
Lady GaGa - Just Dance

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Jaw pretty much dropped when I saw the spinner. It's amazing. Rest of the skin is pretty awesome too.

I won't lie, I downloaded this beatmap just because I felt like vomiting and I thought lady gaga would do the trick. I was pretty wrong this, this is very well done.
A few things you gotta watch out for, though.

02:07:81 (1,1,1) - Overlapping sliders like this aren't rankable. If you make the slider track just a bit visible, it'll probably be okay in my book. (since the sliders were sort of readable, I think they fit the song.

01:46:89 (6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - This got messed up with the stacking :( Don't know why. Should fix it though, it looks ugly in game.
03:06:55 (2,3) - Same deal with the overlapping sliders, and any other ones I forgot to mention. Make sure to have the slider track visible.

Also, I think the hitsounds could be a bit better in hard. I really like what Shin did with the finishes on the dominant beats, so maybe migrate some of that over to hard and normal. Less claps, as well. Claps should be used pretty rarely, and creatively.

Awesome map. +Priority & starred.
DISCLAIMER: These are just suggestions, I'm no expert, I just type down what sounds better to me. You don't have to do it, etc. Also; when I write just "Whistle.", I want you to remove the other hitsound (unless I specify otherwise.)

EDIT: I only modded sound, I noticed some placement issues. Will need moar combo/placement nazi'ing before it's ready for ranking. Also, always mind spacing while moving/removing/adding notes bro.


00:17:64 (2) - Remove whistle, keep clap.
00:17:89 (3) - Remove clap, keep whistle. (>_>)
00:18:15 (4) - Remove whistle, keep clap. (fffff)
00:18:90 (5) - End this slider at 00:19:41, also make sure you're using clap on the slider end as well.
...and then I fell apart, I can't mod further (started with Hard.)


