
yanaginagi - Zoetrope (TV Size)

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2013年3月2日 at 15:40:43

Artist: yanaginagi
Title: Zoetrope (TV Size)
Tags: opening
BPM: 83
Filesize: 12753kb
Play Time: 01:28
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (3.05 stars, 106 notes)
  2. Hard (4.71 stars, 208 notes)
  3. Insane (4.85 stars, 296 notes)
  4. Normal (3.94 stars, 139 notes)
Download: yanaginagi - Zoetrope (TV Size)
Download: yanaginagi - Zoetrope (TV Size) (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing

このまま 連れ出してよ

Please redownload if you downloaded before 2/1/2013.
  1. 00:02:112 - BPM 83.000
  2. 00:19:461 - BPM 80.000
  3. 00:20:961 - BPM 75.000
  4. 00:22:561 - BPM 92.000
  5. 00:23:865 - BPM 80.000
  6. 00:25:365 - BPM 75.000
  7. 00:26:165 - BPM 60.000
  8. 00:27:165 - BPM 184.000
Topic Starter

Kitsuneko wrote:

  1. 00:02:112 - BPM 83.000
  2. 00:19:461 - BPM 80.000
  3. 00:20:961 - BPM 75.000
  4. 00:22:561 - BPM 92.000
  5. 00:23:865 - BPM 80.000
  6. 00:25:365 - BPM 75.000
  7. 00:26:165 - BPM 60.000
  8. 00:27:165 - BPM 184.000
Randomly modding from here.

Please take anything I say as a suggestion, and feel free to ignore my mod post~

  1. Your hitsounds are a bit low. I can barely hear them together with the soft-hitnormal. Consider turning the volume up on your custom hitsounds.
  2. Atleast one of your diffs should be below 3 stars. Currently your easy is rated 3.19. I don't know what they do with cases like this, but I suggest you try to somehow lower it to below 3 stars.
  3. Are you able to find a 192kbps mp3 file? Your current one is 128kbps, and the quality isn't that good.
  1. AR 3?
  2. 00:23:213 (1) - Reduce spinner length to 00:26:165 ? Makes more sense as there is a quiet sound here, but not at where your spinner is ending right now. Also it gives more time for a beginner to adjust their cursor.
  3. 00:41:186 (2) - Make this a slider like 00:41:675 (3)
  4. 00:48:034 - 00:55:860 - I know you already have hitsounds, but imo, you should add a few whistles. Sounds a bit bland right now.
  5. Your chorus is quite fast, and there aren't any breaks in here. Maybe try adding some breaks inbetween?
  1. OD 4?
  2. 00:28:306 (3,4) - 3/2 rhythm can be hard to read, especially for a normal player. Consider deleting (3) and add a repeat on (4). Do this for every other similar rhythm too, if you do this.
  3. 00:48:034 - 00:55:860 - I know you already have hitsounds, but imo, you should add a few whistles. Sounds a bit bland right now.
  4. 00:48:034 (1,3) - You should make the space between this the same as the space between 00:49:338 (3,4).
  5. 00:55:534 (1,2) - Swap NC.
  6. 00:57:164 (3,4,5,6,7) - Make an even pentagon?
  7. 01:24:556 (1) - Finish
  1. Ar 8? Fits better for your map imo because of all your semi-overlaps, allthough it might make your map a bit harder.
  2. 00:28:306 (3) - New combo for consistency.
  3. 00:48:034 - 00:55:860 - I know you already have hitsounds, but imo, you should add a few whistles. Sounds a bit bland right now.
  4. 01:22:436 (2) - Clap on sliderhead?
  1. 00:11:509 (2) - Why is this in such a weird shape? You should probably only use 3 points on this one.
  2. 00:28:632 (5,1) - Reduce this spacing a little bit. Right now it's identical to (4,5).
  3. 00:30:915 (4,1) - Swap new combo for consistency.
  4. 00:33:034 (1) - Remove new combo for consistency.
  5. 00:34:012 (4) - New combo for consistency.
  6. 00:48:034 - 00:55:860 - I know you already have hitsounds, but imo, you should add a few whistles. Sounds a bit bland right now.
  7. 01:04:338 (4,5) - Don't think this kind of rhythm fits a lot in this song. Sounds a bit forced imo.
  8. 01:22:436 (6) - Clap on sliderhead?

