
I challenge you!

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Wishy22 wrote:

How dumb does someone need to be to post something like this?
Stupidity knows no limit. And there are infinite amounts of idiots in this world. This makes even a small game like osu! likely to get hit by a really dumb comet once in a while.
Shohei Ohtani

Give me my supporter.
Papi Bear
Let's kill this guy if they didn't give a supporter's tag to CDFA. XD

Papi Bear wrote:

Let's kill this guy if they didn't give a supporter's tag to CDFA. XD

nanda2009 wrote:

Papi Bear wrote:

Let's kill this guy if they didn't give a supporter's tag to CDFA. XD
umm, what about...
Let's see a replay to check wether this score is clean. XD
Shohei Ohtani
The cleanest
Papi Bear
I trust users like them. So I know they didn't cheat. :D
No cheating here. 100% legit.

CDFA wrote:

Give me my supporter.
<3 you made a mistake. 272600 is the score on no-mods.
Shohei Ohtani
Fine, I'll play it again </3

I never knew you could SS a song with such a variety of scores on a beatmap with no spinners
Still legit.
Where did the OP go :roll:
Somehow by some intervention of the heavens I accidentally clicked on the second page instead of the first, I'll just leave based on the replies.
I got a D
close enough
Topic Starter

CDFA wrote:

Give me my supporter.
Huray! But i need a video in case you didn't know...

0999999990 wrote:

Huray! But i need a video in case you didn't know...
This shit is evidence enough. Do it.

0999999990 wrote:

Huray! But i need a video in case you didn't know...
You don't need to see any identification.
These aren't the scores you're looking for.
CDFA can receive his 1 year supporter.
Move along.
Papi Bear

Papi Bear wrote:

Let's kill this guy if they didn't give a supporter's tag to CDFA. XD
lol, maybe the pic is photoshopped? =D

Rin wrote:

lol, maybe the pic is photoshopped? =D
Nope, stfu.
Kanye West
Troll got trolled, gj CDFA hi5 bro wolololo
Topic Starter
The competition is over... I did not get a video as i stated but i will give a 6 month donator tag to CD FA Congrats :)
/me facepalms

Congratulations CDFA you definitely didn't deserved it.
Em, why not a 1 year supporter?
M i l o t i c

fartownik wrote:

Em, why not a 1 year supporter?
CDFA haven't submit a video

Seacow wrote:

Meh, 13 year old. Young, naive, arrogant, the embodiment of a teenager. Or as his profile says. Nothing to see here...

Oh who am I kidding, I'm one as well :roll:
angsty teenage seacow

LOL 6 months of supporter for photoshop skills, hook me up pls.
...Did you guys just manage to get a 13 y/o to give CDFA 6 months of supporter due to a photoshop, even after he gave himself away after he screwed up on his first photoshop?

I'm debating over whether you guys are assholes or geniuses.
Shohei Ohtani


CDFA wrote:

just LOL
CDFA is supporting the osu community with his amazing photoshop and entertainment skills. Worth every penny

Aqo wrote:

CDFA is supporting the osu community with his amazing photoshop and entertainment skills. Worth every penny
The funny thing: It's not even Photoshop. He most likely just modded the map to be one Stack of notes. (and even decreased the OD and other things aswell maybe)

Anyways: GZ for getting it. Surprised me quite a bit.
you can just run it on auto and print screen the score screen at the end right, much easier
ITT: Discussion for the most efficient way to get 6 months supporter.
skin the nomod SS to silver, then skin the Auto mod to Hidden.
Profit \:D/
Commentator voice: AAAANNNDD CXu is leading with an awesome and fast approach requiring minimal effort and editing skills.

CAN HE POSSIBLY BE BEATEN? Who shall rise to the challenge??
when I get home tomorrow I'll make a gameplay video of me SSing this map with all four mods
estimating this would take approx 5 minutes
gonna even switch between tablet and mouse during the play
beat me to it. 24 hours

CXu wrote:

skin the nomod SS to silver, then skin the Auto mod to Hidden.
Profit \:D/
You have the score issue of the first screenshot then... D:
Skin Auto to transparent and let Auto + Hidden play it would work then though.
Haven't even thought of this...

So many ways of cheating screenshots.
Why the heck did that number guy give out the supporter anyways. I even said that a replay is required. XD

Aqo wrote:

when I get home tomorrow I'll make a gameplay video of me SSing this map with all four mods
estimating this would take approx 5 minutes
gonna even switch between tablet and mouse during the play
beat me to it. 24 hours
You can move your mouse/tablet in autoplay mode pretending you play and this guy would give you 1 year supporter imo :l
M i l o t i c

Aqo wrote:

you can just run it on auto and print screen the score screen at the end right, much easier
that why he is asking for a video.
why is this still going. CDFA got his supporter already lulz

winber1 wrote:

why is this still going. CDFA got his supporter already lulz
He didn't. It's his old one.
Papi Bear
LET'S KILL THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Shohei Ohtani

Papi Bear wrote:

LET'S KILL THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>reads OP

tonyzore wrote:

that why he is asking for a video.

Snepif wrote:

You can move your mouse/tablet in autoplay mode pretending you play and this guy would give you 1 year supporter imo :l
This basically :D dunno if there's a point to even do this now haha

With a little video editing you can do it much nicer tho, play it on HT (which wouldn't even be hard to S for real on this map) and then record Auto do this on normal speed + hidden, and just speed up the recording of your hands playing it in HT to be in sync with the normal speed and it'll be almost unnoticeable that it wasn't you playing.
Or you could just buy supporter status
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