
KOTOKO - Cream+Mint [Taiko]

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aabc271 wrote:


You probably want a better quality MP3. Currently it's too quiet and the drums aren't significant enough ~ /will do it later.



It'll be better if you can make a specific part that follows drum / vocal only. Currently it's like random mixes of the 2 as there's no such distinct parts except the 2nd-half of kiai, making some hitsounds unfit imo. See "Suggested patterns" for details ~

Suggested patterns
Suggestions only. Change them only if you want to ~

( I wonder if you're trying to follow drums in some ways, but imo they're followed in rather random moments. So I'll mod these with pitch as a higher priority
You may ignore any of them if your original purpose is to follow drums at a specific timing, but make sure they fit the overall feeling of the map )

00:19:600 ( 75, 76 ) - oo ? ( You can hear that the vocal goes down here, so kd will fit better imo ~ )

00:26:737 ( 111 ) - Blue note ? ( This time the vocal goes up from 109, so the hitsounds of the 3-plets should go up too. dkk fits well imo )

00:29:640 ( 124 ) - ^ ( The vocal has a higher pitch than 122, 123. So k sounds better imo )

00:30:366 ( 126 ) - ^ ( 125 has a lower pitch, while 126 is same as 127 in pitch. So using k for 126 & 127 will be better ) //sorry because it will sound weird if i change it to k.

01:08:350 ( 14 ) - ^ ( 13 has a lower pitch and 14 has a higher one. So d -> k fits well ) //I'm following the drum here so no.

01:10:285 ( 23 ~ 26 ) - o ooo ? ( This fits the pitch of vocal more ) //Change to d dkd.
01:14:156 ( 5 ) - Blue note ? ( Rising vocal from 3 to 5, so dkk fits well ) //following the drum here.
01:21:898 ( 44 ) - ^ ( Rising vocal from 42 to 44 )

01:14:882 ( 9, 10 ) - o o ? ( 10 has a higher vocal than 9 )

01:16:092 ( 14 ~ 18 ) - ooooo / ooooo ? ( They fit the vocal better ) //changed to kkddk instead.

01:43:672 ( 140 ) - Red note ? ( 140 & 141 have a same level of music pitch, so making them both d will be better )


OD-1, HP-1 ? Currently you're using the same setting as Oni ~

00:08:592 ( 26 ~ 32 ) - kkkkkkd could be hard for muzu level players as it's a 7-plets and it ends with d. I suggest you deleting 29 so it becomes kkk kkd ~ ( Just like what you did at 00:00:850 ( 2 ~ 7 ) )
00:16:334 ( 53 ~ 59 ) - ^, what about deleting 58 and add finish at 59 ? ( kkkkk D )
01:35:205 ( 228 ~ 234 ) - ^, change to kkkkd k instead ?

Suggested patterns
Suggestions only. Change them only if you want to ~

00:29:640 ( 104 ~ 107 ) - o o o ? ( k d k k fits the vocal better ) //i'm following the drum.

00:57:705 ( 87 ) - Red note ? ( Consider that you use k for 88. Hitsound effects could be lost if 85 ~ 88 are all k. Also d at 87 fits the drum better ) //no because i don't want to do so many variation on mazu diff.

01:18:995 ( 164 ) - Blue note ? ( 163 & 164 are at the same level of higher pitch, so using k for both will be better )

01:20:446 ( 172 ~ 176 ) - ooooo ? ( dkkkk sounds kind of weird to me )

01:42:221 ( 11 ~ 14 ) - K K for 11, 12, and D D for 13, 14 ? ( 11 has a similar higher pitch with 12, while 13 & 14 have same lower pitch )


Current beats could be a bit complex for futsuu ? Try to find some new players and see if they can hit well ?

Suggested patterns
Suggestions only. Change them only if you want to ~

00:28:672 ( 35 ) - Blue note ? ( The pitch of vocal is quite high here, so imo k fits better )

00:43:188 ( 78 ~ 80 ) - o o o ? ( Fits the vocal better )

00:44:519 ( 82 ) - Red note ? ( Pitch is similar to 83, and both are lower than 84. so d d k fits well imo )

00:46:092 ( 86 ~ 88 ) - o o o ? ( All the notes here are high at pitch, so k fits better than d )

00:56:495 ( 118 ) - Red note ? ( It has a similar low pitch with 119, so using d is better ) //the pitch of this note is higher than 117 and 119, so kat would fit better.

