
fripSide - only my railgun -Euro Beat Charger Mix- [Osu|Taik

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Friday, October 12, 2012 at 11:41:07 AM

Artist: fripSide
Title: only my railgun -Euro Beat Charger Mix-
Source: To Aru Kagaku no Railgun
Tags: tv size [kirisame-marisa] kirisame-marisa yia beatcharger youtube eurobeat
BPM: 155
Filesize: 2748kb
Play Time: 01:46
Difficulties Available:
  1. Hard (4.8 stars, 358 notes)
  2. Insane (4.98 stars, 495 notes)
  3. Medium (4.45 stars, 235 notes)
  4. Normal (3 stars, 143 notes)
  5. Yia's Taiko Oni (4.83 stars, 638 notes)
Download: fripSide - only my railgun -Euro Beat Charger Mix-
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
eurobeat style trance? w33t

Mixed by BeatCharger from YouTube

Taiko by [Kirisame-Marisa]
ya~!!!! go go Ranked!!


  • Settings
  1. 最低星數3.14 很危險阿...現在基本上都要3星以下的了 3.15是極限 (老師說的 但是前提是那首歌本身的BPM非常快 會影響到星數時才會這樣)


  • Settings
  1. 多餘的綠線:
    00:11:649 -
    01:05:842 -
  1. 00:46:488 (1) - 頭finish? 感覺加finish會比較好
  2. 00:52:681 (1) - ^
  3. 00:58:875 (1) - ^
  4. 01:31:391 (1,2,3) - 這三個應該是拉出樣子很像的slider而已吧~用rotate翻轉這個吧...


  • mapping
  1. 00:03:713 (3,4,1) - 間距
  2. 00:32:746 (1,2,3,4) - ^
  3. 01:05:068 (1,2,3) - 這個排法看起來沒有什麼設計過阿loool 有更好的排法? 反正我只是建議一下
  4. 01:41:068 (4) - NC


  • Overlaps
    (Some overlaps of notes/sliders in this diff don't look good. Here is a list of beats that overlap eachothou could space them farther apart.)
  1. 01:11:842 (6,3,4) -
  1. 00:06:423 (1) - 這個whistle N 太孤單了吧...感覺只有這一個突出了些

[Yia's Taiko]

  • Settings
  1. resnap all note 去看看吧...
  2. letterBox和倒數需要都拿掉
  1. 00:16:294 (25) - K?
  2. 00:23:262 (33,34,35,36) - K D D K?
  3. 00:57:326 (100,101,102,103) - K K D D?
  4. 01:10:488 (25) - K?
  5. 01:17:746 (18) - ^
  6. 01:22:101 (23,24,25,26) - K D D K?
  7. 01:29:843 (33,34,35,36) - D K D D?
紅色是unrankable的 一定要改 藍色的是需要討論的問題 黑色就只是建議
Topic Starter
Made [Normal] 3.09 stars now 0.0

Fixed several nazi spacings and a potential overlapping note.

As for taiko I will leave for the original maker to fix them.

Thanks for modding!
Hi ~ Mod request from My Queue.

Just suggestions:


Yia's Taiko的作者id加在tag里没?


00:31:778 (2,3) - 又有1/1的stack,又有1/2的不好吧
01:46:971 (1) - 转盘有点长,超过6秒了


00:35:649 (4,5,6) - nazi - 没有在一条线上
01:11:262 (5,6,7) - 不好读,感觉用一个折返滑条代替比较好
01:33:133 (7,8) - finish?
01:46:971 (1) - 同Normal


00:10:100 (1) - 虽然Auto转出了2K分但还是很危险,因为这个转盘离前面非常近
01:05:068 (1,2,3) - 改成finish怎么样
01:19:197 (1) - 离转盘有点近
01:46:971 (1) - 同Normal

[Yia's Taiko]

01:12:521 (2) - Unsnapped circle.
01:13:005 (2) - Unsnapped circle.
01:13:392 (5) - Unsnapped circle.
01:13:779 (8) - Unsnapped circle.
01:13:876 (9) - Unsnapped circle.
01:14:650 (14) - Unsnapped circle.
01:14:747 (15) - Unsnapped circle.
01:15:134 (1) - Unsnapped circle.
01:15:521 (4) - Unsnapped circle.
01:15:908 (7) - Unsnapped circle.
01:24:908 (2) - Unsnapped circle.
01:25:392 (2) - Unsnapped circle.
01:25:779 (5) - Unsnapped circle.
01:26:263 (9) - Unsnapped circle.
01:27:037 (14) - Unsnapped circle.
01:27:134 (15) - Unsnapped circle.
01:27:521 (17) - Unsnapped circle.
01:27:908 (20) - Unsnapped circle.

