
DECO*27 - Kyou Umareru Kimi Ashita Umareru Boku

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Timing as request.
BPM is fine; offset: 3036.


slider一些细节需要在拉拉,这也会造成部分地方不够理想.比方说 normal里的 00:07:707 是想和前面的(3)对称么?若是直接复制最好,不然会乱些.


分析间距不能片面的看数值大小 首先是合不合音乐 这是最重要的 同样重要的是游戏体验好不好 就我看来加的无可厚非 但更需要注意的是你的排版 比如00:59:677 (2,3) - 比一个jump会感觉减分多得多

3. 如果note更多的排成对称形状是不是更好些?

同上 没有最好的排版方式 只有最适合的 无论是随意/绕圈/对称流都有适合之处 所以不用刻意拘泥于一个方式 至于这张图 排版干净是第一位的 在干净的基础上加一些合适音乐的加速/跳 甚至直接用对称风格都合理



lead in 用2s其实就可以了,3s显得有些长




00:08:344 - 这个地方太多次的折返,让新手去打这个是很难掌控的,而且这里做的很单调,折返次数过多。去看,感觉还可以,但实际手感却下了好几个层次。
00:11:677 - 我觉得这串NC可以不加成这样,意义不明,为了美观?
00:15:011 - 这个么,其实要做尾巴和前面的note重合么?可以更认真些的
00:19:011 - 我也觉得折返有些多
00:32:344 - 我觉得这个加的有些偷懒,可以拆开
00:48:344 - kiai开始这里的
00:51:677 - 这么加其实不怎么好,为了创造这一串2分1折返,但造成的是打图的感觉很差,当然对于超越easy的玩家来玩,这样很简单而且听起来也能压上一些音,但面对新人玩家,这样很难寻找折返次数,所以我觉得 不如减少折返次数,拆开来,或另寻下note的方式。
01:07:011 - 有些偷懒,可以拆开,实际打起来虽然可以,但不够精致




00:05:040 (6,1) - 你要注意多用对称 这种地方对称比不对称好得多
00:07:040 (3,4) - ^
00:11:040 (1) - 如果是normal就最好不该出现这种jump
00:30:374 (5) - 典型的asymmetric slider 中点太靠下了 导致视觉上比较难看
00:44:373 (3) - ^同样问题不再指出了
00:37:707 (9) - 这里NC 而不是后面
00:57:040 (3) - stack


00:17:677 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - 感觉这串下的没什么道理 要么nc要么改一下

Topic Starter

- t e n n y a - wrote:

mod for mod from n y a -'s queue
Black means suggestion and sorry about my lateness. \

about your question
1. well distance snap is at the top right of your screen, it used for arranging the circle into tidy alignment. For easy, i think 1.0 Distance Snap is good, Normal 1.3 Hard 1.3 or more and for insane its up to you
2. Not hard and its make sense, but make sure to put the beat correctly

Alright the mod
Tags: Vocaloid *remove those no you no me hatsune miku deco in tags*
Add a preview time *same for all diff*
Use the same timing for Kiai section
Offset 350
BPM 180.000

For easy, slider velocity must be under 1.10
you can read the manuals to making beatmap at

if you have done that and done re map-ing call me back ^^
all fixed.i will do a remap these days so i will call you back a few days later.thank you~
Topic Starter

popner wrote:

Timing as request.
BPM is fine; offset: 3036.
thank you~
Topic Starter




slider一些细节需要在拉拉,这也会造成部分地方不够理想.比方说 normal里的 00:07:707 是想和前面的(3)对称么?若是直接复制最好,不然会乱些.


分析间距不能片面的看数值大小 首先是合不合音乐 这是最重要的 同样重要的是游戏体验好不好 就我看来加的无可厚非 但更需要注意的是你的排版 比如00:59:677 (2,3) - 比一个jump会感觉减分多得多

3. 如果note更多的排成对称形状是不是更好些?

同上 没有最好的排版方式 只有最适合的 无论是随意/绕圈/对称流都有适合之处 所以不用刻意拘泥于一个方式 至于这张图 排版干净是第一位的 在干净的基础上加一些合适音乐的加速/跳 甚至直接用对称风格都合理


背景图改成1024x768或800x600的这是一个规范性问题了已经改过了啊= =我重新上传次试试

然后有一些unsnapped的circle在insane难度 自我感觉imsnapped的那几个都还不错…我再改改看吧

lead in 用2s其实就可以了,3s显得有些长 好的

kiai结束的时间明显不对 本来我是想一直到底的,后来看到Kiai结束的时间各难度应该相同就纠结了,放到1:09:623怎么样?



00:08:344 - 这个地方太多次的折返,让新手去打这个是很难掌控的,而且这里做的很单调,折返次数过多。去看,感觉还可以,但实际手感却下了好几个层次。 说得好,已改
00:11:677 - 我觉得这串NC可以不加成这样,意义不明,为了美观? 嗯纯粹为了美观= =
00:15:011 - 这个么,其实要做尾巴和前面的note重合么?可以更认真些的 已改
00:19:011 - 我也觉得折返有些多 已改
00:32:344 - 我觉得这个加的有些偷懒,可以拆开 好的
00:48:344 - kiai开始这里的 好的
00:51:677 - 这么加其实不怎么好,为了创造这一串2分1折返,但造成的是打图的感觉很差,当然对于超越easy的玩家来玩,这样很简单而且听起来也能压上一些音,但面对新人玩家,这样很难寻找折返次数,所以我觉得 不如减少折返次数,拆开来,或另寻下note的方式。OK
01:07:011 - 有些偷懒,可以拆开,实际打起来虽然可以,但不够精致好的




00:05:040 (6,1) - 你要注意多用对称 这种地方对称比不对称好得多
00:07:040 (3,4) - ^ 还是没用对称,不过改成了一个比较有规律的排列,不知道怎么样
00:11:040 (1) - 如果是normal就最好不该出现这种jump 已改
00:30:374 (5) - 典型的asymmetric slider 中点太靠下了 导致视觉上比较难看 嗯我以后会注意
00:44:373 (3) - ^同样问题不再指出了
00:37:707 (9) - 这里NC 而不是后面 已改
00:57:040 (3) - stack 不太明白是什么意思…


00:17:677 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - 感觉这串下的没什么道理 要么nc要么改一下主要是为了凑足一组1/2节奏做出来的,我再想想其它的办法吧

insane还OK么= =我本来觉得insane是问题最多的一个…

from PM
yo ssss ~

let's see

- I suggest you to make Hard diff
- Kiai time start on 00:48:347 and end at 01:09:681

- 00:53:681 : finish?

- 00:21:681 : new combo?
- 01:09:681 : ^

- 00:37:347 : remove new combo
- 00:48:347 : new combo?
- 01:17:681 : spinner end at 01:19:847 right?

that's all I can find, nice mapset you made ^o^
Good luck ~ ;)
Topic Starter

- t e n n y a - wrote:

from PM
yo ssss ~

let's see

- I suggest you to make Hard diff
In fact I did make a hard diff,but...I think it's bad so I delete it.
- Kiai time start on 00:48:347 and end at 01:09:681

- 00:53:681 : finish? fixed

- 00:21:681 : new combo? fixed
- 01:09:681 : ^ fixed

- 00:37:347 : remove new combo
I use this nc in order to make the map clear to read,if remove,players may be confused
- 00:48:347 : new combo? fixed
- 01:17:681 : spinner end at 01:19:847 right?
About this...I want to make it end closely before miku sings "su",and I think this will be better

