
Grant Kirkhope - Clanker's Cavern

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I found offset 4.950, could be mistaken though..

Normal was pretty fine, apart from one spacing inconsitency in Normal, that actually bugged me:
01:22:90 (3,4)

Hard was perfect after Larto's fixes.

Insane was fine, but why all the timing sections at the start?

It will probably bleach and lose shine in shadow of Larto's but I give it a star anyway.
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Wojjan wrote:

Insane was fine, but why all the timing sections at the start?
Because the music is softer there. And because I'm not used to this whole inheritance thing. :?
Oh oh oh I see now :D

The BPMs are slightly off.

Both versions need the BPM: 100,03 if I hear that right.
Then the Offsets:

Hard&Normal&Easy: 4.950
Insane: 152

Like I said, I won't promise the Offsets are right, however I promise that the offsets and the BPM are very close.
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2:11:494(1): New combo

45:691(1) New combo.

Nice beatmap. It needs to get more attention. Star'd
[Easy Aquatics]
00:39:74 (5) - the whistle on this slider sounds a bit out-of place, either take it off this one or put something on the sliders around it
01:10:34 (4) - line this up horizontally with 3
01:14:54 (6) - line this up with 5
01:16:94 (1) - put this either horizontal with 9 or at a 45 degree angle
02:01:14 (3) - line this up horizontally with 2
02:14:94 (2) - start this on the red tick
02:16:14 (3,4,5,6,7) - ^

00:23:29 (7) - this not being horizontal bothers me but if you like it like that its ok
00:52:89 (1,2) - stack the endpoints
01:06:49 (1) - this sounds out-of-place. maybe start it on the blue tick instead?
01:54:49 (9,10) - line this up vertically with the end of 8, then move 11 and 1 to stack on the end of 8. it will look TONS better

00:26:29 (8) - new combo
00:31:09 (9) - ^
00:50:49 (8) - ^
01:25:89 (3) - can you put this on the same horizontal as 2 and 3?
01:33:69 (7) - new combo
01:40:69 (7) - ^
01:46:49 (4) - stack on fading 1
01:47:89 (9) - new combo
01:50:49 (16) - ^ and you might want to take the combo off the note right after it
01:52:09 (6,7) - can you make these vertical?
02:01:89 (5) - spacing?
02:02:49 (8) - ^
02:12:09 (1) - ^ (although arguably intuitive)

00:02:49 (1) - spacing
00:03:69 (3) - stack on fading 1
00:12:09 (8) - new combo?
00:21:49 (9) - ^
00:52:89 (12) - ^
01:33:69 (10) - ^
01:47:89 (8) - ^
[Easy Aquatics]
00:21:74 (3) - final hit could use a hitsound
00:42:14 (7) - line this up with 6
00:57:74 (4) - line this up with 3
01:10:34 (4) - last hit could use a whistle
01:24:14 (1) - needs hitsound
01:39:74 (5) - ^
01:42:14 (3) - line this up with the end of 2
02:07:34 (3) - whistle on first, not second hit
02:14:84 (2) - start this to the next purple tick later
could use more hitsounds in general

00:25:29 (3) - line this up with 2
01:47:29 (4,5) - line this up with 1,2,3
01:52:09 (6) - line this up horizontally with 5
02:07:89 (6) - add whistle
02:08:69 (1,4) - ^ (maybe a finish on 4)
02:16:69 (1) - add finish
again could use more hitsound imo

00:12:69 (6,1,4) - add whistles
00:57:09 (10) - slightly too close to 9
01:49:29 (7) - add finish
*insert nag about hitsounds*

00:42:69 (3) - whistle sounds kinda ugh
00:57:69 (1) - stack the end on fading 3
01:06:69 (3) - add finish to the end
01:30:49 (11) - insert clap? only if you like it but this is a real outlier...maybe new combo? not sure
01:40:09 (14) - new combo
01:43:69 (2,3,4,5) - whistles feel out-of-place
02:03:69 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - for both of these streams I suggest you make an inherit section thats a bit quieter so the hitsounds dont just take over the music
more hitsounds would be nice too...
Easy Aquatics:
Everything seems fine to me, to be an easy map it's long, but you mix it up enough so it isn't boring. I approve.

00:19:652 (2) I dunno, this slider just seems kinda odd to me... The length in terms of that part of the song just seems awkward. Maybe place a few notes here instead?

02:16:758 (1) This spinner at the end seems kind of odd. It doesn't really start on any kind of beat or note. It sounds alright since it ends on that last beat, but... Maybe continue the pattern you already have going for one or two more combos?

01:06:177 (1) The spinner here seems a little unnecessary. I'd say to take out the spinner and place a note at the start to replace it, along with a last note to end the combo at 01:06:720.

No complaints here. The timing is great and I love all the note patterns you came up with. Overall a fun song.

Definitely gets a star. It's a fun song and the map is great stuff. I look forward to seeing it ranked. I think I'll go along with some others and say that more hitsounds in Easy Aquatics/Normal/Hard would be nice.
Your .mp3s are very quiet, open up Audacity and add some gain.


