
League of Legends

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I gave up on this tournament after the whole and WE having to play like 5 games cause of crashes. Oh and the fact people were clearly cheating and riot tried to deny it in the end. :(
Colin Hou
TPA! congratulations
Riot couldn't organise a fucking brothel. Even Lunah could've organised this sort of thing better.
Just read the post on reddit. I'm glad the team that cheated didn't win.
I be damned.... TPA won...and they played extremely well....
Note to self: time to learn Karthus/Orianna for premades ><
Can anyone tell me what this little red thing means?

Something to do with honour.. honorable opponent i think..
so I played two games of LoL with kog yesterday

LoL is more fun than I remembered
The red ribbon thing means that person has more than 20 or 30 honorable opponent points.
Not necessarily. I know people who have got a badge with less than 10 honor points into one specific category, and some people who have 100 honor points in multiple categories and still have no badge. This is riots way of rewarding people that are not complete douchebags in games. Expect to see some sort of reward system in the future.
I actually have one when I'm in character selection. Its "Team Work" ribbon and its not even close to 30, its 22. I've seen some players with the Honorable ribbon.

Quick question for those who play; AP Ez or AD Ez? Cause I usually do AP for everyone and I seen him do some pretty good damage as AP with W instead of Q.
Colin Hou
his W got a nerf to 80 wide, but more AP+, it could be stronger in late game if you build a AP Ez, but he doesn't have any cc and the abilities are much fitter as an AD champion.

if you went solo mid, then the lacking of cc cannot make him support or gank other lanes well which can be done by other AP carries well. and in the 2 person lane, you can still build an AP Ez but you should end the game before your enemy got all 6 items, or you'll find the team on your side lacks AD damage.
I usually go in bot when I can. I hardly do mid as AP Ez since I get trolled by "Oh, no wonder your hardly doing damage, your AP" crap like that.
The build I usually get ends up giving me at lest 500+ ap at level 15 (depends on the kill strikes and assist) if I do have a chance to farm (With out getting gank or how long the game goes ) I'll be lucky to get maybe 600
ap ez is really the most fun way to play him so whenever i'm ez in aram i play him ap
@honor , i got 49 teamwork , 22 honorable opponent , still no ribbon , i heard it has something to do with total amount of games played , so it will take a while for me to get one ... ><
@ezreal no matter how ap ezreal is fun to play , there are tons of other ap champions that outskill him in every way possible , and it's a real shame to play him ap considering he is one of the most op ad carries if played ad...

just my 2 coins of opinion ^^
Remember when he could heal?
yeh good times ....his W was overpowered back then ,but the rest of the kit was a bit sucky ><
I've been saying ezreal is OP since last year when i started playing, and it's pretty sad it takes a $20 skin for people to realize that. Glad he is getting nerfed next patch.

Excited about the jungle changes for S3! Warwick will be king again.
i am excited about a TT change that will come ... " soon "
Jayce nerf. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ;_; I will still having corki
are there any patch notes leaked tht i dont know about? : o
Nah. Just interviews mostly, but nerfs like ezreal and jayce have been confirmed about a week before the world finals on reddit and LoL forums from a couple of reds.
yh but i doubt those will be truck like nerfs...prolly some minor adjustments

The sound of the pop scared the crap out of me when I log in this morning and thought I got a banned message or something. OTL
I guess you receive a pop up message for having a lot of points on one of four things.
fuuuu me jelly

akali op ;o
Kanye West
What the hell kind of elo is that, where you outfarm lane opponents by 80 cs in 20 minutes...
Nurse Akali is capable of anything.

Kanye West wrote:

What the hell kind of elo is that, where you outfarm lane opponents by 80 cs in 20 minutes...
2400 elo
u just carried dat scrub team of yours so hard

akali 4 president
The joys of placement games.
like dkun finally pulled my leg hard enough to play this game and i still gotta say im not sure what all the hub bub is I just fail at the game pretty hard tho so maybe that is it?
the game isn't that bad i only ever see them play on one map tho that is kinda sad but i guess it is okay.

Sync wrote:


ztrot wrote:

the game isn't that bad i only ever see them play on one map tho that is kinda sad but i guess it is okay.



Mr Color wrote:

color is 5ever mlg pro xx
Whoa whoa whoa hold on. Lemme join.

dkun we gotta play together without Shiirn raping us.
Yay for Double IP boost...I can finally get some champs well I spam LoL till I need a break.
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