
Okui Masami - Good-bye crisis

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00:30:107 (5,6,1) - 5をスライダーで6をスタック
00:54:209 (8) - 流れ的にノート追加?あなたはたぶん追加しないです。
01:01:287 (4) - フィニッシュ?
01:24:040 (1,2) - この方がキレイ?かも
01:36:175 (1,2,3) - もうちょっと2のスライダー離しても大丈夫かもでうs。
02:08:871 (5,6) - 4の尻尾にスタック
02:14:096 (4,5,6,7) - 7リバースです。
04:11:737 (2,3,4,5,6) - 何か適当差を感じます、、、

00:02:804 (6) - 00:05:164 (5,6) - これと同じパターンで
00:22:018 (1,2,3,4) - 細かいですが微妙に対象ではないです。
00:23:197 (4) - 先っちょにフィニッシュ
00:25:894 (4) - ^
00:53:871 (6) -
01:21:849 (2,3) -
01:33:478 (4,5,6) -
01:44:770 (4) -
01:49:658 (3,4,5) -
02:11:568 (4,5,6) -
02:38:197 (3) -
04:15:950 (1) - ノート+フィニッシュ?

01:31:119 (3) - スライダーにチェンジ?

おそくなって申し訳ない! 8-)
Nice Songです
お互いの幸運を祈ります。 >:(
Topic Starter

DeathBlood wrote:


00:30:107 (5,6,1) - 5をスライダーで6をスタック
:arrow: 00:30:107 (5) - ここで音を終わりにしてスピナーに持ち込みたかったのでこのままで・・・orz
00:54:209 (8) - 流れ的にノート追加?あなたはたぶん追加しないです。
:arrow: 01:05:332 - と音取りを合わせたいので変更なしで
01:01:287 (4) - フィニッシュ?
:arrow: 試しては見ましたが、ここでFinishは音が強くて曲に対して浮きそうなので現状維持で
01:24:040 (1,2) - この方がキレイ?かも
:arrow: その提案の配置もありなのですが、このあとの01:25:388 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - の配置を意識するとあまり重ねあわせたくないのでno change~ >.<
01:36:175 (1,2,3) - もうちょっと2のスライダー離しても大丈夫かもでうs。
:arrow: ? 音をはっきりと区切りたいのでこのままで・・・
02:08:871 (5,6) - 4の尻尾にスタック
:arrow: ?
02:14:096 (4,5,6,7) - 7リバースです。
:arrow: 00:54:209 - ここと同じ音とりにしたいのでそこで音を抜いていたので現状維持
04:11:737 (2,3,4,5,6) - 何か適当差を感じます、、、
:arrow: 多分わざとです
04:12:411 (4) - への進入角を深くし、このスライダーの打ちやすさを向上させるためにこの配置にしています

00:02:804 (6) - 00:05:164 (5,6) - これと同じパターンで
:arrow: どちらかと言うと00:05:164 (5,6) - が汚かったのでそっちの変更をしました
00:22:018 (1,2,3,4) - 細かいですが微妙に対象ではないです。
:arrow: 元からここは対称を全く意識してない配置だったのでこのままで~
00:23:197 (4) - 先っちょにフィニッシュ
:arrow: ここでのFinishが浮いてしまうように私は感じました
00:20:669 (4) - の音付けはパターンからくるもので、このFinishはそのパターンにも反してしまうのでno change

00:25:894 (4) - ^
:arrow: 00:23:197 (4)に同じ
00:53:871 (6) -
:arrow: Insaneの難易度と音取りを合わせたいのでこのままでー
01:21:849 (2,3) -
:arrow: 特別この配置にこだわりはないのですが、あまりその配置が好きではないので今のままで・・・sry...
01:33:478 (4,5,6) -
:arrow: 01:32:636 (2,4) - で被り見た目が悪いので現状維持・・・
01:44:770 (4) -
:arrow: 01:33:478 (4,5,6) - 同様に被りが気になるので・・・
01:49:658 (3,4,5) -
:arrow: せっかくの提案なのですが、汚いランダムDSになってしまうのでこのままで・・・
02:11:568 (4,5,6) -
:arrow: 少し流れに変化を付けたかったので航していました

02:38:197 (3) -
:arrow: ここでスライダーのパターンを増やしてまでその配置にしたいとは思わなかったのでこのままで
04:15:950 (1) - ノート+フィニッシュ?
:arrow: 試しましたが明確な理由がないのに否定してすまないのですが、プレイ時に何か違和感があったのでこのままで

