
Potap & Nastya Kamenskih - Chumachechaya Vesna

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Topic Starter
This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 20 марта 2012 г. at 2:36:40

Artist: Potap & Nastya Kamenskih
Title: Chumachechaya Vesna
Tags: Leyko Hellzero Saten-san Russian
BPM: 140
Filesize: 4960kb
Play Time: 02:59
Difficulties Available:
  1. Collab Hard (4,79 stars, 359 notes)
  2. Hard (4,84 stars, 406 notes)
  3. Hellzero's Insane (4,95 stars, 415 notes)
  4. Leyko's Normal (3,51 stars, 185 notes)
  5. Saten's Easy (2,59 stars, 174 notes)
Download: Potap & Nastya Kamenskih - Chumachechaya Vesna
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
New map :DDDD
Thanks Hellzero for SB and GD
Russian pop :D
Thanks Leyko for her parts in collab :3 Nyan nyan~
hi/ from #mod req

[Saten's Easy]
02:49:193(1,2) i will change...↓
/02:49:193(6) add circle
/02:49:407-02:49:836(1) slider

00:46:514(9) x:224 y:56
00:47:693 NC
00:51:550(6,7,8) DS? or (8)1 grid down
00:56:264(1,2,3) delete whistle
01:17:050(12) x:424 y:320
01:22:621 NC
01:28:836 NC
02:12:336 add circle?

[Hellzero's Insane]
00:36:407(4) 1 grid up
02:39:336 delete NC?

☆good song☆i cant understand song mean however it has become my favorite^-^
Hi~from #modreqs
speed to recheck general issue~


  • Settings
  1. you have 3 *.osb in your folder
  2. Inconsistency in PreviewTime: [Saten's Easy]
  3. suggest use Epilepsy Warning beacuse you have flash efficacy in your map~

[Hellzero's Insane]

  • Settings
  1. 01:25:834 (5) - Unsnapped slider (start)
  2. 01:35:477 (6) - Unsnapped slider (start)

[Saten's Easy]

  • Settings
  1. unused green line:
    01:51:336 -


  • Settings
  1. unused green line:
    01:51:336 -

red is unrankable issue. bule is need to discuss. Black is just suggest.

I like Russian pop song :P
star and good luck!
from #modreq~ o3o

No normal diff~ o.o weird....

[Saten-nyan's Easy]

  1. 00:15:336 (1) - remove the NC and add it here 00:15:764 (4) - ?
nothing else seems fine to me ~


  1. 00:27:979 (10) - one grip up~
  2. 00:42:550 (9) - move it one grip down
  3. 00:46:836 (10) - NC and remove the NC on 00:47:693 (1) - ?
  4. 00:49:407 (7,8) - 1 grip up to match the 00:48:764 (4,5) -
  5. 00:52:407 (9) - make it under the 00:51:550 (6) - looks better~
  6. 00:52:836 (10) - NC
  7. 01:03:336 (2) - 1 grip right and then fix the spacing on the next notes
  8. 01:04:836 (8) - NC and remove the NC on 01:06:121 (1) - ?
  9. 01:07:621 (9) - if you did the above then add NC on this
  10. 01:15:550 (6) - NC, new vocal start here~ ._.
  11. 01:37:407 (10) - 2 grips right looks better to me
  12. 02:04:621 (1) - remove clap from the start and add a finish~
  13. 02:54:979 (7) - NC~
  14. 02:59:907 (X) - add a note with a finish~

[Hellzero's Insane]

great as always Hellzero :3



nice map Kuma-san ~ GL with it ~ :3
И так.. Поехали..
Комбо-цвета. Ай-яй-яй.
Поправь-ка давай.
Что это они разные. Во всех дифах должны быть одинаковые.

