
Stylus grip for long duration.

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Its been a problem for me since i started using a table (wacom bamboo pen ctl-460). After playing for a while, my hand would start to sweat a lot from the movements, and the stylus would start to slip, causing me to lose control. I know it sounds pretty silly. @_@

For a few months, i tried tieing a rubberband around the grip section. It worked out ok, but im starting to feel that its lowering some of my movements, so i took it off. Then i tried using a band aid. It worked out really great for the first 2hrs until it started to absorb the sweats. -_-

Can any tablet users give me tips on how to avoid this problem?
Im using the stylus that came with the tablet, not sure if thats the cause.
Same thing mountain climbers use, chalk

(might, might not work)
Hmm never get such a problem after playing 1-2 hours straight nonstop any insane songs. But maybe you can use a towel?
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Denebola: Chalk sounds pretty messy. I dont really like to get my properties dirtied.
Neruell: Well, I do wipe my hand during break times in the game, and I dont think wrapping the stylus in a towel would make it any easier for me to play.

But thanks for making these suggestions.
Turn off the heat / get air conditioner then
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That might work for the summer, but its pretty crazy during winter. I guess i can try placing a mini fan next to my hand though.
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