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Topic Starter

[Kirisame-Marisa] wrote:

from Yia's request~
for Taiko

沒有Taiko BG在資料夾裏 請full submit一次

00:24:427 (9,10) - 連在最後方很難看 最好別這樣做
01:00:427 (208,209) - ^
01:29:771 (31) - K?

額...用快速回覆的 所以就不打格式了 :(~
您好 針對spboxer3提出建議做修正,麻煩請接收

Download: Atoguru - UNDER WORLD (sirjuyt) [Yia's Taiko].osu
o o打算开i难度时请敲我的说~
Topic Starter

eikkaleyd wrote:

o o打算开i难度时请敲我的说~
做好的話直接傳上來吧 :)
offset +9 (12530)
顺便很不好意思的是请back to WIP~

:D 做了56%,下午要去学校,下星期回来继续,稍微看看能不能拿去用?AR9还是8还没确定,可能还要找几个人问问

音效包 & guest diff & BG here, 请解压到文件夹里~
Download: gd.rar
Topic Starter

eikkaleyd wrote:

offset +9 (12530) :arrow: Ok.
顺便很不好意思的是请back to WIP~ :arrow: back to WIP

:D 做了56%,下午要去学校,下星期回来继续,稍微看看能不能拿去用?AR9还是8还没确定,可能还要找几个人问问

音效包 & guest diff & BG here, 请解压到文件夹里~


謝謝 Added. :)

sirjuyt wrote:



謝謝 Added. :)
lol给RANK13000+的朋友打了,2PC就98ACC FC了我还以为不是很难【自己不会打图
Kurogane Shourai
Eika's heart
01:21:905 (2,1) - I think it's better if u remove the new combo
01:48:530 - Add a beat at here

This beatmap is great! I gave u my support! I am looking forward for the next update.
y u c a
i love this song too

Kurogane Shourai wrote:

Eika's heart No :o My name is eikka not eika (Although they are read in the same way
01:21:905 (2,1) - I think it's better if u remove the new combo :arrow: Done~!
01:48:530 - Add a beat at here :arrow: Done~!

This beatmap is great! I gave u my support! I am looking forward for the next update.
Thank you for your support and some suggestion~ Continue working on it now. :)
:) Now finish!!

因为懒得每次出现soft-hitfinish的时候都加绿线,我干脆把这个文件的音量缩小了o o请用这个压缩包里的soft-hitfinish2替换原来的

Download: finished gd.rar

很糟糕的一件事,做完这么长的曲子之后发现超出了18M分的规定……有22M,所以只好大段大段删去,增加了很多break,看上去似乎有点微妙…… :o 不过目前也只能这样了
Topic Starter

eikkaleyd wrote:

:) Now finish!!

因为懒得每次出现soft-hitfinish的时候都加绿线,我干脆把这个文件的音量缩小了o o请用这个压缩包里的soft-hitfinish2替换原来的

[attachment=0:f3da0]finished gd.rar[/attachment:f3da0]

很糟糕的一件事,做完这么长的曲子之后发现超出了18M分的规定……有22M,所以只好大段大段删去,增加了很多break,看上去似乎有点微妙…… :o 不过目前也只能这样了 :arrow: OK 那看看modder怎麼說好了
:) 好 !

謝謝Eikka的GD~ Updated


  1. Yia's Taiko的offest不一致:3 這好像Unrankable 把它改一致唄!!
  2. 建議設個Kiai Time!!
  1. 01:47:030 (1) - finish
  2. 03:54:905 - clap
  3. 04:00:530 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - 這邊對新手可能有些難.. 把它排成不要重疊或換幾個silder好些~
  1. 00:23:217 (1)(3)(4) - 各往上一格? 間距沒關西 因為這樣00:22:655 (6)的尾部剛好在中間:3 好看些~
  2. 00:57:530 (1) - 改彎的好些~
  3. 01:02:405 (1,2,3) - 額..這三角形..怎麼看都不正=3=...是錯覺嗎o.O 如果不是請排好:>~~
  4. 01:05:780 (4,5) - 位置互換打起來好些@@"
  5. 01:08:405 (1,2,3) - 同之前
  6. 01:47:030 (1,1) - 這2個轉盤肯定要改o.o...Auto只能轉到1000.....太短了阿>< 改成silder好多了:3
  7. 02:59:780 (5,6,7,8) - 這邊可以排成這樣~~ 試試唄:3 (Copy之前的轉45度)
  8. 03:24:530 (1,1) - 同之前
  9. 03:26:780 (4) - 嘛...老實說有點醜..把它拉到對稱吧!! (額...雖然很難拉..=A=)
  10. 04:02:780 (1,2) - 這4個音要不要都改圈lol?? 改了的話會比較好排~ 像這樣
[eikka's Heart]
  1. 00:23:780 (1,2,3) - 間距不一 建議排成一致:3
  2. 00:24:530 - 加個圈吧!! 這樣感覺好突然就Break...
  3. 00:30:530 - ^
  4. 01:00:530 - ^
  5. 01:06:342 - ^
  6. 01:06:530 - ^
  7. 02:20:030 - ^
  8. 02:26:030 - ^
  9. 02:44:780 (3,4,5,6) - 排好些~~
  10. 03:19:092 (3,4,5,6,7) - 這邊間距是故意不一的嗎..? 如果不是..fix it plz! :>
  11. 03:26:030 - 加個圈
額...這diff出啥東西T_T 不好意思>O<

