
TeamGrimoire+Amaneko - croiX

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2013年2月22日 at 3:04:11

Artist: TeamGrimoire+Amaneko
Title: croiX
Tags: sdvx floor KONAMI
BPM: 195
Filesize: 3307kb
Play Time: 01:51
Difficulties Available:
  1. ADVANCED (4.89 stars, 265 notes)
  2. EASY (1.61 stars, 102 notes)
  3. EXHAUST (4.91 stars, 525 notes)
  4. NOVICE (3.87 stars, 156 notes)
Download: TeamGrimoire+Amaneko - croiX
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
go to heaven
02/16 changed diff name (Easy -> EASY) please reDL
hi owo

00:01:549 - from here to 00:15:447 - fits better with soft

01:11:693 (6) - a blind spot. Really hard to notice on sightread. You know how a star pattern goes right? . This is quite acceptable imo

Try it out and test it
01:26:924 (1) - finish
  1. 01:46:924 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61) - How about dividing this part in different combos with 4/4 space. 61 is a bit exaggerated.
    01:47:847 (13) - NC
    01:49:078 (17) - ^
    01:50:309 (1) - ^
lol wide

This plays soo much better with AR 8. 7 kills the fun D:
01:13:232 (2,3,1) - NC on (2) instead? looks less confusing imo
01:14:463 (4,5,1) - NC on (4) instead

AR+1 feels much better. It's less crowdy
00:35:447 (5) - finish on end
00:41:601 - instead of this pause here which can be misleading, how about adding a repeat on 00:40:986 (5) - ? Skipping a downbeat is often more confusing than skipping an upbeat
01:07:232 (1) - Finish on start
01:14:617 (3) - Finish on the other parts as well
01:17:078 (1) - finish on end
01:26:924 (1) - finish
01:45:078 (4) - ^
01:45:386 (5) - finish on end

I would way AR 3 here. becomes a bit easier to follow imo
00:35:447 (3) - Finish on end
01:46:617 (1) - a longer slider with just one repeat would be much nicer imo

Here if you wanna use it :3

There's a pretty big gap between Advanced and Exhaust in difficulty matters imo
Otherwise, a nice mapset. And an evil stream xD

Good luck Choco! ><
Topic Starter
Thanks Saten!
very good slider advice!!
Hi Chocopikel :3
This is heavenly awesome.
Please give me feedback which one do you fix and which one you're not :)

  1. put " KONAMI" in the tags.
  2. I think the hitsounds are too loud for some parts,maybe you should lower the volume for some parts in all diffs.if you don't want too,then just try to lower at "Exhaust" diff,the whistle hitsounds are so loud. I can't get it out of my ears lol after hear it for a long time.
  1. 00:01:549 (1) - I don't really like to see a short repeated slider on the easiest diff.It's confusing for some people and newbie.maybe you should fix this.
  2. 00:18:217 (3) - I think you should remove the whistle at the end of the slider? because next part doesn't even have pattern like's not consistent if you started like this,the next one it's different.
  3. 00:54:524 (2) - since the beat here is the same as 00:53:909 (1) why don't you just add whistle here too,to make it sounds the same because they have the same beat.
  4. 01:17:078 (1,2,3,4,5) - just make this part hitsounds like normal? don't start the hitsounds changes here,because the song still sounds the same from before.
lovely diff :3!

