
Gavin G - Refresh

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Kotek- wrote:

00:52:638 (2,3) - Я имела ввиду между этими вставить сёркл. > w <
а, ок. done
nice map, nice song. wish it was longer D:
Too good of a map to mod for me..

Starred. Sorry for the delay.
damn senaya , how can you find such a good song like this fuckkk.

star here for good map and nice song <3

Inconsistency in Kiai Times
Inconsistency in Kiai Times:

- High :
Kiai #1: Starts on 00:38:696, ends on 01:01:285

- Low :
Kiai #1: Starts on 00:38:696, ends on 01:01:285
Kiai #2: Starts on 01:01:285, ends on 01:01:373

- Mid :
Kiai #1: Starts on 00:38:696, ends on 01:01:285
Kiai #2: Starts on 01:01:285, ends on 01:01:373

Fix the kiai fountain in the High difficulty so it has two like in the other difficulties.


The new combo placement in this difficulty seems a bit odd to me. I've puzzled around a bit and came up with this. It's up to you if you want to use these.
New combo placement
00:06:226 (6) - Add NC.
00:09:049 (8) - Add NC.
00:11:873 (8) - Add NC.
00:40:108 (7) - Add NC.
00:40:814 (1) - Remove NC.
00:41:696 (2) - Add NC.
00:45:755 (9) - Add NC.
00:46:461 (1) - Remove NC.
00:47:167 (5) - Add NC.
00:52:108 (1) - Remove NC.
00:52:638 (2) - Add NC.
00:54:226 (11) - Add NC.
00:54:579 (1) - Remove NC.
00:58:638 (7) - Add NC.
01:05:167 (7) - Add NC.
01:08:343 (7) - Add NC.
01:09:932 (11) - Add NC.
01:10:108 (1) - Remove NC.
01:14:167 (8) - Add NC.
01:14:696 (1) - Remove NC.
01:15:402 (5) - Add NC.
01:16:461 (11) - Add NC.
01:17:167 (1) - Remove NC.
01:18:402 (4) - Add NC.
01:20:873 (4) - Add NC.

Unsnapped inherited (green) sections at:
00:16:037 - snap to 00:16:019
00:38:786 - snap to 00:38:784

00:15:402 (1) - I would make this spinner start on 00:15:138. This way it'll flow better and it would be easier to pass it. As for now, auto can only just get 2k points on it. Any other player however will already struggle to even pass the spinner haha.

01:14:167 (8,9,10,1) - These jumps seem really odd to me. I mean, the spacing between 8, 9 and 10 are 1.7x and the the spacing from 10 to 1 is 1.0x. It seems a bit too sudden. I'd keep it 1.7x spacing and would then make a square pattern out of it. It plays way better imo. (quickly made pattern, so the square is a bit off haha)


Unsnapped inherited (green) sections at:
00:38:786 - snap to 00:38:872


Unsnapped inherited (green) sections at:
00:38:786 - snap to 00:38:872
Topic Starter

Tarantino wrote:


Inconsistency in Kiai Times
Inconsistency in Kiai Times:

- High :
Kiai #1: Starts on 00:38:696, ends on 01:01:285

- Low :
Kiai #1: Starts on 00:38:696, ends on 01:01:285
Kiai #2: Starts on 01:01:285, ends on 01:01:373

- Mid :
Kiai #1: Starts on 00:38:696, ends on 01:01:285
Kiai #2: Starts on 01:01:285, ends on 01:01:373

Fix the kiai fountain in the High difficulty so it has two like in the other difficulties.

fixed kiai my own way.


The new combo placement in this difficulty seems a bit odd to me. I've puzzled around a bit and came up with this. It's up to you if you want to use these.
New combo placement
00:06:226 (6) - Add NC.
00:09:049 (8) - Add NC.
00:11:873 (8) - Add NC.
00:40:108 (7) - Add NC.
00:40:814 (1) - Remove NC.
00:41:696 (2) - Add NC.
00:45:755 (9) - Add NC.
00:46:461 (1) - Remove NC.
00:47:167 (5) - Add NC.
00:52:108 (1) - Remove NC.
00:52:638 (2) - Add NC.
00:54:226 (11) - Add NC.
00:54:579 (1) - Remove NC.
00:58:638 (7) - Add NC.
01:05:167 (7) - Add NC.
01:08:343 (7) - Add NC.
01:09:932 (11) - Add NC.
01:10:108 (1) - Remove NC.
01:14:167 (8) - Add NC.
01:14:696 (1) - Remove NC.
01:15:402 (5) - Add NC.
01:16:461 (11) - Add NC.
01:17:167 (1) - Remove NC.
01:18:402 (4) - Add NC.
01:20:873 (4) - Add NC.

uhh.. i'm not sure about all this =_=

Unsnapped inherited (green) sections at:
00:16:037 - snap to 00:16:019
00:38:786 - snap to 00:38:784

does it matter? they work, right? fixed though.

00:15:402 (1) - I would make this spinner start on 00:15:138. This way it'll flow better and it would be easier to pass it. As for now, auto can only just get 2k points on it. Any other player however will already struggle to even pass the spinner haha.

works both ways but i'd like to give player some time to recover.

01:14:167 (8,9,10,1) - These jumps seem really odd to me. I mean, the spacing between 8, 9 and 10 are 1.7x and the the spacing from 10 to 1 is 1.0x. It seems a bit too sudden. I'd keep it 1.7x spacing and would then make a square pattern out of it. It plays way better imo. (quickly made pattern, so the square is a bit off haha)

combo color should indicate spacing change, right?


