
Nightcore - Destiny

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Card N'FoRcE wrote:

E niente stella finché non sistemi per bene.
spilorcio U_U :P
Topic Starter

Mafiamaster wrote:

Here you go! :)
Thanks, thanks, thanks :) ;)

Card N'FoRcE
Offset: 2310

Tutto NO. Le note che seguono davvero qualcosa saranno un 10-15%
Non so dirti neanche da dove ricominciare...
Esempi banali:
00:29:65 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - ???
00:46:15 (7,8,9,10,11) - timing di cerchi e slider terribile
00:59:76 (5,1) - perché sono posizionati male nella barra temporale?
01:04:69 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1) - ^
01:13:60 (1,2,3,4,5) - ^
e ancora...

Salvabile, ma è TUTTO posizionato male nella barra temporale

Una domanda, le hai mai giocate?

Why 175,10 BPM?
175,22 works perfectly, there's no need for new sections, they only screw up the timing.
Delete those 175,10, fix inherited sections, resnap and check.

3 stelle...
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.

Download: holic - F.I (AngelHoney) [gow's Hard].osu
you told me to mod your easy, so here it goes
and eee don't mod too good :(
first, set your beatsnap divisor at the top right in edit to 1/4
you didn't seem to follow mtmcl's comment, in the timing tab, in red, it says"resnap all note," click that, also, the same place "recalculate slider lengths," that should make it easier to map
also, turn distance snap on and move the notes so they are spaced, although it doesn't really

00:24:567 - there should be a break here, since the map is easy, either put a break, or lower the HP drain rate
00:30:046 - ^ same here
00:34:96 (3,4) - places like here need to be resnapped, I don't think you followed mtmcl's comments, but here, you need to move (3) to 1/4 forward to the red tick, and (4) forward to the white tick, an easier approach would be just to resnap the notes and recalculate slider lengths like mtmcl said.
00:35:86 (1) - move the whole spinner back to begin at the white tick
00:38:27 (1) - move this whole thing back to the red tick two spaces back from where it is
00:41:35 (2) - stretch this 1/4 longer, that way the reverse wont be on a blue tick
00:43:22 (3,4) - too close to 2
00:46:15 (7) - new combo
00:51:20 (6) - ^same here
00:59:83 (5) - move back two spaces to the red tick
01:00:00 (1) - ^ this too, also, remove the new combo
01:02:24 (2) - New Combo here
01:04:69 (1) - remove new combo
01:08:05 (3) - new combo
01:09:76 (1) - uhh, remove new combo here
01:11:13 (2) - add new combo here
01:13:62 (8) - New combo
01:14:97 (10) - move this forward to red tick, stretch forward by 1/4 and add a reverse
01:17:65 (1) - remove new combo and add it here 01:19:02 (2) -
01:21:42 (7) - add new combo here too
01:32:72 (1) - stretch forward 1/4 so it reverses on red tick
01:38:189 - maybe add a break here?
01:41:28 (9) - shorten this back 1/4 so it ends on red tick
01:42:65 (1) - remove new combo here, and add it here 01:46:07 (2) -
02:24:76 (9) - Add New Combo, remove it here 02:27:49 (1) -
02:31:61 (1) - shorten this back 1/4 so it ends on blue tick, and 02:33:06 (2) - move this back 1/4 too
02:35:37 (3) - New Combo
02:36:14 (4) - move 1/4 back to white tick
02:36:84 (5) - same here
02:37:61 (6,7) - move this back two 1/4 ticks back so that (6) is on the previous white tick
02:40:85 (8) - move back to white tick, new combo, and shorten back 1/4 so it ends on red tick
02:41:63 (9) - move back to white tick and shorten back 1/4 so it ends on red tick
02:42:30 (10) - ^ same here
02:43:00 (1) - move 1/4 forward so it begins on red tick, stretch 1/4 forward so it ends on next red tick
02:57:41 (4,5,1,2) - move these back to the white tick
03:00:38 (3) - move this back to the red tick
03:02:86 (4,5,6) - move these back to white tick
03:05:16 (7,8,9) - space (8)

most of the problems I had were because of the unsnapped notes, just do as I said earlier, resnap all notes to 1/4 (set to 1/4 and click resnap all notes, should be easy),
I also had problems with the combo numbers, since it is easy, it should have low combo numbers

