
Ginsaku - Iroha Uta [Osu|Taiko]

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Nymph wrote:


Beatmap design/suggestion
00:34:716 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - (scor)这里为啥要下串呢 :arrow: 几乎忘记当初的想法是什么了……于是来回看了几遍之后感觉……终于想起来为啥这么放了……然后觉得……恩……值得改一改……于是改着改着就面目全非了…………
Topic Starter

Flask wrote:

嚓 星了
Request from IRC

00:54:426 (4) - nc吧 前面都空這麼多 不了……
01:16:577 (5) - nc 反正Easy 不了…
01:18:147 (1) - 感覺可以加上finish 覺得略吵就別加了 这儿只有vocal的结束没有鼓点o o
01:40:472 (1) - 有點像 1/4 note? 建議挪開 新手按下去前面好多combo都沒了 會絕望的 没听懂诶?1/4是啥
02:12:565 (3) - nc 同上,不改了
02:23:728 (5) - 建議nc 只是建議 不了…

改著改著要是毀圖的話別怪我 lol还好啊

00:48:845 (2) - 感覺spacing有問題.. 没有啊

[Collab Hard]
超過3個slider velocity了 不過因為是collab所以不知道有沒有unrankable 嗯rankable的,AIMOD就是个鸡肋……

00:44:702 (x) - 沒snap的綠線 ... . 是snap在1/8拍上面的,而且这样的绿线很多哦
02:32:100 (1) - 總覺得還是有點吵 . 已经很轻了orz我都只能听到音乐里的声音了

沒了 :D

感覺很多都沒必要修 只是提出來給你參考O_O

總覺得可以泡了 加油 :D :D :D :D :D !
:) 谢谢~!删掉的条目都是改好了的~!
This map is way too good for me to mod <.<
all of them are ignorable except for the bold one o.o

[Collab Insane]
00:18:321 (2,3,4,5,6) - I would say approachcircles preety much makes it look bad imo, (especially when it comes to play (5)
00:39:600 (4) - this feels better when placed somewhere else.. like x:136 y:100. currently it looks like it's kinda hindered under previous (6,7,8)
00:41:868 (1,2,3,4,5) - I'm thinking this is better.. (stack 1 with previous 8 and rotated 30 degrees counterclockwise

[collab Hard]
00:18:844 (1,2,3) - I don't think it's good idea how it goes through previous (3)'s path.
01:04:716 (2) - this can form better shape with previous (5)
01:13:961 (4) - I'm not sure but since antijump start's here i would NC here.. but I'm not sure, just saying here

00:30:356 (1) - better on x:256 y:148 imo

02:44:658 (timing section) not needed section, delete it

yes this map deserves star o.o good luck~
Hello! Mod request from PM c:

I think 9.770 it's by little more sync'd(Not pro with timing tho, just saying c: )

Collab Insane

00:27:042 (8) - 00:27:740 (1) - Stack them, makes it a bit harder for Hidden Players and looks better
Keep mapping until the end, this guitar is epic and deserves to be Mapped. *-*

Collab Hard

01:34:542 (3) - put Slider, fits better to the guitar
And Map Until the end as well c:

Normal (Just suggestions)
00:24:949 - Add Circle at x:152 y:96 (above the slider at 00:25:123) and NC
00:27:740 - Add Circle above the Slider
00:28:437 - ^
00:29:135 - ^
00:30:356 - Move the Circle to 00:30:530
00:53:554 - Add Circle
00:53:902 - ^
00:54:251 (4) - use a time line @ x1.50 SVM and end the slider at 00:54:775
00:55:472 - Add Circle and NC
00:55:647 - Add Circle
The rest is fine o:

Easy is fine c:

Quick note: I'm not a "Pro" Mod so do what you think is better, I'm just suggesting c:
Alright let's see what I can find. Mod requested on my queue.