  1. 00:06:473 (1) - moves this go higher a little bit? so the slider can be the blanket :3!
  2. 00:08:934 (1,1,1,1) - don't let it straight like that =w= try something like this,or think of something basing on the song that going slow tempo.
  3. 00:24:370 (1,2,3,1,2) - why this part got so many straight sliders lol,make it a bit curve? 00:25:601 (3) make this as a blanket and move it a little bit to the left like this also good! :3
  4. 00:55:140 (4) - this slider put finish at all place.because the hitsounds pattern should sounds more tense here.from no finish , got some finish , got many finish,then all finish *this slider* it's fit!
  5. 01:25:693 (3) - i wonder why do you leave this slider with no hitsounds.
  6. 01:32:770 (2) - move it here? to evade the overlap with slider (1)
  7. 01:46:617 (1) - i personally think that 1 long slider is not fit,because the repeat doesn't have any good beat from the song. it sounds better if you follow the piano,like sounds better,it ends at the same place,it fits and you can put hitsounds like how you want :3
Hp drain rate +1
  1. 00:08:011 (5) - make a better blanket :3
  2. Maybe you should put new combo at this part,because I think that can be accept as a new beat from the song.but you didn't put new combo.
    00:18:217 (4) -
    00:19:447 (7) -
    00:28:063 (4) -
    00:29:293 (7) -
    01:28:155 (4) -
    01:29:386 (7) -
    01:38:001 (4) -
    01:39:232 (7) -
  3. 00:52:370 (5) - I recommend you to do it like this,move it a little bit far,and make a nice blanket and a good small jump :3
  4. 01:49:693 (6) - remove whistle at the starting.this slider/part fits for no hitsound.because the beat is quite down this part.and the piano new beat started to play here.
Please read the general >.<! about the volume.
  1. 00:04:011 (9) - new combo,this is a new beat from the piano.
  2. 00:22:370 (8,1) - swap new combo,the new combo should start here.00:22:370
  3. 00:52:678 (1) - new combo here.there's another beat starting here.
  4. 01:40:617 (1) - move it here,so the slider can be the blanket.
  5. I would say that this streams got a long combo with no new combo at all xD how bout put new combo basing on the piano beat? the "DUM" sound.
    01:47:847 (13) -
    01:49:078 (29) -
Lovely beatmap! I super love it!


  • Suggestion

  1. 00:20:524 - 音あるしadd noteしてもいい感がある
  2. 00:30:217 - ここも強く音なってるしスライダーより、add noteでじゃんぷしてもいいんじゃないかなーという
  3. 00:30:370 - このあたりは↑修正したらそのあたり適当に
  4. 00:31:294 - スライダーで綺麗に15と次の1で囲っているけどnote2個のほうが曲調的にあってる感じが・・
  5. 00:31:601 - からの~3連打?
  6. 01:30:309 (9) - 曲調的にスライダーよりnoteでじゃんぷしたい


  • Suggestion

  1. 00:34:524 (1,1,1) - リターンわかりづらいからここは同じ色でいいんじゃないかな?(うしろもおなじ)
(他の2つのDiffとか指摘するとこなくてこまる これmodにはいるんですか???????)
Topic Starter
Thanks HeatKai and Satellite!!
Mod Request

Whistle part kinda too loud. especially EXHAUSTIVE difficulty. I can' really hear the music out.

Easy Difficulty

fix some shaping would be great. for example 01:11:540 (4,1,2) -

00:01:549 (1,2,3) - This part kinda discourage to have this kind of note in Easy dif.
01:11:540 (4) - move this somewhere else? not good to stack some note in easy dif

NOVICE Difficulty

Nazis warning
00:07:396 (2,3,4,1,1,1,1) - 2 grid down
00:08:934 (1,1,1,1) - not in a perfect straight line.
00:40:370 (4) - 1 grid right
00:27:140 (2) - use hit note here would sounds better
00:33:909 (4) - remove?

ADVANCED difficulty

HP drain kinda too low for hard difficulty. +1 would be great.

00:15:755 (1,2,3,4) - NC all?

00:17:447 (3,4,5,6,7) - These empty space here feel pretty much cut the flow of the song. add some note would be perfect
00:27:293 (3,4,5,6,7) - here too
01:37:232 (3,4,5,6,7) - this too
01:15:847 (1,2,3,4) - NC all?

EXHAUST difficulty

00:08:319 (6) - 0.5 speed slider section would be epic
00:38:524 (1) - Replace with jump?
00:43:447 (1) - here too
01:47:001 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61) - i'm kinda disagree with this long stream with no nc at all. put at least one?

素晴らしい! kudos与えるね 
Topic Starter
Thanks for mod and star mercury2004!
00:55:140 (3) - スライダーの頭にfinish

00:08:934 - ここからのwhistleの音量を少し下げてみてはどうでしょうか?若干大きい気がしました!
00:41:909 (1,2,3,4) - ここも前後と合わせて1番目と3番目にwhistleのほうがいいと思います!
01:46:617 (1) - 01:47:847 - と01:49:078 - で2回リバースするスライダーにしてみてはどうでしょうか。リバースのタイミングが少し曲とあっていない気がしました。

00:08:934 - NOVICEと同じ?
01:13:232 (2) - ここNCにして01:13:386 (1) - こっちをRNCにしたほうが見た目いい気がしました。
01:14:463 (2) - こちらも^と同じく

00:04:011 (9) - NC, 00:04:626 (1) - RNCのほうが自分は好きです。一応00:01:549 (1) - からと合わせるっていう意味もあります。
00:21:755 (5) - NC
00:22:524 (1) - RNC
00:22:986 (4) - NC
01:31:693 (6) - RC
01:32:463 (1) - RNC
01:33:078 (4) - RC

Topic Starter
mod as your request ~


00:56:370 (1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1) - about this note... start slider you can reduce volume sound around 20~30% to make some tactics >w<


00:03:703 (5) - remove whistle.
00:04:011 (6) - remove whistle at end slider.
00:56:370 (1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1) - like Easy suggestion.


