
Takahashi Hitomi - Candy Line

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on venerdì 14 agosto 2009 at 5.51.29

Artist: Takahashi Hitomi
Title: Candy Line
Source: Gintama 4th Ending
Tags: Hitomi Takahashi Candy Line Jpop Gintama Anime
BPM: 128
Filesize: 16557kb
Play Time: 03:21
Difficulties Available:
  1. Armin's Normal~ (2,88 stars, 199 notes)
  2. Hard (4,36 stars, 351 notes)
Download: Takahashi Hitomi - Candy Line
Download: Takahashi Hitomi - Candy Line (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Neeew Map! This time it's one of Gintama endings, Candy Line. I'm actually mapping this as a Hitomi Takahashi fan, not a Gintama fan, infact this is the full version of the song with the official PV. If you can, play it with the video, it's lovely.
Thanks Armin for your diff :3

Now, some rambling for the modders:
I have to say this wasn't easy to map for me. It's quite "different" so I decided to use a different mapping style for this one. I used only linear sliders, a lot of kiai time, a lot of hitsounds, and a LOT of x2 bpm timing sections. Also, the spacing is doubled in these timing sections, so these parts will be all jumpy, but I know it and it was intended.
After a first version of [Hard] that no one liked, I decided to remap it a bit, and this is what came out.
Now go and MOD!! :3

-Added Armin's Normal~
-Changed video offset to -9100
-Changed song offset to 8356
-Moved in pending
-Yumiko's fixes on Hard
-Luxary's fixes on Hard
-tieff's fixes on Hard
-Updated Armin's Normal~ with all fixes
-WyndII's fixes on Hard
-James2250's fixes on Hard
-Updated Armin's Normal~
-mrtn's fixes on Hard
-Lizbeth's fixes on Hard
-animask's fixes
-Other minor fixes on both diffs
-Breeze, Mafiamaster, fartownik and Symbolic's fixes on both diffs.
A me piace la Hard: bravissimo! *_*
Anche se è nel graveyard (nel caso decidessi di riprendere a mapparla) ti metto una stella
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Armin wrote:

A me piace la Hard: bravissimo! *_*
Anche se è nel graveyard (nel caso decidessi di riprendere a mapparla) ti metto una stella
Aaw grazie mille :3
Comunque ci sto ancora lavorando, appena la finisco la faccio sgraveyardare e la sposto in pending!
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
Armin's Normal

00:36:24 (3) - anche se il ds non mi da errore, avvicinalo di due quadretti al (2)
01:44:21 (6,1) - fuori dallo schermo, cerca di aggiustarli
01:59:68 (1) - avvicinalo al 3 con il ds
02:39:29 (1) - fuori dallo schermo
02:45:62 (1) - troppo lontano dall'(1)
02:51:48 (3) - (nazi) avvicinalo leggermente al (2) con il ds


00:36:24 (3) - (nazi) spostalo un quadretto in basso (e uno a sinistra)
00:45:62 (2) - (nazi) lo sposterei due quadretti a destra...
00:46:55 (4) -... e questo due a sinistra, in modo che ci sia la stessa distanza tra 1, 2, 3 e 4. Nel caso li hai messi apposta così ignora questi due "consigli" xD
01:07:18 (4) - lo allontanerei un pò di più dal (3)
01:26:87 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - (nazi) un quadretto a sinistra
01:38:82 (4) - (nazi) avvicinalo leggermente al (3) usando il ds e sposta i cerchi successivi di conseguenza
01:50:07 (1) - lo allontanerei un pò dal due
01:53:82 (7) - se non fosse per il fatto che il suo suono è piuttosto basso, credo che suonerebbe un pò male. Prova a togliere la ripetizione e magari ad allungare semplicemente lo slider
02:26:40 (1) - toglierei il new combo qui
02:26:87 (1) - lo toglierei anche qui, ma è solo un consiglio
02:30:38 (1) - idem qui (sono solo suggerimenti D:)
02:39:29 (1) - andrebbe allontanato un pò dal 4, però poi non sarebbe più al centro dei 4 circles, vedi un pò tu come modificarlo (e se farlo)
02:44:21 (1) - andrebbe allontanato anche questo dall'(1), puoi provare a distanziare maggiormente entrambi l'uno dall'altro
03:17:96 (1) - idem qui