00:08:31 (2) - Remove clap.
00:08:57 (3) - Remove clap.
00:09:07 (5) - Remove clap.
00:09:32 (6) - Remove clap.
00:09:83 (8) - Remove clap.
00:11:59 (2) - Remove clap.
00:12:09 (4) - Remove clap on this slider, but put a clap sound on sliderpart 1 and 3.
00:13:61 (6) - Put clap on sliderpart 2 and 3.
00:17:64 (7) - 00:20:41 (1) - Map something instead of putting breaks in these spots. You should probably follow the singing voice in the background.
00:23:44 (2) - Remove clap.
00:23:69 (3) - Put clap instead of finish on this note.
00:24:20() - Put a note with finish here.
00:26:21 (1) - Whistle on this note.
00:26:46 (2) - Whistle.
00:26:97 (4) - Whistle.
00:27:22 (5) - Whistle.
00:27:47 (6) - Remove clap from slider end.
00:31:25 (2) - Whistle instead of clap.
00:32:01 (4) - Put clap here, but put finish instead of clap on slider end.
00:38:06 (1) - Whistle.
00:38:31 (2) - Finish.
00:38:57 (3) - Whistle.
00:39:57 (6) - Make this slider only reverse once.
00:45:37 (3) - Finish on this note (I think that sounds better at least).
00:50:67 (2) - Replace clap with Whistle.
00:50:92 (3) - Replace clap with whistle.
00:51:42 (5) - Whistle.
00:55:96 (1) - Whistle here, but put finish instead of whistle on slider end.
00:58:73 (1) - Make every red tick use whistle, and every white tick use clap, from beginning to end. (1/8 divisor).
01:06:55 (1) - Finish instead of whistle.
01:13:36 (2) - Whistle instead of clap.
01:14:62 (1) - Finish instead of whistle.
01:14:87 (1) - Put a note with whistle here.
01:17:64 (3) - Whistle instead of clap.
01:18:15 (5) - Whistle instead of finish.
01:18:40() - Add a note with clap here.
01:18:65() - Add a note with finish here.
01:18:90 (1) - Whistle instead of clap.
01:19:41 (3) - ^
01:19:91 (5) - Clap on this. All of it.
01:23:69 (2) - Whistle instead of clap.
01:23:94 (3) - ^
01:29:49 (3) - ^
01:30:50 (5) - ^
01:31:25 (1) - Move spinner end to 01:34:78 (white tick after the red one you put it on.
01:38:31 (1) - Clap instead of finish.
01:38:82 (1) - Put finish on slider beginning, remove clap from beginning as well.
01:39:57 (2) - No hitsounds.
01:43:36 (1) - Whistle.
01:46:88 (3) - Finish instead of clap.
01:47:39 (1) - Remove this note.
01:47:64 (1) - Move this spinner end to either 01:48:90 or 01:48:40, preferably the second one (first one is if you want a short spinner)
01:50:67 (4) - Copy this slider and replace with 2 of them (following even spacing, I think you can hear that I'm trying to map the "DANCE" thingies.)
01:54:70 (9) - Remove this note.
01:55:71() - Add a note with clap here.
01:57:47 (8) - Clap instead of whistle.
01:57:85 (10) - Whistle.
01:57:98 (1) - This slider should only have clap. No finish/whistle.
01:58:99 (2) - Put finish on slider beginning, the slider end should have whistle.
01:59:99 (2) - Whistle.
02:00:25 (3) - Just put whistle on here, don't touch the clap.
02:00:75 (1) - Whistle.
02:01:51 (4) - Whistle.
02:03:02 (1) - Finish.
02:03:27 (2) - Whistle.
02:07:05 (1,2) - Same deal here as above.
02:09:57 (2) - Whistle.
02:10:08 (4) - Whistle.
02:11:84 (1) - End this spinner on 02:15:12.
02:15:88 (1) - Whistle.
02:16:88 (3) - Whistle.
02:19:15 (3) - Slider beginning should have finish.
02:24:95 (4) - Only whistle on this slider.
02:25:46 (5) - Clap.
02:25:71 (6) - This sliders beginning and end should have clap.
02:34:78 (1) - Here you have a choice: If you want to follow the "OH YEAHHH", use something other than finish. If you want to use finish, end it at 02:35:29
02:36:04 (1) - Whistle.
02:36:30 (2) - Whistle.
02:37:30 (1) - ^
02:38:06 (4) - ^
02:39:07 (1) - Same here as at 02:34:78, either remove the slider and put a note with finish at 02:39:32, or you map the "AOOWAH YEAH" and use something other than finish.
02:40:08() - Note with whistle here.
02:42:09 (3) - Clap.
02:42:85 (5) - This sliders end must have finish. ;o
02:47:14 (4) - From here on until the break, personally I think you should do the same as I tipped last time. But you know, it's your choice.
During break - The Let's Go fades away a bit early, imo. And it's entrance/spinning is ugly. You should fix it ;o
03:14:11 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Remove clap and use whistle on these instead. Remove finish from 6.
03:31:25 (1) - This should end at 03:31:76, with finish.

General notes on [Hard]: You should probably lower the circle size to normal (imo), and the Overall difficulty one snap. It will make it harder, but also flow better. Maybe also make the drain rate higher? Your choice.

GENERAL OVERALL NOTES ETC: You're overusing clap. Even though I didn't finish easy, perhaps you could listen through Hard (after mod) and try to understand what I was trying to achieve? Anyway, hope you find this useful.

Star'd. Really nice map.
Damn Vox. Well, paulo gave me permission to throw my own hitsounds in this so see if you like it. I had some fun making it, and this song is perfect for finish whoring.

Download: Lady GaGa - Just Dance (Paulo8624) [Hard].osu
00:49:41 (2) - Further away
01:49:15 (3) - New combo

01:06:553 - 01:16:133 The spacing here is small compared to the rest of the map. Just checking if that's intentional or not..
01:55:71 (x) - Sounds better with a beat here imo
ahhh the ending is so cool!

01:17:64 (5) - Sounded a little off to me with the lyrics..
01:42:85 (6,7,8,9,10,11) - hmm. This messed me up because the stacking makes 7 stick out and it really looked like a 1/4 slider endpoint to me :? Might just be me, but maybe check this out?
03:07:05 (3) - This is technically an illegal hidden slider, but idk, it felt pretty natural...
03:52:18 (1,2,3,4) - ^. Honestly though, these really didn't bother me at all, they were definitely intuitive to me at least. Nontheless, I'm thinking BATs wouldn't rank it like that.. Maybe vert flip 2 and 4 (and the stuff after 4) and move 3 in the middle?

