
Experiment: Looking for new <dedicated> players

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damiaanzx you have to find a new player yourself, thought it'd creep me out if I just joined the game and sneaky dude was offering me S-ing insanes x-D. Dat "experiment" thingy ^_^.
Topic Starter

Krzysiek wrote:

damiaanzx you have to find a new player yourself, thought it'd creep me out if I just joined the game and sneaky dude was offering me S-ing insanes x-D. Dat "experiment" thingy ^_^.
Yeah, a few have come for help but none that are completely fresh.

damiaanzx wrote:

tyrael6192 wrote:

What i thought when i read through this thread

Oh shit! A keyboard warrior has appeared. You shouldn't be here, there is an experiment which must be done that doesn't involve you in any way.
do you know what a keyboard warrior is ._. all i did was just post my initial reaction to the thread
Uh... I'd wanna apply if possible. I'm not a new player, but I'm quite a noob. I think my problem is I only play Medium and Hard maps, I FC and S them, well the Hard ones not always, but still... I never FC'd an Insane map, I don't play them either, so I think that's the main problem, but I'm no pro, tips are welcome.
Coming from a Starcraft background where professional players regularly tutor players to help them get better, I think this is a really good concept for the community. However, like some people mentioned, it ostensibly looks really showy, and my first reaction was to assume that you were showing off. I hope this turns out to be a positive thing for people, though, and perhaps creates more interest.

As an afterthought, though, it would really help your PR if you simply said "I have this rank and PP, and I am offering training sessions to new players who want my help." Making what is essentially a challenge out of it is what is creating the contention here. Your thread doesn't have the " humble feel" of a public service.
How come nobody ever wanted to train me <.<

I was dedicated since day 1 -.-

Anyways damianz, can you train 8 month players to S super hard insanes like scarlet rose/banned forever? If you can, I'd be happy to be your test subject, but no funny business mister!

G0r wrote:

Coming from a Starcraft background where professional players regularly tutor players to help them get better, I think this is a really good concept for the community. However, like some people mentioned, it ostensibly looks really showy, and my first reaction was to assume that you were showing off. I hope this turns out to be a positive thing for people, though, and perhaps creates more interest.

As an afterthought, though, it would really help your PR if you simply said "I have this rank and PP, and I am offering training sessions to new players who want my help." Making what is essentially a challenge out of it is what is creating the contention here. Your thread doesn't have the " humble feel" of a public service.
The problem with tutoring in this game is that it doesn't make sense. StarCraft without strategy and only macro and micro would be the equivalent of the skills required in this game. Those can't be helped with tutoring.

Kyou-kun wrote:

The problem with tutoring in this game is that it doesn't make sense. StarCraft without strategy and only macro and micro would be the equivalent of the skills required in this game. Those can't be helped with tutoring.
Mmm, I beg to differ. Macro and micro in Starcraft are very complicated things that require a lot of practiced skill to do right. It is true that you can gain these skills by just trial and error, but having someone to tell you how to use your keyboard and mouse effectively in Starcraft is a very useful thing. I believe that the same can apply to Osu when it comes to very beginner level players who are having a hard time understanding how to use both of the keys that they have at their disposal while still being able to keep their aim and timing. Ultimately neither game will require a very long term tutoring for these skills, and much of the tutoring would have to be simply setting up a practice regimen for the players to work out the kinks in their play, but it is possible to do for a short period until the player has surpassed the problem.

That said, I defer my opinion to yours, as you are the more skilled player of the two of us. My real intent was to point out that our friend here has advertised himself in an ostentatious fashion, if what he wanted was to just tutor some people.

G0r wrote:

Kyou-kun wrote:

The problem with tutoring in this game is that it doesn't make sense. StarCraft without strategy and only macro and micro would be the equivalent of the skills required in this game. Those can't be helped with tutoring.
Mmm, I beg to differ. Macro and micro in Starcraft are very complicated things that require a lot of practiced skill to do right. It is true that you can gain these skills by just trial and error, but having someone to tell you how to use your keyboard and mouse effectively in Starcraft is a very useful thing. I believe that the same can apply to Osu when it comes to very beginner level players who are having a hard time understanding how to use both of the keys that they have at their disposal while still being able to keep their aim and timing. Ultimately neither game will require a very long term tutoring for these skills, and much of the tutoring would have to be simply setting up a practice regimen for the players to work out the kinks in their play, but it is possible to do for a short period until the player has surpassed the problem.