That's it I guess. GL!
Topic Starter

CXu wrote:

Randomly modding from here.

Please take anything I say as a suggestion, and feel free to ignore my mod post~

  1. Your hitsounds are a bit low. I can barely hear them together with the soft-hitnormal. Consider turning the volume up on your custom hitsounds.a little turned up volume.
  2. Atleast one of your diffs should be below 3 stars. Currently your easy is rated 3.19. I don't know what they do with cases like this, but I suggest you try to somehow lower it to below 3 stars.probably,star rate is less than 3.25. so it is allowed I guess..
  3. Are you able to find a 192kbps mp3 file? Your current one is 128kbps, and the quality isn't that good. I couldn't find anything better than current mp3..
  1. AR 3? changed.
  2. 00:23:213 (1) - Reduce spinner length to 00:26:165 ? Makes more sense as there is a quiet sound here, but not at where your spinner is ending right now. Also it gives more time for a beginner to adjust their cursor. True.changed.
  3. 00:41:186 (2) - Make this a slider like 00:41:675 (3) okay.
  4. 00:48:034 - 00:55:860 - I know you already have hitsounds, but imo, you should add a few whistles. Sounds a bit bland right now. hmm..I don't think so..
  5. Your chorus is quite fast, and there aren't any breaks in here. Maybe try adding some breaks inbetween? some sliders are change to some notes.(oh,and star rate is less than 3 by this work.)
  1. OD 4? current OD is 4.
  2. 00:28:306 (3,4) - 3/2 rhythm can be hard to read, especially for a normal player. Consider deleting (3) and add a repeat on (4). Do this for every other similar rhythm too, if you do this. some change notes. a bit followed your opinion.
  3. 00:48:034 - 00:55:860 - I know you already have hitsounds, but imo, you should add a few whistles. Sounds a bit bland right now.same as easy.
  4. 00:48:034 (1,3) - You should make the space between this the same as the space between 00:49:338 (3,4). okay
  5. 00:55:534 (1,2) - Swap NC. okay
  6. 00:57:164 (3,4,5,6,7) - Make an even pentagon? fixed.
  7. 01:24:556 (1) - Finish Added.
  1. Ar 8? Fits better for your map imo because of all your semi-overlaps, allthough it might make your map a bit harder.hmm.. okay changed.
  2. 00:28:306 (3) - New combo for consistency.
  3. 00:48:034 - 00:55:860 - I know you already have hitsounds, but imo, you should add a few whistles. Sounds a bit bland right now. same as easy.
  4. 01:22:436 (2) - Clap on sliderhead?
  1. 00:11:509 (2) - Why is this in such a weird shape? You should probably only use 3 points on this one. hmm,okay changed
  2. 00:28:632 (5,1) - Reduce this spacing a little bit. Right now it's identical to (4,5). reduce to 2.0.
  3. 00:30:915 (4,1) - Swap new combo for consistency.okay
  4. 00:33:034 (1) - Remove new combo for consistency. okay
  5. 00:34:012 (4) - New combo for consistency.okay
  6. 00:48:034 - 00:55:860 - I know you already have hitsounds, but imo, you should add a few whistles. Sounds a bit bland right now. same as easy
  7. 01:04:338 (4,5) - Don't think this kind of rhythm fits a lot in this song. Sounds a bit forced change.same pattern here 01:14:773 (4,5) - .
  8. 01:22:436 (6) - Clap on sliderhead? sure~

That's it I guess. GL!
thanks modding :>
I can't help much,but maybe you can use this mp3

mp3 link

EDIT : okay then

hmm,I think the bpm should be 2x of current
Topic Starter

copolah123 wrote:

I can't help much,but maybe you can use this mp3

mp3 link
thanks for mp3.
but sorry,I can't use it because it has strange sound around 27 seconds...
queue kara


00:46:078 (3,4) - vocal取りから急にBGM取り出してるので変な感じがします。BGMも主張が強いのでわからないこともないですが、両方取れる音取りがbestではないかと
01:15:099 (3,4,5) - ここも似たような感じ。BGM取りにいくことで急にvocalあきらめるのはちょっと違和感出るので

00:41:349 (3) - 頭にclap
00:43:958 (3) - ^
この2つについては00:38:741 (3) - にclapついてるから同じパターンにしたほうがいいかなーと思ったので。つけないなら00:38:741 (3) - も消したほうがいい
01:13:795 (6) - ここもclap?