I may have missed spacing stuff in Normal in Hard, but I didn't notice anything else while playing, and that's really all that matters to me. Also, I do kind of agree that Hard has quite a bit of hitsound abuse, I'm interested in seeing what v0xtrot's suggestions sound like.

Have I yet mentioned how awesome of a map this is? :) That spinner blows my mind
@0_o: I used alot of hitsounds, but I replaced alot with whistle and made it smoother while sounding more thought through.

@Rolled: I liked it, alot, but I'm usually just more "traditional" when it comes to using finishers. :P

EDIT: If you think I used alot of clap, it's because I thought that Paulo wanted to use clap, I simply made it (what I think) is more melodic.
EDIT2: Great job with all these edits being done this fast, Paulo. O.o
Round 2

One minor thing, go through and redo the breaks, their lengths are slightly off.

00:39:57 (6) - Sorry v0xtrot, I liked this better with the extra repeat ^_^ goes nicely with the music
02:07:81 (1,1,1) - LOVE IT
03:31:25 (1) - OK, I think the spinner fits the song, but the general rule with spinners is that auto should be able to get at least a 2000 bonus on it, and this one only gets 1000. I'll leave it up to you with what you wanna do about that.

01:06:55 (1) - Clap or finish here? *suggestion*
03:54:45 (6,7,8) - Weird spacing here, intentional?

Now this is just my personal opinion, and take it just as that: I'm not a huge fan of the comboburst :P To me it doesn't really match the rest of the skin/storyboard etc. If you like it then that's all that matters, but that's what I think.

Expect 0_o diff in the near future ;)

This doesn't end. Make the storyboard in Hard difficulty specific.

01:00:25 (2) - Too close to 1.
01:18:90 (1) - Too close to the previous 2.
01:55:96 (2) - Too close to 1.
03:28:99 (2) - ^

Again make the storyboard in Hard difficulty specific.

00:40:83 (1) - Too far from 2,3,4.
00:41:84 (1) - Nudge right.
00:49:15 (5) - Too close to 4.
00:49:66 (8) - Too close to 7.
02:42:09 (3) - Too close to 1,2.

I love the spinner to the point it blinds me and I have no idea where my cursor is afterward. :)
Topic Starter
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  1. 00:25:71 (4) - Move this to the right a tick, so you know... even spacing..
  2. 01:00:25 (4) - Redo break after this beat, you'll see the break shorten and be behind that bookmark location.
  3. 01:12:35 (4,5) - Move this up by 2 ticks OR space them out like 01:13:10 (6,7,8).
  1. 00:13:10 (5) - Stack this right on top of 4's endpoint. Then make sure to check 6.
  2. 00:27:22 (5) - Move this a tick to the left.
  3. 01:00:25 (2) - Redo break after this beat.
  4. 02:07:81 (1,1,1) - AWESOME SB
  5. 02:27:22 (1) - Redo break after this beat.
  6. 02:51:42 (3) - ^
  7. 03:12:85 (1) - This slider comes up short. Is that intentional?
  8. 03:23:69 (2) - Move this farther from 1.
  1. 00:18:15 (6) - Suggestion: Move this right a tick.
  2. 00:26:72 (3,4) - Move these both over 2 ticks to the left. Then align 3 with 5.
  3. 00:49:15 (5,6,7) - Hmm, very ugly... Can you fix that up?
  4. 01:11:59 (2) - Move this up by a tick to align with 5.
  5. 02:30:75 (1) - Suggestion: New combo?
  6. 03:01:76 (1) - Stack this right on top of 2
  7. 03:55:96 (1) - Suggestion: Maybe you could make this slider silent.
You forgot to make arrow-black, arrow-grey, and arrow-purple Diff. Specific.