That said, I defer my opinion to yours, as you are the more skilled player of the two of us. My real intent was to point out that our friend here has advertised himself in an ostentatious fashion, if what he wanted was to just tutor some people.
This man was claiming that within two years on his training regime, students will reach Cookiezi's skill level. A bit much to claim, wouldn't you think?

Kyou-kun wrote:

This man was claiming that within two years on his training regime, students will reach Cookiezi's skill level. A bit much to claim, wouldn't you think?
Oh yes, it certainly is. I don't think that any level of tutoring can create that sort of increase in skill. Only honest interest in the game and lots of practice could. That's exactly why I think that he might want to rephrase himself. The only thing that I think might have any effect on a players skill over that long a time would be if he were to suggest maps that he thinks the person should practice on, and set goals for them to try to motivate them, but this all assumes that the person is the sort of person who'd probably be trying to test themselves anyway, so it'd be about as helpful as maybe having a friend or two that you can compete with.

I think that tutoring can help a beginning player to reach average level skill faster than they would without advice, and there I think it could be a pretty cool thing for community growth. Nothing will make you pro, however, except yourself. That is my opinion.
There can only be one Cookiezi.

Milkshake wrote:

nononono we all should play osu! 25/7
I mean wtf ok
30 minutes to a hour a day is optimal when training your motor skills. I just can't seem to limit my self to that :/ I gotta play all day long or I get withdrawal lol

I'm actually interested in this and I have a few friends that are fairly new to osu! and ill ask them if there willing to do this.
Hey i'm an average player train me

Training's apparently cancelled. :(
Topic Starter

Kyou-kun wrote:

Training's apparently cancelled. :(
Yep, because you needed the rest :(
/me wants to be cookiezi plz
serhjfvd I wanna be trained! owo
Tsukimi Luna
Lol dafuq... U serious?????
Lol 2 hours a day for a week lol.
Nvm that if thats so

Im expecting to FC freedom dive by the week's end...
As if

No and yes removing bg and sb = cheat
Ive tried it once or twice it make ar9 super super easy to read and ar 10 easier to read and its unfair
An average player can even pass airman if bg's were black

I cant wait for the full release of osz2

Yuu-Chii wrote:

No and yes removing bg and sb = cheat
Ive tried it once or twice it make ar9 super super easy to read and ar 10 easier to read and its unfair
An average player can even pass airman if bg's were black

I cant wait for the full release of osz2
cool story bro

Yuu-Chii wrote:

Lol dafuq... U serious?????
Lol 2 hours a day for a week lol.
Nvm that if thats so

Im expecting to FC freedom dive by the week's end...
As if

No and yes removing bg and sb = cheat
Ive tried it once or twice it make ar9 super super easy to read and ar 10 easier to read and its unfair
An average player can even pass airman if bg's were black

I cant wait for the full release of osz2

Yuu-Chii wrote:

No and yes removing bg and sb = cheat
Don't worry, No and Yes won't remove anything. I will.

Removing them will make me Cookiezi-pro and stream 300 bpm np.

kriers wrote:

Yuu-Chii wrote:

No and yes removing bg and sb = cheat
Don't worry, No and Yes won't remove anything. I will.

Removing them will make me Cookiezi-pro and stream 300 bpm np.
I see what you did there. :P

Seriously, though, I feel like I'm not even curious about trying removing backgrounds anymore, just because the fun spoiler dimming is so effective for me. I almost always use it now when I feel a background is a pain, and it's been wonderful. I am glad that it was added.
The Fun Spoiler BG dimming is the best thing ever

life is wonderful

Yuu-Chii wrote:

Lol dafuq... U serious?????

