
Lily - December 9th [For Approved]

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AoiX wrote:

Request from Queue

( ˘ ³˘)♥Aoi's Love Mod

  1. SP3都不找我做视频,哭了T_T 还有你能解释一下那乱七八糟的黑边是什么情况么!!
  1. 有好几个雪花都跑到屏幕外边去了>.>
  1. 00:00:514 (2) - 第二个锚点放在(244,12) 我拉到那邊去看過 但是感覺slider變畸形了 所以沒有改
  2. 00:12:764 (3,4,5) - 你前面都是小间距的,一下子切成这么大的间距不太合适吧 配合後面背景唱歌的激昂程度作出間距變化的說 :(
  3. 00:13:264 (6) - 拉成这样既能和下一个(2)相对又能突出reverse arrow
  4. 00:20:014 (1) - finish ok
  5. 00:39:514 (12) - NC? 恩...這地方確實該考慮下...如果還有人說我再來考慮要不要改...因為目前來說這地方加NC是前面剛好 後面太短的感覺...
  6. 01:02:014 (1) - 制造个人工SL? 我覺得其實沒必要的 本意就是為了要完全覆蓋才擺這樣的.
  7. 01:51:486 (6) - 虽然没超出屏幕边界但也超出网格范围了。。。 開始的中心沒有超出格子所以沒關係
  8. 02:24:986 (1) - 不需要NC吧 因為減速. 所以我認為視需要的
  9. 02:43:980 (1) - 从视频来看这个combocolor应该还是黑白的 額...但是因為這段黑白實在太常了些 所以我就... :roll:
  10. 03:39:980 (1) - 这个color应该是蓝色系的啦 這邊我看是黑白的阿lol 你再看一次...
  11. 感觉后面对颜色的执着完全没了呢 嘛...有嗎?
    1. 看出来了,滑条都没好好拉>.>
    2. 既然用了颜色的梗那就好好根据视频做啊!
    3. 你真的确定黑白部分的Combo color可以rank
我不爱你了,所以只给你一颗星 不!!! 為什麼不愛我了!! Q口Q!?
Here's my approve.

