
XianZi - Dui Zhu Tan Qin

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Raging Bull
Nothing major, but add a space between Nymph_ and Joshua Lost.
Right now it's Nymph_Joshua Lost when it should be Nymph_ Joshua Lost.
Eh I wouldn't mind having another difficulty here. Two diff spreads are usually bad.

01:32:280 - Make break start here?
Seems okay.

00:12:030 (3,4,5) - Well Gonz modded my map today and windmill like this. He suggested to do Ctrl+R it to make it flow better and it did. I suggest you do the same, Ctrl+R.
If you follow the above mod, go vertical flip this 00:11:655 (2) .
00:33:780 (6) - Don't like how this gets overlapped by (4). Can you move it?
01:32:280 - Make break start here?
01:46:530 (7,8) - Don't know why this is a jump. Nothing in the music here is jumpy. It's still calm. You could try this maybe? I removed notes so it's easier to see.
01:50:280 (1,2) - Yeah. Dunno why is there a jump.
02:13:905 (9) - Lol I thought this was a jump now. Since you were kinda spacing jumps like these ;_;
02:44:280 (1,3) - Overlaps ;_; Can you get rid of them? Up to you.
02:45:405 (4,6) - ^
02:53:280 (2) - Reverse select this please.
02:54:030 (3) - Reverse select this too so it will still have the flow but no jump.
Topic Starter
@Raging Bull

Raging Bull wrote:

Nothing major, but add a space between Nymph_ and Joshua Lost. There is a space already.. @.@
Right now it's Nymph_Joshua Lost when it should be Nymph_ Joshua Lost.
Eh I wouldn't mind having another difficulty here. Two diff spreads are usually bad. K, I will consider about this.

00:12:030 (3,4,5) - Well Gonz modded my map today and windmill like this. He suggested to do Ctrl+R it to make it flow better and it did. I suggest you do the same, Ctrl+R. No thanks ._. I think it's not bad though.
If you follow the above mod, go vertical flip this 00:11:655 (2) .
00:33:780 (6) - Don't like how this gets overlapped by (4). Can you move it? No I like it :P It's funny xD
01:32:280 - Make break start here? If there's no storyboard I'll do this. But in this point it looks a little weird since Title and light appear at the same time.
01:46:530 (7,8) - Don't know why this is a jump. Nothing in the music here is jumpy. It's still calm. You could try this maybe? I removed notes so it's easier to see. K, made it easier and more readable.
01:50:280 (1,2) - Yeah. Dunno why is there a jump. Made this on purpose.
02:13:905 (9) - Lol I thought this was a jump now. Since you were kinda spacing jumps like these ;_; K, will try another pattern here.
02:44:280 (1,3) - Overlaps ;_; Can you get rid of them? Up to you. No I like this xD
02:45:405 (4,6) - ^ Same
02:53:280 (2) - Reverse select this please. I made this on purpose and I think it's readable enough ;_; So no change.
02:54:030 (3) - Reverse select this too so it will still have the flow but no jump.

Thank you for mod !

00:51:030 (1,2,3) - 間距有點問題

00:05:842 (2,3) - 壓在上面 我被MAT挑過 所以建議不要這樣擺
00:13:717 (6,7) - ^
00:33:030 (4,6,7) - ^
01:27:780 (1,2,3) - 排成正三角形吧 ((這感覺並沒有很正的感覺 [nazi]
01:48:967 (4,5) - 同樣...壓在上面
02:23:467 (4,5) - ^

Topic Starter

spboxer3 wrote:

00:05:842 (2,3) - 壓在上面 我被MAT挑過 所以建議不要這樣擺 是指2碰到了3一点点?@.@ 为什么这也会被挑啊
00:13:717 (6,7) - ^ 改了下排列~
00:33:030 (4,6,7) - ^ 抱歉~这边就不改了~
01:27:780 (1,2,3) - 排成正三角形吧 ((這感覺並沒有很正的感覺 [nazi] OK~这下绝对正了=w=
01:48:967 (4,5) - 同樣...壓在上面
02:23:467 (4,5) - ^ 抱歉~这2个都不改~ :o

谢谢MOD~ ><

·将名称改成“Nymph's Normal”?
00:40:530 (4) - Grid4下移一格 (nazi
01:19:530 (4) - ^

(≧ ≦)Zzzz没看出什么问题
00:10:530 (7,2) - 这边的2似乎有点被7的击打火焰遮挡
Topic Starter

xykbear wrote:

深夜Mod可能精神状态不太好请见谅っ︶Д︶╮ 我深夜精神最好了=w= (喂!)
?个人意见,歌词图片再大点?有点看不清啊 重做太麻烦了~我超级懒 XD
·摘自百度百科“弦子全名:张弦子|英文名:Killer”,可以的话把Artist改了 咩哈哈哈~这个我MAP前就发现了~但是Killer这个名字太有杀气(喂)~用在这么可爱的歌感觉不太合适(嗯嗯)~而且国人一般都知道弦子但是不知道Killer吧(没错!)~所以还是决定用XianZi了(木哈哈哈)~ XD

(≧ ≦)Zzzz没看出什么问题
00:10:530 (7,2) - 这边的2似乎有点被7的击打火焰遮挡 还好吧?~ 我觉得没有特别要改的必要呢。。 :o


spboxer3 wrote:

00:51:030 (1,2,3) - 間距有點問題 没有啊 :o

xykbear wrote:


·将名称改成“Nymph's Normal”? 不要 难看
00:40:530 (4) - Grid4下移一格 (nazi 不好意思 不过其实我没开GRID SNAP...
01:19:530 (4) - ^

00:35:280 (1) - too close to (3)
00:38:280 (1) - too close to (3)
00:44:280 (1) - too close to (3)


00:27:780 (6) - goes off the left edge of the playfield :?

nice map~ :)
Topic Starter

pieguy1372 wrote:


00:27:780 (6) - goes off the left edge of the playfield :? Yes~Fixed~

nice map~ :)
Thank you ~ ^^/
Ohhh, Kanpakyin, Karenying, and KanaRin are in the BG!!!

00:30:405 (x) - Add note here for following vocal?
00:45:780 (2) - Remove this slider, copy 00:44:280 (1), paste at 00:45:780, and Rotate 90" Clockwise (Ctrl+>) 2 times
00:54:405 (5) - Add 1 repeating slider?
01:00:592 (1) -End it at 01:03:030?
01:06:405 (x) - Add note here for following vocal?
01:12:780 (3) - Not sure if this touch the HP Bar~


00:14:092 (8,1) - It looks bad seeing a stacked notes behind the slider (I guess...)
01:59:842 (4,5) - Unstack or restack this to tail slider, the stack is quite ugly in gameplay
02:12:967 (6,7) - Looks bad if you stack this in blanket combos :< (Nazi)
02:24:030 (5) - I think the tail slider makes the sliderpath is messy, orz (suggestion)


Love those 3K Pigs <3

EDIT : Forgot to star it, sorry

00:57:592 (5) - perhaps you could delete this repeat slider and add a note at 00:57:592 and 00:57:967, or you could use one slider.
01:12:593 (4) - i like it better if you moved this note 1/4 tick forward (so that it's on the white tick). There isn't a bass pedal that the music plays and it sounds better imo if you have a note on the vocals on the white tick
02:01:717 (9) - you could consider extending this slider to 02:02:092 to fit a little more with vocals. you could also extend it to 02:02:280, but idk if you want to shorten the spinner or not.
02:39:592 (4) - move 1/4 tick forward? sounds better imo.
03:06:779 (4) - ^?


00:07:155 (3) - I would just turn this into two notes like the previous pattern, also the green timing sections don't seem to be very useful
00:33:780 (3,1) - don't anti-space things in the easiest difficulty...? I understand it's a slow song and stuff, but still, I would stay away from that unless there's something in the music that really provokes something like this. You have these anti-spacings at the end of a regular vocal phrase; in fact, this particular one is in the middle of a phrase. I'm not sure if this was on purpose or not.
00:36:780 (3,1) - ^
00:42:780 (3,1) - ^
01:06:405 (x) - add note
02:19:530 (1) - remove combo for consistency purposes
03:09:405 (2,3) - switch these two notes around, so combo 3 is at 03:09:405 and the combo 2 slider starts at 03:09:780
03:17:280 (1,2,3,4) - i guess it's fine, but the spacing decreases a little here. Everything else was basically evenly spaced, so idk. if you want to space equally you can. it's not a big deal

nice map! :3
Topic Starter

Leorda wrote:

Ohhh, Kanpakyin, Karenying, and KanaRin are in the BG!!! Yah nice point ! <3


00:14:092 (8,1) - It looks bad seeing a stacked notes behind the slider (I guess...) OK ~ No longer overlapped =w=
01:59:842 (4,5) - Unstack or restack this to tail slider, the stack is quite ugly in gameplay OK manual stacked ~
02:12:967 (6,7) - Looks bad if you stack this in blanket combos :< (Nazi) Sorry can't understand this @.@ .. But anyway now I stack circle 7 on slider 8 ? Better now ? XD
02:24:030 (5) - I think the tail slider makes the sliderpath is messy, orz (suggestion) I think it's fine ?_?