No and yes removing bg and sb = cheat
Ive tried it once or twice it make ar9 super super easy to read and ar 10 easier to read and its unfair
An average player can even pass airman if bg's were black
Greatest love story ever told
Do people seriously have an easier time reading maps with black BGs? wtf? I tried playing with the dim settings now that they were introduced and it didn't feel like it's helping me at all. wtf is wrong with your eyes people

still didn't try reading AR10 with HR but just for AR9+HR or AR10 it's easily np... honestly if you can't read normal AR9 on a static background image something is wrong with you, even with video reading AR10 is not hard as long as the combo colors are not literally /exactly/ the same hue as the background
Yes, something is wrong with my eyes, that's why I like it how it is right now (changing background to gray, can't stand black). I'm serious here, please do not hate people with eye problems.

Aqo wrote:

still didn't try reading AR10 with HR but just for AR9+HR or AR10 it's easily np... honestly if you can't read normal AR9 on a static background image something is wrong with you, even with video reading AR10 is not hard as long as the combo colors are not literally /exactly/ the same hue as the background
this thread it's full of cool stories lol
I'm still waiting for some beginner player willing to take part in experiment. Is OP dodging?

Aqo wrote:

Do people seriously have an easier time reading maps with black BGs? wtf? I tried playing with the dim settings now that they were introduced and it didn't feel like it's helping me at all. wtf is wrong with your eyes people
Depends on the map. Do you seriously not have any problems with maps that are extremely colorful in the background? I actually very very rarely remove backgrounds unless I want to FC something with HR or something and the map is extremely colorful and annoying, but even when I don't remove the background, I can feel my hitcircles blending into the colorful background. Also the dim feature as of now doesn't really compare to a real black bg at all. It's still quite bright and visible

For instance playing this with HR and with background is definitely a decent amount harder to read than playing that with HR and no background (at least imo). It's just one example I can think of, there's definitely quite a few more examples. I didn't remove the background on that map. I usually just suck it up and just play it with the background, since my mentality is basically that if I can play it with this annoying background I can play it with any other background, black or not.

For maps like or other maps with light backgrounds, I agree it with you. I don't really feel any difference reading it on a black bg or not. etc.
I believe the mindset peppy wants people to have is something like this: People who can't play with backgrounds is like people who can't play without a certain hitsound set. Both are part of the map. I have removed a few backgrounds in the past to see how it works, and it does make osu! easier. I actually started to grow a negative opinion on certain top players who didn't use backgrounds for their top scores.

There are legitimate reasons to remove backgrounds (which are being addressed, mature content being one), but honestly, getting an edge on other players shouldn't be one of them. If you feel maps with bright backgrounds cause too many problems that the fun wrecker options don't fix, ask for a guideline that makes backgrounds that increase difficulty unrankable.

winber1 wrote:

Do you seriously not have any problems with maps that are extremely colorful in the background?
The only backgrounds I ever have problems with were super-bright ones, that's it. However custom skins bother me a lot... I designed my skin specifically to make hitcircles easy to see regardless of the BG. Colorful and moving isn't much of a trouble. here is an example for a map that imo has a beautiful SB with video usage as well, and I wouldn't want to remove it. Would you play with with BG (SB+Video) or without? this I had misses on my first try because skin was confusing, then I removed the skin and S'd it. Only the skin is a problem imo :/ if you have a good skin you can see objects well through every BG

I had this weird habit lately to take maps that I like, go into Edit, copy their top diff and make an AR10 OD10 version of it and just play that, and I never felt the need to remove BGs with it.
yeah well i play beatmaps with my laptop shut so i cant even see anything

and my mouse unplugged

on 500 AR

and if you can't do it like me there's something wrong with you
I'm interested. Please contact me.
Tsukimi Luna

Mithost wrote:

There are legitimate reasons to remove backgrounds, but honestly, getting an edge on other players shouldn't be one of them.
Thats what i meant...
Doesnt mean that you have an eye problem if u cant read AR9 and AR10
Just play more if u cant xD
But yeah... removing background to have an edge over other players lol...
and thats the reason why im against it.... but i actually like the dimming option xD

Aqo wrote:

I designed my skin specifically to make hitcircles easy to see regardless of the BG.
Really? your skin does not really look like the most clear and readable thing I've seen. I claim that my skin is more clear and readable and I still feel a difference depending on the background, though nowadays I just dim the background if it gets annoying, rather than doing nothing about it.