That's all I can find. GL~
Topic Starter

popner wrote:

Hi ~ Mod request from My Queue.

Just suggestions:


Yia's Taiko的作者id加在tag里没?because typing "yia" in searchbox can still lead to the exact difficulty, I don't think it is entirely necessary
不加Kiai吗?I prefer not but I will keep a mental note.


00:31:778 (2,3) - 又有1/1的stack,又有1/2的不好吧 different stacks appear throughout so I think it's not an individual case?
01:46:971 (1) - 转盘有点长,超过6秒了it's meant to be that way :3


00:35:649 (4,5,6) - nazi - 没有在一条线上 you sure have sharp eyes
01:11:262 (5,6,7) - 不好读,感觉用一个折返滑条代替比较好 hmm, nope
01:33:133 (7,8) - finish? nah, it's all whistles on every difficulty
01:46:971 (1) - 同Normal


00:10:100 (1) - 虽然Auto转出了2K分但还是很危险,因为这个转盘离前面非常近
01:05:068 (1,2,3) - 改成finish怎么样
01:19:197 (1) - 离转盘有点近
01:46:971 (1) - 同Normal

[Yia's Taiko]

01:12:521 (2) - Unsnapped circle.
01:13:005 (2) - Unsnapped circle.
01:13:392 (5) - Unsnapped circle.
01:13:779 (8) - Unsnapped circle.
01:13:876 (9) - Unsnapped circle.
01:14:650 (14) - Unsnapped circle.
01:14:747 (15) - Unsnapped circle.
01:15:134 (1) - Unsnapped circle.
01:15:521 (4) - Unsnapped circle.
01:15:908 (7) - Unsnapped circle.
01:24:908 (2) - Unsnapped circle.
01:25:392 (2) - Unsnapped circle.
01:25:779 (5) - Unsnapped circle.
01:26:263 (9) - Unsnapped circle.
01:27:037 (14) - Unsnapped circle.
01:27:134 (15) - Unsnapped circle.
01:27:521 (17) - Unsnapped circle.
01:27:908 (20) - Unsnapped circle.
._. ahhh forgot about these, resnapped

That's all I can find. GL~
Not a lot of fixed done but still thanks for modding!
您好 針對spboxer3提出的意見作部份修正 請接收

Download: fripSide - only my railgun -Euro Beat Charger Mix- (yongtw123) [Yia's Taiko].osu
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Download: fripSide - only my railgun -Euro Beat Charger Mix- (yongtw123) [Yia's Taiko].osu
S h i a
Hi yongtw123
mod request via my queue.

Taiko BG & BG 都是PNG格式有點太大了 加起來快2M都要超過MP3的大小了Orz
Audio Lead-in 統一為2000? (MAT BAT有時候會挑這個)
tag 裡面加youtube大丈夫?

00:40:294 (1) - 折返的地方加一個whistle?
00:42:617 (1) - add whistle?
00:44:165 (1) - add whistle at slider head?
01:16:681 (4) - 這樣好看些xD
needs more work on hitsounds :P

pretty cool except hitsounds. :D

00:27:520 (7) - slider尾巴向下擺感覺好一點
00:58:875 (1,2) - 是否考慮別的組合?這裡不管打起來 看起來都不太理想

Nothing bad but yeah. you need more work on hitsounds i guess.
Topic Starter

S h i a wrote:

Hi yongtw123
mod request via my queue.

Taiko BG & BG 都是PNG格式有點太大了 加起來快2M都要超過MP3的大小了Orz YOU ARE RIGHT! OMG!
Audio Lead-in 統一為2000? (MAT BAT有時候會挑這個)ok fixed
tag 裡面加youtube大丈夫?just like adding "niconico"?

