
osu! Public Release b679 [Available]

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Just a quick and dirty release to fix a few things that people are complaining about. More to come in the near future.

2009-06-04 (b679)
(+) Advanced rotation dialog in editor.
(*) Urgent bug fixes (multiplayer song loading, editor saving).
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
Thanks. :D
Welcome back! Don't stress yourself too much.
PLEASE fix the colour on the ranking during game play...I would be so appreciative...

aburningman wrote:

PLEASE fix the colour on the ranking during game play...I would be so appreciative...
What's wrong with the colour?

Echo wrote:

aburningman wrote:

PLEASE fix the colour on the ranking during game play...I would be so appreciative...
What's wrong with the colour?
Like, back to the way it was before. It was like a grayish black before, I think. Now it's some lame yellow that's distracting. Along with the baby blue of the "leader" whatever.
Sir Grabarz

aburningman wrote:

PLEASE fix the colour on the ranking during game play...I would be so appreciative...
I agree.
This color is very annoying I think...

Sir Grabarz wrote:

aburningman wrote:

PLEASE fix the colour on the ranking during game play...I would be so appreciative...
I agree.
This color is very annoying I think...
Learn to live with it.

Derekku Chan wrote:

Sir Grabarz wrote:

aburningman wrote:

PLEASE fix the colour on the ranking during game play...I would be so appreciative...
I agree.
This color is very annoying I think...
Hehe, someone remembers. :3

Ah, hopefully MP plays are now less troublesome. Many thanks.
Good work, peppy. ;)

peppy wrote:

(+) Advanced rotation dialog in editor.
Omfg I love it <3
I think it was a feature I requested back then...
Too lazy to search for it~

Anyways, great work peppy, keep it up!
Yay! update! Thanks peppy!

Gens wrote:

peppy wrote:

(+) Advanced rotation dialog in editor.
Omfg I love it <3
I think it was a feature I requested back then...
Too lazy to search for it~

Anyways, great work peppy, keep it up!
/me points at changelog.

/me stops plugging.
New version of OSU! lol

Good working and keep it up lol
My tablet's still not working :(

Please fix this, Peppy, I haven't been able to play for weeks.

Behonkiss wrote:

My tablet's still not working :(

Please fix this, Peppy, I haven't been able to play for weeks.

peppy wrote:

Just a quick and dirty release to fix a few things that people are complaining about. More to come in the near future.

Derekku Chan wrote:

Behonkiss wrote:

My tablet's still not working :(

Please fix this, Peppy, I haven't been able to play for weeks.

peppy wrote:

Just a quick and dirty release to fix a few things that people are complaining about. More to come in the near future.
At least the advanced rotation dialog in editor works! Good job.

Sadly I still can't play as I have touchpad on my laptop and I'm used to my tablet and I was checking twice a day if there is an update fixing the tablet problem, but I understand that is not top priority because only a few people are playing with tablet, I'm just disappointed.
1) Is it by me or anyone else, but I cant filter any map by date. I click on it but osu! dont show me any map.

2) I have this map: "The Simpsons - Everyone hates Ned Flanders", but if I click on this map osu! starts research new maps and then i try it again the osu will do tha same: research new maps. I tryed to delete this map and I downloaded it again, but it was the same - I cant started the map.

3) Selection options -> Absolute scrolling - if it is checked then the list of maps is scrolling even if I have mouse in other window than is osu! window the list of maps in osu is still scrolling so I tryed to unchecked it, but it was the same - it is OK?

4) Will be in future possibility to disable internal video codec? A lot of maps with this video codec dont running and in a lot of maps is video horrible. Before everything was OK, now I have to disable video, because then osu will crash.

I sorry for my english, i know it is very afwul, but I am not good at it.

Brw: Where could I post reguest on new function in osu! game?

Benda_11 wrote:

1) Is it by me or anyone else, but I cant filter any map by date. I click on it but osu! dont show me any map.
Im having the same problem. None of the songs ive downloaded are showing up in the date section.
Topic Starter

Benda_11 wrote:

4) Will be in future possibility to disable internal video codec? A lot of maps with this video codec dont running and in a lot of maps is video horrible. Before everything was OK, now I have to disable video, because then osu will crash.
List problem maps please.

Benda_11 wrote:

2) I have this map: "The Simpsons - Everyone hates Ned Flanders", but if I click on this map osu! starts research new maps and then i try it again the osu will do tha same: research new maps. I tryed to delete this map and I downloaded it again, but it was the same - I cant started the map.
Happens to me sometimes too. I went to the Songs folder and deleted the map set in question. I restarted osu! then hit F5 on the song select (just in case). Then I redownloaded the map. Seemed to work fine.

Benda_11 wrote:

I sorry for my english, i know it is very afwul, but I am not good at it.
Nah, your English is pretty good. =]

Benda_11 wrote:

Brw: Where could I post reguest on new function in osu! game?
Feature request forum.

peppy wrote:

List problem maps please.
Problem: the video plays at 1/2 or 1/4 resolution. The original resolution of the video was pretty bad to start with, but since the new update, the video playback looks like little more than gray haze.