Unsnapped inherited (green) sections at:
00:38:786 - snap to 00:38:872

does it matter? they work, right? fixed though.


Unsnapped inherited (green) sections at:
00:38:786 - snap to 00:38:872

does it matter? they work, right? fixed though.
  1. Ни-че-го!
  1. 00:14:696 (3) - просится финиш
  2. 00:38:696 - сделай финиш на фонтане громче, чем 30% (хорошо бы удвоить)
  3. 00:49:991 (1) и далее — этот «финиш» (сам хитсаунд) очень громкий по сравнению с остальными звуками. Возможно, стоит сделать его тише и перезалить, уж больно заметна разница между его наличием и отсутствием
  4. 00:58:107 (5) - вместо него лучше две ноты, мне кажется (паттерн у тебя не по центру, слайдером можешь пожертвовать, потеря симметри будет не особо заметна
  5. 01:22:461 - возможно, стоит добавить ноту с финишем, а спиннер — на полбита позже
  1. 00:14:696 (3) - финиш? Ну, как и на лоу
  2. 00:36:932 (5) - он кривоватый. Подвинь саамый правый узел влево, чтобы подправить
  3. 00:38:696 - см. лоу
  4. 01:16:108 (1,2) - определись со спейсингом уже, прошлый точно такой же фрагмент был под .5: 01:14:343 (4,5)
  5. 01:22:461 - см. лоу
  1. 00:38:696 - и опять тихий финиш, который надо сделать громче же!
  2. 00:40:814 (1) - попробуй хлопок на повтор добавить, может, понравится, как звучит. А вообще, какой-то глупый заполнитель, лучше б вместо него нормальные слайдеры сделал, или нот добавил
  3. 00:49:991 (1,2,3) - что. В смысле, ты не пробовал как-нибудь переделать 2 и 3? После первого выглядят, как будто их абсолютно случайно бросили и так и оставили. Может, там лучше что-то симпатично-симметричное сделать вместо копипасты, заодно поменяв и первый слайдер?
  4. 01:05:167 (7,9) - встань на 01:05:696 и выровняй их по аппроачу от ноты (да, я заметил, что они криво стоят, во время игры)
  5. 00:59:873 - лучше сюда ноту, спиннер на четверть позже
  6. 01:13:108 (4,5) - мне больше нравится, когда они в линию вытянуты:
  7. 01:15:402 (5) - слайдер-инвалид с горбом. Сделай эту округлую часть чуть поменьше (узелок — на пару клеток вниз)
  8. 01:22:108 (8) - мне кажется, паузы лучше избежать, добавив ноты на красный и белый тики после этой (спиннер, опять-таки, 1/4 позже)
Как-то так! Не забудь передвинуть в Pending, если больше ничего не ждёшь.
Star for you, good luck <3
Topic Starter

TicClick wrote:

  1. Ни-че-го! ^__^

  1. 00:14:696 (3) - просится финиш и правда. осталось после переделки.
  2. 00:38:696 - сделай финиш на фонтане громче, чем 30% (хорошо бы удвоить) 60% - ужасно. поставил 45.
  3. 00:49:991 (1) и далее — этот «финиш» (сам хитсаунд) очень громкий по сравнению с остальными звуками. Возможно, стоит сделать его тише и перезалить, уж больно заметна разница между его наличием и отсутствием звуки должно быть слышно, не? сменил на 50.
  4. 00:58:107 (5) - вместо него лучше две ноты, мне кажется (паттерн у тебя не по центру, слайдером можешь пожертвовать, потеря симметри будет не особо заметна почему только тут? или везде или нигде
  5. 01:22:461 - возможно, стоит добавить ноту с финишем, а спиннер — на полбита позже done
  1. 00:14:696 (3) - финиш? Ну, как и на лоу да
  2. 00:36:932 (5) - он кривоватый. Подвинь саамый правый узел влево, чтобы подправить двинул, но всё-равно криво))
  3. 00:38:696 - см. лоу так же
  4. 01:16:108 (1,2) - определись со спейсингом уже, прошлый точно такой же фрагмент был под .5: 01:14:343 (4,5) там циферки не видно с х0.5
  5. 01:22:461 - см. лоу так же
  1. 00:38:696 - и опять тихий финиш, который надо сделать громче же! da
  2. 00:40:814 (1) - попробуй хлопок на повтор добавить, может, понравится, как звучит. не понравилось
  3. 00:49:991 (1,2,3) - что. В смысле, ты не пробовал как-нибудь переделать 2 и 3? После первого выглядят, как будто их абсолютно случайно бросили и так и оставили. Может, там лучше что-то симпатично-симметричное сделать вместо копипасты, заодно поменяв и первый слайдер? ты не видел как это выглядело в первоначальном варианте)) поменяю без проблем, если будут достойные предложения.
  4. 01:05:167 (7,9) - встань на 01:05:696 и выровняй их по аппроачу от ноты done
  5. 00:59:873 - лучше сюда ноту, спиннер на четверть позже кинул
  6. 01:13:108 (4,5) - мне больше нравится, когда они в линию вытянуты: ссылка дохлая, но я опустил среднюю пониже
  7. 01:15:402 (5) - слайдер-инвалид с горбом. Сделай эту округлую часть чуть поменьше (узелок — на пару клеток вниз) ссылка дохлая, но опустил. хорошо что ты оставлял письменные комментарии
  8. 01:22:108 (8) - мне кажется, паузы лучше избежать, добавив ноты на красный и белый тики после этой (спиннер, опять-таки, 1/4 позже) k
Как-то так! Не забудь передвинуть в Pending, если больше ничего не ждёшь. она ж там, вроде, и была D:
thank you!
Everything is total perfect.

