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mod ふろむosu game chat


rui's HardのtagにNico Nico Dougaが2つあるので1つ消してください
Star's GIRLのみaudio lead inないので追加してください

[Chata's Easy]

Hit Sound's suggestion

00:32:302 (2) - rm clap at reverse point (and add clap end sliders?)
01:05:559 (3) - add clap
01:06:245 (1) - add clap reverse point
01:10:702 (2) - add clap slider head and rm claprevers point
01:23:731 (2) - add clap
01:45:331 (1) - ^
01:37:788 (3) - rm clap slider head and add clap slider end
01:46:017 (2) - add clap slider ends
01:57:331 (3) - add clap
01:59:045 (2) - ^
02:10:702 (2) - ^


00:24:759 (1,2) - this stack too hard to play beginner player?
00:27:159 (1) - Rm NC and NC 00:27:846 (2) - here
00:45:674 (2) - DS
01:43:274 (2,3,1) - try this?01:51:502 (1) - Rm NC

[Star's GIRL]

Hit Sound's suggestion

At least the first part of the sound, you feel unsatisfactory
so here is suggestion for first part's Pattern
all add whistel
00:00:417 (1) - slider head
00:01:274 (3) -
00:02:302 (5) - slider end
00:03:502 (2) -
00:04:017 (4) -

and other parts

00:05:217 (3,4) - add clap?
00:05:902 (1) - add finish slider head
at KIAI time,you should use clap insted of whistel or use clap with whistel(but its my opinion)
01:11:731 (1) - add finish
02:18:245 (2) - add clap
02:23:045 (1) - ^ slider revers point
02:26:645 (3) - add finish at slider ends


00:34:359 (4,5) -move 4 x:473y:244 5 x:393y:303
00:55:102 (7) - NC here and rm NC 00:55:274 (1) - here
00:59:388 (5) - move y:76
01:11:731 (1) - Rm NC or Rm this note and spinner start at here
01:49:274 (4) - here is too hard to normal player... change this?or

[rui's Hard]

Hit Sound's suggestion

00:05:045 (2,3) - ここclapスライダーの終わりだけの方が合う気がしました
00:16:359 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - 2,4,6のclap消して1,3,5
00:19:445 (1) - クラップ消す
01:00:759 (1) - ^
01:11:559 (3) - 終わりにfinish
01:25:274 (1) - クラップ消す
01:43:445 (2) - ふぃにっしゅ消す
02:13:102 (3) - 頭のclap消して終わりにclap

01:03:159 (5) - NCで01:03:502 (1) - NC消す
01:58:874 (3,4) - ちょっと見辛い気がしました こんな形どうでしょう?
すごいいい譜面でした 直すところほとんど見当たりませんでした


Hit Sound's suggestion

00:26:302 (3) - ここの頭と00:26:817 (4) - ここにwhistel?(前に合わせる感じで
01:08:645 (1) - リバースポイントのFinishをスライダー終わりに移動
01:33:674 (1) - 終わりにfinish
02:14:474 (7) - リバースポイントのFinishをスライダー終わりに移動
02:16:960 (2) - ここもclap

00:10:702 (1) - ここRmNCか00:13:445 (6) - ここNC
01:11:045 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - この連打2回出てきますが素直に6消して2つに分けちゃうのもありかなと思いました

だらだら長くてすみません ☆ミ

SakiK wrote:

[rui's Hard]

Hit Sound's suggestion

00:05:045 (2,3) - ここclapスライダーの終わりだけの方が合う気がしました fixed
00:16:359 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - 2,4,6のclap消して1,3,5 fixed
00:19:445 (1) - クラップ消す fixed このあたりの音付けの仕方やり直した
01:00:759 (1) - ^ 元々ついてないみたいです
01:11:559 (3) - 終わりにfinish no
01:25:274 (1) - クラップ消す fixed 同じく音のつけ方変えた
01:43:445 (2) - ふぃにっしゅ消す fixed
02:13:102 (3) - 頭のclap消して終わりにclap no

01:03:159 (5) - NCで01:03:502 (1) - NC消す no
01:58:874 (3,4) - ちょっと見辛い気がしました こんな形どうでしょう? 使わせてもらいます
すごいいい譜面でした 直すところほとんど見当たりませんでした

Download: Hatsune Miku - RAINBOW GIRL (Hinacle) [rui's Hard].osu
Topic Starter

SakiK wrote:

mod ふろむosu game chat


rui's HardのtagにNico Nico Dougaが2つあるので1つ消してください
Star's GIRLのみaudio lead inないので追加してください

[Chata's Easy]

Hit Sound's suggestion

00:32:302 (2) - rm clap at reverse point (and add clap end sliders?)
01:05:559 (3) - add clap
01:06:245 (1) - add clap reverse point
01:10:702 (2) - add clap slider head and rm claprevers point
01:23:731 (2) - add clap
01:45:331 (1) - ^
01:37:788 (3) - rm clap slider head and add clap slider end
01:46:017 (2) - add clap slider ends
01:57:331 (3) - add clap
01:59:045 (2) - ^
02:10:702 (2) - ^


00:24:759 (1,2) - this stack too hard to play beginner player?
00:27:159 (1) - Rm NC and NC 00:27:846 (2) - here
00:45:674 (2) - DS
01:43:274 (2,3,1) - try this?01:51:502 (1) - Rm NC

[Star's GIRL]

Hit Sound's suggestion

At least the first part of the sound, you feel unsatisfactory
so here is suggestion for first part's Pattern
all add whistel
00:00:417 (1) - slider head
00:01:274 (3) -
00:02:302 (5) - slider end
00:03:502 (2) -
00:04:017 (4) -

and other parts

00:05:217 (3,4) - add clap?
00:05:902 (1) - add finish slider head
at KIAI time,you should use clap insted of whistel or use clap with whistel(but its my opinion)
01:11:731 (1) - add finish
02:18:245 (2) - add clap
02:23:045 (1) - ^ slider revers point
02:26:645 (3) - add finish at slider ends


00:34:359 (4,5) -move 4 x:473y:244 5 x:393y:303
00:55:102 (7) - NC here and rm NC 00:55:274 (1) - here
00:59:388 (5) - move y:76
01:11:731 (1) - Rm NC or Rm this note and spinner start at here
01:49:274 (4) - here is too hard to normal player... change this?or

[rui's Hard]