就這樣~ Bad Mod Sorry:<
Awesome map o(^O^)o
Topic Starter

12BARRY21 wrote:

Hi~ :)


  1. Yia's Taiko的offest不一致:3 這好像Unrankable 把它改一致唄!!
    :arrow: 好像會跟放kiai的綠線重疊,不過還是修正了
  2. 建議設個Kiai Time!!
    :arrow: 這首歌kiai放哪都感覺不好,還是不要放比較好
  1. 01:47:030 (1) - finish :arrow: Added.
  2. 03:54:905 - clap :arrow: Added.
  3. 04:00:530 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - 這邊對新手可能有些難.. 把它排成不要重疊或換幾個silder好些~ :arrow: 好像到結尾了,放這樣也不好0 0,fixed.
  1. 00:23:217 (1)(3)(4) - 各往上一格? 間距沒關西 因為這樣00:22:655 (6)的尾部剛好在中間:3 好看些~ :arrow: 不錯 :) 沒注意到 fixed.
  2. 00:57:530 (1) - 改彎的好些~ :arrow: fixed.
  3. 01:02:405 (1,2,3) - 額..這三角形..怎麼看都不正=3=...是錯覺嗎o.O 如果不是請排好:>~~ :arrow: 沒錯lol 歪了 fixed.
  4. 01:05:780 (4,5) - 位置互換打起來好些@@" :arrow: ok.
  5. 01:08:405 (1,2,3) - 同之前 :arrow: ^
  6. 01:47:030 (1,1) - 這2個轉盤肯定要改o.o...Auto只能轉到1000.....太短了阿>< 改成silder好多了:3 :arrow: 怎麼可能o o,我看auto是轉2000的,而且這裡我比較偏好Spinner,先保留吧
  7. 02:59:780 (5,6,7,8) - 這邊可以排成這樣~~ 試試唄:3 (Copy之前的轉45度) :arrow: 用一個跟這個差不多的方法改了
  8. 03:24:530 (1,1) - 同之前 :arrow: 同之前
  9. 03:26:780 (4) - 嘛...老實說有點醜..把它拉到對稱吧!! (額...雖然很難拉..=A=) :arrow: 眼睛不好,看不出來是不是有對稱0 0,我再拉一次吧
  10. 04:02:780 (1,2) - 這4個音要不要都改圈lol?? 改了的話會比較好排~ 像這樣 :arrow: 好,比較有感覺一點XD
[eikka's Heart] :arrow: 這個請Eikka自己改了 :)
  1. 00:23:780 (1,2,3) - 間距不一 建議排成一致:3
  2. 00:24:530 - 加個圈吧!! 這樣感覺好突然就Break...
  3. 00:30:530 - ^
  4. 01:00:530 - ^
  5. 01:06:342 - ^
  6. 01:06:530 - ^
  7. 02:20:030 - ^
  8. 02:26:030 - ^
  9. 02:44:780 (3,4,5,6) - 排好些~~
  10. 03:19:092 (3,4,5,6,7) - 這邊間距是故意不一的嗎..? 如果不是..fix it plz! :>
  11. 03:26:030 - 加個圈
額...這diff出啥東西T_T 不好意思>O<

就這樣~ Bad Awesome!! Mod Sorry:<
Awesome map o(^O^)o
Wow 好棒的mod :D

謝謝Barry這篇和star :)
Kurogane Shourai
eikka's heart
02:14:030 (1) - Again, remove the new combo at here
Nicely done. Hope it get ranked. XD
Kurogane Shourai
01:24:530 (1) - Remove new combo, again
02:38:030 (1) - Same here
03:01:092 - Add a spiner at here
This one's good too. Hope my advice help u guys XD
Topic Starter