Aqo wrote:

Would you play with with BG (SB+Video) or without?
I never really turn on video. I can play with them, but they are kinda meh for me. Storyboards I only delete if it's flashy everywhere. All those lights are like aldskjfhawnebzegw. Lyric storyboards and actual real storyboards I don't delete (for the most part ._.)

Aqo wrote:

I had this weird habit lately to take maps that I like, go into Edit, copy their top diff and make an AR10 OD10 version of it and just play that, and I never felt the need to remove BGs with it.
... or use hard rock? Lately I've been doing the same thing to certain maps except I make it AR9 and I am just double timing them. I CAN FEEL THE IMPROVEMENT FLOWING THROUGHOUT ME

winber1 wrote:

Aqo wrote:

I designed my skin specifically to make hitcircles easy to see regardless of the BG.
Really? your skin does not really look like the most clear and readable thing I've seen. I claim that my skin is more clear and readable and I still feel a difference depending on the background, though nowadays I just dim the background if it gets annoying, rather than doing nothing about it.
heh that's interesting. Your skin is very confusing to me. The approach circles look the same as the circles in your skin because of the hitcircle overlay and once the amount of objects being stacked goes above 2 I can't tell what's going on the screen. Also your reverse arrows blend with the skin theme which makes them hard to spot quickly for me.

I intentionally made my reverse arrows very bright in the skin to spot instantly whenever they appear (same goes for spinners btw), as well as making everything else very minimalistic to avoid disruption from stacking; the hitcircle overlay is made half-black which makes it easier for me to spot when objects are stacked or not - especially with the contrast to the white borders around objects.

guess it all boils down to personal preference. but as long as you have a skin that's easy for you to read I don't think BGs can interrupt you at all, since in the end you'll be looking at the objects and not at the BG... if the objects stand out to you in a clear way then the BG would make no difference.

Seeing those other people calling disabling backgrounds "an edge" is really far stretched... especially if talking about modless AR9 which is like what, 0.75 of a second? that's plenty of time for everything.

winber1 wrote:

... or use hard rock? Lately I've been doing the same thing to certain maps except I make it AR9 and I am just double timing them. I CAN FEEL THE IMPROVEMENT FLOWING THROUGHOUT ME
right now I only get 70-80 % on most insanes with HR(+NF) and without NF I'd die to the HR drain like that. You too pro ;; me jelly. my left hand is still noob in this game
Tsukimi Luna
Ok enough of this bcuz this thread getting too derailed

Aqo wrote:

Do people seriously have an easier time reading maps with black BGs? wtf? I tried playing with the dim settings now that they were introduced and it didn't feel like it's helping me at all. wtf is wrong with your eyes people

still didn't try reading AR10 with HR but just for AR9+HR or AR10 it's easily np... honestly if you can't read normal AR9 on a static background image something is wrong with you, even with video reading AR10 is not hard as long as the combo colors are not literally /exactly/ the same hue as the background
Current Performance: 3,567pp (#10,413)

Please stop taking anything this person says seriously. His bark is far bigger than his bite.

I also fail to understand what this thread was supposed to have to do with background removal.

Yuu-Chii wrote:

Mithost wrote:

There are legitimate reasons to remove backgrounds, but honestly, getting an edge on other players shouldn't be one of them.
Thats what i meant...
Doesnt mean that you have an eye problem if u cant read AR9 and AR10
Just play more if u cant xD
But yeah... removing background to have an edge over other players lol...
and thats the reason why im against it.... but i actually like the dimming option xD
Edge over other players? simply delete the BG, costs nothing if i ain't wrong lol
Amusing stuff in this thread every single day.
this thread has never been on topic :/

everyone who says i want to participate gets completely ignored lmfao.
Topic Starter

Yuu-Chii wrote:

Mithost wrote:

There are legitimate reasons to remove backgrounds, but honestly, getting an edge on other players shouldn't be one of them.
Thats what i meant...
Doesnt mean that you have an eye problem if u cant read AR9 and AR10
Just play more if u cant xD
But yeah... removing background to have an edge over other players lol...
and thats the reason why im against it.... but i actually like the dimming option xD
I was originally against removing backgrounds, like you. Its because I couldn't stop other people from removing backgrounds, which is why I started, just so that I wasn't disadvantaged. I wouldn't mind leaving them in if I knew that no one else would have an advantage over me.

winber1 wrote:

this thread has never been on topic :/

everyone who says i want to participate gets completely ignored lmfao.
No. The people who are serious PM me, I don't even really read through the thread as the rest are mostly trolling in some way.