Hit Sound's suggestion

00:05:045 (2,3) - ここclapスライダーの終わりだけの方が合う気がしました
00:16:359 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - 2,4,6のclap消して1,3,5
00:19:445 (1) - クラップ消す
01:00:759 (1) - ^
01:11:559 (3) - 終わりにfinish
01:25:274 (1) - クラップ消す
01:43:445 (2) - ふぃにっしゅ消す
02:13:102 (3) - 頭のclap消して終わりにclap

01:03:159 (5) - NCで01:03:502 (1) - NC消す
01:58:874 (3,4) - ちょっと見辛い気がしました こんな形どうでしょう?
すごいいい譜面でした 直すところほとんど見当たりませんでした


Hit Sound's suggestion

00:26:302 (3) - ここの頭と00:26:817 (4) - ここにwhistel?(前に合わせる感じで
01:08:645 (1) - リバースポイントのFinishをスライダー終わりに移動
01:33:674 (1) - 終わりにfinish
02:14:474 (7) - リバースポイントのFinishをスライダー終わりに移動
02:16:960 (2) - ここもclap

00:10:702 (1) - ここRmNCか00:13:445 (6) - ここNC
01:11:045 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - この連打2回出てきますが素直に6消して2つに分けちゃうのもありかなと思いました

だらだら長くてすみません ☆ミ

Abe Nana

SakiK wrote:

[Chata's Easy]

Hit Sound's suggestion

00:32:302 (2) - rm clap at reverse point (and add clap end sliders?) done
01:05:559 (3) - add clap ^
01:06:245 (1) - add clap reverse point ^
01:10:702 (2) - add clap slider head and rm claprevers point ^
01:23:731 (2) - add clap nope
01:45:331 (1) - ^ done
01:37:788 (3) - rm clap slider head and add clap slider end ^
01:46:017 (2) - add clap slider ends ^
01:57:331 (3) - add clap ^
01:59:045 (2) - ^ ^
02:10:702 (2) - ^ nope


00:24:759 (1,2) - this stack too hard to play beginner player? : l.
00:27:159 (1) - Rm NC and NC 00:27:846 (2) - here fix
00:45:674 (2) - DS :o
01:43:274 (2,3,1) - try this? 見えない…
01:51:502 (1) - Rm NC done
thanks :3

Download: Hatsune Miku - RAINBOW GIRL (Hinacle) [Chata's Easy].osu
As requested (Forum PM),


- Why is Star Stream's diff the only diff with custom name? A bit inconsistent.
- Same thing with background, why Rui's diff the only one with a different background.

Not really major issues, but be sure to have a reason why, if a mat/bat asks.


00:39:159 (1) - Curving this slider looks nicer to me. (Copy 2 and paste it here)
00:42:931 (3) - ^ Same thing, looks better if this slider is curved to me.
00:45:674 (2) - Why red point on this slider? Looks weird to me
00:47:045 (1,2) - Feel a bit empty because of the drum, how about repeating slider and 3/1 slider instead? 00:49:102 (3) - You may want to change to hit circle + slider if you follow this suggestion, but it may be too hard for this Easy.
00:58:017 (1) - This slider looks a bit unsymmetrical to me, try to make it nicer?
01:00:759 (1) - Consider lowering the volume of the slider tick, sound too loud for this part for me. Also consider adding finish to begin and end (if you want to distinguish the finishes a bit, use timing point to change the volume of them, for example, one at 50% volume, one at 60% etc.)
01:04:189 (2) - Move up a little to avoid overlap?
01:08:988 (1) - Slider ticks on this slider also sound too loud, consider lowering the volume.
01:10:702 (2) - Weird wave slider imo, consider doing just a normal curve slider or place it somewhere else?
01:29:559 (3) - Don't understand why you use red point on this slider. If you wanted to use red point here then, you should use it at 01:26:817 (3) - as well as it's the same rhythm.
01:34:702 (2) - I think it look nicer if you curve this, just personal preference.
01:36:759 (x) - Should have a note here, perhaps move 01:37:102 (2) to here instead. Be sure to add finish on it.
01:39:159 (1) - Same as 01:00:759
01:44:988 (x) - Similar to 01:36:759, perhaps move 01:45:331 (1) to here and add finish.
01:46:017 (2) - Consider moving this to 01:45:845. It's on a red tick, but the drum starts here and it makes the slider feel too late to the music.
01:51:502 (1) - Looks better to me if curved.
02:03:845 (1) - Weird red point again, I prefer if you do a normal curve slider (remove red point).
02:12:759 (2) - Slider ticks sound too loud, consider lowering the volume of it.
02:14:817 (1) - ^

Map looks good to me, everything is suggestion, you don't have to follow them, but I feel they help make the map look/play better.


- Please use 3 od (Easy use 1, Hard use 5, so more balanced spread).

00:02:302 (5) - Consider silencing the slider tick here, sound very off to the music for me.
00:04:874 (2,3,4) - Consider a diamond shape like 00:03:159 (1,2,4). Looks a lot better to me, but you'll have to adjust the part afterward if you want to keep spacing consistent.
00:37:445 (3) - I prefer if you do something else other than kick slider, main reason is, your diff is quite difficult (big jump from Easy to Normal) so I recommend getting rid of stuff like this for a little nicer spread.
00:39:845 (2,3,4,5) - Weird pattern to play and seem too difficult for Normal, please simplify this.
00:42:931 (4) - Kick slider consider changing
00:45:674 (4) - ^ completely unexpected, unless you know the song
00:49:102 (4) - ^
00:59:388 (5) - ^
01:03:502 (1) - I really don't like h ow whistle sound on slider body, I recommend removing it.
01:04:874 (2) - ^
01:06:245 (1) - ^
01:07:617 (3) - ^
01:09:674 (1) - ^
01:54:245 (3) - Kick slider consider changing
01:56:988 (5) - Don't like whistle on slider body.
02:05:217 (5,6) - These two sliders don't look very symmetrical, perhaps work on them a bit.
02:09:331 (2,3) - Whistle on slider body :/
02:15:502 (1,3) - ^
02:26:645 (3) - Consider finish like the other diff?

I highly recommend changing those kick sliders and 00:39:845 (2,3,4,5). Not nice to see since Easy isn't very difficult. The rest is just suggestions. The second half is quite good, so good job there.


