
i forgor

BeatmapMelon Soda

for clarification i dislike the artstyle

so i've heard


I used Depth instead of HD lmao

Good points, it's nice to actually have a meaningful argument on this website.
See you someday

Alright okay let's get real over this one as you deadass used a skull emote and apparently got my point wrong.
First of all, if you didn't really understand why I used "artists" as reference, I take mappers as artists too.
Or generally, they should be taken as artists.
About the reason, it's because mappers spend their ideas and time on making a beatmap,
especially the sliders and patterns parts which establish and show the mapper's "mapstyle".
Therefore, I took "mappers" as "artists", as they match the requirement to be called an "artist" - Create.
AS I might have missed something crucial to solidfy my point, check out the "My views on mapping" in
Sharu's profile (
Second point, I have to agree with you, in most cases mappers don't ask for permissions and it's usaully because:
1.The songs' artist(s) don't care/ don't mind.
2.The songs' artist(s) welcome anyone to use their work.
3.The songs' artist(s) don't respond to normal people (some companies' behaviors).
This is why the devs allow the song's copyright owner(s) to ask for beatmaps to be taken down.
And funny enough, if you are trying to use this "double questions" part to prove me that Probox is a theft as they-
don't respect other's work, then you are pretty much pointing the gun at yourself,
as you are not respecting his, or all the participants' beatmap too.
And If you persist in your view and get real, then good luck on treating every other maps the same by
raiding the whole community with copystrikes and ruin the game.
Last one, that's a tragical fact of ranked system, it all depends on the rules and how the BNs at the time interpret rules.
Just like how Kroytz's "Ascension to Heaven" created an argument about "unplayable" at the time.
But yes, thanks for your reminder, I wasn't aware of the old thread's existence.
I will look into it and figure out the truth behind everything and probably adjust or even delete my old post.
Hope this response makes things clear for you.

You are pretty much saying "oh this artist forgot about his work so I'm gonna do anything to his work even if it opposes his wishes."
Does making this Loved really mean anything other than allowing you to have the pleasure of beating others on leaderboards,
which probably oppose the mapper's wishes?
Learn how to respect others and their work, so do the two people who upvoted your comment.

BeatmapBaby Shark

I dont think the top diff is for children


Sayonara, Akira Complex, hope to see you in the reality distortion field again...

no keep it bitch its fun

set music volume to 0%

in most cases i would say just turn off beatmap hitsounds, but since this map has "storyboard sounds" so the best solution would be delete all the files like what you did.


Better than anime rock ver

Bittersweet Surrender

I dont want to check the original tho


oh boy the SS king has arrived



it's me sir

what a good time to ranked a turtle beatmap

This map is SSable. (Auto can't SS it.)
To SS, you need a minimum of:
RTX 2070 or above


mayday and an upcoming one!


this is pure art


missed the chance to name the top diff "Twitter"


furret invasion colorized 2069


hanging low while i pop a bottle off a yacht



go to lazer and listen to this under daycore mod

dont forget to play the funny furret map

my reaction when i see a 727 meme being posted today

BeatmapAxel F

omg absolute banger


afaik the highest osu can read is 2, the "Unshakable" aspire map had 5 decimals before and since the numbers in .osu file didnt match the numbers osu actually interpret and shown in-game, it caused the map to stuck in a "updating" loop, unable to play.

man i love classical speedcore


you still failed the ratio btw
edit 6.14 11:51 UTC : yeah i guess we should move on instead of arguing about this


lmao i was trying to see if its actually fucked or not and its true, i dont even care about it

Kieetj Avali_

shh didn't ask for that tho, hypocrite

Avali_ Kieetj

you still failed the ratio btw
edit 6.14 11:51 UTC : yeah i guess we should move on instead of arguing about this


Ok heres a notification, we all know this pp farm meta will be patched soon,
which means the pp you set on this map will drop harder than camellia in the future.
If you care about your pp a lot and cant accept one of your best score being killed please simply dont play this map.

Edit : The purpose of this message is telling those mf who went crazy in pp rework everytime to calm down, I'm not hating this map.

Kieetj Avali_

edit: Zan'ei by kakichoco Illusion 18 hours ago 271pp
such a hypocrite

Avali_ Kieetj

lmao i was trying to see if its actually fucked or not and its true, i dont even care about it

Kieetj Avali_

shh didn't ask for that tho, hypocrite

Avali_ Kieetj

you still failed the ratio btw
edit 6.14 11:51 UTC : yeah i guess we should move on instead of arguing about this



imagine if this is ranked


they are right, tetris really helps reading weird patterns


Go to the editor and open the beatmap folder in the "file" option, you should be able to see several .png files, one of them is the background

When the song is halal

Beatmaptrans rights

Thanks for using your short comment as one of the few dislike buttons,
from the ratio i guess this controversy and hatred will never end until the end of humanity.

Beatmaptrans rights

I think the GM team should choose a rather neutral or based comment for pinning so it can calm down some radical users when they are scrolling down to create more controversies.

Beatmaptrans rights

I understand why some of you are hating on ppl who breaks your value which you slowly established since you were borned, it's like a reflex action, as your mind is instinctively protecting your thought.
So now, if you are one of them, force your reflex action to shut down, put any of your religious thought aside, and carefully think about or try to understand why trans exists, and why are you hating them.
We already have enough hatred and violence on this planet, there's no need to create more.

letantanh Avali_

who asked

Avali_ letantanh

Thanks for using your short comment as one of the few dislike buttons,
from the ratio i guess this controversy and hatred will never end until the end of humanity.

Beatmaptrans rights

ok transphobic take your punishment

BeatmapBlue Zenith

You will never escape from it even if the mapper is able to block them all, now suffer.


why not go HDDT SS

actually around 230


actually around 230