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Astom wrote:

LuigiHann wrote:

Deadline officially extended. Sorry for the delay
Wasn't this a contest?
Yeah, a contest. Not a race. Take the time and make it count. I hope to see high quality SB's, especially given the deadline extension. :)
Raging Bull
Is there a list of teams? I like to see who is participating :L
Topic Starter
If you'd like to submit an entry, I've made a thread with the rules for doing so, in that thread. Check it out.

Topic Starter
We are extremely close to the deadline, where is everybody
You already have one entry lol
So we could at least have a winner :P
HA HA HA very funny :roll:
Don't worry I bet everyone's just leaving it to the last minute like good responsible people.

LuigiHann wrote:

We are extremely close to the deadline, where is everybody
I bailed partway into August, or maybe a week before that

I know, I'm probably disappointing a number of people. Too much drawing, for me.
I was gonna troll or something but then I decided I don't have enough skill for even that.
where is people?

LuigiHann wrote:

We are extremely close to the deadline, where is everybody
Scrapped my idea+ working on other stuff that's more important than this imo.

I rather just make SB when I get a nice idea to I map I mapping. (Also I suck at being soicial and teamwork so I didn't collaborated with anyone and nobody asked me)
I was going to make a joke one in 9 hours but I have to work. I'll try to make one in 2-3 once I get back for gits and shiggles.

Ideas for storyboards are very difficult unless you have complete control over the song you choose, and I didn't like any of the songs which is why I didn't bother signing up for serious.
I have something done 95%, and am serious about finishing it... hopefully I can finish it in the next.... 4-5 hours D:

EEEDIT: Extending the deadline to 11:59 pacific time giving the west coast the rest of the day, NOW THAT WOULD BE AWESOME

eee wrote:

EEEDIT: Extending the deadline to 11:59 pacific time giving the west coast the rest of the day, NOW THAT WOULD BE AWESOME
They started at GMT, so it just fair to every participant if the deadline is set to GMT too. Just to be fair to eastern Sbers too.
Suggestion: Allow late submissions of up to 12 hours with a slight score penalty. After all, the contest has been running for a few months, it can wait another half day if necessary. It'd be prudent to give procrastinators just a bit more breathing room, if only to diversify the entry field. Because I don't think judging exactly one entry was what you were looking for.
2 entries o/

ziin wrote:

I was going to make a joke one in 9 hours but I have to work. I'll try to make one in 2-3 once I get back for gits and shiggles.

Ideas for storyboards are very difficult unless you have complete control over the song you choose, and I didn't like any of the songs which is why I didn't bother signing up for serious.
I totally agree with ziin, ideas for SBs that aren't under your totally control is just hard, is not the same than make a diff., SB is much more close to creativity and make something creative from something than you probably don't fully like is realy hard.

akrolsmir wrote:

Suggestion: Allow late submissions of up to 12 hours with a slight score penalty. After all, the contest has been running for a few months, it can wait another half day if necessary. It'd be prudent to give procrastinators just a bit more breathing room, if only to diversify the entry field. Because I don't think judging exactly one entry was what you were looking for.
I'm not against late submissions, but they deserve a penalty like akrolsmir says, is just not fair for people trying to finish in time.

Just to say something, 3 months are more than enough time for make a SB, I know than most of us are busy but just accept it was enough time.
Beuchi, Kirby, and I planned on entering, but things came up and we weren't able to. ):
Well yah , this songs is not good for a nice sb, was really hard to find one idea, But the late submit is not faire, 2 month + 1 month extension is enough.I finish my sb one month before.
Go Astom team, you guys got my full support! o/
Congrats on the wins you two! I probably shouldn't have given up on ernst with 30 minutes left, but I felt it was cheesy to submit a joke SB which literally took me 3 hours to make/think up then win because I was unopposed.

I suggest if you do allow late entries, still grade them accordingly, but give the wins to the people who actually made it on time.
And now what?
I feel bad because there was no SB submission for Ernst.

Lilac wrote:

I feel bad because there was no SB submission for Ernst.
I fell bad for all, I just want forget this contest.
To be honest, I would have liked to join in as well...the problem is that I'm not sure who else would join...
This is the first and probably the last sb contest, but if will be a next time, i wish to had a team more than one member
Raging Bull
Hopefully the ones that were submitted will still be good though.
ahhhhhh, i want to enter but.....
it's just like "something is wrong, it's more fun when i make SB of the song i know pretty well" and suddenly become lazy

*hear wind climbing (ooo good song, okay time to watch the PV.... after 5 minutes i gave up)
*(searching black sheep in youtube). . .after 5 minutes...."i gave up, i can't make SB of this"
*(searching Ernst.....) yay! this song will do....the next day...
making SB halfway and stopped . . .(suddenly out of ideas)
And suddenly ... nothing happens, this contest is a joke? if is i do not laugh at all :|
There still needs judging to happen, but im not sure how will that be handled considering the low ammount of submissions, even if all 3 are winners judges need to define a 1st,2nd,3rd place

Lilac wrote:

I feel bad because there was no SB submission for Ernst.
That's what team Kirbeuchi was planning on doing. ):!
Ok ok but nobody say stop submit, the submit thread is still open, is so quiet, i hope everything will end soon.
I think the mistake was forcing those songs lol

yeahyeahyeahhh wrote:

I think the mistake was forcing those songs lol

yeahyeahyeahhh wrote:

I think the mistake was forcing those songs lol
I don't know about Ernst (that was the VG music one, right?) but the Japanese and American songs were excellent candidates for storyboarding. I think the real problem is most people don't realize that a good storyboard requires far more time and effort than making a good beatmap.