All you need is putting you'r own skin or TAIKO/CTB/OSU!MANIA oni to make it more famous.

Good job.

Lou-kun wrote:

Everything is total perfect.

All you need is putting you'r own skin or TAIKO/CTB/OSU!MANIA oni to make it more famous.

Good job.
Not rankable yet.
Topic Starter
Thank you, but I'd rather see some mod posts.

senaya wrote:

but I'd rather see some mod posts.


* Metadata empty? o.o
* Letterboxes don't look good with the BG imo~
* You don't have a SB, so you can delete the osb.file
*You should add a description to the Maps comment. So that: Low = Easy, Mid = Normal, High = Hard


00:03:402 - Why do you ignore the downbeat? I can hear a sound here.
00:06:226 (2) - CTRL + J on this Slider helps to do a blanket with 1.
00:33:049 (1) - a bit ugly cure, move the curve point of the slider more to the mid
00:35:167 (3) - move down for symmetry with 1
00:38:696 (1) - Blanket with 3 looks cooler imo~
00:40:814 (1) - unneeded Slider point, delete it please
00:54:932 (4) - Remove whistle and add clap to the end
01:14:696 (4) - remove finish and add clap to repeat


* Increase the Spacing notes like 00:09:579 (4) - are really hard to read for beginners because they can't see the number of the note.
00:45:402 (2) - Space better, confuses beginners~
00:53:520 (2) - Slider points out of Slider D: Also CTRL + J helps for blanket with 3
01:06:755 (5) - Add NC and remove on 1?
01:10:285 (2) - Stacking it complete with 1 will be more pleasing

Tired hehh~

Good luck~ :3
Topic Starter

Konei wrote:


* Metadata empty? o.o don't know why this happened, but fixed.
* Letterboxes don't look good with the BG imo~ i still don't know what they do and what they are but sure, i'll remove them.
* You don't have a SB, so you can delete the osb.file i'm tired of removing it. gets created all the time =_=
*You should add a description to the Maps comment. So that: Low = Easy, Mid = Normal, High = Hard that's not exactly true, that's why i use different names.


00:03:402 - Why do you ignore the downbeat? I can hear a sound here. becasue i have spinners on other diffs that start too suddenly otherwise
00:06:226 (2) - CTRL + J on this Slider helps to do a blanket with 1. nah, i think it goes well with 00:09:049 (3) -
00:33:049 (1) - a bit ugly cure, move the curve point of the slider more to the mid done
00:35:167 (3) - move down for symmetry with 1 done
00:38:696 (1) - Blanket with 3 looks cooler imo~ don't think so
00:40:814 (1) - unneeded Slider point, delete it please it's not straight. it's needed.
00:54:932 (4) - Remove whistle and add clap to the end uhh.. i don't like how it sounds, also there are other sections like that in this map.
01:14:696 (4) - remove finish and add clap to repeat ^same


* Increase the Spacing notes like 00:09:579 (4) - are really hard to read for beginners because they can't see the number of the note. it was the point. you want to change it to x0.5? i tried before and it wasn't that cute =\
00:45:402 (2) - Space better, confuses beginners~ Mid is not for beginners :<
00:53:520 (2) - Slider points out of Slider D: Also CTRL + J helps for blanket with 3 true
01:06:755 (5) - Add NC and remove on 1? i tried to make it like i did 00:43:638 (4) -
01:10:285 (2) - Stacking it complete with 1 will be more pleasing i want it to be visible (like others)

Tired hehh~ ikr, was able to rest for only 2 hours today =_=

Good luck~ :3

Gabe wrote:

Lou-kun wrote:

Everything is total perfect.

All you need is putting you'r own skin or TAIKO/CTB/OSU!MANIA oni to make it more famous.

Good job.
Not rankable yet.
Topic Starter
and i thought that someone finally left a mod post :<
hi :3 I said I mod this so i will do it

- ask a B/MAT that the "Artist - Title" line that appears at the beginn of the map to start between 00:16:461 - 00:25:991 - . Would be awesome