00:47:382 (3,4) - ちょっと(2)との間が詰まりすぎてるように思います。(3)の終点が00:46:078 (3) - に重なるぐらいがいいかなーと

00:05:003 (2) - 次のノートと詰まりすぎてるのでもうちょっと上に移動しましょう
00:20:961 (1,2,3) - 音が徐々に弱くなっていくパートだからスペーシング徐々に狭めるとか00:14:220 (3,1) - みたいな重ね方しても面白いかも

Topic Starter

Laurier wrote:

queue kara


00:46:078 (3,4) - vocal取りから急にBGM取り出してるので変な感じがします。BGMも主張が強いのでわからないこともないですが、両方取れる音取りがbestではないかと 変えました
01:15:099 (3,4,5) - ここも似たような感じ。BGM取りにいくことで急にvocalあきらめるのはちょっと違和感出るので 同じく変えました~

00:41:349 (3) - 頭にclap
00:43:958 (3) - ^
この2つについては00:38:741 (3) - にclapついてるから同じパターンにしたほうがいいかなーと思ったので。つけないなら00:38:741 (3) - も消したほうがいい この三つに関しては後ろのパンッって音とりにいってるのでno changeで・・
01:13:795 (6) - ここもclap?いれました~

00:47:382 (3,4) - ちょっと(2)との間が詰まりすぎてるように思います。(3)の終点が00:46:078 (3) - に重なるぐらいがいいかなーと 参考にして変えました

00:05:003 (2) - 次のノートと詰まりすぎてるのでもうちょっと上に移動しましょう 1.6になるように調整しました
00:20:961 (1,2,3) - 音が徐々に弱くなっていくパートだからスペーシング徐々に狭めるとか00:14:220 (3,1) - みたいな重ね方しても面白いかも う~む、このままのほうがすきなので(´・_・`)

thanks modding~
Taken from #modreqs.

  1. Everything looks fine here.
  1. 00:41:186 (1) - Remove the NC here because the previous slider is a one note combo, which is inconsistent from the rest of the combos in the difficulty.
  2. 00:50:317 (4) - Move this a bit to the left as to avoid it slightly overlapping with 00:48:360 (2).
  3. 01:01:078 (1) - This is much too soon after a spinner for an easy difficulty. You need to give newer players more time to recover from spinning. To you, it might seem that this isn't too big of an issue but it is to newer players. To fix this, I would shorten the spinner by two beats so that it lands on the previous white tick.
  4. 01:08:578 (4) - There should be a clap here in order to follow your hitsound pattern.
  1. 01:21:947 (1) - Curve this slider slightly upwards instead of downwards. It looks more appealing in my opinion.
  1. 01:14:773 (3,2) - This overlap doesn't fit how you've been mapping this difficulty without any overlaps prior to this part. I would arrange these sliders around so that they don't overlap at all.
  2. 01:18:034 (4,6) - ^
  1. Reduce the HP drain by 1. It's really high and makes the difficulty more stressful and difficulty than it should be. I'm down to almost half health from the slow part at the beginning of the map. :o
  2. 00:15:124 (1) - Stack this under the end of (3). It would look neater than an anti-jump in my opinion.
  3. 00:31:730 (3) - Why isn't there a clap on this note? It's in the music and it makes a lot of sense to put one here.
  4. 00:34:338 (2) - ^
All of the difficulties flow well and are really nicely mapped. Hope to see this bubbled/ranked soon. Good luck!
Best map in the world :)
just joking. :!: :!:
Topic Starter

Jacob wrote:

Taken from #modreqs.