Bold: Unrankable/must fix.
Red: You should fix it, but it's up to you.
Italic: Suggestion. Feel free to ignore this if you don't like it.
Blue: Comment. Just putting this for fun :P


Increase the HP and AR by 1. it'll flow a mot smoother during gameplay with these settings.
00:13:961 (3) - add a clap at the repeat to keep the consistency in claps. i don't think it sounds nice if there's claps at every 3rd downbeat.
00:19:542 (3) - ^
00:16:751 (1) - make this slider look like the very 1st slider in the song. the instrumental repeats itself all over again.
00:38:379 (4) - move this under the arc of the previous slider. it'll make a nice blanket if you do this.
00:48:844 (4) - make this slider look like (3) and put it at the left side. the path would look easier for beginners if you do this.
00:59:309 (4) - space out this note. beginners might hit this too early or too late due to the hitburst covering this note.
02:23:728 (5,6) - stack these at the beginning of (3,4). (5) would blanket the previous slider and (6) would make the path easier for beginners during gameplay.
03:00:705 (4,1) - *nazi* just a minor spacing error. it's up to you whether you want to fix it or not.
i agree that the custom hitsounds sound nice, but replace some claps for whistles, or add more whistles. it'll fit with the song during gameplay, and it'd be better if you can add more notes. it looks easy, but at the same time, it looks boring IMO.

increase the OD and AR by 1 and the HP by 2. it'll be perfect for a normal diff like this as it fits with the song and it'll flow a lot smoother during gameplay.
00:13:961 (1) - *nazi* are you sure that this is stacked perfectly? if not look again, and stack this note perfectly on the end if (4). it'll look a lot nicer during gameplay.
00:15:007 (2) - move this note to x:188 y:204 so that it'd blanket the 2nd half of the previous slider.
00:19:542 (5) - make this a NC. the guitar changes from here.
00:30:705 (2) - move this down a bit. i know that it'll ruin the blanket, but the slight overlap on (3) makes it look bad during gameplay.
00:32:100 (4) - flip it like this, and align it to (2). the path would look a lot easier and it'll flow smoother to the next note.
01:04:193 (5) - make this a NC. the lyrics change from here.
01:05:588 (1) - remove the NC if you follow the suggestion above. the long pause is still going from this note.
01:33:495 (4) - replace this for a 1/2 repeat slider to follow the guitar riff.
01:36:984 (1) - same as above but it should be a 1/1 slider.
01:38:902 (4,1) - is this spacing intentional? as it stand the default DS is at 0.9 and as it stands, it's at 0.58. i highly suggest that you follow the DS so that it'd flow a lot smoother and the distance between the notes looks weird during gameplay.
01:50:065 (4) - make the end a normal sampleset and increase the volume to match the "thump" in the song.
02:03:495 (1,2,3) - make the pattern like this. same reason as 00:32:100 about the flow.
02:06:286 (1,2,3) - ^
02:55:821 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - add claps for this part. you did it on easy, so why don't you do it on normal?
03:10:821 (2) - remove the clap at the end. it ruins the consistency in claps, and i don't remember hearing a clap at the end during the beginning of the other kiais.
03:21:984 (3) - ^
03:22:507 (4) - same as above but at the end.
03:25:123 (4) - yes it's blanketing the end of (3), but the overlap on (2) makes it look bad during gameplay. move it somewhere else so that it doesn't happen. it might bother players if they play this diff.
03:29:833 (2) - similar as above.
there's a few minor spacing errors here and there, but it's nothing big.