Normal still doesn't end and they show up on Shin'sane.
Just a preview of my diff ^_^

EDIT: Now complete, attachment deleted
Topic Starter

They are diff. specific already. Maybe your copy is bugged? Redownload it.
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Some small things that I forgot (sorry, there's more :P):


00:19:15 (2) - No hitsounds on this.
00:20:41 (1) - Finish instead of whistle. ;o
00:20:79 (3) - No hitsounds.
00:21:17 (5) - ^
00:26:72 (3) - ^
00:26:97 (4) - Remove whistle on this keep finish.
00:31:25 (2) - Personally, I'd remove this note or at least keep it clean from hitsounds, to hide it's presence... or something like that.
00:39:57 (6) - Only reverse this once please.
00:41:84 (5) - Remove whistle, keep clap.
00:42:35 (6) - Only clap.
00:48:40 (1) - Beginning should have finish.
00:50:41 (1) - No hitsounds.
01:06:80() - Personally I'd add a note with whistle here.
01:07:30 (2) - Clean please. No hitsounds etc.
01:19:91 (5) - Make the middle part have clap.
01:20:67 (6) - 01:23:19 (1) - Break between those notes is too short, fix it. ;o
01:27:98 (5) - Make sure all this note has are finishes, no claps.
01:28:48 (1) - Whistle.
01:28:73 (2) - Finish.
01:29:74 (4) - ^
01:30:50 (5) - Whistle.
01:30:75 (6) - Finish. (Sorry, I told you to stay traditional here, but the finishes really fit in imo.
02:10:58 (5) - I'd add a note with no hitsounds here, move the slider forward to the red tick and shorten it so the end hits the white tick.
03:31:25 (1) - Please make sure this lands on a white tick.

Anyway, that's about all I have to say. I tried for less clap and a more natural sound. Be sure to try it out before saving anything, our opinions might not be alike.
Good luck with getting this ranked! ;o

EDIT: You're a fixing machine. Really good job, won't bother you about this map again! :D
Note: Some of the errors posted are suggestions, not directions.

Normal (Done)

00:16:38 (1) - This starts on the "red tick" but depends on what someone else says....
00:25:71 (4) - This hitnote doesn't match the spacing with (3).
00:33:78 (2,3,4) - This looks a bit squished when you compare the spacing to 00:35:29 (6,7,8,9).
00:38:31 (6) - This is not even with the end of the slider note (5).
00:47:39 (7,1) - The spacing between here can confuse someone very easily. You might want to concider this.
00:52:94 (1,2,3) - Another "squished" section.
01:15:12 (2) - This hitnote bottomed out of the editor. :o
01:31:25 (1) - Hypno wheel spinner, lol. Interesting artwork. 8-)

[Hard] (Done)

00:18:64 (1) - Questionable spacing here. (Depends on what Distance Snap rate you used, but with 1x, its too close).
00:28:73 (1) - ^
00:52:93 (1) -
01:06:54 (1,2) - These two notes are touching.
01:16:63 (1,2) - ^
01:19:90 (5) - Slider bottomed out.
01:31:25 (1,1) - This part makes me wonder a bit since the spinner has some dark colors that kinda hides the hitnote right after it and the hitnote comes quick after. This could make it hard for someone not able to pay attention reall close to it. Just something in mind to let you know.
01:36:29 (1,2,3) - These are slightly unevenly linked.
01:37:55 (3,1,1) - The spacing here doesn't match.
02:16:12 (2,3,4) - The spacing around (3) is uneven.
02:34:78 (1,1) - The purple in the hitnote almost blends in with the spinner.
02:45:62 (1,2,3,4) - Slightly uneven linking.
03:18:14 (4,5,6) - ^
03:28:98 (2) - This is touching the end of the slider.

Shin'sane (Done)

00:16:38 (1) - Not even with (5).
00:32:77 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5) - The shape looks a bit distorted.
00:42:85 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - ^
00:40:83 (1,2,3,4) - Uneven spacing between (1) and the stack.
00:53:57 (3,4) - Looks a bit uneven.
01:29:74 (4) - A bit too low. Try to match this up with (8).
02:27:22 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - Feels almost like these notes are randomly placed.
02:41:59 (1,2,3,4) - Questionable spacing here between the stacks.
02:49:66 (9) - Unevenly spaced between (8) and (1).