Starred ^^
Topic Starter

Yumiko wrote:


00:36:24 (3) - (nazi) spostalo un quadretto in basso (e uno a sinistra) Fixed by turning off Grid Snap
00:45:62 (2) - (nazi) lo sposterei due quadretti a destra... Fixed
00:46:55 (4) -... e questo due a sinistra, in modo che ci sia la stessa distanza tra 1, 2, 3 e 4. Nel caso li hai messi apposta così ignora questi due "consigli" xD Fixed
01:07:18 (4) - lo allontanerei un pò di più dal (3) Fixed
01:26:87 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - (nazi) un quadretto a sinistra Fixed
01:38:82 (4) - (nazi) avvicinalo leggermente al (3) usando il ds e sposta i cerchi successivi di conseguenza Fixed
01:50:07 (1) - lo allontanerei un pò dal due Not fixed
01:53:82 (7) - se non fosse per il fatto che il suo suono è piuttosto basso, credo che suonerebbe un pò male. Prova a togliere la ripetizione e magari ad allungare semplicemente lo slider Fixed
02:26:40 (1) - toglierei il new combo qui Not fixed
02:26:87 (1) - lo toglierei anche qui, ma è solo un consiglio Fixed
02:30:38 (1) - idem qui (sono solo suggerimenti D:) Not fixed
02:39:29 (1) - andrebbe allontanato un pò dal 4, però poi non sarebbe più al centro dei 4 circles, vedi un pò tu come modificarlo (e se farlo) Fixed
02:44:21 (1) - andrebbe allontanato anche questo dall'(1), puoi provare a distanziare maggiormente entrambi l'uno dall'altro Fixed
03:17:96 (1) - idem qui Not Fixed
Thanks a lot for modding!! :3
Mod in Italian D:

Offset: 1559

[Armin's Normal~]

00:08:35 (1) - Suona un po male, sostituiscilo con un beat unico se puoi :|
00:14:44 (6) - Come sopra, sostituiscilo con uno slider che parte a 00:14:44 e finisce a 00:14:91
00:36:24 (3) - Un "Rimbalzo" a 00:36:598, lo spinner inizia a 00:37:18 e finisce a 00:40:46
01:08:35 (1) - Qui va un beat, lo spinner fallo iniziare 1/8 dopo (ovvero a 01:08:41) e fallo finire a 01:10:46
01:10:93 (1) - Beat qui
03:20:54 (3) - Il senso della forma di questo slider? o.o Ovviamente è una cosa totalmente inutile, ma potresti correggerlo? XD
03:21:01 (1) - Fallo finire a 03:23:12


00:14:44 (8) - Sostituiscilo con uno slider che parte a 00:14:44 e finisce a 00:15:15
01:17:73 (1) - Clap qui, o almeno modifica gli hitsound in modo che le note si sentano, o sarebbero da levare
01:37:18 (8) - Rimuovilo
01:37:41 (1) - Quindi, sposta questo a 01:37:18
01:37:88 (2) - Spostalo a 01:37:65
01:38:35 (3) - Spostalo a 01:37:12
01:38:82 (4) - Rimuovilo e metti un nuovo slider a 01:38:59 (che finirà a 01:38:82)
01:47:73 (9) - Rimuovilo
02:00:27 (3,4,5,6) - Confondono, aggiustali in modo che il giocatore abbia la visione chiara
02:01:79 (1) - Fallo iniziare a 02:01:55
02:19:595 - Questa sezione serve per il suono dello spinner ma ha tarato 2x di BPM, correggi

Ovviamente sei libero di lasciare alcune cose come sono, i miei sono solo consigli :D

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This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.