[Collab Hard]
Increase the OD and AR by 1. when i played this, it felt weird because the notes are too easy to hit. usually i was expecting at least 5-50 100s since i'm not that accurate in hitting.
00:11:693 (2) - hmm Ctrl+H for this slider. it'll flow a lot smoother. pointing it at that direction makes me feel uncomfortable.
00:21:286 (2,3) - i think it'd look slightly fun if you can do Ctrl+R for this slider. and move (3) above the middle of (2). the path would look easier and it'll flow a lot smoother during gameplay.
00:31:054 (3) - Do Ctrl+R. the jump would look fun for players IMO.
00:38:728 - add a circle to follow the piano.
00:45:356 (2) - make this a NC. this is where the vocals start.
00:54:251 (5,6) - speed up these 2 sliders to keep it consistent with 02:11:693.
00:55:298 (7,1) - with the slowdown in effect, this anti-jump might surprise beginners. i highly suggest that you move (1) closer to (7) where players can make it in time.
00:56:170 (4,5,6) - for this one move these notes here. that overlap on (3,6) bothered me the most. so if you do this, it'll look neater during gameplay. just make sure that the jump between these notes is around 1.5.
00:57:914 (3) - if you want, do Ctrl+R to make it easier for players?
00:58:961 (2) - Ctrl+R. it looks fun for me when i played this.
01:04:193 (1) - make sure that the repeat slider is fully visible. the hitburst is covering the repeat slider and that's an unrankable issue.
01:30:705 (1,2,3,4) - make this a diamond. this pattern plays weird as i have to move my pen in a weird motion.
01:54:949 (4) - replace this for a circle, and a 1/2 slider, and vice versa.
02:16:228 (1) - remove the NC for this yes the lyrics change but the melody in the vocals is still the same.
02:16:751 (4) - if you follow the suggestion above, make this a NC. this is where the melody changes.
02:23:903 (2) - stack this on (1) at 02:22:333. it'll look neater during gameplay.
02:24:251 (3,2) - try to space these 2 notes out. the overlap might bother other players.
02:32:448 (2,3,1,2) - hmm idk...the pattern plays weird for me. i suggest that you re-arrange it so that it'd flow smoother during gameplay.
03:03:321 (2) - maybe to make the flow a bit smoother, do Ctrl+R for this slider?
03:07:333 - add a break here for consistency with the other diffs.
03:19:368 (1) - move the spinner to the 1st downbeat. that's where the guitar starts.

[Collab Insane]
AR9 and HP7. the AR would flow a lot smoother to the song, and HP7 would put a bit of pressure on experienced players.
00:13:263 (5) - to make it neater, move this between the circles.
00:16:751 (4) - make this a NC. the guitar changes from here.
00:18:147 (1,2,3,4) - make this a cross square jump. it'll look fun if you do this. if you don't understand, like this.
00:26:868 (7) - stack this on (8). it'll look a bit easier if you do this.
00:39:775 (5) - same as 01:54:949 on hard.
00:45:356 (2) - make this a NC. the lyrics change from here.
00:46:054 (1) - if you follow the suggestion above, remove the NC for this. yes the lyrics change, but the melody is still the same.
00:54:251 (4) - if you can make this slider symmetrical, it'll lok a lot nicer during gameplay.
02:04:542 (2,3,4) - are you sure that these sliders look the same. if not make them the same for a smoother flow to and from the next note.
03:02:972 (2,4) - i see that this is a triangle, but i don't like the shape of it. move it to the right so that it'd look like a equilateral triangle.
03:14:484 (2) - same as 00:39:775.

I guess that's it. GL :D
Snowy Dream
Mod request from Snowy Dream's Queue
Tag:要不要把Lks加进去 0.0..


01:08:554 (3) - 感觉再加个return会比较适合节奏0.0..(原来是fit vocal) 改了这个注意后面spacing

Unsnapped inherited (green) timing point(s) at: 02:32:197 (snap to 02:32:187)

[Collab Hard]
00:21:809 (1) - 跳略大
01:40:472 (2) - 这奇葩的间距=-= 突然出现个0.8x
02:11:693 (3) - 这里应该有个跳
03:06:809 (1) - 感觉略奇葩0.0.(没影响
03:07:158 - 要不要加break?
Unsnapped inherited (green) timing point(s) at: 02:34:881 (snap to 02:34:891)

[Collab Insane]
00:11:170 (5) - finish
00:16:054 (2) - jump?
01:57:565 (2) - add a note
01:58:263 (4) - ^
03:00:007 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - 可以考虑间距再稍微大点..否则会误认1/4
Excellent Mapset
> < 好 快rank
Topic Starter
Thanks for your modding!