  1. Your difficulty settings are rather high in my eyes, because this diff looks more like a mix between Easy and Normal
    HP Drain - 1
    AR - 1
    OD - 1 or 2
  2. 00:04:902 - unsnapped green inherit timeline
  3. 00:10:814 (2) - I can't hear anything that would call a slider from start to first repeat. Would sound better to start slider without repeat on 00:11:167 - and have a Hitcircle instead on 00:10:814 - . At the moment it sounds a bit weird
  4. 00:11:873 (3) - maybe new combo
  5. 00:14:696 (3) - new combo
  6. 00:34:638 (2) - would look better if this one were on the y-axis of the grid (X: 256)
  7. 00:46:461 (1,2) - maybe switch New combos that new combo starts on (2) not (1)
  8. 00:57:402 (1) - new combo
  9. 00:59:873 (1) - spinner is a bit short for a Easy/Normal
  10. 01:01:814 (1) - abit far away from spinner center
  11. 01:22:638 (1) - short spinner is to short
  12. 01:21:049 (1,2) - maybe place them so that (2) is in the center (X: 256 Y: 192)
  1. Why not Medium? Mid sounds a bit weird for me
  2. 00:04:873 - unsnapped green inherit line
  3. 00:30:226 (4) - new combo
  4. 01:06:579 - add Hitcircle
  5. 01:15:049 (5) - remove repeat. Use a Hitcircle for slider end instead
  1. 00:04:902 - unsnapped green line
  2. 00:04:991 - add Hitcircle
  3. 00:06:226 (1) - new combo
  4. 00:07:285 (3) - jump from (2) to (3) is okay but a bit to far D: lower this jump a little for a better flow
  5. 00:09:049 (8) - new combo
  6. 00:10:284 (11) - X: 108 Y: 300. Jump is a bit shorter and feels better in flow
  7. 00:11:873 (1) - new combo
  8. 00:15:402 (1) - start spinner on 00:15:226 -
rest is fine

Hope my mod helps :>
good luck
Topic Starter

bomber34 wrote:

hi :3 I said I mod this so i will do it \:D/

- ask a B/MAT that the "Artist - Title" line that appears at the beginn of the map to start between 00:16:461 - 00:25:991 - . Would be awesome looks cool. i wonder if i'll ever rank this though XD

  1. Your difficulty settings are rather high in my eyes, because this diff looks more like a mix between Easy and Normal
    HP Drain - 1
    AR - 1
    OD - 1 or 2 all 3 of diffs are a mix. that's why i'm not using standard names for them. OD-1 done
  2. 00:04:902 - unsnapped green inherit timeline and why is it bad? it sounds as i wanted to.. fine, i'll snap it
  3. 00:10:814 (2) - I can't hear anything that would call a slider from start to first repeat. Would sound better to start slider without repeat on 00:11:167 - and have a Hitcircle instead on 00:10:814 - . At the moment it sounds a bit weird added 1/4 repeat
  4. 00:11:873 (3) - maybe new combo nope. i never used nc before on similar segments.
  5. 00:14:696 (3) - new combo i don't think it is needed.
  6. 00:34:638 (2) - would look better if this one were on the y-axis of the grid (X: 256) it won't stack with 00:36:402 (1)
  7. 00:46:461 (1,2) - maybe switch New combos that new combo starts on (2) not (1) no reason to change only here
  8. 00:57:402 (1) - new combo 1-5 form a pattern so i want to keep them in one combo
  9. 00:59:873 (1) - spinner is a bit short for a Easy/Normal AI Mod disagrees
  10. 01:01:814 (1) - abit far away from spinner center moving it closer
  11. 01:22:638 (1) - short spinner is to short there are no notes after it so i think it's fine. but i'll think about it.
  12. 01:21:049 (1,2) - maybe place them so that (2) is in the center (X: 256 Y: 192) done
  1. Why not Medium? Mid sounds a bit weird for me because Mid = Middle.
  2. 00:04:873 - unsnapped green inherit line ffffff why do people mention this? snapped
  3. 00:30:226 (4) - new combo it was there before. but if it is there i also have to add nc at 00:35:873 (4) - and it looks ugly
  4. 01:06:579 - add Hitcircle i think it might be too hard
  5. 01:15:049 (5) - remove repeat. Use a Hitcircle for slider end instead done
  1. 00:04:902 - unsnapped green line oh, come on :< snapped now
  2. 00:04:991 - add Hitcircle ok
  3. 00:06:226 (1) - new combo nah, i think it looks good as it is
  4. 00:07:285 (3) - jump from (2) to (3) is okay but a bit to far D: lower this jump a little for a better flow i like this kind of jumps :<
  5. 00:09:049 (8) - new combo same as before
  6. 00:10:284 (11) - X: 108 Y: 300. Jump is a bit shorter and feels better in flow ok, done
  7. 00:11:873 (1) - new combo and here too same as before
  8. 00:15:402 (1) - start spinner on 00:15:226 - done
rest is fine

Hope my mod helps :>
good luck
thank you. wasn't expecting anyone to mod this lol
Topic Starter
ehh, another 2 weeks of nothing :<
Topic Starter
1 more week and still nothing :<

00:59:873 (10) - use normal hitfinish here, SOFT IS FOR THE WEAK
01:22:461 (10) - here too
01:22:638 (1) - and at the end of this spinner
01:12:226 (8) - move this shit farther away, something like this


This diff needs some higher approach rate. Like at least 1 tick more.
00:49:991 (1) - NORMAL HITFINISH
00:59:873 (1) - AND HERE
01:12:579 (1) - AND HERE
01:22:461 (1) - AND HERE


01:22:461 (2) - HERE TOO
Topic Starter

Natteke wrote:


00:59:873 (10) - use normal hitfinish here, SOFT IS FOR THE WEAK manly normal hitfinish added
01:22:461 (10) - here too here too
01:22:638 (1) - and at the end of this spinner and at the end of this spinner
01:12:226 (8) - move this shit farther away, something like this shit has been moved


This diff needs some higher approach rate. Like at least 1 tick more. i accept it
00:49:991 (1) - NORMAL HITFINISH da
00:59:873 (1) - AND HERE da2
01:12:579 (1) - AND HERE da3
01:22:461 (1) - AND HERE da4


00:59:873 (1) - NORMAL HITFINISH, FAGGOT i obey
01:22:461 (2) - HERE TOO yes, my lord
ate your brain. was worth it 8-)
Hi there

00:51:402 (3) - Snap the tail slider to 00:52:461 and add note at 00:52:814?