If you weren't expecting to spend at least 40 hours on it you probably weren't gauging it properly (or just planning to rip everything from somewhere).

I personally knew the effort required, I just wasn't sure whether or not I'd run out of motivation before asset development was complete (I did).
Topic Starter
Locked the submission thread up, but I know I personally won't have time to look at the entries until sometime next week. I'm a bit saddened by the overall lack of interest. I do think that next time we do an SB contest, it'll have to be more of an "iron chef" style contest, where there's some specific object or theme that you have to work into your SB, but you can choose whatever song you want. Seems like that would give people enough freedom without making it too easy to submit random existing storyboards.
I've completed my storyboard, but I'll keep the incomplete one as my submission.

If any of the judges would kindly mod this new one, then please do so; I'm not enforcing any mod of this one, my intentions are for anyone that is wondering how it concludes...

Derekku wrote:

Lilac wrote:

I feel bad because there was no SB submission for Ernst.
That's what team Kirbeuchi was planning on doing. ):!
I could have helped them. Though I'm wondering what they actually did.

Considering I copied both of their mapping into Ernst...ololol.

Lilac wrote:

I feel bad because there was no SB submission for Ernst.
FWIW, I did have an idea about an Ernst storyboard.

Dr. Kawashima's floating head from Brain Age is revealed to be the head to which Master Hand and Crazy Hand of the Super Smash Bros games belong to (as inspired from this). He summons eight old-school video game characters that didn't make it into Super Smash Bros. Brawl and makes them participate in a Grudge Tournament, with the winner to be included in the next Smash Bros. game as a playable character. The storyboard has no pass or fail scenes, it's just a "music video" of the fights.

The tournament seeds are:
1. Mega Man
2. Richter Belmont
3. Ryu from Ninja Gaiden
4. Crono from Chrono Trigger
5. The Prince of Persia
6. Ryu from Street Fighter
7. Earthworm Jim
8. Player 1 from Contra

The song intro has all the characters enter the screen, while a backdrop from one of their games scrolls behind them. An info window also displays their name and abilities.

Once the main theme kicks in, we start with the quarterfinals.

1st match: The Prince of Persia vs Crono. They clash swords for a moment, then Crono retreats and, knowing magic, defeats the Prince with Lightning from afar.

2nd match: Mega Man vs Player 1. This is sort of a joke, since the Contra dude can only take one hit. Mega Man dodges for a while before hitting him once and he's gone. Should've used Konami Code.

3rd match: Earthworm Jim vs Richter Belmont. Both have whips, but the problem for Jim is that his whip is his own body. Richter's whip catches Jim and slams him to the floor (no idea how that would be animated, though).

4th match: Ryu vs Ryu. Ninja Ryu asks Street Fighter Ryu to stop the match, since not only are they both heroes, but they also share the same name. SF!Ryu agrees, but it's all a trap set by Ninja!Ryu. Having dropped his guard, SF!Ryu is stabbed through the abdomen. Guess they have at least one difference; Ninja Ryu is more cunning.

By this point, we're about halfway and we move to the semifinals, which take more time to show.

5th match: Ninja Ryu vs Richter Belmont. It's a tough fight the details of which I haven't completely thought out, but Richter prevails.

6th match: Crono vs Mega Man. Again, this is somehow a drawn out match, with Mega Man coming on top.

Finals: Richter Belmont vs Mega Man. Those two have plenty of powers, so their battle can be pretty varied. At some point, Mega Man uses his "enter-a-stage" teleporter thingy to move around the battlefield. Mega Man ends up the victor. When the music changes near the end, there's a sequence of closeups between the two combatants as the exhauster Richter waits for Mega Man to deliver the coup de grace.

With the sprite art readily available, image collection would probably be easy, but I didn't do it since awp was making a storyboard. Ah, why did you lose motivation, dude :(

Lilac wrote:

I feel bad because there was no SB submission for Ernst.
Well here is one sb for Ernst
so how's it going?
the undead
This was the osu biggest shit ever

the undead wrote:

This was the osu biggest shit ever
Topic Starter
I just want to apologize personally for the way that I handled the judging period of this contest. I was just so distressed by the lack of entries and the lack of enthusiasm so I just kind of dropped the ball. Because there were too few entries to get a proper contest going, we're just going to give participation prizes of 3-month supporter tags to every member of the teams who submitted entries (with the exception of florianu, who got banned in the meantime. Awkwaaaard). Sorry that nobody gets the grand prize, but I figure we'll save that stuff for a more competitive contest.

If and when we do another SB contest, it'll be a lot more open-ended, since a lot of people were unhappy with the limitations placed on this one. I'm thinking rather than specific songs, there'll just be an Iron Chef style "theme" and people will have to make SB's using certain "ingredients." Could be fun. But definitely putting that on the back burner for a while longer.

LuigiHann wrote:

there'll just be an Iron Chef style "theme" and people will have to make SB's using certain "ingredients."
If that contest will ever come, I'm in.
Well finally, nothing much for say about lol.

I just hope than next contest will be more fun and not in 2 year more hahaha xD
the undead
Finally an answer from mr LuigiHann. Better later than never. By the way I am florianu, my new user (peppy please don't ban me this year, only this year). One things is certainly, I will not going to another sb contest. Mr peppy can you put to florianu's avatar a Christmas hat?. Marry Christmas to all :)
soo... if you were banned, why do you have another account?
the undead
I like to play osu, the ban can't stop me! very interesting your question, lol 8-)
multi-accounting + ban evade = ban + ip block, iirc.

you're pretty lucky you're still here actually. :(
Don't worry, though! Even if you're banned, you can still play osu, just... not online :P
Please find better things to do with your time.
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