My Sticky Note: This map seems alright. It just has a few questionable spacing places because it looks like the Distance Snap changes around at some point. And about the spinner, I like the art work of it, though it almost "hides" the hitnotes that comes right after it. And for the section with the Double BPM, its interesting to have the warning, but like in Insane mode, the sliders are moving in bullet speed. You might want to try testing that section out to make sure the player can handle it. But i'll give this map a star for effort.
  1. I think "WARNING!" isn't so specific. x2 should do it. Get someone else opinion on this.
  1. Fine.
  1. 01:06:54 (1,2,1,2,3) - Spacing check. Make this so its even.
  2. 01:17:38 (2,3,4,5,1,2,1,2,3,4,5,6) - Left 2 level 3 grid.
  1. 00:40:83 (1) - Up 1 level 3 grid.
  2. 00:42:09 (2,3,4) - With these highlighted, move down 1 level 3 grid.
  3. 00:52:94 (4) - Left 1 level 3 grid.
  4. 01:08:06 (5) - Right 1 level 3 grid.
  5. 01:42:85 (6,3) - Down 1 level 3 grid.
  6. 01:43:36 (1) - Left 2 level 3 grid.
  7. 01:44:36 (5) - Right 1 level 3 grid.
  8. 01:47:39 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Up 1 level 3 grid.
  9. 02:44:87 (3) - Right 2 level 3 grid.
  10. 03:28:234 - The timing section here should be put back to where the break ends imo.
In a rush to do something; sorry if some things are wrong to you
hi, i am new to the forum
when can this be ranked? love it so much almost perfect!!!!
look forward!
I think "WARNING!" isn't so specific. x2 should do it. Get someone else opinion on this.
^yes.. i was like.. wut... =c

I dont feel like modding hard right now. I did a play test and it played just fine =3 Heres my star
Is it me? Or is it that the offset time is 8,066? Please discuss.
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MarioBros777 wrote:

Is it me? Or is it that the offset time is 8,066? Please discuss.
- Yeah, I think it would be cooler if you use this Offset. The Main menu would be affected.

- Clap overuse?

00:36:55 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - No hitsoundssss
01:36:30 (3,4) - Not stacked properly.

- Clap overuse?

00:26:21 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - (5) and (6) feel abit clustered... Space them abit more.
00:34:78 (1,2,3,4) - Same problem, except it's only (1)
00:39:06 (5,6) - Not stacked properly.
00:54:69 (1,2,3,4,5) - Align them correctly? (2-5) is misaligned.

00:22:68 (2,3) - Make (2),(3) the same slider? Looks ugly.
00:35:29 (2,3,4,5) - Symmetrify?
01:43:36 (1,2,3,4,5) - Irregular Spacing.
03:40:33 (1) - 1/2 longer?

[0_o (WIP)]
I'm unsure about the speed-ups/slow-downs... You should contact a BAT or something. I think they're OK though.

00:57:98 (6,7) - Not properly Stacked.


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Detective Tuesday
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Detective Tuesday wrote:

Why isn't this ranked yet.
My guess would be
1) Lack of BATage
2) The fact I'm not done yet =P I'm thinking I'll be finished in the next 36 hours or so...
when 0_o's is done this should be ranked! ;D
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Cool map! Stared!
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It interests me that all the difficulties have different Source and Tags input.

01:07:05 (1) - Remove new combo.

03:28:48 (9,1) - Swap new combo mark.

Whole thing is full of random jumps. I really hate this difficulty; it's unintuitive.

vytalibus wrote:

Whole thing is full of random jumps. I really hate this difficulty; it's unintuitive.
Ouch. Well then.

Meh, I had fun with it. I know not everyone likes this style of map, but I figured I would try something different and experiment a bit. Or maybe a lot :P. If it turns out that no one likes my diff and that it's beyond being fixed, then feel free to remove it, but it would be nice to have a few different players' opinions first.
I'll have to disagree with vytalibus. I actually really love 0_o's difficulty. I won't mod the other difficulties as I already did once and they seem to have had a lot of tweaking already.