00:40:294 (1) - 折返的地方加一個whistle?
00:42:617 (1) - add whistle?
00:44:165 (1) - add whistle at slider head?
01:16:681 (4) - 這樣好看些xD sure
needs more work on hitsounds :P

pretty cool except hitsounds. :D

00:27:520 (7) - slider尾巴向下擺感覺好一點 sure
00:58:875 (1,2) - 是否考慮別的組合?這裡不管打起來 看起來都不太理想 excellent find!

Nothing bad but yeah. you need more work on hitsounds i guess. I hesitated to place hitsound but let's see how this goes. Updated
I am a bit late but still thanks for the mod!
Alright let's see what I can find.

Bold: Unrankable/must fix.
Red: You should take a look but it's up to you.
Italic: Suggestion.

Remove "fripside" on the tags since that's the name of the artist.
since there's no breaks, remove the letterbox during breaks.
put To aru Kagaku no Railgun as the source because this is the opening of the song and move "BeatCharger" in the tags since that's the person who made this.
I suggest adding an easy diff since the normal diff has over 3 stars.

00:00:036 (1) - I think adding a finish here is effective since it's the start of the song and it matches the instrumental Sort of. and if you look during gameplay, this barely looks like a curved slider. i suggest curving it a bit more so that it'd look like a proper slider.
00:01:584 (3) - follow the curved slider suggestion above, not the finish.
00:05:842 (1) - I don't like the clap at both ends. they don't fit with this part, so to make it sound a lot better, remove the clap at the beginning, and replace the clap for a finish at the end. i think this matches the instrumental
00:12:423 (1) - add a whistle at the beginning to start the consistency.
00:14:165 (3) - adding a whistle at the beginning ruins the consistency, so remove the whistle at the beginning,
00:14:746 (1) - move the whistle at the repeat arrow instead of the beginning and the end. same reason as above.
00:15:907 (2) - the whistle should be here to keep the consistency.
00:16:294 (3) - same as above but at the end.
00:20:165 (3) - i don't like on how the whistle is at the repeat arrow. it sounds odd when it's at the red line.
00:21:713 (4) - remove the whistle if you follow the suggestion above because that ruins the consistency.
00:22:100 (5) - add a whistle here to keep the consistency.
00:22:488 (1) - the whistle should be at the end instead of the repeat arrow. same reason as 00:21:713.
00:23:262 (2,3,4,5) - move the whistles at (3,5) instead of (2,4). same reason as above.
00:29:068 (2) - since you have the whistle at (4), add it here to start the consistency.
00:42:617 (1) - remove the NC to make it easier for beginners. i think beginners might get confused because the slider has its own combo.
01:07:778 (2) - remove the whistle here. same reason as 00;21:713.
01:11:262 (5) - add whistles at the repeat arrow and the end to keep the consistency.
01:13:391 (1,2) - the whistle should be at (2) not at (1). adding the whistle at (1) ruins the consistency
01:13:971 (3) - remove the whistle at the beginning. same reason as above.
01:16:681 (4) - add a whistle at the end to keep the consistency.
01:19:778 (1,2) - since (1) on the next combo has a whistle, add whistles here to start the consistency.
01:22:100 (3) - ^ to keep the consistency.
01:23:649 (2) - remove the whistle at the repeat arrow because that ruins the consistency.
01:25:197 (1,2,3) - this pattern looks confusing because (1) and (2) are overlapping (3) but not in a good way. I suggest doing something easier than this so that it can be less confusing.

00:06:423 (2) - remove the whistle because it looks like it's just put there randomly.
00:27:520 (1) - remove the NC for this because it follows the long pause.
00:28:100 (1) - make this a NC because if the hard hit in the instrumental.
00:29:068 (1,2) - to make this easier, replace this for a 1/4 kick slider with 2 repeats.
00:40:294 (1) - add a finish to match the vocals.
00:46:488 (1) - ^
00:49:584 (4) - I think adding a whistle at the beginning and the end is effective as it gets easier at the part.
00:51:133 (4) - if you follow the suggestion above, add a whistle at the beginning to keep the consistency.
00:51:907 (6) - same as above but at the beginning.
01:24:810 (6,7) - same as 00:29:068.
01:41:842 (3,4) - ^
01:46:100 (1,2,3) - same as above but i'm sure you get the idea.