00:56:370 (1) - same as Easy suggestion.
01:09:232 (5,7) - (5) move to x:372, y:304 and (7) x:232, y:332 to make look better.
01:29:693 (4) - move to x:0 y:294 to make like Y shape.
01:46:924 (1) - 61 combos you're crazy o.o (maybe you can make NC some place)


00:02:780 (5) - move 2nd waypoint 2 grid right and 3rd waypoint 1 grid down to make more distance btw (4) and (5)
00:08:934 (1,1,1,1) - you can rotate 30' like this ?
00:56:370 (1) - same as Easy suggestion.

Sorry for my bad mod, good luck \:D/
Map really good so my mod will be super short D: sorry
01:46:924 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61) - hm :D you need more NC
01:40:155 (5) - move 3 gird left 2 up
eh D: really bad mod but i give you kudosu star for this *w*
Topic Starter
Thanks for mod backstep and Hellzero.
and thanks for star Hellzero.

I would like to make Taiko diffs for it as a guest!
Is it possible? :?

Chocopikel wrote:

0gre wrote:


I would like to make Taiko diffs for it as a guest!
Is it possible? :?

..分かりましたw ランク入り頑張ってください!
またの機会を伺います( ´∀`)
Topic Starter

0gre wrote:


I would like to make Taiko diffs for it as a guest!
Is it possible? :?
Hi :3



  1. 01:15:232 - finish
    01:15:847 - finish
    01:26:924 - finish
  2. 01:00:328 - I think you can reduce the volume a bit more, like decline 3% for every timing section. Also, so do the other diffs :3
Arrangement & Design
  1. Clear!


  1. 01:07:232 - finish
    01:18:309 - finish
    01:19:540 - finish
    01:20:155 - finish
    01:20:770 - finish
    01:25:386 - finish
    01:26:309 - finish
    01:26:617 - finish
    01:26:924 - finish
Arrangement & Design
  1. 00:04:011 (6) - New combo here and remove new combo here 00:04:626 (1) -


  1. 01:15:232 - finish
    01:17:078 - finish
    01:18:309 - finish
    01:19:540 (1,2,3,4) - maybe all finish?
    01:21:078 - finish
    01:21:693 - finish
Arrangement & Design
  1. 00:04:011 (9) - New combo here and remove new combo here 00:04:626 (1) -
  2. 00:20:678 (1) - Remove new combo here and add new combo here 00:21:909 (3) -
    00:23:140 (1) - Remove new combo here and add new combo here 00:24:370 (3) -
  3. 01:30:617 (1) - Same as above,add new combo here 01:31:847 (3) -
    01:33:078 (1) - Same as above add new combo here 01:34:309 (3) -


  1. 00:35:447 - Sounds a bit noisy, maybe decrease it to 50-55%?
    01:45:386 - Same as above
Arrangement & Design
  1. (nazi)00:36:986 (2,2,2) - 1 grid up (grid lv 4)
    (nazi)00:38:063 (1) - 1 grid down (grid lv 4)
  2. 00:53:294 (9,10,11,12) - Make it more consistent?
  3. 01:10:924 (4) - Ctrl + G and then..(↓) I think it flows more. (I'm poor in making a pentacle... orz
    Then,01:12:155 (1,2,3) - shoule be moved..
  4. (nazi)01:19:078 (5,6) - Move it to x:84 y:271. It looks better
  5. (nazi)01:43:540 (9) - Move it to x:416 y:44, to consist with (8,10)
  6. 01:46:924 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61) -
    OMG ARE YOU SERIOUS? :o I strongly recommend you add some new combo...