01:31:119 (3) - スライダーにチェンジ?
:arrow: たしかに変ですね、変更しました

おそくなって申し訳ない! 8-)
:arrow: np~

お互いの幸運を祈ります。 >:(
:arrow: そちらも是非Mod集めてRankedがんばって~!!
11:31 <Quilt> : IRC mod再び(ゴゴゴゴ
11:32 <NewRulerNA> : お前のせいで地震が来たのか
11:32 <NewRulerNA> : ちょうど地震で揺れてるなーって思ってたらチャット来たしwww
11:32 <Quilt> : ゴゴゴゴゴゴゴゴゴゴゴ
11:32 <NewRulerNA> : おい、やめろ
11:32 <Quilt> : 我は地震を呼ぶものなり
11:32 <NewRulerNA> : /report Quilt
11:32 <Quilt> : lol
11:32 <Quilt> : stop
11:32 <Quilt> : やめてくれえええええええええええええええええええええ
11:33 <NewRulerNA> : 先生、まだ微妙に揺れてます
11:33 <NewRulerNA> : で、どの譜面?
11:33 <Quilt> : ぐっばいくらいしすでず
11:33 <NewRulerNA> : ok
11:33 <Quilt> : これでいま泡ついてるよって言われたらないてた
11:33 <NewRulerNA> : "イマアワツイテイマスヨ"
11:33 *Quilt is editing (Okui Masami - Good-bye crisis)[]
11:34 <Quilt> : lol
11:34 <NewRulerNA> : さて、どの難易度から行こうか・・・
11:34 <Quilt> : easyからドンドンあがっていくかんじで
11:34 <NewRulerNA> : ok
11:34 <Quilt> : えっとまず
11:34 <Quilt> : 03:38:204 (4,1) -
11:35 <Quilt> : ここ単発とスライダーの順番入れ替えたほうが音があうかなーって
11:35 <Quilt> : でもそれするとすごいめんどうになるからごめんとだけいっとく
11:36 <NewRulerNA> : うーん、どっちもどっちな感じがしてくるなこれ
11:36 <Quilt> : んー
11:36 <NewRulerNA> : まぁ音のとり方変だしこれはどちらにせよ変えていいかもしれない
11:36 <Quilt> : やったー
11:37 <NewRulerNA> : 後々来る凄まじい否定率を考えると(ry
11:37 <NewRulerNA> : 次、どうぞ
11:38 <Quilt> : ということでeasyというステージは幕を閉じた04:15:283 (2) -
11:38 <Quilt> : これのしゅうてんにふぃにっしゅというものを
11:38 <Quilt> : つけておわり(easy
11:39 <NewRulerNA> : 既について(ry
11:39 <Quilt> : えっ
11:39 <Quilt> : oh sorry
11:39 <NewRulerNA> : np
11:39 <Quilt> : normal
11:41 <Quilt> : 00:43:598 (1) - んー ここのあたまにふぃにっしゅ
11:42 <NewRulerNA> : ボーカルの声が特に強くないし、盛り上がってる感じしないからFinishは多分無いかなぁ・・・
11:42 <Quilt> : ないかー
11:45 <Quilt> : 02:54:047 (2) -
11:45 <Quilt> : これを
11:45 <Quilt> : 02:53:710 (2) -
11:45 <Quilt> : こっちに移動
11:46 <NewRulerNA> : うーん、パターン的にはそっちのほうがいいんだけど
11:46 <NewRulerNA> : その音とりだと02:54:047 - に音が入ってないの違和感あるかなぁ・・・
11:47 <Quilt> : んー 個人的にボーカルの声入ってないから大丈夫かとlol
11:48 <Quilt> : 02:54:384 (3,4) - すらいだーとのーとぎゃくにするとか
11:49 <NewRulerNA> : それは採用しようかな
11:49 <Quilt> : やったー
11:50 <Quilt> : ノーマル終わりました
11:50 <NewRulerNA> : 了解~
11:56 <Quilt> : 03:11:069 (2) -
11:56 <Quilt> : ここの最後
11:56 <Quilt> : 音量70くらいにしてふぃにっしゅに
11:57 <NewRulerNA> : うーん・・・・前の01:51:013 (5) - と音取りが違ってるから微妙かな・・・・
11:57 <NewRulerNA> : 少し別の形で改良してFinish入れるわ
11:57 <Quilt> : うぃ
11:58 <Quilt> : 04:02:305 (5) -
11:58 <Quilt> : ここの最後も音量さげたほうがいいかも
11:59 <NewRulerNA> : 前のKIAI終了に揃えた音取りに変更しておく~
12:00 <Quilt> : うぃうぃ
12:00 <Quilt> : ということでついに卍Insane卍diffです
12:00 <Quilt> : 指摘できる気がしないlol
12:00 <Quilt> : a,
12:00 <Quilt> : ちょっとredl
12:00 <NewRulerNA> : ok
12:01 <Quilt> : あ、
12:01 <Quilt> : まじで申し訳ないんですがnpをorz
12:01 *NewRulerNA is editing (Okui Masami - Good-bye crisis)[]
12:01 <Quilt> : ty
12:04 <Quilt> : じゃあ再開します
12:04 <NewRulerNA> : ok
12:07 <Quilt> : 01:34:834 (1) -
12:07 <Quilt> : これのさいごを
12:07 <Quilt> : 01:33:485 (1) -
12:07 <Quilt> : これのあたまとすたっく?
12:07 <Quilt> : 01:42:923 (1) -
12:07 <NewRulerNA> : うーん、プレイ時の見た目を優先してるからなー
12:08 <Quilt> : これも
12:08 <Quilt> : 01:41:407 (1) -
12:08 <Quilt> : これ?
12:08 <Quilt> : oh
12:08 <NewRulerNA> : 多分そのスライダーも同じ
12:08 <Quilt> : ok~
12:11 <Quilt> : んー 
12:11 <Quilt> : あとははーどと同じ音量の調整だけです
12:12 <Quilt> : あとはもう無理です \:D/
12:12 <NewRulerNA> : そういえばHardのModで気になったんだけど
12:12 <Quilt> : へい
12:12 <NewRulerNA> : 00:30:114 -
12:12 <NewRulerNA> : 01:51:013 -
12:12 <NewRulerNA> : 03:11:912 -
12:12 <NewRulerNA> : 04:03:148 -
12:13 <NewRulerNA> : とかのKIAI終了時の音量を全て同じにしなくても良いのか?
12:13 <NewRulerNA> : 指摘では全てを言ってはいないが・・・
12:13 <Quilt> : (忘れてた
12:13 <Quilt> : orz
12:13 <NewRulerNA> : じゃあそれらにも70%追加で良い感じ?
12:13 <Quilt> : はいー
12:14 <NewRulerNA> : あとEasy Normalでも同じポイントにFinishとかついてたら
12:14 <NewRulerNA> : それも修正で良い感じなのか?
12:14 <Quilt> : はい!
12:14 <NewRulerNA> : おk
12:14 <NewRulerNA> : じゃあログ取ってPostしておいてー
12:14 <Quilt> : てことでおわります
12:14 <Quilt> : ok~~
12:14 <NewRulerNA> : :)
Topic Starter
Thanks Quilt!
from #mod-req
hi, NewRulerNA