Kurogane Shourai wrote:

eikka's heart
02:14:030 (1) - Again, remove the new combo at here
Nicely done. Hope it get ranked. XD
:arrow: Eikka will fix it. :P

Kurogane Shourai wrote:

01:24:530 (1) - Remove new combo, again :arrow: Because the song into the next paragraph, there should do a new combo.
02:38:030 (1) - Same here :arrow: ^
03:01:092 - Add a spiner at here :arrow: To sort different paragraph
This one's good too. Hope my advice help u guys XD
OK. Thanks your mod :D

12BARRY21 wrote:

[eikka's Heart]
  1. 00:23:780 (1,2,3) - 間距不一 建議排成一致:3 Done
  2. 00:24:530 - 加個圈吧!! 這樣感覺好突然就Break... 我再看看别人怎么说,还有分数问题,暂时先keep着这条w
  3. 02:44:780 (3,4,5,6) - 排好些~~ Done
  4. 03:19:092 (3,4,5,6,7) - 這邊間距是故意不一的嗎..? 如果不是..fix it plz! :> lol我没有排那种间距的喜好,fixed~
  5. 03:26:030 - 加個圈 Done~

Kurogane Shourai wrote:

eikka's heart
02:14:030 (1) - Again, remove the new combo at here I want to use this new combo... since it's a start of a section (Mai begins to sing "ah~")
EDIT: 我又弄出BUG了,修订
Download: Atoguru - UNDER WORLD (sirjuyt) [eikka's Heart].osu
Hello~ :)


Resnap All Notes~

HP+1 & OD+1

02:59:780 (2) - 往左移1格後往上移1格(Grid Level 3)


Resnap All Notes~

HP+1 & AR-1 & OD-1

00:14:405 (3) - 往左移1格後往上移1格(Grid Level 3)

01:47:030 (1,1) - 這兩個轉盤好像有點太短了......第一個用Slider代替?

03:09:905 (2) - Ctrl+H後再Ctrl+J,然後排好:33

03:24:530 (1,1) - 這兩個轉盤好像有點太短了......第一個用Slider代替?

[eikka's Heart]


03:26:030 (5) - 往左移3格(Grid Level 4)

04:03:623 - 增加一個轉盤,從這裡到04:08:030 -





Good Luck~

Topic Starter

AIR315 wrote:

Hello~ :)


Resnap All Notes~ :arrow: 0 0已經是snapped的

HP+1 & OD+1 :arrow: okey.

02:59:780 (2) - 往左移1格後往上移1格(Grid Level 3) :arrow: fixed.


Resnap All Notes~ :arrow: 已snapped

HP+1 & AR-1 & OD-1 :arrow: 嗯 AR8對我來說比較好

00:14:405 (3) - 往左移1格後往上移1格(Grid Level 3) :arrow: 略怪,所以調成一樣的間距

01:47:030 (1,1) - 這兩個轉盤好像有點太短了......第一個用Slider代替? :arrow: auto能轉到2000,保留

03:09:905 (2) - Ctrl+H後再Ctrl+J,然後排好:33 :arrow: 這裡是用1,2,3做一個迴轉的

03:24:530 (1,1) - 這兩個轉盤好像有點太短了......第一個用Slider代替? :arrow: 同之前

[eikka's Heart]


03:26:030 (5) - 往左移3格(Grid Level 4)

04:03:623 - 增加一個轉盤,從這裡到04:08:030 -





Good Luck~

:) :) 謝謝mod和star

AIR315 wrote:

[eikka's Heart]

AR-1 :arrow: keep it, 我再看看别人的说法决定好了~

03:26:030 (5) - 往左移3格(Grid Level 4) :arrow: done~

04:03:623 - 增加一個轉盤,從這裡到04:08:030 - :arrow: done~
Download: Atoguru - UNDER WORLD (sirjuyt) [eikka's Heart].osu
Alright let's see what I can find.

besides the taiko diff. no kiai time or a kiai burst? suggest that you set a kiai burst from 00:36:530 to 00:36:623, and 2nd kiai burst from 00:42:530 to 00:42:623...ill stop here. i'm sure you'll get what i'm following.