  1. Everything looks fine here.
  1. 00:41:186 (1) - Remove the NC here because the previous slider is a one note combo, which is inconsistent from the rest of the combos in the difficulty. yep,it's my mistake >.<
  2. 00:50:317 (4) - Move this a bit to the left as to avoid it slightly overlapping with 00:48:360 (2). okay.
  3. 01:01:078 (1) - This is much too soon after a spinner for an easy difficulty. You need to give newer players more time to recover from spinning. To you, it might seem that this isn't too big of an issue but it is to newer players. To fix this, I would shorten the spinner by two beats so that it lands on the previous white tick.fixed.
  4. 01:08:578 (4) - There should be a clap here in order to follow your hitsound pattern. ah thanks,fixed.
  1. 01:21:947 (1) - Curve this slider slightly upwards instead of downwards. It looks more appealing in my opinion. nice.
  1. 01:14:773 (3,2) - This overlap doesn't fit how you've been mapping this difficulty without any overlaps prior to this part. I would arrange these sliders around so that they don't overlap at all. um,no change.. it is not hard to play for hard player I think.
  2. 01:18:034 (4,6) - ^ same as above.
  1. Reduce the HP drain by 1. It's really high and makes the difficulty more stressful and difficulty than it should be. I'm down to almost half health from the slow part at the beginning of the map. :o okay,fixed.
  2. 00:15:124 (1) - Stack this under the end of (3). It would look neater than an anti-jump in my opinion. it isn't bad I think :L
  3. 00:31:730 (3) - Why isn't there a clap on this note? It's in the music and it makes a lot of sense to put one here. uh,sorry didn't notice ;_;
  4. 00:34:338 (2) - ^ same as above,fixed.
All of the difficulties flow well and are really nicely mapped. Hope to see this bubbled/ranked soon. Good luck! yay,thanks :D
thanks modding and star~
Just did a quick play on Insane, but a couple general comments

Tick rate 2 fits the song best
Soft hitsounds feel too weak for this song. It's hard to hear them against the song. It would be better with the normal set.
Topic Starter

Garven wrote:

Just did a quick play on Insane, but a couple general comments

Tick rate 2 fits the song best
Soft hitsounds feel too weak for this song. It's hard to hear them against the song. It would be better with the normal set.
thank you for playing ><

I would like to use tick rate 1.. ;__;
umm.. I tried normal-hitsounds before,but it was too strong for this song imo.. so I won't change it.

thanks for the comments~!

動画のアスペクト比も直してみました。 ;)
こちらもよかったら使ってください。 :?

Topic Starter

joro wrote:


動画のアスペクト比も直してみました。 ;)
こちらもよかったら使ってください。 :?

Topic Starter
I've changed mp3.
Please redownload if you downloaded before 2/1/2013.
00:31:879 (2) - 俺は上下反転させたほうが好きだ
00:37:423 (2,3) - 00:40:031 (2,3) - 2つ同じ音取りだから前者のほうをこんな感じにしてみるのはどうですか
01:01:879 (3) - 他の難易度は全てニューコンボいれてるのでEasyもいれよう。
01:15:086 (5) - Easyだし他と一緒の音取りにしていいと思うが。なんかこだわりがあってこの音取りにしてるん?
00:03:848 (2,2) - 青線はなにをカバーしてるんだ?俺なら白線まで引っ張る。
00:07:824 (3) - ノートとスライダーでボーカルカバー?

00:54:705 (1) - コンボ消して次の(2)にニューコンボしたらどうですか
00:57:477 (1,1) - スピンからノートまでの感覚狭くない?俺ならスピンもうちょっと削るけどなあ
01:26:825 (2) - 終点のフィニッシュはいらない うるさいってのが素直な感想

00:03:848 (2,2) - 白線じゃだめなのか?
00:36:444 (1) - コンボ消して次の(2)にいれたいところ
00:55:113 - mp3から3連打聞き取れるし3連打にしてもいいんじゃないか?
01:09:542 (6) - (2,3)でスタックしてるからここでスタックはなんかもったいない感じがある。スペーシングは見てないけどこういう感じでただ下におろすだけのほうがいいと思う。
01:17:368 (6) - ^
01:19:488 (1) - ニューコンボいらんと思うが。

00:05:294 (2,3) - なんの音もフォローしてない (3)消して白線まで引っ張ったほうがいいんじゃない?
00:15:053 (2,3) - 入れ替えたほうが好き
00:43:048 (2,3) - なんの音もフォローしてないよ
00:49:406 - 3連打叩いてる音があるから拾ってもいいのでは?それに00:51:770 (3,4,1) - ここで音拾ってるし俺なら統一感出すために追加する。
00:56:825 (5,6,7,8,9) - もうちょっとスペーシング開けたほうが流れいいと思う。シンメトリーも意識してる。
01:02:205 (4) - (ニッコリ
01:05:140 (7) - フィニッシュ追加?音量を下げて追加でもいいかもなあ。
01:07:749 (1) - 始点フィニッシュフィニッシュ
01:12:151 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - 白なら白だけ 青なら青だけでつけたほうがいいと思う。
01:21:607 (1) - コンボ消して01:22:096 (3) - ここに追加しよう
01:26:009 (1,2,3,4,5) - こんな感じのほうが音に合ってると思う

