
League of Legends

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Maw became a must have on most burst AD champs the moment it came out.

jesus, I've got luck for being assigned to retards like this. Cassio died two times a row like a minute after I gave her blue, Singed diving Riven 24/7, and that Yi is pretty self-explanatory. also, even though I tried to give them the kills, they weren't dealing any damage at all rofl

tl;dr: asauejasafihasghaefhasdihqe9rhqa
hi, i am new here
and these are the stats of my last game:

little BG: all my team was feeding, i just carried out
as for my name, it was because of a joke with some friends
I like your "team name" Weones sin Nombre , lol xD
Kanye West

Shellghost wrote:

Maw became a must have on most burst AD champs the moment it came out.
Hexdrinker and Maw are both situational items. If you're facing an AD-heavy team then you should never buy either of them. So they're pretty much never "must-haves".



kanye west wrote:

Hexdrinker and Maw are both situational items. If you're facing an AD-heavy team then you should never buy either of them. So they're pretty much never "must-haves".
Of course Situation > Build, but against a balanced team it's quite common to see a Maw on the AD champs.

I am utterly demoralised.
Dunkmaster Hecarim.

Or, close to it anyway. Pentakills are fun.
After a series of wins I'm finally level 30. Tribunal is fun.

And I have the feeling I can only play ~3-4 champions ;_; Morde, Maokai, Nasus and Voli somewhat. I should get an AD carry or so :<

guardsman retard is retard , nothing more to add
As said earlier, Guardsman bob is terrible and bad but he has a flock on fanboys that gaurd him.
Colin Hou

first panta kill in my 1200+ game plays lol really enjoyed it
Tried jungling with Jax, only the 3rd time I've jungled in a PvP match. Performed better than I thought I would.

I like the Hecarim with brown boots.

Going for the controversial "Run like a turtle, die like an idiot." strat I see

TurntheSlayer wrote:

guardsman retard is retard , nothing more to add
I didnt play with me, but Im always on teamspeak with friends, And 2 of them duoQing played vs him, And they said he was pathetic. And they played vs Xpecial, and said that he wasnt good, only average player . Ofc, with support he's better
Kanye West
Wow GuardsmanBob is such a feeder
Inb4 why I don't watch streams
I haven't been playing that much, but when I do, I try to dunk hard.


Fabi wrote:

I haven't been playing that muchI don't play that much, but when I do, I try to dunk hard.
Kanye West

kawaii_uguu wrote:

Fabi wrote:

I haven't been playing that muchI don't play that much, but when I do, I try to dunk hard feed.
So i see that people on the thread about this week's rotation keep getting freaked out of Free Shaco and Ahri (and Free Graves + Soraka).
I wonder why tho, i've been using Ahri for like a week and i don't see what could be the problem in other people using Ahri (Although i wouldnt like to have an ally Ahri that fails skillshots left and right). And i never used Shaco any thoughts on him?
Shaco is annoying, he's highly capable of jungling and ganking as well as escaping enemy ganks. He can also persistently harass opponents with that irritating little toy thing of his that shoots stuff and causes fear. His ult is tactically useful, it could be employed to tank turrets or to confuse enemies in team fights as well as escaping dangerous situations. I jungled Jax recently against a jungling Shaco and found that invading the enemy jungle early to harass him and steal his buffs is quite useful as he's almost useless alone without his ult.

Best analysis. Ever.
Nevermind, this could be the best week ever, noob Shacos and Ahris not knowing how to play their champs, making it quite an easy life for me:

kanye west wrote:

kawaii_uguu wrote:

I haven't been playing that muchI don't play that much, but when I do, I try to dunk hard feed.
Not that much ;P, just lost 1 from 10 games on a row with Yi. Solo queue ---> Farm --> Kill the remains champ when you can > Win :P
I have had a hard week till now
In the team im assigned 3/5 of the players feed, and the other one who actually does something, is easy to kill e.e

Sakura Hana: So the other ahri's name is AprenDienDo. coincidence? xd
Tried to support as Orianna today, too strong
Kanye West
I love those Ahri players who use their last ult charge to run right into you. Oh, thanks for the 300 gold bro.
ох вы тут нафлудили
8000 IP, I'm unable to decide whether to buy Tons of Damage, Sejuani or Morde.
Try to practice with Galio.
Someone should give me a Build with him.

TheNutritiousGuy wrote:

Try to practice with Galio.
Someone should give me a Build with him.
Boots + 3. Chalice(optional). Abysall. Merc's. Banshees. Deathcap. Void. Zhonya's(sell the chalice if u built it).
Chose Tons of Damage over Morde and Sejuani, here's my second PvP game with him. Followed the recommended build mainly, you literally feel unstoppable with him.


LaVolpe024 wrote:

Chose Tons of Damage over Morde and Sejuani, here's my second PvP game with him. Followed the recommended build mainly, you literally feel unstoppable with him.

No kog in the other team so meh
No Kog needed, they're Yi was fed like a spoilt child in the first 10 mins.

31/4/19 with kennen and i lost -.-'
my best game with him and becoz of some bunch of feeders i couldnt win it ;(

kawaii_uguu wrote:

TheNutritiousGuy wrote:

Try to practice with Galio.
Someone should give me a Build with him.
Boots + 3. Chalice(optional). Abysall. Merc's. Banshees. Deathcap. Void. Zhonya's(sell the chalice if u built it).
Don't build a fucking void's staff on galio, if you're lacking damage so hard that you need it on this char you most likely lost already.

boots 3/mres 2 start (if going against non-skillshot caster)/meki 2 (if need to push 24/7), chalice (obligatory), catalyst -> roa/banshee (roa gives much better stats), deatcap, abyssal, ga.

His W allows easy healing and he's good at keeping enemy caster under tower so he can't gank.

Use 9 21 0 masteries, remember that he's more of an off-tank than an ap carry. Think twice before initiating but think fast.

Full offensive builds are possible though.

Shandro wrote:

Don't build a fucking void's staff on galio, if you're lacking damage so hard that you need it on this char you most likely lost already.
building voids for lacking dmg? lol..
tell us more about your 1300 logic, honey :)

aw ye

kawaii_uguu wrote:

Shandro wrote:

Don't build a fucking void's staff on galio, if you're lacking damage so hard that you need it on this char you most likely lost already.
building voids for lacking dmg? lol..
tell us more about your 1300 logic, honey :)
warmogs frozen heart mundo op build it every game
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