02:32:708 - wtf?
02:46:422 ^

Я бы на слово "весна" ставил свистки


00:26:907 (7) - нк?
00:48:764 (4) - ^
00:57:979 (8) - ^

01:12:550 (5) - try this

Hellzero's Insane

Potap and Nasty Kamenskyh - Chumachechaya Vesna
"Настя" пишется по английски "Nastya" x<
viewtopic.php?f=56&t=24443 здесь сказано, как переименовывать, если что.
/me runs

Storyboard Modding

Requested to mod this, it's a very nice song. Started with the storyboard on IRC...
IRC Storyboard Modding
13:18 <Kuma-san> : Hi hi.Are you free for mod ?
13:18 <SapphireGhost> : Hmm
13:18 <SapphireGhost> : Maybe, what's the map?
13:18 <Kuma-san> : Its russian pop D:
13:19 <SapphireGhost> : Hm, genre doesn't matter, map itself is more important
13:19 <Kuma-san> : can ask mod japanese song(cuz Agnes have some troubles with laptop and can't do recheck)
13:19 *Kuma-san is editing (Potap and Nastya Kamenskyh - Chumachechaya Vesna)[]
13:19 <Kuma-san> : ^this
13:20 <Kuma-san> : Its not first map so...haven't many troubles
13:21 <Kuma-san> : OMG...Sb troubles..
13:21 <SapphireGhost> : It would seem so
13:21 <SapphireGhost> : Where are the other names?
13:22 <Kuma-san> : What you mean?
13:22 <SapphireGhost> : Are there other people int he collab?
13:22 <Kuma-san> : УьььюююЬу фтв дунлщ щтднюююш фвв рук шт ефпы
13:22 <Kuma-san> : asdd
13:23 <Kuma-san> : and Leyko only.i add her name in tags
13:24 <SapphireGhost> : Her name should be storyboarded in too, probably
13:25 <Kuma-san> : i know...idk why...her name was in sb
13:25 <SapphireGhost> : Hm, maybe things are in the wrong layer?
13:26 <SapphireGhost> : In the design tab you can move around SB\image so that the right images appear over other images
13:27 <Kuma-san> : Hmmm....i think i need remake sb..
13:28 <Kuma-san> : you right..its layer trouble
13:28 <SapphireGhost> : It's pretty easy to move them around, though
13:29 <Kuma-san> : i know
13:29 <SapphireGhost> : Also, try offset 1,621
13:30 <SapphireGhost> : It fixes the metronome
13:30 <Kuma-san> : Hmm..okay
13:30 <Kuma-san> : I'm newbie in timing
13:30 <SapphireGhost> : The map is timed correctly, it's just the downbeat is in the wrong place
13:31 <SapphireGhost> : (big white tick)
13:32 <SapphireGhost> : Tick Rate 2 on all difficulties would work well here, it makes the sliders feel less empty and the ticks
13:32 <SapphireGhost> : restore some HP during sliders
13:37 <SapphireGhost> : So also, the map is currently at +7 Star Priority, do you think you can get it to +8?
13:37 <Kuma-san> : I can add 1 kd star
13:37 <Kuma-san> : it not a problem.But nobody want to mod this map
13:41 <Kuma-san> : Fixed sb.+8 star priority
13:41 <Kuma-san> : =_____________________=
13:43 <Kuma-san> : WHYYY.In editor i see good sb but when i upload it sb have problem
13:44 <SapphireGhost> : Hm, maybe I'll try to fix it
13:51 <Kuma-san> : i can remake it.and make it fast
13:51 <SapphireGhost> : Hm, I'm trying to do that now
13:52 <Kuma-san> : Pfffff...i have troublem with white.jpeg
13:52 <Kuma-san> : troubles*
13:53 <SapphireGhost> : Fixing that now
13:56 <Kuma-san> : i fix it in editor,upload and this image disappears
13:59 <Kuma-san> : i try to reboot game wait a sec please
14:00 <Kuma-san> : here
14:00 <SapphireGhost> : Okay, I've got most of it fixed
14:01 <SapphireGhost> : But the names don't appear above of the backgrounds
