00:32:182 (1,2) - 位置摆错了baka
no kd.
no kd.
我是Baka…………………………Megurine Luka wrote:
00:32:182 (1,2) - 位置摆错了baka
no kd.
thanks~narakucrimson wrote:
- I think that the volume is a liittle too hgih overall. Try around -20% in all the sections, it makes it sound more delicate, which fits the map perfectly imo. fixed
- About the hitsounds:
You hitsounded this in a weird way... I don't know, it just doesn't seem so consistent at some places and I felt you're missing finshes at some parts (and by finish, I mean that clap hitsound, which should TOTALLY be a finish instead of clap).
So, ask yourself... Did I do a good job hitsounding this? Does it sound inconsistent? Am I missing hitsounds at some parts?
If your answer is "yes" to those questions, then you have to hitsound this again, boy
reset hitsound, like W+F_O_C_C_W_C_O_C_W+C_O_C_C_W_C_O_C (W=whistle, F=finish, O=None, C=clap)- Everything else seems good here! The skin elements have the right size, timing is fine, mp3 bitrate is fine, all the difficulties have the same tags, preview point, etc. There's just one little detail but I'll leave it for [Normal]
- 03:02:795 (1) - Respecting the way you have been placing the new combos, I think you should remove this one. fixed
- Might be a little hard because of the SV but meh. It is rankable, is it right?
- 03:22:850 - The kiai ends here, but in the other two difficulties, it ends at 03:23:333. You should do the same here. fixed
- 00:32:666 (6) - New combo, please. It will help the players to notice the speed change. This pattern really pretty, so I don't want to change it
- 02:24:457 (5) - Can you make the curve with the opposite concavity? It will improve the flow a little. Like this:
fixedOh well that's all for now. I'm pretty tired *yawn*
- Pretty much overmapped imo. Most of the 1/2 sliders don't follow anything in the music and that can be considered a mistake. You should ask some more people with experience about this. Remap some parts
- 01:17:769 (3) - How about a new combo to match the kiai start? fixed
- 01:38:388 (3) - Similar to above even if there is no kiai start. New combo~ fixed
- 03:03:439 (3) - (^) fixed
- 03:24:058 (3) - (^) fixed
Good luck!
谢谢~~~wmfchris wrote:
01:05 這幾秒有錯timing的感覺(特別是01:06:815) 建議找人check timing offset+25
-1/2 slider: 這首歌vocal以1/1為主, 一堆1/2 slider還放clap就太吵了 適量拿掉 前面去掉了好多1/2,后面基本没改
-沒必要頭尾都clap 用whistle-clap對反而可以突出高低音 自己改一下吧 重新做了音效……
00:42:331 (4) - remove clap at beginning, or clap at beginning, whistle at ending
00:50:063 (4) - remove clap at the first two ticks
01:02:788 (4) - left 1 grid lv4
01:18:413 (5,6) - 怪節奏 用1/1 slider -> 1/2 slider
01:26:790 (5) - whistle at ending only
03:05:694 (2)- right 1 grid lv4
00:44:908 (2) - clap at ending only
00:46:197 (3)- remove clap at the first ticks
01:06:493 (4,5) - (4)感覺很怪 (5)off vocal
01:11:326 (3) - whistle
02:31:223 (5,6)- whistle at beginning of (5), remove clap on (6)
- 用一個靜很多的custime softhit 現在soft hit感覺好吵 : / 新加了soft-normal,用默认的-5dB
- slider有不少地方不該clap/whistle 的地方都clap/whistle了 又是有點吵
^ 這樣反而會蓋掉歌曲原本悠閒的感覺 减少了好多whistle和clap,加了一些finish
Thank for your star~Shana Aisaka wrote:
嗨〜 >~< 對不起,我遲到了。 從請求我的主題隊列〜
對不起,我的可憐的中國。 ==" I can understand...
紫色 - 地圖似乎好〜
粉紅色 - 建議
01:40:185(x) = 添加 note Since the most part of the this diff is set following 1/1, I would add this note.
02:20:938(1) = 添加 完成 fixed
03:57:910(x) = 添加 note No, this pattern is same to the before one.