00:05:167 (1) - While the default spinner is red-orange-yellow, this might be hidden for players during gameplay. Do the colorhax by doing this
00:11:873 (3) - Remove the whistle at sliderbody, it's useless

00:37:638 (2) - Why clap?

Once you done, in-game PM me
Topic Starter

Leorda wrote:

Hi there

00:51:402 (3) - Snap the tail slider to 00:52:461 and add note at 00:52:814?
i did it, but i'm afraid it might be too similar to 00:47:696 (3) -

00:05:167 (1) - While the default spinner is red-orange-yellow, this might be hidden for players during gameplay. Do the colorhax by doing this done
00:11:873 (3) - Remove the whistle at sliderbody, it's useless true, removed

00:37:638 (2) - Why clap? it is in the music. i can remove it, but it will still be in mp3

Once you done, in-game PM me
thank you
Topic Starter
> "pm me when ready"
> done that 2 weeks ago...

getting your map ranked is impossible unless you have mat/bat friends.
Topic Starter
different year, same shit happened. peppy makes this game better, but people playing it remain the same :<

senaya wrote:

> "pm me when ready"
> done that 2 weeks ago...
napishi forumnoe pm
Topic Starter

TicClick wrote:

napishi forumnoe pm
я так и сделал (мы так и договаривались)
Topic Starter
Like some BATs say: "kudosu spam your map to get our mods."
Take my stars. Take them. They make my map so much better, right?
Each star significantly improves the quality of my mapping, I'm sure of it.
Random mod, just suggestions

00:10:284 (11) - I think you should put new combo on this beat instead and stack 00:10:461 (1) - underneath it to improve playability / flow
00:12:932 (10,11) - This jump feels kinda odd to me, I think it would be better to get rid of it by making a triplet at the position of 10
00:40:020 - It feels a bit empty without a beat at this point, consider adding it for a triplet
00:45:314 - Same here, I think a triplet would be a lot nicer to play for this part
01:14:608 - Rhythm-wise it would be better to add a beat here IMO, either make a small stream connecting to 01:14:873 (3) - or remove 01:14:785 (2) - and make a triplet stack at 01:14:520 (10) -

Nothing really to complain here, except for the fact that the distance snap between 00:06:226 (3,4) - these and 00:44:696 (1,2) - these is different, you should keep it consistent IMO
Personally I'd go with the distance you used 00:44:696 (1,2) - here

No real problems here either, I just think it's a bit deceiving to change the rhythm at this point 00:49:991 - comparing to the previous kiai half
Maybe consider keeping it like the first half of the Kiai as it's more pleasant to play IMO, but it's up to you!

Offset feels just a tiny bit late to me, try to apply -4 to it.

Nice mapset you got here, solid and fun to play :3
Topic Starter

Kite wrote:

Random mod, just suggestions

00:10:284 (11) - I think you should put new combo on this beat instead and stack 00:10:461 (1) - underneath it to improve playability / flow Won't change NC for several reasons:
1) It is now consistent. Check 00:07:638 (1,2) before that or 00:13:285 (1,2) after that.
2) It aids in reading of the jump since I tend to use same combo color for the rhythm if spacing suddenly changes.

00:12:932 (10,11) - This jump feels kinda odd to me, I think it would be better to get rid of it by making a triplet at the position of 10 2nd and 3rd repeats out of 4 before the break have the same structure. Why are your suggestions for 00:10:284 (11) and 00:13:108 (11) are different? I'd rather keep them consistent as they are now.
00:40:020 - It feels a bit empty without a beat at this point, consider adding it for a triplet Why only there? If I were to add a triplet here, I'd also like one at 00:45:667 and 00:43:549 and other similar parts. Nope.
00:45:314 - Same here, I think a triplet would be a lot nicer to play for this part Uhh.. If wanted to, I'd rather made a triplet at the end of 00:44:873 (6) by adding a note at 00:45:138.
01:14:608 - Rhythm-wise it would be better to add a beat here IMO, either make a small stream connecting to 01:14:873 (3) - or remove 01:14:785 (2) - and make a triplet stack at 01:14:520 (10) - I actually remapped this part completely. I was finally able to get rid of that ugly 01:15:402 (6) slider. I hope it's better now.

Nothing really to complain here, except for the fact that the distance snap between 00:06:226 (3,4) - these and 00:44:696 (1,2) - these is different, you should keep it consistent IMO
Personally I'd go with the distance you used 00:44:696 (1,2) - here
Also intended. You can clearly see what I mean at 01:18:226 (1,2,3). I use distance snap 0,4 only for sliders. But it's different when it comes to circles, think about it as an "enhanced Stack Leniency" since all that i wanted is not to stack notes under sliders completely. The only place where I don't follow this is at 01:16:461 (2) because it won't be clearly visible with the usual spacing. But I do find this slider 00:07:108 (5) somehow out of place. I think I need to change that maybe :<

No real problems here either, I just think it's a bit deceiving to change the rhythm at this point 00:49:991 - comparing to the previous kiai half
Maybe consider keeping it like the first half of the Kiai as it's more pleasant to play IMO, but it's up to you!
It was intended because repeating the same pattern for 4 times would be dead boring (I had issues with that in my previous maps)

Offset feels just a tiny bit late to me, try to apply -4 to it.
I get 0ms late after playing [High] but I'll ask someone who can time well just in case.