that's all I can find, nice mapset you made ^o^
Good luck ~ ;)
thank you~
nothing here
22:45 sunshy: : 好咯
22:45 sunshy: : 就是说,整体难度降低,局部多加几个梗
22:45 sunshy: : 个人意见啦www
22:45 ssssssssssssssss: : 嗯
22:45 sunshy: : 我没做过mod 都是乱说xD
22:45 ssssssssssssssss: : 方不方便说得具体点?
22:46 sunshy: : 我给你看张图
22:46 ssssssssssssssss: : 没事,你的意见很重要
22:46 ssssssssssssssss: : 嗯好
22:46 : *sunshy is listening to (ALiCE'S EMOTiON - Colors)[]
22:46 sunshy: : 我觉得这个图超好的
22:46 sunshy: : 就算不能FC也很有趣ww
22:46 sunshy: : 跳图
22:46 ssssssssssssssss: : 嗯,开始下了
22:46 sunshy: : W形的4连+一个滑条
22:46 sunshy: : 是有这种吧
22:47 ssssssssssssssss: : 唔…不太清楚…
22:47 ssssssssssssssss: : 没太见过……
22:47 sunshy: : 我说你的图。。。
22:47 ssssssssssssssss: : 哦哦,是有
22:47 sunshy: : 那4个note近一些 这样简单一点
22:47 ssssssssssssssss: : 当时我是想着做折线形做得
22:47 ssssssssssssssss: : 嗯好
22:48 ssssssssssssssss: : 是不是kiai段里面的那个
22:48 sunshy: : 似乎是?哪个是kiai段。。
22:48 sunshy: : 我不知道啥是kiai诶ww
22:48 ssssssssssssssss: : 是副歌里的吗?
22:49 ssssssssssssssss: : 刚才看了下好像Kiai
22:49 ssssssssssssssss: : 里没下…
22:49 sunshy: : 下了么?
22:49 sunshy: : 图载完了么
22:49 ssssssssssssssss: : 还有四分之一
22:49 sunshy: : 不着急ww
22:50 ssssssssssssssss: : 00:20:347 (1,2,3,4,5) -
22:50 ssssssssssssssss: : 你是不是说的这个?
22:50 ssssssssssssssss: : 点开edit后点开那个图能看到
22:50 sunshy: : 看到了
22:51 sunshy: : 好乱的样子..
22:51 sunshy: : 大概是这样
22:51 sunshy: : 近一点就好
22:51 ssssssssssssssss: : 好吧,我改改
22:51 ssssssssssssssss: : 嗯
22:51 sunshy: : 把难度主要放在几个梗上ww
22:51 ssssssssssssssss: : 嗯好
22:51 ssssssssssssssss: : 那00:27:681 (3,4,5,6) -
22:51 ssssssssssssssss: : 和
22:51 sunshy: : 这样可玩性会高些?呼呼
22:51 ssssssssssssssss: : 00:28:847 (2,3,4,5,6) - 是不是也要改 ?
22:52 sunshy: : 如果是W型的话我还是建议简单一点
22:52 sunshy: : 也可以换成梗啊什么的
22:52 ssssssssssssssss: : 嗯好
22:52 ssssssssssssssss: : 我试试吧X
22:52 ssssssssssssssss: : XD
22:52 sunshy: : 对了哦 这图还是要根据你的意愿做
22:53 ssssssssssssssss: : 图下好了~
22:53 ssssssssssssssss: : 我先打打看
22:53 sunshy: : 怎么掉了啊。。
22:53 sunshy: : 对了哦 这图还是要根据你的意愿做
22:53 sunshy: : 我的毕竟还是建议
22:53 ssssssssssssssss: : 嗯我明白
22:53 ssssssssssssssss: : 我会综合考虑的
22:53 sunshy: : 对嘛
22:54 ssssssssssssssss: : 刚才是为了换耳机所以重登了下
22:54 sunshy: : 换耳机为什么需要重登,。。
22:54 sunshy: : 你看咯 这个事lunatic
22:55 sunshy: : 比insane要难
22:55 sunshy: : 但是他也是主要难在几个梗上
22:55 sunshy: : 平时的单点note还是比较近的
22:55 sunshy: : 你这个是insane
22:55 sunshy: : 也许梗可以简单些
22:56 sunshy: : 这样打完也会更容易有成就感?www
22:56 ssssssssssssssss: : 我主要是不想做太无聊的图,想多一些变化
22:56 ssssssssssssssss: : Insane嘛…感觉最近的insane难度也提高了不少,这样应该也可以?
22:57 sunshy: : 可以咯
22:57 ssssssssssssssss: : 这个图的跳确实好
22:57 sunshy: : 我超喜欢~
22:57 ssssssssssssssss: : 虽然变化了距离但是可读
22:57 sunshy: : 最喜欢的跳图XD
22:57 ssssssssssssssss: : 我继续打完ww
22:57 ssssssssssssssss: : = =
22:58 sunshy: : 这个我也很难FC
23:00 ssssssssssssssss: : 哦哦
23:00 sunshy: : 我觉得是好图 所以推荐下
23:00 ssssssssssssssss: : 棒
23:00 sunshy: : 你喜欢跳图?
23:00 ssssssssssssssss: : 嗯,我会用作参考的w
23:00 ssssssssssssssss: : 嗯
23:00 ssssssssssssssss: : 比如说darknessangel的图
23:00 sunshy: : 还有一张更鬼畜些的
23:01 ssssssssssssssss: : 求
23:01 : *sunshy is listening to (Boom - How Do You Do (Nightcore Mix))[]
23:01 sunshy: : 这个到处都是梗
23:01 ssssssssssssssss: : 这个我下了~
23:01 sunshy: : 你可以参考
23:01 ssssssssssssssss: : 我看看
23:01 sunshy: : 下载了么?
23:01 ssssssssssssssss: : 这曲还是我刚玩那时下的…
23:01 ssssssssssssssss: : 一直没玩高难度
23:01 sunshy: : 我开了哟
23:02 sunshy: : 你先玩吧
23:02 ssssssssssssssss: : 嗯,好~
23:05 sunshy: : 看到了么,各种摆放方式~
23:05 ssssssssssssssss: : 虽然乱但是能感觉到下一个出现在什么地方
23:05 ssssssssssssssss: : 嗯
23:05 ssssssssssssssss: : 很厉害的效果
23:05 sunshy: : 这两张图评分是9.3 9.5
23:05 sunshy: : 很不错了呢ww
23:06 ssssssssssssssss: : 是w
23:06 sunshy: : 还有最后一张~
23:06 sunshy: : 这张风格和前两个不同
23:06 ssssssssssssssss: : 好
23:06 : *sunshy is listening to (Hatsune Miku - NicoNico Rhapsody)[]
23:06 sunshy: : 1个月前我一直在打这个ww
23:06 ssssssssssssssss: : 嗯,正在下
23:06 sunshy: : 这个主要是大跳~比较简单的大跳
Amethyst Wolf
re-mod from pm.

我不是一個好modder, 所以我的mod未必能幫到你什麼.
如果我句未打了 "?" , 你可以無視揖.
如果我句未打了 "." , 請認真考慮這個建議.
如果我句未打了 (FF), 這表事 "也要注意以後的notes的位置, 比如distance什麼的."

- 基於你是remap, 我會重新MOD你的EASY.
- Hitsound 好像有點小...不多用用clap嗎?

00:11:681 (1,1,1,1,1,1) - 你是想做正方形嗎? 做正方形我有一個方法.
首先這樣做一個正方形 :

然後選擇想改變角度的note, 再按ctrl+shift+r.
00:56:347 (4) - Easy最好不要有多次折返...新手好像會讀不明白
01:05:681 (3) - 拉至01:06:347? 要不然感覺有點怪

- alright

01:07:014 (1) - New combo?
Topic Starter

sunshy wrote:

nothing here
22:45 sunshy: : 好咯
22:45 sunshy: : 就是说,整体难度降低,局部多加几个梗
22:45 sunshy: : 个人意见啦www
22:45 ssssssssssssssss: : 嗯
22:45 sunshy: : 我没做过mod 都是乱说xD
22:45 ssssssssssssssss: : 方不方便说得具体点?
22:46 sunshy: : 我给你看张图
22:46 ssssssssssssssss: : 没事,你的意见很重要
22:46 ssssssssssssssss: : 嗯好
22:46 : *sunshy is listening to (ALiCE'S EMOTiON - Colors)[]
22:46 sunshy: : 我觉得这个图超好的
22:46 sunshy: : 就算不能FC也很有趣ww
22:46 sunshy: : 跳图
22:46 ssssssssssssssss: : 嗯,开始下了
22:46 sunshy: : W形的4连+一个滑条
22:46 sunshy: : 是有这种吧
22:47 ssssssssssssssss: : 唔…不太清楚…
22:47 ssssssssssssssss: : 没太见过……
22:47 sunshy: : 我说你的图。。。
22:47 ssssssssssssssss: : 哦哦,是有
22:47 sunshy: : 那4个note近一些 这样简单一点
22:47 ssssssssssssssss: : 当时我是想着做折线形做得
22:47 ssssssssssssssss: : 嗯好
22:48 ssssssssssssssss: : 是不是kiai段里面的那个
22:48 sunshy: : 似乎是?哪个是kiai段。。
22:48 sunshy: : 我不知道啥是kiai诶ww
22:48 ssssssssssssssss: : 是副歌里的吗?
22:49 ssssssssssssssss: : 刚才看了下好像Kiai
22:49 ssssssssssssssss: : 里没下…
22:49 sunshy: : 下了么?
22:49 sunshy: : 图载完了么
22:49 ssssssssssssssss: : 还有四分之一
22:49 sunshy: : 不着急ww
22:50 ssssssssssssssss: : 00:20:347 (1,2,3,4,5) -
22:50 ssssssssssssssss: : 你是不是说的这个?
22:50 ssssssssssssssss: : 点开edit后点开那个图能看到
22:50 sunshy: : 看到了
22:51 sunshy: : 好乱的样子..
22:51 sunshy: : 大概是这样
22:51 sunshy: : 近一点就好
22:51 ssssssssssssssss: : 好吧,我改改
22:51 ssssssssssssssss: : 嗯
22:51 sunshy: : 把难度主要放在几个梗上ww
22:51 ssssssssssssssss: : 嗯好
22:51 ssssssssssssssss: : 那00:27:681 (3,4,5,6) -
22:51 ssssssssssssssss: : 和
22:51 sunshy: : 这样可玩性会高些?呼呼
22:51 ssssssssssssssss: : 00:28:847 (2,3,4,5,6) - 是不是也要改 ?
22:52 sunshy: : 如果是W型的话我还是建议简单一点
22:52 sunshy: : 也可以换成梗啊什么的
22:52 ssssssssssssssss: : 嗯好
22:52 ssssssssssssssss: : 我试试吧X
22:52 ssssssssssssssss: : XD
22:52 sunshy: : 对了哦 这图还是要根据你的意愿做
22:53 ssssssssssssssss: : 图下好了~
22:53 ssssssssssssssss: : 我先打打看
22:53 sunshy: : 怎么掉了啊。。
22:53 sunshy: : 对了哦 这图还是要根据你的意愿做
22:53 sunshy: : 我的毕竟还是建议
22:53 ssssssssssssssss: : 嗯我明白
22:53 ssssssssssssssss: : 我会综合考虑的
22:53 sunshy: : 对嘛
22:54 ssssssssssssssss: : 刚才是为了换耳机所以重登了下
22:54 sunshy: : 换耳机为什么需要重登,。。
22:54 sunshy: : 你看咯 这个事lunatic
22:55 sunshy: : 比insane要难
22:55 sunshy: : 但是他也是主要难在几个梗上
22:55 sunshy: : 平时的单点note还是比较近的
22:55 sunshy: : 你这个是insane
22:55 sunshy: : 也许梗可以简单些
22:56 sunshy: : 这样打完也会更容易有成就感?www
22:56 ssssssssssssssss: : 我主要是不想做太无聊的图,想多一些变化
22:56 ssssssssssssssss: : Insane嘛…感觉最近的insane难度也提高了不少,这样应该也可以?
22:57 sunshy: : 可以咯
22:57 ssssssssssssssss: : 这个图的跳确实好
22:57 sunshy: : 我超喜欢~
22:57 ssssssssssssssss: : 虽然变化了距离但是可读
22:57 sunshy: : 最喜欢的跳图XD
22:57 ssssssssssssssss: : 我继续打完ww
22:57 ssssssssssssssss: : = =
22:58 sunshy: : 这个我也很难FC
23:00 ssssssssssssssss: : 哦哦
23:00 sunshy: : 我觉得是好图 所以推荐下
23:00 ssssssssssssssss: : 棒
23:00 sunshy: : 你喜欢跳图?
23:00 ssssssssssssssss: : 嗯,我会用作参考的w
23:00 ssssssssssssssss: : 嗯
23:00 ssssssssssssssss: : 比如说darknessangel的图
23:00 sunshy: : 还有一张更鬼畜些的
23:01 ssssssssssssssss: : 求
23:01 : *sunshy is listening to (Boom - How Do You Do (Nightcore Mix))[]
23:01 sunshy: : 这个到处都是梗
23:01 ssssssssssssssss: : 这个我下了~
23:01 sunshy: : 你可以参考
23:01 ssssssssssssssss: : 我看看
23:01 sunshy: : 下载了么?
23:01 ssssssssssssssss: : 这曲还是我刚玩那时下的…
23:01 ssssssssssssssss: : 一直没玩高难度
23:01 sunshy: : 我开了哟
23:02 sunshy: : 你先玩吧
23:02 ssssssssssssssss: : 嗯,好~
23:05 sunshy: : 看到了么,各种摆放方式~
23:05 ssssssssssssssss: : 虽然乱但是能感觉到下一个出现在什么地方
23:05 ssssssssssssssss: : 嗯
23:05 ssssssssssssssss: : 很厉害的效果
23:05 sunshy: : 这两张图评分是9.3 9.5
23:05 sunshy: : 很不错了呢ww
23:06 ssssssssssssssss: : 是w
23:06 sunshy: : 还有最后一张~
23:06 sunshy: : 这张风格和前两个不同
23:06 ssssssssssssssss: : 好
23:06 : *sunshy is listening to (Hatsune Miku - NicoNico Rhapsody)[]
23:06 sunshy: : 1个月前我一直在打这个ww
23:06 ssssssssssssssss: : 嗯,正在下
23:06 sunshy: : 这个主要是大跳~比较简单的大跳