14:03 <Kuma-san> : DDD:
14:03 <SapphireGhost> : I'm trying something that might work, hold on
14:04 <Kuma-san> : Okay,thanks
14:04 <Kuma-san> : if need i can delete all sb apart names
14:05 <SapphireGhost> : That shouldn't be necessary if this works
14:12 <SapphireGhost> : Okay, try downloading this
14:12 <SapphireGhost> : Then, move all of the files into the Song Folder.
14:13 <SapphireGhost> : If it asks you to replace stuff, replace it.
14:13 <SapphireGhost> : Lastly, you have to delete the .osb file for it to work.
14:13 <SapphireGhost> : Then Full Submit and see if it's better.
14:15 <Kuma-san> : complete
14:16 <Kuma-san> : O_o
14:17 <Kuma-san> : yeah.Thanks
14:17 <SapphireGhost> : Hmm, now the beatmap image isn't showing on site
14:17 <SapphireGhost> : I'll try to ask a BAT about it
14:18 <Kuma-san> : wait a sec.i off the game cuz i can't delete this map.redownload it and try to fix it
14:19 <Kuma-san> :
14:19 <SapphireGhost> : Oh
14:20 <SapphireGhost> : You still need to delete the .osb file
14:20 <Kuma-san> : i deleted it
14:20 <Kuma-san> : one more time?
14:20 <SapphireGhost> : Hm, are you sure?
14:20 <Kuma-san> : Yes
14:22 <SapphireGhost> : Okay, so there are two 1.png and 2.png
14:23 <SapphireGhost> : So make sure there's only one of each file in the right places
14:23 <SapphireGhost> : Then try full submit
14:25 <SapphireGhost> : white.jpg only has to be 640x480, by the way
14:25 <Kuma-san> : complete
14:27 <Kuma-san> : Kay i fix this image
14:28 <Kuma-san> : uploaded again
14:30 <Kuma-san> : just change this image's size
14:32 <Kuma-san> : So..will you mod not sb? :3 Just i have headache and i want to sleep now..
14:32 <SapphireGhost> : Probably!
14:32 <SapphireGhost> : If it's possible to get some more mods in the meantime, I'd do so
14:33 <SapphireGhost> : Hasn't been modded a lot yet
14:35 <Kuma-san> : I can try to get few mods tomorrow.Then can i pm u after tomorrow?i mean 27 of febrary on my time
14:35 <SapphireGhost> : Sure, that should work
14:35 <Kuma-san> : february*
14:35 <Kuma-san> : Thank you very much
14:36 <SapphireGhost> : You're welcome, sleep well
14:36 <Kuma-san> : Good night
There are still some storyboard fixes...
- SB5.jpg is a little NSFW. Please use a completely Safe for Work image.
- white.jpg currently appears twice when it only needs to appear once, this is due to the .osu and .osb file causing the same action to happen. To fix this, make sure the .osb file is deleted.
- white.jpg is also too large, make sure it's resized to 640x480.
- black.jpg is not used anywhere in the storyboard, so make sure black.jpg is deleted.
- Your storyboard names have unnecessary transparency, so use this 1.png and this 2.png to fix this. Also make sure that these files are saved with the correct names in the SB folder and that there are no other 1.png and 2.pngs in the folder.
- Lastly, testing [Hellzero's Insane] / [Hard] / [Saten's Easy], the SB Load is higher than it should be due to the playfield appearing in the background. I'm not sure how to fix this, maybe ask a BAT or someone very experienced with storyboards like ziin.
Finally, that's it for storyboard fixes. Note that you may have already made some of these changes, so make sure to use Full Submission so that it all works.

