居然不用remapNo_Gu wrote:
00:22:133 (3,4,1,2,3) - 为啥5个一样的音你分了俩K仨D有音调变化啊
00:33:630 (2,3,1,2,3) - 我觉得跟前面dkdk的节奏可能好点。。这个我也跟音调了
Download: Jun.A - Ghost Lead (Scorpiour) [eikka's Taiko].osu
居然不用remapNo_Gu wrote:
00:22:133 (3,4,1,2,3) - 为啥5个一样的音你分了俩K仨D有音调变化啊
00:33:630 (2,3,1,2,3) - 我觉得跟前面dkdk的节奏可能好点。。这个我也跟音调了
围观Nymph卖萌~Nymph wrote:
啊 错了
Megurine Luka wrote:
~~谢谢mod和星星~~~Nymph wrote:
taiko diff是不是不要用喷星啊 我记得不让用来着拿掉了~
sliderborder colour似乎也不用加进去taiko吧手动去掉~
luna比hard难很多啊 其实还可以加个普通向insane(slap
[popner's Normal]
00:33:630 (1) - Unsnapped slider (end).
00:34:349 (2) - Unsnapped slider (end).
01:36:864 (6) - Unsnapped slider (end).
Beatmap design/suggestion
00:07:223 (7) - Newcombo? 略长了
00:59:499 (1) - 巨nazi:这slider弧度不好看啊 下面那个点再往下点?如果是为了包住的话
01:36:864 (6) - NC?挺长的combo了
01:42:612 (10) - ^
感谢MOD的说>.<Mystica wrote:
here comes my mod.
00:03:451 可以八fade時間調整長點 個人建議flash應該兩輪
然後開始BG做一遍變化可以滿滿scale就行 畢竟加上sb code話單是現在什麽都不動反而各種
01:15:307 (6) - 拉開點保持美觀
02:02:013 (2) - 略微對新手不友好 嘛 不過無所謂了
good map
非常感谢mod的说>.<Megurine Luka wrote:
膜姐说皮肤再弄就太花哨了……于是就用的纯白色……其实我们都爱纯白 (slapped
00:07:223 (7) - NC
00:33:630 (1,2) - 尾巴+clap
01:36:864 (6) - NC
01:41:534 (6,7,8) - 改成折返slider吧,有点难对N来说,顺便NC,12C对N来说实在太长了
02:02:013 (2) - 尾巴+fin
03:00:576 (5) - 不好看啊,改成类似
00:22:133 (1) - 中间的点稍微往下拉一点,拉成和后面的2一样的滑条好~
02:16:384 (2) - 尽量不要和前面的overlap调整了下前面的XD,后面的blank感觉动会变很多……
02:53:031 (1) - NC?fixed~
00:30:397 (7) - ctrl+R然后往下拉一点和5,6呈三角,然后00:30:397 (7) - 这四个的顺序看着改一下,这样比较顺..有一点晕……所以索性把这个梗整个改了一下……………改成了一个凶残的左右跳(诶我好像真的坏掉了………
01:00:037 (2,4) - 去掉clap,有点违和fixed~
01:40:636 (5) - 移到4的位置,去掉6呃。。这里没有动因为我觉得三连还是听着更舒服一点~
02:56:803 (2,2) - 去掉clapfixed~~
其他没啥O O
thx for ur modding ~Leorda wrote:
[popner's Normal]
01:36:864 (1) - Unsnapped tail sliderfixed~
02:02:013 (4) - Too much repeating slider can makes confusing for beginners
00:54:109 (2) - The head slider is touch the HP Baradjust~
02:18:180 (3) - Move 2nd sliderpoint to 1 grid right for better blanket combo (nazi)okay~
Sorry for my poor mod orz
Download: Jun.A - Ghost Lead (Scorpiour) [eikka's Taiko].osuwmfchris wrote:
- Remove flashy warning on taiko
- I suggest tagging ZUN instead of Zun这个得SCO帮改了嗯0.0
d = red note = note w/o hitsound
k = blue note = whistle/clap
D/K = big ntoe = + finish
00:13:511 - no 1/4 finishesmy checking miss, fixed!
00:25:996 - add a k (blue note) here? Sounds you will need some 1/4 in the 1/2 d k streamsDone
00:29:499 - the music sounds only at the white tick so dddkk is not so appropiate, try ddddkDone
00:31:744 - add a k hereDone
00:55:906 - sounds a bit empty here, add a dOK..
01:42:612 - no 1/4 finishesfixed
01:52:672 - kDone
02:03:091 - no 1/4 finishesfixed
02:58:240 - kkddkkddkchanged><
節奏不錯 至少長串沒亂放
要注意一點就是你有時會在每句之前放2連 不過目前的擺法還是有點生硬 可以更自然和統一一點
另外如在每句之前放5連的話 對應2連的句子 5連應改為4連(去掉第一個note
Kawayi Rika wrote:
Hi ~ Scorpiour ~![]()
Mod time for my Queue ~
Red : Must be fixed
Pink : Should be fixed
Purple : Just suggestions[General]
- Setting a AudioLeadIn : 500(now a bit fast with start play).
- Volume 100% is too noisy with me,you can try reduce some?
- OD9? orz that is very hard playing XD.
- 01:21:235 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,1) - Try make more curve.
- 02:56:983 (1) - Remove new combo.
- 01:11:714 (3) - Try like this rhythm,sound much better.
抱歉这里没有动,因为01:12:073 - 这个位置上刚好鼓点是一个空拍,然后高音的吉他又连了一个长音下来,所以才决定用一个2/3的长slider来处理的:)
[popner's Normal]
- 00:35:067 (3) - Try make more curve slider.
- 00:50:696 - Add note to here,sound much better.
- 01:41:175 (5) - Add new combo.
- 01:58:421 (4) - ^
- 02:37:582 (1) - Move some up this slider.
That's all ~ pretty nice mapset and amazing music ~
Call me back recheck ~
http://puu.sh/uDQgKawayi Rika wrote:
[popner's Normal]
- 00:35:067 (3) - Try make more curve slider. fixed
- 00:50:696 - Add note to here,sound much better. hmm...no change, to make consistent
- 01:41:175 (5) - Add new combo. no change to make consistent in NC
- 01:58:421 (4) - ^ ^
- 02:37:582 (1) - Move some up this slider. fixed
thank you very much for ur modding >.<Sakura Hana wrote:
Your skinned cursor blends too much with the BG/SB, please replace it (or use the default one).that's okay~~i remove that~~
I'm kinda doubious about the sliderball i brought it up to other BAt/MATs but seems like there's no problem with it.
Tashi's Taiko has an earlier offset, in fact it's better if you make the other diffs match up with Tashi's Taiko's offset since that diff needs that offset due to having hitobjects earlier than the rest.
discuss with tashi and finnally we decide to remove extra notes in his taiko diff, so no change on timing, and now it's consistant
Oh wow i just realized that, haha! that looks kinda nice xDByakugan249 wrote:
Oh damn 2 straight ranked maps. congratz on the rank
Pokie wrote:
thanks for u remind me and i will notice that for my further maps >.<osuplayer111 wrote:
That OD/AR is so stupid, just saying.
Doesn't fit at all for this BPM.
Already solved with the mapper on IRC, I'd suggest AR/OD 8 as wellSakura Hana wrote:
OD/AR 8 was fine imo, since the song didn't feel that fast for me, otherwise i'd have suggested 9.