00:42:530 (1,2,3,4) - personally i don't like where these notes are placed. it looks like you placed them randomly. so move (2,3,4) to the point that this combo looks like a parallelogram. if you don't know what the shape looks like, it's like this.
00:47:030 (3,4) - make these curved sliders like (1,2) for a nicer flow.
01:03:530 (2) - this curved slider looks a bit ugly. make it nicer.
01:22:280 (1) - remove the clap because it ruins the consistency.
01:41:030 (3) - remove the whistle at the beginning and at the slider body because it doesn't sound nice. instead add it at the end to make it sound like (1).
01:44:405 (4) - same as above but make it sound like (3)
02:51:530 (3) - remove the whistle at the sliderbody since (1) doesn't have it.
02:54:530 (4) - same as 01:41:030 but i'm sure you get the idea.
02:58:280 (6) - ^
03:03:530 (2) - add a clap at the end to keep consistency.
03:07:280 (4) - same as above but just add a clap.
03:12:530 (3) - same as 03:03:530
03:14:030 (1) - this wave looks ugly mainly because of the end. make it nicer.
03:15:530 (3) - same as above but at the beginning. this is arched too high. ^ and same as 02:51:530
03:18:530 (3) - same as 01:44:405
03:21:905 (3) - same as above but make it sound like (1)
04:00:530 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - same as 00:42:530 but i'll let you take care of this.

01:47:030 (1) - this spinner is unrankable because it has to reach at least 2000 to be rankable.
03:24:530 (1) - ^

eikka's Heart:
00:24:530 - try this or something similar to this as it follows the vocals and the long pauses in vocals?
00:30:530 - ^
01:00:530 - ^
01:06:530 - ^
01:48:811 - remove the break because it appears right when the circle is hit and the bar doesn't decrease that much.
02:14:030 - same as 00:24:530
02:45:530 (1) - hmm move this down because it's touching the Hp bar. since this is near the end, players might mess up because if that.
03:13:280 (1,2,3,4) - this looks confusing so make this stack into a stream. i saw something similar to this near the beginning. if i'm right then do the same thing.
03:26:311 - same as 01:48:811
03:27:530 (1,1,2,3,1,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,1,2,3,4,1,1,2,3,4,5,1,1,2,3,1,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - this is why i told you to remove the long breaks on this. it's following the vocals/instrumental.

This is the best I can do. GL :D
Topic Starter

Byakugan249 wrote:

Alright let's see what I can find. :)

besides the taiko diff. no kiai time or a kiai burst? suggest that you set a kiai burst from 00:36:530 to 00:36:623, and 2nd kiai burst from 00:42:530 to 00:42:623...ill stop here. i'm sure you'll get what i'm following. :arrow: Umm ,those aren't intense enough to put kiai IMO

00:42:530 (1,2,3,4) - personally i don't like where these notes are placed. it looks like you placed them randomly. so move (2,3,4) to the point that this combo looks like a parallelogram. if you don't know what the shape looks like, it's like this. :arrow: looks better :) fixed.
00:47:030 (3,4) - make these curved sliders like (1,2) for a nicer flow. :arrow: I put them intentionally for a better flow imo
01:03:530 (2) - this curved slider looks a bit ugly. make it nicer. :arrow: OK.
01:22:280 (1) - remove the clap because it ruins the consistency. :arrow: en Removed.
01:41:030 (3) - remove the whistle at the beginning and at the slider body because it doesn't sound nice. instead add it at the end to make it sound like (1). :arrow: whistle of slider body is necessary for vocal, then, if removed whistle at the begining would break the hitsound pattern, and if added at the ending might sound unnecessary, so I'll keep this.
01:44:405 (4) - same as above but make it sound like (3) :arrow: for vocal
02:51:530 (3) - remove the whistle at the sliderbody since (1) doesn't have it. :arrow: I think add whistle would be better.
02:54:530 (4) - same as 01:41:030 but i'm sure you get the idea. :arrow: same as 01:41:030
02:58:280 (6) - ^ :arrow: ^
03:03:530 (2) - add a clap at the end to keep consistency. :arrow: follow the clap of music
03:07:280 (4) - same as above but just add a clap. :arrow: ^
03:12:530 (3) - same as 03:03:530 :arrow: ^
03:14:030 (1) - this wave looks ugly mainly because of the end. make it nicer. :arrow: got it. Fixed
03:15:530 (3) - same as above but at the beginning. this is arched too high. ^ and same as 02:51:530 :arrow: fixed the curve but keep the hitsound
03:18:530 (3) - same as 01:44:405 :arrow: same as 01:44:405 :)
03:21:905 (3) - same as above but make it sound like (1) :arrow: ^
04:00:530 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - same as 00:42:530 but i'll let you take care of this. :arrow: ok Fixed.