Difficulty Modding

Now on to the map! Saving this post for now so no progress is lost.

- Epilepsy warning is inconsistent between difficulties. I've asked with a BAT, we don't think this map needs an epilepsy warning but it might be good to get more opinions. Either way, make a note in the map description that the storyboard contains some minor flashes.
- The storyboard images appear in front of the letterboxing, so disable letterboxing during breaks on all difficulties.
- Like I mentioned earlier, Tick Rate 2 on all dificulties would be good. Currently [Hard] and [Hellzero's Insane] are using Tick Rate 1, I'd advise switching them to 2.

00:59:478 (2,3,4) - Stacking causes this pattern to not blanket well in game. Try to move (4) to a different position.
01:10:192 (1) - This note is missing a new combo, so please add new combo.
01:12:335 (5,6) - There's some slight overlap here, try to change the pattern to avoid that.
01:15:120 (4,5) - ^
02:53:478 (2,3,4,5) - I'd suggest not using back-and-forth patterns like this, it's strange to play and hard to read on Hidden.

[Hellzero's Insane]
- It looks like a lot of stuff here, but most if it is just a few jumps that are too big and some overlap issues.
00:17:050 (1,2) - (2) is touching (1) a bit and it doesn't look good, try to space them apart so they don't overlap at all.
00:21:979 (1,2,3) - More overlap here.
00:28:193 (4,5,6) - This pattern is confusing on Hidden, but that's not a big problem. Change it if you wish.
00:42:550 (6,7) - Sort of a big jump, maybe make it smaller.
01:02:264 (10,11) - This jump is really too big, please try to make it smaller.
01:05:693 (10,11) - Not quite as bad, but still a big jump, I'd still make it smaller.
01:09:978 (1) - This note is missing a new combo, so please add new combo.
01:23:693 (6,7) - Sort of a big jump, maybe make it smaller.
01:56:478 (5,6,7,8) - Spacing gets really strange here. Switching the positions of (7) and (8) would be perfect.
02:03:764 (1) - Is a spinner really necessary here? It's pretty short and a bit disorienting. Maybe map through this.
02:32:478 to 02:46:192 - You probably could have made the slider velocity change here a bit less intense so that things wouldn't start overlapping everywhere, but it's a bit late for that now. Oh well, advice for the future.

- The way this was mapped made it very close to [Collab] level in terms of difficulty (especially the jumps), it probably could have been less difficult to fit the spread a bit better. You could make it a bit easier if you wanted to.
00:29:907 (3,4,5) - Spacing could be fixed a bit.
00:36:979 (3,4) - Perhaps change this pattern to be symmetrical and not overlap.
01:25:621 (3,4,5) - It would be nice to change this pattern slightly to avoid overlap and maybe blanket the next note.

[Saten's Easy]
- Notably, this difficulty had a few patterns I liked, and the sliders were smooth. Good job!
00:25:620 (1) - Don't really approve of these sliders, in Easy difficulties you want to follow simpler rhythms instead of trying to follow tougher ones with kicksliders. All the repeats can be confusing for new players.
00:39:335 (5,1,2) - Not sure about this for [Easy]. Stacking causes (2) to appear directly under the repeat of (5) and not stack, so it's hard to read on Hidden with a low approach rate. It's a bit confusing in general for new players, so maybe rearrange it a bit.
00:52:192 (4,1,2) - Same sort of thing here.
01:06:763 (1) - Kickslider thing again.
01:10:192 (2,3,4,5) - Try to center (4) directly on to (2), and also have (4) and (5) be a bit neater.
01:34:192 (1) - First of all, good job for making a symmetrical loop. You might just want to make the "teardrop" shape a bit more perfect like in this screenshot.
01:51:335 (1,2,3,4,5,1) - This pattern could be a bit neater, maybe try to make the relationship between the yellow (1) and (4) nicer and center the purple (1) to the track of the yellow (4).
02:01:620 (1) - Kickslider thing again.
02:56:478 (1) - I approve of this.

All the difficulties will be technically rankable after a bit of work. For [Collab], [Hellzero's Insane] and [Hard], it felt the maps could have been just a touch more interesting, try to keep creative and memorable patterns in mind like the loop and the heart in Saten's difficulty. They weren't bad at all though, and again I rather like this song. Finally done with modding this (only took two and a half hours), forum PM for a re-check after fixes.
Remove the "spring_bg.jpg" from the storyboard and add it as a regular background instead. This will lower the SB load.
Yeah, there is 2 white in the storyboard (1 diff specific & 1 from the .osb, deleting it will solve the other SB load issue)

Edit: not sure if deleting the .osb would be a good idea. Even when Re-dl'ing, you still have it if you downloaded it before the changes.
So make it an empty .osb instead?

SapphireGhost wrote:

[Saten's Easy]
- Notably, this difficulty had a few patterns I liked, and the sliders were smooth. Good job! Thanks~
00:25:620 (1) - Don't really approve of these sliders, in Easy difficulties you want to follow simpler rhythms instead of trying to follow tougher ones with kicksliders. All the repeats can be confusing for new players. alright, changing it to a spinner instead
00:39:335 (5,1,2) - Not sure about this for [Easy]. Stacking causes (2) to appear directly under the repeat of (5) and not stack, so it's hard to read on Hidden with a low approach rate. It's a bit confusing in general for new players, so maybe rearrange it a bit. Couldn't find any other way, so I placed a slider there instead
00:52:192 (4,1,2) - Same sort of thing here. slider
01:06:763 (1) - Kickslider thing again. spinner
01:10:192 (2,3,4,5) - Try to center (4) directly on to (2), and also have (4) and (5) be a bit neater. done
01:34:192 (1) - First of all, good job for making a symmetrical loop. You might just want to make the "teardrop" shape a bit more perfect like in this screenshot. tried my best
01:51:335 (1,2,3,4,5,1) - This pattern could be a bit neater, maybe try to make the relationship between the yellow (1) and (4) nicer and center the purple (1) to the track of the yellow (4). done
02:01:620 (1) - Kickslider thing again. spinner
02:56:478 (1) - I approve of this. Yay

