
Fall 2012 Anime Season First Impressions

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Seph wrote:

fuck yes, Jormungand is amazing.
To be perfectly honest many aspects of it are silly as fuck.
Really happy with this season, so... thought I would bother to write up something for once.

Willing to watch:
  • Hayate no Gotoku! Can't Take My Eyes Off You - ... Completely original anime exclusive arc dealing with Nagi's father and a new sister? Count me in even if it isn't the Athena arc I was hoping for.
    Jojo no Kimyou nao Bouken - Yay, another adaptation but the series is damn good regardless.
    Jormungand: Perfect Order - Her name is Koko, she is so loco; season 2 is full of win, gorgeous and I love this arc it'll be covering from the manga.
    K - Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiny, even if the story goes to crap I'll watch this purely for eye candy.
    Onii-chan Dakedo Ai Sae Areba Kankeinai yo ne - Not what I was expecting since I've read the source for but still enjoyable nonetheless, Anastasia is pure win and this series will make me laugh quite a bit.
    Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo - For a J.C.Staff show this actually has promise thanks to them choosing appropriate voice actors for the characters and animating this well whilst still keeping with the source somewhat.
    Seitokai no Ichizon S2 - Yet to air but I will watch this without fail.
    To Love-Ru – Trouble: Darkness - Even with all of the censoring that is and will happen to this I'll still highly enjoy it due to TLR being one of my likeable series interests with it's broad cast that all get equal screen time.
    Zetsuen no Tempest - Made by Bones, perfect enough reason for me to highly enjoy it.
Watching for the sake of watching:
  • BTOOOM! - Ehhh, guess it's good to pass the time, hopefully they don't ruin how the (already sub par) story goes.
    Busou Shinki - Surprisingly enjoyable even with the random premise of 'cute partners' assisting their masters through their everyday lives.
    Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! - KyoAni flaunting off their typical endless budget for animation quality and all the side perks but thankfully the characters are expressively interesting with a premise which is actually unique for a school series.
    Gokicha!! Cockroach Girl! - Ahahaha, MOE COCKROACHES, OH GOD SO UGUU~ Kill me please?
    Little Busters! - Watching purely for the sake of watching, never been a fan of Key or its anime adaptations.
    Magi - Animated slave abuse, heck yes!!!
    Medaka Box Abnormal - Because Naze.
    Shinsekai yori - This is on the rocks.
Not going to bother with:
  • Code: Breaker - Ahaha, no.
    Girls und Panzer - This iis so ridiculously dumb, it's like Strike Witches done wrong even when SW was bad enough.
    Hidamari Sketch x Honeycomb - Pass.
    Kamisama Hajimemashita - God no, massive pass on this.
    Sukitte Ii na yo. - Nah, not interested.
    Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun - Typical shoujo manga adaptation but very dumb at the same time with a complete lack of what makes shoujo manga better than shounen, character development.
Sukitte Ii na yo
Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo

Both were good~

Girls und Panzer
This was so bad, first half of the first episode was just plain boring and almost gave up watching it after that. And towards the end of the second half I just started hating it.

Lol'd pretty hard to this though:
Girls und Panzer

Girls und Panzer
Maybe I could just watch it to see awesome tanks but.. no.. can't stand.
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Sorry for being gone for such a long time. The thread's op is mostly updated now.
Time went by pretty fast when I watched this, so it was good. Yay blood ^^
Bakuman 3
I liked the 1st and 2nd seasons but this first episode of the 3rd season was somehow not very good. I am currently neutral about this

Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun
I like it so far

Gintama' Enchousen
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I'll update stuff a bit later, but here are some small things

GIRLS und PANZER: I have to agree with ampzz, this is Strike Witches done wrong. There is none of the fast paced fighting or quirky characters. Everything just seems so plain.... Animation is okay, almost everything else falls short. Humor is very slight, drama....boring/cliche. Action, not much to watch. In short, I don't expect anything from this series.

CØDE:BREAKER: I was relaly looking forward to ahving this adapted, but wow the stress on bishonens (and the trap). The female lead is not as cool as she should be, but the action was at least fluid (they could have made better action scenes though, admittedly the first ep is not supposed to be super actiony though). Actually the entrie aniton was very fluid imo, so that was cool. Besides that, Ogami's voice did fit for all his innocent moments, but I am not sure how this will carry on. In short, I want to like it, and it hasn't tired me out yet. However it didn't really impress me.

