
Ren Kagamine - Aku no Meshitsukai

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A bit sad that there isn't alot of soft whistle, which I think it fits perfact with this map :(
Star for a nice job and a chear :P
*Offset: 846 You had yours on an upbeat so the metronome and pulsating osu! logo were wtfing.
*Why is the first section in 2/4?
*Source is Akuno-P. Add to all diffs.
*Remove all tags since they're redundant (they're in the artist and title fields). Please add Len to tags, though. Rin isn't needed either, but you could keep her name there if you want. Also add Vocaloid and Servant of Evil to tags. Change these on all diffs.
*combobuster? I think you mean "comboburst". Rename and do a full resubmission if you want the comboburst to be in the map. The pic also has a glowy spot on the top right that could be edited out. EDIT: Or just use this higher quality one here

01:21:034 (6,7,8) - Sounds awkward since the singing is actually 1/4th before on each note. Because of the offbeats, I'd just recommend making a slider with a repeat here starting at the blue previous blue tick. (01:21:221)
02:13:047 (3,4) - I'd recommend making this a slider too. Offbeats on a easier diffs are tricky.

*Increase overall diff by a couple ticks and maybe decrease drain by one tick please.
01:06:084 (3) - I think the kiai would look better starting here. It feels weird while playing for it to come early like this.
01:58:084 (3) - Same kiai suggestion.
02:56:084 (3) - blah blah kiai
03:01:084 (4,5,6) - I don't like pauses before notes stacked on sliders because they look like they should be hit right after the slider. If you could move these off of the slider I think it'd look better and be easier to read.
03:46:084 (2) - Kiai would look better here instead of on (1) imo.

*Same kiai suggestions
*I was going to ask you to increase the overall diff 1-2 ticks, but 2 ticks more makes the score increase ~3M points o.o; Maybe you could turn drain down 1 and overall diff up 1 or something so that the score doesn't go higher.
00:52:059 (1,2,3) - Ooh, I like this.
01:21:009 (3,4,5,6) - Kinda hard to see because the previous 50/100/30 semi-covers them up.
02:14:084 - A (5) here would sound better imo
04:08:084 (1,2,3) - Move a tiny grid to the left so it's centered please xp
03:46:059 (1) - Change kiai to (3).

Not bad of a beatmap for one of your fist. It's kinda repetitive, but then again, it's a long song, so... XP
Hit circle overlay GOGOGO

EDIT: Bubble #2. You should have protected Pasonia's bubble :;
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RemmyX25 wrote:

Hitcircle colors are terrible imo, especially for Team/Tag TeamVS. games. Also could do with an [Easy] difficulty >_> fixed

Also is there anyway you can convert (or get someone to convert) the FLV file into something like a .avi and full submit? Makes the NoVideo download so much easier. fixed

In my opinion, the difficulty sliders could be lowered a bit, especially the circle size. fixed

03:28:846 (1,2,1,2) - Just pointing out that it's EXTREMELY difficult to see the repeat sign on these sliders fixed

Overall very well done. Please do consider my suggestions.

I fixed....
  1. Delete the .osb from the song folder.
  2. Is this a duet or something? At 01:40:846 there seem to be two voices (male and female), so you should at least add the other vocaloid's name (forgot what name was it) in tags or something.
  3. You didn't use the second sampleset allowed for soft, so delete "soft-sliderslide2.wav" from the folder.
  1. I don't think the "star.png" image is used while playing, so you need to delete it.

01:56:846 (1) - IMO this 2x slider is unecessary. Doesn't really fit with the song.
02:54:846 (1,2,3) - Same as above.


Yeah, the same 2x slider thing in [Hard].

That's it. Don't forget to full submit after all those changes!
Topic Starter

Gens wrote:

  1. Delete the .osb from the song folder.fixed
  2. Is this a duet or something? At 01:40:846 there seem to be two voices (male and female), so you should at least add the other vocaloid's name (forgot what name was it) in tags or something.fixed
  3. You didn't use the second sampleset allowed for soft, so delete "soft-sliderslide2.wav" from the folder.

  1. I don't think the "star.png" image is used while playing, so you need to delete it.


01:56:846 (1) - IMO this 2x slider is unecessary. Doesn't really fit with the song.fixed
02:54:846 (1,2,3) - Same as above.fixed


Yeah, the same 2x slider thing in [Hard].fixed

That's it. Don't forget to full submit after all those changes!

노트위에다가 time line 으로 hit sound를 Normal로 바꿉니다.
조금 여유를 두고 뒤로 조금만 옮기셔도 됩니다.
물론 키아이 time은 그대로 두시고..

  • 00:58:846 (7) New combo
    01:16:846 (3) None
    02:00:846 (4) None
    02:01:596 (5) Whistle
    02:04:346 (4) ^
    -02:13:721- 여기서 kiai 플래시는 어떨까요?
  • 00:51:846 (7) Whistle
    01:07:846 (4) 모두 whistle
    01:59:596 (5) Whistle
    03:07:846 (9) 클랩 빼고 Finish
    03:41:846 (1) Newcombo
    03:43:721 (1) 끝은 그대로, 시작은 03:43:846로
    휘슬이 나올만한 대서 클랩이 뜨네요
  • 01:10:346 (6) Whistle
    02:45:221 (1?) Whistle
    02:50:346 (1) ^
    03:35:346 (4) Distance
ㄲㄲ 대충 끝난 모양
왜 whistle이 어울릴만한 데에 clap을 넣었는지 이유나 한번..
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랄까, 님 맵의 BAT STAR는 어디갔죠?
스타도 터지던가..?
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?? 무슨소리?
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RemmyX25 wrote:

Right, sorry for not re-looking at this, I've been busy with college and not having internet and the like. I've got a list of legitimate excuses, but i dont think you'd need to hear them.

Anywho back to the map.

I'm not sure if the monochrome skin works with the rest of this map. I'm thinking more of a sepia/goldish feel to it (like the HP bar), but the black/gray/white mix just doesnt work....

Other wise, the map is perfect!
Looks better to me. Bubbled
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경> 첫 랭크 곡! <축
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Wow 축하해주신거 감사합니다!!
I forgot that I looked at this until I looked over the topic again. Grats! :)
mi sa
artist is "Len Kagamine", not "Ren Kagamine".
I love this song, the story is tragically sad and amazing. Kinda speechless.
Anyways, it's Len and not Ren (Or maybe referring to Len & Rin since she sings a bit near the end)

10 Star for you :D
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