00:06:423 (1) - same as hard.
00:17:842 (1,2) - IMO this looks too easy for an insane diff. replace this for a stream to challenge players.
01:14:939 (1,2,3,4) - try doing something like this to challenge players?
01:29:842 (1,2,3,4) - replace this for a stream. it'd look ok for a hard diff, but on an insane is a no no for me.

This is the best I can do. Overall the hitsounds needs work. add claps somewhere because all i hear are whistles and finishes. i suggest adding claps when you reach the chorus but at the same time, try to keep the claps consistent. anyways GL :D
Topic Starter
Concerning the Artist field, I didn't change yet. I think I'll ask others for opinion, since it's usually MAT/BAT who has the final say.

Fixed a majority of rhythm suggestions in [Hard]

As for hitsounds, I tried yours, and I made two more attempts with different variations of claps/whistles, but after several hours it came back full circle. Now I think only a few whistles sprinkled here and there sounds actually better. Putting claps feels okay if consistently placed, but this song is eurobeat, meaning rhythm is not meant to be"regular". Placing whistles too much just sound piercing, and mixing claps with it becomes mayhem.

Thanks a lot for the mod anyways.

Hi, yongtw123

My mod from request


  1. Remove "fripSide" in tags, because there is in Artist name. But add "to aru kagaku no railgan" in tags.
  2. Bit rate of mp3 is 320kbps. Should fix it is 192kbps.


  1. 00:24:036 (4,5) - Move (4) to up and left 1 grid (Symmetry with (2)), and move (5) to left 2 grids (Symmetry with (1)).
  2. 00:57:326 (3) - Make to this, would make symmetry with (1).
  3. 01:13:197 (x) - Add a note?
  4. 01:14:746 (x) - ^
  5. 01:16:681 (4) - Make to , would be even more beautiful.
  6. 01:33:471 (T) - Move at 01:33:433
  7. 01:35:649 (2) - Slider end at 01:36:036, and add a note at 01:36:229 (x)?


  1. 00:26:552 (3,4) - Make to ?
  2. 01:05:068 (1,2,3) - Make this is an equilateral triangle, would be better.


  1. I don't find the problem.

That's all, that I can find them.

Good luck~
Topic Starter

nich95 wrote:

Hi, yongtw123

My mod from request


  1. Remove "fripSide" in tags, because there is in Artist name. But add "to aru kagaku no railgan" in tags. fixed
  2. Bit rate of mp3 is 320kbps. Should fix it is's not 320kbps on avergae, here's a graph as proof.


  1. 00:24:036 (4,5) - Move (4) to up and left 1 grid (Symmetry with (2)), and move (5) to left 2 grids (Symmetry with (1)). i made them to slightly slant
  2. 00:57:326 (3) - Make to this, would make symmetry with (1). i am making it symmetrical with the following 2 objects
  3. 01:13:197 (x) - Add a note? hmm, nope, sounds extra
  4. 01:14:746 (x) - ^ still nope
  5. 01:16:681 (4) - Make to , would be even more beautiful. i get your point, but i am curving it according to the spinner lol
  6. 01:33:471 (T) - Move at 01:33:433 actually i deleted this time line, not needed lol
  7. 01:35:649 (2) - Slider end at 01:36:036, and add a note at 01:36:229 (x)? that'll make it more complex


  1. 00:26:552 (3,4) - Make to ? nope, it will affect the combos after
  2. 01:05:068 (1,2,3) - Make this is an equilateral triangle, would be better.a larger jump, but sure why not lol


  1. I don't find the problem.

That's all, that I can find them.

Good luck~
Thanks for modding!

您好 :) 砲姐喔www




00:14:165 (3) - 我建議刪掉它,然後00:14:359 add note
00:59:842 (2) - 我覺得在01:00:036開始比較舒服
01:53:068 - Change to Soft hit sound


01:05:068 (1,2,3) - Finish
01:53:068 - Change to Soft hit sound


01:05:068 (1,2,3) - Finish
01:53:068 - Change to Soft hit sound

That all :)
Topic Starter

ertyukjh010 wrote:

您好 :) 砲姐喔www


您確定沒有錯?strange thing happened :/, anyways fixed with timing adjustments


00:14:165 (3) - 我建議刪掉它,然後00:14:359 add note prefer not, the rhythm becomes too dull
00:59:842 (2) - 我覺得在01:00:036開始比較舒服 same thing above
01:53:068 - Change to Soft hit sound ok


01:05:068 (1,2,3) - Finish nope, that'll be too loud
01:53:068 - Change to Soft hit sound done


01:05:068 (1,2,3) - Finish still nope
01:53:068 - Change to Soft hit sound done

That all :)
Thanks for spotting that timing error!