About Bakuman, first 2 seasons were so low on animation that I couldn't watch past 1 episode of each, so I won't even bother giving 3rd season a chance.
Zetsuen no Tempest
So far so very pretty good
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
It was awesome this week too. The next episode will blow everyone's minds though!
AOTY material already, can't wait to see part 2 of the manga animated because of Joseph Joestar. He's also going to be voiced by Sugita. Yes, motherfucking Sugita. Shit is going to be so cash.

thelewa wrote:

JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
It was awesome this week too. The next episode will blow everyone's minds though!
AOTY material already, can't wait to see part 2 of the manga animated because of Joseph Joestar. He's also going to be voiced by Sugita. Yes, motherfucking Sugita. Shit is going to be so cash.
Hell Yeah!!!
More reason for me to watch JoJo's Bizare Advanture
Update on my list due to watching the rest of this season besides a few shows.

Willing to watch:
  1. Btooom! - After this second episode and how they skipped nothing from the manga this has been shoved up in my expectations immensely so I'll be watching this quite consistently.
  2. Psycho-Pass - Just wow, this puts a nice twist on how most sci-fi adaptations with an amazing amount of quality; noitaminA have really outdone themselves inclusive of a nice voice actor selection.
  3. Robotics;Note - Attention to deal on actual drawn animation even on something as simple as drinking a bottle of water instantly earned my already expectant mind into liking this anime's initial episode.
Watching for the sake of watching:
  1. K - Moved down here due partly to the ridiculous amount of forced BL development... which I can't say wasn't unexpected but this amount was a turn off.
Short listings because I'm drunk and this is much more honest.

  1. Btoom! - Stylish yet I get Gantz vibes from it (exploitationist stuff). Keeping my eyes on it for now.
  2. Busou Shinki - Shit. Fun to riff on with friends, but it's pointless and kinda creepy.
  3. Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! - I'm a bit annoyed with the main character. Pretty glorious animation, though. Hopefully the character development's good, otherwise this show's done for.
  4. Code:Breaker - Hot guys lighting stuff on fire. Worth holding onto just for that.
  5. Hidamari Sketch x Honeycomb - OH GOD MY NUTBLADDER the improved animation/artistic experimentation is nice.
  6. Ixion Saga DT - This is silly and self-aware without being grating. I can dig it. Let's see if it keeps it up.
  7. JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (2012) - This is rather faithful for better or for worse. Some of it hasn't aged too well but it is glorious.
  8. Jormungand: Perfect Order - HOLY HAND GRENADES, BATMAN, WE HAVE A PLOT, FINALLY! The new villain is creepy. I like.
  9. K - Can we please just get to the plot? Delicious eyecandy, though.
  10. Kamisama Hajimemashita - Cute shoujo fluff from the director of Fruits Basket. Watch if that's your thing. I know it's mine.
  11. Little Busters! - Comedic timing is the only thing working for me right now. We'll see if the setup leads to anything at all noteworthy.
  12. Magi - Some funny moments, nice sense of adventure, really dig the setting.
  13. Psycho-Pass - I fell in love instantly. Great ambition, refreshingly different, wonderful concept, so much it can go from. Best show of the season, hands down.
  14. Robotics;Notes - Douchebag lead, annoying genki girl, interesting concept.
  15. Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo - Creepy concept with good animation and some painful execution. Ugh, this is not good.
  16. Shinsekai yori (From the New World) - Nice execution with tons of plot threads already creating an intriguing universe that'll set up into something spine-tingling, I can tell.
  17. Sukitte ii na yo. - Executed rather well, with a sympathetic lead and a likable male love interest. Good if you like this type of shoujo.
  18. Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun - So many stupidly silly shows this season! I am already loving the characters and find this show both adorable and entertaining.
  19. Zetsuen no Tempest - One of my favourites this season right now. Intriguing premise, angst, gloriously stylish animation, and Shakespeare? Yes, please.
Didn't realize when the episode finished. Loved it.
Not too sure about this. I was expecting more of an impact. Maybe it's partly because Steins;Gate set a high standard, but keeping it neutral for now.
Robotics; Notes won't be as good as Steins; Gate. Because as far as I remember it was written by different author or something like that. They just want to earn more money since Steins; Gate is still popular these days.
Zetsuen no Tempest has gotten me immersed. When was the last time that even happened..? Am nicely surprised, though the pilot episode reminded me so much of Guilty Crown.