Topic Starter

Rare wrote:

お前の譜面Modするのむずいんじゃ!!! ^~^
00:31:879 (2) - 俺は上下反転させたほうが好きだ 今のほうが流れもいい感じなのでこのままで。
00:37:423 (2,3) - 00:40:031 (2,3) - 2つ同じ音取りだから前者のほうをこんな感じにしてみるのはどうですか Easyで1/2の間隔で単発スライダー置きたくないのでこのままで。
01:01:879 (3) - 他の難易度は全てニューコンボいれてるのでEasyもいれよう。 ok~
01:15:086 (5) - Easyだし他と一緒の音取りにしていいと思うが。なんかこだわりがあってこの音取りにしてるん?同時にボーカルもカバーしてる。他のとこは音なくても大丈夫そうなのでnotesにしてます
00:03:848 (2,2) - 青線はなにをカバーしてるんだ?俺なら白線まで引っ張る。 Normalかな? ボーカルの終わりをカバーしてるんだけど1/4じゃ違和感あったので1/6にしましたす。
00:07:824 (3) - ノートとスライダーでボーカルカバー? こっちもNormalかな。現在ので音取りに違和感ないのでこのままで。

00:54:705 (1) - コンボ消して次の(2)にニューコンボしたらどうですか ok~
00:57:477 (1,1) - スピンからノートまでの感覚狭くない?俺ならスピンもうちょっと削るけどなあ Easyと同じ長さにしましたー。
01:26:825 (2) - 終点のフィニッシュはいらない うるさいってのが素直な感想 全難易度消しました。

AR8とOD6はバランス悪いらしいよ うーんmodで言われてなおしたので一応キープで。
00:03:848 (2,2) - 白線じゃだめなのか? same as normal~
00:36:444 (1) - コンボ消して次の(2)にいれたいところ うーん、曲調変わるしこのまま・・。
00:55:113 - mp3から3連打聞き取れるし3連打にしてもいいんじゃないか? BPM高いしあんまりHardに連打はいれたくないな。
01:09:542 (6) - (2,3)でスタックしてるからここでスタックはなんかもったいない感じがある。スペーシングは見てないけどこういう感じでただ下におろすだけのほうがいいと思う。 うむ、採用。
01:17:368 (6) - ^ こっちに関しては流れ的に大丈夫そうなのでこのままで。
01:19:488 (1) - ニューコンボいらんと思うが。ジャンプ分かりやすくするためってのとダウンビートだからいれてます。

00:05:294 (2,3) - なんの音もフォローしてない (3)消して白線まで引っ張ったほうがいいんじゃない? 同じく1/6に。
00:15:053 (2,3) - 入れ替えたほうが好き ok~
00:43:048 (2,3) - なんの音もフォローしてないよ ぼーかるかばー。
00:49:406 - 3連打叩いてる音があるから拾ってもいいのでは?それに00:51:770 (3,4,1) - ここで音拾ってるし俺なら統一感出すために追加する。 うむ採用。
00:56:825 (5,6,7,8,9) - もうちょっとスペーシング開けたほうが流れいいと思う。シンメトリーも意識してる。 今のままで。
01:02:205 (4) - (ニッコリ 緩急つけたいのでノーチェンジ。
01:05:140 (7) - フィニッシュ追加?音量を下げて追加でもいいかもなあ。うむ。
01:07:749 (1) - 始点フィニッシュフィニッシュ なんか消えてた。
01:12:151 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - 白なら白だけ 青なら青だけでつけたほうがいいと思う。modの通りじゃないけどちょっと変更しました。
01:21:607 (1) - コンボ消して01:22:096 (3) - ここに追加しよう うむ。
01:26:009 (1,2,3,4,5) - こんな感じのほうが音に合ってると思う なんか違う感じあるのでこのままで。