Download: Takahashi Hitomi - Candy Line (HarryOrunitia) [Armin's Normal~].osu
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.

tieff wrote:

Try 8 348 ms offset.

[Armin's Normal]
00:14:44 (6) - Htsounds? Fixed!
00:35:30 (1,2,3) - Spacing? Fixed!
01:07:17 (2,3) - ^ I don't see spacing problems o.o
01:23:11 (2,3) - Nazi. Spacing. Fixed!
02:18:19 (1) - Finish instead whistle. Fixed!
02:22:87 (4) - Whistle. Fixed!
Download: Takahashi Hitomi - Candy Line (HarryOrunitia) [Armin's Normal~].osu
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tieff wrote:

Try 8 348 ms offset. Done, sounds good!

02:10:81 (1) - This note should be here 02:10:87. (1/8, yellow tick) Done
02:15:50 (4) - New combo. Done
02:26:63 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Nice whistles. :D
02:47:61 (7) - Delete note. Done

Nice map, starred. Thanks :3
Thanks for modding!
[Armin's Normal]
02:14:03 (2,3) - nudge forward
nothing else

02:12:03 (2,3,4) - nudge forward[press k] (check spacing)
02:26:98 (4) - not snapped well [grid]
02:39:28 (1) - please make this slider look like its diagonally straight with 02:38:34 (2,4)
03:07:87 (6) - spacing
03:48:19 (4) - "unrankable slider overlap"
04:02:254 - remove break please
01:30:61 (3) - check alignment and spacing
01:31:08 (4) - ^
01:31:55 (5) - ^ ( just following your pattern in 01:29:67 (1,2) :D )
very HARD map :o

super nazi modding ftw!

armin's normal:
00:33:19 (1) - move forward 1/2 then shorten 1/2
lots of spinners but not a bad thing :P

00:10:69 (4) - take a repeat off?
00:14:44 (8) - ^
00:21:94 (8) -line endpoint up with 4
00:51:00 (4) -align end of slider with start?
01:12:33 (5) -align with 1?
02:16:43 (3) - extend 1/4?
03:04:12 (3) - take a repeat off?
3:23:348 this break is slightly too long for me but ok
03:48:19 (4) - remove from under previous notes?
why is there a break at the end of the song? no need for it :P

very nicely made map :) pretty much everything I said is just my own suggestions of things u could do
have a star :P
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James2250 wrote:

00:10:69 (4) - take a repeat off?
00:14:44 (8) - ^ These two are following the music, not the voice, it sounds a bit weird without repeats D:
00:21:94 (8) -line endpoint up with 4 Fixed
00:51:00 (4) -align end of slider with start? Done
01:12:33 (5) -align with 1? Done
02:16:43 (3) - extend 1/4? Done
03:04:12 (3) - take a repeat off? Done
3:23:348 this break is slightly too long for me but ok I know, but I really didn't know how to map that part :'(
03:48:19 (4) - remove from under previous notes? Already fixed :3
why is there a break at the end of the song? no need for it :P Again, it's for the video :3

very nicely made map :) pretty much everything I said is just my own suggestions of things u could do
have a star :P Thanks! :D
Thanks for modding :D

02:14:03 (2,3) - nudge forward "Fixed"


00:33:19 (1) - move forward 1/2 then shorten 1/2 Fixed!

Download: Takahashi Hitomi - Candy Line (HarryOrunitia) [Armin's Normal~].osu
try offset 7164

[armin's normal]
01:08:46 (1) - end it 1/4 earlier (01:10:46)
01:24:05 (1,1) - not enough recovery time for normal. make use there's at least a full beat distance not 1/2 beat.

