
League of Legends

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Well, reading some forums on LoL; League releasing one more champ of the year and new skins coming out. The new champ is a female name Vi o-o and from what I read, she maybe a range character (Ap, I think)
Oh nice ^^ I hope I can reach 1700 this season or like that, I have a mate duoQ , probably same skill than me, we both are good, now let's see what happens u.u, wow most of new items are op, and the boots are cool.
All the holiday skins are for AP mids wtf?

Vi is another AD bruiser. Also her ult is ridiculous, 1.25 second un cc'able suppression?

After playing jungle almost every game since the new patch I've come to the conclusion it is now worse than the previous.
Let me start with: I never thought I'd ever try DotA because I really enjoyed League of Legends, but with this update.. Holy moly, I think I'll actually switch to DotA. It's just in one word: disgusting. I've only tried playing one game and I was already lost in the shop, why the hell would you have like over 50 boots? The old shop was much more comfortable + newb friendly, the new one is just retarded - I can't possibly imagine that ANYONE would like this new shop. I think it'd be a lot better if they just added a 'search' option to the old shop instead, along with some new items aswell, repeat: SOME.. So, not some fancy upgrades for your boots. Also, the very first game I played, no one wanted to jungle because of the changes Riot has made on the jungle. I've played lots of other games before and I don't mind updates etc. but this is just way too big in my opinion.

To keep a long story short: I've decided to give up on this game, simply because of this one update. I'd probably come back IF they might just switch back to the comfortable S2 gameplay. Is anyone else going to quit aswell?
The shop still annoying me too being honest, but I think on 1 month or like that I will get used to, and if they changed I think it is because dunno... well I dont know, anyways shop annoys me yes, new interface, I dont love it but..whatever, just get used, I dont like it a lot, but some things are better and so many new items, need get used to them too
There's one thing that amazes me the most though. How could Riot release all those new and unexplained items at once, while they've always been trying to balance the game. It'll only take a few weeks before the best builds will get released, which leads to other items falling into oblivion..
Hah, what are you weak?! ;)

Man learning a new game is a hella lot harder than learning an item shop... it isn't all that complicated anyway, I've got used to it after 5 or so games. I enjoy the game so I'm gonna keep playing, change happens and there's no reason to break down and cry over it...
ive grown use to the new item shop and now it cant find things easier and faster:/

now i just gotta learn the items
Even if you know where are objects. still a bit harder to buy them
Double post cuz of ranked
I use Enigma's item changer. You can literally put everything you would ever need on the recommended item tab for specific champions. I really don't know why Riot doesn't have this customizable already. =\ Example video and download link in description. Yes it is legal to use.
With the shop changing this and items not there anymore (HoG....why) It took me a while to find boots lvl 1. Till I found a tab that said "Boots" ...I derped.
omg nami so much fun~
rengar rengar what u doing , hahahaha ,s stop
Rengar joins the Urgot club next patch so enjoy abusing him while you can.
black cleaver, needs a nerf
Don't you think new items make all roles better except AP? I think that..

KingFloyd wrote:

omg nami so much fun~
aqua prison is really useful but it has a long cooldown <_<

Gasai - Yuno wrote:

black cleaver, needs a nerf

GeeNX wrote:

Don't you think new items make all roles better except AP? I think that..
yeh...pretty true ... :/
Nami is so fun. I love her skin as well owo; and name it Konami.

FluKerr wrote:

Gasai - Yuno wrote:

black cleaver, needs a nerf
Next patch xD
It is op, yeah , but dunno there are more gooood items, but well yes, it is op >_>
1337 elo

never playing ranked again

KingFloyd wrote:

1337 elo

never playing ranked again
aajajaja nice :]
finaly finaly 2k =\ =\
lol gz..I am having a bit bad luck atm, playing jax going 2/0 on top with 100 creeps at 11 min, not bad at all, mid going 0/3 bot, ad 1/4 support 0/9, then the 13/2 graves fuck us all...meh, anyways, I do what I can
2012 >nice elo
going to 2.2 ftw
ReverseLight: NA or EU? Or other?
Win 1 +18 elo Lose 2 -19 elo and -25...I am starting to hate the ranked games again, u.u when I started to rise a bit, now welcome to hell again u.u
solo duo is a hell

gotta play 5s. its much better
The beauty of BC stacking

Kaoru wrote:

ReverseLight: NA or EU? Or other?
Eu west

KingFloyd wrote:

solo duo is a hell

gotta play 5s. its much better
always. And still, some people soloQ just because. xD

Hakeru Prismriver wrote:

The beauty of BC stacking
I see afk
disconnected to be exact , or idk ..
BC is getting Nerfed Next Patch anyway , hrr
I hate ranking games with random guys o.o

They are so hateful <.<
Seesine, North and East Europe.
My ELO is doing pretty bad (it's not like I had any luck in the 2nd season, either). >_>
5 losts in a row...go go
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