Your whistle seem quite weird at the beginning, try this (following all suggestion, before saying no)
00:01:102 (4) - Add whistle
00:01:274 (5) - Add whistle
00:01:445 (6) - Remove whistle
00:01:617 (1) - Add whistle at begin, remove from end
00:02:302 (2) - Add whistle at begin
00:03:845 (3,4) - Add whistle to both hit circles
00:04:188 (5) - Remove whistle
00:04:359 (1) - Add whistle to begin
Following guitar make more sense to me

00:16:359 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Consider 1/4 repeating slider instead, this look really ugly, because of the approach rate and can be hard to read.
00:33:845 (5) - Understand why you did jump, but I think it look nicer if you keep it to 1.2x distant snap. Looks like a spacing error. If not, use higher distant snapping to make it clear you want to do jump here.
00:40:531 (2,3) - Maybe place them more.. even?
00:46:017 (x) - Feel weird not to have a note on the drum here.
00:59:731 (x) - ^
01:40:188 (7,1) - If possible, please move them down so that they do not touch hp bar. Doing this make your diff looks more polish/clean.
01:51:331 (5) - Perhaps jump here? Or stack this at end of (4) and move 01:51:502 (1) further away?
02:02:645 (1) - Same as 01:40:188, move down if possible.
02:24:588 (2,3) - Snap properly to 1.0x (without grid snap), minor spacing error, but it's very noticeable here.

Patterns look pretty good, but the hitsound feel like it needs some work.


00:43:959 (2) - Perhaps stack this with end of (1) for a jump? Seem better then keeping it to same distant snap.
00:50:302 (2,3) - Consider doing jumps for these slider, it makes the jumps on (4) & (5) nicer to play for me.
01:39:674 (3) - Place this at x:64 y:56 so there is jump on (4)? This part feel weird to play for me, and when I did this, everything seem to flow a lot better.
01:41:388 (4,5,6) - Place like this so everything is 1.6x distant snap? This pattern doesn't seem to flow smoothly for me and this seems to help.
02:02:131 (5) - Should have a jump here, all the notes that begin on white ticks here had jump 02:00:759 (1,2,3,4), so should do one here as well.
02:21:331 (3) - Stack this on begin of 02:20:302 (4) so there is a jump for 02:21:502 (4)?
02:24:074 (4) - Stack this at end of (3)? Same reason as 00:43:959.

Don't see any real issue, looks good as usual

Slightly worry about difficulty jump from Easy> Normal, but it isn't that bad if the kick sliders are changed.

Starred, good luck on rank.

merchat7 wrote:


Your whistle seem quite weird at the beginning, try this (following all suggestion, before saying no) Very nice idea. All fixed first part
00:01:102 (4) - Add whistle
00:01:274 (5) - Add whistle
00:01:445 (6) - Remove whistle
00:01:617 (1) - Add whistle at begin, remove from end
00:02:302 (2) - Add whistle at begin
00:03:845 (3,4) - Add whistle to both hit circles
00:04:188 (5) - Remove whistle
00:04:359 (1) - Add whistle to begin
Following guitar make more sense to me

00:16:359 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Consider 1/4 repeating slider instead, this look really ugly, because of the approach rate and can be hard to read. no. Because if it cahnge repeating slider, timing for hitting 00:16:874 (1) become difficult to understand.
00:33:845 (5) - Understand why you did jump, but I think it look nicer if you keep it to 1.2x distant snap. Looks like a spacing error. If not, use higher distant snapping to make it clear you want to do jump here. fixed
00:40:531 (2,3) - Maybe place them more.. even? fixed
00:46:017 (x) - Feel weird not to have a note on the drum here. ok
00:59:731 (x) - ^ ok
01:40:188 (7,1) - If possible, please move them down so that they do not touch hp bar. Doing this make your diff looks more polish/clean. fixed
01:51:331 (5) - Perhaps jump here? Or stack this at end of (4) and move 01:51:502 (1) further away? No, Why jump here?
02:02:645 (1) - Same as 01:40:188, move down if possible. fixed
02:24:588 (2,3) - Snap properly to 1.0x (without grid snap), minor spacing error, but it's very noticeable here. Oh...fixed ><

Patterns look pretty good, but the hitsound feel like it needs some work.
merchat7 Thank you mod

Download: Hatsune Miku - RAINBOW GIRL (Hinacle) [rui's Hard].osu
Abe Nana
Topic Starter

merchat7 wrote:

As requested (Forum PM),


- Why is Star Stream's diff the only diff with custom name? A bit inconsistent.
- Same thing with background, why Rui's diff the only one with a different background.

Not really major issues, but be sure to have a reason why, if a mat/bat asks.


00:39:159 (1) - Curving this slider looks nicer to me. (Copy 2 and paste it here)
00:42:931 (3) - ^ Same thing, looks better if this slider is curved to me.
00:45:674 (2) - Why red point on this slider? Looks weird to me
00:47:045 (1,2) - Feel a bit empty because of the drum, how about repeating slider and 3/1 slider instead? 00:49:102 (3) - You may want to change to hit circle + slider if you follow this suggestion, but it may be too hard for this Easy.
00:58:017 (1) - This slider looks a bit unsymmetrical to me, try to make it nicer?
01:00:759 (1) - Consider lowering the volume of the slider tick, sound too loud for this part for me. Also consider adding finish to begin and end (if you want to distinguish the finishes a bit, use timing point to change the volume of them, for example, one at 50% volume, one at 60% etc.)
01:04:189 (2) - Move up a little to avoid overlap?
01:08:988 (1) - Slider ticks on this slider also sound too loud, consider lowering the volume.
01:10:702 (2) - Weird wave slider imo, consider doing just a normal curve slider or place it somewhere else?
01:29:559 (3) - Don't understand why you use red point on this slider. If you wanted to use red point here then, you should use it at 01:26:817 (3) - as well as it's the same rhythm.
01:34:702 (2) - I think it look nicer if you curve this, just personal preference.
01:36:759 (x) - Should have a note here, perhaps move 01:37:102 (2) to here instead. Be sure to add finish on it.
01:39:159 (1) - Same as 01:00:759
01:44:988 (x) - Similar to 01:36:759, perhaps move 01:45:331 (1) to here and add finish.
01:46:017 (2) - Consider moving this to 01:45:845. It's on a red tick, but the drum starts here and it makes the slider feel too late to the music.
01:51:502 (1) - Looks better to me if curved.
02:03:845 (1) - Weird red point again, I prefer if you do a normal curve slider (remove red point).
02:12:759 (2) - Slider ticks sound too loud, consider lowering the volume of it.
02:14:817 (1) - ^

Map looks good to me, everything is suggestion, you don't have to follow them, but I feel they help make the map look/play better.


