
oh shit reimu!!!

oh gawd meltina

carnival dt?? but he did alternate the whole map


This song... My life is complete


too bad you can't have "tons of cancer" sorry.


umm, you must be a negative guy. is all you do trash talk?

Supbads ChocoSun

realistic=/= negative learn the difference kido

ChocoSun Supbads

too bad you can't have "tons of cancer" sorry.

iRuyNightcore legit?

BeatmapUp All Night

new pp map?

holy shit angelsim almost 500 pp ;-;

lol even Dsan choked


it's a choke as well as a very short song.


how the heck is -GN so good at EZHD. forreal 99% acc

can't believe how under weighted this is

rucker still better


fucking yamemasita under weighted play.... so stupid

i dont play mania or anything but holy shit jhlee0133 top pp play of osu


dang nice job rafis. i remeber kynan raging so hard when he choked on this


but that's the only thing he does. that's what bothers me. it's impressive and all but i'd be more impressed if he also did like high bpm scores with hr or maybe hard dt maps.


k another 500 pp played by -index. big surprise. i have one request for you _index. GO PLAY SOMETHING ELSE THAN SPACED LOW BPM STREAMS PLSSSS

l_l_old_1 ChocoSun

He can't really play anything above 210bpm comfortably. What's wrong with impressive lower bpm scores?

ChocoSun l_l_old_1

but that's the only thing he does. that's what bothers me. it's impressive and all but i'd be more impressed if he also did like high bpm scores with hr or maybe hard dt maps.

rucker you magnificent fuck

all about the acc man. its a 1.2% acc difference which is a lot.

he's not salty he's literally speaking the truth. only the ending is hard and the pattern isn't even that hard to recognize. yes the ar is higher then 10.3 but from a person playing for 5-6 years i'm pretty sure he can read that. it has low bpm for an average dt map and it gives out a lot of pp even for a choke. over 500 pp even with 98% acc which is mine blowing, and don't forget it's a jump map, which literally ever top 50 player is good at. so i don't think he's just saying "pp map" just because.

finally did it azer, finally did it. sad thing is that it wasn't 500 pp

well now angelsim passed it with 97% acc. what a freaking pro


when i mean low bpm i meant low bpm for dt maps. i think this is really the only impressive map that he did which is more than 200 bpm in the actual song. he has insane speed and acc but he's not an overall player. i mean, ruruchi carried his team in owc fcing almost every single map there is.


I like rrtyui the best is because I've never seen him pp farm. Hvick goes for a lot of low bpm jump maps that give out way to much pp like his top play. rrtyui in the other hand does some insane stuff like extreme fantasy, i burn, funky summer beach, gold dust, all these stuff that take extreme stamina, aim, etc. And he is able to do hd well and he is extremely fast but you probably just based it on his top plays.

Xiyng ChocoSun

Heh, I too like the fact that rrtyui doesn't farm pp. Almost everyone's pp farming these days, whereas rrtyui just does what he wants. I kinda wish he aimed for #1 more often in the maps he plays...

hvick definitely doesn't play just low-BPM stuff. Hoshizora no Ima says hi, and so do Shotgun Senorita, Kyoumei No True Force (+ it's AR9.3 without DT!). If anything, hvick is crazy fast but seems to lack stamina.

I was talking about _index when I talked about not being good with hidden. I know rrtyui can do hidden well. He doesn't seem to use it too often though.

ChocoSun Xiyng

when i mean low bpm i meant low bpm for dt maps. i think this is really the only impressive map that he did which is more than 200 bpm in the actual song. he has insane speed and acc but he's not an overall player. i mean, ruruchi carried his team in owc fcing almost every single map there is.

it depends. most pro players can barely read ar 9 with no approach circle

if you hr this it's really overweighted. I mean, it gave -index 460 pp with 98% acc and a choke while funorange gets 440 pp with 1x100 hd play

Arenth ChocoSun

hr is much harder than hd

ChocoSun Arenth

it depends. most pro players can barely read ar 9 with no approach circle

-indez why u gotta choke

BeatmapEien Friends

holy shit new highest pp score


damn -index not bad


aghh so close rafis ):


holy shit Tokichii



what the fuck Alumetorz and I thought _index was godly D:

yay nekochankun for ss. if you wanna become cookiezi you gotta hr this now.

yeah but for real pro players like -gn lost so much pp. exgon would've gotten like 700 pp for that ss but I don't think it's that impressive just because it's easy for a touchscreen.

BeatmapToumei Elegy



holy shit 470 pp. it could easily be the most pp given hr score if you add it with hd and 99% acc it.

BeatmapBest FriendS

why wubwoofwolf I thought you were better than a pp farmer D:


isokasapupuja :)

BeatmapToumei Elegy

it just feels like it needs more pp. it's a fast paced map with extreme jumps. same with airman except I think a lot of people can fc or get like a 900+ combo if it wasn't for those back and forth parts. but this Is my opinion.

BeatmapToumei Elegy

You need to get your fucking pp system right here. it gave ruruchi 400 pp for a 99% acc that's 3 minute long, 220 bpm, od 8.5... for real though. no wonder ruruchi is rank 5

- Pyra - ChocoSun

so what is your problem? its not underrated nor overrated. it yields more than airman due to od 8.5 instead of 8. so you saying that airman is also underrated?

ChocoSun - Pyra -

it just feels like it needs more pp. it's a fast paced map with extreme jumps. same with airman except I think a lot of people can fc or get like a 900+ combo if it wasn't for those back and forth parts. but this Is my opinion.


what the fuuuckkkk kuu01 stop improving sooo quickllyyy


tom94 says that tillerino isn't always accurate. by the way he made a new score that he choked on and still gave him more pp soo...

hvick is better because he knows how to play with hddt like the rest of the players? I mean, c'mon, rurchi doesn't have hddt, hddt, hddt in his scores. he has hr, no mod, hddt, dt, everything you can imagine. ruruchi is a very well rounded player you could say. btw www learned ar 10.3 so we all know he's officially better than hvick.

congratz exgon. now hurry up and give other people a chance


yay -index again with 97% choke. and 427 pp. my guess is coming into a reality!


yay -index again with 97% choke. and 427 pp. my guess is coming into a reality!