
o7 Maki




last time i was this early was when i was out of my mother's womb

Hanabi - hlanden

brat kakvo

hlanden Hanabi -


Finally a new jump map GG!

thank you for all the awesome k-pop (and the rare non k-pop) aim maps, ive been having a blast going through all the stuff you've mapped :)

you are now in my holy trinity of aim mapping, if anyone else is looking for more similar simple aim maps and doesn't know similar mappers check out
sytho: pop
carbone: k-pop
grandsenpai: all of it

honorable mention to nebu, yusomi and many others but those also have some more complicated patterns in them so they are kinda in a different category in my head. for raw aim this is peak.


Thanks for finally ranking a new Dreamcatcher song, love it c:

BeatmapOne Second

such a good map/song


Nice map dude! Top diff is so clean, and LMT and IceKalt are also pretty good as always.

The map is designed in a way that encourages alternating and is a distinct style in mapping mainly pioneered by monstrata himself nowadays, but many older mappers have also used it to some extent. The best example is Saten and some of his maps such as


But... this is Fort?

This, except unironic.

Happy Birthday! :)

What the heck is Saguaro

Look at the date of rank.

Maybe I'm a bit biased but I'll state my opinion here.
First of all let me say that all of the entries are amazing and I would give them all a thumbs up (or a vote) if it was possible.

Will delivers just as usual and while his Japanese pronounciation had some issues his cover was the best in terms of overall production in my opinion as in he fit perfectly well with the instrumentals and his voice was just the right volume and all the small things like these.

I'm seeing that many people are voting for Renril but for me her cover was the weakest out of the three for some reason. That's not to say that her cover wasn't great but it just felt to be that if I want to vote for a Japanese song I'd rather vote for Will and if I had to vote for best voice (which I think this is what the contest is about) my vote would rather go to Thievley. The production wasn't as bad as Thievley but it could've still been better.

With the "strongest" (or maybe I should say most impactful) voice, weakest production and possibly equipment (seeing how her quality of the sound wasn't as good as the other two), but best potential in my opinion, Thievley takes my vote. (+ who doesn't like to root for the dark horses ;) )

Good luck to all contestants :)


I doubt it though. They'll probably just be like Kise or Kuroko and never map again :C

Best old map I've ever played

4:50 of 286bpm singletaps + that aim? I don't think anybody is even close to FCing this with DT, I might be wrong though

It is meant to be not understood. They want you to discover them yourself. Even though there is a reddit megathread if you wanna look it up.



Xexxar's Extreme = Rabbit's Jumping Style [GONE RANKED]


Xexxar's Extreme = Rabbit's Jumping Style [GONE RANKED]