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anyone got any tips for using Janna
I know Janna is squishy as hell and I use her a lot for Support (Along with Nami, Sona, Lux and now Soraka)
Main role of Janna is to break up fights when you don't want them to happen.
Kanye West

those wrote:

Main role of Janna is to break up fights when you don't want them to happen.
Or to two-shot people, Alex Ich style.
i saw the osu! icon in Froggen desktop D: anybody know his account name ? D:
edit : nvm

The name before. lawl
Finally back to 2k elo.... > <
Congratz on reaching back to 2k (/o-o)/ (I'll never get to that.)

Aoriki wrote:

Congratz on reaching back to 2k (/o-o)/ (I'll never get to that.)
Thanks i guess :P
But my grand goal is to get into top 25 EUW ...still a long road : /
thx u league of retards and 2400 guys
yh...i see u havent met some other players like MaQuinakesz/ShookL2/Azox , if u ever get those in this high elo ... DODGE MY FRIEND! DODGE!
Riot Graves and Full Metal Rammus for EU NE, guess they don't work on NA servers.
Already used.
/me cries

Gasai - Yuno wrote:

yh...i see u havent met some other players like MaQuinakesz/ShookL2/Azox , if u ever get those in this high elo ... DODGE MY FRIEND! DODGE!
ShookL2 is the most retarded guy I've ever played with in solo queue and I have played with the likes of Meow and QuestionmarkLOL. Seriously, Shook is just the biggest tryhard troll of all times.

noneed wrote:

Gasai - Yuno wrote:

yh...i see u havent met some other players like MaQuinakesz/ShookL2/Azox , if u ever get those in this high elo ... DODGE MY FRIEND! DODGE!
ShookL2 is the most retarded guy I've ever played with in solo queue and I have played with the likes of Meow and QuestionmarkLOL. Seriously, Shook is just the biggest tryhard troll of all times.
Meow ... that ...i forgot that son of a b***h... playing nidalee only , never leaving toplane .... like FuuUuUuUuU
QML got perma banned... TWICE , so no more of that douche ...
There was also a guy ,who had like 800 heimerdinger games on 2000 elo or smth S2....i forgot his name... he is also a dick...
Tbh personally , i was one of the "troll legends" on diamond elo in s2 , until i got a serious ban warning mail from riot ... then i stopped trolling and now im a good boy xD
You guys make me NOT wanna play in ranks (Well, alone at lest) . _ . I heard so many things about playing in ranks that I don't think I really wanna try it out.

Aoriki wrote:

You guys make me NOT wanna play in ranks (Well, alone at lest) . _ . I heard so many things about playing in ranks that I don't think I really wanna try it out.
Dont worry , only elo above 2k is "elo hell" xD
Thank jeebus I'm no where near 2k to enter "elo hell" but still I think entering Rank quo is hell.
well people get really frustrated for some reason when it comes to ranked...they start flaming so much etc... : /
I find it funny that people flame when they themselves do mistakes which are probably even worse.
I only played 4 ranked games in my life and I won only one of those because there is always somebody on the team who is just flaming and doing bad. :p
That was a long time ago though, currently I am just playing an occasional normal game just to have some fun, however sometimes people just get too serious and stuff. Oh and I'm not really a good player btw.
I'm not even a great player my self. (I need more help on builds, runes for AD and Support, and learning other champs instead of AP ones)
Even in a normal quo, you will run into people who just take the game WAY to seriously and its like "OH GAWD, YOU"RE SUCH A NOOB!" blah blah blah. Same thing over and over and yet they do some mistakes (or more) as others do. /ends rant/
Knowing your opponent is half the battle. The more you know about all the champions, the better you will naturally play.
As for builds, you just gotta take some time to remember ALL the items available and what they do. Then you can easily piece them together.
It's easier to blame other people than it is yourself.

What really pisses me off right now is the people who call a role, and suddenly turn into a 4 year old when they don't get what they want cause first pick took it. Then they proceed to make the rest of champ select (or game if someone doesn't dodge) a living hell because they didn't get what they wanted. Riot really needs to start banning these type of people more.

As "those" said a general idea of what all the items do (stats and cost) is nice too. Either play more champions or read up on who you are having trouble with. I personally didn't start playing a variety of champions till around 500-550 normal wins. I exclusively played nothing but warwick till that point lol.
well vulf, sometimes ppl smurf and own only 16 champions and 1 rune setup ...then again thats pretty rare prolly the only one who lacks enough life to smurf so much xD
does this kinda build have any potential?

Topic Starter
can someone upload LoL\Game\ ?

mine got corrupted after downloading 2,6gb three times :|

latest client of SEA garena version btw but let me try with NA/EU or PH client just in case it has same md5 :)

Gasai - Yuno wrote:

well vulf, sometimes ppl smurf and own only 16 champions and 1 rune setup ...then again thats pretty rare prolly the only one who lacks enough life to smurf so much xD
Still doesn't mean they should act that way. I made an alt account when some of my friends first started so they wouldn't have to play against lvl 30's, but then i went afk for 2 weeks and they were all lvl 25-30 when i came back lol. I'm really surprised that account didn't get deleted from the recent name wipe.

ouranhshc wrote:

does this kinda build have any potential?

Lybydose wrote:


Glass wrote:

but it's beautiful!

Edit: That darius is on to something.
The most unique build I've seen on Janna.
I just barely saw what you meant, Vulf. Darius is up to something....very sneaky.

actually it was 3v4
you need very move fast boots and red double swords
Won against Jayce.


Ouariasse wrote:

you need very move fast boots and red double swords
..its AP yi
you need the torch to see better

and the move very fast boots to slay the stone bros

who are so stoned that their fighting capacity is impaired
Stacking health all day every day. I love how they thought building MR would save them. The way penetration works now is so stupid.

All that AP and MR.
Pretty much similar to one of my old matches with my team, nothing but full AP/support team, results? This.

Edit: 1,000 post.

This Yi tried to go AP at the start but failed badly, and tried to switch to AD lol. I play garena (South East Asian region) LoL, but Since they lifted the IP ban from the NA server for my region I can play that too, but I'm only lvl 2 there :\

Ouariasse wrote:

you need very move fast boots and red double swords
i love that guide!!! xD
Loving mpen support mundo lately... best adcs to abuse this with?
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