00:23:19 (2) - A bit too high? Overlaps my HP bar.
00:25:20 (3) - Not the same distance to 2 as 1 to 2.
01:30:75 (1) - Too low? Half of it is off screen for me. Probably just me O_O.
02:47:14 (1) - Flip vertical to keep the pattern going? Same spot, just a bigger jump.
02:49:15 (1) - If you do the step above, flip this vertical as well and align it where 02:48:15 (1) is.

All suggestions. Don't see any other problems. :D
Topic Starter
everything fixed! :D
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00:51:42 (4) - Add a finish on the end of slider.


03:07:56 (1) - Incostistent spacing from 03:07:30 (7)
03:25:20 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - Too much whistles.


00:36:04 (5) - Finish?
01:06:55 (1) - ^
01:43:36 (1,2,3,4,5) - Incosistent spacing.
02:09:07 (10) - New combo.
02:40:33 (10) - New combo.
03:47:39 (8) - New combo.


00:12:09 (1) - Incosistent spacing from 00:10:83 (8)
00:24:45 (1) - ^
01:05:040 - Remove this break.
02:05:54 (10) - New combo.
02:40:33 (2) - ^
02:40:83 (3) - ^
02:41:34 (4) - ^
02:42:09 (5) - ^

This difficulty have bad spacing, sorry i don't like much.
And this difficulty needs storyboard warning for 2x bpm sections.

This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.

Download: Lady GaGa - Just Dance (Paulo8624) [0_o].osu
21:06 *Starrodkirby86 is playing (Lady GaGa - Just Dance [0_o])[]
21:08 <Starrodkirby86> : How was that?
21:08 <0_o> : awesome
21:08 <Starrodkirby86> : imo the way you said expiermental, mixed reviews
21:08 <Starrodkirby86> : blah blah
21:08 <0_o> : i think i might nerf that jump near after the increasing velocity sliders though
21:08 <Starrodkirby86> : really exagerrated what this is xD
21:09 <Starrodkirby86> : 0_o can you get the editor open? I want to point out a few things
21:09 <0_o> : ok
21:10 <Starrodkirby86> : 00:23:19 (2) - This speed up I have no issues with, but it's so random because that's the only speed up
21:10 <Starrodkirby86> : in like >9000 centuries
21:10 <Starrodkirby86> : you know?
21:10 <Starrodkirby86> : lol
21:10 <0_o> : yeah, i think paulo is gonna storyboard that
21:10 <Starrodkirby86> : Good
21:11 <Starrodkirby86> : 01:43:36 (1,2,3,4,5) - Looks cool, but I didn't like the hidden slider stuff
21:11 <Starrodkirby86> : I think I did well during gameplay on that part though
21:12 <Starrodkirby86> : 02:47:14 (1) - This should be a vertical flip of the last (1) imo
21:13 <Starrodkirby86> : 03:25:71 (1,1,1,1) - if you can clean up this pyramid more, then ;D
21:13 <Starrodkirby86> : it looks kinda good as is though, but ehh
21:13 <Starrodkirby86> : and that's really all the issues
21:14 <0_o> : ok
21:14 <0_o> : how do you suggest i clean that up?
21:14 <Starrodkirby86> : It's definitely not confusing for me since I'm familiar with the song and I had an idea of where it was
21:14 <Starrodkirby86> : going

21:14 <0_o> : the pyramid i mean
21:15 <Starrodkirby86> : Hm, go on a grid level 3 or turn grid snap off...and try and make them all symmetrical like
21:15 <0_o> : ohh ok
21:15 <0_o> : i didnt realize they werent symmetrical
21:15 <Starrodkirby86> : Maybe they are, they just looked kinda funny to me
21:16 <Starrodkirby86> : My final opinion on your diff is that it's very good and it'll only confuse novices and some intermediate
21:16 <Starrodkirby86> : players

21:17 <0_o> : ok
21:18 <0_o> : do you mind posting on the thread for support? =P
21:19 <0_o> : just so its known that some people do like it lol