00:43 <NOLD_1702> : 00:09:764 (8) - 我認為變為2個notes更好打
00:43 <spboxer3> : 排起來不好看. 所以我並沒有用note
00:44 <NOLD_1702> : 00:11:514 (4,5,6,7,1) - 直線接著一個cruve slider不好,做為這樣子?
00:45 <spboxer3> : 我喜歡直線的stream lol 所以我通常不排彎曲的stream
00:45 <NOLD_1702> : 00:21:014 (3,4) - (跟上一節的1/4 spacing 不一
00:45 <NOLD_1702> : 00:26:514 (3) - add note
00:45 <NOLD_1702> : 00:28:639 (3,4,5,6,7) - 這是直線的stream
00:46 <NOLD_1702> : 00:30:014 (1,2) - 因為之前這是1/4的spacing 所以排遠點?
00:47 <NOLD_1702> : 00:43:514 (4,5) - 太大的誤導spacing 這樣子放?
00:47 <NOLD_1702> : um...在嗎= =
00:47 <spboxer3> : 在
00:48 <spboxer3> : 00:28:639 (3,4,5,6,7) - 你沒有說原因.
00:48 <NOLD_1702> : 00:58:764 (3) - 加一個repeat?
00:48 <NOLD_1702> : 這個可以無視
00:48 <spboxer3> : no
00:48 <NOLD_1702> : 我只是玩著的xp
00:48 <spboxer3> : 我要2,4拍
00:49 <NOLD_1702> : 忘了說,我mod的只會是style mod, 如果有大問題我會指明是大問題
00:49 <spboxer3> : 我懂.
00:49 <NOLD_1702> : 哇..
00:49 <NOLD_1702> : kiai time epic
00:50 <NOLD_1702> : 之前還有一點mod你沒說接受/不接受
00:50 <spboxer3> : 哪個.
00:50 <NOLD_1702> : 00:30:014 00:43:514
00:50 <NOLD_1702> : 往上看
00:50 <spboxer3> : 都接
00:50 <NOLD_1702> : 接受?
00:51 <spboxer3> : 反正那地方都爛梗 所以改了沒差
00:52 <NOLD_1702> : 01:51:986 (1) -
00:52 <NOLD_1702> : 這樣的rhythm?
00:53 <spboxer3> : 沒有改
00:53 <NOLD_1702> : 說reason
00:53 <spboxer3> : 因為那地方本來節奏我就是設計這樣的.
00:54 <NOLD_1702> : 02:41:230 (4) - 在test 看看,比較像一個note而不是一個slider
00:54 <spboxer3> : 圖形.
00:54 <NOLD_1702> : 我知道,但是真的..看不清
00:55 <spboxer3> : >_>
00:55 <NOLD_1702> : 02:52:730 (3,4,5) - 這樣放?
00:55 <NOLD_1702> : 還有煙花啊..?
00:56 <spboxer3> : no~
00:56 <NOLD_1702> : 03:21:480 (9,10) - 放遠點
00:57 <spboxer3> : 我的排法會讓短slider的start當作spacing的基準點
00:57 <spboxer3> : 這OK
00:57 <NOLD_1702> : 03:31:730 (8,1) - 如果依你的說法,這可糟糕了
00:57 <spboxer3> : ?
00:57 <spboxer3> : 大跳有問題?
00:57 <NOLD_1702> : 沒問
00:58 <NOLD_1702> : 沒問題
00:58 <NOLD_1702> : 只是如果依你的說法,這是太大
00:58 <NOLD_1702> : 如果不依你的說法,這是okay的
00:58 <NOLD_1702> : ._. 明白我說什麼嗎= =
00:58 <spboxer3> : 不懂._.
00:58 <NOLD_1702> : 沒什麼了
00:59 <spboxer3> : 你少看到了"這OK"?
01:00 <NOLD_1702> : 04:31:230 (3,4,5) - 這stream跟 04:31:730 (6,7,1) - 這stream 間距理應一致
01:00 <NOLD_1702> : 04:49:980 (1) - end at04:51:980 因為音樂是這裡停的
01:01 <NOLD_1702> : done的話去puush一次
01:01 <spboxer3> : 你注意聽後面會有沙沙聲
01:01 <NOLD_1702> : 恩
01:02 <spboxer3> : 我停的位置是那沙沙聲開始減小聲的地方
01:02 <NOLD_1702> : 04:40:480 (2) - 放在x488 y108?
01:02 <spboxer3> : 給原因
01:02 <NOLD_1702> : 好看點
01:03 <spboxer3> : 這不構成原因lol
01:03 <spboxer3> : 個人看法有所不同阿
01:03 <NOLD_1702> : style mod就是這樣,我是給一個suggestion你 給你看看你會不會都認為這更好看
01:04 <spboxer3> : 恩~
01:04 <NOLD_1702> : 恩?接/不
01:04 <spboxer3> : mod大部分都需要說出原因的.
01:04 <spboxer3> : 不
01:04 <NOLD_1702> : puush 一次
01:04 <NOLD_1702> : save後puush一次
01:04 <spboxer3> : 直接上傳就好阿
01:04 <NOLD_1702> : 我還會recheck
01:05 <NOLD_1702> : 我要讓自己接受你的style
01:05 <spboxer3> : 去updata
01:11 <NOLD_1702> : get my approve
01:12 <NOLD_1702> : go ahead
Topic Starter

nold_1702 wrote:

Here's my approve.

