So here you get:
That little heart/flame, showing the map is either ranked or approved. This is ok.
Source (Artist) - Song name [Diff]
Mapped by X.
Would this be better shown as:
Artist - Song name [Diff] (Source)?
Mapped by X.
Length, BPM, Objects.
Circles, sliders, spinners.
Length and BPM are ok. Objects data (including circles, slider and spinners) should be given a little less importance, I usually just look at object number to know if the map is streamy, I don't give much importance to the rest but I'm not sure about most players. Then again there is some way more relevant information to add here:
All that is really important information, way more important that how many sliders the map has. I find it hard to believe that this is not yet on the game itself. Then again AR is missing there, it should be added to the beatmap site information (guessing that's not there since afaik back then accuracy = AR). Then again it should be added to the game too. AR/CS/HP/OD are all important and should be shown In-Game w/o us having to go to the website or edit.
This is useless since the whole voting system is broken anyways. This could either be removed or replaced with a like/don't like system.
That's it.