thanks modding~
omg オトメイト lol
Lazy IRC mod できました。Insaneだけ見た

01:20 Garven: 00:37:586 (1) - これが
01:20 Garven: 00:37:096 (3) -
01:20 Garven:
01:21 Garven: 00:39:379 (2) - これも見れる難しい
01:21 Ryafuka: ><
01:21 Ryafuka: でもInsaneだから・・
01:22 Garven: 分かるけど、隠しのものがだめですよ
01:23 Garven: 00:51:118 (1,2,3) - Spacing比べてください。 2->3が小さい過ぎると思う
01:26 Ryafuka: たしかに! なおしました
01:26 Garven: 01:14:107 (1) - →
01:26 Garven: Flowが良い
01:28 Ryafuka: ok.
01:32 Garven: 00:04:450 (3,3) - このリズムはあまり危ないと思うw
01:32 Garven: fmm
01:33 Garven: HardではBestと思う
01:33 Ryafuka: 一応ボーカルフォローですがだめでしょうか・・
01:33 Ryafuka: noteを消して
01:33 Ryafuka: スライダーにするべき?
01:33 Garven: はい
01:38 Garven: 01:23:401 - なぜここに音が小さくになった?
01:40 Ryafuka: サビに比べて曲が盛り下がっているので少し小さくしました
01:42 Garven: 60%やってみる? 50%はおおすぎると思う
01:42 Ryafuka: ok~
01:42 Garven: Lazy Mod 終わり~
01:43 Ryafuka: thanks :3
01:44 Garven: Rank 頑張って!
01:45 Ryafuka: はい!
Topic Starter

Garven wrote:

Lazy IRC mod できました。Insaneだけ見た

01:20 Garven: 00:37:586 (1) - これが
01:20 Garven: 00:37:096 (3) -
01:20 Garven:
01:21 Garven: 00:39:379 (2) - これも見れる難しい
01:21 Ryafuka: ><
01:21 Ryafuka: でもInsaneだから・・
01:22 Garven: 分かるけど、隠しのものがだめですよ
01:23 Garven: 00:51:118 (1,2,3) - Spacing比べてください。 2->3が小さい過ぎると思う
01:26 Ryafuka: たしかに! なおしました
01:26 Garven: 01:14:107 (1) - →
01:26 Garven: Flowが良い
01:28 Ryafuka: ok.
01:32 Garven: 00:04:450 (3,3) - このリズムはあまり危ないと思うw
01:32 Garven: fmm
01:33 Garven: HardではBestと思う
01:33 Ryafuka: 一応ボーカルフォローですがだめでしょうか・・
01:33 Ryafuka: noteを消して
01:33 Ryafuka: スライダーにするべき?
01:33 Garven: はい
01:38 Garven: 01:23:401 - なぜここに音が小さくになった?
01:40 Ryafuka: サビに比べて曲が盛り下がっているので少し小さくしました
01:42 Garven: 60%やってみる? 50%はおおすぎると思う
01:42 Ryafuka: ok~
01:42 Garven: Lazy Mod 終わり~
01:43 Ryafuka: thanks :3
01:44 Garven: Rank 頑張って!
01:45 Ryafuka: はい!
Garven-san star and mod arigato~ :3
Kawayi Rika
Hi ~ Ryafuka ~ :)

Mod time for my Queue ~

Red : Must be fixed
Pink : Need to consider
Purple : Just suggestions


  1. Remove unused OSB file.
  2. Use japanese artist : やなぎなぎ


  1. 00:46:227 (6) - Add new combo? looks much better.


  1. AR+1 for better diff spread.


  1. 01:02:531 - You are forgot add finish to here.
  2. 01:23:401 (1,2,3,4) - Add clap? same as other diff.

OK ~ That's all ~ Really awesome map and nice song ~

Call me back recheck ~ when you are ready ~
Topic Starter

Kawayi Rika wrote:

Hi ~ Ryafuka ~ :) hi Rika :)

Mod time for my Queue ~

Red : Must be fixed
Pink : Need to consider
Purple : Just suggestions


  1. Remove unused OSB file. Deleted.
  2. Use japanese artist : やなぎなぎ changed.


  1. 00:46:227 (6) - Add new combo? looks much better. Added.