Download: Potap and Nastya Kamenskyh - Chumachechaya Vesna (Kuma-san) [Saten's Easy].osu

Saten-san wrote:

Remove the "spring_bg.jpg" from the storyboard and add it as a regular background instead. This will lower the SB load.
Hm, are you sure? If it's set as a regular background, I believe it will continue to show when other images are on top of it and the SB load will raise. Currently the playfield is being shown behind the background on some of the difficulties, I don't know why this is happening but I'm pretty sure there's a way to fix it. I'll ask some BATs about it.

SapphireGhost wrote:

Saten-san wrote:

Remove the "spring_bg.jpg" from the storyboard and add it as a regular background instead. This will lower the SB load.
Hm, are you sure? If it's set as a regular background, I believe it will continue to show when other images are on top of it and the SB load will raise. Currently the playfield is being shown behind the background on some of the difficulties, I don't know why this is happening but I'm pretty sure there's a way to fix it. I'll ask some BATs about it.
It wont raise, any SB element will always be on top of the main BG.
A regular background is 1,00x (2,99x flashing). Right now the main SB load is 2,19x (3,19x flashing)
Not really a big deal probably, but the only purpose I can see that it has is fading out at the end (03:13:621). Why not use black.jpg instead? or nothing at all, the map ends at 02:59:906 anyway :P
Topic Starter

Saten-san wrote:

Remove the "spring_bg.jpg" from the storyboard and add it as a regular background instead. This will lower the SB load.
Yeah, there is 2 white in the storyboard (1 diff specific & 1 from the .osb, deleting it will solve the other SB load issue)
SapphireGhost Thanks u 2 :33 I fixed my parts/diff
Good news! I finally figured out a way to make the storyboard completely SB Load/filesize efficient, though I don't really know how. Basically, the background is disabled now in parts where it doesn't show up, but it stays in the parts where it does show up to produce the same effect with minimal SB load. playfield.jpg no longer appears in the background. This caused the problem of the background appearing over the SB names, but I fixed that by putting it in the Background layer in the .osb file. Also snapped a few inheriting sections and fixed a broken new combo for perfection, no map changes.

Basically, I've fixed the .osu and .osb files for you in this .zip file, just put the contents into the Song Folder and replace whatever it asks you to. Lastly, confirm that you've spoken with your guest mappers and stuff about changes with their maps/parts, then forum PM me again. We're close!

More modding was done over IRC to finalize some fixes.
More IRC Modding
11:40 <Kuma-san> : Good morning~
11:41 <SapphireGhost> : Oh, hello again
11:41 <SapphireGhost> : For your map, could you make sure the epilepsy warning is consistent on all difficulties
11:42 <SapphireGhost> : I checked with a BAT, you could probably have it turned off on all difficulties
11:43 <SapphireGhost> : But have a warning in the map description or something.
11:44 <SapphireGhost> : (There's also something else so don't submit yet)
11:45 <Kuma-san> : too late D:
11:45 <SapphireGhost> : Aww
11:45 <Kuma-san> : i uploaded it
11:45 <SapphireGhost> : Well, anyway, BAT said SB5.jpg was NSFW so a different image has to be chosen
11:46 <Kuma-san> : NSFW?
11:46 <SapphireGhost> : Oh.
11:46 <SapphireGhost> : Not safe for work, not kid-friendly, not viewable by all audiences, something like that
11:47 <Kuma-san> : Hmm
11:48 <Kuma-san> : i'll try to find another image
11:52 <Kuma-san> : what about this?
11:53 <SapphireGhost> : Image should be 800 x 600, I think
11:54 <Kuma-san> : i know.just like simple.if its good i'll change size
11:54 <SapphireGhost> : Maaaybe find one without text on it.
11:55 <Kuma-san> : i can delete text o.o
11:55 <SapphireGhost> : Okay, that works
11:55 <SapphireGhost> : So can you make it 800 x 600?
11:55 <Kuma-san> : i think i can
11:55 <SapphireGhost> : Hm, it should be good quality too
11:55 <SapphireGhost> : So if it doesn't look good you'll have to find another one
11:56 <Kuma-san> : okaaay
12:03 <Kuma-san> :
12:05 <SapphireGhost> : Wow
12:05 <SapphireGhost> : That does look good
12:12 <Kuma-san> : updated
12:15 <Kuma-san> : I like u as MAT cuz u are really good person
12:16 <SapphireGhost> : Thank you, Kuma-san.
12:16 <Kuma-san> : Np.Its true
12:25 <SapphireGhost> : Last thing, Collab feels sort of easier than Hellzero's Insane to me, not sure if you agree
12:26 <SapphireGhost> : But if you did agree, then you might want to change it to [Collab Hard] because the max score is lower
12:26 <Kuma-san> : Okay.
12:27 <Kuma-san> : Uploaded
12:29 <SapphireGhost> : Hmm. If you go to Timing > Resnap All Notes does it ask you to save changes
12:31 <Kuma-san> : Which diff?collab?
12:31 <SapphireGhost> : On any difficulty
12:32 <SapphireGhost> : If it does it might mean the notes are unsnapped
12:33 <Kuma-san> : Kay.Its ask me to save and i saved it.uploading
12:34 <SapphireGhost> : Did you do it on all difficulties
12:34 <Kuma-san> : of course
12:34 <SapphireGhost> : Great.
Title was also fixed to use the & sign and fix a small misspelling in Kamenskih. After all that, I believe this map should be just about ready for ranking now. This bubble is possibly aiming for ranking on March 20, 2012 (the spring equinox).
Как вообще он решился на такой преждевременный бабл