Nice mapset you got here, solid and fun to play :3
Thank you, I will update the map after TicClick's timing check.
UPD: done.
Here is a *detailed* log, without any truncation or exclusion of any or all unrelated chat lines regarding the modding of said mapset. :D

16:14 senaya: harrou
16:14 senaya: how's it going with shine?
16:14 senaya: also, you dropped this?
16:14 *senaya is listening to [ Coaltar of the Deepers - DEAR FUTURE (TV size)]
17:12 Faust: sort of
17:12 senaya: i saw you getting out of afk when i wrote this :D
17:13 Faust: haha
17:13 Faust: mom had to take over
17:14 senaya: so, that disturbingly awesome DEAR FUTURE is dropped and what about shine?
17:14 Faust: still timing it lol
17:15 Faust: I thought I deleted it..
17:17 senaya: is it that hard to time? when i play it on guitar, i never tohught about different bpms and stuff D:
17:17 senaya: <--- n00b
17:17 Faust: they're all subtle
17:17 Faust: I updated with some new sections
17:17 Faust: you'll see what I mean
17:17 senaya: i already do
17:18 senaya: well, kinda expected from that band, they were always good
17:18 senaya: never tohught that it would be this complicated
17:19 Faust: updates on Refresh, ho
17:19 senaya: what are you looking at? shatahp!
17:19 Faust: it is pretty well mapped imo
17:20 senaya: i'm struggling with it for months
17:20 senaya: becasue 2 BATs said if i want to make it better, i need 100% remap
17:20 Faust: months for a 1:30 map ?
17:20 Faust: eh?
17:21 Faust: what did they say ?
17:21 Faust: -EDITED LOL-
17:21 senaya: NTR said that i sohuld completely change rhythm (structure of it) and Charles445 said smth like "you want and OK map or a good one?"
17:22 Faust: your map runs fine
17:23 senaya: i wish i could map something that would fit everyones tastes
17:23 Faust: the first 16 seconds of High diff
17:23 Faust: are really something
17:23 Faust: you can't please everyone, suppose you know that.
17:24 senaya: wow
17:24 senaya: i tihnk you're the 1st person who likes that part :) i even remapped it ~6 months ago
17:24 Faust: lol
17:25 Faust: it paths out the rhythm very well
17:25 Faust: it embodies the song
17:25 Faust: 00:48:751 (9,10,11,1,2) - also I like this
17:26 senaya: ah, i had that in rita too (the one you modded last year) :3
17:26 Faust: ah
17:26 Faust: I remember that
17:26 Faust: lol
17:26 senaya: the reason i don't want to remap it from scratch is because most of the maps in my graveyard are experiments with different styles
17:27 senaya: that's like a page of my life :)
17:27 senaya: if you have a minute
17:27 *senaya is listening to [ Rio - Ai no Kotoba]
17:27 senaya: this is my recent map
17:27 Faust: Nitroplus !!
17:28 senaya: yes :3
17:28 senaya: i have another one which isn't uploaded. i'm remapping it atm because the way i mapped it didn't work out well.
17:30 Faust: this mapping kinda resembles mine
17:30 Faust: lmao
17:30 Faust: blanket sliders going at 45 degree angles
17:31 Faust: but sometimes the way the song goes, that's just how the mapping turns out to be.
17:32 senaya: i just opened it and tohught i'd map aprt of chorus
17:32 senaya: and then i realized it's already morining and i'm done mapping it fully...
17:45 Faust: hmm if my BG is 1280 x 720 what should I resize it to for osu! ?
17:46 senaya: рьь
17:46 senaya: leave it
17:46 senaya: it's 16:9
18:49 senaya: jsut song? or natteke gave you mine?
18:50 Faust: just my song
18:50 Faust: hehehehehe
18:50 senaya: oh damn
18:50 *senaya is listening to Foo Fighters - Everlong
18:50 senaya: i have other one
18:50 senaya: :D
18:50 Faust: osu needs more of this
18:50 senaya: i mistook "best of you"
18:51 senaya: because i've played it on guitar
18:51 *senaya has so many stupid moments :<
18:51 Faust: keke
18:51 Faust: looks like I
18:51 Faust: got the best of you.
18:51 Faust: ba dum tsh
18:51 *senaya is rolling of floor
18:54 *senaya is editing Seether - Pass slowly [Hard]
18:54 senaya: i also have this
19:17 Faust: let's see
19:17 Faust: high diff has a silly inconsistency with it's timing section
19:23 senaya: i don't understand :( can you explain?
19:24 Faust: Low & Mid both have the first offset at 00:03:402
19:24 Faust: High has it at 00:03:398
19:25 senaya: D:
19:25 senaya: why is it even
19:25 senaya: D:
19:26 Faust: or maybe I need to update
19:26 senaya: they all are @ 398
19:27 Faust: yeah just ignore me
19:27 Faust: I am seeing 3,399 though
19:27 Faust: :O
19:27 senaya: don't scare me like that
19:27 senaya: lol
19:31 Faust: having the spinner start off end at 00:04:810 is okay, I guess
19:32 Faust: oh god, it links
19:32 Faust: but then it'd feel a little weird having the spinner end off on the downbeat instead of a hitcircle
19:34 Faust: and there's also the thing about 00:04:987 (1) - being rather close to the centre (where the hitburst may hide a portion of the note)
19:36 senaya: i placed it there because .. it's close to the center and would be easy to hit after the spinner.
19:38 senaya: i can move it away if it's needed though
19:38 Faust: hmm
19:39 senaya:
19:42 Faust: nothing else on my part, save for maybe you could touch up on parts like 01:05:163 (7,8,9) -
19:43 senaya: i can remove the red node but won't be that too boring?
19:46 Faust: nah I meant to touch up on the shape
19:46 Faust: lol
19:47 Faust: if you were meaning to blanket it perfectly
19:47 Faust: if not, you could further exaggerate the displacement of both sliders
19:47 Faust: for some style
19:47 senaya: oooh. i can blanket those.
19:47 *senaya drank today so is slow
19:49 Faust: slow senaya
19:52 senaya: i think i did it
19:52 senaya:
19:54 Faust: yay
19:54 Faust: most of the time, the places where it feels slightly awkward to play are usually because of the angle they're placed at
19:55 Faust: the notes, sliders
19:55 Faust: the direction seems vague
19:56 senaya: i need to learn more about that. sometimes i don't see the variety of choices i have at my disposal
19:57 Faust: try to get used to creating more defined patterns
19:57 Faust: usually it's the pairing of 2 sliders
19:58 Faust: for example, you could place them like / \ but at an angle
19:58 Faust: and people would still inherently notice the balance