I don't really know how to help any more than this, I'ma need some real mods to check this out, +1 priority
Topic Starter

eee wrote:

you told me to mod your easy, so here it goes
and eee don't mod too good :(
first, set your beatsnap divisor at the top right in edit to 1/4
you didn't seem to follow mtmcl's comment, in the timing tab, in red, it says"resnap all note," click that, also, the same place "recalculate slider lengths," that should make it easier to map
also, turn distance snap on and move the notes so they are spaced, although it doesn't really

00:24:567 - there should be a break here, since the map is easy, either put a break, or lower the HP drain rate
00:30:046 - ^ same here
00:34:96 (3,4) - places like here need to be resnapped, I don't think you followed mtmcl's comments, but here, you need to move (3) to 1/4 forward to the red tick, and (4) forward to the white tick, an easier approach would be just to resnap the notes and recalculate slider lengths like mtmcl said.
00:35:86 (1) - move the whole spinner back to begin at the white tick
00:38:27 (1) - move this whole thing back to the red tick two spaces back from where it is
00:41:35 (2) - stretch this 1/4 longer, that way the reverse wont be on a blue tick
00:43:22 (3,4) - too close to 2
00:46:15 (7) - new combo
00:51:20 (6) - ^same here
00:59:83 (5) - move back two spaces to the red tick
01:00:00 (1) - ^ this too, also, remove the new combo
01:02:24 (2) - New Combo here
01:04:69 (1) - remove new combo
01:08:05 (3) - new combo
01:09:76 (1) - uhh, remove new combo here
01:11:13 (2) - add new combo here
01:13:62 (8) - New combo
01:14:97 (10) - move this forward to red tick, stretch forward by 1/4 and add a reverse
01:17:65 (1) - remove new combo and add it here 01:19:02 (2) -
01:21:42 (7) - add new combo here too
01:32:72 (1) - stretch forward 1/4 so it reverses on red tick
01:38:189 - maybe add a break here?
01:41:28 (9) - shorten this back 1/4 so it ends on red tick
01:42:65 (1) - remove new combo here, and add it here 01:46:07 (2) -
02:24:76 (9) - Add New Combo, remove it here 02:27:49 (1) -
02:31:61 (1) - shorten this back 1/4 so it ends on blue tick, and 02:33:06 (2) - move this back 1/4 too
02:35:37 (3) - New Combo
02:36:14 (4) - move 1/4 back to white tick
02:36:84 (5) - same here
02:37:61 (6,7) - move this back two 1/4 ticks back so that (6) is on the previous white tick
02:40:85 (8) - move back to white tick, new combo, and shorten back 1/4 so it ends on red tick
02:41:63 (9) - move back to white tick and shorten back 1/4 so it ends on red tick
02:42:30 (10) - ^ same here
02:43:00 (1) - move 1/4 forward so it begins on red tick, stretch 1/4 forward so it ends on next red tick
02:57:41 (4,5,1,2) - move these back to the white tick
03:00:38 (3) - move this back to the red tick
03:02:86 (4,5,6) - move these back to white tick
03:05:16 (7,8,9) - space (8)

most of the problems I had were because of the unsnapped notes, just do as I said earlier, resnap all notes to 1/4 (set to 1/4 and click resnap all notes, should be easy),
I also had problems with the combo numbers, since it is easy, it should have low combo numbers

I don't really know how to help any more than this, I'ma need some real mods to check this out, +1 priority
Thanks!! :)
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
Topic Starter

Kyocciola wrote:

Primo consiglio: trova la canzone in qualità migliore.