- Please use 3 od (Easy use 1, Hard use 5, so more balanced spread).

00:02:302 (5) - Consider silencing the slider tick here, sound very off to the music for me.
00:04:874 (2,3,4) - Consider a diamond shape like 00:03:159 (1,2,4). Looks a lot better to me, but you'll have to adjust the part afterward if you want to keep spacing consistent.
00:37:445 (3) - I prefer if you do something else other than kick slider, main reason is, your diff is quite difficult (big jump from Easy to Normal) so I recommend getting rid of stuff like this for a little nicer spread.
00:39:845 (2,3,4,5) - Weird pattern to play and seem too difficult for Normal, please simplify this.
00:42:931 (4) - Kick slider consider changing
00:45:674 (4) - ^ completely unexpected, unless you know the song
00:49:102 (4) - ^
00:59:388 (5) - ^
01:03:502 (1) - I really don't like h ow whistle sound on slider body, I recommend removing it.
01:04:874 (2) - ^
01:06:245 (1) - ^
01:07:617 (3) - ^
01:09:674 (1) - ^
01:54:245 (3) - Kick slider consider changing
01:56:988 (5) - Don't like whistle on slider body.
02:05:217 (5,6) - These two sliders don't look very symmetrical, perhaps work on them a bit.
02:09:331 (2,3) - Whistle on slider body :/
02:15:502 (1,3) - ^
02:26:645 (3) - Consider finish like the other diff?

I highly recommend changing those kick sliders and 00:39:845 (2,3,4,5). Not nice to see since Easy isn't very difficult. The rest is just suggestions. The second half is quite good, so good job there.


Your whistle seem quite weird at the beginning, try this (following all suggestion, before saying no)
00:01:102 (4) - Add whistle
00:01:274 (5) - Add whistle
00:01:445 (6) - Remove whistle
00:01:617 (1) - Add whistle at begin, remove from end
00:02:302 (2) - Add whistle at begin
00:03:845 (3,4) - Add whistle to both hit circles
00:04:188 (5) - Remove whistle
00:04:359 (1) - Add whistle to begin
Following guitar make more sense to me

00:16:359 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Consider 1/4 repeating slider instead, this look really ugly, because of the approach rate and can be hard to read.
00:33:845 (5) - Understand why you did jump, but I think it look nicer if you keep it to 1.2x distant snap. Looks like a spacing error. If not, use higher distant snapping to make it clear you want to do jump here.
00:40:531 (2,3) - Maybe place them more.. even?
00:46:017 (x) - Feel weird not to have a note on the drum here.
00:59:731 (x) - ^
01:40:188 (7,1) - If possible, please move them down so that they do not touch hp bar. Doing this make your diff looks more polish/clean.
01:51:331 (5) - Perhaps jump here? Or stack this at end of (4) and move 01:51:502 (1) further away?
02:02:645 (1) - Same as 01:40:188, move down if possible.
02:24:588 (2,3) - Snap properly to 1.0x (without grid snap), minor spacing error, but it's very noticeable here.

Patterns look pretty good, but the hitsound feel like it needs some work.


00:43:959 (2) - Perhaps stack this with end of (1) for a jump? Seem better then keeping it to same distant snap.
00:50:302 (2,3) - Consider doing jumps for these slider, it makes the jumps on (4) & (5) nicer to play for me.
01:39:674 (3) - Place this at x:64 y:56 so there is jump on (4)? This part feel weird to play for me, and when I did this, everything seem to flow a lot better.
01:41:388 (4,5,6) - Place like this so everything is 1.6x distant snap? This pattern doesn't seem to flow smoothly for me and this seems to help.
02:02:131 (5) - Should have a jump here, all the notes that begin on white ticks here had jump 02:00:759 (1,2,3,4), so should do one here as well.
02:21:331 (3) - Stack this on begin of 02:20:302 (4) so there is a jump for 02:21:502 (4)?
02:24:074 (4) - Stack this at end of (3)? Same reason as 00:43:959.

Don't see any real issue, looks good as usual

Slightly worry about difficulty jump from Easy> Normal, but it isn't that bad if the kick sliders are changed.

Starred, good luck on rank.

Thank you mod and star~>w</
add BG for easy diff and normal diff

I recommend

offset : 412
[Chata's Easy]
02:20:302 (1) - 아래로 휘는 슬라이더가 더 이쁠꺼 같아요

[Star's GIRL]

00:05:902 (1) - 슬라이더 시작 부분 finish

00:49:102 (4) - 반복 슬라이더 한번만하고 00:49:788 노트 추가

00:53:902 (5) - 6번 노트 지우고 00:54:759까지 늘리는 것도 괜찮아 보입니다.

02:26:645 (3) - 슬라이더 끝에 finish

[rui's Hard]

00:38:302 (1) -


02:17:302 (6,7,8,9,10) - symmetryに

Good luck 8-) ;) 8-)
Abe Nana

B2IN wrote:

[rui's Hard]
00:38:302 (1) - no fixed
B2IN Thank you mod :)
Topic Starter

B2IN wrote:


02:17:302 (6,7,8,9,10) - symmetryに

Good luck 8-) ;) 8-)
Thank you mod~!!
Kawayi Rika
Hi ~ Hinacle ~ :)

Mod time for my Queue ~

Red : Must be fixed
Pink : Should be fixed
Purple : Just suggestions


  1. Don't forgot Remove OSB file ><.

[rui's Hard]

  1. 00:12:583 (1) - Try move 1 gird down,don't touch with 00:12:412 (3).
  2. 00:15:326 (1) - Flip this slider like this.
  3. 00:32:469 (5) - Move 1 gird down.
  4. 00:34:354 (6) - Try perfect stack this.

[Star's GIRL]

  1. Maybe rename this diff with (Star's Normal) much better with this mapset.
  2. AR+1 will much better play with me.
  3. 00:07:097 (4,5) - Try like this rhythm,will be better with me.
  4. 00:38:811 (1) - This slider end point is unsnaped.
  5. 00:42:926 (4,5) - This a bit hard for beginner,Try like this rhythm.
  6. 01:11:726 (1) - Remove this too short new combo,not need here.
  7. 02:26:983 - add finish.

