
How close are you with the rest of osu?

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I'd say I have an intimate relationship with the entire osu community, so that's a 5.

Maybe slightly less with the rest of the BAT at times.

EDIT: Maybe a 3 or 4 with Gladi. His sig makes me swat my screen, so I'll stay away from him.
3 - I'm still anonymous to everyone.
3.5/4, I'm not a huge figure, but I'm not an unknown figure (at least in my opinion)
3 in a general sense. I'd got to know several people quite well off the bat, through sheer fortune and Corin. When I talk to people in IRC, I don't talk too much, but I can pretty much get along with people. Having said that, there are a bunch of people whom I'm glad that I'd met and I wouldn't hesitate to talk to in person.
5 with everyone that good to me and friend with me =w=
3 for anyone that hate me (i dont think there is any) >~<
Topic Starter

-Sekai- wrote:

5 with everyone that good to me and friend with me =w=
3 for anyone that hate me (i dont think there is any) >~<
What the hell? I see you all the time in the chatroom! Of course somebody's gonna hate you if you're gonna stay in the chatroom all day!
Minty Gum
I've played osu for almost a year, but I only recently started using the forums. I don't really know a lot of people yet, but I hope to become good friends with everyone :D Some people seem to disike me though...I can't blame them xD

2 for now, but hopefully that will change ;D
4. You get those days where sometimes you just feel you're getting ignored.
maybe like 1 with everything but my friends
and like a 3 with my friend list
I never speak in #osu, but I spoke in #malay, I watch #modhelp just to see 'em talking, and sometimes having private chat with my friend.
I guess 3 for everyone and 4 for certain people, I wish I could have a family in osu! though.
Raging Bull
5 in #modhelp. Don't talk often in #osu.
3 for most people and 4 for some :p

anyways, i almost never talk in the public channels, i do it via PM or multi :D
In #modhelp, the majority of older members and some new ones are a definite 5.

In #osu, full of new players and the like, I'd say my reputation is around a 2 or 3 mark.

In #filipino, I'd say it's about 6 or 7 on the scale I didn't buy their love I swear
i barely talk to anyone :/

forever alone man. forever alone.

i guess more of a 2.5 as it stands right now, but i do talk with friends and random (or not) multiplayer room people.
Probably 1~2, since I'm usually afk/afosu. Lulz.
Rarely chats, :/.

Azure_Kyte wrote:

In #filipino, I'd say it's about 6 or 7 on the scale I didn't buy their love I swear
well then
Raging Bull

Azure_Kyte wrote:

In #modhelp, the majority of older members and some new ones are a definite 5.

In #osu, full of new players and the like, I'd say my reputation is around a 2 or 3 mark.

In #filipino, I'd say it's about 6 or 7 on the scale I didn't buy their love I swear
Mahal na Mahal kita.
Out of the currently 920,550 users of this post and counting, I am only mutual friends with 21 people including myself.

That's less than a percent of the osu! community, so I'll go with a negative two.
Whoa 920k, just noticed that. o_o
I remember it was still at 800k's not too long ago... :O
i rarely talk outside #malay so 4 to the guys there
I don't know.

I don't usually initiate conversations but I won't ignore anyone if they do speak to me.

So I guess, 4-5 with people I speak to, 3 with all else simply for the fact I have never had the chance to know anyone 1 on 1.
I rarely talk, but i won't be shy if someone starts a convo with me. I'd say 2 for osu! in overall, but with friends i'd say 4 or so.
i'm preeeeetty close with a lot of people on osu actually, mainly people in modhelp though so 5 !
5. There are more people I love than people I hate, really.
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