  1. 00:54:216 - add note 音がほしいです、ギターの歪が続いているのに音がないため、違和感を感じます
  2. 01:25:732 (5) - NC 4つ区切りですと、何連打なのかわかりやすいですし、タイミングが掴みやすいです
  3. 02:15:114 - add note
  4. 02:46:631 (5) - NC
  5. 03:37:867 (5) - ^
  1. 00:44:272 (2) - ヒット表示でスライダーの終点が隠れてしまっています
  2. 00:54:216 - add note 音がほしいです、ギターの歪が続いているのに音がないため、違和感を感じます
    02:14:777 (6) - のようにリバースしてみてはどうでしょう?
  3. 03:34:834 (5) - NC キックスライダー8からのスライダー7はちょっとNCしなさすぎだと思いました、区切った方がよいと思います
  1. 02:50:002 - 02:51:350 - 02:53:710 - 02:59:440 - 全体のサビに対する音が、少なすぎるのではないか、と思いました
    長い曲ですし、サビが4回も訪れるのですから、1番、2番も音を追加(全て白線)するほうが良いと思いますが、特に寂しいと思った3番目のサビに、白線にadd note、特に音を付け足した方が良いと提案します
  1. Fine
good luck, NewRulerNA :oops:
Topic Starter

Wreath wrote:

from #mod-req
hi, NewRulerNA
:arrow: hi
:arrow: np :)