[Chata's Easy]

  1. 00:58:011 (4) - Add new combo.
  2. 01:45:326 (4) - ^

That's all ~ pretty nice mapset ~

Good luck ~

Kawayi Rika wrote:

[rui's Hard]

  1. 00:12:583 (1) - Try move 1 gird down,don't touch with 00:12:412 (3). ok
  2. 00:15:326 (1) - Flip this slider like this. ok
  3. 00:32:469 (5) - Move 1 gird down. ok
  4. 00:34:354 (6) - Try perfect stack this.(103,211) I think that already perfect stack
Kawayi Rika thank you mod :)

Download: Hatsune Miku - RAINBOW GIRL (Hinacle) [rui's Hard].osu
Abe Nana
hi mod



looks fine


00:39:840 (4,1) - i'd switch thes notes around
00:51:154 (3) - new combo here instead of 00:50:811 (1) - ? to be on the main beat.
00:56:640 - would fit better if you added a note imo to follow drums.
01:01:269 (2) - turn into a slider and note?
01:09:669 (1,2,3) - spaced a little too far still imo. I just don't expect it. this may be better, and i think this also still makes 01:10:697 (1,2,3) - readable so you can keep that.
01:29:212 - would fit better if you mapped this part instead of having a long slider here :/
01:41:554 (1) - i find it weird that this pattern does not start on the main beat >_> lol

Star's GIRL

00:23:383 (4,1) - epic nazi, but these two aren't perfectly stacked.
00:38:811 (1) - not sure what happened here, but it should end at 00:39:497 - (accidental mistake? :x)
00:44:983 (3,4) - not a good juxtaposition of repeat sliders imo. this would probably be better imo. i couldn't really fit the note tho lol. you may want to try something different if you want a better pattern.
00:50:126 - add note
01:10:354 (2) - im a little hesitant to stack this.
02:12:583 (2,3,4) - could be a little confusing :/ if i were you, i'd just follow the vocals.

00:38:812 - I find it interesting that you follow the vocals in the beginning of this kiai yet you don't in the 2nd half of this kiai and the whole other kiai section ._. (those parts are mostly white ticks)


00:23:726 (3) - and makes it a little easier to read imo and it also sounds better to me.
00:29:212 (2) - a little awkward that it starts after the music.
01:44:983 - add note

derp sorry for being late. hope this helps a little:3 ~~
Hi ~ Mod request from My Queue.

Just suggestions:

[rui's Hard]

00:16:354 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1) - difficulty
00:29:726 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - ^
00:40:354 (1,2,3) - nazi - make a equilateral triangle?
00:41:383 (1) - change to a circle and a slider / a slider and a circle / repeating slider?
02:22:012 (1) - Ctrl+H?


I love this BG. :)

00:11:040 (2) - a trick?
01:44:469 (4,5,6,1) - stack them?
01:49:269 (3,4) - ^

OK, star~

winber1 wrote:


00:39:840 (4,1) - i'd switch thes notes around fixed
00:51:154 (3) - new combo here instead of 00:50:811 (1) - ? to be on the main beat. no
00:56:640 - would fit better if you added a note imo to follow drums. add note
01:01:269 (2) - turn into a slider and note? ok
01:09:669 (1,2,3) - spaced a little too far still imo. I just don't expect it. this may be better, and i think this also still makes 01:10:697 (1,2,3) - readable so you can keep that. This part is back SV1.0. So I think distance 1.2 is no problem
01:29:212 - would fit better if you mapped this part instead of having a long slider here :/ ok
01:41:554 (1) - i find it weird that this pattern does not start on the main beat >_> lol Star collapses is regret :( But you are right. Fixed

popner wrote:

[rui's Hard]

00:16:354 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1) - difficulty no changed
00:29:726 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - ^ ^
00:40:354 (1,2,3) - nazi - make a equilateral triangle? 00:40:012 (5,1,2,3) - I make rhombus
00:41:383 (1) - change to a circle and a slider / a slider and a circle / repeating slider? change to a circle and a slider
02:22:012 (1) - Ctrl+H? Nice idea. but this jump is too far in Hard
winber1 & popner thank you mod

Download: Hatsune Miku - RAINBOW GIRL (Hinacle) [rui's Hard].osu
Request from my modding queue.

Here are just suggestion ~OAO
If you do not like , you can skip it .


  1. .OSB film should remove
  2. [rui's Hard]'s some sounds ,rhythm and NC is strange (I think ...)

[Chata's Easy]

  1. Useless green line:
    02:15:497 -

  2. 00:07:954 (3) - add clap at rotation ?
  3. 00:11:040 (3,3) - add clap ?
  4. 00:32:297 (2) - ^ at end ?
  5. 00:58:011 (1) - ^
  6. 01:08:983 (1) - ^ at rotation

[Star's GIRL]

  1. 01:26:640 (x) - add a circle with clap ?
  2. 01:31:783 (3) - add calp at end ?
  3. 02:26:469 (2,3) - 1 grid left and 2 grid up ? (I think will much pretty)

[rui's Hard]

  1. Useless green line:
    01:11:769 -

  2. 00:03:669 (2,3,4,5,1) - let these become a star ?
  3. 01:26:640 (1,2) - remove (1) NC and add (2) NC
  4. 01:29:040 (1,2) - ^
  5. 01:42:926 (5,1) - I think this jump isn't acceptable
  6. 02:13:097 (3) - 3 grid down and 2 grid right (If you accept , behind these also should change)
  7. 02:17:554 (1) - remove NC
  8. 02:26:469 (1,2) - (1) remove NC and (2) add NC


  1. Useless green line:
    00:49:783 -
    01:06:583 -

  2. 00:23:383 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - Not symmetrical
  3. 00:43:440 (1,3) - (1) remove NC and (3) add NC
  4. 00:48:926 (1) - remove NC
  5. 01:42:583 (1) - ^

good song
and sorry to my poor English

l1106188 wrote:


  1. [rui's Hard]'s some sounds ,rhythm and NC is strange (I think ...) D:

[rui's Hard]

  1. Useless green line:
    01:11:769 -
  2. 00:03:669 (2,3,4,5,1) - let these become a star ? ok
  3. 01:26:640 (1,2) - remove (1) NC and add (2) NC ok
  4. 01:29:040 (1,2) - no I choice vocal follow
  5. 01:42:926 (5,1) - I think this jump isn't acceptable no changed
  6. 02:13:097 (3) - 3 grid down and 2 grid right (If you accept , behind these also should change) ok
  7. 02:17:554 (1) - remove NC ok
  8. 02:26:469 (1,2) - (1) remove NC and (2) add NC ok
l1106188 thank you mod

Download: Hatsune Miku - RAINBOW GIRL (Hinacle) [rui's Hard].osu
-15 to offset
"BG" Is a little big ero, try to change it? ;_;


00:02:297 (5,6) - Why a random jump here?
00:24:069 (2) - Put this note in x: 116 y: 364
00:31:783 (3) - A little bit hidden imo
00:46:012 (8) - New combo
01:03:154 (3,4) - Ctrl + R
01:22:697 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - Another random jump x_x, try to change it
01:42:583 (1) - Delete new combo


00:09:326 (1) - Delete new combo
00:16:354 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Random stream, try this
Nothing to say, I dont like too much this diff, try to avoid things like this, looks bad

Star blabla
Nothing here!