01:47:030 (1) - this spinner is unrankable because it has to reach at least 2000 to be rankable. :arrow: looks like auto can get 2000, would fixed them if other modder refer to
03:24:530 (1) - ^ :arrow: ^

eikka's Heart:
00:24:530 - try this or something similar to this as it follows the vocals and the long pauses in vocals?
00:30:530 - ^
01:00:530 - ^
01:06:530 - ^
01:48:811 - remove the break because it appears right when the circle is hit and the bar doesn't decrease that much.
02:14:030 - same as 00:24:530
02:45:530 (1) - hmm move this down because it's touching the Hp bar. since this is near the end, players might mess up because if that.
03:13:280 (1,2,3,4) - this looks confusing so make this stack into a stream. i saw something similar to this near the beginning. if i'm right then do the same thing.
03:26:311 - same as 01:48:811
03:27:530 (1,1,2,3,1,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,1,2,3,4,1,1,2,3,4,5,1,1,2,3,1,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - this is why i told you to remove the long breaks on this. it's following the vocals/instrumental.

This is the best I can do. GL :D
:) wow ,

thank you ,useful mod~

Byakugan249 wrote:

eikka's Heart:
00:24:530 - try this or something similar to this as it follows the vocals and the long pauses in vocals?
00:30:530 - ^
01:00:530 - ^
01:06:530 - ^ :arrow: Ok, since so many people talk about this, let's try it and see the maximum score. :D

01:48:811 - remove the break because it appears right when the circle is hit and the bar doesn't decrease that much.
:arrow: Done~
02:14:030 - same as 00:24:530 :arrow: Done~
02:45:530 (1) - hmm move this down because it's touching the Hp bar. since this is near the end, players might mess up because if that. :arrow: lol, I didn't notice this note, fixed~! Thanks
03:13:280 (1,2,3,4) - this looks confusing so make this stack into a stream. i saw something similar to this near the beginning. if i'm right then do the same thing. :arrow: changed this one, but I won't change the similar one near the beginning since I use NC so it won't be confusing. Maybe confusing in editor but not in playing mode I think~ :P
03:26:311 - same as 01:48:811 :arrow: Done
03:27:530 (1,1,2,3,1,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,1,2,3,4,1,1,2,3,4,5,1,1,2,3,1,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - this is why i told you to remove the long breaks on this. it's following the vocals/instrumental. :arrow: Although I don't understand this o.o But I removed it.
Thank you~
Download: Atoguru - UNDER WORLD (sirjuyt) [eikka's Heart].osu
Hi there. Time to begin the mod, I suppose?

*Usual note: Gold ones are a must-do. Yes, I'm playing with my avatar. Everything in red are things that look awkward to me (subjective suggestions; you can follow my lead here or not); everything else are rants and minor suggestions to make things look cooler.

  1. I think it's fine to say that everything's fine here...
  1. 03:29:780 (4) - Add Whistle at the beginning of the slider?
  1. IMO, it sounds pretty quiet here. Make things a bit louder, maybe?
  2. 01:47:030 (1) - Isn't this spinner a bit too fast? Maybe make this and the next spinner into one long note?
  3. 03:24:530 (1) - ^
>eikka's Heart
  1. AR -1?
  2. This one sounds pretty quiet, too, overall.
  3. 01:30:530 (1,2,3,4) - ...This distance snap, even for a jump, is ridiculous. Are you sure with this?
  4. 01:51:905 (8) - Stack below the end of the previous slider instead of the beginning?
Okay, that was pretty good. Song was pretty nice, too.

Good luck on the way 8-)
Yes it sounds quiet, but we have used 100% volume._.So, maybe we can change the MP3 file instead.
Hi, from my queue


  1. 00:14:030 (2,2) - 1/2 earlier

  1. 01:21:530 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3) - the sliders in this part is a little hard to see @.@
  2. 01:41:967 (4) - imo it's better to move this note to 01:42:061
  3. 01:47:030 (1) - this spinner should end on white tick...
  4. 03:24:530 (1) - ^
  5. 03:19:467 (4) - I think it's better to move this note to 03:19:561
  6. 04:02:780 (1,2,3,4) - here?
Eikka's Heart

  1. this bg ._.
  2. 00:42:530 (1,2,3) - this part like this?
  3. 01:22:655 (6,7) - ctrl+r?
  4. 01:23:030 (1,2) - ctrl+r?
  5. 01:32:405 (3,4) - ^
that's all

Good luck~
Topic Starter

Hinsvar wrote:

Hi there. Time to begin the mod, I suppose?