thanks for your in-game mod~
Here's a general mod.
First of all; Nice name.

The timing seems off, I guess you should move it to 380.
Rename your Insane diff for Hard

don't kudo this, please.
Topic Starter

Amethyst Wolf wrote:

re-mod from pm.

我不是一個好modder, 所以我的mod未必能幫到你什麼.
如果我句未打了 "?" , 你可以無視揖.
如果我句未打了 "." , 請認真考慮這個建議.
如果我句未打了 (FF), 這表事 "也要注意以後的notes的位置, 比如distance什麼的."

- 基於你是remap, 我會重新MOD你的EASY.
- Hitsound 好像有點小...不多用用clap嗎? 感觉clap音效和这个曲子不太合…正在找合适的音效

00:11:681 (1,1,1,1,1,1) - 你是想做正方形嗎? 做正方形我有一個方法.
首先這樣做一個正方形 :

然後選擇想改變角度的note, 再按ctrl+shift+r.
00:56:347 (4) - Easy最好不要有多次折返...新手好像會讀不明白
01:05:681 (3) - 拉至01:06:347? 要不然感覺有點怪
- alright

01:07:014 (1) - New combo?


Topic Starter

Gabe wrote:

Here's a general mod.
First of all; Nice name. XD

The timing seems off, I guess you should move it to 380.
Rename your Insane diff for Hard

don't kudo this, please.
Thans for your mod
About timing section,I have changed it many time and now I think 348 is just OK,I have use 380 before and I don't feel good about that.I asked other players to try and they also feel the offset right now is better
As for diff name, I think there is a not small distance in difficulty between my normal and insane diffs,so I think insane fits it just well.
最好做完整版,如果只做这么多标题加个short ver
00:31:514 这个note摆到正中间比较好一点
00:34:475 - 00:34:874 这五个摆个五边形比较方便读图
00:36:347 - 00:37:181 这两组折返点靠的这么近会造成读图不方便,很容易miss,这里你特意关掉了distanse snap,其实没必要关掉,蓝色那组(1,3)水平放在绿色(1,3)那组右侧,构成一个比较规则的楼梯状就行了
00:39:347 同理,靠近了不易于读图,相反放远点到问题不大
00:45:681 这个拉的正一些
00:51:847 这个note3靠note2近一点,让note3和4之间形成一点角度比较好跳
Topic Starter

angelfix wrote:

最好做完整版,如果只做这么多标题加个short ver 新规不让这么做了QAQ t/89198
insane我认为略简单,因为各种参数设的不高,而且没有跳和连打,所以改成hard比较舒服,而且nomal直接跳到insane难度是不让rank的,如果是hard的话DS设到1.6可能略高, hard我也尝试做了,但是技术太渣找不到合适的安排,其实我觉得这图对于hard来说太难了,如果起hard的话对新人来说有点坑= =把insane改个名符合rank标准吗?

00:31:514 这个note摆到正中间比较好一点 说得是,已改
00:34:475 - 00:34:874 这五个摆个五边形比较方便读图 这个是我整张图中难得的比较有自信的地方…自己测试的时候特别顺手,找别人试的时候也基本没在这里出过问题。所以我想保留XD
00:36:347 - 00:37:181 这两组折返点靠的这么近会造成读图不方便,很容易miss,这里你特意关掉了distanse snap,其实没必要关掉,蓝色那组(1,3)水平放在绿色(1,3)那组右侧,构成一个比较规则的楼梯状就行了 确实,现在我拉开了一些距离
00:39:347 同理,靠近了不易于读图,相反放远点到问题不大 确实
00:45:681 这个拉的正一些 好的w
00:51:847 这个note3靠note2近一点,让note3和4之间形成一点角度比较好跳 好的XD

ssssssssssssssss wrote:

angelfix wrote:

最好做完整版,如果只做这么多标题加个short ver 新规不让这么做了QAQ t/89198
insane我认为略简单,因为各种参数设的不高,而且没有跳和连打,所以改成hard比较舒服,而且nomal直接跳到insane难度是不让rank的,如果是hard的话DS设到1.6可能略高, hard我也尝试做了,但是技术太渣找不到合适的安排,其实我觉得这图对于hard来说太难了,如果起hard的话对新人来说有点坑= =把insane改个名符合rank标准吗?

00:31:514 这个note摆到正中间比较好一点 说得是,已改
00:34:475 - 00:34:874 这五个摆个五边形比较方便读图 这个是我整张图中难得的比较有自信的地方…自己测试的时候特别顺手,找别人试的时候也基本没在这里出过问题。所以我想保留XD
00:36:347 - 00:37:181 这两组折返点靠的这么近会造成读图不方便,很容易miss,这里你特意关掉了distanse snap,其实没必要关掉,蓝色那组(1,3)水平放在绿色(1,3)那组右侧,构成一个比较规则的楼梯状就行了 确实,现在我拉开了一些距离
00:39:347 同理,靠近了不易于读图,相反放远点到问题不大 确实
00:45:681 这个拉的正一些 好的w
00:51:847 这个note3靠note2近一点,让note3和4之间形成一点角度比较好跳 好的XD
f e a r
Hi n_n m4m

CXu will mod after changes have been applied.

I think you need to use Grid Level 4, some of the notes are really irregularily placed. Editor -> View -> Grid Level -> Level 4
Distance snap would be a good idea to use aswell, some of the notes have an unnatural spacing.

00:11:014 - Note for sake of rhythm?
00:21:347 - unsnapped inheriting section
00:48:014 - ^
00:01:014 (2) - add clap on this, and keep adding clap on every 5th or 10th white tick in 1/1.

00:48:347 (1) - Spacing
00:01:014 (3) - add clap on this, and keep adding clap on every 5th or 10th white tick in 1/1.
00:48:181 - unsnapped inheriting section

00:21:514 (7) - Overlap, maybe try blanketting it?
01:02:348 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - I think you could make this prettier.
01:11:597 (5) - This is on a blue tick. Shorten it and move it one tick forward.