Love those 3K Pigs <3
Thanks Leo-chan ~ =w=



winber1 wrote:


00:57:592 (5) - perhaps you could delete this repeat slider and add a note at 00:57:592 and 00:57:967, or you could use one slider. Sorry I think it's fine even your suggestion is good as well ^^
01:12:593 (4) - i like it better if you moved this note 1/4 tick forward (so that it's on the white tick). There isn't a bass pedal that the music plays and it sounds better imo if you have a note on the vocals on the white tick Sorry but .. I guess you mean backward ? @.@ Maybe my poor English but for this part I won't change it because I must change a bit of following patterns if I do this... lol
02:01:717 (9) - you could consider extending this slider to 02:02:092 to fit a little more with vocals. you could also extend it to 02:02:280, but idk if you want to shorten the spinner or not. Good idea ~ Done.
02:39:592 (4) - move 1/4 tick forward? sounds better imo. OK fixed here ~
03:06:779 (4) - ^? I wish to keep the pattern here =w=

nice map! :3
Thank you winber ~ >w< For mod and star ~

JoJo wrote:

?个人意见,歌词图片再大点?有点看不清啊 重做太麻烦了~我超级懒 XD
·摘自百度百科“弦子全名:张弦子|英文名:Killer”,可以的话把Artist改了 咩哈哈哈~这个我MAP前就发现了~但是Killer这个名字太有杀气(喂)~用在这么可爱的歌感觉不太合适(嗯嗯)~而且国人一般都知道弦子但是不知道Killer吧(没错!)~所以还是决定用XianZi了(木哈哈哈)~ XD
You should add "Killer" to tag at least.

Leorda wrote:

Ohhh, Kanpakyin, Karenying, and KanaRin are in the BG!!!
Love those 3K Pigs <3
:o :o :o
Topic Starter
OK加了。。。魂淡太偷懒了我要full mod啊啊啊啊啊啊。。。

谢谢星星...TwT 小ying大好人送你好人卡。。。><
Megurine Luka





00:14:280 (1) - 这边总感觉缺了点什么._.不弄个轻一点的fin吗?(Nymph的难度也一样
02:21:030 (4) - 太近了




Leorda wrote:

00:30:405 (x) - Add note here for following vocal? I am trying to follow the drums *.*
00:45:780 (2) - Remove this slider, copy 00:44:280 (1), paste at 00:45:780, and Rotate 90" Clockwise (Ctrl+>) 2 times nah I don't like it
00:54:405 (5) - Add 1 repeating slider? sorry I think not
01:00:592 (1) -End it at 01:03:030? sorry I think it is fine
01:06:405 (x) - Add note here for following vocal? ok
01:12:780 (3) - Not sure if this touch the HP Bar~ think it is ok for me~

winber1 wrote:


00:07:155 (3) - I would just turn this into two notes like the previous pattern, also the green timing sections don't seem to be very useful I think it is ok, and there is difference to slilence the slider arrow or not
00:33:780 (3,1) - don't anti-space things in the easiest difficulty...? I understand it's a slow song and stuff, but still, I would stay away from that unless there's something in the music that really provokes something like this. You have these anti-spacings at the end of a regular vocal phrase; in fact, this particular one is in the middle of a phrase. I'm not sure if this was on purpose or not.I am pretty sure it is on purpose, anyway I don't see it confused new players,just trying to make the spacing the way I like
00:36:780 (3,1) - ^
00:42:780 (3,1) - ^
01:06:405 (x) - add note ok
02:19:530 (1) - remove combo for consistency purposes ok
03:09:405 (2,3) - switch these two notes around, so combo 3 is at 03:09:405 and the combo 2 slider starts at 03:09:780 yeah right
03:17:280 (1,2,3,4) - i guess it's fine, but the spacing decreases a little here. Everything else was basically evenly spaced, so idk. if you want to space equally you can. it's not a big deal the rhythm slow down here so I think it is fine

thanks guys :P

Megurine Luka wrote:




没啥问题._. :P 3星难度比较喜欢这么设置 还好啦
Download: XianZi - Dui Zhu Tan Qin (JoJo) [Nymph].osu
Topic Starter

Megurine Luka wrote:

这么萌的BG没问题吗OAO 大丈夫=w= 还是说乃想建议我摆张Real Pig上去呢~ XD


00:14:280 (1) - 这边总感觉缺了点什么._.不弄个轻一点的fin吗?(Nymph的难度也一样 这里为whistle设置了高音量所以算了~不过受你启发在后面稍微加了点Fin~
02:21:030 (4) - 太近了 因为觉得这里应该有跳么。。@.@ 好吧~改了~


没啥改的话就不用KD了 都改了呢=w= 而且KD不给白不给><

这么温馨的歌我就给个星星好了ovo 谢谢呢.......TwT
Thanks for mod and star ~~
Megurine Luka
不不不这个BG很好我就是想吐槽一下它太美好了 :)

  1. 01:27:780 這個storyboard一轉好就進spinner了, 導致看清的時間很短, 稍微改一下進來的方式?
  1. 非常缺hitsound..SC1 clap堪用, 00:31:530這種重鼓我和JoJo想的一樣即是N的hitnormal
  2. 03:19:905 (x) - 補note或是如01:25:905 (4)那樣的slider
  1. 00:14:280 (1) - 不懂這裡怎麼突然來個new combo? 要帶來進Break那種感覺就不該疊著..
  2. 00:42:405 (5) - 感覺結尾補個whistle比較對勁
  3. 00:48:873 (T) - 無用綠線
  4. 00:49:623 (T) - 無用綠線
  5. 01:44:280.. 這邊開始因為沒vocal了, 背景那個很帶感低聲部表現力變強, 竊以為可以用一些方法強調, 例如:
    01:44:280 (1) - 改成2 circle stack
    01:45:967 (5) - del, 造成01:45:592 (4) 開始的3/4拍停感
  6. 01:59:280 (3) - 可能需要手動移動或是乾脆不疊了..osu的重疊機制把這裡變得很醜
  7. 02:09:405 (5) - 結尾補whistle
Topic Starter

loveFantasy wrote:


  1. 01:27:780 這個storyboard一轉好就進spinner了, 導致看清的時間很短, 稍微改一下進來的方式?我觉得还好
  1. 00:14:280 (1) - 不懂這裡怎麼突然來個new combo? 要帶來進Break那種感覺就不該疊著.. 嗯..于是删掉了..
  2. 00:42:405 (5) - 感覺結尾補個whistle比較對勁 OK补了~
  3. 00:48:873 (T) - 無用綠線 嗯删了=w=
  4. 00:49:623 (T) - 無用綠線删了+1
  5. 01:44:280.. 這邊開始因為沒vocal了, 背景那個很帶感低聲部表現力變強, 竊以為可以用一些方法強調, 例如:
    01:44:280 (1) - 改成2 circle stack
    01:45:967 (5) - del, 造成01:45:592 (4) 開始的3/4拍停感
    後面類似不提 抱歉这里不太想改呢
  6. 01:59:280 (3) - 可能需要手動移動或是乾脆不疊了..osu的重疊機制把這裡變得很醜 OK不叠了~
  7. 02:09:405 (5) - 結尾補whistleOK~
感谢叔叔MOD+STAR~ =w=/
The 08 team_Bourdon

  1. Circle Size change to the large?
01:31:717 - make a Drag Break at here? -->
01:42:780 (1) - remove this New Combo?
02:37:905 (6) - why dont start the New Combo at here?
02:43:905 (4) - ^

  1. HP Drain change to 7?
  2. Overall Difficulty change to 8?
01:50:842 (2) - move this circle overlap at 01:50:280 (1) - this slider behind?
02:57:780 (1) - delete this spinner? then at here add a slider to 02:58:155 - ? and add 4 circle at 02:58:530 , 02:58:717 , 02:58:905 , 02:59:092 ?
03:09:967 (6) - add a New Combo?