Starrodkirby86 wrote:

21:06 *Starrodkirby86 is playing (Lady GaGa - Just Dance [0_o])[]
21:08 <Starrodkirby86> : How was that?
21:08 <0_o> : awesome
21:08 <Starrodkirby86> : imo the way you said expiermental, mixed reviews
21:08 <Starrodkirby86> : blah blah
21:08 <0_o> : i think i might nerf that jump near after the increasing velocity sliders though
21:08 <Starrodkirby86> : really exagerrated what this is xD
21:09 <Starrodkirby86> : 0_o can you get the editor open? I want to point out a few things
21:09 <0_o> : ok
21:10 <Starrodkirby86> : 00:23:19 (2) - This speed up I have no issues with, but it's so random because that's the only speed up
21:10 <Starrodkirby86> : in like >9000 centuries
21:10 <Starrodkirby86> : you know?
21:10 <Starrodkirby86> : lol
21:10 <0_o> : yeah, i think paulo is gonna storyboard that
21:10 <Starrodkirby86> : Good
21:11 <Starrodkirby86> : 01:43:36 (1,2,3,4,5) - Looks cool, but I didn't like the hidden slider stuff
21:11 <Starrodkirby86> : I think I did well during gameplay on that part though
21:12 <Starrodkirby86> : 02:47:14 (1) - This should be a vertical flip of the last (1) imo
21:13 <Starrodkirby86> : 03:25:71 (1,1,1,1) - if you can clean up this pyramid more, then ;D
21:13 <Starrodkirby86> : it looks kinda good as is though, but ehh
21:13 <Starrodkirby86> : and that's really all the issues
21:14 <0_o> : ok
21:14 <0_o> : how do you suggest i clean that up?
21:14 <Starrodkirby86> : It's definitely not confusing for me since I'm familiar with the song and I had an idea of where it was
21:14 <Starrodkirby86> : going

21:14 <0_o> : the pyramid i mean
21:15 <Starrodkirby86> : Hm, go on a grid level 3 or turn grid snap off...and try and make them all symmetrical like
21:15 <0_o> : ohh ok
21:15 <0_o> : i didnt realize they werent symmetrical
21:15 <Starrodkirby86> : Maybe they are, they just looked kinda funny to me
21:16 <Starrodkirby86> : My final opinion on your diff is that it's very good and it'll only confuse novices and some intermediate
21:16 <Starrodkirby86> : players

21:17 <0_o> : ok
21:18 <0_o> : do you mind posting on the thread for support? =P
21:19 <0_o> : just so its known that some people do like it lol
I hated that diff... blah blah gave me a silly D (now a C) but still... I hate it has no real use and I'm not a fan of the spacing at all. D; Eat this.

DeathxShinigami wrote:

I hated that diff... blah blah gave me a silly D (now a C) but still... I hate it has no real use and I'm not a fan of the spacing at all. D; Eat this.
Unnecessarily harsh much? Critisism is one thing, complete bashing is another...

As for it's "purpose", it's an alternative difficulty for players who like maps that aren't rigorously distance snapped like 90% of maps that are currently out now. Not to say that consistent distance snap is a bad thing, its just that I believe variable spacing can be fun too (Boten Anna anyone?)

Of course if the general BAT consensus turn out to be that it's unrankable, then sure, I don't mind if it's pulled. I know it's not the kind of map that everyone will enjoy, but hey, if you don't like it, just play Shin's Insane; it's pretty much the same score, so there's no real advantage to playing mine over Shin's ratings-wise, it's just a matter of what kind of style you like. It's an alternative difficulty, so treat it that way.

Maybe I should change the name to "The 0_o Alternative" :P
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Pst, pst. Stop arguing over that, people.

As 0_o said, that is a ALTERNATE diff, for ANYONE who LIKES it (like Starrodkirby86), so if anyone don't like it, just play Shin'sane or even my own Hard. That's the reason for this map to have 4 diffs, so that anyone is able to play and ENJOY it!

But, if a BAT really consider that a unrankable diff, then it will be a great loss, but I will keep the link up on the first post for anyone who wants to play it.
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