All in all a decent mapset, I think you should use hitsounds a bit more. Send me a PM if you'd like me to help with the hitsounds, and take another look at it, but for now just remember to use distance snap.
23:32 ssssssssssssssss: : 嘿~
23:32 ssssssssssssssss: : 现在有空吗!
23:32 ssssssssssssssss: : ~
23:32 Banana: : 嗯在看你的图
23:32 ssssssssssssssss: : 哦哦~
23:32 ssssssssssssssss: : 我今天一天在家坑音效
23:33 ssssssssssssssss: : 结果该来该去坑出来个奇怪的东西
23:33 Banana: : 那个
23:33 Banana: : clap一般用于固定节奏
23:33 ssssssssssssssss: : soga
23:33 ssssssssssssssss: : 我最后把clap音效给改了= =
23:34 Banana: : 一般在24clap的基础上用whistle来创造变化
23:34 ssssssssssssssss: : 嗯,一开始我也那样做了
23:34 ssssssssssssssss: : 结果后来又改成了其他的东西
23:34 ssssssssssssssss: : 我现在是上传
23:34 Banana: : whistle觉得不好听可以自定义嘛
23:34 Banana: : 哦哦.
23:35 ssssssssssssssss: : 嗯=w=
23:35 ssssssssssssssss: : 等会= =
23:35 Banana: : 咦 这边没更新.
23:35 Banana: : 没传是吧- -
23:35 ssssssssssssssss: : 我觉得现在这个版本不太好,想重新下一个备份
23:35 ssssssssssssssss: : 原来的版本也保存一份
23:35 Banana: : 哦哦
23:35 Banana: : 好习惯
23:36 ssssssssssssssss: : w
23:37 ssssssssssssssss: : 这次因为改了音效所以要full submission
23:37 ssssssssssssssss: : 可能要费电时间
23:37 ssssssssssssssss: : 点
23:37 Banana: : 哦哦
23:37 Banana: : 一般叫加了个音效文件
23:38 Banana: : 差点吐槽说改个音效干嘛fullsub..
23:38 ssssssssssssssss: : 嗯,这样说确实准确= =
23:38 Banana: : (我又强迫症 不要在意
23:38 Banana: : 有*
23:39 ssssssssssssssss: : 没事w
23:39 Banana: : XD
23:39 ssssssssssssssss: : 虽说我对这个版本不太满意,不过还是花了相当长的时间的…所以还是比较有自信的一个…
23:40 ssssssssssssssss: : 好矛盾…
23:40 ssssssssssssssss: : 嘛安啦到时你看了就知道了w
23:40 Banana: : 第一张图肯定时间长嘛
23:40 Banana: : 我第一张坑了几十个小时进去
23:40 Banana: : 不过是长图4分钟
23:40 Banana: : 短坑好
23:40 ssssssssssssssss: : 我也是天天每天上osu就是红色状态= =
23:41 ssssssssssssssss: :
23:41 ssssssssssssssss: : 好了
23:41 Banana: : edit界面熟悉了就好了
23:41 Banana: : ok
23:43 : *Banana is listening to (DECO*27 - Kyou Umareru Kimi Ashita Umareru Boku)[]
23:44 ssssssssssssssss: : 这样听果然觉得好奇怪…
23:45 Banana: : 音效加的还不错 不过选的有点不自然
23:45 ssssssssssssssss: : 嗯…翻了djpop的几首歌和lks的音效包选出来得
23:46 ssssssssssssssss: : 感觉寻找适合的音效很困难= =
23:46 Banana: : 不过一般自行发挥的是whistle 呐 这个不改也行
23:46 Banana: : 现在音效缺个固定节奏的
23:47 ssssssssssssssss: : 怎么说?
23:47 ssssssssssssssss: : 固定节奏?
23:47 Banana: : 嘛 我的第一张图就被MAT戳跑 说clap乱下
23:48 ssssssssssssssss: : = =
23:48 ssssssssssssssss: : 我看了贴吧的某帖子
23:48 ssssssssssssssss: : 上面也介绍了一些方法
23:48 Banana: : 哦哦
23:48 ssssssssssssssss: : 但是对于这个曲本身就有了一个节奏型
23:49 ssssssssssssssss: : 我是说歌曲给的那个节奏型
23:49 ssssssssssssssss: : 所以我就照着那个做了
23:49 Banana: : 哦
23:49 Banana: : 等我看下
23:49 ssssssssssssssss: : 然后其他的地方偶尔发挥下
23:51 Banana: : 电脑上有cooledit吗?
23:51 ssssssssssssssss: : 没有
23:51 ssssssssssssssss: : 我去下
23:51 Banana: : 哦哦
23:52 Banana: : 音量显得有点大了
23:52 ssssssssssssssss: : 嗯嗯
23:54 Banana: : (我还是说点排列上的事情吧
23:54 ssssssssssssssss: : 嗯好~
23:55 Banana: : 音效是辅修
23:55 ssssssssssssssss: : 嗯嗯
23:55 Banana: : 00:05:014 (1) - 这里跳了
23:55 Banana: : 于是我就觉得00:02:347 (7) - 也该跳
23:55 ssssssssssssssss: : 我看看
23:56 Banana: : (点这个时间就可以跳的 应该知道了吧
23:56 ssssssssssssssss: : 嗯,知道
23:56 Banana: : 嗯
23:56 ssssssssssssssss: : 这个
23:56 ssssssssssssssss: : 背景有个不知道是木琴还是什么琴的音
23:56 ssssssssssssssss: : 然后在00:05:014 (1) - 时
23:56 ssssssssssssssss: : 这个音是上行的
23:57 ssssssssssssssss: : 所以我想用跳来强调下
23:57 Banana: : 哦哦
23:57 Banana: : 但是就节奏来说 他们是相同的
23:57 ssssssssssssssss: : 对
23:57 Banana: : 所以这边也可以放跳
23:58 ssssssssssssssss: : 但我听的时候感觉不太一样……
23:58 Banana: : 而且我觉得效果还不错
23:58 Banana: : 嘛 map做出来是为了打的爽嘛
23:58 ssssssssssssssss: : 玩的时候有读图障碍吗?
23:58 ssssssssssssssss: : 嗯确实
23:58 Banana: : 没
23:58 ssssssssssssssss: : 那就好w
23:59 ssssssssssssssss: : 说道跳,我还想问几个问题……
23:59 Banana: : 嗯
23:59 ssssssssssssssss: : 这图的00:28:847 (2,3) -
23:59 ssssssssssssssss: : 我为了不和滑调重叠做成了跳
00:00 ssssssssssssssss: : 这样玩起来感觉怎么样?
00:00 Banana: : 这样处理很正常
00:00 Banana: : 很多图都这样用
00:00 ssssssssssssssss: : 哦哦~
00:01 Banana: : 因为打起来没感觉..
00:01 ssssssssssssssss: : 那就好
00:01 ssssssssssssssss: : 还有在副歌部分
00:01 ssssssssssssssss: : 我间距从1.4调到了1.7
00:01 ssssssssssssssss: : 这样排列起来就比较麻烦
00:02 ssssssssssssssss: : 做着做着就到边了…
00:02 Banana: : 咦
00:02 Banana: : 副歌 我看下
00:02 ssssssssssssssss: : 所以排出来比较乱
00:02 ssssssssssssssss: : 主要是kiai部分
00:02 Banana: : 嗯 有的地方角度很大
00:02 Banana: : 00:50:014 (5,6,7) -
00:03 ssssssssssssssss: : 嗯,这个我自己也觉得比较丑…
00:04 Banana: : 排列是经验问题 不一定要再回到中间去嘛
00:04 ssssssssssssssss: : w
00:04 ssssssssssssssss: : 也是
00:04 ssssssssssssssss: : cooledit下好了
00:05 Banana: : 嗯 用过?
00:05 ssssssssssssssss: : 没
00:05 Banana: : 嘛 就改个音量
00:05 ssssssssssssssss: : 改normal的底音音量?
00:05 Banana: : 以后最多也就截个MP3文件
00:06 Banana: : emm...一直都是用100%的音量吗..
00:06 ssssssssssssssss: : 对,因为我觉得背景音量一直很大
00:07 ssssssssssssssss: : 音量方面需要改么?
00:07 Banana: : 大概改成60吧 这样clap的鼓声大概就合适了
00:08 ssssssssssssssss: : 我试试
00:08 Banana: : 然后调hitnormal的音量
00:08 Banana: : hitnormal应该能找到的
00:08 ssssssssssssssss: : 嗯
00:09 Banana: : 音量多大自己把握下
00:09 ssssssssssssssss: : = =
00:09 ssssssssssssssss: : 好
00:09 ssssssssssssssss: : 回头我看看教程学学这软件…
00:09 ssssssssssssssss: : 现在先把mod内容讲完?
00:09 Banana: : 嗯嗯
00:10 Banana: : 00:19:014 (6,7,8,9,1,2,3,4,5,6) - 我想说下这个。
00:10 ssssssssssssssss: : 嗯
00:10 Banana: : 之前也说了视觉暂留什么的
00:10 ssssssssssssssss: : 对
00:10 Banana: : 这样这一串就感觉窝在中间
00:11 Banana: : 其实可以把向左的滑条摆到游戏界面上部分 向右的圈摆到下面
00:11 Banana: : 绕场一周
00:11 ssssssssssssssss: : 不太懂……
00:12 Banana: : 嘛 等我截个图
00:12 ssssssssssssssss: : 嗯好
00:13 Banana: :
00:14 ssssssssssssssss: : 图刷的有点慢,等下…
00:15 Banana: : 哦 我先说两句好了 排列最好把屏幕各个地方都照顾到 不然显得放不开
00:15 ssssssssssssssss: : 嗯
00:15 ssssssssssssssss: : 以后注意
00:16 Banana: : 嗯 最简单的话 是绕圈圈style
00:16 ssssssssssssssss: : 是w
00:16 Banana: : 打图的时候注意一下会发现好多图都这样
00:16 ssssssssssssssss: : 嗯
00:17 Banana: : 大概就这些 图刷好了?
00:17 ssssssssssssssss: : 没…好像抽了
00:17 Banana: : 噗..
00:17 ssssssssssssssss: : 换浏览器也不行
00:18 Banana: : puush用不了很麻烦》。
00:18 Banana: : qq发给你好了
00:20 Banana: : 卡掉了。。
00:20 ssssssssssssssss: : = =
00:20 Banana: : 还是打不开?
00:20 ssssssssssssssss: : 好像是
00:21 ssssssssssssssss: : 还是正在载入
00:21 Banana: : 加q发给你好了
00:21 ssssssssssssssss: : 嗯w
00:21 ssssssssssssssss: : 谢了~
00:22 Banana: : qq?
00:22 ssssssssssssssss: : 494922269
00:27 Banana: : 00:23:347 (7,8,9,10) -
00:28 Banana: : 左边显得空
00:28 ssssssssssssssss: : 我觉得还好…
00:29 Banana: : 嘛
00:29 ssssssssssssssss: : 我试试别的编排
00:29 ssssssssssssssss: : 话说
00:29 Banana: : 00:23:681 (8) - 和00:22:681 (3,4) - overlap看着不爽
00:29 ssssssssssssssss: : soft段里的clap音效加得是不是有点多余?
00:29 Banana: : 00:22:681 (3,4) -
00:30 Banana: : 就听着来说还行
00:30 ssssssssssssssss: : 如果把这些完全重叠会不会好点?
00:31 Banana: : 音量改了应该会好点
00:31 Banana: : 嘛 等看下
00:31 ssssssssssssssss: : 嗯
00:31 Banana: : 00:22:681 (3,4) - 如果完全重叠 这个就得是1*的ds了
00:31 Banana: : 效果估计不好
00:37 ssssssssssssssss: : 干脆改成竖的算了= =
00:37 Banana: : 横的竖的不要紧
00:38 ssssssssssssssss: : 还有别的需要改的吗?
00:39 Banana: : 嘛 现在你自己对排列应该有点感觉了
00:39 ssssssssssssssss: : 差不多w
00:39 ssssssssssssssss: : 不过自己看自己的图总是有种不放心的感觉
00:40 Banana: : 嗯 自己先试着修修 修完可以再找我
00:40 ssssssssssssssss: : 其实我现在不知道是该remap一遍好还是就保持这样小修补一下就可以了
00:40 Banana: : 嘛 心里没底很正常
00:40 ssssssssssssssss: : 嗯好
00:40 Banana: : 节奏没问题的话 叫remap有点过分.
00:41 Banana: : 如果改排列是"小修补一下"那就这样办好了
00:41 ssssssssssssssss: : =w=我的意思是从头到尾改一遍
00:41 Banana: : XD
00:42 Banana: : 嘛 其实remap是新手rank图的必经阶段 至少大部分都有
00:42 ssssssssssssssss: : 嗯w
00:42 ssssssssssssssss: : 我再努力改改吧
00:43 Banana: : 嗯
00:43 ssssssssssssssss: : 今天有点困了,我先睡了…明天再继续
00:43 Banana: : 哦哦 晚安
00:43 ssssssssssssssss: : 去这图的帖子里发个帖吧,我好给kd
00:43 Banana: : ok
Topic Starter

f e a r wrote:

Hi n_n m4m

CXu will mod after changes have been applied.

