
Phoenix Wright

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crash ex wrote:

Is it me or is ema, lana is what mia and maya would be?
I don't particularly know what you mean, but Ema is designed to mirror Maya, and her relationship with her sister is part of that resemblance. So, yes?
crash ex
yes thats what i meant hehe :oops:
I love AAIMI. It was my first PW game ever.

Sinistro wrote:

Sinistro wrote:
I am so watching that.
I buyed and played every Phoenix Wright part and it was a great story :D

Oh an i like this girl from Hen***key over mine comment :3
I bought it for a while for my iPhone and I sure like this game. In the court I have always to think 'bout the case....I even used the method I use in Phoenix Wright for solving a case, in my class exercises - - - - and failed :cry:

Phoenix Wright X Facebook
Whenever there's a problem in our school, I use Edgeworth's style of thinking: put in front of my mind the words important to the solution. It's like logic, only that I make it look like crap.
Changed my life forever.
Best DS Game(s) Ever. (YMMV)

Can't wait for Phoenix x Layton but it's kinda sad that there won't be an English version :c
And I look forward to the Phoenix Wright movie too \o\

Quaraezha wrote:

it's kinda sad that there won't be an English version :c
As far as I know, there may be a localisation depending on the response. Edgeworth's second game may not have been localised, but the Layton series is still going strong in the west.
Just when I was looking forward to Ema Skye in Investigations 2 :/
Well, I'm glad that Layton has hope :D
Yeah! Played all of them there is and I gotta say no one should miss these.

Capcom has announced that it has started work on developing...
What, they only started just now? Good news nonetheless, I guess.
We still don't know if it will be continuation of Apollo Justice or Phoenix Wright. But I hope this will be sequel for PW.
Still hoping for Professor Layton VS. Phoenix Wright to be localized. Come on CAPCOM!!!

Bass-chan wrote:

We still don't know if it will be continuation of Apollo Justice or Phoenix Wright. But I hope this will be sequel for PW.
I really hope Capcom don't double back on any plans they had to make an Apollo Justice trilogy and move back to Phoenix due to fan whining. The AJ franchise had a fairly solid start and I reckon the characters have potential to develop over another couple games.

Glad to see the next game's going to exist, regardless~
I'm still curious of what happened to the Fey family.

bmin11 wrote:

I'm still curious of what happened to the Fey family.
That can easily show up in Apollo Justice games. I personally hope they continue AJ's story because there's so much unresolved at the end of the first one.

Would also love a localization of the sequal to Investigations because Edgeworth is the best.
i saw the trailer of the gyakuten saiban live action movie
i was expecting edgeworth to be..well 'cool'
and that's what they gave me :<
also lol'd at the actor for naruhodo-kun xD

still looking forward to it

pheonix wright was a good game all in all
i always laugh at how they named the characters in the english version
(Dick Gumshoe, seriously, who didn't laugh at that name)
Massive bump.

I just finished AA5, and I enjoyed it a lot.
The storyline was great, and I loved how the cases were all linked with each other.

We got a recurring cast of characters (though brief they may appear) as well as new characters with equally good backstories.
The music was amazing as usual. I loved how the remixed the themes. The Cornered remixes were pretty awesome.
The animated scenes were also nicely made. The voice acting was just right, although at some parts (third case with the friendship thing) felt unnatural.

A minor concern though was the usage of the Mood Matrix along with the Magatama and Apollo's Bracelet. The mix of the three didn't quite go so well. I assume those unfamiliar with the Magatama and Bracelet got a bit confused (for those who haven't played the earlier games).

The $30 was worth it. Although I wished for a longer game ;_;
Oh well, DLC it is.
Yeah, I'm up to episode 4.

One thing that has struck out to me is the massive number of Typos and incorrect English in this version compared to the other releases. Kinda disappointing, to be honest. Although, to be fair, it's certainly not a game breaker (obviously) and the DS versions were refined from their GBA counterparts.
In addition, one thing I liked about the cases was that they didn't feel draggy at all. Unlike the last case from AAI, all the cases felt appropriately long.
Although Case 5 and 4 are technically continuations of each other (Still want more episodes though ;_;)

Oh IIRC I saw bugs though. Text vanishing when you try to reread the text log, and there was even this point in the third case where I had to guess and present the tape analysis when I didn't know that it was exactly 10 min 35 sec, because the text descriptions were gone -_-
That's odd, I haven't had those issues, myself. ;~;
How did i not know this was out? I now have something to do while I'm bored tomorrow.

Azure_Kite wrote:

Yeah, I'm up to episode 4.

One thing that has struck out to me is the massive number of Typos and incorrect English in this version compared to the other releases. Kinda disappointing, to be honest. Although, to be fair, it's certainly not a game breaker (obviously) and the DS versions were refined from their GBA counterparts.
Not sure if you got there yet but Case 5 seemed to actually have been proofread. Thank goodness.

Yeah, beat it. <3'd it. Waiting for DLC case.
Professor Prinny
Wow you guys are fast. I'm still on Case 3 ;-;

not entirely a spoiler, just reveals one of the recurring characters
Speaking of recurring characters, Edgeworth in glasses <3

I agree with NoHitter in that I felt it was too short (edit: nvm, you think it's appropriate. IT WAS TOO SHORT! I still need to know more about blackquill T_T. I also felt it was...pretty easy. Anyone else?

I've had an issue with the vanishing log text happened to me once during one of Blackquill's testimonies

Major spoiler:
Fullbright was quickly becoming a favourite character of mine WHYYYY?!!!! </3 In justice *sniff* we trust
How many of my euros will a purchase of this fine game cost me?
You probably can check it on eShop.

I wished it was longer. I said the cases' length felt appropriate unlike Alba in AAI.
Also yeah Fulbright was also starting to be a favorite, but :(
I see options for DLC, so I wonder what that means?

3D conversions of older PW episodes? Future episodes added? Interesting.
Isn't that the one with the Dolphin?

Quaraezha wrote:

Isn't that the one with the Dolphin?
You ahve to defend an orca or so I've heard.
DLC is out...I think XD

I downloaded something and went back to playing the new Zelda. I'd rather play it when I'm all alone in my room so I can just focus on the case and enjoy the music/characters. Pheonix Wright games are the type of games I can't play on the go :(
Got and played the new case and really liked it.
I really didn't expect the case to end on such a bittersweet note though, considering the silly theme of the case.

Also it was lovely to see Pearly to get some more action in this case compared to the main story, and cross-examining a orca = Awsome!
Tsukimi Luna
i havent got my 3DSXL yet....
Im going to get it

But if im not wrong..
PW5 is only available on the eshop
And it costs $30 no?
it's 30$ yeah, but 36$ if you want the extra DLC case too.

foulcoon wrote:

not entirely a spoiler, just reveals one of the recurring characters

That line made my day
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