Well done! Nice mapset and song :3 Star here
Topic Starter
Thanks for mod and star fanzhen0019!!
00:03:857 (8) - add whistle
00:04:165 (2) - ^
00:05:703 (8) - ^
00:08:780 (x) - add note ?
00:11:617 (1) - end at 00:15:601
00:38:524 (1,2) - add finish
00:43:447 (1,2) - ^
00:55:447 (7,9) - ^
01:07:232 (1) - ^
01:27:078 (3) - add clap
01:27:693 (7) - ^
01:28:001 (9) - ^
01:28:309 (1) - ^
01:28:925 (4,6) - ^
01:50:617 (49,53,55,57,59,61) - add whistle
01:47:847 (13,29,44,53) - add NC ?

00:04:165 (9) - add whistle
00:38:524 (5) - add finish
00:43:447 (9) - ^
01:07:232 (1) - ^
01:27:232 (2,4) - add clap
01:28:463 (2,4) - ^
01:29:694 (2,4) - ^

00:38:524 (5) - add finish
00:43:447 (4) - ^
01:07:232 (1) - ^

00:38:524 (3) - add finish
00:43:447 (2) - ^
01:07:232 (1) - ^

sorry for my bad mod :?

- 01:13:232 (2) new combo and remove new combo in 01:13:386 (1), same with 01:14:463 (2) and 01:14:617 (1), looks better for me and less confusing. (Same thing in EXHAUST).

Uhm only that, no kudo please.

Topic Starter
Thanks for mod Evil_Twilight and Astom!!


- Hmm, I expected kiai time from 01:26:924 - 01:46:617.
- I think spinner 01:51:693 (1) - should end at 01:55:847 or 01:56:155. There is no music at 01:56:463.


- Diff name is not in cap (EASY) like the other diff names?

00:04:626 (3) - No whistle at end? Piano is pretty quiet here compare to 00:07:703.
00:08:319 (2) - This piano isn't really accented (the place where whistle should be is 00:08:626) so perhaps no whistle here?
00:16:986 (1,2) - Really prefer a slider here because it's the first note after spinner so it's difficult to keep into rhythm and then remove new combo from 00:19:447 (1) - since they all follow the same sound and new combo on 00:20:678 (5) - instead.
00:25:601 (2) - I feel if you place like this, the kick slider would be a bit more intuitive to play.
00:36:678 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - Maybe this or this, but some people may not like the kick slider. I prefer for you to follow the piano sound here.
00:41:601 (1,2,1,2) - Really prefer if you can follow the cymbal at 00:41:909 so give this rhythm a try?
00:47:755 (2) - I think whistle at begin is better. Remove from repeat.
00:50:217 (2) - ^
00:51:447 (1,2) - I think it's better to do slider here so that these hit circle have more of an impact 00:53:909 (1,2) - . What i mean is, there is no cymbal on 00:52:063, but there is one on 00:54:524 so to represent the music better, I think you should do this.
00:55:140 (3) - To keep consistent with my hitsound suggestion, if you follow the previous suggestions, remove the whistle from repeat.
01:19:540 (3,4) - Finish instead of whistle perhaps on these two hit circles?
01:22:001 (1,2) - Since there is no cymbal at end of these sliders, but one white tick after the end. I think it's best to do whistle at end instead.
01:35:539 (2) - Hmm, I'm not too fond of this kick slider, I think it sound fine if you remove a repeat from this. If not, could you adjust the placement to make the kick slider a bit more oblivious? E.g. like this
01:46:617 (1) - You may want to reduce the volume of the slider ticks.

Maybe a bit long mod, but I think this diff is quite nice overall. Just minor details.


- Please +1 hp & od, pretty big difficulty jump to Advance

00:17:294 (2,1,2) - I think it's better to have slider on the stanza, adjust the rhythm to like this?
00:46:217 - Since you didn't have any 1/1 break here, I think you should put hit circle here, it feel like a weird pause considering how you map this.
00:47:755 (3) - Same as Easy, I think whistle on begin is better then on repeat. If you fix, be sure to adjust for 00:50:217 (3,4) - 00:55:140 (4) - etc.
01:07:232 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - This part is mapped exactly the same as Easy, are you sure you don't want to do a more difficult rhythm? E.g. from 01:07:232 (1) - this rhythm then add hit circle on 01:13:078 and 01:14:309.
01:17:078 (1) - You can do a similar rhythm to above, e.g. slider>hitcircle>slider if you want to here.
01:25:693 (3) - Whistle at end
01:46:617 (1) - Same as I mention for Easy, maybe you want to reduce the volume of slider tick here.

Main concern is difficulty setting, too low for a diff of this difficulty and big gap from Hard (Advance).