I think you need to use Grid Level 4, some of the notes are really irregularily placed. Editor -> View -> Grid Level -> Level 4
Distance snap would be a good idea to use aswell, some of the notes have an unnatural spacing.

00:11:014 - Note for sake of rhythm? i
00:21:347 - unsnapped inheriting section fixed
00:48:014 - ^ fixed
00:01:014 (2) - add clap on this, and keep adding clap on every 5th or 10th white tick in 1/1.
fixed in a custom hitsound

00:48:347 (1) - Spacing fixed
00:01:014 (3) - add clap on this, and keep adding clap on every 5th or 10th white tick in 1/1. fixed in other way
00:48:181 - unsnapped inheriting section fixed

00:21:514 (7) - Overlap, maybe try blanketting it? fixed it by adjust notes' setting
01:02:348 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - I think you could make this prettier. done
01:11:597 (5) - This is on a blue tick. Shorten it and move it one tick forward. done

All in all a decent mapset, I think you should use hitsounds a bit more. Send me a PM if you'd like me to help with the hitsounds, and take another look at it, but for now just remember to use distance snap.i added hitsounds,and resnaped all notes,and hope it will work
thanks your mod~since i still have some problem about hitsounds,i will call you back later
Topic Starter

Banana wrote:

23:32 ssssssssssssssss: : 嘿~
23:32 ssssssssssssssss: : 现在有空吗!
23:32 ssssssssssssssss: : ~
23:32 Banana: : 嗯在看你的图
23:32 ssssssssssssssss: : 哦哦~
23:32 ssssssssssssssss: : 我今天一天在家坑音效
23:33 ssssssssssssssss: : 结果该来该去坑出来个奇怪的东西
23:33 Banana: : 那个
23:33 Banana: : clap一般用于固定节奏
23:33 ssssssssssssssss: : soga
23:33 ssssssssssssssss: : 我最后把clap音效给改了= =
23:34 Banana: : 一般在24clap的基础上用whistle来创造变化
23:34 ssssssssssssssss: : 嗯,一开始我也那样做了
23:34 ssssssssssssssss: : 结果后来又改成了其他的东西
23:34 ssssssssssssssss: : 我现在是上传
23:34 Banana: : whistle觉得不好听可以自定义嘛
23:34 Banana: : 哦哦.
23:35 ssssssssssssssss: : 嗯=w=
23:35 ssssssssssssssss: : 等会= =
23:35 Banana: : 咦 这边没更新.
23:35 Banana: : 没传是吧- -
23:35 ssssssssssssssss: : 我觉得现在这个版本不太好,想重新下一个备份
23:35 ssssssssssssssss: : 原来的版本也保存一份
23:35 Banana: : 哦哦
23:35 Banana: : 好习惯
23:36 ssssssssssssssss: : w
23:37 ssssssssssssssss: : 这次因为改了音效所以要full submission
23:37 ssssssssssssssss: : 可能要费电时间
23:37 ssssssssssssssss: : 点
23:37 Banana: : 哦哦
23:37 Banana: : 一般叫加了个音效文件
23:38 Banana: : 差点吐槽说改个音效干嘛fullsub..
23:38 ssssssssssssssss: : 嗯,这样说确实准确= =
23:38 Banana: : (我又强迫症 不要在意
23:38 Banana: : 有*
23:39 ssssssssssssssss: : 没事w
23:39 Banana: : XD
23:39 ssssssssssssssss: : 虽说我对这个版本不太满意,不过还是花了相当长的时间的…所以还是比较有自信的一个…
23:40 ssssssssssssssss: : 好矛盾…
23:40 ssssssssssssssss: : 嘛安啦到时你看了就知道了w
23:40 Banana: : 第一张图肯定时间长嘛
23:40 Banana: : 我第一张坑了几十个小时进去
23:40 Banana: : 不过是长图4分钟
23:40 Banana: : 短坑好
23:40 ssssssssssssssss: : 我也是天天每天上osu就是红色状态= =
23:41 ssssssssssssssss: :
23:41 ssssssssssssssss: : 好了
23:41 Banana: : edit界面熟悉了就好了
23:41 Banana: : ok
23:43 : *Banana is listening to (DECO*27 - Kyou Umareru Kimi Ashita Umareru Boku)[]
23:44 ssssssssssssssss: : 这样听果然觉得好奇怪…
23:45 Banana: : 音效加的还不错 不过选的有点不自然
23:45 ssssssssssssssss: : 嗯…翻了djpop的几首歌和lks的音效包选出来得
23:46 ssssssssssssssss: : 感觉寻找适合的音效很困难= =
23:46 Banana: : 不过一般自行发挥的是whistle 呐 这个不改也行
23:46 Banana: : 现在音效缺个固定节奏的
23:47 ssssssssssssssss: : 怎么说?
23:47 ssssssssssssssss: : 固定节奏?
23:47 Banana: : 嘛 我的第一张图就被MAT戳跑 说clap乱下
23:48 ssssssssssssssss: : = =
23:48 ssssssssssssssss: : 我看了贴吧的某帖子
23:48 ssssssssssssssss: : 上面也介绍了一些方法
23:48 Banana: : 哦哦
23:48 ssssssssssssssss: : 但是对于这个曲本身就有了一个节奏型
23:49 ssssssssssssssss: : 我是说歌曲给的那个节奏型
23:49 ssssssssssssssss: : 所以我就照着那个做了
23:49 Banana: : 哦
23:49 Banana: : 等我看下
23:49 ssssssssssssssss: : 然后其他的地方偶尔发挥下
23:51 Banana: : 电脑上有cooledit吗?
23:51 ssssssssssssssss: : 没有
23:51 ssssssssssssssss: : 我去下
23:51 Banana: : 哦哦
23:52 Banana: : 音量显得有点大了
23:52 ssssssssssssssss: : 嗯嗯
23:54 Banana: : (我还是说点排列上的事情吧
23:54 ssssssssssssssss: : 嗯好~
23:55 Banana: : 音效是辅修
23:55 ssssssssssssssss: : 嗯嗯
23:55 Banana: : 00:05:014 (1) - 这里跳了
23:55 Banana: : 于是我就觉得00:02:347 (7) - 也该跳
23:55 ssssssssssssssss: : 我看看
23:56 Banana: : (点这个时间就可以跳的 应该知道了吧
23:56 ssssssssssssssss: : 嗯,知道
23:56 Banana: : 嗯
23:56 ssssssssssssssss: : 这个
23:56 ssssssssssssssss: : 背景有个不知道是木琴还是什么琴的音
23:56 ssssssssssssssss: : 然后在00:05:014 (1) - 时
23:56 ssssssssssssssss: : 这个音是上行的
23:57 ssssssssssssssss: : 所以我想用跳来强调下
23:57 Banana: : 哦哦
23:57 Banana: : 但是就节奏来说 他们是相同的
23:57 ssssssssssssssss: : 对
23:57 Banana: : 所以这边也可以放跳
23:58 ssssssssssssssss: : 但我听的时候感觉不太一样……
23:58 Banana: : 而且我觉得效果还不错
23:58 Banana: : 嘛 map做出来是为了打的爽嘛
23:58 ssssssssssssssss: : 玩的时候有读图障碍吗?
23:58 ssssssssssssssss: : 嗯确实
23:58 Banana: : 没
23:58 ssssssssssssssss: : 那就好w
23:59 ssssssssssssssss: : 说道跳,我还想问几个问题……
23:59 Banana: : 嗯
23:59 ssssssssssssssss: : 这图的00:28:847 (2,3) -
23:59 ssssssssssssssss: : 我为了不和滑调重叠做成了跳
00:00 ssssssssssssssss: : 这样玩起来感觉怎么样?
00:00 Banana: : 这样处理很正常
00:00 Banana: : 很多图都这样用
00:00 ssssssssssssssss: : 哦哦~
00:01 Banana: : 因为打起来没感觉..
00:01 ssssssssssssssss: : 那就好
00:01 ssssssssssssssss: : 还有在副歌部分
00:01 ssssssssssssssss: : 我间距从1.4调到了1.7
00:01 ssssssssssssssss: : 这样排列起来就比较麻烦
00:02 ssssssssssssssss: : 做着做着就到边了…
00:02 Banana: : 咦
00:02 Banana: : 副歌 我看下
00:02 ssssssssssssssss: : 所以排出来比较乱
00:02 ssssssssssssssss: : 主要是kiai部分
00:02 Banana: : 嗯 有的地方角度很大
00:02 Banana: : 00:50:014 (5,6,7) -
00:03 ssssssssssssssss: : 嗯,这个我自己也觉得比较丑…
00:04 Banana: : 排列是经验问题 不一定要再回到中间去嘛
00:04 ssssssssssssssss: : w
00:04 ssssssssssssssss: : 也是
00:04 ssssssssssssssss: : cooledit下好了
00:05 Banana: : 嗯 用过?
00:05 ssssssssssssssss: : 没
00:05 Banana: : 嘛 就改个音量
00:05 ssssssssssssssss: : 改normal的底音音量?
00:05 Banana: : 以后最多也就截个MP3文件
00:06 Banana: : emm...一直都是用100%的音量吗..
00:06 ssssssssssssssss: : 对,因为我觉得背景音量一直很大
00:07 ssssssssssssssss: : 音量方面需要改么?
00:07 Banana: : 大概改成60吧 这样clap的鼓声大概就合适了
00:08 ssssssssssssssss: : 我试试
00:08 Banana: : 然后调hitnormal的音量
00:08 Banana: : hitnormal应该能找到的
00:08 ssssssssssssssss: : 嗯
00:09 Banana: : 音量多大自己把握下
00:09 ssssssssssssssss: : = =
00:09 ssssssssssssssss: : 好
00:09 ssssssssssssssss: : 回头我看看教程学学这软件…
00:09 ssssssssssssssss: : 现在先把mod内容讲完?
00:09 Banana: : 嗯嗯
00:10 Banana: : 00:19:014 (6,7,8,9,1,2,3,4,5,6) - 我想说下这个。
00:10 ssssssssssssssss: : 嗯
00:10 Banana: : 之前也说了视觉暂留什么的
00:10 ssssssssssssssss: : 对
00:10 Banana: : 这样这一串就感觉窝在中间
00:11 Banana: : 其实可以把向左的滑条摆到游戏界面上部分 向右的圈摆到下面
00:11 Banana: : 绕场一周
00:11 ssssssssssssssss: : 不太懂……
00:12 Banana: : 嘛 等我截个图
00:12 ssssssssssssssss: : 嗯好
00:13 Banana: :
00:14 ssssssssssssssss: : 图刷的有点慢,等下…
00:15 Banana: : 哦 我先说两句好了 排列最好把屏幕各个地方都照顾到 不然显得放不开
00:15 ssssssssssssssss: : 嗯
00:15 ssssssssssssssss: : 以后注意
00:16 Banana: : 嗯 最简单的话 是绕圈圈style
00:16 ssssssssssssssss: : 是w
00:16 Banana: : 打图的时候注意一下会发现好多图都这样
00:16 ssssssssssssssss: : 嗯
00:17 Banana: : 大概就这些 图刷好了?
00:17 ssssssssssssssss: : 没…好像抽了
00:17 Banana: : 噗..
00:17 ssssssssssssssss: : 换浏览器也不行
00:18 Banana: : puush用不了很麻烦》。
00:18 Banana: : qq发给你好了
00:20 Banana: : 卡掉了。。
00:20 ssssssssssssssss: : = =
00:20 Banana: : 还是打不开?
00:20 ssssssssssssssss: : 好像是
00:21 ssssssssssssssss: : 还是正在载入
00:21 Banana: : 加q发给你好了
00:21 ssssssssssssssss: : 嗯w
00:21 ssssssssssssssss: : 谢了~
00:22 Banana: : qq?
00:22 ssssssssssssssss: : 494922269
00:27 Banana: : 00:23:347 (7,8,9,10) -
00:28 Banana: : 左边显得空
00:28 ssssssssssssssss: : 我觉得还好…
00:29 Banana: : 嘛
00:29 ssssssssssssssss: : 我试试别的编排
00:29 ssssssssssssssss: : 话说
00:29 Banana: : 00:23:681 (8) - 和00:22:681 (3,4) - overlap看着不爽
00:29 ssssssssssssssss: : soft段里的clap音效加得是不是有点多余?
00:29 Banana: : 00:22:681 (3,4) -
00:30 Banana: : 就听着来说还行
00:30 ssssssssssssssss: : 如果把这些完全重叠会不会好点?
00:31 Banana: : 音量改了应该会好点
00:31 Banana: : 嘛 等看下
00:31 ssssssssssssssss: : 嗯
00:31 Banana: : 00:22:681 (3,4) - 如果完全重叠 这个就得是1*的ds了
00:31 Banana: : 效果估计不好
00:37 ssssssssssssssss: : 干脆改成竖的算了= =
00:37 Banana: : 横的竖的不要紧
00:38 ssssssssssssssss: : 还有别的需要改的吗?
00:39 Banana: : 嘛 现在你自己对排列应该有点感觉了
00:39 ssssssssssssssss: : 差不多w
00:39 ssssssssssssssss: : 不过自己看自己的图总是有种不放心的感觉
00:40 Banana: : 嗯 自己先试着修修 修完可以再找我
00:40 ssssssssssssssss: : 其实我现在不知道是该remap一遍好还是就保持这样小修补一下就可以了
00:40 Banana: : 嘛 心里没底很正常
00:40 ssssssssssssssss: : 嗯好
00:40 Banana: : 节奏没问题的话 叫remap有点过分.
00:41 Banana: : 如果改排列是"小修补一下"那就这样办好了
00:41 ssssssssssssssss: : =w=我的意思是从头到尾改一遍
00:41 Banana: : XD
00:42 Banana: : 嘛 其实remap是新手rank图的必经阶段 至少大部分都有
00:42 ssssssssssssssss: : 嗯w
00:42 ssssssssssssssss: : 我再努力改改吧
00:43 Banana: : 嗯
00:43 ssssssssssssssss: : 今天有点困了,我先睡了…明天再继续
00:43 Banana: : 哦哦 晚安
00:43 ssssssssssssssss: : 去这图的帖子里发个帖吧,我好给kd
00:43 Banana: : ok
thanks your in-game mod~
00:05:014 (1) +鈀聲
00:11:181 ~ 00:21:597 的音效跟前面那段一樣比較好... (我覺得啦,這樣才不會突兀)
00:38:097 (1) 00:38:681 (6) 鈀聲拿掉
00:48:347 (1) +鈀聲
00:49:347 (3) 這個音效不用那麼多,感覺就不稀奇了W (?) 當然留著也不會怪!!!!!
↑ 這個音效在KIAI TINE 有就好了,最後那段不用了
00:59:264 (1) +鈀聲
01:04:347 (1) +鈀聲
01:09:868 (1) +鈀聲 (應該是這個,因為前面那串音效很讚,後面搭一個鈀聲很完整)
01:20:347 把轉圈的結尾拉到這裡,用鈀聲結尾~