  1. 00:54:216 - add note 音がほしいです、ギターの歪が続いているのに音がないため、違和感を感じます
    :arrow: ok
  2. 01:25:732 (5) - NC 4つ区切りですと、何連打なのかわかりやすいですし、タイミングが掴みやすいです
    :arrow: タイミングのつかみやすさよりもプレイした時の見た目の良さを優先したいのでno change
  3. 02:15:114 - add note
    :arrow: 00:54:216 - と同じ
  4. 02:46:631 (5) - NC
    :arrow: 01:25:732と同じ
  5. 03:37:867 (5) - ^
    :arrow: 01:25:732と同じ
  1. 00:44:272 (2) - ヒット表示でスライダーの終点が隠れてしまっています
    :arrow: 確かにヒットバーストで隠れています
    故にno changeで
  2. 00:54:216 - add note 音がほしいです、ギターの歪が続いているのに音がないため、違和感を感じます
    02:14:777 (6) - のようにリバースしてみてはどうでしょう?
    :arrow: その提案とはまた別の修正を加えました
  3. 03:34:834 (5) - NC キックスライダー8からのスライダー7はちょっとNCしなさすぎだと思いました、区切った方がよいと思います
    :arrow: 見た目重視で行くとここで中途半端なNCを挟むと、その面で悪くなります
  1. 02:50:002 - 02:51:350 - 02:53:710 - 02:59:440 - 全体のサビに対する音が、少なすぎるのではないか、と思いました
    長い曲ですし、サビが4回も訪れるのですから、1番、2番も音を追加(全て白線)するほうが良いと思いますが、特に寂しいと思った3番目のサビに、白線にadd note、特に音を付け足した方が良いと提案します
    :arrow: ・レート低めのNormalなので、ここでnote数を増やし難易度を上げたくなかった
    :arrow: ・noteの空白が1回目のサビ部分に比べ、1箇所少ないだけなので特に難易度の差も感じなかった
    以上の2つの理由から nochangeで
  1. Fine
good luck, NewRulerNA :oops:

私の好みの問題ですが01:05:508 ~ 01:21:350 と 02:26:407 (1) ~ 02:41:912 にwhistleがほしいなと私は思います!(あと、私はここにclapがない方がいいと感じます)

01:03:822 (3) -1グリッド下に そうすると01:02:474 (1) と綺麗に並びます
02:06:856 (3) - 1グリッド下に下げて02:07:193 (1) をほんの少し移動させて、02:05:845 (2,3,1) を三角形にするといいかもです
02:20:339 (3) - 細かいですがDistance snapしていません
02:23:036 (3) - ここもです
03:46:631 (1) - 1グリッド下

本当に細かいし少ないしで参考にならなかったらごめんなさい :(
Topic Starter

Piscis wrote:


私の好みの問題ですが01:05:508 ~ 01:21:350 と 02:26:407 (1) ~ 02:41:912 にwhistleがほしいなと私は思います!(あと、私はここにclapがない方がいいと感じます)
:arrow: 私はClapのほうが好みなのでこのままで

01:03:822 (3) -1グリッド下に そうすると01:02:474 (1) と綺麗に並びます
:arrow: ok, ちょっとこれはミスでした
02:06:856 (3) - 1グリッド下に下げて02:07:193 (1) をほんの少し移動させて、02:05:845 (2,3,1) を三角形にするといいかもです
:arrow: 提案とはまた別の形で微調節
02:20:339 (3) - 細かいですがDistance snapしていません
:arrow: fixed
02:23:036 (3) - ここもです
:arrow: fixed
03:46:631 (1) - 1グリッド下
:arrow: fixed

本当に細かいし少ないしで参考にならなかったらごめんなさい :(
:arrow: 細かいModは大好きなので構いません~ :)
:arrow: 特に星は大丈夫です~

:arrow: Mod ありがとう~ >,<
Oh hi there

* Make sure if you have a video, the total bitrate should be 0kbps (yours was 534kbps), which mean you have to remove the audio from video. Even you have no audio in videos, your total bitrate should be 0kbps

00:48:654 (3) - Spacing issue here
01:36:182 (1,2) - Swap new combo for pattern?
01:40:227 (1) - Remove new combo for pattern?
03:46:631 (1) - Why finish at repeating slider?

* AR +1?

00:53:373 (5) - Add clap at repeating slider?
01:26:069 (4) - Add clap for following snare drum?
02:46:968 (4) - ^
02:50:002 - Add note here? Feels empty for me...
03:38:204 (5) - Add finish at head slider?

01:17:811 (4) - Why clap at tail slider?
02:14:440 (5) - Remove finish at head slider and add finish at tail slider. Like 00:53:710 (6)
02:16:463 (3) - The tail slider is touch the scorebar, but I think isn't a major issue. It's up to you then

* Change the diff name to "Insane"

00:06:350 (4) - New combo for anti-jump pattern. Otherwise, some pro players thought that this is a streams, but it's not
00:09:047 (4) - ^
01:06:013 (2) - This pauses feels I hit this note earlier. Perhaps add note at 01:05:845?