00:43 <NOLD_1702> : 00:09:764 (8) - 我認為變為2個notes更好打
00:43 <spboxer3> : 排起來不好看. 所以我並沒有用note
00:44 <NOLD_1702> : 00:11:514 (4,5,6,7,1) - 直線接著一個cruve slider不好,做為這樣子?
00:45 <spboxer3> : 我喜歡直線的stream lol 所以我通常不排彎曲的stream
00:45 <NOLD_1702> : 00:21:014 (3,4) - (跟上一節的1/4 spacing 不一
00:45 <NOLD_1702> : 00:26:514 (3) - add note
00:45 <NOLD_1702> : 00:28:639 (3,4,5,6,7) - 這是直線的stream
00:46 <NOLD_1702> : 00:30:014 (1,2) - 因為之前這是1/4的spacing 所以排遠點?
00:47 <NOLD_1702> : 00:43:514 (4,5) - 太大的誤導spacing 這樣子放?
00:47 <NOLD_1702> : um...在嗎= =
00:47 <spboxer3> : 在
00:48 <spboxer3> : 00:28:639 (3,4,5,6,7) - 你沒有說原因.
00:48 <NOLD_1702> : 00:58:764 (3) - 加一個repeat?
00:48 <NOLD_1702> : 這個可以無視
00:48 <spboxer3> : no
00:48 <NOLD_1702> : 我只是玩著的xp
00:48 <spboxer3> : 我要2,4拍
00:49 <NOLD_1702> : 忘了說,我mod的只會是style mod, 如果有大問題我會指明是大問題
00:49 <spboxer3> : 我懂.
00:49 <NOLD_1702> : 哇..
00:49 <NOLD_1702> : kiai time epic
00:50 <NOLD_1702> : 之前還有一點mod你沒說接受/不接受
00:50 <spboxer3> : 哪個.
00:50 <NOLD_1702> : 00:30:014 00:43:514
00:50 <NOLD_1702> : 往上看
00:50 <spboxer3> : 都接
00:50 <NOLD_1702> : 接受?
00:51 <spboxer3> : 反正那地方都爛梗 所以改了沒差
00:52 <NOLD_1702> : 01:51:986 (1) -
00:52 <NOLD_1702> : 這樣的rhythm?
00:53 <spboxer3> : 沒有改
00:53 <NOLD_1702> : 說reason
00:53 <spboxer3> : 因為那地方本來節奏我就是設計這樣的.
00:54 <NOLD_1702> : 02:41:230 (4) - 在test 看看,比較像一個note而不是一個slider
00:54 <spboxer3> : 圖形.
00:54 <NOLD_1702> : 我知道,但是真的..看不清
00:55 <spboxer3> : >_>
00:55 <NOLD_1702> : 02:52:730 (3,4,5) - 這樣放?
00:55 <NOLD_1702> : 還有煙花啊..?
00:56 <spboxer3> : no~
00:56 <NOLD_1702> : 03:21:480 (9,10) - 放遠點
00:57 <spboxer3> : 我的排法會讓短slider的start當作spacing的基準點
00:57 <spboxer3> : 這OK
00:57 <NOLD_1702> : 03:31:730 (8,1) - 如果依你的說法,這可糟糕了
00:57 <spboxer3> : ?
00:57 <spboxer3> : 大跳有問題?
00:57 <NOLD_1702> : 沒問
00:58 <NOLD_1702> : 沒問題
00:58 <NOLD_1702> : 只是如果依你的說法,這是太大
00:58 <NOLD_1702> : 如果不依你的說法,這是okay的
00:58 <NOLD_1702> : ._. 明白我說什麼嗎= =
00:58 <spboxer3> : 不懂._.
00:58 <NOLD_1702> : 沒什麼了
00:59 <spboxer3> : 你少看到了"這OK"?
01:00 <NOLD_1702> : 04:31:230 (3,4,5) - 這stream跟 04:31:730 (6,7,1) - 這stream 間距理應一致
01:00 <NOLD_1702> : 04:49:980 (1) - end at04:51:980 因為音樂是這裡停的
01:01 <NOLD_1702> : done的話去puush一次
01:01 <spboxer3> : 你注意聽後面會有沙沙聲
01:01 <NOLD_1702> : 恩
01:02 <spboxer3> : 我停的位置是那沙沙聲開始減小聲的地方
01:02 <NOLD_1702> : 04:40:480 (2) - 放在x488 y108?
01:02 <spboxer3> : 給原因
01:02 <NOLD_1702> : 好看點
01:03 <spboxer3> : 這不構成原因lol
01:03 <spboxer3> : 個人看法有所不同阿
01:03 <NOLD_1702> : style mod就是這樣,我是給一個suggestion你 給你看看你會不會都認為這更好看
01:04 <spboxer3> : 恩~
01:04 <NOLD_1702> : 恩?接/不
01:04 <spboxer3> : mod大部分都需要說出原因的.
01:04 <spboxer3> : 不
01:04 <NOLD_1702> : puush 一次
01:04 <NOLD_1702> : save後puush一次
01:04 <spboxer3> : 直接上傳就好阿
01:04 <NOLD_1702> : 我還會recheck
01:05 <NOLD_1702> : 我要讓自己接受你的style
01:05 <spboxer3> : 去updata
01:11 <NOLD_1702> : get my approve
01:12 <NOLD_1702> : go ahead
感謝mod摟 ;)
move to pending, yo
Topic Starter