Aquatics: Good
Normal/Hard: 5030
Insane: 234

Huge offset change, so after you resnap, notes will not be in their correct position on the timeline. PM me when it's done, I want this project complete ;)
Oh wait what was I thinking

Use the same offsets for Normal/Hard/Insane, its the same .mp3. Its fine if the notes come before the first timing section, nothing will be affected.
Good job!^^ (I love banjokazooie :D)
Great! Another Rare song!
Let's see whai I can do...

Easy Aquatics
[00:38:553] set whistles only at the end of the 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th sliders
[00:54:159] this whistle left alone doesn't have sense... try to add some on the yellow series or delete it!
[01:07:316] other whistles at 2nd and 9th green beat
[01:36:258] set the whistle in the 3rd beat and exchange the 5th with a finish sound
[01:40:893] close the 2nd green slider with a whistle and open the 4th with a finish sound
[02:08:621] start the 4th green slider with a whistle

[00:09:761] open and close the 4th slider with a whistle
[00:45:147] cover the two red sliders with claps!

[00:20:671] clap on 4th red beat, 2nd, 4th and 6th yellow beats
[00:41:171] whistle on 6th, 8th, 10th, 12th and 14th beats
[00:43:654] other claps on 4th, 6th and 9th red beats! (and a finish on the next 1st and 9th yellow beats)
[00:56:636] complete the blue series with a whistle in the 7th beat
[00:58:922] add other finish at the start of 2nd and 3rd red sliders
[01:25:989] try to approach this red beat to the others (a little bit)
[02:02:097] try to delete here the 6th beat (and maybe the 7th)
[02:05:365] switch the whistle from the 1st to the 2nd beat
[02:16:994] finally, two claps at 10th and 12th beats!

[00:14:143] whistle on 8th (and/or 5th) beat
[00:15:806] finish on 2nd slider's start
[00:23:407] remove the whistle from the blue slider and set it on 2nd and 6th beats
[00:24:183] clap on 7th, 11th and 13th beats and the red slider's end; or else remove the claps from this combo series!
[00:45:606] parallel sounds! clap on 9th yellow, but finish on 9th green
[01:30:284] switch the sounds between 9th an 10th beats; plus, remove the 11th!
[01:37:206] remove the clap from 4th beat AND switch the sounds between the last two green beats
[01:41:960] REMOVE this clap: it's nonsense! (I almost forget: add a whistle on the next 4th yellow beat)

Great work on spacing! Star'd.

00:09:38 (3) - Kinda awkward to me...
00:58:99 (4,5) - These 2 ending on blue instead of purple ticks sounds weird to me.
02:19:38 (1) - I've always found ending songs this way is a jerk move, but whatever..

I'll have to finish modding this later (and remind me to or i might forget :?) but i will say, timing seems off. Easy might be too early, though i haven't looked into it, and the rest may have the wrong BPM to begin with. (with the end of it being too late, meaning it's too slow. But as i said, i'll have to look into it later, so don't take my words as final right now)
For now i would say try 100.025 as a BPM and see what you think. Anybody else reading this, please check as well.
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That BPM works quite well, thank you! If anyone has any suggestions, please let me know.

I'll take care of the hitsounds in a bit.
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Ryuukun wrote:

[Easy Aquatics]
No Problems Great!

100,025 bpm looks fine to me. Also great!

02:18:55 (3) - starts one 1/4 tick to early Using the 1/6th divisor, I think it's fine...


00:57:77 (1) - 1 lvl3 grid to the left Done
01:06:57 (14) - let this slider start here 01:06:62() (end at the same point it is already) I thought it was like this at one point, but it's back now.
01:50:56 (8) - new combo All right, I guess that makes sense.
01:50:96 (1) - delete new combo
02:12:35 (2) - 1 lvl3 grid down [i]

00:26:58 (9) - new combo
01:47:96 (8) - new combo
01:48:16 (1) - delete new combo
01:53:36 (8) - new combo
Everytime I look at this.. the timing is off!
I'm getting an offset of a round 5000. (For easy)

For the other difficulties, you may wanna look at notes like these:

02:18:55 (3) - (normal)

try offset 4971

00:38:54 (4) - new combo
01:43:32 (4) - ^

no probs

no probs

00:32:96 (5) - new combo
00:44:96 (6) - ^
00:47:36 (6) - ^
01:35:35 (6) - ^
01:44:99 (6) - ^

nice job. starred
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I really don't see any problems with the mapping, but the hit sounds are kind of boring imo. I hear some whistle spam and the occasional clap, but that's it. Perhaps add some more claps or even some inherited sections with soft sounds.

*starred for BK* 8-)
BUBBLE for the almost complete BK project.

Go go go
CLINKERS. What on Earth is that thing in the background? It took me until now to realize the thing had eyes. It's probably that Clanker thing, right?
Haha, that aside, nice map. Ranked!
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