00:41:068 (1) - 把这个whistle音去掉,在slider开始处加个whistle.
00:46:487 (1) - 加个finish
00:52:681 (1) - ^
00:58:874 (1) - ^
00:59:842 (3) - 觉得在01:00:035开始好些,或者在此处加一个circle后 把slider的开始移到01:00:035

Yia's Taiko

01:06:617 (T) - timing没对准时间轴


00:12:035 (1) - 去掉这个whistle?
00:16:294 (2) - 加个whistle
00:40:294 (1) - 右移动一个格子 (lv3)
00:46:487 (1) - 加个finish
00:52:681 (1) - ^
00:58:874 (1) - ^
01:11:842 (7) - whistle 后面的(1)去掉whistle


00:16:924 (2) - 感觉缺个whistle
00:46:487 (1) - 加个finish
00:52:681 (1) - ^
00:58:874 (1) - ^
01:10:294 (12) - 和后面的(1)重叠

01:14:939(1,2) - x:96 y:152
01:15:326 (3) - x:416 y:224 觉得之前的间距有些过大吧

star~good luck
Topic Starter



00:41:068 (1) - 把这个whistle音去掉,在slider开始处加个whistle.ok
00:46:487 (1) - 加个finish
00:52:681 (1) - ^
00:58:874 (1) - ^ nope to above three, there's no corresponding "cymbal-like" sound in the music
00:59:842 (3) - 觉得在01:00:035开始好些,或者在此处加一个circle后 把slider的开始移到01:00:035 i fixed it differently :P

Yia's Taiko

01:06:617 (T) - timing没对准时间轴 fixed


00:12:035 (1) - 去掉这个whistle? hmm, 這裡本來就沒有whistle吧@@
00:16:294 (2) - 加个whistle good
00:40:294 (1) - 右移动一个格子 (lv3) 我先跟著之前的spacing, 進入combo再變小
00:46:487 (1) - 加个finish
00:52:681 (1) - ^
00:58:874 (1) - ^ same as Normal
01:11:842 (7) - whistle 后面的(1)去掉whistle ok


00:16:924 (2) - 感觉缺个whistle added
00:46:487 (1) - 加个finish
00:52:681 (1) - ^
00:58:874 (1) - ^ same as Normal
01:10:294 (12) - 和后面的(1)重叠 prefer not

01:14:939(1,2) - x:96 y:152
01:15:326 (3) - x:416 y:224 觉得之前的间距有些过大吧 i re-tested this part many times and i still think the spacing plays out fine, so... i won't change them for now

star~good luck
Thanks for modding!
coming here from my queue (sorry it was so long orz)
here we go...

all good i think, just...
I'm not see that you're not using kiai time on this mapset, is this intentional? I think it will be better to put it on the various parts like the chorus to make it more flash and giving the player some "courage" while playing :D, i think placed it from 01:06:616 will be ok, the end is up to you :)
also turn the volume up a bit for all diff? I think the volume of the song itself are louder that the hitsound and it was kinda hard to hear the pattern rhythm while playing imo.

just some suggestion
01:13:197 - add a notes here? i think it was way better if this part is a triplet rather than 2 notes, since the most similar pattern i seen on this this are consisting with 3 notes/triplet, same goes for 01:14:745

OD-1, since the notes are quite many while the diff itself are hard, i think making the OD harder wouldn't be nice for player to enjoy the diff.
00:13:487 (6) - remove this notes? instead of that, move the slider to the removed notes and adding the notes here00:13:777, to makes the patternline between 00:12:616 (2) till 00:14:261 (9) consistent? That way it can makes the pattern following the vocal voice more perfectly imo
00:51:132 (4,5,6) - makes the spacing here with DS 1,2? So the spacing will be the same as 00:50:552 (1,2,3,4), i think this way is pretty good on the flow since theyre still on the same patternline.
01:04:487 (4) - start the 1,2 DS here instead from (5)?
01:05:068 (1,2) - fix the position on this 2 notes, doesn't seems symmetrical enough when i try it. I suggest move the (2) up a bit to make it symmetrical with (1)
01:17:261 - add note here? seems missing something without it on that part

seems good for me :D

i think that's it, just the hitsound on the mapset seems to be less loud than the song itself ><
hope this can help, and good luck.
Megurine Luka