Good-bye, nightmare
Topic Starter

Leorda wrote:

Oh hi there
:arrow: hi~ :)

* Make sure if you have a video, the total bitrate should be 0kbps (yours was 534kbps), which mean you have to remove the audio from video. Even you have no audio in videos, your total bitrate should be 0kbps
:arrow: hmm....
Sorry, I can not be adjusted for this. Please give me the video was adjusted, if possible... :cry:

00:48:654 (3) - Spacing issue here
:arrow: ok
01:36:182 (1,2) - Swap new combo for pattern?
:arrow: ok
01:40:227 (1) - Remove new combo for pattern?
:arrow: ok
03:46:631 (1) - Why finish at repeating slider?
:arrow: Have added the "finish" to match the difficulty of the other

* AR +1?
:arrow: ok

00:53:373 (5) - Add clap at repeating slider?
:arrow: no change
I thought it is not suitable.

01:26:069 (4) - Add clap for following snare drum?
:arrow: ok
02:46:968 (4) - ^
:arrow: same as 01:26:069 (4)
02:50:002 - Add note here? Feels empty for me...
:arrow: fixed
03:38:204 (5) - Add finish at head slider?
:arrow: fixed~

01:17:811 (4) - Why clap at tail slider?
:arrow: I wanted to put 01:18:317. But I could not take it according to sound ;_;
02:14:440 (5) - Remove finish at head slider and add finish at tail slider. Like 00:53:710 (6)
:arrow: changed
02:16:463 (3) - The tail slider is touch the scorebar, but I think isn't a major issue. It's up to you then
:arrow: I thought so too. I did not change it.

* Change the diff name to "Insane"
:arrow: no change.
I wanted to distinguish them from other Ranked maps.

00:06:350 (4) - New combo for anti-jump pattern. Otherwise, some pro players thought that this is a streams, but it's not
:arrow: ok, add NC
00:09:047 (4) - ^
:arrow: same as 00:06:350 (4)
01:06:013 (2) - This pauses feels I hit this note earlier. Perhaps add note at 01:05:845?
:arrow: I have to take according to the vocal sound
I therefore not change it...

Good-bye, nightmare
:arrow:But still my nightmare will continue :o
Thanks~ >.<
wahaha 8-)


00:29:777 - 音聞く限り1/1より1/2のほが適してるように聞こえる
00:30:114 - ↑適用ならAdd circleがいいかな

[Normal] 難易度Nと言っても I,Hより音取りのてきとうさが見受けられる
01:01:126 - これ自体01:00:957に移動
02:18:991 - 音取りの提案
02:22:025 - ^
02:39:216 - ^


Topic Starter

remy11 wrote:

wahaha 8-)
:arrow: でた変態

:arrow: フルサイズの長い譜面なので"比較的"簡単な配置にしました

00:29:777 - 音聞く限り1/1より1/2のほが適してるように聞こえる
00:30:114 - ↑適用ならAdd circleがいいかな
:arrow: 1/2のリバース1回のスライダーに修正

[Normal] 難易度Nと言っても I,Hより音取りのてきとうさが見受けられる
:arrow: ある程度頑張ってもEasy Normalでまともなものが無いのであった
01:01:126 - これ自体01:00:957に移動
02:18:991 - 音取りの提案
02:22:025 - ^
02:39:216 - ^
:arrow: 赤線をあまり踏ませたくないのでこれらの提案はこのままで


:arrow: np~ :D
thx ありがとうー
(Oh hey! Someone mapping a non-short version too!)

- I'm not fond of slidertick hitsounds, but I guess they're used well in this mapset.
- Maybe add kiai refountains at the middle of the kiai times? Like in:
00:22:025 (), 01:37:530 (), 02:58:429 (), 03:49:665 ()

- The spacing has some minor inconsistencies though, like in:
00:22:025 (1) - [nazi] Move this one grid right to not make it overlap with the previous slider. (You may want to change 00:24:721 (1) as well for symmetry.)
01:24:047 (1) - [nazi] Move this one grid down.
Many more are in the beatmap.
- 01:05:508 (1) - The change in slidertick hitsound is kind of surprising. I suggest you lower the volume a bit.
- 01:47:305 () - Add note here? It sounds empty here.
- 03:59:440 () - Add note here? It sounds empty here.
- 03:38:878 -> 03:41:575 - Lower the volume to 50 - 60%. It fits the music IMO.
- 04:16:126 (1) - Extend this by 1/2? The music ends there.

