can't comment on the other difficulties, but the hard feels pretty jank because it mostly focuses on the vocal melody, and then adds confusing jumps and speed-ups in the rhythm. if you want to make it rhythm focused, i suggest timing it more to the overall rhythm of the song rather than just the vocals.
never thought i would hate a certain shape with 4 sides and 4 vertices with each side being an equal length and each side is straight in all seriousness though, this map is really fun and was really good for its time
So many people crying over how "bad" Insane is. It's just not your normal Sotarks triangle pp grind jump stuff. Learn to play it and its incredibly fun.
rrtyui, one of the greatest osu! players of all time... and possibly its greatest "troll" too? Searching his name on YouTube reveals compilations of his antics that have garnered hundreds of thousands of views. His mischief while playing goes deeper than most expect, and his reasons for doing this are seen as strange to many. So how does one of the best players that osu! has ever seen kind of prank the whole community? The most popular rrtyui shenanigans are without a doubt his troll miss plays. What exactly constitutes a troll mis? Well, imagine you're watching rrtyui get a legendary play. He's FCing, he's hit the hardest part, and then... I think now you get the idea. You might think at first: "Oh maybe he didn't see the final note", but after seeing more you begin to realize there is no mistake. It's not just one or two plays which he does this in either, there are dozens of these plays where he purposefully misses the last note. The most common reason for rrtyui troll missing is that he wasn't satisfied with his play in some way. Maybe his accuracy was lower than expected, maybe he didn't reach as high on the leaderboard as he wanted, his action taken is always the same. Probably the most famous example of this is on FREEDOM DiVE. After FCing the map with 97.57% accuracy his score was sniped by cptnXn, and he worked to try and reclaim #1 on the map. In one of these runs rrtyui was doing great, until he hit too many 100s in the ending, so his score wouldn't reach the #1 position. Unsatisfied, he stopped playing in the very end, missing two notes, and overwriting his FC with a "choke" which is still on the leaderboard to this day. It's not just missing where rrtyui can end up messing with his own scores and our sanity. He will go for plays which satisfy his standards, even if it means replacing his current score with an arguably worse one. Back in 2015 rrtyui wanted very badly to take the #1 spot on Remote Control, and he would spend hours grinding it until he did. This was a score which would be one of the highest pp plays in the game, and which very few players at the time could even do. Fcing the map three times in a span of 30 minutes he was able to beat his old score with a 98.61% FC... but it wasn't #1. rrtyui kept playing until he got his fourth FC in the session, which was lower accuracy but did achieve his goal. Needles to say he lost pp for submitting this play, but was satisfied with being #1 on the map to the surprise of many. There's more things rrtyui did which could qualify as "trolling", but the last I want to touch on today happened on April 20, 2014. On this day he was able to achieve the first ever FC on one of the hardest maps at the time: Holy Orders. The things is... he bound the "smoke" key that allows you to draw on the screen to one of the keys he used to tap. Throughout the entire play, he's just drawing scribbles like this as he aims and taps along to the music... and he got the first ever FC. What a hilarious way to show off. As a player who is so cofindent with his skill level as to ruin his own scores on purpose, rrtyui is a symbol of just enjoying the game. While it may seem like he's obsessed with self-sabotage, maybe we could borrow a page from his book and take everything a little less serious. rrtyui really is one of osu!'s most legendary players, and without a doubt our most legendary troll.
i wonder what's up with all these ai generated messages , mainly from 2-3y ago exactly , actually i just answered my question on my own , basically the release date of smartish ai chatbots is from around the same time