Jacob wrote:

move to pending, yo
It's only 1 diff's map. It can't move to pending
thanks your remind~^^
Nice map! Go for approved ^_^
Topic Starter

dragonxcz wrote:

Nice map! Go for approved ^_^
thank you~^^
Hi~ sorry for the delay

00:26:764 (3) - move farther, looks like 1/2 space and confuses
01:03:639 (2) - new combo, to let the prev slow down in a single combo, like you did here 01:02:014 (1) - and here 01:05:014 (1) -
01:53:986 - 02:09:861 - i didn't like the hitsounding in this part, would sound better if you use soft as a base, and adding some normal hit when is needed, also you could follow the finish pattern of the song with soft finishes too
02:52:980 (4) - delete and place a single note where the slider ends
02:56:605 (3) - move to next red tick, you could also add a note here 02:56:355 -
04:16:980 (4,5,6) - this spacing is just wrong
04:43:980 - 04:51:480 - same about hitsounds, soft fits better
Topic Starter

Lissette wrote:

Hi~ sorry for the delay

00:26:764 (3) - move farther, looks like 1/2 space and confuses yep~ it's fixed
01:03:639 (2) - new combo, to let the prev slow down in a single combo, like you did here 01:02:014 (1) - and here 01:05:014 (1) - ok fixed
01:53:986 - 02:09:861 - i didn't like the hitsounding in this part, would sound better if you use soft as a base, and adding some normal hit when is needed, also you could follow the finish pattern of the song with soft finishes too fixed
02:52:980 (4) - delete and place a single note where the slider ends sorry~I don't want change this part. keep it
02:56:605 (3) - move to next red tick, you could also add a note here 02:56:355 - sorry~I don't want change this part. keep it
04:16:980 (4,5,6) - this spacing is just wrong I don't think It's very confuse for player. and It's for approved mapset. I think It's fine.
04:43:980 - 04:51:480 - same about hitsounds, soft fits better sorry~I will keep it~
thanks for mod!! :)

OD +1 plays why better
01:53:986 - I think you didn't get what I meant, but since you wont change 04:43:980 - this one, you should leave them the same. u.u
03:11:980 (3) - stack under 03:11:480 (6) -
03:29:355 - sounds like is missing a note here, add one
03:57:980 (1,2,3) - wrong spacing
04:16:980 (4,5,6) - I still don't agree with this spacing, for 2 reasons, 1. Confuses because the prevs notes of this combo are at 1/4 too, and are spaced nearer to each other, 2. It doesn't matter that this is going for approval, the beatmap is a Hard, not an Insane or a Impossible, so this is out of place, imo.
Topic Starter

Lissette wrote:


OD +1 plays why better k
01:53:986 - I think you didn't get what I meant, but since you wont change 04:43:980 - this one, you should leave them the same. u.u k
03:11:980 (3) - stack under 03:11:480 (6) - sorry~I want keep it. because (3) stack under (6) it's too confuse pattern I think.
03:29:355 - sounds like is missing a note here, add one k
03:57:980 (1,2,3) - wrong spacing k
04:16:980 (4,5,6) - I still don't agree with this spacing, for 2 reasons, 1. Confuses because the prevs notes of this combo are at 1/4 too, and are spaced nearer to each other, 2. It doesn't matter that this is going for approval, the beatmap is a Hard, not an Insane or a Impossible, so this is out of place, imo. fixed
thx for your recheck^^
ok~ Bubble # 1
. . . . . . . Two.

