
  2. 00:46:508 (5) - missing clap here? Already fixed from Andrea's mod
New Combos:
  1. 00:46:508 (5) - i think a new combo here is not bad since this combo that you started is become to long. Already fixed from Andrea's mod.
  2. 00:47:948 (1) - this new combo is fitting with anything imo. you should remove it. Already fixed from Andrea's mod

Thanks :>
What I've got by testplaying

Fix at [Events] the position of the Background. It's outplaced for one pixel. You know~
Not sure if over 50% of the Map is fine as Kiai Time. 00:32:588 sounds enough for me as Kiai Part.

00:19:148 (3,4,1) - That looks terrible imo. What you actually could try to do is this: /
00:37:868 - That you didn't add a Circle here makes me feel like hnnnnng.
00:39:788 (3,1) - It seems that it would be a better line if you move the red Sliderpoint at x:488, y:192 and the Slider on x:488, y:252.
00:48:428 (1) - The normal Hitsounds sounds wrong here imo. Change it into soft and add Whistle.

Why does this Map has over 4 Stars.. I don't get it.
00:48:428 (1) - Same what I said at Gabe's Diffs.

00:04:988 (3,4) - Personally I find it sounds way better if you do that (or something similar):
00:20:108 (4) - I find the placement (together with (3)) very ugly. What do you think on moving it at x:148, y:232?
00:48:428 (1) - You know what I want to say. :p
Topic Starter
Andrea, Easy:
00:25:868 (2) - I think this slider would look and flow better if curve instead.
I am going to reject this one since I've started the slider straight, to make it like the previous slider and then, I curved it a bit so it could catch the next slider.

Almost all fixed for Lally and Stefan, iforgotwhichonesirejected..

Thank you guys!♥

  1. You need some more tags: theme song and maybe ost. Not sure about second one, tho.
  2. 00:17:228 - try to place a kiai fountain here? It's a good idea because this part is awesome and sounds like kia. :V :oops:
  3. Your new BG is so awesome! Try some sexy combo colours?
    Combo1 : 122,221,117
    Combo2 : 79,79,232
    Combo3 : 206,125,210
    Combo4 : 232,218,142
    Combo5 : 189,105,87
  4. Disable audioLeadIn! You don't really need it, anyway!
  1. Use AR8 (and OD/HP7 for balance). This speed up with low AR looks very unplayable and will stress players. What's more [Hard] is the hardest diff here, and AR8 is the best idea here! I really don't like AR7 here :<
  2. 00:04:748 - it feels kinda epty here, I guess circle will fit here. Try to place it here and see if you like it!
  3. 00:20:588 (5) - this jump here is too hard and doesn't flow very good. Try to Crtl+G it for better flow?
  4. 00:45:548 - it feels quite empty here, try to place a circle with clap hitsound?
[Konei's Normal]
  1. 00:07:628 - start break time here? just drag that break to this point and test it :)
  2. 00:16:028 (5) - i can't say that 1/4 sliders are really ok here. This slider is too fast and it will confuse some players. I'd try to replace it with two circles. You will miss a beat at 00:16:148 - but it will make map more playable!
  3. 00:46:028 (4,5) - here, I'd put New Combo on one of these circles. there's some rhythm changes and you should point them out by placing a New Combo!
  4. 00:47:708 - consider placing here a circle, sounds better to me. Without this circle I feel like there's something missed :<
  1. 00:03:788 (1) and 00:11:468 (1) - I'd remove those New Combos to keep comboing more consistent.
  2. 00:08:108 - place here a break to be consistent with other diffs? Also that - 00:07:628 (2,1) - x0.28 spacing here may confuse players, so break will be reasonable here.
  3. 00:21:068 (1) - nazi - this note is too close o previous (3), beginners might mistakenly click it too early! Try something like this instead?
  4. 00:44:588 (1,3) - I'd swap those new combos because kiai ends at (3). It's not like you have to do it, but I'll be appy if you do it.
Everything looks good to me!
Starred! ~

Stefan wrote:

Why does this Map has over 4 Stars.. I don't get it.
00:48:428 (1) - Same what I said at Gabe's Diffs. Already fixed from Andrea's mod.