以上都只是建議不一定要照著改喔!! (畢竟我也是新手) :P
Topic Starter
关于鈀聲的加入…有点困难,因为我已经把原来的finish替换掉了,而且要加的那几个note都是附带着别的音效的,所以如果加这个finish的话基本得腾出一套音效来做…但是由于normal和easy已经用了一些,insane也用了不少,现在已经没有多少可以自定义的了= =

tine30sakura wrote:

00:05:014 (1) +鈀聲
00:11:181 ~ 00:21:597 的音效跟前面那段一樣比較好... (我覺得啦,這樣才不會突兀) 嗯,改成了比较平的音效
00:38:097 (1) 00:38:681 (6) 鈀聲拿掉
00:48:347 (1) +鈀聲
00:49:347 (3) 這個音效不用那麼多,感覺就不稀奇了W (?) 當然留著也不會怪!!!!! 我改了下,现在是两小节用一次
↑ 這個音效在KIAI TINE 有就好了,最後那段不用了 想了一下,还是用了两小节加一个的方式
00:59:264 (1) +鈀聲
01:04:347 (1) +鈀聲
01:09:868 (1) +鈀聲 (應該是這個,因為前面那串音效很讚,後面搭一個鈀聲很完整)
01:20:347 把轉圈的結尾拉到這裡,用鈀聲結尾~ 好多人都说要这么改…本来我是要坚持要把结束点放到miku唱下一段的紧紧前面的,现在我也有点动摇了= =先这样用着吧,看看最后的效果

求具体放的位置= =
以上都只是建議不一定要照著改喔!! (畢竟我也是新手) :P
Hi there, here's the 2nd mod ^^


I'd prefer that you quote my post and state which changes you make, and which you have not. Thanks~
If you have any problems understanding what the hell I'm talking about, feel free to poke me in-game!