- Perhaps it would be better to do ar 8 here. Insane/Exhaust is ar 9 so I think diff spread would still be fine and i think this diff would play much better if you do this.

00:20:678 (5,6,1) - You sure about these sliders? I feel they break the speedy flow of the song and don't really think they fit well for a Hard. Shorten by 1 white tick and add a hit circle instead?
00:23:140 (5,6,1) - ^
00:37:140 (2) - I'm not too fond of this jump, I prefer if this is reduce, maybe place at x:348 y:180 and move (3) a bit more to the right, something like x:152 y:120? I think this flow better.
01:12:155 (1) - Do a jump and more down toward the left corner? I'm not fond of the low 0.8x spacing to 01:13:232 (2). Try placing this slider at x:88 y:296. If you don't like this, try to place 01:13:232 (2,3,1) - more up to the right so that the spacing is a bit higher. I feel this would be nice here.
01:26:309 (3) - Whistle at begin? Same as Novice, I didn't mention in Easy because there are less note there so I don't think it fits as well.
01:30:155 (4) - I think it's better to do hit circle > slider here
01:30:617 (6,7,1) - Same as 00:20:678.
01:33:078 (4,5,1) - ^
01:40:001 (4) - Same as 01:30:155. Also apply to 00:20:217 (4) - and 00:30:063 (4) -
01:50:309 (7) - I think it's better not to have whistle on begin to keep with your whistle pattern of whistle every 4 white tick.

Some parts feel weird to me because of ar7. I try playing with ar 8 and they don't bother me anymore, so I highly recommend changing the ar.


00:03:703 (8) - Hmm, I prefer not doing jump here yet, ctrl+g?
00:08:319 (6) - I really expect to see another repeat here, add a repeat?
00:50:370 (7) - Expected a bigger jump for this, maybe x:200 y:348.
01:38:771 (8,9,10) - I prefer 2.0x spacing over 2.3x.
01:41:386 (6) - Feel like there should be jump here, maybe place where 01:42:309 (3) - is

I can't mod streamy map well.sorry.

Exhaust a bit difficult to play for me to judge the diff correctly, but overall, I think the mapset is nice.

Deserve a star, good luck!
Hi !

I played FELT-Runway Drive in this game when I was in Japan last December (2012) too maybe 100 yen per 2-3 songs I guess =w=
it was fun but it's really hard to control the knobs(spinner things) :\

not a big problem but why didn't you cap all "Easy" to "EASY" so every diffs in this mapset will look more proper than this

01:51:693 (1) - ehh , I think this spinner better ends on 01:55:847 , it's on the big downbeat , also it's quite too long imo and I think the music actually ends here , if you fix , you should remove green line on the last too

HP & OD +1 both , to balance it with Easy diff and ADVANCE diff
01:51:693 (1) - same as Easy diff

01:51:693 (1) - same as Easy diff

01:26:001 (1) - just my personal preference , ctrl+G here ? I find it a bit far from 01:25:693 (1) - , I can play actually but it's a bit annoying =_="
01:51:693 (1) - same as Easy diff

eh.. I'm still not sure but there is no rules to force NC for this one..(last part) I think I will leave it to BAT to consider

call me back once you apply !
Topic Starter

Frostmourne wrote:

Hi !

I played FELT-Runway Drive in this game when I was in Japan last December (2012) too maybe 100 yen per 2-3 songs I guess =w=
it was fun but it's really hard to control the knobs(spinner things) :\

not a big problem but why didn't you cap all "Easy" to "EASY" so every diffs in this mapset will look more proper than this

01:51:693 (1) - ehh , I think this spinner better ends on 01:55:847 , it's on the big downbeat , also it's quite too long imo and I think the music actually ends here , if you fix , you should remove green line on the last too

HP & OD +1 both , to balance it with Easy diff and ADVANCE diff
01:51:693 (1) - same as Easy diff

01:51:693 (1) - same as Easy diff

01:26:001 (1) - just my personal preference , ctrl+G here ? I find it a bit far from 01:25:693 (1) - , I can play actually but it's a bit annoying =_="
01:51:693 (1) - same as Easy diff

eh.. I'm still not sure but there is no rules to force NC for this one..(last part) I think I will leave it to BAT to consider

call me back once you apply !
All fixed!!
Thank you Frostmourne!!
If possible, I would like to leave not NC... lol

Edit: please reDL~ ;)
Have fun \:D/
go~ pikel~
HOLA so fast
Nice! 8-)
:ooo Good Luck :D Congratz for Bubble :D
Kawayi Rika
Checked map and nothing to say ~

Really cool map and music ~ Here you go <3

Topic Starter
I noticed now.
Thank you so much Kawayi Rika :D
01:46:924 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61) - sorry but that's unrankable, no matter if that's long stream, still it should have some combos added.
At least you should have added some NCs on downbeats.