Nothing ~~

Verdisphena wrote:

00:09:326 (1) - Delete new combo ok, some newcombo was deleted
00:16:354 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Random stream, try this ok fixed
Nothing to say, I dont like too much this diff, try to avoid things like this, looks bad
Verdisphena thanks mod

Download: Hatsune Miku - RAINBOW GIRL (Hinacle) [rui's Hard].osu

tagsの -chata-なんですが これだけではなく、

"chata" も入れないと 検索してもでないです(ダイレクトと公式サイトで)

tagsの-chata-は別に入れなくても大丈夫だけど 入れろって言ってくるBATとかもいますので

tagsは "-chata-" と "chata" でいいと思います

EDIT: 正直kudosいらなかったw なので ここにあげるよ
Topic Starter


hi :lol:

Chata's Easy
00:42:926 (3) - Move to the right a little
02:14:812 (1) - Ctrl + J and adjust

Star's GIRL
00:38:811 (1) - Not snapped properly
01:44:640 (1) - Add finish at end?
02:25:440 (4) - Minor detail but this is kinda low..xD

rui's Hard
00:23:040 (3) - Rotate clockwise a little so that 00:23:383 (1) blankets it nicely
00:52:011 (6) - Move closer to (5)
00:59:212 (2,3,4) - Inconsistent spacing
01:56:983 (4,5) - Maybe move out a bit so that is doesn't touch (6)
02:04:183 (2,3) - Spacing

00:12:240 (3) - Ctrl + R
00:33:326 (2) - Make more equal distance?

Wonderful map :D
Abe Nana

LunarSakuya wrote:

rui's Hard
00:23:040 (3) - Rotate clockwise a little so that 00:23:383 (1) blankets it nicely ok
00:52:011 (6) - Move closer to (5) ok
00:59:212 (2,3,4) - Inconsistent spacing ok
01:56:983 (4,5) - Maybe move out a bit so that is doesn't touch (6) ok
02:04:183 (2,3) - Spacing no fixed
LunarSakuya thank you mod

Download: Hatsune Miku - RAINBOW GIRL (Hinacle) [rui's Hard].osu
Star Stream
Sorry, i'm late teacher.. D:

Download: Hatsune Miku - RAINBOW GIRL (Hinacle) [Star's GIRL].osu

[Chata's Easy]
00:44:297 - Add note for following vocal?
01:44:983 - ^
01:50:812 (3) - New combo for your combo pattern?

[Star's GIRL]
* AR +1?
* I think would be better if this diff name has a difficulty name, like "Star's Normal". Please change it, like others diff name

00:55:097 (7,1) - Swap new combo?
01:05:897 (3) - This notes is almost offscreen (just a warning)
01:44:640 (1,2,3) - Too many whistle around here? Remove one of them whistle
01:56:983 (5) - Remove whistle at sliderbody. It's unecessary, unless if you have a reason to have it
02:25:440 (4) - This notes is almost offscreen (just a warning)

That's all I can find, sorry
Star Stream
fixed all except:
00:55:097 (7,1) - Swap new combo
and ar+1

Download: Hatsune Miku - RAINBOW GIRL (Hinacle) [Star's Normal].osu
Topic Starter

Leorda wrote:


[Chata's Easy]
00:44:297 - Add note for following vocal?
01:44:983 - ^
01:50:812 (3) - New combo for your combo pattern?

[Star's GIRL]
* AR +1?
* I think would be better if this diff name has a difficulty name, like "Star's Normal". Please change it, like others diff name

00:55:097 (7,1) - Swap new combo?
01:05:897 (3) - This notes is almost offscreen (just a warning)
01:44:640 (1,2,3) - Too many whistle around here? Remove one of them whistle
01:56:983 (5) - Remove whistle at sliderbody. It's unecessary, unless if you have a reason to have it
02:25:440 (4) - This notes is almost offscreen (just a warning)

That's all I can find, sorry
Thank you mod!!>w<//
Abe Nana
:) :D ;) :o >:( :( :lol: 8-) :?
Please don't post only emoticons, it looks like spam :?

- Tag "Nico Nico Douga" is not necessary
- Source: VOCALOID
- Mostly hitsound mods, I only suggest for parts I don't feel OK
- If possible, Hinacle, you should set hitsounds in every guest diffs to be similar to Insane. Then my hitsound mods for guest diffs can be skipped ;)

~Chata's Easy~
00:34:697 (3) - remove clap
00:47:726 (2) - add clap on all notes
00:49:097 (3) - add clap at start
01:00:754 (1) - add finish at the end
01:06:240 (1) - add finish at start
01:12:069 (1) - use soft-hitsound
01:23:726 (2) - add clap
01:24:069 (3) - remove clap
01:25:440 (1) - ^
01:43:954 (3) - remove finish
01:44:983 (4) - add finish
02:09:326 (1) - add finish at start

~Star's Normal~
00:38:811 (1) - add custom finish at start
00:46:697 (6) - anti-jump isn't a good idea
01:03:497 (1) - add finish at start
01:11:726 (1) - remove whistle
01:11:897 (1) - use soft-hitsound
01:44:640 (1) - add custom finish at the end
02:09:326 (2) - add finish at start

~rui's Hard~
01:00:754 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - remove all claps
01:05:212 (4) - remove clap at start
01:06:583 (2) - remove clap at start, add clap at the end
01:07:269 (3,4,6,7) - remove clap
01:09:669 (1) - remove clap at the end
01:11:554 (3) - at the end, remove clap, add finish
01:11:811 (1) - use soft-hitsound, remove finish
02:06:583 (1,2,3,4,5,1) - remove all claps
02:11:040 (7) - remove clap
02:13:097 (3,4,6,7) - ^
02:15:497 (1) - remove clap at the end

00:16:354 (1) - remove new combo
00:51:669 (6) - remove all finishes
01:11:126 (2,6) - delete, not fit
01:11:811 (1) - use soft-hitsound
01:57:497 (7) - remove all finishes
02:00:240 (3) - remove finish at the end
02:16:954 (2,6) - delete, not fit
02:17:640 (1) - add clap
02:20:897 - add note here
02:20:983 (1) - remove finish
Star Stream
Abe Nana
Topic Starter

DJPop wrote:

Please don't post only emoticons, it looks like spam :?

