
Performance Points

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nrii wrote:

does anyone else think 95-97% hr needs a boost? i've overwrote a couple of my easy hd SS with this range of hr acc and lost 3-4 pp per score. i know that the acc is bad but as someone who doesnt play hr, its a lot harder in my eyes to get a 97% on hhr than an SS on hd yet the hd SS was giving me more pp for a lower rank
Depends on OD of course
I'd say that 97+ is good enough for OD8 HR+HD and could be counted as a better score than HD SS
96+ for OD9 and OD10

Kert wrote:

Depends on OD of course
I'd say that 97+ is good enough for OD8 HR and could be counted as a better score than HD SS
96+ for OD9 and OD10
the map i lost loads on was od8, i grinded it for an hour and took a 98% hd+hr and gained loads more than hd SS was worth, so thats fine, but the 96~ run i made to start dropped me by 4 pp from a hd SS. i forgot to mention this was actually hd+hr, so double mod vs hd ss and i still lost pp just from the acc drop.
I meant HR HD plays
Fixed that post
That also depends on the map too. Some maps are easier to get higher acc with hdhr than some others, regardless of the map settings.
@Kert, there is no difference in OD on hard rock if it's 8 or greater.
For some reason I was thinking it's the same starting from OD9
But yeah - t/64265
My bad

Yuugoh wrote:

Again, this.

peppy wrote:

I plan on making a fallback pp calculation for people with less top-500 records. I don't plan on increasing the number past 500 (because it begins to get both intensive to calculate, and less meaningful with the current algorithm) but do plan on allowing people without such records to still improve their pp to visible levels. This will likely work based on your ranks achieved (and possible ranked score).
Just be patient~
I am skeptical about this. Programs have managed to do much more complicated things without unreasonable performance strains. It seems more likely that peppy doesn't want to fix a design flaw with the algorithm itself that makes going past 500 ranks meaningless. In the programming world, these flaws are probably based on dependencies.

My opinion on pp is simple. It doesn't need to have a dependency on rank, because really just boils down to Rank = pp earned. The only complicated bit outside of removing pp as rank goes down is how much pp is earned per x number of ranks. That is the bulk of the algorithm and is already in place. the missing link is the part that takes rank, and turns it into a decimal number that is used to determine how much pp a rank is worth.

rank = 2000

pp multiplier = 0.001

rank * ppm = 2.

Divide by 10

Rank factor = 0.2

Base pp is calculated based on popularity, age, other factors that it already uses to calculate.

Base - Base * rank factor = pp earned.

It will need to check whether the player's score actually gains pp. That is simple to do.

First check whether rank is higher, if not then don't calculate pp. If it is calculate pp gained from first score, and calculate pp from second score, and if the difference is greater than or equal to 1 then give the rounded pp amount to the player.

The real performance intensive part is checking players that will lose pp below your rank when you move past them. There are many ways this could be done and is probably peppy's concern when it comes to intensive operations. A class could be programmed that maps point gain tables for each beatmap could be used to increase performance. Basically since the performance table which would be based off the max amount of pp obtainable for that beatmap difficulty, it wouldn't change that often, and it would have all the ranges where players would gain a point amount, and when a player submits a score, it would remove points according to the table. It would be complicated. But really if performance is the main concern, then this would improve performance even with only 500 players. It's a win win situation.
How do you know how complicated this is?
It's okay to assume stuff, but it's not okay to judge others based on assumptions though. Noone except for peppy currently knows the pp formula, and it already took so long to make it update in real time (without actually dropping in pp, which is still calculated once a day I believe, due to the massive amounts of information, I could be wrong).
Just sayin'. :P
This post is TL;DR. Read the section titles and only refer to some parts of it if not everything interests you.

Related to the list of top PP-giving maps:

In an ideal osu!, star ratings would show the true difficulty of maps.
In an ideal osu!, the hardest maps would give the highest rating for the rankings.
In an ideal osu!, competitive players would know which maps are the hardest, would be able to easily find them with search filters, and play them to rank the best.