-Bakari- wrote:

[Konei's Normal]
  1. 00:07:628 - start break time here? just drag that break to this point and test it :) Will be too short and auto deleted.
  2. 00:16:028 (5) - i can't say that 1/4 sliders are really ok here. This slider is too fast and it will confuse some players. I'd try to replace it with two circles. You will miss a beat at 00:16:148 - but it will make map more playable! Since song is short, I guess some challanges won't be too bad :3
  3. 00:46:028 (4,5) - here, I'd put New Combo on one of these circles. there's some rhythm changes and you should point them out by placing a New Combo! Already fixed.
  4. 00:47:708 - consider placing here a circle, sounds better to me. Without this circle I feel like there's something missed :< Added ~

Thanks ></
Salut/Hi !

Good music, enjoyed modding it, really.
BPM is good.

Suggestion : 00:06:668 (4,5) - Je trouve que cela irait mieux avec la musique si tu faisait comme ceci :

00:40:748 (2) - Tu pourrais peut etre mieux travailler ce slider.
00:35:708 (4) - Je rajouterai bien un "clap" ici
00:42:908 (3) - ^

[Konei's normal]
00:03:788 (4) - What about a NC here ? You used a new combo here: 00:05:708 (1) - while the music don't really change. So it will be more consistent if you used a NC one this slider
00:23:708 (6) - You can do a better blanket here i think.
00:24:908 (1) - Why did you not used the same slider as here : 00:25:868 (3) - ? I find this more consistent, don't you ?
00:36:428 (1) - Finish ?
00:44:108 (1) - Why did you use drum finish ?

Rien a dire !

La map est très bien :D
Topic Starter

-Bakari- wrote:

  1. You need some more tags: theme song and maybe ost. Not sure about second one, tho.
  2. 00:17:228 - try to place a kiai fountain here? It's a good idea because this part is awesome and sounds like kia. :V :oops:
  3. Your new BG is so awesome! Try some sexy combo colours?
    Combo1 : 122,221,117
    Combo2 : 79,79,232
    Combo3 : 206,125,210
    Combo4 : 232,218,142
    Combo5 : 189,105,87
  4. Disable audioLeadIn! You don't really need it, anyway!
  1. Use AR8 (and OD/HP7 for balance). This speed up with low AR looks very unplayable and will stress players. What's more [Hard] is the hardest diff here, and AR8 is the best idea here! I really don't like AR7 here :< Done
  2. 00:04:748 - it feels kinda epty here, I guess circle will fit here. Try to place it here and see if you like it! In my opinion, I can fit pretty well but the thing is, I haven't followed the vocals here, but the soft sounds in the background.
  3. 00:20:588 (5) - this jump here is too hard and doesn't flow very good. Try to Crtl+G it for better flow? Done
  4. 00:45:548 - it feels quite empty here, try to place a circle with clap hitsound? I don't get why I should ;w;
  1. 00:03:788 (1) and 00:11:468 (1) - I'd remove those New Combos to keep comboing more consistent. Done
  2. 00:08:108 - place here a break to be consistent with other diffs? Also that - 00:07:628 (2,1) - x0.28 spacing here may confuse players, so break will be reasonable here. We talked about it ingame
  3. 00:21:068 (1) - nazi - this note is too close o previous (3), beginners might mistakenly click it too early! Try something like this instead? ;wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww;
  4. 00:44:588 (1,3) - I'd swap those new combos because kiai ends at (3). It's not like you have to do it, but I'll be appy if you do it. I prefer keeping it that way
Everything looks good to me!
Starred! ~
Thank you, my BakaBakari♥

Arrival wrote:

Salut/Hi !

Good music, enjoyed modding it, really.
BPM is good.

Suggestion : 00:06:668 (4,5) - Je trouve que cela irait mieux avec la musique si tu faisait comme ceci :
J'ai fait quelleque chose de similaire.
00:40:748 (2) - Tu pourrais peut etre mieux travailler ce slider. D'accord
00:35:708 (4) - Je rajouterai bien un "clap" ici Je comprend ton idée ici, mais je préfère ne pas avoir un double claps, même si ça fonctionnais très bien.
00:42:908 (3) - ^ ^

Rien a dire ! *w*!