- Tag "Nico Nico Douga" is not necessary
- Source: VOCALOID
- Mostly hitsound mods, I only suggest for parts I don't feel OK
- If possible, Hinacle, you should set hitsounds in every guest diffs to be similar to Insane. Then my hitsound mods for guest diffs can be skipped ;)

00:16:354 (1) - remove new combo ok
00:51:669 (6) - remove all finishes ok
01:11:126 (2,6) - delete, not fit ok
01:11:811 (1) - use soft-hitsound ok
01:57:497 (7) - remove all finishes ok
02:00:240 (3) - remove finish at the end ok
02:16:954 (2,6) - delete, not fit ok
02:17:640 (1) - add clap ok
02:20:897 - add note here sorry, no change
02:20:983 (1) - remove finish ok
Thank you mod~!!

-Chata- wrote:

all fixed
Maybe you forgot this :?
01:06:240 (1) - add finish at start

I also noticed that spinner at 01:11:897 (1) in Star's Normal has 10% volume, I think it should be set like this in other diffs too.

no kds
Abe Nana
Topic Starter
Thank you mod DJPop~></

Before this gets bubbled, remove "Chata" from the tags. With just the tag -Chata-, you can still search "Chata."
Topic Starter
I can’t search "-Chata-" in osudirect! when not put "Chata" T-T
-Chata- doesn't work in both osu!direct and, it just works via beatmap search in-game.

I'd tell remove tag "-Chata-" instead of "Chata", but let's just leave them for now.

Rechecked done, you can have a bubble :)
Abe Nana
' A '
background not fit except Easy diff if i don't misunderstand this song.

00:56:297 (8,1) - : change it to two 1/2 sliders seems better for me.

few jumps not fit in my opinion.
00:33:326 (2,3) - ,01:10:183 (4,5) -

try to make the spacing consistency.

abalee wrote:

try to make the spacing consistency. sorry no changed
Topic Starter

abalee wrote:

background not fit except Easy diff if i don't misunderstand this song.

00:56:297 (8,1) - : change it to two 1/2 sliders seems better for me.I think this rhythm is very good. sorry no change

few jumps not fit in my opinion.
00:33:326 (2,3) - ,01:10:183 (4,5) - This jump is a my favorite. Is one of my placement. no change

try to make the spacing consistency.
Thank you mod~></
gain more stars.
Tag vocaloid2? (You can change this when BAT comes)

Why this is still not ranked? :(
To the BAT checking this for rank, or mapper(s):
Got some concern with the suitability of the background images. Although Miku is singing this song, the song lyrics provide a general sad tone. As such, backgrounds for Easy, Normal, and/or Hard should be rechosen.
Additionally, the current bg for Normal uses the same one as, which gives an additional reason to change, as the two songs are not similar in very many ways.
Star Stream
Using same BG with other ranked map(s) doesn't matter.
And I can agree with you when you're saying only thing about lewd image. but unless that, It's just up to Mapper.
Ahoy, Hinacle!

[All Difficulties]
01:44:983 - Start kiai here

[Chata's Easy]
00:14:126 (1) - This feels a little short for a spinner in an Easy. It might be best to map through it at this point.
02:25:783 (1) - ^

[Star's Normal]
01:10:354 (2) - After seeing 00:43:783 (5) - I fear this might be a little misleading. I'd just unstack it.
01:49:269 (4) - You know - just stick to one rhythm or the other. I'd prefer the 1/1 rhythm stacked under a slider end personally.
02:07:954 (1,2,3) - Why so much whistle? ;_; So noisy

00:19:612 (1,2,1,2,1,2) - Why so much new combo spam?
00:24:069 (2,3) - Swap the positions of these to keep your circular flow smooth. Right now, going from 00:23:726 (3) - > 00:23:897 (1,2) - feels unnatural
01:41:897 (1,2,1,2,1) - More new combo spam
02:20:983 (1,2,3) - This spacing felt really weird to play

@those: The BGs are fine. You could say that they are the memories of the happier times behind the screen if you really want.
Abe Nana
Topic Starter

Garven wrote:

Ahoy, Hinacle!

[All Difficulties]
01:44:983 - Start kiai here

[Chata's Easy]
00:14:126 (1) - This feels a little short for a spinner in an Easy. It might be best to map through it at this point.
02:25:783 (1) - ^

[Star's Normal]
01:10:354 (2) - After seeing 00:43:783 (5) - I fear this might be a little misleading. I'd just unstack it.
01:49:269 (4) - You know - just stick to one rhythm or the other. I'd prefer the 1/1 rhythm stacked under a slider end personally.
02:07:954 (1,2,3) - Why so much whistle? ;_; So noisy

00:19:612 (1,2,1,2,1,2) - Why so much new combo spam?
00:24:069 (2,3) - Swap the positions of these to keep your circular flow smooth. Right now, going from 00:23:726 (3) - > 00:23:897 (1,2) - feels unnatural
01:41:897 (1,2,1,2,1) - More new combo spam
02:20:983 (1,2,3) - This spacing felt really weird to play

@those: The BGs are fine. You could say that they are the memories of the happier times behind the screen if you really want.
Thank you mod~!!
Bah, I wish there was a better mp3 available. I found this but it seems to be long dead, unfortunately. Ah well.

01:48:754 (3,4) -
Topic Starter

Garven wrote:

Bah, I wish there was a better mp3 available. I found this but it seems to be long dead, unfortunately. Ah well.

01:48:754 (3,4) -

Thank you mod Garvn>3<//
few things I need to point out.
00:40:183 (2) - this would go better if it started at 00:40:526 maybe make it look like this?

00:53:897 (5) - Remove the whistle body from this slider not the whistle on the end points seeing as it is the only slider that has a whistle sound of it's slider slide.