I'm too busy to write a detailed reply,sorry ;_; But most fixed!
Hi :D


  1. 00:16:054 (4) - 1 grid left to fix the blanket with 00:13:961 (3) -
  2. 00:47:449 (3) - 1 grid right,same reason as above
  3. 01:48:844 (3) - 1 grid left,again for the same reason
  4. 02:08:379 (5) - 1 grid up,same reason
  5. The diff itself is good,but you probably could use more 1/1 circles/sliders,because as now the rhythm is predictable and a bit boring

  1. 00:11:170 (2) - New Combo? I know it's a pretty rapid NC,but it follows the rhythm better
  2. 01:01:228 - Add a note here? It's a Normal,so you should use this 1/2 note that fits really with the song
  3. 01:16:577 (5,6) - Instead of a straight slider,I would use a curvy one,just like this
  4. 02:19:368 - Same suggestion as 01:01:228 -
  5. 03:17:362 (5) - Copy paste 03:16:926 (4) -,and adjust it with CTRL+R and by flipping it horizontally to make a symmetric pattern here
  6. 03:30:530 (3,4) - Same as 01:16:577 (5,6)
[Collab Hard]

  1. 00:35:937 (1) - Move the new combo on 00:36:112 (2) -
  2. 00:55:472 (1) - Move the new combo on 00:55:821 (3) -, so that it matches with the start of the kiai time too
[Collab Insane]

  1. 00:11:170 (5) - New combo
  2. 01:43:612 (4) - 5 grids up to fix the blanket with 01:43:263 (3) -
  3. 01:47:449 (2,3) - It would be better if you increased the spacing here,too. I think it's better to place 01:47:449 (2) - at x:168 y:76 to do that
  4. 01:51:112 (1) - Move the new combo to 01:51:635 (4) -
  5. 03:16:402 (1) - Move the new combo to 03:16:751 (2) -
  6. 03:20:763 (4) - This antijump really brokes the flow,and it isn't that great. You should put this note at the same position as 03:20:065 (4) -

Since 1/6 is used, SV 1.6 is recommened for easier reading. (這樣吧後面加速改為1.15x就夠了)
01:17:100 - 感覺這裡沒有重音 移除finish後在 01:17:449 - , 01:17:798 - 加finish, 另外建議01:18:147 - 加notes因為spinner本身打不了拍子
01:30:530 - d d k去配合背景音樂類似01:29:135 - 的節奏?
01:43:612 - 在vocal位結束3連而不是開始三連?
01:47:623 - k k d
02:53:379 - 應該是K D---K D吧
還是老樣子 在1/2拍為主的歌避免用dddkd dddkk kkddd這些 在第3拍紅轉藍/藍轉紅會合適一點 另外在大圓用運用上有些進步的空間 不過現在也不錯
Numbers 596108

wmfchris wrote:

Since 1/6 is used, SV 1.6 is recommened for easier reading. (這樣吧後面加速改為1.15x就夠了) -> 1.25比較正常吧www
01:17:100 - 感覺這裡沒有重音 移除finish後在 01:17:449 - , 01:17:798 - 加finish, 另外建議01:18:147 - 加notes因為spinner本身打不了拍子
-> Fixed
01:30:530 - d d k去配合背景音樂類似01:29:135 - 的節奏?-> Fixed
01:43:612 - 在vocal位結束3連而不是開始三連? -> Fixed
01:47:623 - k k d -> Fixed
02:53:379 - 應該是K D---K D吧 -> 我覺得沒必較 :/
還是老樣子 在1/2拍為主的歌避免用dddkd dddkk kkddd這些 在第3拍紅轉藍/藍轉紅會合適一點 另外在大圓用運用上有些進步的空間 不過現在也不錯
Topic Starter

Hello, I have some suggestions and opinions based on playing your maps.


  1. The black borders at the side of the BG look bad. Can you find a better one?
  2. Brown combo colour is really hard to read with the BG (if people dl with no video it's a problem). Please change it to colour that doesn't blend in with the BG
  3. The difficulty gap between Easy and Normal is quite big, and the difficulty gap between Normal and Hard is even bigger. You might want to make Easy harder and Hard easier to have a better spread.

