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SYDTKO trying out new build in normal lol
kata tank op
THis is my first time using Diana in pvp, i've been practicing with her in bots though

Asada Shino

Ouariasse wrote:

SYDTKO trying out new build in normal lol
Did you beat him in lane? Looks like he still did well despite his team
Daily Weekly reminder for you guys to join the osu! chatroom in EUW or just to make one in your own server. Playing games with each other is just easier that way.

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We have 3 mute people in the chat always, with a couple of more we could start playing
i officially hate twitch looool , but i wanna try him

Aoriki wrote:'s a question for those who use Kennen. I love him cause he's a flippin ninja (hur hur) I finally got to use him on PVP once more and the results are

So, if I want to fully build him, What items you recommend me getting? Not sure if I was doing it right but I somehow got fed with no one even killing me. (They try to gank and failed, ended up murdering two people)
Start boots, build doran's blades for harass or revolver for sustain, then rush hourglass. Build situationally. If you have double AP, maybe buy abyssal/WotA, if not you can build rylai's for tankiness/kiting or deathcap if you're raping them hard. ofc void staff for lategame mpen.

Don't rush deathcap.
IMO deathcap should nt be rushed as the 1st item now since it gt nerfed abit u can try getting hourglass 1st if they can kill u quickly or u can try out haunting guise which is a great item for ap mids

Asada Shino wrote:

Ouariasse wrote:

SYDTKO trying out new build in normal lol
Did you beat him in lane? Looks like he still did well despite his team
Playing vs a diamond nidalee, do you expect me to win lane as a melee champ? That thing is a nightmare

Punchs wrote:

IMO deathcap should nt be rushed as the 1st item now since it gt nerfed abit u can try getting hourglass 1st if they can kill u quickly or u can try out haunting guise which is a great item for ap mids
Haven't seen raba rush in a long time, stacking mpen is so much more worth it in s3 with the way penetration works now.
There are so many itemizations for ap in season 3 which made this role the most FUN to play
Top lane is even more toxic than season 2 imo with the cleaver rush and once you're behind the laner who snowballed can 1vs2 the jungler too so gg.
Asada Shino

Ouariasse wrote:

Playing vs a diamond nidalee, do you expect me to win lane as a melee champ? That thing is a nightmare
A good AP nid is a scary nid, I'd shit myself if I had to go up against hsgg

Ouariasse wrote:

Punchs wrote:

IMO deathcap should nt be rushed as the 1st item now since it gt nerfed abit u can try getting hourglass 1st if they can kill u quickly or u can try out haunting guise which is a great item for ap mids
Haven't seen raba rush in a long time, stacking mpen is so much more worth it in s3 with the way penetration works now.
There are so many itemizations for ap in season 3 which made this role the most FUN to play
Top lane is even more toxic than season 2 imo with the cleaver rush and once you're behind the laner who snowballed can 1vs2 the jungler too so gg.
I love what they did with AP, I always see different builds every game, no more ring stacking into cap (though there was less of that after the s2 tournament since people started using grail)
Top lane is kinda ridiculous when it snowballs, they make up most of my wins/losses regardless of whether or not I do well in bot lane
AP nidalee can't carry games though. Maybe 1300> elo games, but after that no lol.

Vulf wrote:

AP nidalee can't carry games though. Maybe 1300> elo games, but after that no lol.
Oh yes she can.

TKiller wrote:

Vulf wrote:

AP nidalee can't carry games though. Maybe 1300> elo games, but after that no lol.
Oh yes she can.
No she can't. Her level 1-5 is just horrible for trying to carry anything, and at level 6 you have to dodge all the kiting to get one e q combo off. She might move fast through the map but that still doesn't make her a good roamer since the only thing she brings to a gank is good damage which relies on a very long skillshot and is easily avoided and no cc at all. You can obviously carry games at lower elo with her but you can carry games at lower elo with basically anyone.
Playing her in any kind of higher elo is just a gamble and I only do it for fun. It doesn't matter how well you play, you won't carry a game alone with her:
Weekly reminder for you guys to join the osu! chatroom in EUW or just to make one in your own server. Playing games with each other is just easier that way.

For those who don't know how to join a chatroom:
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1. That's not ap nidalee, thats ad nidalee.
2. Those were all of his 1600-1800 games which is trash elo.
3. Abusing ad nidalee in solo q is way easier than trying to win with ap nidalee since you splitpush easier and solo q teams lack cordination.
She actually got nerfed since they fixed the invisible spear bug a patch ago.