- 00:43:598 (1,2) - The slider design doesn't look quite good IMO.
- 01:16:631 () - Add note here? It doesn't quite flow as well IMO if there isn't note.
- 02:26:407 (1) - Add clap at the beginning to to stay consistent with your hitsounding pattern.
- 02:37:530 () - Same as 01:16:631 ().
- 02:39:553 () - Add note here? There's a heavy vocal here. Better if there's a note here IMO.
- 03:09:216 (1,2,3,4) - IMO make each slider face the opposite direction like this. It plays better IMO.
- 04:15:957 (1) - Make this into a Pre-Spinner Note? Also, end the spinner at 04:18:148? Since the music ends there.

- Nicely made diff. The mapping looks very neat and clean!
- 02:08:373 (3) - [nazi] One grid up then right so it the previous slider head will end up exactly on the slidertrack.
- 03:38:878 -> 03:41:575 - Lower the volume to 50 - 60%. It fits the music IMO.
- 04:15:957 (1) - Make this into a Pre-Spinner Note? Also, end the spinner at 04:18:148? Since the music ends there.

- Great job mapping this as well!
- 00:00:452 (1,2,3,4) - I suggest you lower the spacing of these a bit for consistency, as some patterns like 00:06:687 (1,2,3,4,5) and 00:09:047 (4,1,2,3,4,5) use the same pattern.
- 02:11:069 (3) - The overlap with 02:10:564 (2) doesn't look aesthetically good IMO.
- 03:38:878 -> 03:41:575 - Lower the volume to 50 - 60%. It fits the music IMO.
- 04:16:126 (1) - Extend this by 1/2? The music ends there.

Contact me after you're done fixing.
Topic Starter

NoHitter wrote:

- I'm not fond of slidertick hitsounds, but I guess they're used well in this mapset.
- Maybe add kiai refountains at the middle of the kiai times? Like in:
00:22:025 (), 01:37:530 (), 02:58:429 (), 03:49:665 ()
:arrow: okay~
I think this is a good shower

- The spacing has some minor inconsistencies though, like in:
00:22:025 (1) - [nazi] Move this one grid right to not make it overlap with the previous slider. (You may want to change 00:24:721 (1) as well for symmetry.)
01:24:047 (1) - [nazi] Move this one grid down.
Many more are in the beatmap.
- 01:05:508 (1) - The change in slidertick hitsound is kind of surprising. I suggest you lower the volume a bit.
- 01:47:305 () - Add note here? It sounds empty here.
- 03:59:440 () - Add note here? It sounds empty here.
- 03:38:878 -> 03:41:575 - Lower the volume to 50 - 60%. It fits the music IMO.
- 04:16:126 (1) - Extend this by 1/2? The music ends there.
:arrow: ok~ all fixed >.<

- 00:43:598 (1,2) - The slider design doesn't look quite good IMO.
- 01:16:631 () - Add note here? It doesn't quite flow as well IMO if there isn't note.
- 02:26:407 (1) - Add clap at the beginning to to stay consistent with your hitsounding pattern.
- 02:37:530 () - Same as 01:16:631 ().
- 02:39:553 () - Add note here? There's a heavy vocal here. Better if there's a note here IMO.
- 03:09:216 (1,2,3,4) - IMO make each slider face the opposite direction like this. It plays better IMO.
- 04:15:957 (1) - Make this into a Pre-Spinner Note? Also, end the spinner at 04:18:148? Since the music ends there.
:arrow: all fixed!

- Nicely made diff. The mapping looks very neat and clean!
- 02:08:373 (3) - [nazi] One grid up then right so it the previous slider head will end up exactly on the slidertrack.
- 03:38:878 -> 03:41:575 - Lower the volume to 50 - 60%. It fits the music IMO.
- 04:15:957 (1) - Make this into a Pre-Spinner Note? Also, end the spinner at 04:18:148? Since the music ends there.
:arrow: ok~

- Great job mapping this as well!
- 00:00:452 (1,2,3,4) - I suggest you lower the spacing of these a bit for consistency, as some patterns like 00:06:687 (1,2,3,4,5) and 00:09:047 (4,1,2,3,4,5) use the same pattern.
- 02:11:069 (3) - The overlap with 02:10:564 (2) doesn't look aesthetically good IMO.
- 03:38:878 -> 03:41:575 - Lower the volume to 50 - 60%. It fits the music IMO.
- 04:16:126 (1) - Extend this by 1/2? The music ends there.
:arrow: all fixed :)
Thanks a lot!!
Rechecked, and bubbled!
Good luck.
Topic Starter

NoHitter wrote:

Rechecked, and bubbled!
Good luck.
Thanks~ >.<
gogo~ ><

Dagger-Gazel wrote:

gogo~ ><
Hello there!