Usando lo Beat Snap Divisor a 1/4

Abbassa lo slider tick rate a 1
00:24:22 (1) - non mi piace e nemmeno il break dopo, inutili.
00:29:70 (1) - ^
00:41:51 (2) - non va bene, pessima
00:44:77 (3,4) - ? che mi rappresentano?
00:47:33 (3) - se la allunghi fino alla barra bianca prima del "00:48:53 (4)" può anche andare bene

00:51:27 (1) - ...questo beat va bene, da quì in poi fai cosi come segue che forse è meglio:
00:51:61 (2) - slider che finisce due segni bianchi + in là
00:52:64 (3) - slider che finisce tre segni bianchi + in là
00:54:01 (4) - slider che finisce quattro segni bianchi + in là

01:00:09 (6) - sposta a "01:00:00"
01:02:57 (2) - sposta a "01:02:40" (tacchetta rossa)
01:05:05 (6) - che è sta roba? o_o" vedi di cambiarla, non va PER NULLA a tempo.
01:13:62 (1,2,3) - ^
01:32:53 (1) - ^
01:36:47 (5) - allunga fino alla barretta bianca prima di "01:37:50 (6)"
01:40:67 (1) - porta ad una tacchetta prima (su quella bianca, per intenderci...)
01:41:87 (3) - porta ad una barretta dopo (su quella bianca, again...)
01:41:87 (3) - stranamente sembra giusta ma puoi fare di meglio in questo punto
02:10:37 (2) - "che è sta roba 2 la vendetta"
02:24:75 (1) - allunga fino alla tacca bianca prima della slider dopo
02:26:12 (2) - ^
02:27:49 (3) - accorcia di 4 tacche e viene 1 po' + decente
02:31:60 (1) - accorcia fino alla tacca bianca subito prima
02:33:06 (2) - porta indietro alla tacca bianca subito prima
02:37:51 (4) - ^
02:38:02 (5) - "che è sta roba 3 - chi non muore si rivede"
02:40:85 (1,2,3) - eh? o.o
02:43:76 (2) - "che è sta roba 4 - l'incubo colpisce ancora" (questa me la sogno di notte mi sa)
02:54:89 (3) - lasciala partire da dove parte, ma devi accorciare la slide fino alla tacca bianca prima e poi allunga di due reverse
03:00:20 (3) - "che è sta roba 5"
03:02:76 (4,5,6) - fa che finiscano TUTTE alla barra rossa...
03:07:39 (1) - boh?

Mafiamaster's Difficulty
Using the Grid 3
00:15:67 (1) - 1 square to left
01:03:78 (6,7,8,9,10) - 1 square to left
01:40:42 (1,2,3) - i think that u here want to a curve, so my suggestion is to move "01:40:59 (2)" 1 square up and 2 to the right

Sorry, for now i'll not star this.
grazie Kyo, anche se ho completamente rifatto la map...
Usando la Grid 3
00:43:22 (2,3) - 3 quadretti in su
00:56:58 (5) - fallo iniziare sul segno bianco subito dopo e accorcialo di 2/4
00:57:26 (6) - ^
00:57:95 (7) - ^
01:08:39 (1) - allunga fino a 01:10:11
01:11:13 (6) - falla finire a 01:12:16
01:14:39 (1,2) - sposta di due quadretti a sinistra
01:14:64 (2) - sposta sul segno rosso subito dopo
01:15:33 (4) - sposta sul segno rosso subito dopo e allunga fino a 01:17:64
01:19:35 (3) - falla finire al segno bianco prima
01:22:09 (6) - falla finire al segno bianco dopo
01:24:14 (7,8) - 1 a sinitra e due giù
01:24:83 (9,10) - 1 a sinistra
01:36:47 (9) - falla finire a 01:37:84, poi inizia una nuova slider a 01:38:18 e falla finire a 01:39:55
01:39:55 (7, 8, 1) - 1 quadretto a sinistra
01:43:66 (2) - falla finire a 01:44:69
02:25:95 (4) - rendi l'ultimo pezzo perfettamente verticale e quindi poi sposta tutto 02:24:41 (1,2,3,4) - a destra di un quadretto
02:24:41 (1,2,3,4) - 1 a sinistra
02:53:35 (4) - rendi l'ultimo pezzo perfettamente verticale e quindi poi sposta tutto 02:51:81 (1,2,3,4) - di uno a destra
02:54:55 (5,6) - 1 in su
02:54:89 (6) - 1 a destra
02:59:34 (3) - - aggiungi una nota quì
03:00:20 (5) - rendi dritto l'ultimo pezzo di slider...
03:00:20 (6) - allunga fino a 03:01:05
Topic Starter