Русского языка нет в языках для ранка, добавь Russian в тэги

2 осб файла в папке. это раз

^ unrankable, ok

Wait, что насчет
^ unrankable, ok
Нифиговый провал в сложности. Нифиговый.
Разница в скоре между инсом и хардом - минимальна. это же нерезонно делать одинаковые диффы.
02:04:620 (1,2) - места типа этого просят у меня эпилепси варнинг, но вроде не нужно. Леттербоксы можно были и выключить, т.к. есть сб, и можно было снизить нагрузку на сб лоад, но дело барское.

как я вижу, осб таки используется. Но код коряв до ужаса
awful code
//Background and Video events
//Storyboard Layer 0 (Background)
//Storyboard Layer 1 (Fail)
//Storyboard Layer 2 (Pass)
//Storyboard Layer 3 (Foreground)
//Storyboard Sound Samples
optimized code
//Background and Video events
//Storyboard Layer 0 (Background)
//Storyboard Layer 1 (Fail)
//Storyboard Layer 2 (Pass)
//Storyboard Layer 3 (Foreground)
//Storyboard Sound Samples
Код для коллаба тоже кривой, лучше бы переработать. или пофиксить

Collab Hard
статы статы. везде одинаковые. меняй статы, фиксь скор.
01:02:906 (6) - вистл? откуда? нигде нет больше
01:27:549 (7) - +нк
02:09:549 (8) - лучше так
02:17:263 (8) - +нк, не надо такие долгие делать
02:57:978 (6) - +нк, да и пятиугольник после кривой

Saten's Easy

01:06:549 (7) - отсюда нк то
к тому же диффа длиннее - скор больше.

фиксить,фиксить. бабл слишком ранний.
Topic Starter
Saten's diff without changes

  • • Keep the tick rate consistent on every difficulty if possible, try tick rate 2 in Normal too?
    • I'm not sure about 2 hard diff in a map in my opinion,but dunno
  • -- Considered to reduce one tick in Approach Rate please
  • -- Looks great
  • - 01:35:906 (4) - Switch new combo here? Feels really nice because follow very good the music
    - 02:32:478 (x) - Ups you forgot to add a note here
    - 03:13:621 (6) - Much better if you put this note in the center, nazi*
Collab Hard
  • -- Nice
  • -- Very nice
And that's it,no kudos for this for a poor mod so good luck
Topic Starter

MoodyRPG wrote:


  • • Keep the tick rate consistent on every difficulty if possible, try tick rate 2 in Normal too?
    • I'm not sure about 2 hard diff in a map in my opinion,but dunno
  • -- Considered to reduce one tick in Approach Rate please
  • -- Looks great
  • - 01:35:906 (4) - Switch new combo here? Feels really nice because follow very good the music
    - 02:32:478 (x) - Ups you forgot to add a note here
    - 03:13:621 (6) - Much better if you put this note in the center, nazi*
Collab Hard
  • -- Nice
  • -- Very nice
And that's it,no kudos for this for a poor mod so good luck
Easy without change.i give u kd :c
Hi~ :)
Very good map overall. These are all sugestion.