K is all shiny and pretty and sparkly. Stunning visuals and feminine dudes everywhere. Following for the sake of following for now, but this'll definitely go somewhere.

Btooom! is a good show to digest, noticable parts of the adaptation have been toned down from the original but that's alright. Just waiting to see it all fleshed out in 720p.

Shin Sekai Yoru is my kind of shit, yes. Soooooo many hints and mysterious to indulge on. Seems to be a pretty solid show.

Faust wrote:

Shin Sekai Yoru is my kind of shit, yes. Soooooo many hints and mysterious to indulge on. Seems to be a pretty solid show.
Also what the hell, from OniAi:
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I'll update the op soon.....

Psyco-Pass: Definitely one of the better shows this season. It combines solid animation with a decent, somewhat dark, plot. Some of the ideas about judging people through a machine (algorithm) are a little cliche, but the implementation so far is solid. As a result, I can't really complain much about this series.

Ixion Saga DT: This is what results when you put a bunch of trolls together with a somewhat typical shonen lead in an MMO/fantasy world setting. In my opinion, it really wasn't that funny, but I guess the ending was slightly amusing even though it was quite predictable. What really got to me though was the animation. The slightly aged daring style + low detail + low budget animation really dropped my opinion of this show. Bascially this show is tottering between neutral and dropped for me, so I'll leave it as neutral for now and wait to see what the next episode brings.

Btooom!: The 2nd episode (one with a much better plot than the first one) was also done quite accurately (well added a few things to help making the story clearer) and really got the key scenes across. The animation was sometimes lacking, but the animators weren't afraid to show some very bloody scenes (they obv censor/alter the rape scenes). With the work they put in, I think the animators can make this show a success, so moving this to recommended.

Medaka Box: Abnormal: There is really not much to say here. Almost everything technical is the same as first season. Pascal colors, not that much detail, fairly low budget animation (slightly better than first season though). What has changed is that a much better plot line has come, the most fighting-happy shonen arc of medaka box, class 13 /flask plan arc. No more silly slice of life stuff, just action all the way. Add in some decent seiyuus and you get an okay anime. In short, fans of the series will probably enjoy it, and for everyone else, try it to see what you think. I doubt the series will change much from what you see in the first episode (since not much will change, will just give this show my weak recommendation and move on).

Sukitte Ii na yo: Yet another generic shuojo. Friendless girl who works and has not so attentive parent gets together with popular boy who has every female at his fingertip but doesn't care for them. Oh well, execution was okay.... Plot is basically exactly as you imagine it with a cute girl trying to become closer to the popular male and failing while the unpopular girl rejects the popular male at first. Then _____ happens and unpopular girl gets together with the popular male for the first time.... Regardless, animation was okay... decent detail but way too much panning (and some of the stuff they pan over is just random.) Since I don't care much for generic shuojos, I am going to give it a weak rejection, but if you mind it being generic, give it a shot.

Robitics;Note: Wow the animation... As ampzz said, the attention to detail is amazing. For once, video games actually look like proper video games (okay this is a horrible example of animation, but the augmented reality (I guess it is augmented) by the tablet was quite fluid and fit in with everything else on screen. I just wish that that ed was not all panning. Sadly though, the animation was the only part that was interesting. The characters themselves did not draw me in. The jokes weren't very funny. The plot seems like a generic win the tournament thing. Regardless, the animation is enough for me to hold on for a hopefully better episode 2.

Chousoku Henkei Gyrozetter Kids show with terrible CG, cheesy plot, and really not much else (maybe slightly funny). Easy to just give this a red mark and move on.

UnderminE wrote:

Also what the hell, from OniAi:
that seems like a good anime
Psycho Pass

Combines interesting story & good animation, haven't heard much of the BGM but the ED is pretty cool, looking forward to what's gonna happen here

Zetsuen no Tempest

I've only watched Episode 1 yet & there's not much I can say. There's literally no opinion I got to this, I'll just watch and look if it gets better
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Ixion Saga DT: Episode 2 rolls out, it is even stupider than before. All I have to say is that it is so stupid that I am manicly laughing at times. That is really all I can say.
How could you resist Ixion? I couldn't even look at the screen, it was that horrible.