Kyocciola wrote:

Usando la Grid 3
00:43:22 (2,3) - 3 quadretti in su
00:56:58 (5) - fallo iniziare sul segno bianco subito dopo e accorcialo di 2/4
00:57:26 (6) - ^
00:57:95 (7) - ^
01:08:39 (1) - allunga fino a 01:10:11
01:11:13 (6) - falla finire a 01:12:16
01:14:39 (1,2) - sposta di due quadretti a sinistra
01:14:64 (2) - sposta sul segno rosso subito dopo
01:15:33 (4) - sposta sul segno rosso subito dopo e allunga fino a 01:17:64
01:19:35 (3) - falla finire al segno bianco prima
01:22:09 (6) - falla finire al segno bianco dopo
01:24:14 (7,8) - 1 a sinitra e due giù
01:24:83 (9,10) - 1 a sinistra
01:36:47 (9) - falla finire a 01:37:84, poi inizia una nuova slider a 01:38:18 e falla finire a 01:39:55
01:39:55 (7, 8, 1) - 1 quadretto a sinistra
01:43:66 (2) - falla finire a 01:44:69
02:25:95 (4) - rendi l'ultimo pezzo perfettamente verticale e quindi poi sposta tutto 02:24:41 (1,2,3,4) - a destra di un quadretto
02:24:41 (1,2,3,4) - 1 a sinistra
02:53:35 (4) - rendi l'ultimo pezzo perfettamente verticale e quindi poi sposta tutto 02:51:81 (1,2,3,4) - di uno a destra
02:54:55 (5,6) - 1 in su
02:54:89 (6) - 1 a destra
02:59:34 (3) - - aggiungi una nota quì
03:00:20 (5) - rendi dritto l'ultimo pezzo di slider...
03:00:20 (6) - allunga fino a 03:01:05
fatto Kyocciola grazie mille^^ ;)
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
Vedi che se sta volta non mi ascolti non ti modderò MAI PIù una mappa.

00:35:01 (1,2) - 12 quadretti a destra
00:52:81 (3) - spostala a 00:52:98
00:52:98 (3,4) - 3 su e 2 a destra
00:52:98 (3,4) - 1 su
01:04:11 (7) - 1 a sinistra e falla finire a 01:06:00
01:07:71 (1,2,3) - 1 a destra
01:13:19 (7,8,9,10,1,2,3,4) - 3 su e 1 a sinistra (ps: la slide è bruttina, falla + bella... come aspetto intendo)
01:21:41 (4,5,6) - 3 su e 3 a destra
01:24:14 (7,8,9,10,1) - 2 giù
01:35:10 (5,6,7,8,9,10) - 1 a sinistra
01:40:75 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - 1 a destra
01:42:98 (8) - 2 su, se vuoi fare l'effetto discesa
01:47:43 (7,8,1,2,3,4) - 1 a destra
01:48:97 (4) - 2 su
02:05:58 (7,8,9,1) - 1 su
02:08:66 (3,4,5,6) - 1 giù
02:10:71 (7,8,9,1,2) - 1 a destra
02:35:37 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - 3 a destra
02:40:85 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - 2 giù
02:49:07 (5) - 1 a sinistra
02:54:55 (5,6) - 1 su
02:54:89 (6) - falla finire a 02:56:26 e mettila 2 quadretti a destra
02:59:51 (4) - mettilo sovrapposto al 3 come hai fatto fino ad ora...
00:52:98 (3) - allungala al segno bianco dopo
00:52:98 (3,4) - 2 quadretti a sinistra
00:58:81 (8,9,1,2) - 1 quadretto in su
01:32:71 (4) - accorciala a 01:34:08
02:08:66 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1,2) - 1 a destra
02:43:76 (10) - allungala fino a 02:44:62
02:49:07 (5) - falla finire a 02:50:44
02:57:29 (7,8,9,10) - 1 a sinistra
P.s.: di CINQUE post solo UNO ha il kudosu. Almeno non farmi fare il culo per nulla.
Fammi un favore... DISATTIVA LA DISTANCE SNAP e stammi ad ascoltare... Forza e coraggio, ci siamo quasi! ;)