*Usual note: Gold ones are a must-do. Yes, I'm playing with my avatar. Everything in red are things that look awkward to me (subjective suggestions; you can follow my lead here or not); everything else are rants and minor suggestions to make things look cooler.

  1. I think it's fine to say that everything's fine here... :)
  1. 03:29:780 (4) - Add Whistle at the beginning of the slider? :arrow: no change due to sound parrten
  1. IMO, it sounds pretty quiet here. Make things a bit louder, maybe? :arrow: 0 0 I think ther're loud enough
  2. 01:47:030 (1) - Isn't this spinner a bit too fast? Maybe make this and the next spinner into one long note? :arrow: OK ;_; too many modder referred to
  3. 03:24:530 (1) - ^ :arrow: ^
>eikka's Heart
  1. AR -1?
  2. This one sounds pretty quiet, too, overall.
  3. 01:30:530 (1,2,3,4) - ...This distance snap, even for a jump, is ridiculous. Are you sure with this?
  4. 01:51:905 (8) - Stack below the end of the previous slider instead of the beginning?
Okay, that was pretty good. Song was pretty nice, too.

Good luck on the way 8-)
yay~ thank you for mod :)

eikkaleyd wrote:

Yes it sounds quiet, but we have used 100% volume._.So, maybe we can change the MP3 file instead.
._. 真的聽不到嗎,我這裡能聽得出來
Topic Starter

[CSGA]Ar3sgice wrote:

Hi, from my queue


  1. 00:14:030 (2,2) - 1/2 earlier :arrow: 嘛 之後都定型成這個模式了 改會很奇怪

  1. 01:21:530 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3) - the sliders in this part is a little hard to see @.@ :arrow: 其實就是四方都繞一次,滿容易讀的
  2. 01:41:967 (4) - imo it's better to move this note to 01:42:061 :arrow: 感覺改了破壞flow 0 0
  3. 01:47:030 (1) - this spinner should end on white tick... :arrow: fixed.
  4. 03:24:530 (1) - ^ :arrow: ^
  5. 03:19:467 (4) - I think it's better to move this note to 03:19:561 :arrow: 同01:41:967
  6. 04:02:780 (1,2,3,4) - here? :arrow: o o 比較喜歡現在這種排法
Eikka's Heart

  1. this bg ._.
  2. 00:42:530 (1,2,3) - this part like this?
  3. 01:22:655 (6,7) - ctrl+r?
  4. 01:23:030 (1,2) - ctrl+r?
  5. 01:32:405 (3,4) - ^
that's all

Good luck~
~還沒上傳就來了 XD

thanks mod :)
The mp3 seems to be not normalized. It is extremely loud. Maybe you can change that without altering the offset. But you should find someone who knows the tools to do it first.

00:14:217 (2) - don't leave out the downbeat on 00:14:030. At this point the player will not have picked up the beat by playing. Generally you should map the downbeats that start a new phrase or new chord. Maybe use a short 1/2 slider to cover it:
00:17:217 (2) - ^
00:20:217 (3) - ^
00:50:217 (2) - ^
00:53:217 (2) - ^
00:56:217 (2) - ^
01:51:717 (2) - ^
01:54:717 (2) - ^
01:57:717 (3) - ^

Other than that pretty solid map. A bit repetitive but the song is very long so it should be ok. Plays nice on DT/HR/HD.

02:05:967 (4) - maybe Ctrl + R for better flow
04:02:592 (5,1,2) - the difference in jump distance doesn't flow/play very nice here imo. Maybe try altering the pattern to have a consistent jump distance for the last 2 combos:

Very nice map. Even with the long song it is not boring at all.

[eikka's Heart]
00:41:780 (1,2) - :o this jump seems a bit huge here, especially when there is nothing in the song to indicate it. Maybe just use the same sliders as before 00:41:030 (1,2) and just reverse them (Ctrl + R)
00:42:530 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - ♥
00:52:936 - add a note here to make it consistent with all the previous beatplacements

Some really unique patterns. I like it. Some things are not very "logical" but are still playable.

I couldn't find very much. Maybe I'm just tired today :? Solid mapset if you can fix the volume of the mp3. Have this
Topic Starter

p3n wrote:

The mp3 seems to be not normalized. It is extremely loud. Maybe you can change that without altering the offset. But you should find someone who knows the tools to do it first. :arrow: ok.. I'll try to fix.