UnderminE wrote:

Also what the hell, from OniAi:
I was watching it with a friend and it lagged on that part and it looked like she was blowing him LOL
Where is Robotics;Notes D:
Laughed a lot during the second episode of Ixion Saga DT, guess it's not your thing UnderminE :P
I prefer Magi for laugh P:
Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai
Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo
Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun

Little Busters

Onii-chan Dakedo Ai Sae Areba Kankeinai yo ne

nothing much to add so just colours
my first impressions:
It was nice, and some of them was really great...
Hayate no Gotoku -Can't Take My Eyes of You-
[I'm disappointed with the art and the story that was changed, oh God why?]
l :?
Weekly Playboy News released an interview with director Motohiro Katsuyuki and writer Urobuchi Gen about new anime Psycho-Pass. Motohiro said he didn't allow the production staff to use the word "moe" in the discussion meeting. "This anime goes against the current trend of anime industry. So it'll either be a complete failure or a great success." Urobuchi said Motohiro protects him from noitamina producer's demands to add appealing elements for female audience.

Urobuchi said this anime has cruel scenes both physically and mentally. Motohiro joked that he wanted kids audience to have a trauma for life by watching this anime.
Looks awesome to me. I like the concept and the characters so far.

UnderminE wrote:

Weekly Playboy News released an interview with director Motohiro Katsuyuki and writer Urobuchi Gen about new anime Psycho-Pass. Motohiro said he didn't allow the production staff to use the word "moe" in the discussion meeting. "This anime goes against the current trend of anime industry. So it'll either be a complete failure or a great success." Urobuchi said Motohiro protects him from noitamina producer's demands to add appealing elements for female audience.

Urobuchi said this anime has cruel scenes both physically and mentally. Motohiro joked that he wanted kids audience to have a trauma for life by watching this anime.

Aoi Sekai no Chuushin de
Oh man, this is definitely the worst anime yet. Made it halfway on the first episode and I had to stop. Honestly I don't know if the creators were being serious when they made this or not.

Mianki wrote:

Aoi Sekai no Chuushin de
Oh man, this is definitely the worst anime yet. Made it halfway on the first episode and I had to stop. Honestly I don't know if the creators were being serious when they made this or not.
The worst anime this season, heck even if it's the same fantasy theme I'll take Ixion than this.

Psycho Pass, cool stuff as expected of Urobuchi Gen. Thinking about moe+Urobuchi Gen there's already a great success in the past so I can say where that quote from UndermiE coming.

Edit: JoJo's opening ROCKS!! It reeks of awesomeness and badassery. My most favorite opening this season
I prefer Chu-2 byo demo KOI ga shitai's opening
also love Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun & Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo
Little Busters op.
Jojo's is looking really good even with the low budget involved, it's my most hyped show from this season and I'm not disappointed.
I'm really enjoying robotic;notes even though nothing major has yet happened.
Tonari no kaibutsu kun and chuunibyou demo etc are both being really enjoyable.

Other than that, Little Busters is being pretty boring, but since it's a VN adaptation the start is always oh so boring so I guess that's expected.
K went from a flashy and rather entertaining first episode into something incredibly boring. Zetsuen no Tempest on the other hand, starts incredibly boring and is now pretty flashy and decently entertaining.
Btooom started average and keeps kinda average, although it seems like it will improve on the following weeks.
Busou Shinki moe moe moe moe mastah moe moe moe mastah
Psycho Pass had a pretty okay start, I feel it's one of those shows that will either be amazing or mediocre.
Shinsekai Yori makes me fall asleep every episode untill now. If it wasn't such a hyped and promising show I would've dropped it by now.
Sukki-te etc is oh so generic. 10/10 if you enjoy generic romance.
Sakurasou no Pet I DON'T REALLY KNOW. I really like the char design and animation and like the whole setup. But I'm not really enjoying where they're taking it.

I'm still not sure I'll follow Magi, but either way, great 1st episode and not-so-good 2nd episode (sudden animation quality DROP, what happened).
Speaking of DROP, dropped Hadena onii-chan etc etc. It's awful. Was almost growing into guilty pleasure but nah, I'm already watching enough this season.
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