Segui ALLA LETTERA e NON SALTARE passaggi....

00:52:98 (3,4) - 2 a destra
00:58:81 (8,9,1,2) - 1 su
01:35:10 (5,6,7,8,9,10) - 2 a destra
02:08:66 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1,2) - 1 a sinistra e 1 giù
02:31:43 (4,5,6) - 4 a destra
02:49:07 (5) - 1 su e 2 a destra
02:57:29 (7,8,9,10) - 1 a sinistra
Ok, now i can say...

This has improved so much since I last played it! I'm satisfied enough to bubble it!
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
Topic Starter

CheeseWarlock wrote:

*drops a train on the bubble*

I like the hitcircle, but the top and the right get cut off a bit by the boundary of the image. Could you fix it? Also, add a hitcircleoverlay (steal one from a skin if you want).

BPM: 175.20
Offset: 2,310

[Lele94's EaZy]
00:24:22 (1,1,1,2,1,2,3) - Yaaaaawn. I know it's an Easy map, but this is boring.
00:46:14 (5,6,7) - The end of 5 and ALL of 6 and 7 should be one white tick later.
01:21:41 (4,5) - The spacing here is messy.
01:25:34 (1) - This slider sounds really bad. Fix it however you want, but don't make it repeat on a blue tick.
01:43:66 (2) - Make this a whole beat longer.
01:48:97 (4) - Make this 1/2 beat longer.
01:51:37 (1) - Remove one repeat from this.
02:49:07 (5) - Make this a whole beat longer or shorter.
03:08:07 (1) - This should only have two repeats.

[Mafiamaster's Difficulty]
00:02:83 (2) - This slider should end a white tick earlier.
00:05:57 (2) - This one too.
01:51:37 (11) - I know it sort of goes with the vocals, but this sounds awful. Make it end on a white tick.
01:58:83 (1) - This note makes the next ones feel out of place. There are a lot of ways you could fix this, but I don't like it the way it is now.
02:27:33 (5) - This should be 1/2 a beat shorter.
03:08:60 (1) - This should be 1/4 later.
Done! Thx but I think that some things have not changed ... seem right to me! ;)
- Your notes aren't snapped to ticks :O

- I think the beginning is really boooring. Sorry, but could you make it more interesting? Or just remove the first 4 notes?

00:45:79 (4) - New Combo
00:56:75 (5) - New Combo
01:13:19 (7) - New Combo
01:14:39 (1) - Remove New Combo
01:21:41 (4) - New Combo
01:24:14 (4) - New Combo
01:25:34 (1) - Remove new combo, AND this slider sounds really weird imho. Make it 1/4 shorter or longer?
01:35:10 (5) - New Combo
01:43:32 (1) - Remove New Combo
01:46:07 (11) - New Combo
01:47:96 (7) - Remove New Combo
02:57:29 (7) - New Combo
02:58:65 (1) - Remove New Combo
03:02:76 (7) - New Combo
03:04:15 (1) - Remove New Combo

lol :p

00:08:65 (1) - remove new combo
(Here the boring part isn't that bad, it's STILL boring, but since there is something mapped before that part, it should be fine)
03:08:51 (1) - Spinner is a bit short, don't you think?
Fix Larto things, anyway i love the song. Star'd :3
Topic Starter

Larto wrote:

- Your notes aren't snapped to ticks :O

- I think the beginning is really boooring. Sorry, but could you make it more interesting? Or just remove the first 4 notes?

