
Lazy Town - You Are A Pirate

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I don't like tick rate 3. Keep it at 1, this is the only difficulty with a different rick rate. Too many spinners, replace some with sliders.

00:17:45 (3) - 1/6 forward.
00:27:62 (1) - Move forward. Shorten. Or replace with a break. Add a circle where it used to end.
00:32:12 (3) - New combo.
00:38:12 (1) - Break time if you didn't add it before. Same deal with circle adding.
00:55:12 (1) - Remove new combo.
01:12:12 (1) - Breaks and stuff with circles.
01:16:12 (3) - New combo.


00:27:62 (1) - Spinner stuff. Circle.
00:31:04 (1) - Remove new combo.
00:37:12 (4) - Shorten (1/6?) and remove repeats.
00:41:12 (1) - Remove new combo.
01:12:12 (1) - Spinnercirclewqkhndksj
01:15:04 (1) - Remove new combo.
01:21:12 (4) - 00:37:12 (4) - Shorten (1/6?) and remove repeats.
01:28:12 (1) - Spinner.
01:48:12 (1) - Remove.(?)

Larto is not a Pirate:

00:13:62 (1) - Raise volume.
00:38:12 (1,2) - What...what is this?
00:57:62 (1) - Raise volume.
00:58:12() - Far too many combos in this section.
Basically what JJJ said up there, replace some of the spinners with sliders... Don't worry, there's more! (Sorry, If JJJ has already touched base with some of these things.)

00:07:25 (3,4) - Spacing issues, fix them.
00:17:50 (3) - Resnap to timeline and spacing.
Just a thing, remember to put breaks whenever you can, so that not only gives player a rest, it also holds the HP Drain so it doesn't lose any.
1:06:75 (2) - The placemen of the slider is very awkward in both spacing and time line because if you snap, it won't work...
1:48:12 (Spinner) - Oh come on... As if there wasn't enough spinners in this level. Get rid of it and/or replace.

I actually have a suggestion, whether you like it or not, that is up to you. This applies to the combo in 01:16:12 & 00:32:12... which is if you arrange it like this in the attachment below... This is really up to you but I think it makes it more interesting.

Other that that I can't see anything wrong except to put breaks where you can since the HP Drain is significant in here.

[Larto is a Pirate!?!]: (Oh god no... Someone protect the children!!!)
Nothing really comes into mind... (Probably the thought of Larto being a pira-- *shot*)

Just watch out for the end because you don't get full HP no matter what.

I love this song, I don't know why. But you get a star.

Star for you^^ I love this song! :D

I prefer this pattern.

00:43:376 - (8)
Note don't line with (9)-(10)

01:01:376 - (7)
It's better by snap on red tick.

01:48:126 - (S)
Move ending point backward 1/3.

Crazy... but fine :\

Sleep Powder
00:44:12 (1,2) - Stack on fading 3 and 4
00:44:79 (5,6) - Aligns with 10
01:18:87 (4) - This feels like you copied and pasted it around here
01:30:12 - Add Kiai time here? and for the other difficulties maybe?
01:43:62 (10) - Align with 8?

00:46:12 (1) - End on white tick?
00:49:62 (4) - Align with end of 3
01:02:12 (1) - Align with 2
01:04:12 (1) - End on white tick
01:06:79 (2) - Feels like there's a note missing here
01:08:12 (2) - End at white tick
01:31:12 (2) - Lyrics don't seem to compliment this as much
01:33:459 (2) - End it there on 1/6th divisor? It seems like you used more than one divisor anyways.

You are a pirate!

Perfect, couldn't find anything :).


Couldn't find anything here also.

[Larto is a Pirate]

Perfect :)

Starred *
Sir Minelli

Symbolic wrote:


Perfect, couldn't find anything :).


Couldn't find anything here also.

[Larto is a Pirate]

Perfect :)

Starred *
Blah Blah, theres always somthing to find see?

Like first of all, notes aren't resnapped. Please resnap all notes. That goes for EVERY difficulty.


Mainly Aesthetics, spacing/timing = correct
00:07:29 (3,4) - allign with slider's end
00:20:95 (2) - move it one square up so it alligns better with slider
01:34:12 (4) - new combo


Mainly Aesthetics, spacing/timing = correct
00:06:45 (2,3,6,7) - allign these with their previous sliders
00:26:12 (6) - new combo, 00:26:62 (1) - undo new combo
00:48:93 (3) - allign correctly with previous (2)

[Larto is a Pirate]

Mainly Aesthetics, spacing/timing = correct
00:06:31 (6) - new combo if you like
00:22:12 (1) - reput on top of slider
00:31:62 (4) - same
01:19:00 (3) - allign this slider's beginning with its end
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I liked the map. I didnt like the long stream-like parts such as 00:46:126 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) in hard difficulty.