00:54:426 (4) - It makes more sense to start this at 00:54:251 and end it because it's where the vocal and guitar start.
02:12:565 (3) - ^ new player would try to follow vocal. You could always have a gap here but the 1/1 will be confusing.
03:27:914 (1,2,3) - Add more notes / sliders here. The huge gap between notes can be hard to follow.


00:43:961 (4) - Delete? It'll be hard for a newer player to catch this because it's not following anything obvious.
01:04:193 (5) - Clap the return
01:17:449 (6) - This overlap is bad. Maybe remove a return on 01:16:577 (5) - then create a note + slider?
02:34:891 (6) - Delete and add a return to 02:33:495 (5) - ?
02:53:379 (1) - Why not delete this and end the spinner here instead? Also I think the clap is too loud here.
02:56:344 (2) - Delete? Make it easier and it looks nicer.
03:31:402 (4) - Same thing I said about 01:17:449 (6) - the overlap is bad and I think would be better with note and slider.

[NNastice's Taiko]

02:01:402 (1) - Extend to 02:02:798 ?

[Collab Hard]

  1. I think the custom finish is too heavy for this song, maybe reduce the volume on it a bit.
00:31:926 (5) - Silenced slider ends are unrankable now apparently. Increase the volume and make it soft hitsound?
01:03:495 (4,5,1,2) - Make it easier. This pattern is more of an Insane? In fact you did almost exactly the same thing in insane with smaller jumps 02:00:356 (4,5,6,7) -
01:13:961 (4) - New combo to show spacing change here?
01:29:833 (2,3) - Remove the jump? I think it's better if you keep the spacing the same as everything else in this section 01:30:705 (1,2,3,4) - etc
01:58:612 (1) - Remove clap from the end.
01:59:135 (2) - ^
02:59:658 (3,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6) - So cluttered, I think it'd play better with this SV if you made the rhythm more simple.
03:05:414 (1,1) - New combos really necessary?

This feels like an Easy Insane but not a Hard. I'm reluctant to suggest to make things easier because it's good but calling it a Hard is mislabelling imo.

[Collab Insane]

  1. Too much triple spam, just sounds out of place
00:47:449 (1) - Jump doesn't make much sense, compare to 00:50:065 (4,1) -
00:55:821 - Why is this a x1.20 section? The other kiai time doesn't use a speedup. Some things about collabs should be consistent and this is one of them imo.
01:03:321 (3,4,5) - Why the jump? Everytime I play it, it just doesn't make sense.
01:05:588 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13) - It sounds bad and is completely random. The guitar is the most prominent part but you map over it with a stream? It'd be better if you followed the music.
01:46:228 (3) - Slider-end is covered by the previous hitburst. Maybe move the position of 01:45:705 (3) -
02:00:705 (5) - You should try to make this more visible with a new combo or something.
02:03:147 - 02:08:030 - Whistle is too loud it's unfitting. I'd say 50-60% is good for this part.
02:13:088 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,1) - I found it funny you ignored the guitar that is on 1/4 at 02:13:176 but then decided to throw in a stream that doesn't follow anything. Again following the guitar would be better.
02:34:891 (1,2,3,4) - This sounds weird. Follow the music more and remove the custom hitsounds? Or you could just start the break here I suppose.
02:57:827 (8) - Delete? You're supposed to be following the guitar?
03:01:751 (2) - Spacing, space it like the rest of the 1/4 in the map.
03:16:054 (8,9,10,1) - Somewhat confusing spacing. I think it would be better if you moved 03:16:228 (9) - somewhere else and kept the same spacing between 03:16:402 (10,1) -
03:19:542 (1) - Is the new combo really necessary?
03:19:891 (1) - ^

Hmm there are some very good ideas in this diff but it doesn't feel cohesive, like the first kiai is much harder than the last and they flow differently etc. Also it feels overmapped at times with all the triples.

That's all from me, overall I think the spread could be improved and some of the overmapping in Insane cut. Maybe get some more mods or another MAT and see what they think.
Topic Starter
Thanks Shulin, I'll fix them and ask No_Gu to do some change, he's having exams these days.
Topic Starter
Generally Something changed:
Fixed black borders of the BG;
Removed the Brown combo colour
Made Easy more difficult (up to 1.04 stars from 0.64 stars)

Shulin wrote:

Hello, I have some suggestions and opinions based on playing your maps.