Nice map~! 8-)
Good Luck~ ;)
shoot a little star for you~

loveFantasy wrote:

  1. 非常缺hitsound..SC1 clap堪用, 00:31:530這種重鼓我和JoJo想的一樣即是N的hitnormal 虽然说故意不加HITSOUND可能有点欠抽...但是MP3这么丰富的打击音的情况下 我真心觉得加了跟没加一样....=A= 这次即使所有人都反对 我也要不加试试
  2. 03:19:905 (x) - 補note或是如01:25:905 (4)那樣的slider 嗯 加个NOTE

The 08 team_Bourdon wrote:

  1. Circle Size change to the large?
nah, don't want to= =
01:31:717 - make a Drag Break at here? --> I make the spinner to there.
01:42:780 (1) - remove this New Combo? already removed
02:37:905 (6) - why dont start the New Combo at here? I think mine is fine=v=
02:43:905 (4) - ^

Download: XianZi - Dui Zhu Tan Qin (JoJo) [Nymph].osu
Topic Starter

The 08 team_Bourdon wrote:


  1. HP Drain change to 7?
  2. Overall Difficulty change to 8?
Oh..Sorry.. :o Really don't want to change this...
01:50:842 (2) - move this circle overlap at 01:50:280 (1) - this slider behind? I think it's fine now ><
02:57:780 (1) - delete this spinner? then at here add a slider to 02:58:155 - ? and add 4 circle at 02:58:530 , 02:58:717 , 02:58:905 , 02:59:092 ? Yes, this is a good idea and I have thought about it as well. But after testing I guess 2 continuous spinners is better during gameplaying though ~
03:09:967 (6) - add a New Combo? I consider that consisting the combo setting will be better ~

Nice map~! 8-)
Good Luck~ ;)
shoot a little star for you~
Oh really thanks for mod and star ~~ ^^
  • 02:33:780 - 02:35:467 - 这段变模糊的地方看起来不是很合拍, 为什么不在02:32:280那个缩放之后就一直是模糊图片?
  1. 音效太少了吧? 除了finish音貌似就没见你用其他效果音, 鼓点的地方加whistle也好啊
    You must use hitsounds. Without these, things get way too monotonous as you are throwing away one of the main elements of variation present in mapping. You don't need to place them on every note (and are discouraged from doing so), but they must at least be frequently heard when playing.
  1. 02:24:030 (5) - 这个slider有点confusing
nice custom hitsound and map, mapset is nice, too
Topic Starter

Breeze wrote:

  • 02:33:780 - 02:35:467 - 这段变模糊的地方看起来不是很合拍, 为什么不在02:32:280那个缩放之后就一直是模糊图片? 这个啊XD 因为不想分2个代码写于是就这样了... ;_; 我倒觉得看起来还好没什么违和呢。。。
  1. 音效太少了吧? 除了finish音貌似就没见你用其他效果音, 鼓点的地方加whistle也好啊
    You must use hitsounds. Without these, things get way too monotonous as you are throwing away one of the main elements of variation present in mapping. You don't need to place them on every note (and are discouraged from doing so), but they must at least be frequently heard when playing.
    还有一点,虽然可能会用特殊模式来打非太鼓专用的谱面的人很少,但是有人真打的话加了音效的至少不会是全部红色:/ OK~ 被妮姆芙委托帮他加了点=w=
  1. 02:24:030 (5) - 这个slider有点confusing 我觉得还好O.O 而且这里改的话后面都要挪了~所以算了~ XD
nice custom hitsound and map, mapset is nice, too
star Thank you ! >w<
感谢微风前辈~ \:D/

Breeze wrote:

  1. 音效太少了吧? 除了finish音貌似就没见你用其他效果音, 鼓点的地方加whistle也好啊
    You must use hitsounds. Without these, things get way too monotonous as you are throwing away one of the main elements of variation present in mapping. You don't need to place them on every note (and are discouraged from doing so), but they must at least be frequently heard when playing.
..我个人觉得MP3音效很足加了似乎也没效果=_=..不过确实太鼓的问题我一点都没考虑到.. 拜托JOJO帮我加了下音效 我这几天有课不太有空T.T
from my que
sry for the delay



00:13:530 - remove whistle
00:31:530 - vol = 43
00:33:780 (3,1) - 奇怪的spacing
00:36:780 (3,1) - ^
00:37:530 - ^ ignored same suggestions
00:54:405 (5,1) - 略奇怪的spacing
00:55:905 - whistle ?
01:00:592 (1) - 不好完全静音比较好吧
01:18:780 - whistle
01:42:780 (3) - 头去掉whistle,身去掉clap,尾加clap
02:10:530 - 你忘了两条绿线
02:24:780 - remove whistle
03:26:280 - 这里可以静音嘛