Although its propably just me not being good enough player :p
00:09:12 (7,8) - nazi allignment
00:10:95 (2,3) - nazi spacing
00:12:551 micro break?
00:24:001 (x) hit here absent? or intentional? iono
00:26:62 (2,3) - align with prev 4,5?
00:48:12 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5) - shift to put the 3s on top of eachother? (makes no diff to me but stuff like this is wut other people are always on my ass about >.>)
01:46:751 pretty big gap, no? is this a fail trap for someone who couldnt keep up with the final jumps?

00:05:12 (3,4) - nazi space inconsistency. nudge up a little to stack on future 4 notes and solve at same time>?
00:08:12 (1,2) - nazi space
00:12:475 break?
00:19:45 (1) - align with prev?
00:20:95 (2) - ^
00:37:12 (2) - ^ k ill stop, these mods annoy me to hell and dont even effect play
00:55:746 break?

Looks fun =3
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00:06:12 (1) - move 1 grid (level 3) to the left
00:26:62 (2,3) - move the (3) 2 grid to the left (like your previous ones)
00:51:62 (7) - 1 grid to the right
(not a big deal but 00:46:12 (1) - 1 grid to the right if you want to align it with 10)

[Larto is a Pirate]

00:06:29 (1,2,3,4) the (1) is 2 grid spaces away from the rest of the combo
00:27:12 (5) - move 1 grid up, or i guess move the rest of the combo down 1 grid if you want the 5 in the middle
00:59:45 (1,2,3,4) - there's 3 grid spacings between (1-2) but theres only 2 between (3-4) (5-6) etc
01:07:12 (5) - move 1 grid to the right

cool map, lol song ^^


Sir Minelli wrote:

Blah Blah, theres always somthing to find see?
I disagree. Modding isn't about naziing stuff to death, modding is about testing the map, checking it, and pointing out possible/annoying errors and suggestions (not nazi suggestions of course) to help the creator in the ranking process. ;)
At least that's what I think.

OMG another lazy town song.

01:30:12 - Wait. Isn't this section supposed to be Kiai Time'd? <.<

01:48:12 (1) - Use soft sampleset?

Haha, nice song, can't wait to see this ranked. :D

hmm, this is what I came up with to fix that video offset limit. I couldnt get it converted back to avi. maybe someone else can. It works for me tho. Close to same quality/size as is...

/noob at upppy.. is there a way to do this without making ppl right click-save as?
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Metroid wrote:

Video isn't working, I have the video file and it pays fine in WMP band I see the video code in the .osu files but it won't play ingame... Seems to not work only on the Lazy difficulty...
Just you. Video works fine here. :P Anyway, I've perfected the video offset as my computer is suddenly not being as slow as normal.
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video offset is -8000
was not easy to find that out xD or maybe im just to stupid to do it

open .osu file go to Events than write
in :P

hope that helps you.

by the way finished mine. WHEN you still need a diff you can take it. if not then not. i guess i have to fix something in it. but that can wait till i hear your answer xD take it or don't take it

Download: Lazy Town - You Are A Pirate (Agent Spin Here) [Aqua92's Treasure].osu
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Sorry man, but your difficulty is pretty bad. I'm not adding. Also, I think the Video Offset is fine as is.
The guy on the left looks like a fucking faggot.
Anyways, time to mod.

Larto is a Pirate:
  • 1. 00:13:56 (1) - It doesn't really fit imo.
    2. 00:57:62 (1) - ^
  • 1. 01:48:12 (1) - I think a whistle would sound better here.
  • 1. 00:26:12 (1) - 1 level 3 grid up.
    2. 00:37:12 (2) - ^
    3. 00:51:12 (3,4,5) - 1 level 3 grid right.
    4. 01:17:62 (4) - ^
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This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
Great song, great maps, horrible background. Fix it :(

[Larto is a Pirate]
00:26:126 (1) - Move down 1 grid? Looks weird being 1 grid up from being Horizontally aligned with (2) with flip.
00:43:292 (6) - Move 1 grid left.
01:06:626 (2,3) - Badly aligned with (9,10,1) in next combo. Copy and paste (2,3) to there and move in timeline so it gets correct.
01:16:376 (2,6) - Move 1 grid to the left.

01:43:292 (8,9,10) - (7,8,9) has a funky angle change in the middle of it, move (8,9,10) 1 grid up & 1 grid right to get a better angle.
Lookin' good!

00:33:626 (4) - Maybe move this 1 grid to the right above (1).
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What on earth is wrong with the background? There's nothing wrong with it! Besides, I has video.
Here, use this instead so the aspect ratio of the image you have is correct and doesn't get cut off.

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Thanks, but fufe found a better one so I think I'll use that one.
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Great Beatmap :D, with a skin it would be better, think of it ^-^
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Star 4 u
I can't help but love this map. It's just so fun to play.
I played this map since I tried OSU. Still remember the old BG.
This is my duty to star this map
0:32-0:34: i'd get one hitcircle between eeach beat there
rest it perfect


[Larto is a pirate]

Very rox this song, hahaahha
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Have a star :)
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