Bass wrote:

01:46:924 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61) - sorry but that's unrankable, no matter if that's long stream, still it should have some combos added.
At least you should have added some NCs on downbeats.
Exactly what he said, add some new combos on downbeats.
It was mentioned by 4 modders - and no changes?
Are you serious all?
Kawayi Rika
Sorry about that long combo ~ My mistake T.T
Actually, it wasn't your mistake, but the problem with creator himself - as I said almost everyone mentioned that, and even though it wasn't changed.
fun pattern

what this unrank

Alpaka wrote:

Actually, it wasn't your mistake, but the problem with creator himself - as I said almost everyone mentioned that, and even though it wasn't changed.
its a BATs job to check the maps he/she ranks? lol.

anyway too late for that.

Seph wrote:

its a BATs job to check the maps he/she ranks? lol.

anyway too late for that.
Yes it is, anyway if the mapper don't listen to modders, then it's not BAT bad that mapper doesn't care about mods.
inb4 I'm not trying to defend BAT making mistake, but mappers should care about regular modders too.
Meanwhile it's unranked, I will point some suggestions...

  1. 00:16:370 (9) - NC on downbeat won't hurt there too
  2. 01:12:770 (2,3,4) - would suggest NC on (3) for better readability since there is rhythm change, and avoiding putting NC might cause confuse.
  3. 01:14:309 (3,4,5,1) - same as above, put nc on (3)
  4. 01:15:232 (2,3) - NC there for antijump

Will post more if found, stay tuned. ok other than that - nothing and what Melophobia said.

Alpaka wrote:

Seph wrote:

its a BATs job to check the maps he/she ranks? lol.

anyway too late for that.
Yes it is, anyway if the mapper don't listen to modders, then it's not BAT bad that mapper doesn't care about mods.
inb4 I'm not trying to defend BAT making mistake, but mappers should care about regular modders too.
Then he/she shouldn't have ranked it then?

Anyways I'm done.
01:07:232 - there should be an extra redline to correct downbeats
It is mainly the mapper's fault for not fixing something that has been mentionned 4 times. (it is also the MAT and BAT's fault, but it happens to everyone to miss something, we're not perfect).
遅くなってごめんあさい、かkamipikel ;_;
Topic Starter
I had been pointed out many times about new combo in last part.
I know that.
However, I had decided not to change my preference, and it is my mapping style.
Besides, were there any rules that I must force the NC?
If guys insist too, I change it.
Isn't this accepted?
There is difference between mapping style, and just bad mapping...
However - New combo is supposed to follow music - and there clearly is a sound (a clap / finish, call it however you want - it appears every downbeat) which you can follow and create NC with that

Chocopikel wrote:

I had been pointed out many times about new combo in last part.
I know that.
However, I had decided not to change my preference, and it is my mapping style.
Besides, were there any rules that I must force the NC?
If guys insist too, I change it.
Isn't this accepted?

Actually NCs on antijump/antispacing should be ALWAYS so player will know there is rhythm change. (about my suggestions).

About NCs on last pattern, take a look for map in CTB for example, player will get overload of fruits which could cause confusion and miss(CTB isn't main mode but still). Have you seen any ranked map with such combo colors? Also it's common sense about cutting down combo numbers. Does it really hurt to add them to some downbeats?

You have two choices:
1. Add some NCs on last stream on downbeats(and try to use my suggestions and Melophobia's one, they really make map a bit much better). And enjoy map reranked.
2. Let it rot in graveyard or being nuked.
^ Oh yeah, i forgot about antijumps.
Topic Starter
okay. fixed.
and add extra redline (Melophobia's mod)
cool mapset <3

Bass wrote:

Chocopikel wrote:

I had been pointed out many times about new combo in last part.
I know that.
However, I had decided not to change my preference, and it is my mapping style.
Besides, were there any rules that I must force the NC?
If guys insist too, I change it.
Isn't this accepted?

