Mapping: 100%! Hitsounding: 98% - Hitsounding and volume are done. Storyboarding: N/A Skinning: N/A Polish: 95% - Clean up mega slider overlap - Normalize all sliderend stacks outside the mega pattern to 50 ms spacing - Redo some sliders in the first kiai - Make sure all sliders are stacked as well as possibleok good enough
sliders take priority in the order they load in. for a slider that has no ticks (my 2b maps only use tickless sliders), you only need to click the head and catch the end of the slider to 300 it. thus, if you order all the slider ends in the same order as their heads, you should theoretically be able to 300 every slider
i think you can actually have a lot more than 2 decimals, yea! but only 2 will show up on the website and in game. you have to edit the .osu file for this
afaik the highest osu can read is 2, the "Unshakable" aspire map had 5 decimals before and since the numbers in .osu file didnt match the numbers osu actually interpret and shown in-game, it caused the map to stuck in a "updating" loop, unable to play.