00:43:961 (4) - Delete? It'll be hard for a newer player to catch this because it's not following anything obvious. :arrow: Sorry I think this one is not so difficult, and I felt empty if delete it
01:17:449 (6) - This overlap is bad. Maybe remove a return on 01:16:577 (5) - then create a note + slider? :arrow: Since it returns on red line, I think it's difficult if I change it into a circle
02:53:379 (1) - Why not delete this and end the spinner here instead? Also I think the clap is too loud here. :arrow: Did so, about the clap I think that's because of the music itself...
03:31:402 (4) - Same thing I said about 01:17:449 (6) - the overlap is bad and I think would be better with note and slider. :arrow: Same reason

[NNastice's Taiko]

02:01:402 (1) - Extend to 02:02:798 ? :arrow: Since Taiko spinner is quite different from osu!'s, I don't think it's necessary, because it won't cause change

[Collab Hard]

  1. I think the custom finish is too heavy for this song, maybe reduce the volume on it a bit. :arrow: I'll ask others' ideas.

00:31:926 (5) - Silenced slider ends are unrankable now apparently. Increase the volume and make it soft hitsound? :arrow: I asked others, they said if it's suit the song, then it's OK, so maybe I'll ask more people
01:03:495 (4,5,1,2) - Make it easier. This pattern is more of an Insane? In fact you did almost exactly the same thing in insane with smaller jumps 02:00:356 (4,5,6,7) - :arrow: You have sharp eyes, x.x, changed
02:59:658 (3,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6) - So cluttered, I think it'd play better with this SV if you made the rhythm more simple. :arrow: I'll ask Gu to fix it, I don't know how to change them
03:05:414 (1,1) - New combos really necessary? :arrow: Uh, I think it's keep it

This feels like an Easy Insane but not a Hard. I'm reluctant to suggest to make things easier because it's good but calling it a Hard is mislabelling imo. :arrow: I understand, if OK I'll try to do some change.

[Collab Insane]

  1. Too much triple spam, just sounds out of place
Gu's part is quite difficult from others', I'll left your mods to him and let him change them together

02:03:147 - 02:08:030 - Whistle is too loud it's unfitting. I'd say 50-60% is good for this part. Use 70%

02:13:088 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,1) - I found it funny you ignored the guitar that is on 1/4 at 02:13:176 but then decided to throw in a stream that doesn't follow anything. Again following the guitar would be better.
02:34:891 (1,2,3,4) - This sounds weird. Follow the music more and remove the custom hitsounds? Or you could just start the break here I suppose. :arrow: No change,sorry (what I thought was same with popner)

03:16:054 (8,9,10,1) - Somewhat confusing spacing. I think it would be better if you moved 03:16:228 (9) - somewhere else and kept the same spacing between 03:16:402 (10,1) - :arrow: Do some fixing

Hmm there are some very good ideas in this diff but it doesn't feel cohesive, like the first kiai is much harder than the last and they flow differently etc. Also it feels overmapped at times with all the triples.

That's all from me, overall I think the spread could be improved and some of the overmapping in Insane cut. Maybe get some more mods or another MAT and see what they think.
Thanks, I'll talk with collab members and try my best to improve it.Also, other deleted words are all fixed.

Shulin wrote:

[Collab Hard]

  1. I think the custom finish is too heavy for this song, maybe reduce the volume on it a bit.
02:59:658 (3,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6) - So cluttered, I think it'd play better with this SV if you made the rhythm more simple.Why I need to follow a worse rhythm
03:05:414 (1,1) - New combos really necessary?necessary

This feels like an Easy Insane but not a Hard. I'm reluctant to suggest to make things easier because it's good but calling it a Hard is mislabelling imo.
many vocaloid maps have this problem.I also don't think this diff is too hard
[Collab Insane]