對不起。沒有別的。 >~<"
谢谢~Shinkuu wrote:
自己又改了改,变成了 465/186.23
哪首?foring wrote:
非常感谢~ertyukjh010 wrote:
Ertyukjh010's modding ><"
☆ .OSB檔案可以刪掉 fixed
☆ 如果有來源就填在Source 应该是没有吧……
00:35:905 ~ 01:14:566 - 這部份NC放得有點亂;
01:17:144 (1,2) - 轉盤後的Circle放在中間不太好,最好搬到別的地方 为了美观,这个不想改……
01:56:450 (6) - NC ? 因為您都在長白線NC~ 而且您的 01:35:830 也是這樣放 fixed
02:34:790 (6) - 改為2個Circle ? 不要破壞長白線NC的節奏www fixed
02:42:200 (x) - 放Note或者Slider如何? 要不要後慮弄這種:http://osu.ppy.sh/ss/197880
02:47:355 (x) - ^
02:52:510 (x) - ^
00:29:461 (1,2) - http://osu.ppy.sh/ss/197886 弄成金字塔型如何?感觉六边形很古典的感觉……
03:39:548 (1) - 住下移動1格(Lv4)fixed
Nice map~ GoodLuck
Thank you very much~Lissette wrote:
I have a huge concern with this mapset, I'm sorry to say it but Insane difficulty doesn't seem it belongs to this mapset, is completely divorced from the song. The softness of this song calls for a simple beatmap that follows strictly the rhythm, I don't know what you follow with all those notes, but it doesn't sounds good to me, I suggest you to listen the song and follow the piano, this song is so beautiful and is not good when the beatmap don't let people notice it.
Remember, not every song needs an Insane difficulty, songs like this dosen't need it actually.
I have reduced a lot of 1/4 sliders to make it more relaxing, and now this diff seems like Hard
Why the biggest circles? T.T
In fact, it is a Normal diff
Thank you very much~Blue Dragon wrote:
[Hard / Insane]
00:32:683 (6) - This is pretty confusing and hard to read, because of the timing section to slow down. Maybe use 1,0x (0,5 on Insane) for this slider, IMHO it plays much nicer. I know it fits with the song slowing down, but I can't see the ticks, so if I am playing this for the first time, I am going to sliderbreak.
00:35:905 (1) - Same thing as the other slider.
01:14:566 (7) - Hmmm. Just a suggestion; maybe stack the slider end like this? Looks a bit better. fixed
02:36:401 (8) - Add a whistle here? Sounds less empty. fixed
02:42:200 (1,1) - Even though there is a slowdown here, you will have to space it like, when holding the slider, the spacing must show values near this. fixed
02:53:476 (2,3) - This looks (and plays) pretty badly... I'd do this. fixed
02:55:732 (4) - Add a new combo here? It seems to start a new 'section' in the vocals. fixed
Can't really find anything that disturbs me in the other diffs, this is a pretty solid mapset. Fix these and contact me for a recheck.
EDIT: I suck at BBcode
Also I apparently got ninja'd by Lissette since I was modding this map since 4 hours ago or so
Thank you very much~Leorda wrote:
Hi there
* The gray combo color is kinda blending with BG, change the color? removed
* AR +1? fixed, and HP+1
00:32:683 (6) - New combo for slowdown slider? fixed
01:28:098 (1) - The head slider is almost offscreen (just a warning) fixed
02:51:221 (4,1) - Since it has a vocal, how about add an object between this one? fixed
00:36:549 (2) - New combo? fixed
Once you done, PM Me
谢谢SB……Sun Rainbow wrote:
爱死大哥啦啦啦啦啦~~~Megurine Luka wrote:
Balls =3=
thanks for your moddingGarven wrote:
Kiai doesn't fit this song imo The flashing feels out of place.
All fixed
You need the following skinelements:
Kind of wish you skinned the sliderball too. Mine looks really out of place.
All added
This is more of a Normal, really.
01:59:028 - Extend break to here.
All fixed
Tick rate should be 1 for this BPM.
Yeah, rename this to Hard. Could get away with a smaller circle size too
01:59:028 - Extend break to here.
02:47:355 (5,6,1) - Move right and down three grids to adjust for stacking. Might want to adjust the spacing of 2 as well after that.
All fixed
Tick rate should be 1 for this BPM.
May as well rename to Insane at this point.
So much overmapping. ;_; I know it is really overmapping, I just can say it is my style, and this map need a harder diff
01:59:028 - Extend break to here.
All fixed
有大哥替我哭啦~~~~Megurine Luka wrote:
;_; 为什么不加个哭泣的记号卖个萌
ALL FIXED!~Garven wrote:
Actually, I'd posit that this song doesn't need the Insane as much as it needs an Easy. Anyway:
The BPM feels a little slow. Check Doomsy's timing as it feels much better.
I'd raise the ODs as well. They're way too low right now (probably due to the timing)
Kiai still here?
So kiai is still on here too?
Thank you, Suzully~Suzully wrote:
Good map the skin fits the song.
_(:3」∠)_做不出Breeze wrote:
求水墨风的skin和SB _(:3」∠)_