La map est très bien :D

Starred \o/
Ahonn, merci! :3

Arrival wrote:

[Konei's normal]
00:03:788 (4) - What about a NC here ? You used a new combo here: 00:05:708 (1) - while the music don't really change. So it will be more consistent if you used a NC one this slider Would break consistency.
00:23:708 (6) - You can do a better blanket here i think. I can't LOL, looks good to me.
00:24:908 (1) - Why did you not used the same slider as here : 00:25:868 (3) - ? I find this more consistent, don't you ? I find it good that way :3
00:36:428 (1) - Finish ? Too close to the last finish.
00:44:108 (1) - Why did you use drum finish ? To be consistent with others and it fits the song lol.

No changes :<

Thank you anyways for checking :>

Edit: Oh btw Gabe, the Slidertick sound you use on Easy is different from the hitclap, in fact when trying to use it as a whistle, I saw it is the default soft hitclap o3o, fix that please? <3 ~
Topic Starter

Konei wrote:

Edit: Oh btw Gabe, the Slidertick sound you use on Easy is different from the hitclap, in fact when trying to use it as a whistle, I saw it is the default soft hitclap o3o, fix that please? <3 ~
Oh wow, I am such a failure.
I am going to fix that soon!

12:01 Konei: Easy
12:01 Konei: 00:15:308 (3) - How about drum clap or any related sound to emphasize this one?
12:02 Gabe: Done
12:02 Konei: 00:33:068 (1) - Do you like that shape much or would you mind to create something that blankets 5?
12:02 Konei: oh well
12:02 Konei: nvm
12:03 Konei: 00:39:788 (4) - Could be moved down a bit to improve the blanket visually I guess
12:04 Konei: 00:46:028 (3) - Drum is also pretty strong here, would you mind to put a sound to emphasize?
12:05 Konei: Ready for Hard?
12:05 Gabe: not yet
12:05 Gabe: just a sec
12:05 Konei: Sure sure
12:09 Gabe: okay
12:09 Gabe: I am done
12:09 Konei: 00:07:028 (5,6) - Rhythm would be much better in my opinion if you deleted 5 and extended 6 to the downbeat. It follows the vocal much smoother.
12:09 Konei: 00:07:028 (5,6) - Rhythm would be much better in my opinion if you deleted 5 and extended 6 to the downbeat. It follows the vocal much smoother.
12:10 Gabe: I will keep it
12:10 Gabe: There's three obvious sounds here
12:11 Gabe: and I want the whistle sound on the upbeat
12:11 Konei: 00:12:788 - Here could be a note to follow the lyrics.
12:11 Konei: yep, cool
12:11 Gabe: Okay
12:12 Konei: 00:22:508 (4) - Idk if its noticeable in game but you can stack it better with 2 lol
12:13 Gabe: done
12:14 Konei: 00:37:388 (3) - Nice loop ></
12:14 Gabe: o/
12:15 Konei: 00:46:988 (3) - Lol, you have drum sound here aswell, so this is a reason you should add it on Easy :>
12:15 Konei: oh no
12:15 Konei: you had this
12:15 Konei: I remember
12:15 Gabe: You asked me to add it on 00:46:028 -
12:15 Gabe: lol
12:15 Konei: yeah yeah
12:15 Konei: I remember
12:15 Konei: well, that's what I got
12:17 Konei: Should I post? o3o
12:18 Gabe: I will edit

Edit: Moved the map in Work In Progress. Katsuri is making an Insane difficulty!~

Back to pending
Here, Gabby Gabby, I give you a fish (a.k.a modpost)

[Konei's Normal]
* Add "Katsuri" in tags for consistency on each diff

00:07:628 - Map this break?
00:36:428 (1) - I think this slider needs more curve

00:08:108 - Map this break?
00:22:028 (3) - Reverse this slider for better flow
00:22:508 (4) - If you do change at 00:22:028 (3), reverse this slider too

Good girl~
Ehh, add Katsuri to the tags for me please Gabe =w=
Topic Starter

Konei wrote:

Ehh, add Katsuri to the tags for me please Gabe =w=
I thought it was already done.. Oh well.

Edit: Something wrong happened with Konei's Normal. Everything rolled back to its original state when it had no mods yet..

Louis Cyphre

- Well, i don't want to express my whole dislikeness to your BG, but i highly suggest to change it, really. It seems you have increased resolution of low size bg just to make it suitable for ranking criteria. I googled a bit, and i found awesome one for you - hope this one you will like much more.
- "theme song ost" - do you really think whole these words are needed to be in tags? They're just a mess, remove them, i doubt that someone will search 'theme song ost' to look for this song.
- 80% of Normal difficulty is Kiai. I think you know very well, that it's not good.
- I have very good custom claps, that would fit with this song very and very well. Here it is, just try, i believe you will totally like it.
- Recude volume of normal set of hitsounds by 10-15%.