Revealing which maps give the most pp obviously leads players to try them out, but that is not wrong - that's what SHOULD happen. Like BD said: the whole point of online ranking is the competitiveness, and a competitive player would naturally strive to play the most competed maps. While I think that those maps should be the hardest ones in their raw level, PP judges this by their "contestedness" level which can be more or less ok too - but that means showing which maps are the most contested should be public information, just like showing which maps are the hardest. Hiding the list of top-pp maps shows distrust in the quality of the pp system;

If you have trust in pp, there would should be no problem with revealing the top pp-giving maps, because it means that playing just those map specifically would not make players rate higher than usual - since the way they would rank on those maps would be consistent with their skill in the way they played until now, and thus stay as it always was. (i.e. they'd get lower ranks on top-pp listed maps, compared to lower maps on the list or maps outside the list where it would be easier to get higher ranks.)

Hiding the list means that you believe some maps on the top-pp list are actually getting higher pp worth than they actually deserve - which means the pp system is flawed if it really is the case.

I was really impressed with peppy first choosing to reveal the list, because it meant he really trusts the pp system, but now that it was hidden it seems like even the creator himself doesn't trust the accuracy of his system. Disappointing.

Putting aside lowdiffs that showed on the list, even stuff like Blue Night being higher than Chipscape looks like nonsense; Blue Night is obviously more popular because it's much much easier, and I'm sure I can FC with enough retries until I stop getting random miss on stack, while chipscape is hard to even just pass no matter how much you play it. Earthquake Super Shock 0108 is also a pretty easy map to FC and you could add Hidden on top of that no problem, but on since it's on a very popular mapset it rates higher than many other harder maps. And yet, I'm sure most of the people who played the 0108 of supershock didn't FC it often, which means the contestedness level of it is very high without really being very truly contested. The top 50 for it is nomod S with 99.33%... anyone can pass this rank with Hidden.


@ response to winber1, [CSGA]Ar3sgice, boat (from 2 pages ago):
Player B is worse than Player A, because he does less to try to rank well on the competition system. So he deserves a lower score (and we already have a scoring system). However PP is supposed to rate skill, not effort, right? While Player B may not be as dedicated as Player A, if they both played a new map that just came out, who do you think would do better on it? That's what I meant by "more skilled", which is different.
PP claims to rate players by skill, not by effort. This sort of rating can be useful; for example, if you're hosting a multiplayer room, you will play maps that require a certain skill, so knowing your own skill as well as others' is a good way to find a multiplayer room that will be fun for you to play in. But if PP rates skill incorrectly and instead rates your desire to have high PP then its existence is pretty much pointless isn't it?

" rank people by using one song..." - the thing is, I actually meant the opposite. This example was to show that players are going to put different effort levels into different maps. Player A might pour a lot of effort into one group of maps, which player B would pour a lot of effort into other groups of maps. They can both beat each other and lose to each other on the rankings based on how much effort they put into each map they played. However with the current system, the player who was lucky to play more popular maps would end up ranking higher - and this would be independent of skill, it would boil down to whether you were lucky to choose to play popular maps. This is the problem with a system that contests based on map popularity instead of map difficulty.

" I don't think someone who can only do 89% can magically get a SS even if playing for 3-5 hours" this is actually not uncommon in low levels of play :p high level players can adapt quickly, but low level players take longer to adapt. For example I usually play 170-190 bpm maps, if I'd play a 140bpm map now I'd get very poor accuracy on it. But if I'd spend 1-2 hours playing 140bpm maps, I'd probably be able to gold SS it. I'm sure a lot of you can find something similar to this on your plays (maybe jumps, spacing, reading patterns on a specific map, etc. retries on one map can specifically help you for that map without helping your general skill except for other maps similar to that one).


In response to concern of low-pp-rated maps getting less attention because of publication of the list:

This is actually still the same as what I said earlier. Players will still play whatever they like the most. And if a player likes just playing for fun, knowing the top-contested maps won't make him play just them if he doesn't like them.
Meanwhile, if a player only plays to get the highest rank the fastest, then right now he'll already check top ranks of top players, as well as go over maps and check their top50 ranks, and then intentionally only play the stuff where he knows it's the easiest for him to rank the highest for the most points.