If you want to watch a good AP nidalee you should check out Bischu's( stream. He has even said it's hard to carry as her AP lol
- 1 -
This game needs a Tennis hero.
Asada Shino

noneed wrote:

1. That's not ap nidalee, thats ad nidalee.
2. Those were all of his 1600-1800 games which is trash elo.
3. Abusing ad nidalee in solo q is way easier than trying to win with ap nidalee since you splitpush easier and solo q teams lack cordination.
Yup, it's much easier to carry as ad thanks to split pushing and her early levels can be really strong depending on the match up, I've gotten so many early first bloods because the lower elo bracket doesn't know how to deal with her bush control. AP is just scary in the hands of a good player who lands most of their spears.

Playing games like these makes me think that support Mundo is actually viable
Kanye West

noneed wrote:

1. That's not ap nidalee, thats ad nidalee.
2. Those were all of his 1600-1800 games which is trash elo.
3. Abusing ad nidalee in solo q is way easier than trying to win with ap nidalee since you splitpush easier and solo q teams lack cordination.
He definitely played AP Nid.
is this build okay for lux?

Asada Shino

ouranhshc wrote:

is this build okay for lux?

You normally don't need gauntlet or wardens but seeing the enemy team I can see why you got those. Most of the time you should build heavy ap so you can instagib people with her qere combo

ouranhshc wrote:

is this build okay for lux?
Rylai's Crystal Scepter isn't really needed for Lux as she has an effective built in slow. Additionally, her light binding simply snares so movement speed is slowed 100%, and Rylai's doesn't proc with her W. Replace with Deathcap, probably; 2900 for 500HP and 80AP but not using the slow proc is not worth it.

Props to Blitz. Not to Twitch.
Kanye West

ouranhshc wrote:

is this build okay for lux?

Go full AP, always stay in the back of the fight. d-rings, sorcs, dcap, void, hourglass, roa is meh, athene's is ok, lich bane is ok (synergy with passive), DFG is supposedly ok
DFG isn't very useful for Lux, as she has a rather long-range burst, way above the range for SFG's active

this was 3v5

ouranhshc wrote:

is this build okay for lux?

avoid using clarity are a way better choice
Yuno i need your pro advice on vayne

what if i rush zerkers with furor and zeal

what happens then
Then you attack fast and do small damage?

Didn't get banned since this is my first warning in over 2 years but my honor got removed. Sent in a support ticket, shit's retarded only game 3 was punishable.
Speaking of reporting, I was told that you can report people for poor play.
... Does this really do anything?
Hearing that scared me a little seeing as I'm not a good player by any stretch. D=
Feeding = dying on purpose, no?
I don't die on purpose. Defeats the purpose of playing any form of game, just isn't fun.
Though I find it kinda stupid when people say to 'stop feeding' if you simply have a bad game (because everyone's perfect, right?). If people aren't dying on purpose, don't call out a feed, imo.

Maybe I should do some more research on my characters then.
That or I'm terrible with executing what I read / what I'm told.

Normal elo? Shows how much I know. I thought elo was only a ranked thing.

Justykanna wrote:

Normal elo? Shows how much I know. I thought elo was only a ranked thing.
You have a hidden elo in normal games... that's why you get matched with people with over 2k wins sometimes when you only have 500, etc. Getting reported for unskilled is supposed to affect this, but is not a bannable offence.

those wrote:

Then you attack fast and do small damage?
yyyyy buUT if you max W you get the silver bolts proc and i was wondering if that's a viable way to build her early... I've seen people do it really well so I was curious
no, you need the q to reposition and dodge smaller skillshots. the lower cd it is on, the better. this is why bt>pd as 1st item on vayne when you can afford it. always.
Weekly reminder for you guys to join the osu! chatroom in EUW or just to make one in your own server. Playing games with each other is just easier that way.

For those who don't know how to join a chatroom:
-At the bottom right there are 3 boxes.
-Click on the one in the middle which says "View your Chatrooms Control Panel"
-A new window should appear which has a little "+" at the bottom of it.
-Simply click on it and type in "osu!".
-And if you are already at it, click on the the wheel at the top right of the chatroom and tick "Autojoin on Startup" there.

You can join any chatrooms that way like more active ones(/v/, /vg/, reddit, PlayWithRiot...) whatever you prefer, or just make your own for yourself and your friends.
noneed, were you this active on forums before. It feels like I remember you from somewhere.
Why everyday has to happen something bad to me on ranked? ;_; Yesterday my internet went away and I lost a won game with Draven and today wirh Ezreal 2 of my team were afk since start xDDD


tyrael6192 wrote:

You have a hidden elo in normal games... that's why you get matched with people with over 2k wins sometimes when you only have 500, etc. Getting reported for unskilled is supposed to affect this, but is not a bannable offence.
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