00:14:217 (2) - don't leave out the downbeat on 00:14:030. At this point the player will not have picked up the beat by playing. Generally you should map the downbeats that start a new phrase or new chord. Maybe use a short 1/2 slider to cover it:
00:17:217 (2) - ^
00:20:217 (3) - ^
00:50:217 (2) - ^
00:53:217 (2) - ^
00:56:217 (2) - ^
01:51:717 (2) - ^
01:54:717 (2) - ^
01:57:717 (3) - ^ :arrow: They're hard to fix due to distance, and it would exceed 3.00 star I think ? :?

Other than that pretty solid map. A bit repetitive but the song is very long so it should be ok. Plays nice on DT/HR/HD. :)

02:05:967 (4) - maybe Ctrl + R for better flow :arrow: yes :) fixed.
04:02:592 (5,1,2) - the difference in jump distance doesn't flow/play very nice here imo. Maybe try altering the pattern to have a consistent jump distance for the last 2 combos:
:arrow: changed by another way ;)

Very nice map. Even with the long song it is not boring at all. :D

[eikka's Heart]
00:41:780 (1,2) - :o this jump seems a bit huge here, especially when there is nothing in the song to indicate it. Maybe just use the same sliders as before 00:41:030 (1,2) and just reverse them (Ctrl + R)
00:42:530 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - ♥
00:52:936 - add a note here to make it consistent with all the previous beatplacements

Some really unique patterns. I like it. Some things are not very "logical" but are still playable.

I couldn't find very much. Maybe I'm just tired today :? Solid mapset if you can fix the volume of the mp3. Have this
thanks your mod and star :D
Barney Stinson
From my queue

00:14:217 (2,3) - Hard rhythm for newbies. Delete and make like (1). Do this to all pattern like that

Hurt: Find someone who does guest diff (on this queue too) or do a normal to reduce gap between this diff and easy, Cheesus

Nazi, 00:29:030 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - make it like....
00:42:530 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - nonsense antijump
01:35:780 (5,6,7,8,9,1,2,3,4) - Not a good choise. If you stack a stream, notes will go down, and later you put a stream that goes up. This is wrong and ugly
01:48:905 - Add a break

That's all. Good luck!
Topic Starter

Barney Stinson wrote:

From my queue

Easy: :arrow: ._. It's practically a normal diff.
00:14:217 (2,3) - Hard rhythm for newbies. Delete and make like (1). Do this to all pattern like that :arrow: mah I don't think

Hurt: Find someone who does guest diff (on this queue too) or do a normal to reduce gap between this diff and easy, Cheesus
nothing :arrow: now the gap is reduced

Nazi, 00:29:030 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - make it like....
00:42:530 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - nonsense antijump
01:35:780 (5,6,7,8,9,1,2,3,4) - Not a good choise. If you stack a stream, notes will go down, and later you put a stream that goes up. This is wrong and ugly
01:48:905 - Add a break

That's all. Good luck!
ok. thank mod~
Well, I don't really have anything to say, ahaha. The map doesn't have any problems that I could detect. You get a Star. Good luck!

Whenever you get the chance, please remember to mod “Vela-Nova.” (I took a while to get to your request, so I'm adding this to make sure you didn't forget my queue was M4M. Thanks in advance♪)
Topic Starter

Redesignated wrote:

Well, I don't really have anything to say, ahaha. The map doesn't have any problems that I could detect. You get a Star. Good luck!

Whenever you get the chance, please remember to mod “Vela-Nova.” (I took a while to get to your request, so I'm adding this to make sure you didn't forget my queue was M4M. Thanks in advance♪)
OK ;) .

Anyway, thanks mod and star!
:o Sorry, computer is broken and I'm late.

>eikka's Heart
  1. AR -1? :arrow: keep it, I think AR9 is good after looking at it for some time.
  2. This one sounds pretty quiet, too, overall. :arrow:Well we'll think about it.
  3. 01:30:530 (1,2,3,4) - ...This distance snap, even for a jump, is ridiculous. Are you sure with this? :arrow: I see, I just put them in a nice-looking way, but do a little change
  4. 01:51:905 (8) - Stack below the end of the previous slider instead of the beginning? :arrow: No, sorry (and maybe some one will click it earlier because of that