11:03 *spboxer3 is listening to (Lily - December 9th)[]
11:03 <spboxer3> : :o
11:05 <Garven> : tick rate 2
11:06 <spboxer3> : k
11:06 <Garven> : 01:02:014 (1,1) - eeh
11:06 <Garven> : Don't like these slow downs much
11:06 <spboxer3> : :<
11:07 <Garven> : Dang, there's a bunch too
11:07 <Garven> : They're very sudden and ruin your flow imo
11:07 <Garven> : 01:17:514 (8,9,1) - like here
11:07 <Garven> : You're cruising along
11:07 <Garven> : Have some small jumps and booop
11:08 <Garven> : You're stuck with another slow slider for a nice high and long note that has a lot of build up beforehand
11:08 <Garven> : It's anticlimactic and doesn't fit. :/
11:09 <Garven> : Maybe silence the slider ticks on the 3/4 rhythm sliders
11:09 <Garven> : Sound kinda crappy on those
11:10 <spboxer3> : k
11:10 <Garven> : 02:39:980 (1,2,3,4) - This spacing progression felt poor to play
11:10 <Garven> : It's more of a regression, but yeah. q:
11:11 <Garven> : 03:28:980 (7,8) - This spacing is bad considering 03:28:480 (5,6) - this right before it
11:13 <spboxer3> :
11:13 <spboxer3> : like this?
11:13 <Garven> : Yeah, that should be fine
11:13 <Garven> : Map is nice to play though
11:13 <spboxer3> : :P
11:14 <Garven> : You're one of those rare mappers that map the percussion primarily and I don't get bored of it. Good job on that.
11:14 <Garven> : Anyway, the slowdowns are what bugged me the most. They don't fit at all.


The slowdowns weren't changed, unfortunately. Ah well. Since tick rate was changed, I have to set this back to #1, sorry.

Bubble #1!


Jacob wrote:

This need a 2nd bubble to be on Pending, I guess.
Topic Starter

iMercurial wrote:

Jacob wrote:

This need a 2nd bubble to be on Pending, I guess.
yes T_T
That or someone needs to not be retarded. You get three guesses as to who that is, and your first two don't count.
Random bubble check.

  1. Seems ok.
  1. 00:13:889 (x) - How about adding a note here? I know that's quite difficult because of your current arrangement but a note here sounds much better.Well, leaves this to you.
  2. 00:28:639 (3,4,5,6,7) - The spacing of this 5-plets is inconsistent.Were you make it intentionally? Just use distance snap to arrange it again if not.
  3. 00:38:014 (1) - I would put a new combo here because this chain of combo is much longer than others.I would like to consistent the length of combos.
  4. 01:04:139 (5,6,7,8,9,10,11,1) - Are finish hitsounds fit the music here? I don't think so.It sounds very nosiy in my ears and make me feel headache.I would remove some of them.NOT ALL OF THEM and it will be more reasonable to place that.
  5. 02:03:986 (3) - A soft default finish hitsound sounds much better at the beginning of the slider.
  6. 02:05:986 (1) - ^Same.
  7. 02:06:986 ~ 02:09:486 - ^etc.
  8. 02:41:980 (6) - New combo here.The reason same as 00:38:014.
  9. 02:56:480 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - This rhythmic pattern sounds weird to me.2-4 plet doesn't fit the music here becuase there is a accent on red tick (02:56:730 - ) and you just ignore that place.......I would suggest moving 02:56:605 (3) - to 02:56:730 - and then adjust the spacing and hitsounds.
oh well.
Topic Starter

kanpakyin wrote:

Random bubble check.

  1. Seems ok.
  1. 00:13:889 (x) - How about adding a note here? I know that's quite difficult because of your current arrangement but a note here sounds much better.Well, leaves this to you. 抱歉我不想改這個 因為聲音太小了 我覺得沒加比加了好
  2. 00:28:639 (3,4,5,6,7) - The spacing of this 5-plets is inconsistent.Were you make it intentionally? Just use distance snap to arrange it again if not. 這是我蓄意的沒錯
  3. 00:38:014 (1) - I would put a new combo here because this chain of combo is much longer than others.I would like to consistent the length of combos. k
  4. 01:04:139 (5,6,7,8,9,10,11,1) - Are finish hitsounds fit the music here? I don't think so.It sounds very nosiy in my ears and make me feel headache.I would remove some of them.NOT ALL OF THEM and it will be more reasonable to place that. k
  5. 02:03:986 (3) - A soft default finish hitsound sounds much better at the beginning of the slider. k
  6. 02:05:986 (1) - ^Same. k
  7. 02:06:986 ~ 02:09:486 - ^etc. k
  8. 02:41:980 (6) - New combo here.The reason same as 00:38:014. k
  9. 02:56:480 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - This rhythmic pattern sounds weird to me.2-4 plet doesn't fit the music here becuase there is a accent on red tick (02:56:730 - ) and you just ignore that place.......I would suggest moving 02:56:605 (3) - to 02:56:730 - and then adjust the spacing and hitsounds. IRC解決
oh well.
No any major change.I guess I can give the second bubble.

Bubbled~ #2
Not approving for six months Look, I'm modding it anyway!