So this changes nothing. Knowing the top pp-giving list won't make any maps be more popular or less popular, players will still play like they always have. It will only make PP-farming easier, but if PP really isn't farmable like it intends to be then this wouldn't be possible. If revealing the list actually allows people to farm PP easier, then this proves PP weightings are not functioning correctly. And wasn't this the point of revealing the list? To let players check the maps on it and report what is weighted higher or lower than it should be, to provide useful feedback and will help tune the PP system to be more accurate. I really don't understand why was this list hidden.

Are you worried that some players would suddenly get higher PP than they deserve due to revealing this? If this is even a concern, it means clear distrust in the quality of the PP system. Are you worried that players would complain about info on the list and call PP bad? afaik PP is considered to still be in beta stages of development and is not final, so just ignore those complaints and use the output from them as feedback to improve the system.


In renpose to bwross:

"Player C grinded a map on an offline machine, to get a good accuracy on it on his first try online. This is why amount of retries should not be taken into account".
My response to this is a little complicated, so read carefully:

1. If the map is easy enough to SS consistently once you practice it enough, then you will most likely be able to SS consistency every single map on that level on your first try once you learn to do it for that map. Keep reading.

2. Some maps are so hard that, even if you can SS them sometimes, you won't be able to do it every time. Even if you played that map 1000 times offline and had several SS ranks on it offline, you cannot guarantee that on your first try online you'd get an SS, and if you're not good enough to SS it reliably every time then it most likely won't happen.

3. Grinding a map until you get really good at it will make you about as good on all maps of that same level. Like I stated earlier with the 140bpm example, I really suck at 140bpm right now, but from past experience if I practice this specific range for a while it's possible to get good accuracy on it consistently on all maps that have that bpm.

Now lets combine 1 & 2 & 3. The concern is: players hiding their skill, and getting rewarded higher than they deserve for high accuracy on maps due to offline retries.
The system I suggested takes into account your accuracy on every try that you do. It doesn't just go "oh hey, this player got 99.5%, and it took him 20 tries.". It goes "the player played x, had 99%, give him +/- y points. the player played x (again), had 98.5%, give him +/- y points." etc, per retry. If you actually got good enough to play a certain level with reliable accuracy on every try, allowing you to get that level of accuracy on your first try online, then you're actually good enough to do it and you deserve the rating you get. Had you done those 1000 retries online, your rating would slowly go up over time until reaching your level, while by doing it offline your rating just suddenly spikes upwards, but you end up on the same spot.

Aqo wrote:

However PP is supposed to rate skill, not effort, right?
It ranks effort, no viable skill ranking will ever be incorporated into osu

JappyBabes wrote:

Aqo wrote:

However PP is supposed to rate skill, not effort, right?
It ranks effort, no viable skill ranking will ever be incorporated into osu
Are you suggesting its impossible?

Skill is not that broad of a term as it sounds. It's just "how likely is this guy going to be able to get good results on maps when playing them".
There is no system in the world which measures true skill. These aren't skill points, they are performance points, and they judge a person's performance. A person can be skilled to unmeasurable levels, however if he doesn't perform then he won't have good performance points.

While performance is affected by skill, it is not skill rating.

lolcubes wrote:

There is no system in the world which measures true skill. These aren't skill points, they are performance points, and they judge a person's performance. A person can be skilled to unmeasurable levels, however if he doesn't perform then he won't have good performance points.

While performance is affected by skill, it is not skill rating.
Ok, good point. However performance is still directly related to skill. To perform well you must first perform, and if you don't perform enough or at all you won't get rated for it - this much is true. But to be able to perform well you need the skill to do it, or else even with enough time it shouldn't be possible for you.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but it was my belief that PP was introduced because people complained that the old scoring system rated how much time players put into the game and not how "good" they are, which is why the need for a new rating system arose.
While players who don't perform do not deserve a high performance rating, isn't the inverse true as well? Players who do get high performance rating should be the ones that perform well, not just the one who perform a lot.