Actually NCs on antijump/antispacing should be ALWAYS so player will know there is rhythm change. (about my suggestions).

About NCs on last pattern, take a look for map in CTB for example, player will get overload of fruits which could cause confusion and miss(CTB isn't main mode but still). Have you seen any ranked map with such combo colors? Also it's common sense about cutting down combo numbers. Does it really hurt to add them to some downbeats?

You have two choices:
1. Add some NCs on last stream on downbeats(and try to use my suggestions and Melophobia's one, they really make map a bit much better). And enjoy map reranked.
2. Let it rot in graveyard or being nuked.
about anti-jump , I don't think adding NC will help read better in the first time.
The mapper already did it consistently well
01:12:770 (2,3) -
01:14:001 (2,3) -
01:15:232 (2,3) -
according to the previous version

also you shouldn't say something like "You have two choices:,Let it rot in graveyard or being nuked." , it looks cruel really :(

Alpaka wrote:

There is difference between mapping style, and just bad mapping...
However - New combo is supposed to follow music - and there clearly is a sound (a clap / finish, call it however you want - it appears every downbeat) which you can follow and create NC with that
bad mapping?

anyways, good luck for getting re-ranked :D
I just wanted to realise mapper what would happen if she/he is stubborn.
Did some IRC modding. Mostly getting decent difficulty settings, fixing combo lengths, setting tick rate 2 on the high level difficulties. We need to wait until the sliders don't all get deleted when we change tick rate, so I'll continue when that is fixed.

09:14 Chocopikel: waaaaaaaaa ;_;
09:15 Chocopikel: my map was unranked...
09:15 Chocopikel: How do I do?
09:19 Garven: New combo no sei dane
09:19 Chocopikel: un...
09:19 Garven: chotto matte kudasai
09:19 Chocopikel: it was fixed
09:19 Garven: ima tada sigoto kara kita
09:20 Chocopikel: wakatta
09:48 Garven: okke
09:48 Garven: /np kudasai
09:48 Chocopikel: ACTION is listening to [ TeamGrimoire+Amaneko - croiX]
09:49 Garven: Easy:
09:49 Garven: 00:08:934 (1,1,1,1) - I don't recommend using new combo spam like that
09:49 Garven: It breaks the HP Drain metric of the game
09:50 Chocopikel: BPM will change each, it's ok?
09:50 Garven: zenbu slider kedo w
09:50 Chocopikel: www
09:51 Chocopikel: ok
09:51 Garven: 00:25:601 (2) - Reduce by one repeat? Having a short repeating slider like this with more than one repeat can be confusing to new players
09:51 Garven: Adjust spacing if you do
09:52 Garven: 00:36:678 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,1,2) - This part is really boring :<
09:52 Garven: Try using a different rhythm
09:52 Garven: mm
09:52 Chocopikel: tyotto mattewww
09:53 Chocopikel: my english is poor and take a long time to understand English
09:53 Chocopikel: gomen~
09:53 Garven: gomen
09:55 Chocopikel: nannka
09:55 Chocopikel: slider
09:55 Chocopikel: magerenai
09:55 Chocopikel:
09:55 Chocopikel: kieteru...
09:55 Garven: mm okke
09:57 Chocopikel: ok, done
09:58 Garven: 0:36 mo?
09:58 Chocopikel: aaaa matte~ ;_; gomen...
09:58 Garven: ww
09:58 Garven: Something like this, maybe:
10:00 Chocopikel: hm... boring...
10:00 Garven: 2/1 rizumu dake kara
10:01 Chocopikel: nn...
10:01 Chocopikel: this rhythm is
10:01 Chocopikel: chotto muzukashii
10:02 Garven: maa fix hazujanai. boku no kanji dake
10:02 Chocopikel: to omou
10:02 Chocopikel: 00:36:678 - koreha no change de gomen...
10:03 Garven: 00:56:370 (1,1,1,1) - new combos again w
10:04 Chocopikel: ok
10:04 Chocopikel: 01:01:805 (1) -
10:04 Chocopikel: same? dayone?
10:05 Garven: un
10:05 Chocopikel: k
10:05 Garven: 01:26:924 (1) - kono Combo ha mijikai... 01:29:385 (1) - kono ha nagai
10:05 Garven: ?_?
10:06 Chocopikel: 01:32:462 (3) - add new combo, done
10:08 Chocopikel: 01:26:924 (1) -
10:08 Chocopikel: kokoha...
10:09 Chocopikel: song no pattern
10:09 Chocopikel: koko de atteru to omou
10:09 Garven: a 00:20:678 (2) - mo nagai combo da
10:10 Chocopikel: 00:22:524 (3) - add new combo
10:10 Chocopikel: same pattern
10:11 Garven: OD +1/2 kudasai
10:12 Chocopikel: are?
10:12 Chocopikel: 01:35:539 (2) -
10:12 Chocopikel: koko mo
10:12 Chocopikel: 00:25:601 (2) - issyo dayone?
10:12 Chocopikel: changed
10:13 Garven: hai, demo slider no owari kara muri desu ne
10:13 Chocopikel: ganbatte kaetayo~~~
10:13 Chocopikel: because I became a god
10:14 Chocopikel: OD +1 done
10:14 Garven: ohohoho
10:14 Garven: ja, Novice:
10:14 Garven: OD +1/2 mo
10:14 Chocopikel: ha-i
10:14 Chocopikel: +1 k
10:14 Garven: 00:08:934 (1,1,1,1) - spaaaammmmm
10:14 Chocopikel: hai www
10:15 Chocopikel: done
10:16 Garven: 00:19:447 (1) - fm
10:16 Garven: combo ga chotto onaji ne
10:16 Garven: 00:18:217 (1) - remove?
10:16 Garven: futatu de nagai de ii
10:18 Garven: 00:36:678 (1) - mada boring...
10:18 Garven: 00:56:370 (1,1) - ncncncncncnc
10:18 Chocopikel: hai w tyotto mattene w
10:19 Garven: Advanced: OD +1/2
10:20 Garven: onaji no combo koto w
10:22 Garven: tick rate 2 fits better here
10:23 Garven: 01:12:155 (1,2) - Spacing ga chotto chikai kamo
10:24 Garven: Exhaust: OD +1/2
10:24 Garven: tick rate 2
10:27 Chocopikel: advanced to exhaust ha dotti mo no change de please~
10:27 Garven: At least rais OD
10:27 Garven: It's too low compared to AR
10:27 Garven: Makes it dubiously easy
10:27 Garven: Especially when you have so many streams in the Insane
10:28 Garven: If you get offtime, it's -very hard- to get your timing back
10:28 Garven: sousite NC spam no koto mo aru yo
10:29 Garven: 01:26:309 (1) - You ahve to use tick rate 2 if you want to keep this slow slider
10:31 Chocopikel: tick rate kaetara
10:31 Chocopikel: slider ga kieta
10:31 Garven: un Recalculation dakara
10:31 Garven: mendokusai ne
10:32 Chocopikel: ehh... doushiyou...
10:33 Garven: chotto matte ne
10:37 Garven: fm
10:37 Garven: bagu kamo
10:37 Chocopikel: dayone