00:11:092 (8,1) - 破坏flow
00:31:155 (7,1) - 挨在一起真心不好看
00:34:717 (9) - 这个0108 slider,太丑了
02:01:717 (9) - ._.
03:00:780 (5,6,7,8,9) - 轻点跳,别闪了腰
03:12:780 (5) - 感觉删掉这个,4repeat下,03:12:967 - note,好点
03:26:186 - 这绿线挪到spinner end吧

Topic Starter

wcx19911123 wrote:

from my que
sry for the delay 没事=w= 我最近也正好很懒~



00:11:092 (8,1) - 破坏flow 。。。很难么。。我觉得有new combo应该还好吧。。
00:31:155 (7,1) - 挨在一起真心不好看 还好吧。。(改的话一堆排版要改XD
00:34:717 (9) - 这个0108 slider,太丑了 是么0.0 我一直放这种slider的其实。。每张图每张GD都有。。
02:01:717 (9) - ._. 嗯这个稍微改了下,上面那个觉得还好
03:00:780 (5,6,7,8,9) - 轻点跳,别闪了腰 。。。1.0x的话会显得太挤反而难读了._.
03:12:780 (5) - 感觉删掉这个,4repeat下,03:12:967 - note,好点 嗯因为之前都是这样的节奏所以这里想稍微变化下~
03:26:186 - 这绿线挪到spinner end吧 OK等妮姆芙更新完我再一起更新~

玛德,敢不敢不做神图 神mapper不要黑我啊啊啊啊啊。。。 :o
感谢神mapper莅临鄙人渣图献上神mod和double star~~感激不尽~~ >_<

wcx19911123 wrote:

from my que
sry for the delay

这歌词听上去超像”对猪叹气“ 自重 节操掉了


00:13:530 - remove whistle本来也没有
00:31:530 - vol = 43 这基本没区别吧
00:33:780 (3,1) - 奇怪的spacing
00:36:780 (3,1) - ^
00:37:530 - ^ ignored same suggestions
00:54:405 (5,1) - 略奇怪的spacing还行吧 这几个就这样了
00:55:905 - whistle ?不太喜欢
01:00:592 (1) - 不好完全静音比较好吧确实 音量25吧
01:18:780 - whistle
01:42:780 (3) - 头去掉whistle,身去掉clap,尾加clap不太喜欢 换了一个别的样式
02:10:530 - 你忘了两条绿线这几乎没分别吧
02:24:780 - remove whistle需要这个W吧
03:26:280 - 这里可以静音嘛忘了 静音了
我真心觉得这难度的hitsound太小声了 还行吧 反正是盖不过MP3的音量 当一下铺垫就好
Download: XianZi - Dui Zhu Tan Qin (JoJo) [Nymph].osu
Here comes my mod

sb/a4.png fade的同时就可以move了 你fade/scale完再move就觉得违和了
sb/e4.png 你可以选择继续scale下去比较好感觉
02:34:155 怎么突然又从清晰变模糊了 要么连续模糊慢慢变明 要么这段还是别变了
03:01:155 ^

02:30:780 突然一个这个很破坏连续感 而且前面部分没地方可以明显的得知啊
2.8的SV配上AR6 嘛 至少我略感觉违和了 而且HP掉的好快!D:

s-2 clap用在这个图略显不合适 而且现在变音效的话其实一根线插在note上即可
折返略对于新手压力 剩下到没什么


Mystica wrote:

s-2 clap用在这个图略显不合适 而且现在变音效的话其实一根线插在note上即可
嘛 刚知道..插线提前成习惯了

CLAP的话我觉得还好折返略对于新手压力 剩下到没什么
还行吧 不是EASY折返还好star
  • 02:33:780 - 02:35:467 - I still feel this part fade out then fade in effect looked odd, anyway depedns on you whether change it or not
  1. Circile Size +1 ?
  1. 02:24:030 (5) - I've discussed with another MAT, both we think you'd better change this slider, or you have any reasone to make it such a shape at the end?
Let me know when you have any reply, I prefer to in-game connect more, otherwise forum PM is fine
Topic Starter

Breeze wrote:

  • 02:33:780 - 02:35:467 - I still feel this part fade out then fade in effect looked odd, anyway depedns on you whether change it or not Add some new codes and maybe it's fine now ~
  1. Circile Size +1 ? OK, fix this for nymph's willing as well
  1. 02:24:030 (5) - I've discussed with another MAT, both we think you'd better change this slider, or you have any reasone to make it such a shape at the end? OK maybe fixed now..(?)
Let me know when you have any reply, I prefer to in-game connect more, otherwise forum PM is fine
Thank you Breeze !! >w<
But still waiting for 膜姐's skin ;_; That will be finished in 1 or 2 days >< I will contact with you then ;D
skin done.
排列不说了 这么多mod都过去了
注意 是关掉music听音效……所以都是建议而已 :>
说实话love的音效 关了音乐听 特别的带感 特别的喜欢:>


00:06:405 (2) - 开头whistle去掉,或者00:03:405 (2) - 这里开头+whistle
00:09:405 (2) - 开头或者结尾+whistle
00:13:155 (3) - 开头+whistle 结尾+clap
00:27:780 (4) - 开头+whistle
01:21:780 (3,4) - 做成滑条更好(?
01:27:780 (3) - 开头+whistle 结尾的whistle 音量减一点
01:57:780 (3) - 开头+whistle
02:12:780 (3) - 开头+whistle
02:50:280 (1) - 开头+finish(?
03:18:780 (2) - 开头+finish(?

00:59:280 (4,5) - +whistle
01:45:967 (5) - +clap
03:03:967 (5) - +clap
03:18:780 (6) - 开头+whistle

扒开代码瞬间我就懂了 这尼玛又是一代码流 我等手动SBer没活路了; ;
歌词肯定不会有问题 简单mod下BG的变化吧:>
01:34:530 - BG_Foggy的透明度在这里变到0
02:34:155 - 02:34:530 这里BG雾化太突然了啊 把fade的进入时间拉长到原两倍会好些
03:01:155 - 03:01:530 同上 而且建议这里放大以后不要马上淡出 让他保持一会(推荐1-2个白格)再慢慢淡出:>

Download: skin~.rar
哎去啊膜姐 我回复完了SUBMIT结果网掉线了...我真不想再打一遍了...= =就改了一点音效 我QQ给BAKAJO好了
Topic Starter

sherrie__fay wrote:

skin done.
mod下……现在包装不让给KD了,挣钱不容易啊感觉。不会啊XD MOD比包装简单多了~
排列不说了 这么多mod都过去了
注意 是关掉music听音效……所以都是建议而已 :>
说实话love的音效 关了音乐听 特别的带感 特别的喜欢:>

lead-in:+1 加了0.5秒><

00:59:280 (4,5) - +whistle OK
01:45:967 (5) - +clap
03:03:967 (5) - +clap
03:18:780 (6) - 开头+whistle OK

扒开代码瞬间我就懂了 这尼玛又是一代码流 我等手动SBer没活路了; ; 我也是手动渣sber TAT 没活路了
歌词肯定不会有问题 简单mod下BG的变化吧:>
01:34:530 - BG_Foggy的透明度在这里变到0 我觉得无所谓的吧<_>
↑善用ctrl+F吧少年OTL T_T
02:34:155 - 02:34:530 这里BG雾化太突然了啊 把fade的进入时间拉长到原两倍会好些 为什么都吐槽这个T.T 我挺喜欢现在这样的效果的呢。。
03:01:155 - 03:01:530 同上 而且建议这里放大以后不要马上淡出 让他保持一会(推荐1-2个白格)再慢慢淡出:>
膜姐神skin Arigatou!! <3
00:51:030 (1) - Short sliders with more than one repeat are not recommended for new players because it's confusing for them.
02:18:030 (1) - ^
02:48:030 (2) - ^
Any reason why you only have the kiai fountains here but no actual kiai time like in the other diff?

02:30:780 (1,1,1,1) - Is this NC spam really necessary?
Topic Starter

Rukarioman wrote:

02:30:780 (1,1,1,1) - Is this NC spam really necessary?OK then removed.
Thanks for mod Ruka ~ ><

Rukarioman wrote:

00:51:030 (1) - Short sliders with more than one repeat are not recommended for new players because it's confusing for them.
02:18:030 (1) - ^
02:48:030 (2) - ^ actually I think it is ok for a normal diff, and it is actually not a 1/3 beat, weird if I don't repeat this slider.
Any reason why you only have the kiai fountains here but no actual kiai time like in the other diff? .ehh....? I think I have KIAI.
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