Aqo wrote:

Correct me if I'm wrong, but it was my belief that PP was introduced because people complained that the old scoring system rated how much time players put into the game and not how "good" they are, which is why the need for a new rating system arose.
This is true, but back then you had to spend a year or so to get even to top 100, because of the amount of beatmaps. It certainly doesn't take a year to get to high PP, if you really deserve it. Playing should be rewarded, not how "good" you are while you aren't playing.

While players who don't perform do not deserve a high performance rating, isn't the inverse true as well? Players who do get high performance rating should be the ones that perform well, not just the one who perform a lot.
Well, this is already happening. It's just that you probably didn't get to that number yet.
I have to say this about differences in harder difficulties. My thoughts i that it would be balanced if the pp system took percent failed in mind when it decided how Easy/Hard something is. And the harder a map is, the lower the pass rate, and that means it will be worth more pp regardless of if it's popular. Remember there are different factors that determine how much pp a difficulty is worth. I'm not sure what exactly those factors are, but I have no reason to assume they are inaccurate and we shouldn't make such claims without evidence of such inaccuracies.

Besides the difference is probably fairly insignificant anyways. But even if I did assume it would matter, then it would give difficulty the point advantage anyways, which would invalidate the balance claim. Harder difficulties get higher pp gains. What's so wrong with associating difficulty with skill level?
It's already considering the number of people who succeeded, and how well. It might be overkill to have it consider individual fails. They'd have to be weighted individually for the set of mods used. It's an interesting idea, though.
I just lost pp for beating an old score:



Better score, rank, accuracy and it's newer so there should be less "decay", I lost 11pp.

TheVileOne wrote:

I have to say this about differences in harder difficulties. My thoughts i that it would be balanced if the pp system took percent failed in mind when it decided how Easy/Hard something is. And the harder a map is, the lower the pass rate, and that means it will be worth more pp regardless of if it's popular. Remember there are different factors that determine how much pp a difficulty is worth. I'm not sure what exactly those factors are, but I have no reason to assume they are inaccurate and we shouldn't make such claims without evidence of such inaccuracies.

Besides the difference is probably fairly insignificant anyways. But even if I did assume it would matter, then it would give difficulty the point advantage anyways, which would invalidate the balance claim. Harder difficulties get higher pp gains. What's so wrong with associating difficulty with skill level?
I thought we already established that even if we had a perfect difficulty calculation formula for maps it wouldn't be used to rankings because: I don't have a clue why not actually

In response to the difficulty calculator thread:

peppy wrote:

Such thoughts could potentially be used to make a new star rating system, but are redundant in pp calculations. I am not using any map heuristics in pp calculations because they always have limitations, and can be manipulated by mappers.
I still feel almost everyone would prefer a system based on difficulty rather than the amount of players which play a map; I think it would be less flawed than the current system atleast. Even if one in 5 maps were slightly out it's still better than the current weightings which appear to be random maps everywhere.
Lol. Today I actually tried ranking hards to see how far I could get. In mere 3hours of ranking I got from #37 to #25 #23! What the hell. (Nearly) all of the #1s I did today were easier than the DT I did yesterday... which earned me zero to 1 PP per rank.

We srsly need a way to properly filter the easier maps. It's just ridiculous how easy one can rank if one just ranks the easy, boring stuff. D:
Well.. to be fair, I got a good day in terms of accuracy today.

Tom94 wrote:

Lol. Today I actually tried ranking hards to see how far I could get. In mere 3hours of ranking I got from #37 to #25 #23! What the hell. (Nearly) all of the #1s I did today were easier than the DT I did yesterday... which earned me zero to 1 PP per rank.

We srsly need a way to properly filter the easier maps. It's just ridiculous how easy one can rank if one just ranked the easy, boring stuff. D:
Well.. to be fair, I got a good day in terms of accuracy today.
plus those maps were insanes, but you are too good for this game :(

Tanzklaue wrote:

Tom94 wrote:

Lol. Today I actually tried ranking hards to see how far I could get. In mere 3hours of ranking I got from #37 to #25 #23! What the hell. (Nearly) all of the #1s I did today were easier than the DT I did yesterday... which earned me zero to 1 PP per rank.