Lv 5 DA☆ZE

Unrankable if in red and bold
Consider if in bold only
Suggested if in normal font

*Hmmm, the whole mapset doesn't have a kiai time O_O
*The ID of your TAIKO guest seems wrong in your tag. OSU! can recognize "[]" when searching.
*Use lower volume sliderslide ( ) if you considered it as necessary. Cuz I heard the slidersounds weird from 00:40:294 (1)


00:04:294 (4) - 1 grid right [nazi]
00:40:294 (1) - don't really suggest slider velocity change in your easiest diff.
00:46:487 (1) - add fin on head?
00:52:681 (1) - add fin on head?
00:54:616 (3) - 1 grid left [nazi]
00:58:874 (1) - add fin on head?
01:13:390 (1,2) - Too difficult to use two continuous hits in N diff. better change into a short slider or something.


Nothing really to poke at.
But I might mention that lots of three continuous hits. That might be very difficult for Hard players. And make it more like an I diff.
Doesn't really matter :) just mention.


00:10:100 (1) - though 2000 is rankable but still seems too rush..change into stream or something?
00:26:358 (1) - add fin
00:46:487 (1) - add fin on head?

I tried my best and I think that's all

Very nice mapset! Good Luck!
Topic Starter

Envi wrote:

coming here from my queue (sorry it was so long orz) it's ok :)
here we go...

all good i think, just...
I'm not see that you're not using kiai time on this mapset, is this intentional? I think it will be better to put it on the various parts like the chorus to make it more flash and giving the player some "courage" while playing :D, i think placed it from 01:06:616 will be ok, the end is up to you :) well yes it's intentional for some reasons such as combo color, strobing time, etc. In short i am not including kiai so as to avoid making some portion of the map too blinding to the eye.
also turn the volume up a bit for all diff? I think the volume of the song itself are louder that the hitsound and it was kinda hard to hear the pattern rhythm while playing's mainly due to the whistles, if i make volume higher the whistles are going to stand out.

just some suggestion
01:13:197 - add a notes here? i think it was way better if this part is a triplet rather than 2 notes, since the most similar pattern i seen on this this are consisting with 3 notes/triplet, same goes for 01:14:745 nope, i am doing that for variation in rhythm, makes the map less monotonous to play

OD-1, since the notes are quite many while the diff itself are hard, i think making the OD harder wouldn't be nice for player to enjoy the diff. good call, changed
00:13:487 (6) - remove this notes? instead of that, move the slider to the removed notes and adding the notes here00:13:777, to makes the patternline between 00:12:616 (2) till 00:14:261 (9) consistent? That way it can makes the pattern following the vocal voice more perfectly imo hmmm, nope, i put rhythms like this to both follow vocal and a bit of instruments
00:51:132 (4,5,6) - makes the spacing here with DS 1,2? So the spacing will be the same as 00:50:552 (1,2,3,4), i think this way is pretty good on the flow since theyre still on the same patternline. nice find but i made them as little jumps
01:04:487 (4) - start the 1,2 DS here instead from (5)? ok
01:05:068 (1,2) - fix the position on this 2 notes, doesn't seems symmetrical enough when i try it. I suggest move the (2) up a bit to make it symmetrical with (1) hmm, i tried
01:17:261 - add note here? seems missing something without it on that part sure

seems good for me :D

i think that's it, just the hitsound on the mapset seems to be less loud than the song itself ><
hope this can help, and good luck.

Megurine Luka wrote:


Lv 5 DA☆ZE


*Hmmm, the whole mapset doesn't have a kiai time O_O as explained above
*The ID of your TAIKO guest seems wrong in your tag. OSU! can recognize "[]" when searching. appended tag
*Use lower volume sliderslide ( ) if you considered it as necessary. Cuz I heard the slidersounds weird from 00:40:294 (1) added


00:04:294 (4) - 1 grid right [nazi] ok
00:40:294 (1) - don't really suggest slider velocity change in your easiest diff. i hope it isn't that much of a slowdown
00:46:487 (1) - add fin on head? nope, doesn't correspond with instruments
00:52:681 (1) - add fin on head? (same)
00:54:616 (3) - 1 grid left [nazi] ok
00:58:874 (1) - add fin on head? still nope
01:13:390 (1,2) - Too difficult to use two continuous hits in N diff. better change into a short slider or something. there are two and three 1/8 all around this diff, so i think it's fine


Nothing really to poke at.
But I might mention that lots of three continuous hits. That might be very difficult for Hard players. And make it more like an I diff.
Doesn't really matter :) just mention.