[Color guide]
  1. Red text means that the issue is unrankable.
  2. Blue text is a strongly recommended suggestion.
  3. Black text is a regular suggestion.
  1. Your audio lead-in is different in [Easy] compared to the other difficulties. Change lead-in to 2007ms in [Easy] (or change all of them to 2000ms)
  2. All difficulties should have the same preview time. 00:48:347 is a good spot for this. Currently, [Easy] has 48010, [Normal] has 48011 and [nyan] has 48177 as preview time.
  3. Inconsistency in combo colors. Atleast have the same combo color for all your own difficulties, especially when you have the same background for all of them
  4. Well, [nyan] is a fairly random diffname, and you should probably just name it Hard/Insane. If anything, capital N: [Nyan] :P
  5. Btw, you don't have breaks, so you can disable letterboxing.
  6. Fade your .mp3 at 01:21:014 or something, ending at 01:22:014
  1. AR -1 (I suggest -2 though)
  2. OD -1
  3. 00:00:348 (1) - Consider adding the regular soft-hitfinish here.
  4. 00:05:681 (1) - ^
  5. 00:11:014 - Should have a note here. It's on a downbeat, so it just feels wrong to not click here. Also add a regular soft-hitfinish.
  6. 00:16:347 (1) - Regular soft-hitfinish.
  7. 00:11:681 - 00:18:347 - Unnecessary new combos. Remove some of them. Also, just moving in the same pattern twice can be boring, try to create a different pattern here.
  8. 00:32:348 (3) - NC
  9. 00:51:681 (4,5,6) - Short sliders like these can feel fast and confusing for beginners. Consider changing this pattern to something else
  10. 01:02:347 (1,2,3) - ^
  11. 00:48:014 - Unnecessary green line. Remove it.
  12. 00:48:347 | 00:53:681 | 00:59:014 | 01:04:347 | 01:09:681 - Add a regular soft-hitfinish on all of these.
  13. 01:15:014 (1,2) - Make this nice and pretty.
  14. 01:17:681 (1) - This should end at 01:20:347
  15. 01:19:014 - This silence really sounds bad. Just remove it.
  1. If you liked any of the hitsound suggestions in [Easy], don't hesitate to use them in [Normal]!
  2. AR -1
  3. HP -1
  4. 00:02:347 (6) - Make this a direct copy of (5). Just copy (5), then ctrl+h and ctrl+r. You might want to fix up the shape of (5) a bit too, before doing this.
  5. 00:05:013 (6) - ^
  6. 00:06:348 (2,3,4) - Put on distance snap x0.9, then hold down shift while moving 1 note at a time, aligning them perfectly.
  7. 00:08:347 (1,2,3,4) - The small overlap of each sliderend on the next slider's path look ugly imo. Consider changing this a bit.
  8. 00:15:681 (3) - This slider is very hard to see underneath the hitbursts. Move it somewhere else.
  9. 00:41:681 (9) - Make a straight line from (8)?
  10. 00:47:681 (3) - Remove whistle.
  11. 00:48:181 - Unnecessary green line. Remove it.
  12. 00:56:347 (1) - Yeah, it's only slightly touching the HP bar, but it shouldn't do that, so move it atleast 1 grid down.
  13. 00:59:014 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - I don't recommend patterns like these in [Normal] where you have to keep going back to the middle, as it's confusing, and hard to read. Consider rearranging this.
  14. 01:09:681 (1) - Make this pretty and symmetrical? :P
  15. 01:11:014 (2) - Well, if you did the above, make this a copy of (1).
  16. 01:12:347 (1,2,3,4) - Since we're at it, why not make it pretty like this ^^.
  17. 01:17:681 (1) - This should end at 01:20:347
  18. 01:19:014 - This silence really sounds bad. Just remove it.
  1. If you liked any of the hitsound suggestions in [Easy] or [Normal], don't hesitate to use them here!
  2. 00:03:014 (9) - NC
  3. 00:04:181 (1) - Remove NC
  4. 00:05:014 (1) - ^
  5. 00:08:347 (1,2,3,4) - make these sliders prettier ;_;
  6. 00:17:014 (2) - Clap on end
  7. 00:17:847 (2) - whistle
  8. 00:21:597 - Unsnapped green section. Snap it to 00:21:681
  9. 00:23:181 (6) - Stack properly beneath (3)
  10. 00:23:347 (7) - Stack properly beneath (4)
  11. 00:24:347 (1) - Touching HP bar.
  12. 00:24:681 (2,3) - This spacing doesn't make sense. Please spread this out.
  13. 00:27:514 (2,5) - Move these to x:184 y:208
  14. 00:31:514 (1) - Put this completely in the center of the triangle? x:136 y:152
  15. 00:33:681 (4) - Copy 00:33:014 (2), ctrl+h and ctrl+r
  16. 00:48:181 - Unnecessary green section. Remove it.
  17. 00:48:347 (1) - Slightly touching hp bar. Move down 1 grid.
  18. 00:53:014 (1) - Remove NC.
  19. 00:53:681 (12) - NC
  20. 00:59:681 (2,3) - Well, make them curve smoother ^^
  21. 01:01:681 (1,1) - This is very close together, and making this part hard to read. You should move 01:02:181 (1) anyway, as the spacing between 01:02:181 (1) and 01:02:347 (2) is wrong too.
  22. 01:04:848 (2) - Move to x:144 y:128.
  23. 01:08:347 (7,8,9) - Move 2 gridlvl4 up, for it to be a mirror image of 01:07:681 (4,5,6)
  24. 01:09:181 (11) - Move 2 gridlvl4 to the left, for it to be a mirror image of 01:08:347 (7,8,9)
  25. 01:12:347 (6) - NC.
  26. 01:13:181 (1) - Remove NC.
  27. 01:13:681 (10) - NC.
  28. 01:17:681 (1) - This should end at 01:20:347
  29. 01:19:014 - This silence really sounds bad. Just remove it.

Not bad for a first map! Still needs a bit of work to completely flesh this out, but I like what I see ^^ Have a star~. Good job, and good luck! :D
Long modpost is long
Topic Starter

CXu wrote:

Hi there, here's the 2nd mod ^^


I'd prefer that you quote my post and state which changes you make, and which you have not. Thanks~
If you have any problems understanding what the hell I'm talking about, feel free to poke me in-game!

[Color guide]
  1. Red text means that the issue is unrankable.
  2. Blue text is a strongly recommended suggestion.
  3. Black text is a regular suggestion.
  1. Your audio lead-in is different in [Easy] compared to the other difficulties. Change lead-in to 2007ms in [Easy] (or change all of them to 2000ms)
  2. All difficulties should have the same preview time. 00:48:347 is a good spot for this. Currently, [Easy] has 48010, [Normal] has 48011 and [nyan] has 48177 as preview time.
  3. Inconsistency in combo colors. Atleast have the same combo color for all your own difficulties, especially when you have the same background for all of them
  4. Well, [nyan] is a fairly random diffname, and you should probably just name it Hard/Insane. If anything, capital N: [Nyan] :P
    well,someone told me that a map without a hard diff is unrankable,so i change the diff mean N:nyan?I think i can't understand it...
  5. Btw, you don't have breaks, so you can disable letterboxing.
  6. Fade your .mp3 at 01:21:014 or something, ending at 01:22:014
i just don't know why :? i think the current setting is OK

  1. AR -1 (I suggest -2 though)
  2. OD -1

    fixed all hitsound suggestions
  3. 00:00:348 (1) - Consider adding the regular soft-hitfinish here.
  4. 00:05:681 (1) - ^
  5. 00:11:014 - Should have a note here. It's on a downbeat, so it just feels wrong to not click here. Also add a regular soft-hitfinish.
  6. 00:16:347 (1) - Regular soft-hitfinish.
  7. 00:11:681 - 00:18:347 - Unnecessary new combos. Remove some of them. Also, just moving in the same pattern twice can be boring, try to create a different pattern here.
    well,i do it in order to make them pretty.and i personally like this pattern,so i want to reserve.and i adjust the second to a different hit order
  8. 00:32:348 (3) - NC
  9. 00:51:681 (4,5,6) - Short sliders like these can feel fast and confusing for beginners. Consider changing this pattern to something else
  10. 01:02:347 (1,2,3) - ^
  11. 00:48:014 - Unnecessary green line. Remove it.
  12. 00:48:347 | 00:53:681 | 00:59:014 | 01:04:347 | 01:09:681 - Add a regular soft-hitfinish on all of these.
    01:15:014 (1,2) - Make this nice and pretty.
  13. 01:17:681 (1) - This should end at 01:20:347
    there's a silence betwen 01:20:014 - and 01:20:347 - ,and this silence separate the song to two parts.when miku sing next word,the song has already enter a next part,so if i end at 01:20:347 - ,this seems like to add a hitsound in the second part of the music,and that'll sound strange
  14. 01:19:014 - This silence really sounds bad. Just remove it.

about the hitsound in normal and nyan diffs,it's a little hard to achieve for a newbie mapper like me,siince some notes you suggest already have other hitsound on if i add some hitsound,i must set a new costom hitsound.but after i finishing all 3diff's hitsound,i found that i have almost replaced all hitsound in costom sample and there seems to be no space to add any other hitsound

and as for nyan's green line,it's in case to hit them in advance,i mean ,if i cancel it,and a player hit it a little early,then they will hear a disharmony hitsound

  1. If you liked any of the hitsound suggestions in [Easy], don't hesitate to use them in [Normal]!
  2. AR -1
  3. HP -1
  4. 00:02:347 (6) - Make this a direct copy of (5). Just copy (5), then ctrl+h and ctrl+r. You might want to fix up the shape of (5) a bit too, before doing this.
  5. 00:05:013 (6) - ^
  6. 00:06:348 (2,3,4) - Put on distance snap x0.9, then hold down shift while moving 1 note at a time, aligning them perfectly.
    it's really cool!!!!!!!!!!
  7. 00:08:347 (1,2,3,4) - The small overlap of each sliderend on the next slider's path look ugly imo. Consider changing this a bit.
  8. 00:15:681 (3) - This slider is very hard to see underneath the hitbursts. Move it somewhere else.
  9. 00:41:681 (9) - Make a straight line from (8)?
  10. 00:47:681 (3) - Remove whistle.
  11. 00:48:181 - Unnecessary green line. Remove it.
  12. 00:56:347 (1) - Yeah, it's only slightly touching the HP bar, but it shouldn't do that, so move it atleast 1 grid down.
    fixed them all
  13. 00:59:014 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - I don't recommend patterns like these in [Normal] where you have to keep going back to the middle, as it's confusing, and hard to read. Consider rearranging this.
    well,i guess it's not very confusing and i haven't come up with any better idea now.but i will consider it
  14. 01:09:681 (1) - Make this pretty and symmetrical? :P
  15. 01:11:014 (2) - Well, if you did the above, make this a copy of (1).
  16. 01:12:347 (1,2,3,4) - Since we're at it, why not make it pretty like this ^^.
    you mean ctrl+h?
  17. 01:17:681 (1) - This should end at 01:20:347
  18. 01:19:014 - This silence really sounds bad. Just remove it.
fixed them all

  1. If you liked any of the hitsound suggestions in [Easy] or [Normal], don't hesitate to use them here!
  2. 00:03:014 (9) - NC
  3. 00:04:181 (1) - Remove NC
  4. 00:05:014 (1) - ^
    well,i want to stress it out because a background track(i don't know its name,maybe xylophone?) here change
  5. 00:08:347 (1,2,3,4) - make these sliders prettier ;_;
  6. 00:17:014 (2) - Clap on end
    i try some methods,and in the end i decide to delete all clap in similar time section
  7. 00:17:847 (2) - whistle
  8. 00:21:597 - Unsnapped green section. Snap it to 00:21:681
  9. 00:23:181 (6) - Stack properly beneath (3)
  10. 00:23:347 (7) - Stack properly beneath (4)
  11. 00:24:347 (1) - Touching HP bar.
  12. 00:24:681 (2,3) - This spacing doesn't make sense. Please spread this out.
    fixed them
  13. 00:27:514 (2,5) - Move these to x:184 y:208
    i don't know why...if i move it to this position,then i must disable distance snap,so i fixed it in another way
  14. 00:31:514 (1) - Put this completely in the center of the triangle? x:136 y:152
  15. 00:33:681 (4) - Copy 00:33:014 (2), ctrl+h and ctrl+r
  16. 00:48:181 - Unnecessary green section. Remove it.
  17. 00:48:347 (1) - Slightly touching hp bar. Move down 1 grid.
  18. 00:53:014 (1) - Remove NC.
  19. 00:53:681 (12) - NC
  20. 00:59:681 (2,3) - Well, make them curve smoother ^^
  21. 01:01:681 (1,1) - This is very close together, and making this part hard to read. You should move 01:02:181 (1) anyway, as the spacing between 01:02:181 (1) and 01:02:347 (2) is wrong too.
  22. 01:04:848 (2) - Move to x:144 y:128.
  23. 01:08:347 (7,8,9) - Move 2 gridlvl4 up, for it to be a mirror image of 01:07:681 (4,5,6)
  24. 01:09:181 (11) - Move 2 gridlvl4 to the left, for it to be a mirror image of 01:08:347 (7,8,9)
  25. 01:12:347 (6) - NC.
  26. 01:13:181 (1) - Remove NC.
  27. 01:13:681 (10) - NC.
  28. 01:17:681 (1) - This should end at 01:20:347
  29. 01:19:014 - This silence really sounds bad. Just remove it.
fixed them all