01:08:108 ( 150 ~ 151 ) - o o ? ( 151 has a higher vocal than 150, so d -> k fits well )
01:23:592 ( 196 ~ 197 ) - ^ ( 197 > 196 in pitch )
01:25:527 ( 202 ~ 203 ) - ^ ( 203 > 202 )

01:34:237 ( 227 ) - Blue note ? ( 227 & 228 are both at same level of high pitch. So both k fit better ) //The pitch after this note is higher than this note so no.


00:04:963 ( 6 ~ 8 ) - k d d could be hard for newbies. You probably need some testplayers. Try to use fewer 1/2s, esp those with different hitsounds. ( I won't mention this many times as there're quite a lot of 1/2s )

00:36:414 ( 4 ~ 7 ) - I'm not sure if this type of beat is too complex for newbies. Need testplayers ~ ( Also not mentioning many times )

Could be too hard for Kantan. Otherwise fine ~



00:25:527 (51,52) - d k
如果你改了 ^ 這個的話,那麼 00:26:737 (54) - 請改成 k, 00:27:705 (57,58,59,61,62) - 請改成 k d K d k //不了,我這裡還是放鼓點好了~
01:04:479 (73) 125 BPM 以下的黃條是 1/8 連打,Oni 或許還好,對初學者來說太快了 //那我直接刪掉好了
01:22:786 (111) - K //不換kat, 反之我把finish刪掉
01:24:317 (114,115) - d K //^同
01:35:930 (141) - d //換了dk


00:01:576 (4) - D (另外,這段前奏建議將音量調小,有點太吵了..) //我覺得還好..
00:25:527 (25) - d
00:27:100 (30,31,32,33,34,35) - k d k k d k //好像有點怪 暫時保留
00:51:898 (105) - k //Already fixed.
00:56:495 (118) - d //no, sounds weird to me.
00:57:705 (122) - D //I don't find a reason to add a finish there.
01:04:479 (142) - 同 Kantan //fixed.
01:19:721 (185) - d
01:34:237 (227) - k //no due to high pitch.


00:23:592 (79,80,81) kdk or ddk ? //Sound too difficult for muzu
00:25:527 (87) - ddk //^
00:26:737 (93) - k //no because i was going to follow the drum.
00:27:705 (96,97) - k d //sound weird for me.
00:32:301 (114,115,116) - kdk ? //Same as 00:23:592
00:52:624 (164) - k //no, sound weird for me.
01:20:205 (171) - d //dkkkk is much easy for muzu.


00:36:777 (155) - d
00:41:253 (169) - d //no sorry.It doesn't fit the music.
01:33:269 (102,103) - d k //weird for me.
01:36:293 (117) - d //d doesn't fit the music.
~Will do a full upload later.
Fixed except red words.
This beatmap has not been uploaded correctly!

01:36:172 - like you've done before kdk fits the vocal variation better
01:41:979 - d to highlight the coming K?

00:51:656 - k k d?
00:57:705 - kkd like you've done before
00:59:398 - k like 0:51

00:13:914 - In the music it sounds similar to the last K so K here as well

In overall it follows closely to the vocal and drums, no big problem with it. When you've find a bit more mods just ask me again.
Topic Starter

wmfchris wrote:

01:36:172 - like you've done before kdk fits the vocal variation better //but i think kkk is much better here.
01:41:979 - d to highlight the coming K? //done.

00:51:656 - k k d? //I would like to follow the vocal here, so no.
00:57:705 - kkd like you've done before //k
00:59:398 - k like 0:51 //Same as 0:51.

00:13:914 - In the music it sounds similar to the last K so K here as well //reasonable, done.

In overall it follows closely to the vocal and drums, no big problem with it. When you've find a bit more mods just ask me again.

※ 注意

紅色是unrankable的 一定要改


  • Settings
    (For the setting/general issue.)
  1. offset應該在所有的object前
  2. lead in調到1.25~1.5之間會好些 現在有點太快


  • mapping
    (These are about your patterns.Mostly for the suggest, Just some unrankable issue I will use red color to highlight it.)
  1. 00:17:059 (28) - D 你可以看看這段後面的part全部都是D 為何這邊是K? 感覺有些不和諧
  2. 00:42:946 (19) - 這個rhythm可能對於Easy來說較難判別 前面沒有東西可以讓人知道這是綁在1/2節奏上的 會容易讓新手confuse
  3. 00:46:817 (28) - ^
  4. 01:36:414 (140) - D 感覺會好些 因為前頭都是k 光用重音(K)感覺變化不夠明顯足以作出重音的效果
  5. 01:36:656 (1) - 對Easy來說spinner太短了 後面的節奏也接的蠻近的 不容易讓新手接到