  1. Timing: Your offset is way too early. Use offset 462 (+10) please, this should be much better.
  2. Combo colors: Your dark gray combo color is very dark, and very hard to see if players choose to dim their backgrounds via the new background dimming feature. You should change that color to something else, I suggest a color of 84 84 84 atleast, it's similar to your old color but much more visible.
  1. 01:41:238 (4,1) - I felt that this jump was a bit too extreme, especially when I was trying this with hard rock. You should probably tone it down to something like 2.0x spacing at most. Maybe try something like this? I feel that this plays much better and since you used lots of symmetry I think it's a fitting pattern cause it starts right in the middle.
  2. 03:31:800 (3) - I don't really like to be nazi, however I noticed that this slider isn't symmetrical to 03:30:451 (4) when it probably should be. Move it by 1 grid down to preserve perfect symmetry please.
  3. 03:38:878 - 03:41:575 - I strongly suggest to use soft hitsounds here instead of lower volume normal ones, for two reasons. First, it creates a much better impact, and second, the volume change which occurs when the kiai starts isn't as startling like it is currently. Also try using whistles instead of claps, I think that would sound even better (soft whistles). This affects all difficulties.
  4. 03:49:159 (3) - Try using finish at the start of the slider, instead of the end, it sounds much better because it follows the impact of the music much better. This also goes for your Hard difficulty.
  5. 04:17:980 - Use soft hitsounds for this timing section please, the 5% volume sounds better on spinner ends with soft instead of normal hitsounds. This also goes for all difficulties.
  1. OD+1 please, with this many sliders OD5 makes no sense, especially since your insane is OD8. Don't worry about star rating being greater than your insane diff, that's normal and happens sometimes.
  2. 01:32:980 (3) - You have missed a clap on the slider arrow.
  3. 04:15:957 - I feel like a note is missing here. Try adding a circle with a finish just like you did in your Crisis difficulty. It sounds much better.
  1. This difficulty looks like an easy most of the time. I think you should follow the vocals more, which means starting most of your sliders earlier.
  2. For example: 00:12:586 (2) - this slider doesn't follow the music nicely, if it was starting at 00:12:418 it would make much more sense and would sound better. Things like this occur throughout the whole difficulty so you should definitely try to map it like this. I won't tell you to remap your whole diff, but I think putting little effort to do as I suggest would improve your difficulty by quite alot, especially since it would create a smaller gap towards your hard difficulty compared to what it is now.
  3. Next, I noticed you just mapped metronome ticks (every 2nd tick that is), like here: 00:27:418 (1,2,3,4). This doesn't sound good, is probably too easy for a normal difficulty and doesn't look very creative. You could have mapped the timeline into something like this. It's not too hard for a normal and follows the music instead of the metronome.
  4. More suggestions: 00:43:598 (1,2) - here you just have 2 long sliders which don't follow the music that good, however if you do something like this the whole pattern suddenly follows the vocals really nicely and sounds good. However changing only this part would be terribly inconsistent with the part that comes after this one, so you would actually have to change lots of things.
  5. Most of the suggestions above affect much more than what I just used for examples. You will probably have to change alot of things in your diff. It is up to you how you handle these things though, I am just giving you advice on how to make it better in my opinion. You don't have to change your map if you really don't want to but I would be really happy if you did.
  1. AR+1. AR2 just looks boring and tedious. Increase OD to 2 as well.
That's pretty much all. All difficulties except for normal look really superb and well made, especially the Crisis one which plays really nicely, very good job.
I would be really glad if you make changes to your normal diff so it follows the music better and becomes a little harder than it currently is though.

Also have a double star, it's definitely worth it. :)
Topic Starter

lolcubes wrote:

Hello there!
:arrow: hello~

  1. Timing: Your offset is way too early. Use offset 462 (+10) please, this should be much better.
    :arrow: ok~, fixed
  2. Combo colors: Your dark gray combo color is very dark, and very hard to see if players choose to dim their backgrounds via the new background dimming feature. You should change that color to something else, I suggest a color of 84 84 84 atleast, it's similar to your old color but much more visible.
    :arrow: fmm...Has been changed, but I did not think so...
  1. 01:41:238 (4,1) - I felt that this jump was a bit too extreme, especially when I was trying this with hard rock. You should probably tone it down to something like 2.0x spacing at most. Maybe try something like this? I feel that this plays much better and since you used lots of symmetry I think it's a fitting pattern cause it starts right in the middle.
  2. 03:31:800 (3) - I don't really like to be nazi, however I noticed that this slider isn't symmetrical to 03:30:451 (4) when it probably should be. Move it by 1 grid down to preserve perfect symmetry please.
  3. 03:38:878 - 03:41:575 - I strongly suggest to use soft hitsounds here instead of lower volume normal ones, for two reasons. First, it creates a much better impact, and second, the volume change which occurs when the kiai starts isn't as startling like it is currently. Also try using whistles instead of claps, I think that would sound even better (soft whistles). This affects all difficulties.
  4. 03:49:159 (3) - Try using finish at the start of the slider, instead of the end, it sounds much better because it follows the impact of the music much better. This also goes for your Hard difficulty.
  5. 04:17:980 - Use soft hitsounds for this timing section please, the 5% volume sounds better on spinner ends with soft instead of normal hitsounds. This also goes for all difficulties.
    :arrow: all fixed!
  1. OD+1 please, with this many sliders OD5 makes no sense, especially since your insane is OD8. Don't worry about star rating being greater than your insane diff, that's normal and happens sometimes.
  2. 01:32:980 (3) - You have missed a clap on the slider arrow.
  3. 04:15:957 - I feel like a note is missing here. Try adding a circle with a finish just like you did in your Crisis difficulty. It sounds much better.
    :arrow: all fixed~
  1. This difficulty looks like an easy most of the time. I think you should follow the vocals more, which means starting most of your sliders earlier.
  2. For example: 00:12:586 (2) - this slider doesn't follow the music nicely, if it was starting at 00:12:418 it would make much more sense and would sound better. Things like this occur throughout the whole difficulty so you should definitely try to map it like this. I won't tell you to remap your whole diff, but I think putting little effort to do as I suggest would improve your difficulty by quite alot, especially since it would create a smaller gap towards your hard difficulty compared to what it is now.
  3. Next, I noticed you just mapped metronome ticks (every 2nd tick that is), like here: 00:27:418 (1,2,3,4). This doesn't sound good, is probably too easy for a normal difficulty and doesn't look very creative. You could have mapped the timeline into something like this. It's not too hard for a normal and follows the music instead of the metronome.
  4. More suggestions: 00:43:598 (1,2) - here you just have 2 long sliders which don't follow the music that good, however if you do something like this the whole pattern suddenly follows the vocals really nicely and sounds good. However changing only this part would be terribly inconsistent with the part that comes after this one, so you would actually have to change lots of things.
    :arrow: just did not make this change.
  5. Most of the suggestions above affect much more than what I just used for examples. You will probably have to change alot of things in your diff. It is up to you how you handle these things though, I am just giving you advice on how to make it better in my opinion. You don't have to change your map if you really don't want to but I would be really happy if you did.
    :arrow: I did all the other fixes
    But This fix may not be perfect.
  1. AR+1. AR2 just looks boring and tedious. Increase OD to 2 as well.
    :arrow: ok~
That's pretty much all. All difficulties except for normal look really superb and well made, especially the Crisis one which plays really nicely, very good job.
I would be really glad if you make changes to your normal diff so it follows the music better and becomes a little harder than it currently is though.
:arrow: I added a fine change to Normal. But When I follow the vocals completely, it is necessary to use a lot of 1/2. I do not want to use the 1/2 in Normal. Because, I was only a small fix. (add circle and Replacement of the order of some slider)

Also have a double star, it's definitely worth it. :)
:arrow: Thank you~ :)
thanks modding~ >.<
Yeah this normal looks much better, even though it doesn't follow the vocals that much. Issues were addressed and fixed, but because of timing change I can't rank this, but I will try to find someone who might, the map really deserves it. Have another star and rebubbled.
Topic Starter

lolcubes wrote:

Yeah this normal looks much better, even though it doesn't follow the vocals that much. Issues were addressed and fixed, but because of timing change I can't rank this, but I will try to find someone who might, the map really deserves it. Have another star and rebubbled.
Thanks rebubbled!
and rerebubbled...

Became a great help.

OD +1 would be better.


00:06:360 (4) - New combo since the new pattern starts here.
00:06:697 (1) - Remove new combo.
00:09:057 (4) - Same as before.
00:09:394 (1) - Remove new combo.

This is actually a pretty nice map! Liked it a lot, good job :3

Let me know when you're ready ^^
Topic Starter

Andrea wrote:


OD +1 would be better.


00:06:360 (4) - New combo since the new pattern starts here.
00:06:697 (1) - Remove new combo.
00:09:057 (4) - Same as before.
00:09:394 (1) - Remove new combo.

:arrow: All Fixed!!!
Looks good.

Congrats :)
fav song<3
おめでとうございます! :)
Sonico Makaron
omedetou :)
ome ome ~ :oops:
Gratz!! omedetou~!! :)
Congrats~ :>
Nanakase Gizumo
omedeto :3
Topic Starter
Thank you everyone :)
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