We srsly need a way to properly filter the easier maps. It's just ridiculous how easy one can rank if one just ranked the easy, boring stuff. D:
Well.. to be fair, I got a good day in terms of accuracy today.
plus those maps were insanes, but you are too good for this game :(
Still easy compared to the ranks I usually do... and the ones other good players usually do. :>

Tom94 wrote:

Still easy compared to the ranks I usually do... and the ones other good players usually do. :>
please keep farming shadowsouls top ranks, please

nrii wrote:

Tom94 wrote:

Still easy compared to the ranks I usually do... and the ones other good players usually do. :>
please keep farming shadowsouls top ranks, please
Just take every single top rank from him

If he still thinks that he's the best player in Germany after that, well shit.

thelewa wrote:

nrii wrote:

please keep farming shadowsouls top ranks, please
Just take every single top rank from him

If he still thinks that he's the best player in Germany after that, well shit.
he doesn't think that, nobody in germany thinks that.
I don't know what's happend .. I can only do a local score

yesterday I had 3 maps in first place and all moves to local score only no online score :(

RAMPAGE88 wrote:

I don't know what's happend .. I can only do a local score

yesterday I had 3 maps in first place and all moves to local score only no online score :(
You probably lost internet connection and scores didn't submit online.
ok problem fixed

it was from windows o/

Tanzklaue wrote:

he doesn't think that, nobody in germany thinks that.
I do. Not really.
I need some help.
I was ranking some beatmaps to get PP , but I'm not getting any point... , here is the list of songs that I was playing today (I did not earn any PP..)
Is it bugged or something ?

Again.. I did not earn any pp :(
It is, everybody is having some problem here or there. Though, peppy said he'll fix it.
Yeah, over the last few days i've been getting a lot of hidden FCs on 4.90+ difficulty maps (yes i am a noob) and in the top 500 but getting no PP at all for them.
ive been getting a lot of pp only to see them disappear over night, but i think there is a topic in technical support about it
I don't think I've gotten any PP at all either in the last few days. I just lose PP for getting higher scores and better accuracy. I've gotten like 12 top40s on insane maps with hidden/hardrock in the last two days, some being top20s, and some even top10s. I even improved some of the rank 30 somethings with hidden/hardrock by 2-3% better accuracy and ranking 10-15 places higher, but lost PP for doing so. The more I rank, the more I lose. All maps are insane 5.0 star maps. I don't really care much about my performance score, but just adding in some feedback due to seeing other people having problems as well. I thought at first it was just because my accuracy was in the 94-95% range with hd/hr, but when I went back and improved everything to 97-98% or better and got worse overall scoring, I figured something was up. I'm just personally happy to be seeing improvements every day, so it doesn't bother me that much.

silmarilen wrote:

ive been getting a lot of pp only to see them disappear over night, but i think there is a topic in technical support about it
Today's actually the first day after about 6 or 7 days that my PP didn't vanish over night. I lost about 20 PP a day and I was not the only one.

silmarilen wrote:

ive been getting a lot of pp only to see them disappear over night, but i think there is a topic in technical support about it
Something like this. I got 20 pp daily then all of them disappears until I'm sleeping. And even the graph is not showing it.
i have a normal nomod in my best performance
normal's too hard
I'm starting to get pissed off

I'm still at #10 even though I'm not supposed to even be in the top 100

thelewa wrote:

I'm starting to get pissed off

I'm still at #10 even though I'm not supposed to even be in the top 100
Bullshitlewa strikes again!

You belong where you are, really.
i agree #10 is too high, but you definetly belong in the top 100

silmarilen wrote:

i agree #10 is too high, but you definetly belong in the top 100
Yes and you belong in top 5.

lewa is at a perfectly fine spot and should actually be ranked higher than Shadowsoul and Sette because he can actually 100% insanes and not just hards.
woot im so pro i belong at #5
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