19:58 Faust: in that, it becomes more intuitive to play
19:59 senaya: is this being told about 01:05:163 (7,8,9) - or jsut learning in general?
19:59 Faust: in general
20:00 Faust: it applies to whatever it may regard
20:00 senaya: ooh, ok. jsut making sure :)
20:00 Faust: I'd be happy to bubble this, but not before I give some say of course
20:00 Faust: haha
20:01 senaya: WHY ARE YOU SO KIND TO ME!!!
20:02 senaya: a guy who mods my maps once a year on his own accord
20:02 Faust: why is the AR on Hard so low though
20:02 Faust: might wanna turn that up a notch, as well as the OD
20:03 senaya: becasue it was intended to be Normal :) but with time it got more challenging
20:03 senaya: *because
20:03 Faust: map settings seem rather unbalanced
20:03 Faust: it's not very convincing.
20:03 senaya: oh, in Mid
20:03 Faust: yup
20:03 Faust: HP+1 too
20:03 senaya: what do you think about 00:07:104 (5) - ?
20:04 senaya: needs to be split? beacuse there's a beat
20:04 senaya: that's what i was tihnking
20:04 Faust: nah
20:04 Faust: the rhythm you chose to map on stands out nicely
20:04 Faust: it's fine
20:04 Faust: it's pretty apparent and easy to catch on
20:05 senaya: i did ar+1, hp+2 and od+1
20:05 Faust: HP+1 is fine
20:06 Faust: I have noticed that it's a nice spread of 3, 4 & 5 stars anyway
20:06 senaya: hhhm. hp+1 there is, then
20:08 Faust: maybe for 00:36:928 you could try this ?
20:10 senaya: 00:37:987 (7,8,9) - sounds VERY good
20:11 Faust: \:D/
20:12 Faust: 01:21:928 (4) - could be replaced with notes intead
20:12 Faust: instead*
20:16 senaya: i was making this as Normal so i thought that 1 note before spinner would be easier
20:16 Faust: haha, really
20:17 senaya: like this?
20:21 Faust: oh gosh, I just looked at your photo
20:21 senaya: cat?
20:21 Faust: no, u
20:21 senaya: oh, me
20:21 senaya: breams = broken?
20:21 Faust: KurtXDave guy
20:21 senaya: OH GOD
20:22 senaya: i don't actually look like them, do i?
20:22 senaya: i'm left-handed like kirt was, but that might be the only thing that's common between us
20:22 senaya: *kurt
20:28 senaya: at least you won't deny me being a male anymore
20:28 Faust: I never did !
20:28 Faust: I tell the truth
20:28 senaya: D:
20:29 senaya: that supposed to be a joke (when you were denying it in #lounge)
20:29 Faust: lol
20:31 Faust: Hmm, Low should have a +1 to HP
20:33 senaya: hom much HP actually affects Easy diffs? i don't remember ever failing those :D
20:33 Faust: virtually nothing
20:33 senaya: i mean, what is the standard for those? i just know it has to be low
20:33 senaya: changed, btw
20:34 Faust: it has to be a certain low, but also has to be adjusted to level the difficulty curving
20:34 Faust: aka make sense
20:35 Faust: I think +1 affects nothing
20:35 Faust: but current setting may be too little
20:35 senaya: nothing makes sense if it's near me :D
20:35 Faust: sounds dangerous
20:35 senaya: (and fun)
20:36 Faust: 00:29:516 (3) - maybe x:272 y:136 ?
20:36 Faust: basically, tilt the slider end towards the left
20:38 Faust: 00:54:928 (4) - x:172 y:352
20:40 Faust: 00:55:634 (1,2,3,4,5) - this whole rhythm here would be better at 01:02:692 (2,3,4,1,2,3) -
20:40 Faust: and vice versa
20:40 Faust: lol
20:46 senaya: i moved 00:54:928 (4) -
20:46 senaya: but how the hell do i exchange patterns later on? :D
20:46 Faust: what do you mean :O
20:46 senaya: 00:55:634 (1,2,3,4,5) -
20:47 Faust: basically, what I meant was to copypaste the respective notes, like, switch places.
20:47 Faust: switch rhythms
20:57 senaya: well, i did it, also changed several sliders
20:57 Faust: woo
20:58 Faust: hmm, that's about all after looking through
20:58 Faust: I think the rest sit okay
20:58 Faust: I'm more interested in that Nitro+ map of yours
20:58 Faust: lol
20:59 Faust: I downloaded the game ISO years back
20:59 Faust: couldn't play it for shit
20:59 senaya: well, don't
20:59 senaya: sumaga is being translated atm
20:59 Faust: yup
21:00 Faust: tell me when you update
21:00 senaya: done, i tihnk. check again (especially Low diff)
21:03 Faust: one last thing on Low, 01:18:575 (3) - x:276 y:72
21:05 senaya: 276 is too far. 296?
21:05 senaya: distance snapping doesn't allow me 276 :<
21:05 Faust: haha
21:05 Faust: screw that
21:05 Faust: just do it :D
21:05 Faust: it is of no consequence.
21:05 Faust: really.
21:05 senaya:
21:06 Faust: alternatively, rotate the endpoint of (2) closer to the left
21:06 Faust: problem solved
21:07 senaya: already saved and uploaded..
21:07 Faust: haha, nevermind then
21:07 Faust: anyway, on Mid
21:08 Faust: I noticed notes like 00:44:692 (1,2) - have a sort of inconsistent thing with the overlaying of the second note (here being (2)
21:08 senaya: you're on Low now?
21:08 Faust: you could make them have a standard distance snapping for all such rhythming for easier identification
21:08 Faust: Mid
21:09 senaya: i'm using diferent spacing for when there is a note after a slider and when there is another slider
21:10 senaya: was it a bad move?
21:10 Faust: not bad, but not great either
21:10 senaya: i can make it consistent
21:11 Faust: if you do follow with my suggestion, I'd also suggest you not bring the hitcircle a bit lower from the sliders arc
21:11 Faust: you tend to suddenly do a slight plunge in distance at the slider end
21:11 Faust: having it follow the sliders path would seem more natural
21:12 senaya: i don't like standard spacing (x1.0) :< i want it to be smaller
21:13 senaya: like compressed strams tihng or w/e that thing is called
21:13 senaya: maybe x0.5?
21:18 senaya: you're gone? :D
21:22 Faust: hope you savelogged all that shit
21:22 Faust: cause my keyboard
21:22 Faust: just decided to fuck itself in the ass
21:23 senaya: homoboad?
21:23 Faust: I savelogged a portion
21:23 Faust: but not everything
21:23 Faust: sort of
21:23 Faust: but yeah savelog this
21:23 senaya: savelogged jsut now
21:23 senaya: so, about x0.5 - is it ok?
21:23 Faust: and just uh, zip and puush it to me later
21:23 senaya: sure
21:24 Faust: yeah
21:24 Faust: 00:48:222 (2) - looks better at x:360 y:176 btw
21:26 senaya: i'll fix them all with x0.5 now
21:33 senaya: should be done now