00:47:449 (1) - Jump doesn't make much sense, compare to 00:50:065 (4,1) -it fits the rotary vocal very can't hear it?
00:55:821 - Why is this a x1.20 section? The other kiai time doesn't use a speedup. Some things about collabs should be consistent and this is one of them imo.Don't you see anyone use 1.2x in kiai time?
01:03:321 (3,4,5) - Why the jump? Everytime I play it, it just doesn't make sense.just fit the music.If you can't catch it.It's your problem
01:05:588 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13) - It sounds bad and is completely random. The guitar is the most prominent part but you map over it with a stream? It'd be better if you followed the music.guitar has a sense of adhesion.
[Collab Hard]

  1. 01:01:054 (1) - Spacing略近, 倒不是太大问题
  2. 03:01:054 (4) - 这个跳不合节奏, 打起很怪
其他没什么, 有回复后论坛pm我吧
Topic Starter

Breeze wrote:

[Collab Hard]

  1. 01:01:054 (1) - Spacing略近, 倒不是太大问题 :arrow: 拉大了些,都保持1x
  2. 03:01:054 (4) - 这个跳不合节奏, 打起很怪 :arrow: 开着DS放到右边去了
其他没什么, 有回复后论坛pm我吧
Topic Starter
Thanks! >_<
00:18:147 - 堆在一起不好看 <_< 隨手排了個
00:27:042 (8) - adding whistle at the end corresponding to the some musical note like the beginning
00:31:926 (4) - middle tick sounds a bit loud to me orz
01:50:065 - how about using a 1.5 beat 0.5x slider to emphasize the silence here?
03:15:007 (3) - [Nazi] up 1 grid lv4 for exact spacing

03:32:100 (6) - 這下finish聲感覺怪怪的 和高音vocal不合
/me slaps bossandy god mapper

01:41:868 (4) - the ending might be a bit too loud.

01:11:519 - corresponding to 01:05:588 (4) - add a note here?
01:37:681 (3) - the music ends eariler so for this one make the ending softer?

[手機姐's Taiko]
03:00:007 - 明明是xxx xxx xxxxxxx 偏要鬼畜串 最後5個音對應不到音樂kdkkd也不適合

that's all.

looks better now.
Topic Starter

wmfchris wrote:

00:18:147 - 堆在一起不好看 <_< 隨手排了個 :arrow: changed this part
00:27:042 (8) - adding whistle at the end corresponding to the some musical note like the beginning :arrow: done
00:31:926 (4) - middle tick sounds a bit loud to me orz :arrow: orz no change, sorry
01:50:065 - how about using a 1.5 beat 0.5x slider to emphasize the silence here? :arrow: Seems good, but I think it's already fine now
03:15:007 (3) - [Nazi] up 1 grid lv4 for exact spacing :arrow: Done

03:32:100 (6) - 這下finish聲感覺怪怪的 和高音vocal不合 :arrow: 改好了
/me slaps bossandy god mapper

01:41:868 (4) - the ending might be a bit too loud. :arrow: changed

01:11:519 - corresponding to 01:05:588 (4) - add a note here? :arrow: changed this part
01:37:681 (3) - the music ends eariler so for this one make the ending softer? :arrow: changed this part,too x_x

[手機姐's Taiko]
03:00:007 - 明明是xxx xxx xxxxxxx 偏要鬼畜串 最後5個音對應不到音樂kdkkd也不適合 :arrow: 自己调整了下

that's all.
Awesome map! I gave you a star :D
Topic Starter
Thank you xiceyx~ >~<
Topic Starter

OSUtoto wrote:

I'm sorry orz

p.s. 怎麼退群了

Since this is a single issue and popped then fixed by the mapper itself...rebubbled?

If I shouldn't be able rebub this one just tell me.
o.o 看到LS才想起来

eikka也高三了啊, 加油wwwwwww
Topic Starter
Thanks wmf for your stars...But I have to AFK and begin studying…… Also I don't think I did a good job in this map.

高三压力大 电脑要被限制了 所以还是想静下心来

eikkaleyd wrote:

Thanks wmf for your stars...But I have to AFK and begin studying…… Also I don't think I did a good job in this map.

