
Accuracy v1.2 skin

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XPJ38 wrote:

What about putting the "NO" inside the square? :P
... oh my god.
You're a genius.

XPJ38 wrote:

You didn't use the magic wand in the corners then the background eraser tool? It should be fine with that.
I mean as in when i originally filled in the box, to get the round edges I selected a square and then did Selection -> Smooth. It showed me that the corners weren't selected, so i thought they wouldn't be filled at all, but they were. Simply erasing them should do the trick.

I'll get on with these changes tonight, then skin some of the missing stuff and post an update tomorrow morning, if i don't oversleep again. xD
Hm, I took a look at circles and here's the last thing I want to ask for
Your skin | Standard | What I would want to see

Of course, that pattern should be the same size as spinner's pattern and (as it seems for me) it should fade away from top to bottom or from bottom to top.

(added later) How about that?

And red cross for NoVideo
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Uhhhhhh yeah.....


I sorta overslept......


@Tic you mean you want the hitcircle to resemble the spinner completely, including the texture inside the hitcircle? Or just the grey hitcircle overlay?

tyrael6192 wrote:

@Tic you mean you want the hitcircle to resemble the spinner completely, including the texture inside the hitcircle? Or just the grey hitcircle overlay?
Don't know. I think first idea would look nice.
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Update Bump


Updated main post with new v1.2 download link and video. You'll have to wait a bit for screenshots =P

- hitcircle and hitcircleoverlay changed - texture added
- followpoints, slider points and slider follow points all changed to fit the theme.
- finally figured out how to change the slider style in the skin.ini xD
- made an awesome reverse arrow (lol)
- slightly changed the hue of the slider border
- sectionpass and sectionfail changed also
- lack of transparency in mod icons fixed
- 'spun out' and 'no video' icons changed to be more suitable

Things still missing:
- countdown
- performance gauge/'perfect' stamp
- rank letters
Also more flashy hit-bursts and spinner text.

Enjoy =D As always, feedback is very welcome.
As a heads-up, i've only just remembered that tomorrow i'm going on holiday for a week, so i can't be here to update stuff, unfortunately. :'(
Coming together nicely. Would like to see the letter grades skinned, as well as the spinner text.
Topic Starter
Sure, I'll get those done when i come back from holiday. =D

Updated in-game screenshots now up on the first page.
This is sexy. Really, really sexy. I was a little bit scared at the business of the skin, given the purpose of it, but it all feels really nice. Plus, the wonkiness of the borders appears to be gone.

One question: will you be adding more combo colours? I only see blue and purple. I could change them myself, but it'd be nice so see everything there!
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Sure, i guess. I was somewhat skeptical of which colours would work with the blue-ish overlay, so I stayed on the safe side xD
I'd suggest making the overlay transparent. The skin would look fantastic with default colours that pop.
Awesome skin which isn't full of anime stuff like most others~

D33d wrote:

I'd suggest making the overlay transparent. The skin would look fantastic with default colours that pop.
Am I doin' it rite? :3
looks good :D i like the sliders and hp bar, but the cursor trail can be a bit distracting on spinners, and personally i prefer star2 to be a blank image, no star fountains and such during kiai
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To be totally honest, I had no idea what star2 even was, so I made it the same as the map difficulty star sprite xD I'll check it out. I might just change it though - I quite like the kiai fountains xP
One other thing: could you pretty up the health bar a bit? Its gradient looks overly fuzzy and rough. It's a bit picky of me, but this skin's looking sweet enough that you might as well make every element look shiny and such.

tyrael6192 wrote:

To be totally honest, I had no idea what star2 even was, so I made it the same as the map difficulty star sprite xD I'll check it out. I might just change it though - I quite like the kiai fountains xP
Star2 is the particle that appears behind the cursor during breaks, behind the currently selected map on the song select, the kiai fountains, and the combo burst.

It's best to make it less obnoxious for this particular skin. I would suggest leaving it blank, as Zhanger suggested. It's quite annoying during kiai time.
Alternatively, you could make the star an extremely subtle circular motif or something.
Magical Pokie
Very good
may I use this for Skin mixing???
Mecha Shadow
Neat skin for such a game.
Topic Starter

My1 wrote:

may I use this for Skin mixing???
Sorry, I died... but sure, go ahead =D
Hey! Get back to work.

Your skin is sexy and needs the attention. ._.
I recommend you don't open the osk file while osu! is open, it made mine go bonkers.

tyrael6192 wrote:

My1 wrote:

may I use this for Skin mixing???
Sorry, I died... but sure, go ahead =D
thx dude this one is awesome...
I want make a skin too. But MY PHOTOSHOP IS FUCKING FAIL.
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D33d wrote:

Hey! Get back to work.

Your skin is sexy and needs the attention. ._.
Baaaaasically I'm back to boarding school and have soooooooo much stuff to do, especially right now because i've forgotten everything over summer and i need to know it again for exams at the end of this half and ultimately GCSEs at the end of this year. I'm effectively dead right now... :'(

So i might do some more stuff every now and then. =P
The format this file is in is WAYYY more effective skinners and learn a thing or two from you.
YuZuKi Kenny
Saya Takagi_old
nice! :)
Looks great.
One word: AMAZING!!
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Thanks everyone \:D/

Still alive btw... Just not had any great life-changing ideas yet...
Bump+nice skin ! :O
LRJ uses it and i found it awesome too. Gj.
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Mustaash wrote:

Bump+nice skin ! :O
LRJ uses it and i found it awesome too. Gj.
Thank youu~
Kanye West
This skin is excellent! Very clean and easy to see.
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kanye west wrote:

This skin is excellent! Very clean and easy to see.
Thank you :) Have any suggestions?
I have a suggestion, what about make the edge of the hitcircles become a bit thinner? I think it would look better that way :/
1. At first I thought it would be some sort of simple skin.

2. After I saw it I was like: Nope!

3. After that I thought it was busy.

4. After that I thought it looked a just a little bit like Focus (discovered that first) but was easier to hit with.

5. When I finnaly decided to use this a few days (?): I found that the title is fitting for this, in my curent opinion, awesome alien looking skin which I love an awful lot. :)

6. Present time: Reason I still enjoy playing osu! and come back to this frustating game.

It fits almost all the maps and looks great. I'm in love with it. ^________^ Glad I decided to try it again. *hugs tyrael6192*

I admit I changed a few things though but I didn't touch anything related directly to gameplay. *nervous laugh*

termerys wrote:

I have a suggestion, what about make the edge of the hitcircles become a bit thinner? I think it would look better that way :/
Do this. I think that the graphical overhaul detracts a little bit from the point of the skin--it's a bit cumbersome. I'd suggest making the texture finer and the hitcircle outline narrower, as well as making the reverse arrow stand out much more. The skin looks great, but I think that it should be streamlined just a little bit.
Hmm...I like the map how it is right now. If you decide to change it please provide the old textures too. :)

I'm not a fan of the interface though. But that's a matter of crazy Q taste and eyes (and mine are awfuly sensible unfortunately). Looks good though. >//< I made changes apropriate to my taste to it, I admit. The gameplay stuff is what that matters ultimately anyway. ^//^
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