  • mapping
    (These are about your patterns.Mostly for the suggest, Just some unrankable issue I will use red color to highlight it.)
  1. 00:32:543 (46) - d較合音樂~imo
  2. 00:42:705 (76,77,78) - k d k 符合音調變化
  3. 00:46:092 (86,87,88) - k d k/k d d?
  4. 00:49:963 (99) - D 這地方音樂開始變小聲 K太響了 反而D會比較適合些
  5. 00:57:705 (122) - (關於上面) 這個看你個人感覺 其實用D或用K都OK 如果上面改了這位置就看你是要對稱或是作轉折了
  6. 01:30:608 (214) - K 對應前面part
  7. 01:36:414 (231) - 建議D


  • mapping
    (These are about your patterns.Mostly for the suggest, Just some unrankable issue I will use red color to highlight it.)
  1. 00:25:769 (87) - d合音樂
  2. 00:48:753 (48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56) - kdk kkk kkd?這只是個人建議
  3. 01:20:446 (172,173,174,175,176) - dkkkd
  4. 01:35:930 (233,234,235,236) - k kkd


  • mapping
    (These are about your patterns.Mostly for the suggest, Just some unrankable issue I will use red color to highlight it.)
  1. 00:09:317 (34) - 由於這顆音調沒有這麼高 不適合用k 所以建議用00:08:592 (28,29,30,31,32,33,34) - kkkkdkd or kkdkdkd的類型
  2. 00:16:334 (57,58,59,60,61,62,63) - 其實這類型可以作成kdkkkkD這樣 你前面的幾個diff也有在這用finish 何不在這也用finish? 另外 我還是覺得d/D比較適合這地方
  3. 01:25:527 (62) - k合音樂
  4. 01:35:930 (115) - ^
  5. 01:36:172 (116,117,118) - 如果上方有改kdd/kkd會比較適合
~>_>個人觀感參考用 不解釋...
Good luck~
Topic Starter

spboxer3 wrote:


  • Settings
    (For the setting/general issue.)
  1. offset應該在所有的object前
  2. lead in調到1.25~1.5之間會好些 現在有點太快


  • mapping
    (These are about your patterns.Mostly for the suggest, Just some unrankable issue I will use red color to highlight it.)
  1. 00:17:059 (28) - D 你可以看看這段後面的part全部都是D 為何這邊是K? 感覺有些不和諧 //難度問題
  2. 00:42:946 (19) - 這個rhythm可能對於Easy來說較難判別 前面沒有東西可以讓人知道這是綁在1/2節奏上的 會容易讓新手confuse //不覺得, 新手們不是以感覺來判斷位置的, 反而是看note
  3. 00:46:817 (28) - ^ //^
  4. 01:36:414 (140) - D 感覺會好些 因為前頭都是k 光用重音(K)感覺變化不夠明顯足以作出重音的效果 //高音, 所以用kat.
  5. 01:36:656 (1) - 對Easy來說spinner太短了 後面的節奏也接的蠻近的 不容易讓新手接到 //k


  • mapping
    (These are about your patterns.Mostly for the suggest, Just some unrankable issue I will use red color to highlight it.)
  1. 00:32:543 (46) - d較合音樂~imo //k
  2. 00:42:705 (76,77,78) - k d k 符合音調變化 //k
  3. 00:46:092 (86,87,88) - k d k/k d d?//dkd
  4. 00:49:963 (99) - D 這地方音樂開始變小聲 K太響了 反而D會比較適合些 //考慮難度
  5. 00:57:705 (122) - (關於上面) 這個看你個人感覺 其實用D或用K都OK 如果上面改了這位置就看你是要對稱或是作轉折了 //^
  6. 01:30:608 (214) - K 對應前面part //points lepidon's post.
  7. 01:36:414 (231) - 建議D //Same


  • mapping
    (These are about your patterns.Mostly for the suggest, Just some unrankable issue I will use red color to highlight it.)
  1. 00:25:769 (87) - d合音樂 //難度問題
  2. 00:48:753 (48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56) - kdk kkk kkd?這只是個人建議 //^
  3. 01:20:446 (172,173,174,175,176) - dkkkd //^
  4. 01:35:930 (233,234,235,236) - k kkd //高音, 於是k