高三压力大 电脑要被限制了 所以还是想静下心来
Sadly can't download a normal diff :o
Topic Starter

Suzully wrote:

Sadly can't download a normal diff :o
Did a full-submission and.... popped again :o

raririn wrote:


a3272509123 wrote:


wmfchris wrote:

Since this is a single issue and popped then fixed by the mapper itself...rebubbled?

If I shouldn't be able rebub this one just tell me.
Thank you wmf... ><
Topic Starter
Since I'm not so busy these days, try to resurrect it now.
Hi sorry I'm late. I didn't notice you popped a bubble and not yet get rebubbled :/

  1. 01:59:658 (4) - This looks being hidden by (3). Try to avoid overlapping.
  1. 00:21:984 (x) - It's better to add a note here too. Reading the timing of 00:22:333 (1) seems a bit difficult on normal diff.
  2. 01:15:007 (x) - ^ Same here.
  3. 01:15:356 (2) - Add a finish to the start.
  4. 01:16:577 (5) - Add a clap to the end too.
  5. 02:53:902 (1) - Add a new combo.
  6. 03:29:309 (1) - Finish~
  7. 03:29:833 (2,3,4) - Use the same clap pattern as 01:15:879 (3,4,5,6).
[Collab Hard]
  1. 01:41:868 (4) - Add a new combo.
  2. 01:55:647 (6,7) - Speaking of the clap pattern, remove (6)'s one and add to (7)'s end. I feel it fits the music more.
  3. 02:11:693 (T) - Why not use custom-soft hitsound here?
  4. 02:16:228 (5,6,7,1) - These spacings are a bit too close. Seems not so good.
  5. 03:04:716 (2,1) - At the return of slider, use default soft hitsound instead of custom one? Your custom soft-hitnormal.wav doesn't fit well imo. (if you change the hitsound, don't forget to remove claps)
[Collab Insane]
  1. 00:53:030 (1,2,3,4) - Consider to use anti-jump rather than perfect stacking? Just to me but imo the gameplay will become better.
  2. 01:15:356 (1,2,3,4,5,1) - ^ Same here.
  3. 02:34:891 (1,2,3,4) - I felt something wrong. Following the music is better than following 1/2-beat here.
  4. 03:20:937 (1,2,3,4) - Try to make a bit wider jump and change (4)'s shape? The current pattern looks like crowded since the space between (1,2) is closer than (4,5).
Call me after fix. I'll get a bubble back.
Topic Starter
Sorry for being late~

Purple words AND deleted words are all changed Red words are kept for some reasons.

Suzully wrote:

  1. 00:21:984 (x) - It's better to add a note here too. Reading the timing of 00:22:333 (1) seems a bit difficult on normal diff. :arrow: Change (1) into a slider
  2. 01:15:007 (x) - ^ Same here. :arrow: ^
  3. 01:15:356 (2) - Add a finish to the start. :arrow: Added, but kept clap
  4. 03:29:309 (1) - Finish~ :arrow: ^
[Collab Hard]
  1. 02:11:693 (T) - Why not use custom-soft hitsound here? :arrow: Change the timing line into S:C1, maybe?
  2. 03:04:716 (2,1) - At the return of slider, use default soft hitsound instead of custom one? Your custom soft-hitnormal.wav doesn't fit well imo. (if you change the hitsound, don't forget to remove claps) :arrow: Hmm, sorry no change here. I think soft-hitwhistle2.wav is good here~ and others the same.元の音楽と違うかも、でもその効果は良いと思います(多分、英語も日本語も私の気分を届けない。。(;_;)
[Collab Insane]
  1. 01:15:356 (1,2,3,4,5,1) - ^ Same here. :arrow: Sorry, no change. Vocal doesn't fit that anti-jump well, I think. (For example, 1-2-3 go up, but 4 go down)
  2. 02:34:891 (1,2,3,4) - I felt something wrong. Following the music is better than following 1/2-beat here.  :arrow: Well, this is a big change. I hope I did it well
Call me after fix. I'll get a bubble back.
Thank you~
Good, rebub~

btw, I like 三段峡's Iroha Uta so much.
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