00:39:29 - insert break here or map until the next combo
01:00:61 - reinsert break
01:08:58 - ^
01:12:57 - ^
02:03:66 - ^
02:26:62 (1,2,3,4,5) - the snapping here is really weird. snap it to lvl3 grid.
02:39:99 - reinsert break
02:51:94 - insert break here or map until the next combo
03:13:74 - reinsert break
03:23:23 - reinsert break, also this break is kinda long... perhaps try mapping a part of it?
03:58:26 (1,1,1,1,1) - remove new combos
04:02:25 - remove this break

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mrtn wrote:

try offset 7164 8348 sounds good enough imo D:

00:39:29 - insert break here or map until the next combo I don't think a break is needed here
01:00:61 - reinsert break Done
01:08:58 - ^ Done
01:12:57 - ^ Done
02:03:66 - ^ Done
02:26:62 (1,2,3,4,5) - the snapping here is really weird. snap it to lvl3 grid. Not really a problem but ok..
02:39:99 - reinsert break Done
02:51:94 - insert break here or map until the next combo No need to
03:13:74 - reinsert break Done
03:23:23 - reinsert break, also this break is kinda long... perhaps try mapping a part of it? I'll see what I can do when I have time
03:58:26 (1,1,1,1,1) - remove new combos No
04:02:25 - remove this break No, already explained why in previous posts D:


Lizbeth wrote:

01:18:42 (4) - remove this note and see if u like, sounds better imo I don't really hear the difference to be honest D:
01:37:17 (1) - if this is a jump, is confusing, isnt predictable No, my mistake. Fixed
02:11:74 (1,2,3,4) - ? D:
02:55:92 (1) - end this slider at 02:56:39
02:56:62 - add a note But I like that slider D:
03:01:31 (3) - i think sounds better if u remove this note But I like this note :(
03:22:99 - Why dont end the beatmap here? just suggesting But I like the final part :(

also the same with normal, the breaks, to many short breaks

cya good luck n_n
Thanks to both for modding and starring :3

HarryOrunitia wrote:

Lizbeth wrote:

02:11:74 (1,2,3,4) - ? D:
lol my mistake forget it, is nothing n_nU
Topic Starter

Lizbeth wrote:

HarryOrunitia wrote:

Lizbeth wrote:

02:11:74 (1,2,3,4) - ? D:
lol my mistake forget it, is nothing n_nU
Ahah ok, no problem :3
Seems good :)
But distance seems diffenent on some sections.[That doesn't any means]

Star :)
Sleep Powder
00:33:42 (1) - Move the pink slider here and end on the white to the left
03:13:03 (5) - Take out the whistle at the end?

Maybe increase circle size by 1?
00:10:69 (4) - Take out 1 repeat
00:14:44 (8) - ^
01:18:19 (3,4,5,6) - This doesn't seem to match the lyrics...only 4 5 and 6 match the drums...fix this
02:15:61 (1,2,3,4) - I think these could go on the 1/4th beat divisor
04:00:61 (1) - Whats with the break after this? delete it
Topic Starter

animask wrote:

Maybe increase circle size by 1? I'm afraid some parts would be too confusing if I do.
00:10:69 (4) - Take out 1 repeat No D:
00:14:44 (8) - ^ ^
01:18:19 (3,4,5,6) - This doesn't seem to match the lyrics...only 4 5 and 6 match the drums...fix this Doesn't have to match the lyrics D:
02:15:61 (1,2,3,4) - I think these could go on the 1/4th beat divisor Fixed
04:00:61 (1) - Whats with the break after this? delete it Already explained why the break is there in my previous posts. Is it THAT bothering?
Thanks for modding :3

animask wrote:

00:33:42 (1) - Move the pink slider here and end on the white to the left Ok, fixed.
03:13:03 (5) - Take out the whistle at the end? Fixed.
Più altri fixes XD

Download: Takahashi Hitomi - Candy Line (HarryOrunitia) [Armin's Normal~].osu
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
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