[Katsuri's Insane]

00:04:388 - there are no sounds here, either lyrics, replace slider with just a single note
00:04:868 here the same, so your final rhythm pattern should be like this here:

00:05:708 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - can you please explain topicality on every note in this section. I don't have any idea why did you choose such placements. Because i find this rhythm pattern much more correct then yours.

00:08:828 (1) - i don't think that you need to map that *Egh...*, and even more, you shouldn't do that by using 1/4 sliders.
00:16:028 (1) - 1/8 drill with normal set of hitsounds. yellow ticks do not exist in the song, well at least low volume of hitsounds at this repeat slider...
Well not gonna talk about rhythm anymore, it's up to you.

00:18:668 (6) - move this slider a bit right, so it will not overlap '5' slider.
00:23:708 (3) - normal whistle? Why? :/
00:34:508 (1,2,3,4) - 250 BPM 1/2 jumps, seriously for what?
00:49:148 (3) - x224 y128
00:49:388 (4) - new combo due to spacing change
00:50:348 (6) - soft whistle would fit better i think.


00:07:148 (6) - a bit smoother, smooooother
00:35:468 (3,4,5,6,1) - ctrl+shift+d for making perfect type of any type polygons (squares, triangales, hexagons, pentagons, dodecagons, etc)
00:37:388 (3) - i'm not sure about this kind of slider anymore. Because after skin has been changed sliders structure doesn't have any devision, so your slider has unknown pass. Same slider can be made, but structre and pass will be different. This is global problem, which should be discussed with Staff, but current i doubt that this type of sliders can be be rankable. Just my own opinion.


00:03:788 (4) - new combo?
00:07:628 - i think this break is too short, fill this place with some notes or leave it without any breaks,
00:28:748 (1) - this slider has small infelicity, i highly suggest to fix that.
00:48:428 (1) - soft which at the end, to match with previous difficulties

I have nothing to say about easy. I was going to write that it's better to skip using 1/2 notes on easiest difficuties, but since it's just 125 bpm, so i think it's ok.

that's it, good luck with it ~
Topic Starter

Leorda wrote:

Here, Gabby Gabby, I give you a fish (a.k.a modpost)
00:08:108 - Map this break? It is intentional
00:22:028 (3) - Reverse this slider for better flow Good
00:22:508 (4) - If you do change at 00:22:028 (3), reverse this slider too ^

Good girl~

Louis Cyphre wrote:


- Well, i don't want to express my whole dislikeness to your BG, but i highly suggest to change it, really. It seems you have increased resolution of low size bg just to make it suitable for ranking criteria. I googled a bit, and i found awesome one for you - hope this one you will like much more. Changed
- "theme song ost" - do you really think whole these words are needed to be in tags? They're just a mess, remove them, i doubt that someone will search 'theme song ost' to look for this song. Can be searchable by only "theme song" and "ost" is just a plus.
- 80% of Normal difficulty is Kiai. I think you know very well, that it's not good. It was a bug from previously. It's now fixed.
- I have very good custom claps, that would fit with this song very and very well. Here it is, just try, i believe you will totally like it. Good! Added
- Recude volume of normal set of hitsounds by 10-15%. I will keep the volume that way, for now.


00:07:148 (6) - a bit smoother, smooooother kdone
00:35:468 (3,4,5,6,1) - ctrl+shift+d for making perfect type of any type polygons (squares, triangales, hexagons, pentagons, dodecagons, etc) It's basically not "perfect" and the way it is placed, it looks like it was worse. At first, I made it normally but rotated it after.
00:37:388 (3) - i'm not sure about this kind of slider anymore. Because after skin has been changed sliders structure doesn't have any devision, so your slider has unknown pass. Same slider can be made, but structre and pass will be different. This is global problem, which should be discussed with Staff, but current i doubt that this type of sliders can be be rankable. Just my own opinion. Talked about it within the staff, it is rankable. I will keep it because of the speedup.

that's it, good luck with it ~
Thanks to both of you♥

@Gabe: Combo colour 1 and 2 look to similar in my honest opinion, more variation please.

@Louis: Combo was already there, fixed the Slider. Whistle was already there.
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