00:45:79 (4) - New Combo
00:56:75 (5) - New Combo
01:13:19 (7) - New Combo
01:14:39 (1) - Remove New Combo
01:21:41 (4) - New Combo
01:24:14 (4) - New Combo
01:25:34 (1) - Remove new combo, AND this slider sounds really weird imho. Make it 1/4 shorter or longer?
01:35:10 (5) - New Combo
01:43:32 (1) - Remove New Combo
01:46:07 (11) - New Combo
01:47:96 (7) - Remove New Combo
02:57:29 (7) - New Combo
02:58:65 (1) - Remove New Combo
03:02:76 (7) - New Combo
03:04:15 (1) - Remove New Combo

lol :p

00:08:65 (1) - remove new combo
(Here the boring part isn't that bad, it's STILL boring, but since there is something mapped before that part, it should be fine)
03:08:51 (1) - Spinner is a bit short, don't you think?
fix! ;)
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kingcobra52 wrote:

Only issue I see is that there's a different bpm/offset on both difficulties. Make both the same with whichever timing you prefer (Don't forget to resnap and recheck notes afterwards).

Done! ;)
Okay then.
01:48:98 (10) - shorten this to the red tick

Actually now that I look at it, most of the beats aren't snapped properly on the timeline.

Mafiamaster's Difficulty:
Resnap all notes here as well.
Topic Starter

RemmyX25 wrote:

01:48:98 (10) - shorten this to the red tick

Actually now that I look at it, most of the beats aren't snapped properly on the timeline.

Mafiamaster's Difficulty:
Resnap all notes here as well.
Done!! ;)

lele94 wrote:

RemmyX25 wrote:

01:48:98 (10) - shorten this to the red tick

Actually now that I look at it, most of the beats aren't snapped properly on the timeline.

Mafiamaster's Difficulty:
Resnap all notes here as well.
Done!! ;)
Alright. I'm not comfortable ranking this myself, so have one more BAT look at it. I'll give you back your bubble to jump you back on top of the priority list.
01:02:24 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - 1 square to the left

00:24:22 (1) - Remove clap. A finish would do.
00:29:70 (1) - ^
00:35:01 (1,2) -^
00:40:66 (1) - ^
00:43:22 (2,3) - ^
02:02:85 ~ 02:12:08 - Remove claps.
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Zerostarry wrote:


00:24:22 (1) - Remove clap. A finish would do.
00:29:70 (1) - ^
00:35:01 (1,2) -^
00:40:66 (1) - ^
00:43:22 (2,3) - ^
02:02:85 ~ 02:12:08 - Remove claps.
Done!^^ :D
Here it is
I am sorry
took so long

tiny fix

Download: Nightcore - Destiny.rar

Download: Nightcore - Destiny (lele94) [Alazy].osu
There are two things that I want you to do.

1. Remove the storyboard elements that are there for no real reason at all.
2. Add Alace's difficulty and his hitsounds, then fully resubmit.

Still star.

Download: full.osu
Topic Starter

Larto wrote:

There are two things that I want you to do.

1. Remove the storyboard elements that are there for no real reason at all.
2. Add Alace's difficulty and his hitsounds, then fully resubmit.

Still star.
done alace diff, but why remove storyboard?
Topic Starter

Larto wrote:

There are two things that I want you to do.

1. Remove the storyboard elements that are there for no real reason at all.
2. Add Alace's difficulty and his hitsounds, then fully resubmit.

Still star.
Done! ok thx! ;)
Okay, fine now :D

(Also, don't double post please, edit your first post if you have to ;p)
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