Krzysiek wrote:

I'm still waiting for some beginner player willing to take part in experiment. Is OP dodging?
No completely new players have PM'd.

As for everyone else, I don't know your reasons for the repeated criticism (to try and fit in, maybe?), but I'd rather you seriously talk with me rather than spam this thread. Then you'll see a reply.
Below 1000 playcount players are fine for me. Just wanna see some data, cos 20hr experiment sounds exotic.
Topic Starter

Krzysiek wrote:

Below 1000 playcount players are fine for me. Just wanna see some data, cos 20hr experiment sounds exotic.
In that case I have one person.
If you can get someone to S insanes in a week, consider making a tutorial on how to get there, and post it to these forums. Many people turn to the forums looking for guides/info that might be keeping them from getting better. It will be seen from your target audience. Such a claim however, cannot be backed up until you have almost a dozen newer players S ranking insanes under your belt.
Topic Starter

Mithost wrote:

If you can get someone to S insanes in a week, consider making a tutorial on how to get there, and post it to these forums. Many people turn to the forums looking for guides/info that might be keeping them from getting better. It will be seen from your target audience. Such a claim however, cannot be backed up until you have almost a dozen newer players S ranking insanes under your belt.
A guide will not work with helping someone make S ranks within a week, generally. Most people lack discipline or time and are unable to push themselves and play out of their comfort zone for an entire week, even with my watchful eye over them in-game. Unless I'm there physically, I can't do much other than constantly point people in the direction I see best for them, provide tips, provide maps, answer their questions and keep their enthusiasm up.

And for future notice:
The chances of me finding a really dedicated player is low. Chances are, any new players that really are dedicated will go straight into the game, not the forums.
Currently I have about 3 people, 1 who shines. I have another 3 people who have PM'd me, but I have not seen in-game. None of them are completely new to the game, and so aren't able to partake in the experiment.

Unless lewa over there is willing to allow me to conduct the experiment with a single person, who played only slightly a year before and then came back to find me, then the experiment still cannot commence.
You can tell them what mindset they should have, and you can tell them to push themselves. Instead of you watching over them, it's their own will to get better that will continue to tell them to push on. Providing maps, tips, habits, etc. in a thread that you would provide to a player 1 on 1 would still work. Maybe not as well, but it will help. Assuming your 1 week S ranking insanes claim is true, a guide w/o a mentor could get them S ranking insanes in about a month. That's still huge seeing most players that have been on for 6 months + have just started getting comfortable with insane maps.

Also, if they didn't want to push themselves on their own or with your help, they could say "f*** it" and ignore everything either way. With or without a mentor, as long as you are online with your training, people will ragequit at the same time, due to the same things.

Mithost wrote:

You can tell them what mindset they should have, and you can tell them to push themselves. Instead of you watching over them, it's their own will to get better that will continue to tell them to push on. Providing maps, tips, habits, etc. in a thread that you would provide to a player 1 on 1 would still work. Maybe not as well, but it will help. Assuming your 1 week S ranking insanes claim is true, a guide w/o a mentor could get them S ranking insanes in about a month. That's still huge seeing most players that have been on for 6 months + have just started getting comfortable with insane maps.

Also, if they didn't want to push themselves on their own or with your help, they could say "f*** it" and ignore everything either way. With or without a mentor, as long as you are online with your training, people will ragequit at the same time, due to the same things.
Can I just sum up the thrust of your argument as being that he should do a guide, because it'd reach more people? If so, then there's no reason that he can't both make a guide and coach people. Sounds to me like he's just not interested in making a guide, so he's just coaching, because he has built it up as some kind of experiment.

Evanlet wrote:

really are dedicated will go straight into the game, not the forums.
Would you not think a player who's dedicated would look into the forum first to find the best settings and tips to play before jumping in blindly?
Tsukimi Luna
I really <3 this thread
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