00:27:335 (2)       How about this? Add NewCombo on downbeat , I feel more better way than before.00:33:335 (5)       I feel overmapped. please try one.00:48:763 (4)       Remove a note?
00:56:478 (3)       add finish
00:57:978~01:09:335 Why do you want to use a different Newcombo pattern?     
01:09:549 (x)       I feel overmapped.
02:29:049 (8),(1)    Switch new combo. Perhaps it is attached to 02:28:835.

[Collab Hard]
00:28:406 (9)       I feel overmapped. Remove a note.

[Hellzero's Insane]
00:45:978 (8)       Ctrl + R. I feel more good flow.
01:27:121 (8)       ^
02:21:978 (8)       ^

Other's diff looks good for me.

I wish your map is Ranked.
Topic Starter

terametis wrote:

Hi~ :)
Very good map overall. These are all sugestion.

00:27:335 (2)       How about this? Add NewCombo on downbeat , I feel more better way than before.00:33:335 (5)       I feel overmapped. please try one.00:48:763 (4)       Remove a note?
00:56:478 (3)       add finish
00:57:978~01:09:335 Why do you want to use a different Newcombo pattern?     
01:09:549 (x)       I feel overmapped.
02:29:049 (8),(1)    Switch new combo. Perhaps it is attached to 02:28:835.

[Collab Hard]
00:28:406 (9)       I feel overmapped. Remove a note.

[Hellzero's Insane]
00:45:978 (8)       Ctrl + R. I feel more good flow.
01:27:121 (8)       ^
02:21:978 (8)       ^

Other's diff looks good for me.

I wish your map is Ranked.
Thanks.Fixed only hard diff
Hitomi May
трек конечно......
шоб не жмуриться ._. и я не чёрти шо

Ну тебе Алекс говорил уже по два осб файла в папке
Ещё странное название мп3 файла, сделал бы уже человеческое
Иии, я понимаю, что лень.. Но может сделать белые вспышки немного приглушённее

[Saten's Easy]
00:21:978 (х) - добавь
00:22:192 (х) - добавь
00:29:049 (2) - выглядит немного неровно, сделай так:
01:30:763 (5) - по идее комбо новое должно быть здесь, а не на следующем
02:30:549 (3,4) - лучше всё-таки не делать друг на друге
02:56:263 (х) - добавь

[Leiko's Normal]
01:02:906 (6) - рандомный вистл Оо
01:13:621 (1) - может так?
01:27:121 (х) - добавь
01:27:335 (1) - удали

00:14:906 (3) - лучше поставь её вверх ._.
00:26:692 (6) - вниз немного
00:52:192 (9,10) - выглядит не очень, и играется неудобно
02:19:835 (4,5) - сделай их одинаковой формы
03:06:549 (5) - ну он же кривоват справа немного

[Hellzero's Insane]
00:55:835 (1,2) - поменять местами? так удобнее игралось бы
01:56:906 (7) - клап сюда, убери со следующего
всё :о

[Collab Hard]
00:36:763 (3) - немного влево
Не знаю что ещё сказать..
Части Кумы выглядят рандомно

Я никогда в жизни эту песню так много не слушала, кошмар! ><
Ты всё равно скорей всего не исправишь то, что я сказала, но в любом случае удачи
Melan Blue

Hitomi May wrote:

[Leyko's Normal]
01:02:906 (6) - рандомный вистл Оо ага
01:13:621 (1) - может так? хмм нет
01:27:121 (х) - добавь ок
01:27:335 (1) - удали ок
Спасибо за мод ^з^

Download: Potap & Nastya Kamenskih - Chumachechaya Vesna (Kuma-san) [Leyko's Normal].osu
Topic Starter
Хард немного поправил
Topic Starter
[Saten's Easy]
00:21:978 (х) - add note
00:22:192 (х) - add note
00:29:049 (2) - look not good, make like this:
01:30:763 (5) - put new combo here,not on next note
02:30:549 (3,4) -stack it?
02:56:263 (х) - add note

Translated for Saten
Я не русский o.o

Fixed the ω slider, kinda

Download: Potap & Nastya Kamenskih - Chumachechaya Vesna (Kuma-san) [Saten's Easy].osu
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