Not bad for a first map! Still needs a bit of work to completely flesh this out, but I like what I see ^^ Have a star~. Good job, and good luck! :D
thank you for your mod and star~
Long modpost is long
very useful mod! it almost make me weep
You can rename it to Hard/Insane:

Ranking Criteria wrote:

The mapset must have a well-designed spread of difficulties, containing at least an Easy or a Normal difficulty (based on how the map feels): this is so that players of all levels of experience are able to enjoy maps of the songs they love. It's really hard to define how a specific spread could work in a specific song beforehand, but here's a list of things to consider: the difficulties in the mapset must be in a consecutive order and/or with a reasonable gap between them; there should be at least one difficulty around ~2.5/3 star difficulty level; if your mapset has two difficulties, one of them cannot be insane (this basically means that it's highly recommended to have 3 difficulties unless the song itself doesn't allow much variety); if your mapset has three difficulties, one of them should be about ~2.5/3 star difficulty level, and the second should not be Insane; if your map has four or more difficulties, at least two should be something other than Insane. The difficulty level of Taiko-specific difficulties does not follow this.

This means that one difficulty must be ~2.5/3 star, the 2nd difficulty can not be Insane, but the 3rd difficulty can. ;)

About the .mp3, right now the song continues for a few seconds before fading out, and it feels incomplete. By fading it and ending at the place I suggest, you get a nice "end" to the song imo.
Topic Starter

CXu wrote:

You can rename it to Hard/Insane:

Ranking Criteria wrote:

The mapset must have a well-designed spread of difficulties, containing at least an Easy or a Normal difficulty (based on how the map feels): this is so that players of all levels of experience are able to enjoy maps of the songs they love. It's really hard to define how a specific spread could work in a specific song beforehand, but here's a list of things to consider: the difficulties in the mapset must be in a consecutive order and/or with a reasonable gap between them; there should be at least one difficulty around ~2.5/3 star difficulty level; if your mapset has two difficulties, one of them cannot be insane (this basically means that it's highly recommended to have 3 difficulties unless the song itself doesn't allow much variety); if your mapset has three difficulties, one of them should be about ~2.5/3 star difficulty level, and the second should not be Insane; if your map has four or more difficulties, at least two should be something other than Insane. The difficulty level of Taiko-specific difficulties does not follow this.

This means that one difficulty must be ~2.5/3 star, the 2nd difficulty can not be Insane, but the 3rd difficulty can. ;)

About the .mp3, right now the song continues for a few seconds before fading out, and it feels incomplete. By fading it and ending at the place I suggest, you get a nice "end" to the song imo.
i do it in order to make it last to the score page's clap sound
thanks for your answer~
Let's check this.


00:11:681 (1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1) - Why all these new combos? °_°
01:20:347 - Add a note?


00:40:014 (6) - New Combo?
01:20:347 - Add a note?


00:09:681 (5) - Add new combo
01:20:347 - Add a note?

Very good map :o Star and good luck :)
Topic Starter

RikiH_ wrote:

Let's check this.


00:11:681 (1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1) - Why all these new combos? °_°
i add them just for a pretty parten=w=
01:20:347 - Add a note?
there's a silence betwen 01:20:014 - and 01:20:347 - ,and this silence separate the song to two parts.when miku sing next word,the song has already enter a next part,so if i add a note at 01:20:347 - ,this seems like to add a hitsound in the second part of the music,and that'll sound strange


00:40:014 (6) - New Combo?
01:20:347 - Add a note?


00:09:681 (5) - Add new combo
well,as this section is a intro section,and it seems to be one part,so i didn't add new combo here
01:20:347 - Add a note?

Very good map :o Star and good luck :)

thanks mod and star :)
Reisen Udongein
i tried to download your map 2 times from this site , 2 times from in-game download for supporters, but it always failed D:

would you like to Full- Submit once more ?

p.s. i'll edit this post to mod after i can dl this
Topic Starter

Reisen Udongein wrote:

i tried to download your map 2 times from this site , 2 times from in-game download for supporters, but it always failed D:

would you like to Full- Submit once more ?

p.s. i'll edit this post to mod after i can dl this

full submited it and download it,and there seems to be no problem
if you still can't download it ,here's a copy on skydrive:
To CXu ~
unused green timing section is not unrankable
because it did not bother anything while playing :D
Well, it's unused, so obviously it doesn't bother gameplay :P

I did believe they were unrankable though, might just be something I thought. Oh well, still, they're unnecessary, so there's no reason not to remove them

tag + hatsune miku
我的秘库 我的秘库 我的秘库

顺便creator words 吐槽 "nicer"换成"better"
这个作者是神,作品包括了爱言叶、once upon a me呢

download is working now
Topic Starter

L_P wrote:


tag + hatsune miku
我的秘库 我的秘库 我的秘库

顺便creator words 吐槽 "nicer"换成"better"
这个作者是神,作品包括了爱言叶、once upon a me呢

download is working now


folder 里有没用东西
normal-hitclap2 - 暃杮 ←这是.... = =lll

00:01:514 (4) - clap
00:02:847 (8) - ^ (这两个都是mp3里有的。。建议加
00:04:181 (4) - ^
00:05:514 - 嗯。。有个鼓声在音乐里不考虑加个note什么的吗
00:10:681 (8) - 前两个声音建议都finish? (毕竟00:09:347 (4,6) - 这两个跟着下来2finish比较顺耳...)
00:21:014 (5) - 头建议finish不要clap?
01:15:014 (1) - 用soft default的finish试试

第一张图来说呢 hit sound还弄得不错哦
但是hit sound 本身的选择其实挺重要的
比较建议的是可以试着用soft whistle之类的做点缀
音效的运用可以看看NTR的图 (或干脆问他)
他的userpage有个hitsound pack可以下载,挺有用的
link 在这:

累积经验 持之以恒 成为炉火纯青的hitsound mapper就指日可待了吧


00:11:014 (1,1,1,1,1,1,1) - 这...! 不能NC spam啊,肯定会被吐槽的。 一个new combo 会让人掉血/赚血,所以放在这种地放这个难度不适合
00:16:347 (1,1,1,1,1) - ^

Topic Starter

L_P wrote:

folder 里有没用东西
normal-hitclap2 - 暃杮 ←这是.... = =lll
有用的,比如Insane的00:10:681 (8) - Insane
00:01:514 (4) - clap
00:02:847 (8) - ^ (这两个都是mp3里有的。。建议加
00:04:181 (4) - ^
具体原因…现在仔细想想,应该是这两个(比如说00:01:014 (3) - 和00:01:514 (4) - )的原mp3音效虽然听起来相似但实际上还是有区别的,后面的那个音稍微闷一些,所以如果把两个都设相同的音效的话,会造成一种莫名的违和感

00:05:514 - 嗯。。有个鼓声在音乐里不考虑加个note什么的吗
由于刚才的理由所以这我也没有加,而是选择前后留白强调00:05:014 (1) - ,再听听后面的人怎么说吧
00:10:681 (8) - 前两个声音建议都finish? (毕竟00:09:347 (4,6) - 这两个跟着下来2finish比较顺耳...)
00:21:014 (5) - 头建议finish不要clap?
01:15:014 (1) - 用soft default的finish试试

第一张图来说呢 hit sound还弄得不错哦
但是hit sound 本身的选择其实挺重要的
比较建议的是可以试着用soft whistle之类的做点缀

音效的运用可以看看NTR的图 (或干脆问他)

他的userpage有个hitsound pack可以下载,挺有用的
link 在这:

累积经验 持之以恒 成为炉火纯青的hitsound mapper就指日可待了吧


00:11:014 (1,1,1,1,1,1,1) - 这...! 不能NC spam啊,肯定会被吐槽的。 一个new combo 会让人掉血/赚血,所以放在这种地放这个难度不适合
00:16:347 (1,1,1,1,1) - ^


full submit 一次
Topic Starter

L_P wrote:

full submit 一次

Reisen Udongein
orz returning Star
Yeah~ random mod here :P
在泡泡的modding queue里看到就过来了~
今日生まれる君 明日生まれる僕 很喜欢的歌www
Just Suggestions

*kiai不一致 insane难度00:48:447 - 这根绿线没snap好 移到00:48:347 -
*No you no me没记错的话是专辑名吧 应该放tag 然后source填vocaloid或者不填也可以

00:17:681 (1) - 没和00:15:014 (1) - stack?还是故意的?
00:23:681 (2) - spacing【其实这些spacing并没有太大的问题只不过最好还是改下】
00:44:347 (2) - 形状最好和1 3 一样的
01:09:014 (4) - spacing
01:15:014 (1) - spacing

*没有snap好的绿线:00:21:499 -
00:00:348 (1) - +finish
00:11:014 (1) - spacing
00:11:681 (3) - spacing
00:20:347 (5) - 为什么whistle……?听起来很奇怪


>_<真的很厉害呢 音效下的其实很不错了 至少比我好:D 继续加油哦~
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