- Nice simple storyboarding and use of colour.
00:19:139 (5) - Justice Breaker got unranked for this type of slider. Since it's the only one in the map I'd advise you make the path more clear.
00:47:014 (1,2) - I don't think anti-jump is necessary here, more normal spacing is fine and intuitive.
01:03:889 (3,4,5) - This type of stream is sort of odd to play...
03:31:730 (8,1) - Spacing is arguably too far.
03:43:980 - Remove the break here since the next one is so close.
04:30:730 (2) - Not as bad as the other one, but the path could still be clearer.

Just let me know when you've made changes.
Topic Starter

SapphireGhost wrote:

Not approving for six months Look, I'm modding it anyway!

- Nice simple storyboarding and use of colour.
00:19:139 (5) - Justice Breaker got unranked for this type of slider. Since it's the only one in the map I'd advise you make the path more clear. fixed
00:47:014 (1,2) - I don't think anti-jump is necessary here, more normal spacing is fine and intuitive. ok~let it stack
01:03:889 (3,4,5) - This type of stream is sort of odd to play... change
03:31:730 (8,1) - Spacing is arguably too far. fixed
03:43:980 - Remove the break here since the next one is so close. removed
04:30:730 (2) - Not as bad as the other one, but the path could still be clearer. Umm... let it used straight slider~

Just let me know when you've made changes.
thanks your mod >A<!!
  1. I'd tag "Sele-P" as well.
  1. 00:15:139 (1) - Remove the new combo since it's very obvious this spinner is a continuation of the previous pattern, based on the time it starts in relation to the last object.
  2. 03:46:730 (1) - Looks very obvious that it was placed right with the x or y-axis and a rotation was made. Could be made more round with the addition of more nodes; with an arc that you want to cover like that you're better off using 6 or 7 nodes instead of just 5. In addition, new combo is not necessary, since it belongs to the same phrase, and the sv change can be inferred by the slider ticks.
  3. 04:28:855 (7) - What's the anchor mapping the music to? If nothing, then move the anchor to a place in time where it would match the music. Otherwise, sliders like this generally feel better if they were more balanced. Try placing the node between the anchor and the end point at x:330 y:305.
  4. 04:49:980 (1) - Spinner ends at a time that doesn't match vocals. It'd be much better if it ended at 04:51:355 - or 04:51:980 - .
Topic Starter

those wrote:

  1. I'd tag "Sele-P" as well. Have you checked the artist in NicoNico? It's SeleP not Sele-P. Have checked this please. see: SeleP Sele-P
  1. 00:15:139 (1) - Remove the new combo since it's very obvious this spinner is a continuation of the previous pattern, based on the time it starts in relation to the last object. no. the spinner should need add NC. the spinner represents a transition while the previous notes does not, therefore NC is needed here. moreover, the spinner represents the section before the accent at 00:16:014 - particulatly the sound at 00:15:389 - and these are unrelated to the last combo, so I'll keep NC here.
  2. 03:46:730 (1) - Looks very obvious that it was placed right with the x or y-axis and a rotation was made. Could be made more round with the addition of more nodes; with an arc that you want to cover like that you're better off using 6 or 7 nodes instead of just 5. In addition, new combo is not necessary, since it belongs to the same phrase, and the sv change can be inferred by the slider ticks. The slider is not necessarily a sector, and whether the slider looks good is quite subjective and I think this is good enough, so no.
  3. 04:28:855 (7) - What's the anchor mapping the music to? If nothing, then move the anchor to a place in time where it would match the music. Otherwise, sliders like this generally feel better if they were more balanced. Try placing the node between the anchor and the end point at x:330 y:305. It's just a slider shape.
  4. 04:49:980 (1) - Spinner ends at a time that doesn't match vocals. It'd be much better if it ended at 04:51:355 - or 04:51:980 - . k
Thanks your mod
神map and SB \:D/
I guess this is my first time approving something. Merry Christmas! Er...
Kawayi Rika
Omedeto baka Sp3 ~ :P

SapphireGhost wrote:

Merry Christmas! Er...
Yeah.. whatever. :D
=3= gratz ~
sp3 bubble my map
Congratz on the App Sp-sama ;)
Megurine Luka
Grats ^^/
Congrats \:D/
(ノ^^)ノ☆彡 Congratulations!!
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