Did a little more modding to tweak things, and we're good to go! Rebubbled!
everything looks fine for me~~ and since the main issue is resolved already~~

Topic Starter
Thanks for support!
Especially, Frostmourne, Melophobia, Garven, Scorpiour!!
Congratulation on your reranking, Chocopikel!
Choco grats :)!
Kawayi Rika
Omedeto Re-rank ~
gratz for re ranked Choco , awesome :D
Topic Starter
Thank you guys \:D/
Congrats!! <3 :)
wow gratz!
gratz xD
Really like the Exhaust diff. Except for the end stream,, totally uncalled for.
hello, as mod req, I try to do some mania diffs' mod~

I think the two diffs currentlly are really nice / perfect.

even I'm not sure that my opinion would let them better or worse ;w;

I'm a noob mapper.

here's my opinion.

Roxas' Mania Normal

01:18:308 (78308|6,78462|6,78616|0,78770|0,78924|6,79078|6,79232|0,79385|0,79539|6,79539|2,79847|4,80155|6,80462|0,80462|1,80616|6,80616|5) -

How about flip horizontally (Ctrl + H)?

after this 01:20:616 (80616|5,80616|6) - is a streamlet (1/4 timing)

I think it could avoid double clicking with right hand

Roxas' Mania Insane

00:08:473 - add?
00:08:780 - add?

00:33:140 - add like this part 00:33:755 -

00:41:755 (41755|4,41832|2,41909|6,41909|0) - add 1/8 timing note in this part?

00:43:140 - add a note to |7| ?

00:43:986 - add a note
00:46:447 - ^?

01:46:001 - add a note?
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