And with that, a bubble.

Of course, it is not that I completely and utterly disagree with all points priorly given out by the 2 individuals mentioned at the beginning of the chatlog, but rather I stand largely in the defense of the mapset from the perspective (again, pretty subjective as well) that Mr.senaya here needn't resort to giving this some remap treatment.
Topic Starter
tl;dr verson:
  1. improved some sliders
  1. settings tweaked
  2. spacing changed
  3. several sliders changed into notes
  1. settings tweaked
  2. changed placement of some sliders
I'd like to add that I'm not looking for an easy way, I consulted with 3 more BATs before this mod happened.
01:14:516 - replace nc here from the next note, 5-note-stream looks ugly with nc on 2nd note
01:15:398 - add nc for reducing combo in pattern, since it follows music

AR-1 please
Topic Starter

Aleks719 wrote:

01:14:516 - replace nc here from the next note, 5-note-stream looks ugly with nc on 2nd note ok, you convinced me.
01:15:398 - add nc for reducing combo in pattern, since it follows music keeping it since it follows most of the other parts.

AR-1 please oh, well, +HR will make this more challenging perhaps. changed.
^ this plus changed volume of 1st section in Low form 80 to 65.
Refreshed Ranked!
Topic Starter
/me dies
Great song choice, and grats for rank
поздравляю, сеная :3
Oh wow, it's weird seeing a map that has your desktop background.

Congrats though~.
Natteke desu
Грац про
posoni and senaya rank, congrats!
What anime is the background from?
Topic Starter

andydork5 wrote:

What anime is the background from?
it's an original art piece. it has no title.

senaya wrote:

andydork5 wrote:

What anime is the background from?
it's an original art piece. it has no title.
Oh. Okay. Thanks :)
I love the background, is there any chance for a version with higher resolution than 1024x768?

Many thanks in advance and great song and beatmap by the way!
Topic Starter

thesirius728 wrote:

I love the background, is there any chance for a version with higher resolution than 1024x768?
sure, here you go.
Arigatou gozaimasu, beatiful !
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