
All Levels at Once - Smile!

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Thursday, April 19, 2012 at 8:43:18 PM

Artist: All Levels at Once
Title: Smile!
Source: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Tags: Sir Minelli MLP
BPM: 135
Filesize: 11871kb
Play Time: 03:59
Difficulties Available:
  1. Hard (4.42 stars, 386 notes)
  2. Insane (4.98 stars, 589 notes)
  3. Sir Minelli's Normal (2.54 stars, 219 notes)
Download: All Levels at Once - Smile!
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Massive ammounts of efforts have gone into this SB I hope you enjoy it.
Redownload 4/15/12
New BG! Credits to dignifiedjustice a.k.a Quaraezha and myself :P
such a unique map

i love it
This is very nice I love you ztrotty trotticus trot-chan.
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Oh my~
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SB is now finished yay for week long double post.

03:28:116 (2) -
03:37:006 (2) -
03:49:449 (3) -
Sir Minelli
Ok ugh.

I was running out of ideas, so hopefully this will help at least a bit.

Edit wtvr u want, add hitsounds etc. And of course if you dislike, do not use it.


Download: All Levels at Once - Smile! (ztrot) [fu ztrot I'll try for the ponies].osu
I modded the Hard and the Insane, Insane looked great and I found some problems with the Hard that I pointed out in IRC.

20:56 <ragelewa> : 00:47:672 (1,2,3) -
20:57 <ragelewa> : 00:52:116 (2,3,4) -
21:01 <ragelewa> : 02:18:338 (2,3,4,5,6,7) -
21:02 <ragelewa> : 02:43:226 (1,2,3,4) -

Modding via vent, amazing.

Just told ztrot to check some 1/3 shit and eat poo.
Storyboard made me wtf.
The moon/sun exiting the screen could be done in a more curved motion as opposed to a straight line.
Nothing wrong stands out, so it's good.


-- There's no Preview Point; you need to set one.
-- Fixed all of your combos, check over them and make changes where you see due:

20:24 <Sync> : 02:19:672 (7) - this slider ends on a downbeat when a slider or a hit circle should be there. also, it messes up combos. I'd make it a 1/2 slider and
20:24 <Sync> : add a hit circle at 02:20:116
20:25 <Sync> : imo it doesn't accent the beat enough
20:25 <Sync> : this happens like 3 more times (there are more sliders that end on downbeats but they're ok)
20:25 <Sync> : you may or may not agree with me lol
20:43 <Sync> : 03:17:894 (5,9) - these sliders concern me, as they 1.) mess up combos and 2.) overlap into new sections of the music; which is generally bad

01:55:672 (2,3,4) - spaced too close together; inconsistent

02:00:116 (1) - This seems like something you did on accident -- why is it so far apart from the next note?

03:09:894 (6) - add note here, the music suggests so (heavily); add a new combo too

[Sir Minelli's Normal]
00:45:894 (2) - add a beat here -- feels awkard with out one. I realize you're following the vocals, but that doesn't mean a beat doesn't exist within the patterns you've been constructing. Actually, scratch that thought. extend the slider until the downbeat

00:47:227 (4) - obliterate this slider's existence. the beat placement is backwards (the slider ends on a heavier beat than it stats on. Anyways, replace it with a hit circle and add a 1/2-beat slider at 00:47:672. Also, remove the hit circle that will overlap it after you place it ( 00:48:116 (4) ). Make sure to add a new combo on the new slider.

00:49:894 (6) - add a hit circle here. there's no real reason to stop the beat here and it messes up your hitsounding pattern. (add a clap there)

01:36:116 (4) - extend this by 1/2 a beat. It's too short -- also, it plays awkward as hell

03:41:449 (6) - ditch the slider -- replace it's start-point with a hit-circle on the downbeat. also, add a new combo on the new hit circle.
(because the slider at the end of the song)

03:57:894 (4) - slider top point 1 gird down (grid level 4) [x:256 y:-20]

symmetrical to the slider
movement of the slider ball is beautiful
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Thank you for checking

[Sir Minelli's Normal]
00:32:116 (1) - Maybe remove the new combo, now is too short and needless imo.
00:48:116 (5) - And here maybe add new combo, but I prefer the longer combos like this. Oh hey the plus of the previous point.. wait, shorts combos or longer? 01:27:227 (1).
01:25:449 (3) - I prefer this stack if the circle stay in the begin of the next slider, some peoples say that this (place a circle at the end of some slider) is confusing and hard to the rookie players. 01:39:672 (4) check it.}
02:03:227 (2,5) - And again, remeber is just a suggestion, ignore this if you want.
03:00:116 (2) - Move this circle to up please, the space is too close.
03:52:561 (1) - Also here check the space.
-Nice diff, nothing more to add (:

00:50:338 (1,2,3) - Hey change this for a slider like Insane, the circles 1/3 are too confusing here.
01:25:894 (1,2,3) - Again here, just is a suggestion...
02:00:116 (1,2) - This spacing is intentional? omg if no fix it! you know, put the circle at the place of 01:58:783 (8).
02:30:190 (2,3) - Too confusing and sudden, maybe continue the 1/4 here like the insane...
02:56:560 (1) - Remove the new combo is needless, and the pattern is symmetric. Check it 00:55:672 (4).

00:44:783 (5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13) - Maybe change the stack in this stream to the end like the previous stream.
00:56:338 (8) - Unstack this circle, now is a bit confusing and is best if you continue the spacing like the before sliders 00:55:672 (5,6,7).
02:09:894 (1) - Combo Bug, Add new combo.
-Well is all, just a observation, in the first part some streams and patterns looks ugly because the space are agglomerated and could be make some notes a bit confusing, the last part is amazing, nice diff (:

That's All, I hope to helps you~
Good Luck
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made changes kept the 1/3 in hard I like it.
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both done with intent

added a hitsound and fixed a horrifyingly huge 1 pixel bad stream spacing

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Kyonko Hizara
Congrats *brohoof*
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