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Hmm, the cloth 5 really seemed to work with farming the jungle without needing to back. i think farming to 6/nearly 6 then getting boots and hog/philo then quicking getting level 6 if you got to nearly 6 to gank with your ult may be more successful. Then after the ult gank you can give the blue which should be about respawned to your mid, then maybe do some more ganks, or wait for ult again? Also surely getting a FH or at least an early glacial will give a massive impact to your top lane and bot lane ganks, especially with the early CDR, which you said is very beneficial to amumu. But I do agree with the philo and the aegis, I considered them, but thought FH and banshees rushing would give a bigger impact. Especially when your ult combined with randiuns active aferwards completely locks down thier AD carry, with frozen heart active just to rub it in. Its probably more effective armour vs ad that the aegis gives, and you should be aiming to lock down the ap nuke as fast as possible since you are passively locking out the adc.

feel free to agree/disagree, I by no means think I am right :p, its why im making the post xD
If you want a safe route then a regrowth start will keep you close to 100% through the entire jungle. Mercs, Philo, Hog and Aegis are core on support junglers (Amumu, Maokai, Malphite, Alistar any tank really) anything after that should be built around the damage source that is the highest/most fed on the enemy team. Rushing a glacial is fine if your getting your lane kills early but getting items like that before gold items is going to gimp your late game too much unless your fed. Also you generally do not want to jungle till 6 top and bottom snowball way too hard off early ganks. Even presence right after blue is sometimes enough to get your top/bot ahead though risky. You should be ganking lanes as mummy around lvl 4 at the latest. I should also mention mummy is one of the easiest to counter jungle which is another reason why gold items are core on him.
I didnt mean not jungling till 6, i meant starting the ganks at 6. since his ult is rediculous for ganking, and getting to level 6 really fast and then ganking bot with an ult when they have none could potentially get you a double kill. Though i can see the argument for early ganks with amumus awesome bandage toss. And if im philo rushing then ill take regrowth start.
So regrowth -> boots 1 + philo stone -> hog -> merc treads -> aegis -> randiuns -> banshees -> FH -> shurelias ?
Sorry but, starting ganks at 6 its useless, at 2 you have to gank, with most of champs unless 2 or 3 that have to at 3...but those low lvls are the one whom mark the DIFFERENCE ON GAME
Id have thought a lane could sustain itself until level 4/5 which is when you reach level 6. Surely overwhelming force can have a large impact on a lane, i can understand ganking if a lane is behind and/or struggling, but surely ganking early just pushes the lane forwards and puts your bottom lane too far ahead and exposed to a gank from thier jungler, which seems counter productive to me. Im likely totally wrong, but I rarely see an early gank get a kill, or even be little more than a nuisance. I had a amumu gank me, combined with thier leona bot. Knocked everyone up (alistar lol), walked out, and they lost more total hp than we did, even though they had the advantage of surprise and 3 consectutive stuns. If that happened at level 6, when we had reached at least some element of complacency, that gank would have resulted in me dying, more than likely, due to the sheer volume of stuns.

il'l just leave that here.
I'll do the same.

Quick question: How many won ranked games are needed for Elo?
10 games are required for placement in solo queue

organized 3v3 and 5v5 teams only require 5 games

no "wins" are required

KingFloyd wrote:

10 games are required for placement in solo queue

organized 3v3 and 5v5 teams only require 5 games

no "wins" are required
I think you need 5 games and after 10 games elo is visible to others. I might be wrong.

KingFloyd wrote:

10 games are required for placement in solo queue

organized 3v3 and 5v5 teams only require 5 games

no "wins" are required
Kanye West
You don't have to quote a statement of fact like that.
I'm sure it only becomes visible to others if it's above 1200-ish?
Kanye West

tyrael6192 wrote:

I'm sure it only becomes visible to others if it's above 1200-ish?
This is correct. Your Elo is always visible to you but only visible to others if it's above 1200.

Also, you don't get a solo queue Elo until you play 10 matches. During these 10 matches, regardless of what your Elo would be, it displays as "Unranked".

Aoriki wrote:

I'll do the same.

Why'd u get a tear>archangels on Lux o.o
Good to know. 6 Games to go. :o
Kanye West

FluKerr wrote:

Aoriki wrote:

I'll do the same.

Why'd u get a tear>archangels on Lux o.o
Meh, it's not the worst thing you can get I suppose
Meeh, why am I always loosing on 5 vs 5?
Try playing an AD carry or AP carry! That way if you do well.. at least you have a little chance even if your team is crap D:
mid lane is best to carry in soloq
I soloq support like a man, and no, i dont lose every game. In fact, i had my approximately 15 or so winning streak (some normals, some ranked) broke when i decided to duoq with my friend and i got the most terrible top and mid ive ever seen. Soloq support is a manly choice for manly men who like men women.
Sigh. Just played ranked and got two quadra kills with Olaf.. My score at the end was 16-2. Still can't win because of others. Uh my gud. u__u
^^^^ i kno that man....
FluKerr: messages consisting in just a smiley are spam. Don't post them.

on-topic: anyone here plays vs AI ? I feel like I'm the only one who does =(
I play vs ai when testing certain things, or getting first win. Or when i feel like hilariously dominating the bots.
I test on ranked
oh god i laughed more than i should

teemo global taunt xD

Shiro wrote:

FluKerr: messages consisting in just a smiley are spam. Don't post them.

on-topic: anyone here plays vs AI ? I feel like I'm the only one who does =(
Oh, sorry 'bout that.
And I play Coop vs. AI aswell :] Not that often tho, but I like it.
Fortunately the bots are not as retarded as they were back in the day. Riot did a good job on upgrading their skills.
wah there you go LoL thread , surprised ahaha

well uh do i need to purchase armor for ashe ?
since she's carry and focusing on crit chance uh :v

well this is my best kill so far lol , it was lucky to be exact
Don't build armor on AD carries, focus on damage.. infinity edge, phantom dancer, bloodthirster, last whisper, that kind of stuff. Maybe Guardian Angel lategame if you're getting absolutely melted. Most of the time though, you just wanna stay at the back and do the damage while the tanky jungler and top do the front line stuff
buying guardian angel after getting 2 damage items is a pretty good idea , unless the enemy is stacked with armor , get a last whisper before the the guardian angel
Agree with the Post above. Also, you could buy Frozen Mellet, but in this Case (with Ashe) there is GA much better.
I love Varus with Frozen Mellet, just saying.
The voice actor for Warwick, Tryndamere, and Nunu(Willump) just recently finished a new VO at Riot. I'd be so happy if Warwick gets a legendary skin lol.

Stefan wrote:

Agree with the Post above. Also, you could buy Frozen Mellet, but in this Case (with Ashe) there is GA much better.
I love Varus with Frozen Mellet, just saying.
i kind of disagree with the frozen mallet on carries ...kind of a waste of gold...
maybe its good in lower elo games where u actually dont have people to cover you up , just so you can carry with more ease ...but other in proper games , its a poor choice of an item :/
Anyone watching IPL games? ... xMgKbyonE#
So intense game, Ezreal did a lot of mistakes tough.
i watched some yesterday
Kanye West
Frozen mallet is massively overrated. But then again, so is the entire game of LoL

Kanye West wrote:

Frozen mallet is massively overrated. But then again, so is the entire game of LoL
someone had a bad time hmmm ?^^
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