  1. AR+1 for better diff spread. changed.


  1. 01:02:531 - You are forgot add finish to here. aw thanks ><.
  2. 01:23:401 (1,2,3,4) - Add clap? same as other diff. yep,added.

OK ~ That's all ~ Really awesome map and nice song ~

Call me back recheck ~ when you are ready ~
thanks modding ~
Kawayi Rika
OK ~ Always nice job ~

Here you go :3

Topic Starter

Kawayi Rika wrote:

OK ~ Always nice job ~

Here you go :3
Thanks Rika~ :3
既に泡 o.o!?

出遅れました。 orz
Topic Starter

kosiga wrote:

既に泡 o.o!?

出遅れました。 orz
お願いしてたのに申し訳ない orz
☆ありがとうございます :3

joro wrote:


  1. 00:27:477 (3,1) - I would say avoiding using 1/2 in easy diff would be nice, especially for high bpm song because some newbie can't catch the rhythm and they may find the difficulties to catch the (high bpm) 1/2 in the easiest diff. (I can give you some suggestion if you want. Such as using 1/2 slider but I don't want to hinder your creativities here, so try your best to thing a pattern you like first.)
  2. 00:30:086 (3,1) - ^
  3. 00:32:694 (3,1) - ^
  4. 00:46:227 (5) - I think you can consider a clap at the end of the slider so that it can fit the drum sound perfectly.
  5. 01:01:879 (1) - New combo seems unnecessary here, I would like to remove it if I were you because the accent was here: 01:02:531 - which fit your new combo pattern.
  6. 01:23:401 (1,2,3,4) - The spacing is quite inconsistent here. Maybe you can close the grid snap to solve it?
  1. 00:07:824 (3) - I suggest to change this slider into three 1/1 notes so that it can fit the music better and also can correspond to 00:02:764 (2,1,2) - .
  2. 01:01:879 (1) - New combo seems unnecessary here, I would like to remove it if I were you because the ac cent was here: 01:02:531 - which fit your new combo pattern.
  1. 00:48:020 (1) - Remove the new combo here and then add a new combo at 00:48:183 (2) - so that your pattern can be fitted.
Topic Starter

kanpakyin wrote:

Hi. hii

  1. 00:27:477 (3,1) - I would say avoiding using 1/2 in easy diff would be nice, especially for high bpm song because some newbie can't catch the rhythm and they may find the difficulties to catch the (high bpm) 1/2 in the easiest diff. (I can give you some suggestion if you want. Such as using 1/2 slider but I don't want to hinder your creativities here, so try your best to thing a pattern you like first.) umm..exactly..but,I want to keep this to follow both of these sounds(00:28:455 - ,00:28:618 - ,00:31:064 - ,00:31:227 - ).. so sorry,no change this.
  2. 00:30:086 (3,1) - ^ ^
  3. 00:32:694 (3,1) - ^ ^
  4. 00:46:227 (5) - I think you can consider a clap at the end of the slider so that it can fit the drum sound perfectly. yes,added~
  5. 01:01:879 (1) - New combo seems unnecessary here, I would like to remove it if I were you because the accent was here: 01:02:531 - which fit your new combo pattern. Removed.
  6. 01:23:401 (1,2,3,4) - The spacing is quite inconsistent here. Maybe you can close the grid snap to solve it? fixed these.
  1. 00:07:824 (3) - I suggest to change this slider into three 1/1 notes so that it can fit the music better and also can correspond to 00:02:764 (2,1,2) - . Changed both~
  2. 01:01:879 (1) - New combo seems unnecessary here, I would like to remove it if I were you because the ac cent was here: 01:02:531 - which fit your new combo pattern. removed.
  1. 00:48:020 (1) - Remove the new combo here and then add a new combo at 00:48:183 (2) - so that your pattern can be fitted. yes fixed~
thanks modding~


Topic Starter

kanpakyin wrote:



Thank you KPY~ ><
Kawayi Rika
Omedeto <3
congratz ~~
\:3/ omedesu
grats :3
omedeto~ :D
:) :)
congratz i love this song and anime :3
S o r d a
i read the song title as "sen trope" HA

UnderminE wrote:

i read the song title as "sen trope" HA


ヾ(⌒(ノ'ω')ノ Gratz!!
Topic Starter
thank you everyone :3
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