
League of Legends

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Inb4 why I don't watch streams
I haven't been playing that much, but when I do, I try to dunk hard.


Fabi wrote:

I haven't been playing that muchI don't play that much, but when I do, I try to dunk hard.
Kanye West

kawaii_uguu wrote:

Fabi wrote:

I haven't been playing that muchI don't play that much, but when I do, I try to dunk hard feed.
So i see that people on the thread about this week's rotation keep getting freaked out of Free Shaco and Ahri (and Free Graves + Soraka).
I wonder why tho, i've been using Ahri for like a week and i don't see what could be the problem in other people using Ahri (Although i wouldnt like to have an ally Ahri that fails skillshots left and right). And i never used Shaco any thoughts on him?
Shaco is annoying, he's highly capable of jungling and ganking as well as escaping enemy ganks. He can also persistently harass opponents with that irritating little toy thing of his that shoots stuff and causes fear. His ult is tactically useful, it could be employed to tank turrets or to confuse enemies in team fights as well as escaping dangerous situations. I jungled Jax recently against a jungling Shaco and found that invading the enemy jungle early to harass him and steal his buffs is quite useful as he's almost useless alone without his ult.

Best analysis. Ever.
Nevermind, this could be the best week ever, noob Shacos and Ahris not knowing how to play their champs, making it quite an easy life for me:

kanye west wrote:

kawaii_uguu wrote:

I haven't been playing that muchI don't play that much, but when I do, I try to dunk hard feed.
Not that much ;P, just lost 1 from 10 games on a row with Yi. Solo queue ---> Farm --> Kill the remains champ when you can > Win :P
I have had a hard week till now
In the team im assigned 3/5 of the players feed, and the other one who actually does something, is easy to kill e.e

Sakura Hana: So the other ahri's name is AprenDienDo. coincidence? xd
Tried to support as Orianna today, too strong
Kanye West
I love those Ahri players who use their last ult charge to run right into you. Oh, thanks for the 300 gold bro.
ох вы тут нафлудили
8000 IP, I'm unable to decide whether to buy Tons of Damage, Sejuani or Morde.
Try to practice with Galio.
Someone should give me a Build with him.

TheNutritiousGuy wrote:

Try to practice with Galio.
Someone should give me a Build with him.
Boots + 3. Chalice(optional). Abysall. Merc's. Banshees. Deathcap. Void. Zhonya's(sell the chalice if u built it).
Chose Tons of Damage over Morde and Sejuani, here's my second PvP game with him. Followed the recommended build mainly, you literally feel unstoppable with him.


LaVolpe024 wrote:

Chose Tons of Damage over Morde and Sejuani, here's my second PvP game with him. Followed the recommended build mainly, you literally feel unstoppable with him.

No kog in the other team so meh
No Kog needed, they're Yi was fed like a spoilt child in the first 10 mins.

31/4/19 with kennen and i lost -.-'
my best game with him and becoz of some bunch of feeders i couldnt win it ;(

kawaii_uguu wrote:

TheNutritiousGuy wrote:

Try to practice with Galio.
Someone should give me a Build with him.
Boots + 3. Chalice(optional). Abysall. Merc's. Banshees. Deathcap. Void. Zhonya's(sell the chalice if u built it).
Don't build a fucking void's staff on galio, if you're lacking damage so hard that you need it on this char you most likely lost already.

boots 3/mres 2 start (if going against non-skillshot caster)/meki 2 (if need to push 24/7), chalice (obligatory), catalyst -> roa/banshee (roa gives much better stats), deatcap, abyssal, ga.

His W allows easy healing and he's good at keeping enemy caster under tower so he can't gank.

Use 9 21 0 masteries, remember that he's more of an off-tank than an ap carry. Think twice before initiating but think fast.

Full offensive builds are possible though.

Shandro wrote:

Don't build a fucking void's staff on galio, if you're lacking damage so hard that you need it on this char you most likely lost already.
building voids for lacking dmg? lol..
tell us more about your 1300 logic, honey :)

aw ye

kawaii_uguu wrote:

Shandro wrote:

Don't build a fucking void's staff on galio, if you're lacking damage so hard that you need it on this char you most likely lost already.
building voids for lacking dmg? lol..
tell us more about your 1300 logic, honey :)
warmogs frozen heart mundo op build it every game
Don't fucking build void staff on galio that's retarded as shit. Unless it's late game and everyone is stacking MR and you have no real ap char beside yourself in your team which is bad. Galio isn't a ap carry.

its been a while since i've had a good game with ashe :D

I think I've got this jungling thing figured out.

Man I can't wait for the Yi buff, so that I can "be Master Yi more often."
smite teleport

Kanye West
smite revive wiggle's lantern move-really-fast boots and 4 doubleswords dunkmaster yi

even more unconventional
Unconventional as it may be, that teleport got me at least 4 kills that game

How did their Alistar not throw the game entirely?
His team simply wasn't clinical enough. Kills don't lead to victory, I'd say the other team was probably better in the teamfights.
Kanye West

LaVolpe024 wrote:

His team simply wasn't clinical enough. Kills don't lead to victory, I'd say the other team was probably better in the teamfights.
And taking/warding objectives. They had Shaco, who has insane objective control and split push capability.
шандро , а че ты в топике забыл то , я тебя тут вообще не видел :О
Warwick nerf this patch :(
Won't do much to support junglewick though.

Hopefully this nerf will be enough to end this wretched FOTM so i can play him in low elo again.
cait 6-0-10
leblanc 13-2
u the carrier bro , np ;))

Truly beautiful.
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