Eikka's Heart
  1. this bg ._. :arrow: BG怎么了._.
  2. 00:42:530 (1,2,3) - this part like this? :arrow: Done~ lol改完才想起我本来的想法是把四个三角的1排成一直线的,果然很难看出来……
  3. 01:22:655 (6,7) - ctrl+r? :arrow: No, sorry, 这个67是和下一句的开头形成flow的(有“先下到右边又回来”的感觉
  4. 01:23:030 (1,2) - ctrl+r? :arrow: ^
  5. 01:32:405 (3,4) - ^ :arrow: ^同样我感觉会破坏走位

[eikka's Heart]
00:41:780 (1,2) - :o this jump seems a bit huge here, especially when there is nothing in the song to indicate it. Maybe just use the same sliders as before 00:41:030 (1,2) and just reverse them (Ctrl + R) :arrow: :( Sorry I don't want to remove this jump now, reduce the distance for a little instead
00:42:530 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - ♥ :arrow: :D
00:52:936 - add a note here to make it consistent with all the previous beatplacements :arrow: Yes there used to be one! Now this note is back~!

Some really unique patterns. I like it. Some things are not very "logical" but are still playable.
Thanks~ I'll try to find out more illogical patterns and fix them

Barney Stinson
Nazi, 00:29:030 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - make it like.... :arrow: changed~
00:42:530 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - nonsense antijump :arrow: :o For the jumps after that, I'll keep it, btw I think it's not so antijump....?
01:35:780 (5,6,7,8,9,1,2,3,4) - Not a good choise. If you stack a stream, notes will go down, and later you put a stream that goes up. This is wrong and ugly :arrow: Uh I noticed that just now, changed~
01:48:905 - Add a break :arrow: Done

Ok so many mods here~Thank you all for suggestions to such a newbie mapper uh :oops:
Download: Atoguru - UNDER WORLD (sirjuyt) [eikka's Heart].osu

关于MP3 file,我缩小了15%的音量,虽然听去差距不大……
如果用这个MP3的话offset就变成12563左右了(我家的软件怎么了 :o )请同时用这个DIFF(offset修改版
Download: Atoguru - UNDER WORLD (sirjuyt) [eikka's Heart].osu

Download: Atoguru - UNDER WORLD (sirjuyt) [eikka's Heart].osu
Topic Starter

eikkaleyd wrote:

:o Sorry, computer is broken and I'm late.
关于MP3 file,我缩小了15%的音量,虽然听去差距不大……
如果用这个MP3的话offset就变成12563左右了(我家的软件怎么了 :o )请同时用这个DIFF(offset修改版
[attachment=1:1ef53]Atoguru - UNDER WORLD (sirjuyt) [eikka's Heart].osu[/attachment:1ef53]
:o 其實我一直都沒覺得它大聲過(orz 而且剛剛才發現mp3的封面怎麼會是T-ara)

嗯 總之還是先換掉了mp3 謝謝提供 \(^ ^)/
request from ★(o゚∀`从'∀゚o)★-Gamu-'s Modding Queue ~ :)
對不起非常晚來 ><

Red words = Unrankable thing
Blue words = It is the best way that you fix it
Black words = If I were you,I would do that
Green words = some of my comment,or something I want you to notice

eikka's Heart

  1. 02:02:063 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - 這裡非常的亂啊,雖然我知道這部分你不想跟前面一樣,但我還是希望你把所有的(4)刪掉,不想刪的話,至少把(4)疊在(3)下面
  2. 02:59:063 (2) - 唔唔,這非常不好啊,要做的坑爹如果是以這種形式出現會讓人有些厭煩呢...我希望你把這note刪掉,短slider加個折返
  3. 03:07:500 - 我敢打賭連擊是從這裡開始的
  4. 02:49:781 (8,1,2) - 這連打是多出來的喔
  5. 很好的圖呢,這首歌真的很好發揮 ~ eikka,good job !


  1. 雖然有些跳對於Hard來說有些大了,但還在容許範圍之內,great map !


  • 這難度的滑條速度讓我有點嚇到...
  1. 00:27:563 (2) - 箭頭上的whistle移到頭上比較好,這樣比較符合時宜(如果這個沒改,下面那些就不用看了 ~ )
  2. 00:33:563 (2) - ^
  3. 01:09:563 (2) - ^
  4. 02:17:063 (2) - ^
  5. 02:23:063 (2) - ^
  6. 03:30:563 (1) - ^
  7. 03:36:563 (2) - ^
  8. 03:42:563 (2) - ^
  9. 03:48:563 (2) - ^

如果是我喜歡的我就會直接加進Favorite A了說 ~ -3-

然後去找泡吧 ~ \:D/

S.T.A.R ! !
and good luck ~

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