00:10:100 (1) - though 2000 is rankable but still seems too rush..change into stream or something? i think it's fine
00:26:358 (1) - add fin still nope
00:46:487 (1) - add fin on head? ^

I tried my best and I think that's all

Very nice mapset! Good Luck!
Thanks for modding!
here comes my mod.

00:40:294 (1) - 音量感覺還是有點大 降低10%~15%試試?(tips:話說現在綠線直接插就可以了吧
00:54:616 (3) - 這個還是拉正點好
01:35:648 (2) - 我聽了好幾次都感覺很怪 而且對noob感覺會坑 考慮換換?

00:23:261 (4,5,6,9) - 連續四個三連我不覺得是個好主意
00:40:294 (1,2) - 拉開點 保持跟前面那distance一樣(或者你做改變就是前面dis拉大點 現在dis看不出來SV變化啊
01:29:842 (1,4,7,10,7,8) - 同第一條
01:33:132 (7,8) - 拉開


Good map.Star for it.
Topic Starter

Mystica wrote:

here comes my mod.

00:40:294 (1) - 音量感覺還是有點大 降低10%~15%試試?(tips:話說現在綠線直接插就可以了吧 hitsound volume is consistent throughout all diffs, i think it sounds okay?
00:54:616 (3) - 這個還是拉正點好 it's corresponding to the another slider several combos after
01:35:648 (2) - 我聽了好幾次都感覺很怪 而且對noob感覺會坑 考慮換換?hmm, nope

00:23:261 (4,5,6,9) - 連續四個三連我不覺得是個好主意 i used two sliders so it shouldn't be too daunting?
00:40:294 (1,2) - 拉開點 保持跟前面那distance一樣(或者你做改變就是前面dis拉大點 現在dis看不出來SV變化啊 since i am starting a new combo it should be fine
01:29:842 (1,4,7,10,7,8) - 同第一條 changed some to sliders
01:33:132 (7,8) - 拉開 i get what you mean but the spacing is technically correct so i'll leave them be


Good map.Star for it.
Not much changed but thanks for modding and star!

* Why "youtube" in tags?

* AR +1

00:08:939 (1) - Move to 00:09:326?
00:40:294 (1) - It is just me or this object are too far from previous object? I think small jumps are not allowed for normal diff.....
01:15:132 (2) - Remove whistle at start slider, like 01:13:971 (3)
01:35:648 (2) - End it at 01:36:035?

00:21:519 (4) - Unstack 00:21:132 (2), or some players thought that (4) is place under 00:21:713 (5)
00:50:552 (1,2,3,4) - What's the point having a large spacing like this?
01:04:100 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - ^

Good luck
Topic Starter

Leorda wrote:

Hiii HiiiI~

* Why "youtube" in tags? well because this mix originated from youtube?

* AR +1 ok

00:08:939 (1) - Move to 00:09:326? sounds good
00:40:294 (1) - It is just me or this object are too far from previous object? I think small jumps are not allowed for normal diff..... eh? well the slider is a slowdown but in order to not let people misjudge i made the spacing consistent
01:15:132 (2) - Remove whistle at start slider, like 01:13:971 (3) maybe not, it corresponds to the, uh, :eurobeat-style instrument" in background
01:35:648 (2) - End it at 01:36:035? oh man i get this plenty times but i'd really prefer to keep this QQ

00:21:519 (4) - Unstack 00:21:132 (2), or some players thought that (4) is place under 00:21:713 (5) fixed
00:50:552 (1,2,3,4) - What's the point having a large spacing like this? to match the crescendo? or if i made it x1.0 spacing it plays out a bit cramped to my liking
01:04:100 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - ^ again it's match the crescendo, but uhm, i made some changes to the jumps, hope it's better?

Good luck
Thanks for modding!
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