  • mapping
    (These are about your patterns.Mostly for the suggest, Just some unrankable issue I will use red color to highlight it.)
  1. 00:09:317 (34) - 由於這顆音調沒有這麼高 不適合用k 所以建議用00:08:592 (28,29,30,31,32,33,34) - kkkkdkd or kkdkdkd的類型 //還是不要
  2. 00:16:334 (57,58,59,60,61,62,63) - 其實這類型可以作成kdkkkkD這樣 你前面的幾個diff也有在這用finish 何不在這也用finish? 另外 我還是覺得d/D比較適合這地方 //因為個人不喜歡在1/4加上finish.
  3. 01:25:527 (62) - k合音樂 //k
  4. 01:35:930 (115) - ^ //為了和後面做對比
  5. 01:36:172 (116,117,118) - 如果上方有改kdd/kkd會比較適合 //^
00:15:124 (22) - Delete this note? dkk might be little hard even on Kantan
00:32:543 (63) - Delete this note and move 00:32:785 (1) into here
01:36:414 - Move this Kiai end into 01:38:350 . This applys to every diffs too ;___;

00:15:124 (38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46) - 9 1/2 notes might be long on Futsuu imo, try to cut :3?
01:36:414 (231) - Delete this note and move 01:36:656 (1) into here

00:56:495 (80,81,82,83,84,85,86,87) - dk dk kkd might be hard even on Muzukashii, try to fix into kk kk kkd?
01:36:414 (236) - Same as Futsuu

meow :3
aru baka is Tsundere so I think this map would be bubbled soon :p

Whatever, gonna another thing to get fun...

/me hides
Topic Starter

arken1015 wrote:

00:15:124 (22) - Delete this note? dkk might be little hard even on Kantan //k
00:32:543 (63) - Delete this note and move 00:32:785 (1) into here //fixing in other way.
01:36:414 - Move this Kiai end into 01:38:350 . This applys to every diffs too ;___; //okay

00:15:124 (38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46) - 9 1/2 notes might be long on Futsuu imo, try to cut :3?
01:36:414 (231) - Delete this note and move 01:36:656 (1) into here //both done.

00:56:495 (80,81,82,83,84,85,86,87) - dk dk kkd might be hard even on Muzukashii, try to fix into kk kk kkd? //sure.
01:36:414 (236) - Same as Futsuu //I would rather keep this because I don't like 1/4 spinner and triplet sounds better imo.

meow :3
Thanks :3

uranechan wrote:

aru baka is Tsundere so I think this map would be bubbled soon :p

Whatever, gonna another thing to get fun...

/me hides
No you >_<

and yes right, bubbled :3
Sorry kanpakyin, I didn't know arken would bubble it today. -w-"

I have there some things you must change...


- This is not a Kantan level, it's way above it. It's allready an easy Muzukashii.
I will show you why this is so

00:03:027 (3,4,5) - This pattern is allready considered as hard in a Kantan. The normal case is to use in a 1/1 the same notes. That means to use here o o o
00:01:576 (1,2) - Same as above
^ abviously I mean the other 1/1 as well.
00:16:575 (24,25,26) - 1/2 should be not used in Kantan and if so, just in really rare cases. You can use that in Futsuu
00:25:527 (39,40) - ^
00:36:414 (4,5,6,7,8) - This confuses beginners way too much. Inconsistence in spaces make them miss.
00:57:463 (55,56) - big notes shouldn't be use like that. It's better to have way more space between them and normal notes.
00:58:188 (57,58,59,60,61,62) - Futsuu/Muzukashii pattern
01:27:221 (119,120,121,122) - ^

A Kantan diff. has mostly monton 1/1 notes with less kat variation, while kiai has just some 1/2 notes. But here you have used allready muzukashii level patterns which a beginner can't deal with. Also there are too many finisher in the Kantan.


- Same problem here. Too hard for a Futsuu. That's a demanding muzukashii level.

00:27:100 (30) - 3/4 note shouldn't be used in a Futsuu.
00:36:777 (58) - ^
^ and so on
00:49:963 (99) - maybe D would fit more, because k k k k K plays a bit werid. You could use this D more times.
00:57:705 (122) - ^

A Futsuu has some more 1/1 and can have more 1/2 of course, but not in a too different pattern constalation, which isn't the case here.


00:01:334 (5,6,7) - This pattern is considered as hard. Just saying.
00:56:737 (81,82,83,84,85,86,87) - Oh god, this is Oni level I think? Better if you make it easier.
01:04:963 (112,113,114,115,116) - five-plets are fine as long as you don't use them to often or have another note at the end.
01:12:946 (142,143,144) - I think d k is better here: 1. because of vocal and 2. because of the difficulty here
01:19:721 (167,168,169,170,171,172,173,174,175,176) - Two five-plets streams? Maybe braking here one would be not bad 01:20:809 (175) - for the sake of difficulty.

Well, there are some Oni patterns but overall it fit's to a hard Muzukashii. The BPM is slow but you need to consider how many notes you have used here. Not less notes we have there.