This thread:

Describes a message of "video playback failed, check codecs". Which occurs in new versions of osu! for any beatmap which references a video, but that video was not found. (This is easily re-produceable by downloading any beatmap with video in it's no-video version).

Benda_11 wrote:

1) Is it by me or anyone else, but I cant filter any map by date. I click on it but osu! dont show me any map.
Me too. Filtering by date currently results in no maps appearing.

Benda_11 wrote:

2) I have this map: "The Simpsons - Everyone hates Ned Flanders", but if I click on this map osu! starts research new maps and then i try it again the osu will do tha same: research new maps. I tryed to delete this map and I downloaded it again, but it was the same - I cant started the map.
Well actually, this seems to occur for *ANY MAP* for which 2 identical copies exist in your songs folder. osu! is no longer handling this correctly, and the fix is to delete both copies, and then redownload (deleting one copy and F5 might work, but it's confusing).

Also, osu! seems to have difficulty now sorting by Folder. When I click on sort by Folder, I see some folders duplicated in the list, and they are all out of order. I keep each Beatmap Pack in a separate subfolder, so this is bug I see constantly.

Finally, not entirely sure to classify this one as bug, or feature request, but osz files placed in any subfolder will not decompress. I want to be able to create a folder e.g. [Pack70], dump all the osz/zip files into it, and have osu! be able to handle those.

My current routine involves deleting any existing copies of the song in certain pack (to avoid the multiple copies bug as described further up), then dropping the entire pack into "Songs", having them unpack, and then moving them manually into their designated subfolder.

peppy wrote:

List problem maps please.
I am sorry I am bit late

So here is the map that I cant play. Before the update with internal codec everything was OK.
Map: "Rina Satou Keikenchi Jouschouchuu (TV-size)"
If I want play this map, osu! crash a say me: "Your graphics card has reported texture corruption.
This is probably a result of not having enough graphics RAM. You may want to try swapping your renderer or lowering your graphics settings."
So if I want to play it I have to disable video.

For first time I started osu! I have to switch from DirectX on OpenGL in Safe Mode on my Windows, because in Normal Mode osu! freezed my computer.
In my graphics card I have everything in Low mode and I know when the game is set on OpenGL the setings in my graphic card has no effect on game. My graphics card is Geforce 6600GT with newest drivers.

And this is map: "BeForU - Love Shine" has very awful playback video in osu. If I play the video in my player it is ok and has less squares in video than if I play video in osu in same resultion. So that I would like to invite possibility to disable internal codec. For any other poeople it is good idea, but I think there might be option to disable it (or allow external codec :) ).

Did you think about reduce alocated memory in RAM? Because if I go to play "catch a fruit" and I am playing a 10th map the osu! has alocated a lot of memory in RAM (round 350-500MB) and then the osu! is lagging. So I have to restart osu! and everythni is OK, but then I am continueing playing and the osu is lagging again. When I start osu! - it has around 60-100MB alocated memory, but then I go play maps and alocated memory very fast grow up, but if I stop play the alocated memory dont grow down. Thats it why I have to restart osu! sametimes.
If I were you I could try Dispose() metod or samething like this. Good luck!
Oh yeah, I completely forgot, my beatmap also has a video problem.

Masami Mitsuoka - Last Cross

My video is okay, but when I skip it in play or move the song in editor, the video Fast Forwards to the current point, instead of skipping to the correct point.

JInxyjem wrote:

My video is okay, but when I skip it in play or move the song in editor, the video Fast Forwards to the current point, instead of skipping to the correct point.
That's because the video is not properly indexed. Re-encode it with x264 or XviD and it should be indexed. I'm not sure if you can add an index to it, but it may be easier to do that instead.

strager wrote:

JInxyjem wrote:

My video is okay, but when I skip it in play or move the song in editor, the video Fast Forwards to the current point, instead of skipping to the correct point.
That's because the video is not properly indexed. Re-encode it with x264 or XviD and it should be indexed. I'm not sure if you can add an index to it, but it may be easier to do that instead.
Uh, since the new version, at least on my machine *every* video does this. I thought it was expected behavior, though it does seem to be that skipping to the seek-point would be preferable.

james039 wrote:

strager wrote:

JInxyjem wrote:

My video is okay, but when I skip it in play or move the song in editor, the video Fast Forwards to the current point, instead of skipping to the correct point.
That's because the video is not properly indexed. Re-encode it with x264 or XviD and it should be indexed. I'm not sure if you can add an index to it, but it may be easier to do that instead.
Uh, since the new version, at least on my machine *every* video does this. I thought it was expected behavior, though it does seem to be that skipping to the seek-point would be preferable.
What is interesting is that this didn't occur before. Maybe you (JInxjem or james039) could write in the bug report forum about it. I'm not sure why seeking would be so slow.

Easy resolution is to beef up the index to occur every second or so. Less noticeable that way.
this has been occurring as long as ffmpeg was integrated.
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