Suggestion 01:11:897 (1) - remove the new combo from this spinner.

looked fine to me

No real complaints here.

your source is inccorect but because we can't make up our minds over ch2 or tonasa just leave it blank please.

also after these fixes i would have no problem ranking it.
Abe Nana
I myself don't really care about boundary case of obscene backgrounds, but it's still better if you can change the BG.
01:44:983 - I prefer starting the kiai here (like the other diffs) because the real accent is there (not at 01:44:640 - ). Also if you start the kiai eariler the note 01:44:640 (6) - gives a kiai hitburst which doesn't fit there.

02:25:097 (5) - how about removing clapping here to highlight the accent of (6)?

02:07:954 (1) - The single note still refers to a new phrase so new combo here?

you'll have to response towards ztrot's mod on normal as well.

wmfchris wrote:

02:25:097 (5) - how about removing clapping here to highlight the accent of (6)? fixed. it is nice idea :3
wmfchris Thank you mod
Abe Nana
set tick rate to .5 or 2 because you have so many 1.5 beat sliders (some BAT disagree with this statement)

same tick rate issue, suggest a tick rate of 2

set tick rate to 2
01:41:383 (4) - can you make the same distance from 3 as from 2:

01:39:497 (2) - make this the same distance from 1 and from 3:

Ask me when you are ready for a remod >.<
Abe Nana
Note: Hinacle can't upload this map because he can't stop playing LoL and pinball :<
...i random checked this and about to rank and saw the thread...

/me moves out.
Topic Starter
really sorry my bad

maybe all fixed!!
Let's try getting this back up there.

- Due to a new rule, you can't put Hatsune Miku as artist anymore. You need to add the name of the composer instead.
- Just add Hatsune Miku to the tags.
- Add kiai refountains at 00:49:783 and 01:55:612 since they fit the song.
- I would suggest Tick Rate 2 for this song because it fits.

[Chata's Easy]
- 01:04:183 (2) - New combo here to be consistent with your previous combo patterns.
- 02:25:783 (1) - Might be too short for an Easy. At least make it the same length as 01:12:069 (1).

[Star's Normal]
- Those normal-whistles in the chorus sound really noisy. Reduce the amount (I suggest you follow the hitsounding in [rui's Hard] for the chorus.)
- Why don't you add claps during the chorus as well? They sound better.

[rui's Hard]
- 00:59:897 (5,6,7,8,1) - A 5-object stream with this BPM would fall under an Insane IMO. I suggest removing (6).
- 02:05:212 (4,5,6,7,1) - Same as above. I suggest removing (5) here.
- 02:20:297 (1) - Remove new combo here to be consistent with your combo patterning.
- 02:22:012 (1) - Same as above.
- 02:24:240 (1) - Same as above.

[rui's Hard]
- 00:59:897 (5,6,7,8,1) - A 5-object stream with this BPM would fall under an Insane IMO. I suggest removing (6). ok deleted
- 02:05:212 (4,5,6,7,1) - Same as above. I suggest removing (5) here.deleted
- 02:20:297 (1) - Remove new combo here to be consistent with your combo patterning. fixed
- 02:22:012 (1) - Same as above. no fixed. because 02:22:012 (1,2,3,4) - is vocal follow. so I want to use new combo to divide
- 02:24:240 (1) - Same as above. fixed

Thank you for modding NoHitter :3
Topic Starter

NoHitter wrote:

Let's try getting this back up there.

- Due to a new rule, you can't put Hatsune Miku as artist anymore. You need to add the name of the composer instead.
- Just add Hatsune Miku to the tags.
- Add kiai refountains at 00:49:783 and 01:55:612 since they fit the song.
- I would suggest Tick Rate 2 for this song because it fits. sorry,I think hear Tick Rate 1 is good sound

[Chata's Easy]
- 01:04:183 (2) - New combo here to be consistent with your previous combo patterns.
- 02:25:783 (1) - Might be too short for an Easy. At least make it the same length as 01:12:069 (1).

[Star's Normal]
- Those normal-whistles in the chorus sound really noisy. Reduce the amount (I suggest you follow the hitsounding in [rui's Hard] for the chorus.)
- Why don't you add claps during the chorus as well? They sound better.

[rui's Hard]
- 00:59:897 (5,6,7,8,1) - A 5-object stream with this BPM would fall under an Insane IMO. I suggest removing (6).
- 02:05:212 (4,5,6,7,1) - Same as above. I suggest removing (5) here.
- 02:20:297 (1) - Remove new combo here to be consistent with your combo patterning.
- 02:22:012 (1) - Same as above.
- 02:24:240 (1) - Same as above.

Thank you mod!

Topic Starter

Hinacle wrote:

NoHitter wrote:

Let's try getting this back up there.

- Due to a new rule, you can't put Hatsune Miku as artist anymore. You need to add the name of the composer instead.
- Just add Hatsune Miku to the tags.
- Add kiai refountains at 00:49:783 and 01:55:612 since they fit the song.
- I would suggest Tick Rate 2 for this song because it fits. sorry,I think hear Tick Rate 1 is good

[Chata's Easy]
- 01:04:183 (2) - New combo here to be consistent with your previous combo patterns.
- 02:25:783 (1) - Might be too short for an Easy. At least make it the same length as 01:12:069 (1).

[Star's Normal]
- Those normal-whistles in the chorus sound really noisy. Reduce the amount (I suggest you follow the hitsounding in [rui's Hard] for the chorus.)
- Why don't you add claps during the chorus as well? They sound better.

[rui's Hard]
- 00:59:897 (5,6,7,8,1) - A 5-object stream with this BPM would fall under an Insane IMO. I suggest removing (6).
- 02:05:212 (4,5,6,7,1) - Same as above. I suggest removing (5) here.
- 02:20:297 (1) - Remove new combo here to be consistent with your combo patterning.
- 02:22:012 (1) - Same as above.
- 02:24:240 (1) - Same as above.

Thank you mod!

Topic Starter

NoHitter wrote:

Thank you~><//

Enna Alouette
o.o Rainbow rank

Gratz =w=//
Welcome back, Hinacle!
congrats ^^/
Hinacle so moe~ <3
gratz Hinacle~
Rankedおめです~ :)
Topic Starter

kanpakyin wrote:


Thank you kanpakyin~><//

and thank you everyone XD
congrats ヾ(〃^∇^)ノ
Topic Starter

I'm happy~(´∀`)

Thank you~!!
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