01:10:043 (22) - k
01:10:527 (24,25,26) - kdk
} I think this would sound better, what do you think?

Well, overall the taiko diffs are really nice and have together a decent spread to be honest.
but most problem is here really how you named them. I told you the reasons before why it can't be called Kantan or Futsuu, honestly there are way too much notes for this level. A beginner will be not able to play this kantan(especially those who have no experience in rythem games)

Before this gets unranked because some other guys are protesting or so, I would strongly suggest you to change the diff names into following way:

Kantan -> Futsuu
Futsuu -> Muzukashii
Muzukashii -> Oni (then you don't need to make the pattern easier I told you before)
Oni -> Ura Oni/Inner Oni

I will watch through it later again~
Good job with the maps~!
Hi Kanpakyin!
Here's your requested Taiko-Mod from King's Lair!
I see Ono is going to pop your bubble :<

  1. 00:15:608 (23) - Delete Note
  2. 00:15:850 - Add Note + Finish.
  3. 00:16:817 (25) - Delete Note, too hard for Kantan. (EDIT: I see, Ono already said that)
  4. 00:18:995 (28) - Remove Finish.
  5. 00:28:672 (45) - Remove Finish.
  6. 01:17:059 (100) - Remove Finish.
  7. 01:18:995 (104) - ^
  8. 01:32:543 (132) - ^
  1. 00:09:317 (24) - Add Finish.
  2. 00:15:850 - Add Note + Finish.
  3. 00:32:543 (46) - Add Finish.
  4. 00:48:027 (92) - Remove Finish.
  5. 00:53:834 (110) - Remove Finish.
  6. 01:15:124 (170) - Remove Finish.
  7. 01:32:543 (220) - Remove Finish.
So, let's make Stuff in Muzukashii easier shall we?

  1. 00:01:455 (6,7) - Delete (6), add Finish on (7).
  2. 00:09:196 (29,30) - Delete (29), add Finish on (30).
  3. 00:15:850 (48) - Remiove Whistle, add Finish.
  4. 00:16:938 (54,55) - Delete (54), add Finish on (55).
  5. 00:32:422 (110,111) - Delete (110), add Finish and remove Whistle on (111).
  6. 00:49:842 (55,56) - Delete (55), add Finish on (56).
  7. 00:57:584 (85,86) - Delete (85), add Finish on (86).
  8. 01:05:325 (113,114) - Delete (113), add Finish on (114).
  9. 01:09:317 (125) - Remove Finish. Seems random.
  10. 01:13:067 (140,141) - Delete (140), add Finish on (141).
  11. 01:17:059 (154) - Remove Finish. Appears random.
  12. 01:20:809 (171,172) - Delete (171), add Finish on (172).
  13. 01:26:737 (191) - Remove Finish.
  14. 01:36:293 (230,231) - Delete (230), add Finish and remove Whistle on (231).
You should understand my Finish Pattern by now.
I'd suggest to be consistent and to use it in Oni too but thats up to you.
I won't list up everything again at that point ^^.

  1. 00:33:874 - Add Note, feels empty there. Maybe make a ddkkddk Stream there?
Okay this is all I can say.
Good luck and have fun mapping!
到時一定玩玩xD (為什麼不弄OSUTK混合版T.T)
Topic Starter
Thanks everyone, selfpop and fixed the spread.
I'd increase HP drain. It rises way too quickly imo. those suggested 4, and I'm finding that to be okay.

Kind of the same thing. HP drain 4 fits better.

00:00:608 (1,2) - Why not do a slider (drum roll) to 00:01:334 - ?

OD +1 or 2
01:35:930 (234,235,236,237) - k ddd?
Topic Starter

Garven wrote:

I'd increase HP drain. It rises way too quickly imo. those suggested 4, and I'm finding that to be okay. //HP +1 here.

Kind of the same thing. HP drain 4 fits better. //k

00:00:608 (1,2) - Why not do a slider (drum roll) to 00:01:334 - ? //because if the song is under 125BPM, the slider tick will change to tickrate2 automatically during gameplay. It is too hard for muzu's player to hit all the slidertick.

OD +1 or 2
01:35:930 (234,235,236,237) - k ddd? //I guess no becuase I want to follow the instrument from background music.
Alrighty then. Ranked!
Congrats! :D
Congratulation~ ^w^
Three ranked Only-Taiko Mapsets in the last six days.. I love it. <33
Congratz !!
Congratulations KPY!! :3
gz \o
woa good job kanpa!

Topic Starter
Thanks everyone!

我可以安息了 .__.
>_> 恭喜了
yay ranked ! \:D/
Gawd.. A full taiko mapset.. O.O cool.
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